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The Final 10.5 Hours of XXXTentacion
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.พ. 2025
- On the 18th of June, 2018 at 3:56 PM, XXXTentacions life was cut short unexpectedly. Following the tragic event, investigators would look over the prior 10.5 hours of Jahseh Onfroy's life, back to 6am that morning, attempting to discover what on earth had gone wrong. This video will cover how XXXTentacions tragic final moments came to be.
This is, The Final 10.5 Hours of XXXTentacion
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤
Some of the information in this video was taken from Publish X's "The REAL XXXTENTACION Story (Documentary)", you can watch his one here - • The REAL XXXTENTACION ...
"The devil doesn't approach you with red horns and a tail, he comes to you disguised as everything you ever wanted"
Damn I like that line gonna remember that one
So xxx wanted 4 beefy black dudes to "shoot" him?
The devil always uses the same trick
Very interesting case Sunny. I love seeing you diversify your content like this. Appreciate you!
me too i love this type of last hours content like mac millers one
@aloevv𖤐 pov you don’t have froends
We appreciate you too Adrian ☕️❤
@@zigmas81 sunnyv2 clone th-cam.com/video/CRAr51tROSs/w-d-xo.html
I can only imagine what it must have been like for his dad.
To see your son grow and become something countless people adore and look up to despite the rough beginnings of his life, only to have this happen to him.
@@truthcansuck5555 nice bait troll
@@truthcansuck5555 imagine making an alt account just to post this, at least have a better name if you want to make it more realistic
@Master Pou Flashy What did he say?
He was a deadbeat dad of course lol
idek why yall even bother replying to obvious bait comments like who cares just ignore it and itll go away
Been some years now, we’ve lost several famous rappers since. But for some reason none have resonated with me like this one. Rest in peace X
But why....?
Are you 13 ? We lost real rappers not morons. Such as 2pac and the notorious big
@@honestfan420I don’t think he’s mad, he just wants to know why X resonated and was special to you.
@@chrishandsome4267 I would figure it is because it really had almost nothing to do with X. Yes, he made a bad decision to get all of that cash out and carry it around with him. But outside of that, he was purely a blameless victim. A lot of other rappers who have died have either overdosed or involved themselves in some kind of violent act. That is at least why it resonates with me.
A woman beater? Really? Y’all gotta find real idols.
X could really make any type of song, his voice was just so unique. RIP
My content is based
@@twitteruser2056 no one cares bro 💀
@@BobstaShorts nah im good checkmark
@@BlueFoxDA shut
@@twitteruser2056 ratio + L + no father figure
Respect for breaking your formality and calling the murderers scumbags
lol XXXTentacion was a sumcbag as well
@George fskouscus they killed him for money, it wasn’t a righteous act, they’re scum
@George fskouscus (EDIT 2 years later: if you wanna get the gist of what he said scroll all the way down.) the fact you commented similar things 3 times in this video really shows who you are. Keep feeling safe typing those things behind a computer screen lol.
The fact that it's been almost 4yrs since his death still can't believe he's gone, but never forgotten. I'm thankful I still wake up everyday. knowing life can be taken away without a moments notice. Please everyone stay safe and RIP jahseh
I think its gross how he is seen as a icon as he was abusive and a awful person he dose not deserve to be remembered this way,
@@Dat1frog lol I hope he makes you sick to your stomach, he’s still a legend to me
@@Dat1frog you listen to false information too much. Take a break off of the internet
@@Dat1frog and you love to judge people for their past as well when they cant change it. So grow up and he was going to change. Didn't you see what he was doing b4 his death. You need to pay attention to his good deeds instead of judging his past
@@aspirin7121 I think its fine to listen to his music. I mean I listen to daughters and their singer is a abusive piece of trash but just like that man nobody should look up to an abuser period and they should be recognized for what they are a terrible person.
Rip X, Juice WRLD and Mac Miller. I’ll never forget you guys
Pop Smoke & Nipsey Hussle, too.
@@thegameshowguy1 Lil Peep, Lil Loaded, PnB Rock, too.
Capital Steez
Don’t forget the legends
RIP to X. Thank you SunnyV2 for making such amazing documentaries.
My content is based
@@twitteruser2056 no but what is based is my report for spam
@@thedislikeman3575 yeah, but my content is better
Not really...he left out a lot of stuff...like a lot.
It didn't really expect for him to perish this early. He was a young legend, will never be forgotten. Rip to X
Will never be forgotten for beating the shit out of his gf and threaten to kill her xD
Calling x a legend is debatable.. rip regardless
hes not a legend
He robbed people, beat women, and honestly deserved that piece of metal in his eye. stop glorifying this culture
The character development of this man was inspiring to say the least. The words on that livestream he said about wanting his legacy to bring happiness to kids was honestly amazing.
@@arturoc525 how? you corny bra
@@arturoc525 you lack emotional maturity
@@OscarUnrated stop worshipping human beings
@@bro-hk5xz lmao "worshipping" we are simply noting his growth. Go put your effort into people who worship cardi b and nicki minaj
@@arturoc525 just say you can't comprehend what happened and move on
We can all now say that justice has been served. The 3 killers will be facing life in prison.
R.I.P XXXTentacion 🙏
We can also say that X being brutally murdered at a young age was justice being served since he was a terrible human
May they burn in hell 🔥
@@bigboris5774 wtf
@bigboris5774 💀💀💀💀
RIP? I hope that scumbag rots in hell...you americans need to stop idolizing criminals
I remember starting to listen to X couple of days before his death, loved his 17 and ? albums, I still listen to them. I was shocked to hear about his death, his killing was so unecessary and seeing his killers live with no remorse is sickening, those animals flaunting their blood money on camera
@@TheGahta they killed a man for fame and flaunted it, they are animals. Get bent.
@@TheGahta Are you trying to say murder is comparable with armed robbery? They got the money and turned back to cap X, they got what they where there for, why kill?
I am all for "state of need" laws, do what you must to survive, steal and rob if you need to live, but knowing that the money you flaunt are stained with blood and still make it rain on camera is sickening. They did not need to do this, they did not need to go that far.
Did you just call those peaceful African-American individuals animals? You are a racist and a white supremacist, unbelievable. You are so ignorant.
@@Sceptonic Lol, I hope you're being sarcastic.
Cuz that's what they actually are. Animals.
@@f-bodygarage there is some good in everyone also calling people animals is the definition of racicm
I miss X. He does have a bad background but he was redeeming himself. He was atoning. One of his biggest messages X spread was “Do not be like me.” I respect him for that. I feel even worse for Ski cause he lost both of his best friends. X and Juice. RIP X and Juice.
what did he do to atone? he a pos
@@mpkp2011 i have heard about xxtentacion a little bit but i didnt know much about him (until i watched this video) are you really sure about that statement?
@@m2-084 10000% positive no hesitation. Do any research on him outside of just fan made stuff and you quickly see how deranged he is. Just look at how he absued his girl. He literally stuck a BBQ fork inside her privates and beat her regularly....
@@m2-084 yeah...look into how this guy abused his girlfriend
Would appreciate a “last 48hrs” of Juice wrld in the future, good job!
*edit* just checked this video 40 min ago to see this comment and now the video is out on the last 27 hrs of juice wrld. 999
yea fr
daaamn you‘ve caught my interest. I want this
no that would be boring
I still remember the day he passed. A friend and I drove a few hours away to just hang out in a city we've only be to a couple times. Listening to X most of the way there and back. When I got home, about 20 minutes later it was on the news and I just remembered how different my day was compared to his yet connected through his music that day.
i love you 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Damn bro he was with you somehow
Ooof. That’s the dumbest comment I’ve ever read
music? LOL
Man I didnt even know you did Hip-Hop related videos! Very well done.
@aloevv𖤐 Cry some more, we know your life sucks bro.
how is this hip hop you were probably born in the wrong generation
man rly thought this was hip hop lmfao
@aloevv𖤐 how is he an Incel ?? For Commenting on every video????
@@unknowndemon_3702 it is because X did many Genres even though I stopped listening to his songs because of the Fandom - Fans
I don’t typically follow the rappers you cover in these “Final Hours” segments, but it’s the segment I anticipate the most. You give such an insightful look at these people’s lives and the events that preceded their passing. It makes me appreciate them as people and not just public figures. I love it and I’ll like and watch every one
“I’m not sure how exactly, but his death was still somehow the fault of white supremacy “
- liberals
@@pepironi992 bro who tf Talkin bout politics get tf outta here wit that cancer
@@certified9104 it's all good fam, I'm pretty sure that's a bot. Which tbf is still some cancer lol
You really began to notice how these bots simply operate not only in youtube but also a multitude of other forum websites where it leaves inflamatory comments in order to cause falseflag or worse a flame war.
yea i listened to most of his metal-ish tracks cause his trap shit wasn’t for me but i like watching these videos
I hope with a passion, that XXXTentacion's father, gets the justice he seeks for his son.
Definitely beyond reasonable for the people who kill someone to get the death penalty, if the father can’t kill them , then the law will do it for them legally, as it should be rightfully so.
Not exactly father of the year tho I mean pretty much the definition of failure
@@markieffmorris9263 right yet Cleo gets all the hate.
do not support Your and the fathers' opinion.. well maybe for the trigger puller, but not for lifetime to others, since XXX made similar crimes (armed robberies) yet got away without lifetime.
@@johnthunder4085 Sounds about white
This is sadly common in the rap community.
No one ever deserves to die this young. R.I.P 🕊
this guy changed my life. I dont listen to him anymore now but his impact on me and several kids was beyond what words could describe. RIP X, love always, thank you for saving me.
100% agreed I still listen too him I got a hoodie with his name too Remember him by RIP X
he also changed his girlfriends life by beating the shit out of her and giving her life long trauma and making her fear for her life. but no one cares about that 🤷🏻♂️
@@NaturalBornLoserrrr can u plz stfu spreading false claims that came out as lied years ago , u read one headline on a news article and run with it. Better ur self
@@NaturalBornLoserrrr get your head checked, I wish they'd put up all your mistakes on the internet and see what people would say about you, I see you also ignore what the young man was trying to do in his last couple months turning his life around to become a better person "no one cares about that" how exactly would you know that if you aren't close to those people who's opinions really matter.
@@ttttRk imagine thinking you can forgive someone when you werent the one getting beat 🤡🤡🤡 i hope no one close to you ever gets abused, you’ll be telling them how great their abuser ACTUALLY is
You did a really good job telling this story and putting it together. Nicely done.
never liked his music or himself personally but i can respect the impact he has had
Whatever you say sonic... gamer...
Nobody needs to hear that, you could've left it with that you respect his impact.
@aloevv𖤐 why are you so desperate for attention ☠️☠️
@aloevv𖤐 Wow, a failed child is here, stop seeking attention and slandering a dead man's name. Just let the man rest in peace, will you?
Bro, his voice is so fuckin soothing, it really got me calm throughout the day. 🖤
@@Slashesyou3215 oh yeah cuz we can’t listen to a man singing and like it without being gay, obviously
@@Slashesyou3215 😅
@@Slashesyou3215how the fuck is that gay he just likes his voice
@@SM1LZ44 real
Watching this video feels so weird, since I’ve met this man 4 different times in 2018, I was born and raised in Broward in Deerfield beach, I’ve met him when the parkland shooting happened I was visiting the school and so was he, met him in a duffys in coconut creek, met him at FAU, and the 4th time I met him was at a Walmart near MSD and he said laughing “o my god this nigga again”. Crazy…
And tell me more
lucky bro if he was alive i would love to meet him he seemed like such a kind a kindhearted guy
@@tetrisjohn being loyal to fans
@@tetrisjohn People deserve a chance to change and redeem themselves. He tried to get his life together and make up for it
So you know Broward not hard like that. I'm here since 1982.
I followed X since his first big song "Look At Me" and I can remember I always wanted to go to a concert of his, cause of the pure energy he and his songs are delivering. Its so sad whats happened to him, I just wanted to see him perform one time... now I am sitting here holding back tears 4 years after his passing. He would have saved so many lives if he'd still be around, thats for sure! Long Live X!
@Anonymous bro Tryna make ppl mad lmfao
@Anonymous like i would say it's rlly fked up you saying about. A rapper if you saw him real im sure that you. Will pee in your pant kiddo you can't even do anything he will beat you up if he was alive and saying this comment I'm sure that you will get beat up
@Anonymousit is your opinion
No way ur crying tho get a grip you never knew him
The summer after 7th grade, back in 2017, I got the chance to go to “The Revenge Tour.” It was my first ever concert, and I decided to go see X, at the time I didnt think much of it, but I also got to see most of Members Only. Im pretty sure I remember seeing Kid Trunks, Robb Banks, Scheme, Ski Mask, and more. Anyways, being my first concert it set the expectation pretty high. X was in the moshes, he was hanging upside down from balconys headbanging to music, it was really a performance. I loved it. But being my first concert, having set the bar so high, no concert has ever compared. Every concert I go to now I compare to that first one, no artist interacted with their fans the way I seen X do it. Im glad I got to witness his performance before he passed, but im also sad ill never experience anything like it again.
Almost 4 years later and his death still hurts like hell to think about and accept.
but you have no feelings or empathy for the woman who he abused, beat, and made fear for her life at all???? gross.
@@NaturalBornLoserrrr I have empathy for both of them. I've always believed in redemption. There's certain things that can't be redeemed however and X damn near crossed that line. I know there was abuse for sure but she's admitted herself she fabricated some of her story. No one that actually paid attention his last year alive can say he wasn't striving for redemption or growing as a person who only wanted to do positive.
@@NaturalBornLoserrrr well did u know about the thing she did to X tho?
Rip bozo 🤣
@@ApparationsOfGloom Nobody’s laughing
He died when I was 14 I'm now 19, I discovered him by his iconic mug shot back in 2016-2017 I was all for him since, my heart has went through may stages and yet it's still broken over this, rest in peace jah
Your 20 now happy birthday
Same man, I discovered him in 2017, with 17 album. It was crazy how he died.
Knew Jahseh personally. Went to classes with him and we all grew up in the same hood. The song RIP Roach by X is actually about my close friend (Markinson) who got shot around the corner of my house.
The last time I was with X, we were with Ski and Kid Trunks chillin after school in front of my high school's pickup area in 2016. Miss you bro.
how was he in person, like funny or a smart ass?
Damn that's crazy. 2 people u know have been shot hope u are better now bro🙏
@@aryanbakshi5806 I knew him from middle school, I later got shot 3 times
@@Nonexistent_Music wait u did. That's crazy hope u alright now🙏!!!!
Is there any long term effect?
I can’t imagine being a father and birthing such a talented individual, just for him to be taken away by jealousy and greed. May those 4 dudes rot in a jail cell. Rip X, we still miss you. 😞
they made sure he wouldn’t make shit music anymore 🗣
Omg... :-(
They hate to see you succeed
@@f4rt989 Yeah indeed. Only Not Him Everyones Too. ! +1 What Ever Costs is it. ! +1
You have real talent sunny, thank you for doing the research we all are too lazy to do
“I’m not sure how exactly, but his death was still somehow the fault of white supremacy “
- liberals
@@pepironi992 oh shut up, this isn't about politics.
SunnyV2. Your videos are so amazing and tell such a nice story. Keep going man. And RIP X, I love his music.
I've been a fan since the beginning and enjoyed seeing him show the world what he was capable of. Every time I think about this situation I get so sad and furious... X was just finding himself and people just came and took him from us 😭😭😭
Long Live X
yeah he showed his girlfriend he was capable of beating the fuck out of her. he bragged about it and how she was afraid he was going to kill her. you guys are disgusting to praise this monster.
@@NaturalBornLoserrrr yo ass stupid if he beat her she wouldnt of dropped charges and claim she misses him to this day
@Anonymous this what you do all day bro? Go touch some grass, get a job, do something with your life
@@andrewg5716 Do it first
@@jordannewsom3606 good one
Not really a mega-fan of X by any means, but the fact that those killers haven’t been in trial and not received charges in FOUR Years is bullshit.
I hope Dwayne Onfroy gets his wish for “life without parole” sentences on those douche bags.
Right to a speedy trial lol
COVID is probably playing a huge part into that delay. A lot of courts have backlogs with any Defendants requesting a trial. Unless they decided to take the plea deal, it's going to take a bit longer to see the outcome of their cases, even when courts do start hosting trials again.
@@AsThePokeballTurns covide happened 2020 he died 2018 more then enough time to convict his killers
@@xscnn what covid started in 2019, it's why it's called covid19 cause the 19 is the year it started
@@mohammedmusa538 covid was discovered in november of 2019, but it was declared a global pandemic around ferbuary-march of 2020. In 2019 it was mostly in china
No matter how you may feel about his past, he tried to change for the better. He was one of the voices of a generation. It’s sad that they felt they had to finish the job instead of just leaving after taking his money and chain. The last few years have been rough on this generation.
Legends Never Die
yes and i feel like this video didn't do X justice in portraying the positivity he tried so hard to share
Did he? Even while making albums he was going to jail for wife beating. Sounds like he was much better 🙄🙄
@@PuntersKonexion lol dont believe in fake new baby mommas are always using famous men for clout and getting them canceled or in a lot of debt
@@PuntersKonexion it's kinda amazing, just a few weeks back there was a video about jayus where the comment section was riddled with people saying hatefully stuff for something she said years ago, but here we are with all these people praising xxx regardless of the evil shit he did. Wierd
@Frank Castle oh okay so its "just" armed robbery so no big deal
Notice the way he looked at them when they passed by then again for a second time. It’s call instinctive intuition or gut instinct. I’m sure he felt the negative energy passing by. We have to learn to acknowledge and act on those gut instincts instantly.
I remember hearing about his death, it hurt a lot and I can’t really understand why it touched me so much. He died a few days before my birthday (my birthday is June 25), and I cried for days on end. I felt so bad that he died the way he did. I genuinely felt like (in my research beforehand, while listening to his music) he was on a different path and seeking redemption. I don’t know why my heart told me that but I sympathized.
My birthday is on 17 june so You Know How That went
@Anonymous no one deserves to die, so you’re incorrect.
@Anonymous You don’t get to decide who dies or who doesn’t, wishing death on someone and saying they deserve to die, is such an evil thing to say. His death affected many people, especially his fans. Take into consideration the feelings of others, instead of spreading negativity. Whether or not you dislike him, that’s your problem.
@Anonymous you’ll get what’s coming to you.
@@marizaxx2926 If the god of the bible exists it's evil as shit
That was the start of a deep depression for me, never meet him but his song was there whenever I needed it
His determination to make an honest career instead of going back to crime is really admirable
Did you not watch the whole video? He went back to jail while he was making music lmfao
@@jazzabighits4473 indeed. He would be out robbing like the guys who killed him if he didn't make it musically. No respect from me. This is why people saying things like "he was a good person" or some such is meaningless. Good or admirable based on what standard?
@@justinkase1360 well if you looked back on the video he was trying to change but was taken from us it’s sad ik he didn’t get to. Rip.
@@justinkase1360 first off he wasn’t killing people like them and everyone changes as a result of something just because his reason was music dosent make his experience less than anyone else’s. Think about a time YOU did something bad and the situation made you realize you’re wrong doing and change…. Should i discredit your character and say if you never went through that situation and changed that you would still be doing bad so you are a bad person today?
@@jazzabighits4473 you really dont know X at all
i mean when his ex’s story came out about her domestic violence experience w/ X it changed my view of him forever. i couldn’t listen to his music really. but the same woman was still heartbroken when he died and it made me realize, if my abuser was also shot down i would be heartbroken and know he didn’t deserve _that._ i’m glad the guys are doing life now (these crimes are never worth it) but i think it’s still healthy to examine the good and bad of someone even in their death.
which is what you basically do in your videos, unbiased, so thank you.
I’m glad I got to see him perform before he passed away. His energy on stage was unlike anything I’d ever experience. Long live X.
I really miss X he was a really great and versatile artist, could produce a screamo rap and make a sad song the other day, his style was great. He also gave back to the community and interacted with his fans and he was the rapper that didn't flex his money and cars just pure music that touches the heart and music that people can relate to. #LLJ
I was never a massive fan of him but I still liked some of his songs. It's so sad how he died so young.
@@infernox9237 yeah, he had a great career ahead of him
Yeah, but my content is better
Wasn’t expecting a documentary like this. Didn’t like the dude at all, I don’t like hip hop and or rap in general; only a specific genre of it I do like and that’s like comedy hip hop and or rap. Especially after his death conspiracy central, like let the dude rest (who gives a shit if a new album came out that implied he was alive) but I respected what he did and what he meant to people. Rip X.
@@D44RK_Iced_Yogs dude my content is better
X is an absolute legend, really helped me through a dark time and helped me through my recovery. i never felt alone when i was listening to him. he lives in every fan he saved with his music. long live X, rest in power.
You like crap music
Hahahhahahahaah another kid with fake deppresion🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And I agree DMX is legend...xxx was pure trash
Drown in pisss xxx
I guess the word legend has lost its meaning
I remember X blowing up back when I was in high school and everyone just couldn’t stop listening to his music. When he dropped 17 that’s when I knew he was different
I’m still not over his death his music was powerful to me and his generosity was unmatched by anyone then and now in the industry. RIP Jah you are truly missed
@Anonymous so isn’t your opinion
@Anonymous took you two months to think of that?
@Anthony Mercado you edited your comment and it still doesn’t make sense
@Anonymous sorry you’re like that rn bro
I get going through hurt, no need to project those feelings onto others. You are able to get through the current or past troubles without diminish others feelings. I hope you can look back on this a few years in the future and think “wow that was some kind of experience...” and keep going on to live a good fulfilling life.
Wish you all the best bro and remember these hard times are only temporary
@Anonymous lil failure that isn’t nothing in life talking bad about two legends? How are two dead people gonna have more hoez then u
i truly do miss him, and i love his voice man it’s just soothing
Didnt realize how talented this young man was until I saw his documentary on Hulu...he was ahead of his time! Rest peacefully baby boy...🕊
To be real that hulu thing made me think different of him but in a good way
@@mikeandmars2345 frl? um scared to watch because of the allegations ion want them to be true true
@@realouttasight 🤔🤔🤔
@@realouttasight they are true but he definitely regretted it and by the time he died he was a much better person. He said he didn't want to be a villain anymore. Go watch it
I feel that same way! I’m over here like I wish I was fan before he died. I didn’t really listen to his music until he died. And then the Hulu documentary made me like him even more! He was really about to be so great! More than he already was!
Who watching this 6 years exactly after his death? Rip xxx you may be physically dead but definitely not spiritually. Remember someone isn’t dead till they are forgotten ❤
RIP X, still with us, no matter what
These bots some bums bro🤦♂️
@@dododump3144 its insane man, I don't even want to comment anymore
@aloevv𖤐 what the hell did he ever do to you
@@Ixacu Ignore him he’s just as worthless as jack’s haters
@@ChimmneyMan k
Man if you were in high school or college around ‘16-‘18. You knew lots of different types of people who listened to this dude. Square kids, over achievers, low lifes, bangers to the painfully average. You name it.
lol losers
X is the only rapper i know whos final day was so peaceful and quiet before such a violent death. The true definition of the calm before the storm.
Still stings.
At least 3 of his killers have gotten life without chance of parole or early release.
@@martijnvandewetering5952and one of xs boys I think fly boy went to prison again for beating the shit out of the guy that presumably set the hit up on x.
Still stings...
Man I still remember it like it yesterday when X died... I was shocked & sad and I praying that it was not true when heard the news on twitter, when heading to work. I was 16 years old in 2018 but 2015 - 2018 was one of my roughest years in my life and his music help throughout my depression & saved me. RIP XXXTENTACION #LLJ 🕊
XxMid imo we smoking that pack.
smoking that x pack
depression at 16? surely thats self diagnosed right
@@julicamcyt sunnyv2 clone th-cam.com/video/CRAr51tROSs/w-d-xo.html
He deserved what he got
I never listened to his music, but it's very sad to see him go so early in his career, just like 2Pac, Biggie Smalls, and other rappers. RIP XXXTentacion.
@Sionor can you find another genre where artist have a pattern of being murdered in there early to mid twenties?
@Sionor most of them are from hoods. That's why.
He was way younger way too young
@Sionor wait who was rich none of the rappers mentioned in that text had a rich kid life😅
2 pac and biggie were CIA. Go look at Jurassic 5. Akil the MC is Tupac
I'm not a fan of X at all, but I do appreciate the impact he left this world with. Truly a magnificent video showcasing his fate. Much love 👍
@Anonymous lol imagine getting a kick out of doing something like this
@@smoothbreezy7216 but if xxx shot them then it would be free xxx right?
@Anonymous x dying was a W
@@toastedcrack8105 yh how do you feel hating on a dead person i dare you to say that to his family or friends they grew up in roughed up places where you grew up with your mom and dad in a nice warm bed so think about what you say online and maybe think if you would say it in real life
@@toastedcrack8105 what the fuck
I can't believe how long it's been, I miss him 😞 Rest in Peace 🙏🏽
If you X fan you shsould be out there supporting Gomunkul 6. He does justice for X @
X really was a shining star, sad to see him go like this. Rest in peace X, you will forever be in our hearts
Didn't he beat the shit out of his girlfriend and threaten to kill her?
@Rhys Bouwhuizen these kids are so clueless
@@Crazy-pl1lo but no! But aLl gIrLs ArE tHe SaMe!
@@Crazy-pl1lo she's since said she's lied
@@Crazy-pl1lo Woah did he really? I don't follow X so I didn't know
I’m still pained by X’s death till date. He still would have been the greatest artist rn. God rest his soul❤️
Why do all the greatest rappers meet their demise at a young age this is straight bullshit they deserve to live out their lives not end up dead at a early age .rip x,Tupac & biggie
greatest artist my ass.. stoo being a clown
He beat women and got what he so richly deserved. Dude was also just hideous looking
The death of a family member would be more painful than someone I have never met.My god get a grip.
@@hYpNoXiDe You can care about both. I didn't necessarily mourn him, but it's tragic that he died so young and before his music career had even peaked. I think it's an absolute shame how many great songs we've missed out on because a couple of idiots wanted street cred for his murder.
He really had a massive influence on me in my late teenage years, his early music and the members only mixtapes genuinely mean a lot to me. Sad to see his legacy being somewhat tarnished by the industry with all the posthumous crap. LLJ🕊
are you also going to beat, abuse, and make your significant other fear for their life like he did? yk since he’s such a big influence and all.
Men that hit woman are not men.
@@NaturalBornLoserrrr you're everywhere in everyone's comments jus chill a lil bit nigga lmaoo
@@gettingstuckin9205 Putting women in their rightful place. Not letting them control your life by limiting how much they acknowledge you based on how pussy whipped you are. That's what makes you a man. Not tending to their needs like they're some weak frail fucking tulip. I don't know about you but I'd rather be an honest brute. Than a two faced shit stain who refuses to confront his personal issues out of anxiety of the possible fallout.
Also don't parrot other people's bs just because. Fact check next time and you'll know it's now that straightforward. But keep being disingenuous.
Man, it’s about to be more than 5 years and it feels like it’s been 1 or 2 at most, if he was till alive he would still be dominating the charts for sure, Rip X
This brings back so many old and new emotions. I put off X for a while because I disagreed with his literal crimes, but I saw him turning a new leaf and really started to enjoy his music around a week before his death. It was tragic, I started getting into him and it really helped me as I was struggling with some extreme mental health issues. I don't listen to him much anymore because it brings back shit memories. and I always get so heated, they didn't even need to kill him, they had already robbed him, it not only got them incriminated and ruined their lives but ended a life for literally no fucking reason, before he knew how much he'd help people, before he himself seemed satisfied with the way they acted in life. the world is a cruel place. but his music and the message he tried to promote at the end of his life will live on.. good video Sunny, I've been loving your content.
pepe the frog
The irony is, They (or whichever one it was) pulled the trigger because X was the main witness looking straight into their eyes while not letting his bag go.. I mean, Very brave and valiant or just stupid depending which way you look at it for X, But they were already surrounded by witnesses and cameras, And to top it off they left significant evidence at scene and in their presence. So yeah a fucking dumb waste of life from dumb ass robbing murderers.
as an xxxtentacion fan since look at me! blew up in 2017 and a young fan at that (14 yo), i really felt the impact of when he died. me and my friend were big fans and when that happened we couldn't believe it, infact we thought it was fake due to our undeveloped minds not processing reality but we ended up facing it, he was gone. xxxtentacion passed away at 20 years old from 4 murderers, he was just a kid, a father, an artist, a role model for the youth who was donating to great cause and helping those in need nearer to his death and unfortunately was taken away from the people that loved him. xxxtentacion will always be my favourite artist, the impact he had on me and so many others will never be forgotten. long live X, long live Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy. thank you so much for everything.
XXX has a really big impact on my moods tbh.
I cannot describe the energy this man had. And to think he was my age when he passed.
Shame and horror what other humans can do to other humans. I hope justice will strike them hard for taking a life.
These videos are way of life's path. It shows you that in life , anything is possible.
I never heard a lot of his songs but it’s still pretty sad to see a person loved by thousands be killed.
“I’m not sure how exactly, but his death was still somehow the fault of white supremacy “
- liberals
loved by thousands??? HE WAS LOVED BY MILLIONS!!!!!
Absolutely phenomenal video! The way you switched between narrating his last 10 hours and the rest of his life really was a great idea to keep people hooked and engaged. Great storytelling, good job!
I miss this kid. It’s scary how he knew his near demise
@JohnnyJohnny Gaming they woulda shot at him but i do agree with driving away when the camera showed him leaving after he was blocked, there was a lil spot he could have fit through
@JohnnyJohnny Gaming It's a bmw i8 they are normal windows.
@@charlesm.2604 You can have bulletproof windows installed after market but i have no idea if he did.
@@bigvinnie3 Oh maybe ! I don't know if he did either but it would be surprising.
@DrDexter The heat of the moment you don’t think
What's... Probably one of the saddest experiences in my life, is discovering this kid at my lowest, hearing him, seeing him fight, and resonating with his music and just months after... Dealing with his passing... To this day, my heart is still broken...
I really wish i knew about him before, I found out about him after his death and now I listen to his songs everyday. RIP X man
Hey braw relax , he s not dead . Take it easy man
@@Ata_mata yes he is
@@Ata_mata wym
Me too
My son introduced me to x. And juice. Grateful for this. These men have touched many lives, so I hope they can rest in peace knowing that.
you're not a good mother.
Those Documentaries are so well-done, you can really follow the lives of the portrayed persons along. Good job Sunny! Keep it up!
Ty guys for supporting him and respecting Rest In Peace xxxtention ❤😢❤😢😢😢 who misses x I hope the people who killed d are in prison for lifetime who’s with me anyone Rest In Peace x❤❤❤❤❤❤
Rip never will forget this man and his music. Helped me get through some tough times. And you talking about this means a lot.
Didn't he beat the shit out of his gf and threaten to kill her?
@@Crazy-pl1lo yup
A domestic abuser helped you in what sense?
X was a gangster trashcan. The world became a better place june 18 2018.
Nobody who acts like that is worth being in this world.
Trash is getting skull fucked by maggots, all is right in this world.
Rip X. Really was a young legend. Dude was changing for the best and improving his music every drop. Shame we'll never get to see what could've been.
Edit: all these people saying he's not a legend because his crime history. Bruh that doesn't matter. He broke musical boundaries and set records. That's what being a legend is, not anything having to do with his personal life.
@Kim Janet Shit
@Afno Iron Only Fans For Bots
He’s not a legend
@@smoothtx12 he is, maybe not for you
He probably would have gone back to jail for doing something stupid. Another piece of trash of the streets. Good riddance
Something that we all know that we won’t forget about him rest and peace X ❤️😔🕊
I’m only dead when I’m forgotten
- XXXTentacion
Awesome video man and rest in peace XXXTentacion :]
X was such a good rapper and was trying to change his life and his ways, sad to know he died so early in his life, was listening to Jocelyn Flores as this was recommended by the yt algorithm
The usual suspects strike again
RIP the best inspiration for change that we had. X was one of the reason I wanted to be a better person due to him changing himself drastically for the better. No matter how lost you think you are, you can always change.
@Anonymous agree
Him being a rapper, and growing up fighting, he is such a nice guy, #livexxxtentacion
Personally XXX is my fav one. Im greatful to the universe in 2022 we got somebody who could be next X like Gomunkul 6 ˆ
He was an abuser
isn't this the guy who physically abused his pregnant gf?
I’ll never forget this day. Part of me died with him tbh, I’ve never idolized someone as much as him because of how heartbroken I was. Feels like I lost a brother and I never even knew him. He was somebody different in this game of money and clout, man had a real vision and something to say. Honestly continuously breaks my heart when I think of how we won’t get to see him grow into the amazing human being he was flourishing into. Rip X
This is why people grow up to be degenerates like this "idol" of yours.
idolise a woman abuser lmao dudes braindead
@@sreyas7753 they were allegations
@@fovo8470 Armed robbery wasn't an allegation though, he went to jail for it multiple times.
@@jazzabighits4473 facts
Very interesting case Sunny. I love seeing you diversify your content like this. Appreciate you! and i love how you have some unseen footage rip X
I went to the funeral. Stopped by the place where he got shot. HUGE memorial in front of it. They had chalk set out so anyone could write on the sidewalk,masks hung on fence, pictures and statues. (Never seen so much fine women in one place in my life lol). Dude made a huge impact in such a short amount of time.
He spent 95% of his life being a pos. Gets lucky, then kicks it... you have weird ideas if that is someone to admire.
@@rationalbacon5872 bro X was 20 he died , aka 90% of his life was being a kid, disturbed kid at that.
He stabbed his mom's ex at age 6 to defend her, and that's the least fucked up part of his past.
And you're right he was a piece of shit, he did some HORRENDOUS stuff. But he was changing for the better, he influenced millions of people positively and preached doing good to others.
@@rationalbacon5872 he made good music, no? He was also trying to be a better person so I don't see your point since that was all in the past and he was trying to leave it all behind
@Anonymous edgy twelve year old 😐
@Anonymous Your parents must be real proud of what you turned into.
X was an amazing artist. his music is like a separate genre because of how good he is
I know these sorts of videos probably don't get as many views as the TH-cam documentaries but I think it's great how you are diversifying your content.
This news of XXXtentacion death really changed the way other rappers think and walk, he's the type of artist who can cough and make it a hit song. Nobody expects him to go this early. He did change a lot of life in different ways.
May he rest in peace bro :( Made so many people happy with his music and message.
I wish XXXTentacion, Juice Wrld, 2Pac, King Von, Pop Smoke, TakeOff just rise up 😢😢 R.I.P to this incredible Legends... Your music live forever
What about Biggie
J Dilla
I'll never forget hopping on twitter and seeing the news. RIP X
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when X passed. I was devastated.
I followed his music just around one year before he passed away and liked both the vulgar low fi tracks (I don't really find them as good anymore) and also the softer tracks. He was really turning his life around and becoming a better person. It's a tragedy this man passed away like that. And it's quite preposterous that the four robbers are somehow still not facing charges. It makes no sense.
Great video btw.
i remember the day he died, it was while i was still attending primary school. me and my sister were HUGE fans of X and were absolutely devastated 😪 R.I.P X, you made primary school mornings fun asf
I miss X, i remember listening to look at me right before it started blowing up. This gun violence needs to end man, there's no point in it.
Ain’t shit to do with guns he was robbed they wanted that bag they was gettin it with or without a gun they’d of used a knife if they had to it’s a shame
RIP X, started listening to you right after you came out of jail, you were great dude 🙏
If he listened to his mom, he would still be with us today. R.I.P JAHSEH DWAYNE RICARDO ONFROY ( XXXTENTACION) You will be remembered.
His mama did not care about him as a person..he was just a check to her...which is why he never seeked comfort from her and sought healing thru his inner self and ministry to his fans..
@@brespeed3633 fr.. he deserved better
His mom treated him bad , he said he got in troubles to get her attention
100 years from now no one will remember this thug.
@@detective_mitch_conner any your already forgotten
X was my favourite rapper when I was younger, and now that some time has passed, I really have started to appreciate his music
All they had to do was take the money and leave, you didn’t have to take his life too.
Im not even that into rap but I have always thought that x just seemed like a pretty down to earth genuine person. its really a shame
clicked this vid faster than the speed of light honestly!! rip X
Xxbozo deservedit smoking that pack
he deserved it
@@pixie77531 karma will comeback to you😊
@aloevv𖤐 karma will comeback to you😊
@@julicamcyt karma will comeback to you 😊
Just hearing Xxx talking makes you realise just how far to young to die he was ! We live in a terrible world our youth are truly MESSED UP !