Plot: Shinji fkin dies, Aki is devastated, everyone (Alana and chat included) is sad, Ken runs away Iwatodai dorm: 🎶🎺🕺🏻🎵I'M MINDING MY BIZ, SO MIND YOUR OWN BIZ
That’s one thing I like about P4 and P5 is that there was music for every type of situation. The music would also stay and not change to anything else like Beneath the Mask just cause it was night time.
Still better than the OG. At least LJ is telling everyone they can do what they want and relax alone. The old one was just telling everyone to dance lol
Looking at it now, I think I like that a lot. Life moves on, you still have classes, tests. The Earth hasn't stopped and the music ain't gonna get sadder just because someone died.
@@anilom8483thats a new take. Ive never seen anyone say p4 had music for every situation, in fact a common complaint during the arguably saddest scene in the game is the fact that they had to use the facing my true self song because they didn’t have a proper sad song, just two bittersweet ones. I do wish they had a more mellow dorm theme here, or just skipped the music.
@@milkflavored That whole thing about his, Mitsurus and Akihikos promise killed me. His death itself didnt make me cry but when Mitsuru saw the paper he signed I crumbled
The whole scene was done way better than the OG. The OG has its scenes that outshine the remake’s for sure. But this game knew what places needed to be improved and this was one of them.
The voice acting was top notch here too, even knowing what's gonna happen because of spoilers I was in tears the whole thing. They just grab you by the heart and destroy your soul 😭
I know I’m late to this but Alejandro Saab (Akihiko’s VA and CyYu on Twitch/TH-cam) said on stream when he played through this part that he was actually thinking of Billy Kametz after he passed away which is what led to his performance talking with Shinji after his death. That wasn’t a fake performance. That was a REAL performance. He was actually crying in the booth when recording. Billy apparently died only 2-3 months before he (Alejandro) recorded that scene. It was still really fresh on his mind. Alejandro Saab and Billy were REALLY good friends. It hit him really hard hearing him pass away. I could tell by the way he talked about him recording that scene that it was hard to talk about. I know it was mentioned but being in stream watching Alejandro play it, I could tell even he was getting emotional having to relive it
Drama aside, I much prefer the party having the persona evolutions tied to the main plot the way P3 does rather then them being unlocked by hanging out with the MC 10+ times. It also allows for dramatic scenes like this that can carry over to the rest of the story.
I think generally everyone can get down with this opinion. P3 in general has alot of ideas that were never touched again in future games. Hopefully Atlus remaking this game gives the creative heads some ideas to take into the next game.
This. And it’s also not like SL type evolutions can’t be plot tied too. Spoilers: . . . Mitsuru evolves cuz of her talk with Yukari, similar to how the teammates in other games evolve after talking to the player. So it’s possible to do both and make things meaningful still
This cuz it allows you to see the characters grow themselves, and not just feel like they are completely helpless without you, the player, needing to be the sole reason why it happens.
Spoiler warning for this episode(and some Persona 5 stuff too) Despite playing FES, Portable and even seeing some of the movies, that scene with Shinjiro still really got to me. I think it was definitely the added context of those social link episodes. We see that Shinjiro talked about how he was a lost cause. How his life didn't even matter. But despite that, a part of him still wanted to stay with Mitsuru and Akihiko. A part of him never forgot the promise he made with them. A part of him still wanted to live. And he was wrestling with the guilt of what he did every day. But even despite that, he was willing to sacrifice his life to give Ken a reason to live. To help Ken avoid falling down the same path of regret that he once did by taking someone else's life(even if it was accidental). It's just so good and it reminded me of another character from Persona 5 who didn't have anyone to stop them falling down that same path of darkness. Who also lost his mother at a young age and was alone but instead of having people to help him, was granted a mysterious power by a false God in order to push him down a path of destined failure. Ken had Shinjiro steer him back on the right path. And he had the rest of the group by his side through all of his pain and anguish. Akechi went down a similar path as Ken. But he had no one to help him for years. And that rage he felt in his heart consumed him. Also, in Persona 3 Portable, Ken is the Justice Arcana. Just like Akechi. Love to see the parallels.
Yeah, when you put it that way, Akechi is basically a version of Ken that never had anyone to help him stick to the right path since the death of his own mother and neglect (and most likely abuse) from his biological father and his many, MANY trips from foster home to foster home. Ken at least had the members of S.E.E.S and Shinjiro himself to guide Ken down a better path then the one Shinjiro chose to follow. Akechi didn’t even have THAT growing up as seen in his confidant in P5R. All those years of rage, hatred and bitterness of the world accumulated into the guy we have to fight eventually in P5R, a broken kid that never had a chance to heal from those emotional scars in a non violent, healthy way. That’s why when he says to Joker why they couldn’t have met a few years earlier, those are Akechi’s silent cries for help finally surfacing after all these years of buildup. It’s also a nice parallel to how both Ken and Akechi are of the Judgement Arcana, so similar yet so different at the same time.
I think a major diff between those 2 is also the fact that the guy from P5 went along with killing unrelated people to achieve his goals. Even if he doesn’t think anyone else around him is good, which helped him not care about what he was doing, I don’t see P3’s Justice doing the same thing. If he was like P5’s, he would‘ve deemed Mitsuru and Aki as guilty as well.
It’s so cute to see you care so much for Ken. I love him and he’s one of my favourite characters in P3 but for the most part he is the most hated character only because he’s a kid 😭
I remember when I first played this game as a kid thinking that this game had too many party members especially after giving us 3 new ones in the span of a month(I was used to 7 people max in my RPGs).... and then I recieved the biggest oof in October
I think its easy to blame Ikutski for knowing what had happened between Ken and Shinjiro, but Mitsuru and Akihiko knew as well. Its yet again following the pattern of them just hiding crucial information until theyre forced to reveal it
While I agree to an extent, I also think ppl give Mitsuru and Akihiko a pass (sometimes a bit too much of a pass, but they def deserve one) cuz they were middle schoolers. They actually witnessed it, so it wouldn’t be surprising for them to have repressed the memories. It’s been documented that ppl with PTSD and depression and anxiety (and other cases like ADHD but that’s not relevant), to be more forgetful. Shinji wanted to forget for obvious reasons. But Akihiko and Shinji acknowledge they’ve been running away. And Mitsuru already feels massive guilt over everything. They also showed clear discomfort and uncertainty with Amada joining, where Ikutski thought it was NBD. They didn’t think it was a good idea to include him, but both Ikutski and Amada wanted it. Ikutski wasn’t there the witness the death, but he knew of it. He also hid info. And he has no reason to have the trauma the kids do, so he’s got less of an excuse. His brain is more developed, so he’s able to think more logically and handle his emotions better, so he really should’ve been on top of this. He dumps way too much on the kids. Ikutski is negligent. He did worse than what the kids did, with the added benefit of more awareness, less trauma, and even pushed for things. He had more chances to fix things and he decided not to. He only really goes along with what Mitsuru thinks, despite being the adult, and makes her shoulder all the responsibility.
my take: persona 5 and 4 had good friends and the chemistry are amazing but p3 cast gives more of a friend group to family vibe compared to p4 and p5. like p4 and p5 at the end everyone is like we will fight for each others back and we will be amazing friends forever while p3 cast is like we went through hell and back we will all be brothers and sisters for life.
I actually didn't saw a lot of people who blamed Ken in Reload version, most people know that he was a kid and suicidal, and ultimately it was Takaya's fault anyway.
She’s a sensible person, so I’m not surprised. After teenage years, everyone should think this way from growing up, but some people are still real dumb.
the thing about shinji's death that killed me, I watched his recording with Koro after he died.I was already on the verge of tears when he died, seeing that recording about him promising to make treats for Koro almost tore me 🥲🥲
Oh, a tip for Fuuka's equipment. She can't fight (and can't even equip a weapon), but if you give her gear that boosts her stats, that actually helps. Agility lets her act more often or earlier in battles. Magic makes her heals more effective. And of course +SP lets you use her stuff more.
I think the tide has changed cuz ppl seem to like Ken now. And most newcomers are being added to that group. I see way more ppl who hate Ken and consider him a killer to be downvoted or argued against by ppl who, even if they aren’t into him, know he’s not guilty.
Good writing leaves enough hints and foreshadowing, and then grabs your heart with big events that make you FEEL! And then, you think back on the story and realize it was already half told but you didn't quite put the pieces together. I enjoyed P5, but it never really grabbed me because it felt like a video game. The events were awesome, but it and the way the characters reacted were too predictable. P4 was a fun story too, but even though I liked the characters more, the story itself was predictable with only a few side twists. P3 though... I knew what to expect from playing the others, but I did not expect to get slammed to the wall on such a personal level.
I can’t comprehend why ppl would play a story game and not get sucked in. It’s not like Persona’s gameplay is its selling point (faaaaaaar from it). Seeing ppl react to the story is part of why Persona, esp P3, is so special
Shinjiro, without question. Akechi in the end reaped what he sowed, and the whole reason he didn't want to be revived in the third semester was he knew it wasn't something he'd earned. Shinjiro on the other hand was a good guy who was a victim of horrible circumstances (and also a victim of Dirtbag Jesus.)
I kept him in the party cuz I knew he’d be gone lol Going to make the most of it Also. The game is seriously easy anyway so no point in saying exp for other characters
@@revolutionarymagic3459 I know some ppl will literally level him up until there’s no more moves to learn cus they want to see what would’ve been. He’s got a lot of them. It’s pretty cool they gave him a moveset that would make a blind player think he’d be around for a while.
Heh, "most people judge someone they don't even know"... like Sumitsu, or Kenji? Not saying you'd LIKE either of them if you were willing to do their story arcs, but dismissing them right from the start is kinda doing that thing you got upset with people doing to Aragaki, right? Just sayin' FWIW, nobody seems to ever like the Moon arcana story arcs. Not sure about P1 or P2, but in the other 3 games they're always the bottom of the barrel for everyone.
Plot: Shinji fkin dies, Aki is devastated, everyone (Alana and chat included) is sad, Ken runs away
That’s one thing I like about P4 and P5 is that there was music for every type of situation. The music would also stay and not change to anything else like Beneath the Mask just cause it was night time.
Still better than the OG. At least LJ is telling everyone they can do what they want and relax alone. The old one was just telling everyone to dance lol
this just made me cackle LMAO
Looking at it now, I think I like that a lot. Life moves on, you still have classes, tests. The Earth hasn't stopped and the music ain't gonna get sadder just because someone died.
@@anilom8483thats a new take. Ive never seen anyone say p4 had music for every situation, in fact a common complaint during the arguably saddest scene in the game is the fact that they had to use the facing my true self song because they didn’t have a proper sad song, just two bittersweet ones. I do wish they had a more mellow dorm theme here, or just skipped the music.
And all of a sudden, it makes sense that Ken's first persona was the Greek god of Vengeance.
In FES his death was bad enough but in P3R they reaaaallly crushed your heart with that little side story
The way he lovingly pets Koro get me every time!!
@@milkflavored That whole thing about his, Mitsurus and Akihikos promise killed me. His death itself didnt make me cry but when Mitsuru saw the paper he signed I crumbled
The whole scene was done way better than the OG. The OG has its scenes that outshine the remake’s for sure. But this game knew what places needed to be improved and this was one of them.
The voice acting was top notch here too, even knowing what's gonna happen because of spoilers I was in tears the whole thing. They just grab you by the heart and destroy your soul 😭
I know I’m late to this but Alejandro Saab (Akihiko’s VA and CyYu on Twitch/TH-cam) said on stream when he played through this part that he was actually thinking of Billy Kametz after he passed away which is what led to his performance talking with Shinji after his death. That wasn’t a fake performance. That was a REAL performance. He was actually crying in the booth when recording. Billy apparently died only 2-3 months before he (Alejandro) recorded that scene. It was still really fresh on his mind. Alejandro Saab and Billy were REALLY good friends. It hit him really hard hearing him pass away. I could tell by the way he talked about him recording that scene that it was hard to talk about. I know it was mentioned but being in stream watching Alejandro play it, I could tell even he was getting emotional having to relive it
Drama aside, I much prefer the party having the persona evolutions tied to the main plot the way P3 does rather then them being unlocked by hanging out with the MC 10+ times. It also allows for dramatic scenes like this that can carry over to the rest of the story.
Big agree
I think generally everyone can get down with this opinion. P3 in general has alot of ideas that were never touched again in future games. Hopefully Atlus remaking this game gives the creative heads some ideas to take into the next game.
This. And it’s also not like SL type evolutions can’t be plot tied too.
Mitsuru evolves cuz of her talk with Yukari, similar to how the teammates in other games evolve after talking to the player. So it’s possible to do both and make things meaningful still
This cuz it allows you to see the characters grow themselves, and not just feel like they are completely helpless without you, the player, needing to be the sole reason why it happens.
Really hope they bring it back tbh, it was so much cooler having them get it through growth from the story.
Spoiler warning for this episode(and some Persona 5 stuff too)
Despite playing FES, Portable and even seeing some of the movies, that scene with Shinjiro still really got to me. I think it was definitely the added context of those social link episodes. We see that Shinjiro talked about how he was a lost cause. How his life didn't even matter. But despite that, a part of him still wanted to stay with Mitsuru and Akihiko. A part of him never forgot the promise he made with them. A part of him still wanted to live. And he was wrestling with the guilt of what he did every day. But even despite that, he was willing to sacrifice his life to give Ken a reason to live. To help Ken avoid falling down the same path of regret that he once did by taking someone else's life(even if it was accidental). It's just so good and it reminded me of another character from Persona 5 who didn't have anyone to stop them falling down that same path of darkness. Who also lost his mother at a young age and was alone but instead of having people to help him, was granted a mysterious power by a false God in order to push him down a path of destined failure. Ken had Shinjiro steer him back on the right path. And he had the rest of the group by his side through all of his pain and anguish. Akechi went down a similar path as Ken. But he had no one to help him for years. And that rage he felt in his heart consumed him. Also, in Persona 3 Portable, Ken is the Justice Arcana. Just like Akechi. Love to see the parallels.
Yeah, when you put it that way, Akechi is basically a version of Ken that never had anyone to help him stick to the right path since the death of his own mother and neglect (and most likely abuse) from his biological father and his many, MANY trips from foster home to foster home. Ken at least had the members of S.E.E.S and Shinjiro himself to guide Ken down a better path then the one Shinjiro chose to follow. Akechi didn’t even have THAT growing up as seen in his confidant in P5R. All those years of rage, hatred and bitterness of the world accumulated into the guy we have to fight eventually in P5R, a broken kid that never had a chance to heal from those emotional scars in a non violent, healthy way. That’s why when he says to Joker why they couldn’t have met a few years earlier, those are Akechi’s silent cries for help finally surfacing after all these years of buildup. It’s also a nice parallel to how both Ken and Akechi are of the Judgement Arcana, so similar yet so different at the same time.
I think a major diff between those 2 is also the fact that the guy from P5 went along with killing unrelated people to achieve his goals. Even if he doesn’t think anyone else around him is good, which helped him not care about what he was doing, I don’t see P3’s Justice doing the same thing. If he was like P5’s, he would‘ve deemed Mitsuru and Aki as guilty as well.
@@leohernandez8751 *justice actually
But yeah. Ken is kind of like they threw Nanako and Akechi into a blender. But Ken came first lol
@@BelBelle468 Oof, that was a mistake on my part, thanks for the correction!
It’s so cute to see you care so much for Ken. I love him and he’s one of my favourite characters in P3 but for the most part he is the most hated character only because he’s a kid 😭
I remember when I first played this game as a kid thinking that this game had too many party members especially after giving us 3 new ones in the span of a month(I was used to 7 people max in my RPGs).... and then I recieved the biggest oof in October
Shinjiro, rest in peace.🪦💐🤟
I think its easy to blame Ikutski for knowing what had happened between Ken and Shinjiro, but Mitsuru and Akihiko knew as well. Its yet again following the pattern of them just hiding crucial information until theyre forced to reveal it
While I agree to an extent, I also think ppl give Mitsuru and Akihiko a pass (sometimes a bit too much of a pass, but they def deserve one) cuz they were middle schoolers. They actually witnessed it, so it wouldn’t be surprising for them to have repressed the memories. It’s been documented that ppl with PTSD and depression and anxiety (and other cases like ADHD but that’s not relevant), to be more forgetful. Shinji wanted to forget for obvious reasons. But Akihiko and Shinji acknowledge they’ve been running away. And Mitsuru already feels massive guilt over everything.
They also showed clear discomfort and uncertainty with Amada joining, where Ikutski thought it was NBD. They didn’t think it was a good idea to include him, but both Ikutski and Amada wanted it. Ikutski wasn’t there the witness the death, but he knew of it. He also hid info. And he has no reason to have the trauma the kids do, so he’s got less of an excuse. His brain is more developed, so he’s able to think more logically and handle his emotions better, so he really should’ve been on top of this. He dumps way too much on the kids.
Ikutski is negligent. He did worse than what the kids did, with the added benefit of more awareness, less trauma, and even pushed for things. He had more chances to fix things and he decided not to. He only really goes along with what Mitsuru thinks, despite being the adult, and makes her shoulder all the responsibility.
my take: persona 5 and 4 had good friends and the chemistry are amazing but p3 cast gives more of a friend group to family vibe compared to p4 and p5. like p4 and p5 at the end everyone is like we will fight for each others back and we will be amazing friends forever while p3 cast is like we went through hell and back we will all be brothers and sisters for life.
IDK if your chat mentioned this.
But, now you know why that Death on the Roulette didn't hit anyone on the fight. It hit someone else 💀
Quite rare to find someone that doesn’t blame Ken for Aragaki death.
I actually didn't saw a lot of people who blamed Ken in Reload version, most people know that he was a kid and suicidal, and ultimately it was Takaya's fault anyway.
People grew up
Not really rare anymore. A lot more ppl are smart enough to understand things better nowadays compared to back then when everyone was stupid and young
She’s a sensible person, so I’m not surprised. After teenage years, everyone should think this way from growing up, but some people are still real dumb.
Especially a girl
the thing about shinji's death that killed me, I watched his recording with Koro after he died.I was already on the verge of tears when he died, seeing that recording about him promising to make treats for Koro almost tore me 🥲🥲
Aragaki death was so hard to watch he deserved better
Aragakai was my favorite and I loved his abilities too. I was planning to always keep him in my party but the game said nope 😭
Oh, a tip for Fuuka's equipment. She can't fight (and can't even equip a weapon), but if you give her gear that boosts her stats, that actually helps. Agility lets her act more often or earlier in battles. Magic makes her heals more effective. And of course +SP lets you use her stuff more.
I was waiting for you to see that exact moment in the game 😂
Off topic but I love how the thumbnail looks like you and the cast are disappointedly staring down Persona 3 Reload for the events in this video.
What do you think about Ken as a character? So many people in the original hate him, but I really like his character.
I think the tide has changed cuz ppl seem to like Ken now. And most newcomers are being added to that group. I see way more ppl who hate Ken and consider him a killer to be downvoted or argued against by ppl who, even if they aren’t into him, know he’s not guilty.
My day be going so fine the - Octbober 4th
Finished the game the other night and whew what a roller coaster
Good writing leaves enough hints and foreshadowing, and then grabs your heart with big events that make you FEEL! And then, you think back on the story and realize it was already half told but you didn't quite put the pieces together. I enjoyed P5, but it never really grabbed me because it felt like a video game. The events were awesome, but it and the way the characters reacted were too predictable. P4 was a fun story too, but even though I liked the characters more, the story itself was predictable with only a few side twists. P3 though... I knew what to expect from playing the others, but I did not expect to get slammed to the wall on such a personal level.
I think Fortune's roulette landing on death was supposed to foreshadow the following event.
I know it’s terrible, but I love how upset you were ❤ it’s such a moving scene and I can’t believe I’ve seen people watch it with a straight face 🥹
I can’t comprehend why ppl would play a story game and not get sucked in. It’s not like Persona’s gameplay is its selling point (faaaaaaar from it). Seeing ppl react to the story is part of why Persona, esp P3, is so special
If you can only save one character, which one would be, Shinjiro or Akechi? For me, definitely Shinji.
Shinji and it’s not close. Though I do like Akechi
Akechi deserved his fate. That MF actually was a psychopath.
akechi's story is tragic but shinji didn't deserve what he got at all
Shinjiro, without question. Akechi in the end reaped what he sowed, and the whole reason he didn't want to be revived in the third semester was he knew it wasn't something he'd earned. Shinjiro on the other hand was a good guy who was a victim of horrible circumstances (and also a victim of Dirtbag Jesus.)
Shinji bc I feel like Akechi would climb his way out of hell or his ghost would haunt you forever
Played this game almost a dozen times, and this hots EVERY TIME. P3R only made it harder to take with su h amazing additions/production.
Shinji 😭
Oh lord he gone
Having played the original upon release, I ignored him because I knew he’d be gone. 💀
I did the opposite. I knew he’d be gone but I enjoyed him in my party until the very last day. Had my favorite Theurgy too 😭
I kept him in the party cuz I knew he’d be gone lol
Going to make the most of it
Also. The game is seriously easy anyway so no point in saying exp for other characters
I did the opposite, Hung out with him to see his link stuff and everything
@@BelBelle468 true, plus u can just use the clock if u want to level up anyone behind
@@revolutionarymagic3459 I know some ppl will literally level him up until there’s no more moves to learn cus they want to see what would’ve been. He’s got a lot of them. It’s pretty cool they gave him a moveset that would make a blind player think he’d be around for a while.
Heh, "most people judge someone they don't even know"... like Sumitsu, or Kenji? Not saying you'd LIKE either of them if you were willing to do their story arcs, but dismissing them right from the start is kinda doing that thing you got upset with people doing to Aragaki, right? Just sayin'
FWIW, nobody seems to ever like the Moon arcana story arcs. Not sure about P1 or P2, but in the other 3 games they're always the bottom of the barrel for everyone.
Personally I don't get why people hate Mishima
*devastating character moment in persona 3
the soundtrack : HEEE HEEE HEEE HEEE HEEE