Why Has D&D Been Such an Easy Target for Cultural Marxists?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 176

  • @surlyunicorn9461
    @surlyunicorn9461 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    The most dreaded creature appearing in the pages of modern D&D is the Sensitivity Reader. Their foul stench lurks behind every word on every page. Beware stalwart adventurers. Beware.

    • @DiversityDragons
      @DiversityDragons  ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Oh for sure. I did a few videos on Tanya Depass a while ago. Complete grifters.

    • @Goldschlager
      @Goldschlager ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Don't forget about the Sensitivity Reader's partner in crime, the Cultural Consultant. A double whammy.
      And Google wants you to know that "It's important to say that what they do is not censorship".

    • @creativehans
      @creativehans 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The monster attacks, as a lair action it throws it's X-card at you, roll a wisdom save or take 100d6 psychic damage.

  • @TalkingAboutGames
    @TalkingAboutGames ปีที่แล้ว +39

    When I started to gather people for my current D&D5e online campaign, it was incredibly hard to get players, since I was not going to use X cards, "safe spaces", I was not going to ask permission from the players to kill their player characters in combat or through hazards, etc. It was such an ordeal 🤣
    D&D is currently a religion; people need to remember it is a roleplaying game.

    • @DiscoBarbarian
      @DiscoBarbarian ปีที่แล้ว +5

      wow your game sounds great!

    • @TalkingAboutGames
      @TalkingAboutGames ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It is 🤣@@DiscoBarbarian

    • @zachmdful
      @zachmdful ปีที่แล้ว

      It's not a religion, its a Gnostic cult.

    • @Umbralimage
      @Umbralimage 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Same here, only it was Hardcore 5e and few were ready for only 1 death save. I was like "guess they've not played BECMI."

  • @kevinlamb2129
    @kevinlamb2129 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    "A Paladin in Hell" will still look amazing 1,000 years from now. Radiant Citadel Diversity Ballerina looked idiotic on Day One.

  • @arturick673
    @arturick673 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    Around 2005, I was on an RPG message board where someone was planning to run a game of Paranoia. They asked if switching the game's traditional phantom enemy of "Communists" with "terrorists" would be in poor taste given the fairly recent events of 9/11. I responded by saying that Communists had killed millions more than terrorists, so anyone fine with one should be fine with the other. This lead to a massive outrage where I was decried as a fascist and suspected of "reading Ann Coulter and, worse, believing her."

    • @AnonAdderlan
      @AnonAdderlan ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Soon after the publisher _themselves_ switched to using (t)errorists, and then switched back. I wonder if they're fascist too.

    • @deeebeee1758
      @deeebeee1758 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You go girl. Keep fighting the good fight, just like Johnny Rambo. My hero.

  • @thatsnotoneofmeatsmanyuses1970
    @thatsnotoneofmeatsmanyuses1970 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Don't ask me... I'm the guy who melted down that 2nd Edition removed the female strength (and other) penalties that were in AD&D. Now you can't even say orcs and drow are evil.
    That hallway in the Tomb of Horrors isn't the only slippery slope is all I'm saying...

    • @leemarohn7496
      @leemarohn7496 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I'll say it: Orcs and drow are evil. Always have been and always will be. In MY campaigns at least.

  • @WhiteWolf126
    @WhiteWolf126 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    I agree with all you said, but I think a big factor you overlooked as to why DnD was so easy to take over and subvert was the fact that, let's face it, DnD had(has?) a LOT of socially awkward men that were thirsty and had never been around a woman before. Then comes the blue haired feminist and marxist woman and she was let in simply because she's a woman. I guarantee that a lot of these guys thought they were gonna have a chance of smashing. There was zero gatekeeping in this regard, which was a huge mistake. I'm a married man but I saw this happen so many times with thirsty men letting these toxic chicks in that would instantly transform everything for the worse. Even the group dynamic completely changed in instant. I have no problems with letting women into the hobby if they have a real interest in it, but VERY VERY VERY FEW women do, and these chicks that I'm talking about should've been avoided like the plague. They were not there for the game, they were there to transform the community into a tool for their agenda.

  • @dirtyoldgrognard6427
    @dirtyoldgrognard6427 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Same way all our pop culture is under attack.

    • @insertnamehere8121
      @insertnamehere8121 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      When you see it as the signs of civilizational failure, it makes more sense why its everywhere. Progressives are the Mountain Pine Beetles of civilization. They just act on instinct, they cant associate the path of devastation they leave with themselves ....and they'll just keep doing more of the same

  • @simontmn
    @simontmn 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Paizo went Full Woke in 2012; it took WotC several more years, 2016 or so as you say. Mike Mearls as a left-liberal wanted a widely appealing game, & was a restraining influence on the real extremists until he got the boot.

  • @AaronAlexanderOfficial
    @AaronAlexanderOfficial ปีที่แล้ว +31

    There is a silver lining to all this crap.
    Independent designers (I'm one of them by the way) are making or have been making alternatives to whatever trash WOTC wants to put out.
    Help is on the way

    • @brucemaximus3797
      @brucemaximus3797 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Can we have a location where we can peruse?
      I'm always looking for stuff to bolt onto my Dark Albion campaign.

    • @AaronAlexanderOfficial
      @AaronAlexanderOfficial ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@brucemaximus3797 my game won't be compatible with your module (different system and its more in the line of sci fi.)
      As for the detail of said game:
      VERY soon...

  • @Kharmazov
    @Kharmazov ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Being an outside observer from Poland I dare the the whole trend started somewhere by the end of the Obama second term as president when the democratic party establishment started causing up to the more radial elements of that party in order to capitalize on the "minorities votes". This in turned has lead the democratic allied corporate entities, many of which are prominent media conglomerates to shift left when it comes to their internal policies like hiring practices as well as altering their products to reflect and promote the new "values".

  • @johnedgar7956
    @johnedgar7956 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Well said. As another "grognard" who started playing RPGs in the 80s, I couldn't agree more.

  • @Pantherrrr
    @Pantherrrr ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I have a thought that's been rolling around in my head for a while. I'm not sure if it's a left/right issue or a generational one. It seems like younger millennials (and younger) need more rules and structure from authority to know how to behave. Consider the phenomenon of the X-Card. Before the X-Card it was up to the intuition and common sense of DMs and players to know what lines shouldn't be crossed, a natural way of maturing and socializing. With the X-Card they're pushing for rules to be enforced on how people should engage with each other. Now expand this to other areas of life; institutions, education, politics, social media, a particular recent healthcare issue. A lot of these young people are screaming for daddy authority to give them, and everyone else, rules to follow.
    I would be curious to see how many of these people are strictly RAW players and how many homebrew a lot of rules and content.
    Ramble done, hope it was clear enough. I'm tired.

    • @DiversityDragons
      @DiversityDragons  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Great points Panther, and I think there's some wisdom in there!

    • @cmleibenguth
      @cmleibenguth ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Read Strauss & Howe "Generations" as well as Turchin's work on cliodynamics
      Newer generations forget the lessons learned by older generations
      Combine this with infiltration tactics into Academia (sociology and teaching in particular) of Gramsci and Marcuse and you got a cancer waiting to burst

    • @TheJohnnyNormal
      @TheJohnnyNormal ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A few years back i suggested that it was in our best interest to sterilize those that pushed the 'X' card on the Lamentations FB.
      The gnashing of teeth and paroxysms garnered was hilarious.
      Even games with an 18+ warning must be safe for emotionally and intellectually stunted socialists.

    • @AnonAdderlan
      @AnonAdderlan ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It's not about rules but agency, and the fact mills deal with such a large social circle that long term intimacy and building trust suffer.

  • @cp1cupcake
    @cp1cupcake ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It is the same reason that sci-fi fiction and other forms of media were easy targets; the places which end up controlling a lot of the production of media tend to be located in progressive hellholes, from publishers to designers.

  • @solomani5959
    @solomani5959 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I think also (and you touched on it) d&d had a resurgence in popularity with 5e.
    Most of my game table is genZ and they all reject woke nonsense. So there is hope :)

  • @blainepardoe4758
    @blainepardoe4758 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    It took root in D&D and other gaming franchises for the following reasons: 1. The majority of gamers kept quiet and let the wokesters get their way either out of fear (of being labeled and targeted themselves) or in hopes that if they bent the knee once, they would go away. 2. Companies enabled SJW's because they feared imaginary boycotts. 3. Fan bases are divided on just about everything, so it was easy to wage a divide and conquer approach to a franchise. 4. Conventions began to ostracize conservatives and pander to the wokesters.

  • @chameleondream
    @chameleondream 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Well Double D, you're asking the wrong question.
    The one to ask is how did conservatives lose Dungeons & Dragons?
    Unfortunately, I think that answer lies with your parents.
    The Satanic Panic of the 1980's was a conservative movement. Liberals were fine with the game. It was parent, teacher, and religious groups - especially the conservative ones - who wanted to see the game disappear. The conservative kids playing it either stopped or they rebelled against their domineering parents, continued playing it, and largely became liberals in the process.
    The second problem lies with creative writing. It's a skill. It takes a lot of practice. It is something that people (like me :-) go to college to learn. Most conservative parents aren't interested in raising an English major. Why? Just as you said, they make no money and live off of ramen noodles. Conservative parents raise their kids to pursue reasonable careers as police officers, electricians, business majors and veterinarians.
    Here's the rub. Those ramen noodle eating English majors? They do eventually get jobs, and not all of them at Starbucks. They make up the publishing industry. The write the scripts for the movies and comics and games that you enjoy. They also realize just how replaceable they are and make a point of conforming to the status quo which - surprise, surprise - is now liberal. The holier than thou virtue signalling is actually job protection. The people who advance up the corporate ladder are those who can be more woke than everyone around them, and it really helps to be able to check off those DEI checkboxes.

  • @Gangrel442003
    @Gangrel442003 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I am so glad I have invested in Castles & Crusades...

    • @CMacK1294
      @CMacK1294 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Same. Castles and Crusades, plus pouring over AD&D/2E content to import has left me with literally infinite possibilities, and no commies in sight.

    • @leemarohn7496
      @leemarohn7496 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Same here. No need to ever support Wizards again. C&C has been fitting seamlessly into Greyhawk and I'm not even a year into playing C&C.

    • @paulprecour3636
      @paulprecour3636 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same here. Running the Abbernoth campaign (free from Dragonsfoot, as well as a crap ton of C&C material) and supplementing the ruleset with 1st Edition complexity and 3rd Edition writing. Castles and Crusades is like a Rosetta Stone of D&D in that sense. That, and the stack of Dungeon magazines I have stored in a box, there is absolutely NO reason to support WOTC/Hasbro.

    • @ixandroid6085
      @ixandroid6085 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      C&C is a great time. Best fighter class by far

  • @SherKhaal
    @SherKhaal ปีที่แล้ว +8

    As is the habit with leftism, eventually this phenomenon will self-cannibalize. But I suspect we have another 7-10 years before that collapse occurs within the hobby.
    The best thing the rest of us can do in the meantime is focus on creating a parallel hobby. With so much of core DnD SRD now released via creative commons, that's become even easier than ever.

  • @Thraxis
    @Thraxis ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I think this goes back to a concerted effort to invade and mainstream "nerd spaces" in the late ought's and early 2010's like Sarkesian and Fem Frequency, it was just as comic book movies were getting popular and Big Bang Theory started, the Geek chic movement was to get young people and hook older ones with nostalgia all while tearing down the past and remaking it, this also coincides with the rise of the Obama Admin. This is defiantly part of a larger strategy and attack on western popular culture.

  • @drivinganddragons1818
    @drivinganddragons1818 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Political realists see the world as it is: an arena of power politics moved primarily by perceived immediate self-interests, where morality is rhetorical rationale for expedient action and self-interest.
    The Left has understood and acted on the fact that politics is down stream of culture for decades. Savvy politicians have done so for millenia.
    People, especially groups of people, care about their own immediate self-interest far more than principles. Cultures are formed of collective self-interest.
    Why do they hate the Orange Man? Because he also understood this.
    Romney said "Obama is a nice guy, but he's a bad manager and we need to follow this 2000 step governmental budget reform plan."
    Obama said "you may think I run the country like a lotto winner manages his winnings, but at least I'm not trying to destroy your way of life and persecute you for who you are like that bastard Romney, the fat cat millionaire who hates you."
    Obama won.
    Clinton said, "I have all this government experience and Trump has no clue about anything. "
    Trump said, "She hates you, she hates America, she's a criminal who hates your way of life and calls you deplorables, now let's go get some McDonald's."
    Trump won, despite having every institutional machine the left could organize against him.
    Because nobody will ever run to thd polls as fast or campaign as hard for tax policy and welfare reform as fast as they will to stop what they see as an attack on their way of life.

  • @APL314159265
    @APL314159265 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I was thinking today, after decades of running RPGs, that I would maybe hang up my dice, or at least look for a different game. The problem is not that I am tired, even in my 70s I am mentally and physically able to do it. Two things make me at the least dump the dragon. #1 is the "pussyfication" of D&D, the weird races, the PCs are indestructible, and the systems to build the perfect character. #2 is the people, people who don't know which bathroom to use, "triggers", "safety tools"...
    I may make one more attempt, but want to find a game that attracts the kind of people I started playing with, a bunch of Ex special forces guys who can't be offended.

  • @princealiaps3751
    @princealiaps3751 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    So very annoying that the hobby has been hijacked by lefties; you're right about the feedback loop. I'm glad I'm in my fifth decade; been into TTRPG's for 35 years now. I've NEVER witnessed any acts of exclusion in the hobby; people just wanted to have a good game without any real world horseshit being included. Played with a fair few working class people & never had an issue; not so with well off middle class halfwits though. I've always included uncomfortable themes in my campaigns; I don't deliberately put them in but I do follow my plotting where it leads me

  • @MalakyoftheOSR
    @MalakyoftheOSR ปีที่แล้ว +9

    It is an interesting situation going on with the game. I really think that the loudest voices aren't even players and we are seeing the effect of the squeakiest wheel gets the grease. I have talked to under 21 players who hated the race changes in Tshas's and later books and I have met ones that were indifferent to the change. People know who makes D&D and when the company makes a misstep with either D&D or MtG, D&D gets hurt. The new book about giants isn't selling very well. Dragonlance sold well and before that, the last book I saw that sold well is Fizban's. Older players probably made the bulk of the Dragonlance sales. The core of the player base are people who use the core books and maybe one or two expansion books and that's it. If there is something that they don't like, they change it. They don't really dive into internet discourse unless they have a rules question, so they don't get into the political side of things. Maybe, part of the reason that the books like Radiant Citadel don't sell is that the reviews don't really tell you how bad the adventures are. Spelljammer had a bunch of TH-camrs talking about how bad the set was from a rules perspective.
    Everyone needs to watch the documentary Satanic Panic. The people that sided with Patricia Pulling and her group I see similarities with the people on the far left today that want to be cultural consultants.

    • @marhawkman303
      @marhawkman303 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      yeah, this is mostly outsiders trying to change things they don't understand.

  • @ryannilsson7955
    @ryannilsson7955 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Well said! Some of the most effective things we can do to push back against this is to keep gaming focused on what made it good in the first place, and like you said, be frank and open about how stupid the wokeism movement is. It’s like laughing in the face of the Pennywise clown from It - it is the one thing that makes it lose its power.

    • @deeebeee1758
      @deeebeee1758 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      LOL. Oh my god, that is so dumb, man. What a plonker.

  • @christopherwintersvahn6087
    @christopherwintersvahn6087 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Interesting topic. I basically asked the same question on a facebook group years ago. Not only did I see a tendency in TTRPGs but board games overall. It has become worse and worse over the years, people with a clear political agenda runs sites like BoardGameGeek. Every other TH-cam channel has left-leaning politics shoved into people’s face. Let it be a HBTQ-flag of some sort (pride, or trans), shirts, views they have to mention and general snowflake attitude. “Safe cards” and such as people already have mentioned.

  • @Kill2Hard101
    @Kill2Hard101 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    That's a good take about how it's relatively a cheap hobby. The squatters are attracted to it for that reason. I'm a gamemaster so I've always dumped cash on books but most of my players just own a core book and dice. This hobby is attractive to broke commies. I agree with ya DD.

  • @TheCastleKeeper
    @TheCastleKeeper 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To be fair, Jeremy Crawford isn't an activist by any means. Sure, he leans left, being a "married" gay man. But his background is in theology, believe it or not. He has an M.Div. from an Anglican seminary in the north east from back before they went woke. He is a nice guy, and I had the opportunity to talk shop with him as a Pastor on one occasion. His motivation for D&D is smooth play at the table yet enough crunch to get the job done, not politics or culture. The emphasis of more flexible cultural "rules" in the game is a reflection of their market research and DEI from Hasbro, not the actual game developers. I think Jeremy and Mike did a good job of trying to find balance in the force, even under the heavy hand of the DEI empire. But once Mike left, Jeremy was left on his own to stave off the wolfs attacking the chicken coupe... and sacrificing some chickens to save the coupe as a whole is all he can do.

  • @opaqued2039
    @opaqued2039 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So many good points in this video. To avoid a ten paragraph comment, I'll just add to your valid critique of young people: Their development in creativity, thinking/processing, adaptability, social skills, and tolerance (work tolerance, tolerating inconvenience, etc.) is being stunted or stopped altogether. Experiences (usually combined with a strong moral code and rational, critical thought/reasoning) sharpen and expand all of these, including our ability to tolerate when things do not go our way or when someone disagrees with us. Putting aside the complete erosion of the moral code and general abandonment of reasoning in our society, I think a larger percentage of younger people watch a thing being done rather than experiencing it. Some examples: D&D is a community, and you don't have to play to be considered part of that community. Critical Role is D&D, and when I don't have that same scripted, performative experience, then I'm not really playing D&D.
    I just want to add my own personal theory of how D&D changed over editions. D&D moved from war gamers and sci-fi/fantasy nerds to drama dorks. In the Dark Ages when I played, strength was the most important physical ability score, and intelligence was the most important mental ability score. Now, in the even darker times, dexterity is the most important physical stat, and charisma is the most important mental stat (see spell casting classes for confirmation on this one). Bards are stronger than wizards. Combat as war (survival) gave way to combat as sport (looking cool and telling my story as I stomp the inferior villain). Band of Brothers became Band of Bards...I could go on. I'll probably detail more in my manifesto...

  • @ScottBecker-z3m
    @ScottBecker-z3m 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I think the answer to your question is actually quite simple. The post-modernist, neo-Marxist, SJW, woke, diversity types are largely concerned with trying to re-make society to align with their ideology and utopian dreams. Never mind that their ideology - which seems to always run to tyrannical totalitarianism - proved to be unworkable while being responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths over the course of the 20th century…it is appealing because it has such a low intellectual threshold while promising some sort of slacker’s paradise in exchange for being willing to surrender your individual civil liberties to whatever “intelligentsia” ends up composing the tyranny that is a necessary component of seeing these utopian fantasies come to some sort of fruition.
    One of the most basic problems with the whole oppressor/oppressed model is that they ignore the fact that it never gets rid of the “oppressor” because “oppressors” need rise to be in charge of, and run, their neo-Marxist utopias (mommy states) for them…and these new oppressors aren’t going to be some woke, part-time latte-slinging slacker living with their parents while they obsessively blog and stream about all their personal issues/politics/causes/hobbies, pretend to be game designers, and hate on the people who actually work and keep the whole thing from falling apart. They’re going to be intelligent, highly motivated, narcissistic sociopaths obsessed with power and have no problem lining up and mowing down these idiots and piling them up like cordwood in order to be at the top of the hierarchy…just like every other Marxist leader in history.
    Anyway…as far as the gaming hobby goes, it’s appealing to these people (I believe) because of the world-building aspect. TTRPGs are perfect sandboxes for the type of world and culture-building exercises these people are also obsessed with (that’s the whole point of their ideology, after all, to build and implement idealized social and economic models). On top of that, they also have built-in tyrannical/totalitarian leadership in the form of the DM/GM, which ends up being a sort of wet dream for woke, postmodernist, neo-Marxist, SJWs who want to force their politics down people’s throats. A social construct (the TTRPG) where they get to dictate every aspect of “life” within the “world” they choose to create or modify, including injecting their self-serving politics and ideology.
    Of course, these people have always existed in the hobby…but they were isolated and powerless to really wield any influence until social media happened, which provided them with the tool they needed to bully the other 95% of the hobby into cowing down to their shrill beliefs, proclamations, and demands. The amusing part of all this is that it’s a tiny minority dictating to a MUCH larger group that can’t seem to pull itself together to put them back in the place on the fringe they really should occupy. Eventually, this will all self-correct, but probably at the expense of the hobby.

  • @Thagomizer
    @Thagomizer ปีที่แล้ว +5

    A new religion must appropriate the myths of the culture it wishes to supplant.

  • @ricardowilliams76
    @ricardowilliams76 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    One of the reasons I still run AD&D 2E and other games, such as Castles & Crusades, Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu or Traveller, is because it keeps crazies and tourists away from my table.

  • @Augenstein
    @Augenstein ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think tabletop as an industry was easy to infest because tabletop, as a hobby, is actually more resilient than you give it credit for.
    If a comic book or movie franchise gets turned into propagandized garbage, you can't read or watch it as though it hasn't been. But if Hasbro says drows aren't evil and orcs don't breed through assault, the table can ultimately decide otherwise. The GM can respond to the whiny arachnophobe by making the next boss a web golem and if that's too much for the player to handle, they're free to run off to their mommy. And indeed, for all the shit we see about safety tools I still often enough see a player storming off because the rest of the table shunned the notion.
    However, this is a double-edged sword. Or maybe just yin and yang. For Hasbro's limited power at the actual game table is generally why normies don't care what Hasbro does, and thus allows the industrial side of the hobby to be infested with (in this case left) wingnuts.

  • @briansmaller7443
    @briansmaller7443 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This was a good video - one of your better ones. Well said Yank. I see the same things happening in RPGs in New Zealand. Local RPG groups on FB and such like are full of that crap you were talking about.

  • @MrLolguy93
    @MrLolguy93 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I don't follow the DnD scene, but I hear that Critical Role is actually good? Or are they also a bunch of preachy Leftists?

    • @DiversityDragons
      @DiversityDragons  ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Good in that it's a semi-scripted show with voice actors. It's not what I'd consider genuine play, but it I can definitely see why people would be attracted to it.
      And yes, they're leftists who hate Republicans. Shocking, I know.

    • @spacerx
      @spacerx ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@DiversityDragons To be fair to them, they aren't very preachy. But they do have a lot of "ambient wokeness".

    • @MrLolguy93
      @MrLolguy93 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@DiversityDragons what a twist

    • @Gangrel442003
      @Gangrel442003 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Their first campaign was the best. The others are total cringe fests. Avoid them...

    • @92edoy
      @92edoy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Liam O Brian got pretty salty on Twitter when Kyle Rittenhouse got acquitted.
      Make of that whatever you want.

  • @Auticusx
    @Auticusx ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If you want old school you have to support old school and create old school. Thats the hard part, getting people off of the main teat. People have a strong compulsion to do what everyone else is doing.
    I see the Dolphins hat has returned! 2-0!!!

  • @xulphyte
    @xulphyte ปีที่แล้ว +13

    That's why I don't play 5e anymore.
    Fuck WotC and friends! Long live OSR/OSE!

  • @cobinizer
    @cobinizer ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Reading comics is active media since you have to, well, read them. I love using leftist politics in my games...as the bad guys.

  • @Lee_Adamson_OCF
    @Lee_Adamson_OCF ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Because we are too quick to tolerate people who hate us and wish ill upon us, until they have the knife in our bellies. "It's fine, these people don't affect the way I play, so live and let live. ... ... OOF, What? What is this knife in my gut? Whyyyyy?"
    Maybe the rest of us need to push back a little harder, too, like you do with these videos.

  • @percyblok6014
    @percyblok6014 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    2016 is just when it went total TDS rampage. I graduated college in '94 and the Political Correctness movement was pretty established back then. Infancy, but estsblished. The slow surge in the commie creeep has been going pretty openly since the Occupy Wall Street time. For the most part, RPG players are cowards and used to being brow beaten into shame and silence. The leftists identified it and attacked it and now occupy the RPG hill. Gotta pick your hill to die on. RPG players, for the most part, would rather just go along to get along or gently by the wayside.

  • @andersand6576
    @andersand6576 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Started playing in 88 and since then I have seen the rpg community attract a lot of people who neuro divergent and/or have me tal illnesses. Rpgs are a great way to deal with these and learn about the world and how to act in it in a safe way. I will die on the hill that everyone should be welcomed in the rpg community, but these types of people are often easy to bully and have a hard time fighting back against organised political agitators, like the cancel pigs. A bully is a predator who will go for the easy victim, and there are many easy victims here. Unfortunately.

  • @wilm3864
    @wilm3864 ปีที่แล้ว

    That Radiant Citadel art cannot hope to compete with Elmore and Easley.

  • @zophalic
    @zophalic ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great content, it is sad what has happened in the rpg community We've been slammed quite a bit on our rpg because we have differences between men and women and women can't attain the strengths that a man can. We've had one supplier back out of selling us dice because we had a truth social account and another one wouldn't work with us because in his words, we were too conservative. Not sure what that has to do with our rpg, but I guess those are the type of people you don't want to deal with anyway

  • @LailokenScathach
    @LailokenScathach 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well said.

  • @cp1cupcake
    @cp1cupcake ปีที่แล้ว +2

    7:15 the current polling has the new generation being the first one on record which is more conservative...but you realize how progressive the ones they are being compared to and....

    • @marhawkman303
      @marhawkman303 ปีที่แล้ว

      that's the thing with progressivism.... if left alone it will devour itself because it can't simply say "this is what I believe" it has to have a paper tiger to fight. If it doesn't it'll fight itself.

  • @gammaknight2215
    @gammaknight2215 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    RPGs are a place for those that never could be theater geeks to be theater geeks. We get to be the star of our own movie. We get to be the hero we're to afraid to be in real life.
    It's the perfect consequence free place that the real world can never be.

  • @Jeff-ne1lh
    @Jeff-ne1lh ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Last week I just stopped playing TTRPG's...I'm done, the games are used as a cudgel now, it has nothing to do with Swords & Sorcery, it's just a device to cause drama and exert power. I'm back to what I started in Table top Wargaming....I know it's not perfect, but I don't think I will see Patton portrayed by a Trans man in Squad leader any tine soon....my new gaming group are a bunch of older dudes slightly left of Alex Jones and we can only talk about the politics of WWII....Goodbye TTRPG's I shall miss you

  • @christiangruenwied3780
    @christiangruenwied3780 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Maybe it's by design, but if not you might want to look into it: Your top camera (looking down on you) has some white noise in it (example starting at 5:21)

  • @DjigitDaniel
    @DjigitDaniel ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bravo, sir. Plenty has already been said in the Comments, so hear, hear! I just finished listening to the Livestream of Mr. Nick Freitas discussing the Fall of the Roman Republic. Grim times ahead, to be sure. *shrug* Keep your powder dry, your steel sharp, your family safe, and your friends close.

  • @turner42
    @turner42 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    DD in a Nordiques tshirt? I never thought I'd see the day haha! As always, hit the nail on the head with the video. Dungeons and Dragons is going to be hemorrhaging players

  • @needmorecowbell6895
    @needmorecowbell6895 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Gamers are a target because they are an unsympathic population. Mom, who is making the buying decision at Walmart, is already predisposed to see gamers as losers. Aligning the game, or at least the marketing of the game, with her politics and values makes it an acceptable purchase.
    BTW, sick Dolphins hat.

  • @zantharian57
    @zantharian57 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    10:00 - Holy shit that artwork is bad!

  • @DeadMeat991
    @DeadMeat991 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excellent in depth analysis. Thank you, Double D.

  • @farspeakerdm90
    @farspeakerdm90 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Another thing I have seen wokists writers do is when they know that their content sucks due to (no imagination or they cant put a simple plot together) they throw in wokism in large amount so their hot mess doesn't stink knowing their virtue signaling wokism will get their garbage adventure/lore content over the finish line. And then when someone whos been in TTRPG games for awhile critiques their hot mess of game material(s) they scream racist and now the get to sit back and watch the sympathy money roll in for their hot mess because now they are a victim. To some of the wokists its a scam and they know it relying n the cool aid drinker wokists to swallow the hook and they dont care who gets hurt.

  • @KermodeBear
    @KermodeBear ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am going to buy some products from people who don't hate me. Just grabbed a copy of Portland Occupied Zone and Virtue Signal from Crudforge.

  • @chrisg1598
    @chrisg1598 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love the Paladin in Hell, but I would have gone with Darlene's Succubus 😜 Great video!

  • @aled857
    @aled857 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Watched 10 seconds of video before I started typing, but the answer is because of the people who made up the "culture" classicly,
    .... counter culture, nerds, people who are the opposite of those who function in the main stream social scene of an area, and on and on, I'm sure the right people get what I'm saying but the scene was easy pickings for that type of mentality to be groomed/inserted, .....people who feel "disenfranchised"...feel like outcast, etc. can easily be groomed

  • @charlesshirk8699
    @charlesshirk8699 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In my 60's. Have played mostly with friends. As a group they are mostly conservative. So until recently never really noticed the left wing slant taking place.

  • @Redfield70
    @Redfield70 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Throughout history, cultural shifts have always been successful by the willingness of others to embrace them through a combination of coercion, convenience, bureaucracy and a general groundswell of familiarity with the ideas being offered.
    Marxism has been slowly filtering into everything over the course of 5 decades. So when these radical ideas are now being corporatised, people are more willing to accept them because they're being peddaled as morally superior to the existing system, which is portrayed as unfair and oppressive. It's a childish message but children like hearing it for reasons that should be obvious.
    Its pernicious and loathsome, contributing nothing positive to society whatsoever but it is the placebo that mobilizes the masses.
    Strange how these moral busybodies, so hateful of corporations previously, stan and cap for them so hard now.
    Corporations have successfully commodified virtue. Simultaneously, they've found a way to sell the system to the youth in revolt as a righteous cause. They are the most useful of idiots.

  • @paulprecour3636
    @paulprecour3636 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    TTRPGs. Comics, Animation, Cartoons, Toys. It's the kids. It's always been about the kids.

  • @Paul1970
    @Paul1970 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very well articulated, sir. 100% correct!

  • @bopaintsminis
    @bopaintsminis ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is one of the most significant factors that caused to to permenantly to walk away from D&D permamently. I knew I wanted nothing to do with WotC fantasy and its many iterations, but to me the taint has spread too far.
    Find a game you like and gatekeep the hell out of it.

  • @wilm3864
    @wilm3864 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I made a decision not to buy anything else from WoTC, but now I want to buy some classic TSR books (such as the Rules Cyclopedia). Not buying more 5E books is easy., but WoTC still owns the TSR content. If I buy them from Drivethrurpg, then WoTC will still get some of my money. What are your thoughts on compromising this commitment to get TSR era books?

    • @DiversityDragons
      @DiversityDragons  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If it's something you really want don't let that deter you. Yes they get money, but they also will realize you're not supporting 5e either. There's always used, from places like Noble Knight, too.

    • @guldcat1619
      @guldcat1619 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Anna's Archive.

  • @The_only_one33
    @The_only_one33 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I only play solo these days, but i may start using an x card so i dont offend or upset myself during games..

  • @Robocopster
    @Robocopster ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I blame Tom Hanks!

  • @redredleg4051
    @redredleg4051 ปีที่แล้ว

    Haven't watched the video yet but I'm going to say D&D is an easy target because it is, by far, the most commonly recognized RPG. People who have no interest in RPGs know what D&D is (or at least think they do). It is the most accessible RPG just by the fact that it is culturally significant enough to garner attention.

  • @nixit11g34
    @nixit11g34 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They live in a fantasy world.. so it’s not a far leap

  • @judyhopps9380
    @judyhopps9380 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Let men label you as they may, if you alone of all the nation decide one way, and that way be the right way by your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country, hold up your head for you have nothing to be ashamed of.
    It doesn’t matter what the press says. It doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. It doesn’t matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. Republics are founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe in. no matter the odds or consequences.
    When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:
    “No, you move.” - MARK TWAIN

    • @spacerx
      @spacerx 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Mark Twain didn't say that. Brian Michael Bendis said that.

  • @SanguineUltima
    @SanguineUltima ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I dont want to live in this world anymore,

  • @jerryharris6342
    @jerryharris6342 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your magnum opus, Double D.

  • @stevenfoster5217
    @stevenfoster5217 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    But, young players won't have the same attention span that older players have. I think many will drop away in the next 10 years, after the popularity wears off.

  • @somerando8615
    @somerando8615 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nerds are easy to bully.
    that's why gangster rap will never go woke.

    • @DiversityDragons
      @DiversityDragons  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      In the old days, yes. Now many have just turned into angry gamma males who promise to stomp any "fascist" they see.

  • @HugoGlz56
    @HugoGlz56 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Teather kid ocupoied goverment.

  • @janinecat1865
    @janinecat1865 ปีที่แล้ว

    Look up Geeks, MOPs and Sociopaths from meaningness. Then, if you follow the same thought pattern as me, you'll realize that this doesn't only apply to subcultures but any specialist field that's set aside from mainstream attention but craves it. Sharp opportunists will parasitize them.

  • @firstonesentertainment8575
    @firstonesentertainment8575 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nordiques FTW!

  • @Jux925
    @Jux925 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great topic. Your channel name is a trigger warning though :D

  • @zombietotseater3894
    @zombietotseater3894 ปีที่แล้ว

    I heard Conan is going to Monolith. Just wondering if I should be excited or worried. Wasn’t really a fan of 2d20 modiphius game. Especially some of the BS wamen art. Don’t get me wrong, those covers are awesome, but some of the inside art was meh or straight stupid. So I’m kinda glad modiphius lost the license.
    Have you heard anything about monolith? Are they going to treat Conan well? 🧐

    • @DiversityDragons
      @DiversityDragons  ปีที่แล้ว

      I think they did the board game, which is good. But I don't know if they've done much else.

  • @sebastianstark8517
    @sebastianstark8517 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    WOTC isn't winning with me. I reject their attempts at social programming and will continue to game as I always have. I see no need to include their propaganda in any of my games.

  • @Jux925
    @Jux925 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It started 2012, when left and right were united against wallstreet

  • @autisticallyaccurate
    @autisticallyaccurate ปีที่แล้ว

    Bravo, Double D! Nerdrotic Quality Video!

  • @Oblivius33
    @Oblivius33 ปีที่แล้ว

    My personal refuge has been Warhammer fantasy rpg 2nd edition.
    The art is creepy and edgy just how I remember, the themes are in world and devoid of politics (you may even call Warhammer somewhat conservative with its depiction of Slaanesh, which by the way they tried to remove or soften recently.)
    And most importantly, it's done. There are two more editions after this one, so even if they come back and try to re-write or add to it, it's gonna be easy to ignore.

  • @Cl0ne66
    @Cl0ne66 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It’s funny, because the more woke a product from WoTC is, the more praise it gets on Reddit & X. However, the more woke a product is, the less it sells.

  • @CurzdGob
    @CurzdGob ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Reactionaries gonna react

  • @poxous3854
    @poxous3854 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Fwibos
    @Fwibos ปีที่แล้ว

    Man, I know the plays are semi-scripted. But I want proof. God I want proof.

  • @mindofthecosmos9674
    @mindofthecosmos9674 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yo, do any of you guys have any old school 3rd and 4th edition D&D lore & guide books? If so, please send me the link, including to any online D&D sites where I can play these editions online with sane people, Please and thank you.

  • @gobbo1917
    @gobbo1917 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Literally just spinning propaganda

  • @ryancruz1876
    @ryancruz1876 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    “cUlTuRaL mArXiSm”. Aka “Things I’m offended by”.

  • @algouwu8593
    @algouwu8593 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is the funniest shit i ever seen

  • @biokido575
    @biokido575 ปีที่แล้ว

    20 minutes to read a comic???? somebody is a slow reader
    Also, are you seriously complaining about the bikini girl?