@@LifeStyle-vi5rp Laurence Fink a pro genocide pro Isrl JW control's NY Post and the vile AP reporter that spewed this garbage -- get up to speed, sweatheart
I like when the entitled narcissistic spouses of successful politicians convince themselves and other spouses that being married to someone (like a President) is all the qualifications they need to do the same job. It's not nepotism or delusion. It's pseudo-feminism and baby, it's about time!
And S. Passantino , Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, is already suing Liz for the same. THIS is EXACTLY why Liz NEEDS a Pardon from Joe, because she is horribly guilty of election interference. Democrats core values are Hate and Intolerance Like a scorned woman in a Divorce, any hateful play or underhanded lie to defame is perfectly acceptable in their minds.
I am sick and tired of these politicians who think this country works in their favor for whatever agenda they have. I am especially sickened for those who are corrupt and continue corrupted practices on behalf of my fellow Americans hard earn money. Also, it is a slap in the face to our country because of all the lives that where lost and sacrificed to get this country to a place that most if not all admire. Our founding fathers would be in awe if they saw all of this corruptEd behavior going on. This needs to come to an end.
How will it end if there isn't any punishment for intentionally charging someone because of personal feelings? Trump didn't break any laws but they tried to twist and lie for the outcome they wanted which was to make sure Trump would never run for POTUS again which they didn't do
Please keep in mind that the Cheney Billion$ came from Their family company , Haliburton, overcharging our military for products and services. More than one court found need for restitution by Haliburton's excessive charging and revealed that 30 years ago Haliburton was charging $4.00/ gallon for fuel. Corruption was punished by the courts
BS. Man up and go watch the J6 hearings and depositions. There are videos of ALL of it. ALL of the witnesses (on video) were TRUMP Administration lawyers, Cabinet Members, senior officials, senior campaign officials , WH aides and REPUBLICAN state election officials who freaking voted for Trump but would not, and did not, countenance his attempt at an insurrection to overturn a free and fair election. Man up. Go watch it. Face the facts and the truth. Get back some self respect, if you ever had any.
Let him pardon. It has been established Biden is incompetent. All pardons will be retracted based on his incompetence. They can smile now but will cry later.
Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino, already has a lawsuit started. Recent TXT messages revealed in Court Discovery show Liz Cheney convinced Cassidy to drop Passantino for better lawyers that would coach her , on what to say to optimize unsubstantiated allegations against Trump. Clavical Girl , Cassidy, sold her soul, said what they told her to to smear The President falsely, it did not hold up and now Cassidy looks like a stooge.
@@mrsullyroxwitness tampering for one, then probably conspiracy, as the old prosecutor once said, when you find one crime, you are sure to find others
Looks like none of the democrats believe in psyops and governmental conditioning. Maybe do some research and you’ll find out a lot about our “government”
My main concern is how to survive all of these financial and political crisis, especially in light of the US political power scuffle. The government has really called things more difficult for its citizens, and we can't sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance.
I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2025, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year. Hope to make millions in 2025.
I suggest that hiring a portfolio coach is a smart move and that in this case, patience is your best friend. I make a lot of investments and cannot afford to take the risk of doing it alone. Instead, since the rona outbreak began in late 2019, my portfolio has been maintained by a qualified advisor. I only need about $86k more to reach my one million dollar ROI goal
Yes true, I have been in touch with a brokerage Advisor. With an initial starting reserve of $75k, my advisor chooses the entry and exit commands for my portfolio, which has grown to approximately $550k.
You are a MAGGOT and don't even understand what drain the swamp means - you just repeat whatever your orange-skinning fascist tells you - right - I am sorry I used a big word there, don't worry about it - For MAGGOTS like you ignorance is bliss
@@4amcripple you are brainwashed. You’d rather have cackling Kamala and sleepy joe? Don’t kid yourself. We need a business man like trump. Kamala and Joe don’t know ANYTHING about running a country. When this next 4 years helps you out and you realize you were wrong, I won’t be here to tell you I told you so. So deal with it like we did the past 4 years
Never mind the fact that she was witness tampering you didn't mention that. Speaking with a witness without their attorney present is a strict violation of the law.
What BS. Read Cassidy Hutchinson’s book, “Enough.” Her Trump World attorney was extremely conflicted. He didn’t have her sign a retainer agreement (a red flag), didn’t ask her about what happened on the dates in question leading up to and including January 6th (another HUGE red flag), told her not to consult her contemporaneous notes before her interview with the committee, told her to say “I don’t remember” whenever her memory wasn’t crystal clear without her notes, and after her testimony he immediately spoke to his “handlers” about HER testimony, IN HER PRESENCE. He soon stopped answering her phone calls, and finally she retained another attorney who was not so obviously conflicted. He was one of several attorneys suggested by Liz Cheney, after Ms. Hutchinson had inquired about retaining local D.C. attorneys who would not represent her without a five-figure retainer up front. Nothing described here comes close to “witness tampering.” You misstate the law, also, to make your point. An attorney or investigator cannot speak to a witness without their attorney present ABOUT THE SUBJECT MATTER or THEIR FUTURE TESTIMONY. When Cassidy Hutchinson asked Liz Cheney for a reference for a local attorney, and Liz gave her several names, this was not a discussion about the subject matter at issue or her future testimony. Liz Cheney offered Cassidy Hutchinson a lifeline by giving several referrals to an individual (Cassidy Hutchinson) who needed independent counsel of her own and would protect her from future legal jeopardy which her first attorney did not provide. In my opinion, her first attorney should have been at least investigated by his state bar for not disclosing his conflict of interest. I don’t know why I bother with you MAGAS. Just know that a deliberate choice to be ignorant on a subject is the very reason why our country is so divided now. If you want to be “fair and balanced” enough to honestly contribute to a discussion, you can at least borrow Ms. Hutchinson’s book from your local library and read it, if you still have a library and the book isn’t banned by now. Find out the truth if you really do your own research. Cassidy Hutchinson is still a dedicated Republican. She did not, however, vote for Trump in 2024.
@@mrsullyrox Witness tampering. Cassidy Hutchinson. That claim has legs. Cheney is likely to be indicted if a Grand Jury is convened (may be already, dunno).
But please not before Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino's court case against Liz proceeds to conclusion. IT IS JUICY STUFF with PROOF of Election Interference! Recent Court discovery REVEALED Liz Cheney 's TXT messages from Liz to Cassidy Hutchinson convincing her to drop her (now former) lawyer, Stefan Passantino, for Liz's lawyers that would coach and mold Cassidy's testimony against TRump. The ruse completely failed, Cassidy looks like an absolute stooge to the Courts and has teh name "CLAVICAL GIRL" for her fabricated testimony. Passantino needs to collect on Liz before she gets indicted by Congress and her assets are protected and Election Interference is prosecuted.
But please not before Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino's court case against Liz proceeds to conclusion. IT IS JUICY STUFF with PROOF of Election Interference! Recent Court discovery REVEALED Liz Cheney 's TXT messages from Liz to Cassidy Hutchinson convincing her to drop her (now former) lawyer, Stefan Passantino, for Liz's lawyers that would coach and mold Cassidy's testimony against TRump. The ruse completely failed, Cassidy looks like an absolute stooge to the Courts and has teh name "CLAVICAL GIRL" for her fabricated testimony. Passantino needs to collect on Liz before she gets indicted by Congress and her assets are protected and Election Interference is prosecuted.
If she participated in hiding any evidence during the course of an investigation that is a crime: obstruction of justice. Any member of that committee who did the same should face the same charges.
If you haven't seen the text messages they got from her phone proving she was involved with witness tampering, might want to try some different news sources.
I guess your Lord approves of serial liars, jealous and vindictive people, proven criminals, adulterers, cheaters and one who spreads hate and anger because that is exactly what Trump does and has done. You so-called Christians who support such make me sick.
The Cheney family company, Haliburton, was prosecuted for overcharging many times and always lost. I recall 30 years ago that Haliburton caase revealed they were charging the military $4.00 per gallon for fuel - literally pillaging the government SMH
Cheney, thank you for stepping out and speaking against Trump. If only other republicans had the gut to do what is right and not bow down to this lawless criminal.
Really, except Trump, who ĺ constantly gets a free pass. Liz is a hero and true patriot for bringing his part in the Jan 6th insurrection. His words caused this horrible act to happen.
Collaborating with a witness directly is not ethical. The real legal argument is that Liz Cheney is an attorney and she is bound by ethics rules in both Wyoming and Washington DC (though she's not an attorney in DC she was a Congressman and beholden to their rules) for ethical conduct.
The claim is also she tampered with Hutchisons written testimony without her knowledge. Also this isnt a collaboration. This was a coercion. Hutchison said she was threatened with jail if she didnt testify the way Cheney wanted. Then Tompkins admitted he destroyed all the evidence to Congress. Congress subpoenaed the evidence, and Tompkins and Cheney destroyed it.
The Republicans refused to be on the committee when they were told they could have majority. That's on them. I have full respect for Ms. Chaney and none for Trump.
Every one of them knew that this was wrong but donut anyway, so yes, they should. Everyone be put in prison the same way they put the J Sixers in prison.
In futre decades this action against the Committee members will likely become an example of 'killing the messenger'. DT et cie, do not want to hear criticism unless it's to their liking.
All part of the plan. Matt is going to attack from a different angle. He's being turned loose to seek justice for what's been done. The report will show hearsay and extortion by the "victim".
Even if you don't think Trump is trying to become a dictator, it's dangerous to set a precedent of stifling dissent. At a minimum, that paves the way/sets the stage for a dictator.
I can see what you are saying, but the Democrats went way to far in attacking their political opponents. If Trump does nothing and turns the other cheek then the next time Dems get power they will continue to double down on their political persecution. So Trump has to slap them hard and let them know there are consequences for their actions.
@@dustinbarlow1623 @dustindumsht: but, isn’t that with the conman is doing? People like you should be thankful that IQ test testing is not a prerequisite for voter eligibility.
I hope so, she doesn't deserve punishment for simply going against trump, this isnt north korea, and jan 6th WAS an insurrection. Why were cops injured? Why were there broken windows and property?
@@Seriouslydave You must be joking. That committee tried to railroad a President. And no, Jan 6 was not an insurrection, nor was anyone charged with that. A small number of those attended did wrong and were punished (except for the informants who perhaps instigated most of it). Try and put aside your biases and maybe you'll learn something.
But please not before Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino's court case against Liz proceeds to conclusion. Recent Court discovery REVEALED Liz Cheney 's TXT messages from Liz to Cassidy Hutchinson convincing her to drop her (now former) lawyer, Stefan Passantino, for Liz's lawyers that would coach and mold Cassidy's testimony against TRump. The ruse completely failed, Cassidy looks like an absolute stooge to the Courts and has teh name "CLAVICAL GIRL" for her fabricated testimony. Passantino needs to collect on Liz before she gets indicted by Congress and her assets are protected and Election Interference is prosecuted.
I believe Liz Cheney was VOTED OUT; she did not leave on her own!
That's because she WAS voted out.
Exactly 👍 VOTED Out !!
Remmember this is posted by "New York Post"
@@LifeStyle-vi5rp Laurence Fink a pro genocide pro Isrl JW control's NY Post and the vile AP reporter that spewed this garbage -- get up to speed, sweatheart
@@LifeStyle-vi5rp Ya NYPost.. NOT NYTimes.. NYTimes are shameless liars!!
Endless Cheney was voted out she didn't resign
Resentments again now?!?
@@lisafoy1328 😅
I like when the entitled narcissistic spouses of successful politicians convince themselves and other spouses that being married to someone (like a President) is all the qualifications they need to do the same job. It's not nepotism or delusion. It's pseudo-feminism and baby, it's about time!
Exactly, so get over it.
Tell the story correctly, she was voted out
Yeah tell us how they all get 100s of 1000s of dollars to invest... that might help people. Goes for republican s also ms big M
She didn't leave congress she was voted out
And S. Passantino , Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, is already suing Liz for the same.
THIS is EXACTLY why Liz NEEDS a Pardon from Joe, because she is horribly guilty of election interference.
Democrats core values are Hate and Intolerance
Like a scorned woman in a Divorce, any hateful play or underhanded lie to defame is perfectly acceptable in their minds.
You can not be voted out if you don't run for re-election. Do you even live in America?
@@matt7126TWICE elected President Trump. Such a beautiful thing!
@@firasabdull52 what does your comment have to do with this?
@@matt7126 Um ... She was voted out. Harriet Hageman won instead and it was a record loss for an incumbent.
Nobody is above the law. Right ?
Well, Hunter is.....
@@cowboyofscience7611Nope...he is not. Just WATCH what happens.
Liz Cheney did nothing wrong, the MAGAts are about to turn her into a Martyr 😅
I see my PREVIOUS post has been removed! That will NOT change the fact that Hunter will go to PRISON.
Liz “left Congress”…she got voted out!😂
I know! Funny way to word it when her own constituents kicked her to the curb in a landslide!
She knew it would happen. It was a choice she made.
@@manhwarecapdarkhart hi dum dum
Cheney didn’t “leave” congress, like of her own volition, she was given the boot by her voters…
What a garbage report.
This “journalist” needs to go back to journalism school. Horrible delivery.
Liz is from a corrupt family, so what do you expect?
I don't think there's even a question, she absolutely is guilty of witness tampering.... Hopefully the full truth of the Jan 6 setup comes out.
I am sick and tired of these politicians who think this country works in their favor for whatever agenda they have. I am especially sickened for those who are corrupt and continue corrupted practices on behalf of my fellow Americans hard earn money. Also, it is a slap in the face to our country because of all the lives that where lost and sacrificed to get this country to a place that most if not all admire. Our founding fathers would be in awe if they saw all of this corruptEd behavior going on. This needs to come to an end.
this country was founded through unjust ways and corruption so it’s much of the same if not worse now lol
How will it end if there isn't any punishment for intentionally charging someone because of personal feelings? Trump didn't break any laws but they tried to twist and lie for the outcome they wanted which was to make sure Trump would never run for POTUS again which they didn't do
Please keep in mind that the Cheney Billion$ came from Their family company , Haliburton, overcharging our military for products and services. More than one court found need for restitution by Haliburton's excessive charging and revealed that 30 years ago Haliburton was charging $4.00/ gallon for fuel.
Corruption was punished by the courts
Yep, like Trump.
BS. Man up and go watch the J6 hearings and depositions. There are videos of ALL of it. ALL of the witnesses (on video) were TRUMP Administration lawyers, Cabinet Members, senior officials, senior campaign officials , WH aides and REPUBLICAN state election officials who freaking voted for Trump but would not, and did not, countenance his attempt at an insurrection to overturn a free and fair election. Man up. Go watch it. Face the facts and the truth. Get back some self respect, if you ever had any.
All the people who put these people in jail let them sue all of members
Imagine if Biden pardons her now
The old clown just might...
If he does, then it then proves the entire J6 committee was one giant lawfare Coup to ensure Trump never ran again.
Resentments again now?!?
It would be totally appropriate !
Let him pardon. It has been established Biden is incompetent. All pardons will be retracted based on his incompetence. They can smile now but will cry later.
She's not the only one.
Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino, already has a lawsuit started. Recent TXT messages revealed in Court Discovery show Liz Cheney convinced Cassidy to drop Passantino for better lawyers that would coach her , on what to say to optimize unsubstantiated allegations against Trump.
Clavical Girl , Cassidy, sold her soul, said what they told her to to smear The President falsely, it did not hold up and now Cassidy looks like a stooge.
Ah, how the tables have turned. It's now the warmongers turn to face justice
Republicans have started like all the wars though.
Don’t see trump facing justice
@@wettica870why would he ? Because he says mean words ?
@@wettica870 I do believe Trump has faced enough baseless lawfare for years. Everyone knows the tables are turning
@@wettica870What wars did he start?
She could face some serious charges, and the penalties would be harsh
for what?
@@mrsullyroxwitness tampering for one, then probably conspiracy, as the old prosecutor once said, when you find one crime, you are sure to find others
Why don't you try paying attention instead of asking ridiculous questions @mrsullyrox
@@OldHickoryAndyJackson which witness did she tamper with?
Just as she deserves them all. And also to make an example of her to deter any other traitors to do the same.
This reporter is very unprofessional. Um..umm.ummm and she's adding her opinion to it. Bad.
😅😅😅 what have you been listening to for years now?? Give me a break.
Liz Cheney needs to be charged with treason
You looking for a civil war?
for what?
Why? Because your’Golden Idol,’ tried to overthrow our election? You’re in a Cult. Get help ASAP.
You don't even know what treason is !!! The US has to be in a war before anyone is charged with treason "DUH" !!! 🤬💩💯%
@ for their republicans delicate fragile ego and trying to rewrite history
They all need investigated
That's it, waste the taxpayers money and prove you can't govern. Four more years wasted. Priceless.
Just freed the jan 6thers seems like a win sorry you lost 1:21
That's all the repukes do
Now a democrat is worried about wasting taxpayer dollars ? That's why hypocrites don't look in the mirror.
Looks like none of the democrats believe in psyops and governmental conditioning. Maybe do some research and you’ll find out a lot about our “government”
Why do you think this is even in the courts? Because trump didn’t instigate j6th. It was a psyop perpetuated by the democrats to make him look bad
What pure BS.
Which part?
My main concern is how to survive all of these financial and political crisis, especially in light of the US political power scuffle. The government has really called things more difficult for its citizens, and we can't sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance.
I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2025, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year. Hope to make millions in 2025.
I suggest that hiring a portfolio coach is a smart move and that in this case, patience is your best friend. I make a lot of investments and cannot afford to take the risk of doing it alone. Instead, since the rona outbreak began in late 2019, my portfolio has been maintained by a qualified advisor. I only need about $86k more to reach my one million dollar ROI goal
Yes true, I have been in touch with a brokerage Advisor. With an initial starting reserve of $75k, my advisor chooses the entry and exit commands for my portfolio, which has grown to approximately $550k.
The puppets are out in force protecting the felon king.
Who's the felon king?
Who biden!
@@dragonage2112 Trump has ALREADY BEEN INDICTED, 34 GUILTY INDICTMENTS! Trump is a FELON! He ran for office to stay out of prison.
You're concerned you'll lose your free benefits and actually have to get out and work. If felon king can serve fries at Micky-Dees, so can you ;)
They're not pushing back on what was found. They're pushing forward on what was ommitted.
They need to talk about her text messages to a J6 witness and all the data she dumped.
Well, imagine that! Liz Cheney corrupt??? Who could imagine such a thing?…..🖐🏼this guy! President Trump, PLEASE drain the swamp!🇺🇸
You are a MAGGOT and don't even understand what drain the swamp means - you just repeat whatever your orange-skinning fascist tells you - right - I am sorry I used a big word there, don't worry about it - For MAGGOTS like you ignorance is bliss
It’s shocking to see Democrats loving on the Cheaneys. My how the Democrats have changed.
@@SJ-cy3hp Really maybe because Cheaneys have put the country over support a dictator - MAGGOTS are truly clueless and that is you
@@okra2958 Yep, he should be the first in line.
Trump IS the swamp and so is everyone being appointed by Trump. If you can't see that, you are just blind.
The Reporter Lady is Lazy to Report News.
The circus comes to town.
Dude, we knew that the moment Trumper was voted in again. At this point, our government is just a big comedy show.
@@4amcripple you are brainwashed. You’d rather have cackling Kamala and sleepy joe? Don’t kid yourself. We need a business man like trump. Kamala and Joe don’t know ANYTHING about running a country. When this next 4 years helps you out and you realize you were wrong, I won’t be here to tell you I told you so. So deal with it like we did the past 4 years
@@4amcripple remember 4 years ago when Joe Biden shut down the keystone pipeline and our gas prices SHOT UP?????
Right nos the dog and pony show is Biden and Co.
Evil has no ethics or morals. They just get in its way.
That's Trump
She needs to be in prison with all of the others involved.
So fascism?
@@Sweetpea064No,,,we voted fascism and DEMONcrats out,,,pay attention.
@@Sweetpea064 cheney repeatedly said she wanted Trump in prison. Now it’s payback! Like most Americans who voted I voted for this!😁🎉
@@larryp5024They think boys are girls.
Never mind the fact that she was witness tampering you didn't mention that. Speaking with a witness without their attorney present is a strict violation of the law.
And how do you feel about all the laws Trump has broken, including while he was president? Did you forget he intimidated the J6 witnesses?
It’s in the title of the video
@nargaflarga it may say it in the title but they don't address it in the story.
What BS. Read Cassidy Hutchinson’s book, “Enough.” Her Trump World attorney was extremely conflicted. He didn’t have her sign a retainer agreement (a red flag), didn’t ask her about what happened on the dates in question leading up to and including January 6th (another HUGE red flag), told her not to consult her contemporaneous notes before her interview with the committee, told her to say “I don’t remember” whenever her memory wasn’t crystal clear without her notes, and after her testimony he immediately spoke to his “handlers” about HER testimony, IN HER PRESENCE.
He soon stopped answering her phone calls, and finally she retained another attorney who was not so obviously conflicted. He was one of several attorneys suggested by Liz Cheney, after Ms. Hutchinson had inquired about retaining local D.C. attorneys who would not represent her without a five-figure retainer up front. Nothing described here comes close to “witness tampering.”
You misstate the law, also, to make your point. An attorney or investigator cannot speak to a witness without their attorney present ABOUT THE SUBJECT MATTER or THEIR FUTURE TESTIMONY. When Cassidy Hutchinson asked Liz Cheney for a reference for a local attorney, and Liz gave her several names, this was not a discussion about the subject matter at issue or her future testimony. Liz Cheney offered Cassidy Hutchinson a lifeline by giving several referrals to an individual (Cassidy Hutchinson) who needed independent counsel of her own and would protect her from future legal jeopardy which her first attorney did not provide. In my opinion, her first attorney should have been at least investigated by his state bar for not disclosing his conflict of interest.
I don’t know why I bother with you MAGAS. Just know that a deliberate choice to be ignorant on a subject is the very reason why our country is so divided now. If you want to be “fair and balanced” enough to honestly contribute to a discussion, you can at least borrow Ms. Hutchinson’s book from your local library and read it, if you still have a library and the book isn’t banned by now. Find out the truth if you really do your own research.
Cassidy Hutchinson is still a dedicated Republican. She did not, however, vote for Trump in 2024.
Not so much an accusation as a calling out. The text messages are right there as incontrivertable proof.
Welcome to Germany 1930s.
I don't like Trump either, but we are still a far cry away from 1930's Germany.
@@jaymo7703 Hang on!
WARMONGER Liz Cheney like Proxy Wars in Middle East and Ukraine.
Indictment needs to be filed
for what?
@@mrsullyroxWhy do you simp for a traitor?
@@mrsullyrox Witness tampering. Cassidy Hutchinson.
That claim has legs.
Cheney is likely to be indicted if a Grand Jury is convened (may be already, dunno).
But please not before Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino's court case against Liz proceeds to conclusion.
IT IS JUICY STUFF with PROOF of Election Interference! Recent Court discovery REVEALED Liz Cheney 's TXT messages from Liz to Cassidy Hutchinson convincing her to drop her (now former) lawyer, Stefan Passantino, for Liz's lawyers that would coach and mold Cassidy's testimony against TRump. The ruse completely failed, Cassidy looks like an absolute stooge to the Courts and has teh name "CLAVICAL GIRL" for her fabricated testimony.
Passantino needs to collect on Liz before she gets indicted by Congress and her assets are protected and Election Interference is prosecuted.
Yall are biased af gross
But please not before Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino's court case against Liz proceeds to conclusion.
IT IS JUICY STUFF with PROOF of Election Interference! Recent Court discovery REVEALED Liz Cheney 's TXT messages from Liz to Cassidy Hutchinson convincing her to drop her (now former) lawyer, Stefan Passantino, for Liz's lawyers that would coach and mold Cassidy's testimony against TRump. The ruse completely failed, Cassidy looks like an absolute stooge to the Courts and has teh name "CLAVICAL GIRL" for her fabricated testimony.
Passantino needs to collect on Liz before she gets indicted by Congress and her assets are protected and Election Interference is prosecuted.
I see the new york post hasn't changed any.. soon it will be your turn...remember all the things your reporters said...
One can hope.
Gitmo for traitors!!!
Well, then Trump goes first.
@@ireneg9742butthurt loser needs to cope and seethe 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@ireneg9742 so, you admit that you're a fasctist. Cool!
@@ireneg9742 for mean tweets?😂
Put her in jail!!!
You're a traitor like your hero Trump!
Put Trump in cell #45 at the gray bar hotel.
If she participated in hiding any evidence during the course of an investigation that is a crime: obstruction of justice. Any member of that committee who did the same should face the same charges.
The felon is accusing someone of breaking the law? Make it make sense.
"Revenge is always the weak pleasure of a little and narrow mind. "-Juvenal
Sad comment to sideways support no consequences for actions!
It'd be nice if the Democrats understood that, however in this case it's just simply justice.
An establishment politician that needs to go
Career Criminal Politician=CCP
Such a shame, you don't lie and cheat and get away with it.
Trump has been committing crimes for decades and he gets away with them.
Trump did.
@@arg5994stop lying
This is BS. She did no such thing.
Oh you are so wrong, corrupt as the day is long. Traitor..
If you haven't seen the text messages they got from her phone proving she was involved with witness tampering, might want to try some different news sources.
@ right. Like their “proof” on Biden. I don’t believe habitual liars
Just scratching the surface on her !
“The hunted have become the hunters.”
“Justice is mine”, says the LORD.🌅✨
and justice for the 150 hurt cops!
Cheney is probably the worst of the worst. Despicable!
I guess your Lord approves of serial liars, jealous and vindictive people, proven criminals, adulterers, cheaters and one who spreads hate and anger because that is exactly what Trump does and has done. You so-called Christians who support such make me sick.
She is the worst kind of RINO.
And you're a traitor!
She is the best.
@@troutman-sw9qcYES SHE IS!! She understands what it means to take an oath to defend the Constitution.
@@psquared3485What oath, a Oath to Fund endless wars
Jail bottom line 👿🗑️🤮
Ridiculous, Republican propaganda.
If she did a crime, then she isn't above the law.
Nither is Trump.
@@troutman-sw9qcyes he is the antichrist is supposed to fool the masses and be untouchable
Give me a break. Cheney should be on the face of Time as person of the year. Not the creepy felon.
Why? Oh, because you and she both have TDS. Moving along...
This is ridiculous !
So it was ok for the Democrats to do over 85 investigations of Trump but when the shoe is on the other foot it's ridiculous
arrest her and her daddy for war crimes!
Trust me, it's not gonna happen. The 2nd Amendment will guarantee her freedom. You, I'm worried about.
The Cheney family company, Haliburton, was prosecuted for overcharging many times and always lost. I recall 30 years ago that Haliburton caase revealed they were charging the military $4.00 per gallon for fuel - literally pillaging the government SMH
That's Trump
Lock her up and her associates in the committee.
Cheney, thank you for stepping out and speaking against Trump. If only other republicans had the gut to do what is right and not bow down to this lawless criminal.
😂😂😂😂😂 I can’t believe you still in denial
you said that right trump is a criminal and should be in a prison cell right now!
@ You support a criminal. His name is Trump. End of conversation.
Pass me another cup of cool aid Jim Jones…
Stood up? She broke the law and tampered with witnesses to falsely testify and make false claims.
Woman sided with the same people who labelled her father a war criminal. She is a disgrace.
Her morals are flexible !
Hopefully those that were denied their constitutional rights can sue those individuals personally.
I would love to see Lizzy among others go to jail. Likely will never happen.
For practicing freedom of speech and opinion.
@@Gamer-d7bs No--for tampering with witnesses on bogus charges.
@@dennisheadley4408 Witness tampering how? That sounds like a bogus charge in itself.
“Republican led House committee…” DNC media is always throwing shade.
Thompson needs to be investigated for destroying all documents related to J6
What does ashli babbit think ?
This treacherous woman should not be allowed to get away with it to discourage a repeat of the crime by another person.
Democrats did all that
No one is above the law.
All we ask is equal justice
Liz Cheney did NOT "leave congress". the people of Wyoming FIRED HER. SHE WAS EXCUSED.
Time to pay for her crimes. No one is above the law (:
@@amenra54 Yes... Do you disagree?
Really, except Trump, who ĺ constantly gets a free pass. Liz is a hero and true patriot for bringing his part in the Jan 6th insurrection. His words caused this horrible act to happen.
@@patriciajellison4343 Trump hasn't been found to have committed any crimes through conviction, though...
@patriciajellison4343 And not just his words, but his failure to act to put a stop to it. That's all we need to know to see that he was behind it.
Collaborating with a witness directly is not ethical. The real legal argument is that Liz Cheney is an attorney and she is bound by ethics rules in both Wyoming and Washington DC (though she's not an attorney in DC she was a Congressman and beholden to their rules) for ethical conduct.
The claim is also she tampered with Hutchisons written testimony without her knowledge. Also this isnt a collaboration. This was a coercion. Hutchison said she was threatened with jail if she didnt testify the way Cheney wanted. Then Tompkins admitted he destroyed all the evidence to Congress. Congress subpoenaed the evidence, and Tompkins and Cheney destroyed it.
She’s “special” so … these “self regulating” professions DON’T regulate (properly).
BS! This is pure retaliation.
Entrapment deserves retaliation.
Liz Cheney and her father should go hide under a rock and never come out. Those people are a disgrace to America.
The concern is the committee was under Democrat control.
The Republicans refused to be on the committee when they were told they could have majority. That's on them. I have full respect for Ms. Chaney and none for Trump.
Sure it was because Republicans don't have the decency or guts to investigate their own.
Cheney let her hate turn to demorats and commit a crime? Jail time would suit her she could reflect why she’s so full of hate? Not becoming😢
Every one of them knew that this was wrong but donut anyway, so yes, they should. Everyone be put in prison the same way they put the J Sixers in prison.
Trump should be the first in line. The orange jumpsuit will match his orange face.
In futre decades this action against the Committee members will likely become an example of 'killing the messenger'. DT et cie, do not want to hear criticism unless it's to their liking.
She absolutely did. She also destroyed, hid, and manipulated evidence. She and the rest of the committee need to go to jail.
Trump should go to jail already.
Send them all to prison
Yeah! Forget the checks and balances of democracy!
Liz should be in Jail !!!!!! Period...
People like you should be thankful that IQ testing is not a prerequisite for voter eligibility
Resentments again now?!?
@@lisafoy1328is there any way possible for you to stop posting the same idiotic comment over and over? You’re very annoying
Must be your best comment 😂😂😂@@lisafoy1328
No, Trump should be in jail.
I feel sorry for the umm reporter.
Get them. That's why we voted for Trump.
She lost the vote by 40 points. That’s not “leaving politics,” that’s being thrown out if office
Wonder why someone who claimed to be so perfect and right would leave Congress early
All part of the plan. Matt is going to attack from a different angle. He's being turned loose to seek justice for what's been done. The report will show hearsay and extortion by the "victim".
Even if you don't think Trump is trying to become a dictator, it's dangerous to set a precedent of stifling dissent. At a minimum, that paves the way/sets the stage for a dictator.
I can see what you are saying, but the Democrats went way to far in attacking their political opponents. If Trump does nothing and turns the other cheek then the next time Dems get power they will continue to double down on their political persecution. So Trump has to slap them hard and let them know there are consequences for their actions.
Liz for President 2028!
If Liz has nothing to worry about, then, why worry Liz?
Liz Cheney= country over party 💪💪🇺🇲
Tampering with Evidence and coercing people by threatening them with Jail is putting country over party?
@@dustinbarlow1623 @dustindumsht: but, isn’t that with the conman is doing? People like you should be thankful that IQ test testing is not a prerequisite for voter eligibility.
This conman continues to show why he is considered the “ coward of the country”.
This article isn't about Obama.
Here we go again. Will Biden pardon Liz Cheney?
I hope so, she doesn't deserve punishment for simply going against trump, this isnt north korea, and jan 6th WAS an insurrection. Why were cops injured? Why were there broken windows and property?
He can't.
@@Seriouslydave You must be joking. That committee tried to railroad a President. And no, Jan 6 was not an insurrection, nor was anyone charged with that. A small number of those attended did wrong and were punished (except for the informants who perhaps instigated most of it). Try and put aside your biases and maybe you'll learn something.
Put Liz in prison!
But please not before Cassidy HUtchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino's court case against Liz proceeds to conclusion.
Recent Court discovery REVEALED Liz Cheney 's TXT messages from Liz to Cassidy Hutchinson convincing her to drop her (now former) lawyer, Stefan Passantino, for Liz's lawyers that would coach and mold Cassidy's testimony against TRump. The ruse completely failed, Cassidy looks like an absolute stooge to the Courts and has teh name "CLAVICAL GIRL" for her fabricated testimony.
Passantino needs to collect on Liz before she gets indicted by Congress and her assets are protected and Election Interference is prosecuted.
The bottom line is they didn't find any insurrection 4 years ago. Stop it end it!
It's a shame to be punisched, for having a spine! But in Putin and Trumps world it is wrong to follow the law
Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to charge cheney.
Just more BS from Trump and his supporters.
they have text messages from her phone and the witness phone proving the witness tampering. The messages have been all over YT. Look it up.
Who's ihis supporters the Majority of America, Remember he got the popular vote
Investigations go BOTH WAYS!
Cheney is begging to be put in the slammer!!!!!