The Joy in Priesthood// Fr Sanjeet Kerketta// Sukhanala


ความคิดเห็น • 35

  • @linuskerketta9728
    @linuskerketta9728 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rina kerketta happy congratulations father God bless you ⛪⛪💐💐🙏🙏

  • @bipinvlogsmerry315
    @bipinvlogsmerry315 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fr. Sanjeet congratulate you and dedicate your life to God.

  • @pascuadodti105
    @pascuadodti105 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hearty Congratulations Rev.Fr .Sanjeev Kerketa,God bless you and fulfill His ambition through you.,So nice preparation.

  • @rajnikujur7
    @rajnikujur7 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Congratulations and happy new life Dada..may God use you mightily Fr. Sanjeet Kerketta..🤗

  • @kamalkujur9747
    @kamalkujur9747 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Jai Yeshu, khush naya jeevan fr Sanjeet, stay Blessed stay safe

  • @sushilasanga6797
    @sushilasanga6797 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very nice 👍 God bless you 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @prishkatete3706
    @prishkatete3706 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Congratulations .fr.sonjeet kerketta ❤️

  • @dibyasumankerketta521
    @dibyasumankerketta521 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Congratulations 💐... bade bhai Kerketta......🎉💐

  • @sushilasanga6797
    @sushilasanga6797 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @shantilakra9779
    @shantilakra9779 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Godbless u for the show yes Jesus is Lord and savior

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @neetaawaya5802
    @neetaawaya5802 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Congratulations Father Sanjeet💐💐💐🎂🎂

  • @santiraepurty7232
    @santiraepurty7232 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Heartly Congratulations : Dear Fr. Sanjeet Kerketta , God bless you ,

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @judylinerobert7031
    @judylinerobert7031 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Deeply impresed. Never seen such a welcome. It's beautiful God Bless

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

    • @michaelhembrom3924
      @michaelhembrom3924 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 झझझझझझझझझझजझझझझ

  • @promilabilung4214
    @promilabilung4214 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    ❤ty Congratulation Fr. Sanjeet

  • @roshankerketta6564
    @roshankerketta6564 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A history has been created. I wish to visit this place of ordination. If anyone can help me out.

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @PratapJosh
    @PratapJosh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hearty Congratulations Dear Fr Sanjeet

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @nomadtribe862
    @nomadtribe862 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish it had original audio.

  • @muktilatalakra66
    @muktilatalakra66 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Congratulations fr.sanjeet.💐💐

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @bhusanpratapminz558
    @bhusanpratapminz558 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @jorgesangakhunti1046
    @jorgesangakhunti1046 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am deeply affected by new priest hood adoration

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @georgeekka2019
    @georgeekka2019 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    May god bless u

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @binodtoppo1067
    @binodtoppo1067 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Congratulations 🎉🌹🎊🎉🎊🎉

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @jorgesangakhunti1046
    @jorgesangakhunti1046 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where it is happening

    • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
      @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
      Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
      Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
      Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
      Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
      When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
      Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
      B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
      Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
      We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
      Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
      "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
      Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
      Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
      (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
      John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
      John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
      1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
      John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
      John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
      Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
      Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
      “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
      “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
      Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
      1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
      1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
      Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
      Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
      Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
      40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
      1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
      1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
      As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
      Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
      God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
      World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
      Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
      Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
      God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
      Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
      God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
      Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
      Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
      Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
      After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
      Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
      Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
      ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
      Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
      (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
      Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
      When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
      About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
      1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
      If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
      Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
      Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)

  • @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146
    @creatorheavenlysabhaormanm7146 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
    Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
    Hebrew 7:14 Our God born as Jewish but later what happened do not know.
    Do you want to be a Man-made Religion or God's follower? because Jesus has selected his Disciples as Followers NOT Catholics of Man.
    Genesis 6:3 God said. My image doesn’t stay with them because they are just Dead Bodies.
    Mark 7: 6-7 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
    Mark 8: 14-24 The Yeast of the Phrsees and of Herod, Matthew/23:13, Matthew/23/26 27 You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. 27.“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.
    When comes to Judgment of God then there is NO difference between Anointed or normal. To know more read Bible (God killed Aaron and his son's - all are Priest's) for Sin.
    Do you know Christian Name itself is FAKE because others are NOT practicing what Jesus and Disciples taught and according to BIBLE. In AD 382 in Bishops council we have kept the Bible. In AD 400 Bishop Ignatius of Loyola of Antioch has called us as Catholics because we have kept Bible of 73 books. Named us as people of Jesus and Disciples. But we are NOT following Jesus that is a secret strategy. Because Jesus Loves his creations ignore the cheating of misguiding all.
    B I B L E (John 1: 14, John 6: 60-71 The words of Eternal Life.) => Ultimate. PANACEA. Jesus = Dependable.
    Do you know the meaning of Bible?, Do you know the origin of Bible word?, Do you know that out of 199 Man-made Religion this is the Original word of God? Man made Catholics are holding the Original word of God (according to God, Bible, Catholic Teaching and History, etc.) But Alas, None of the Religions are teaching the ORIGINAL GOD!!
    We heard or taught a revengeful and Merciless God and for his Mercy,we have to Pray and Beg. But our GOD IS JUST OPPOSITE OF THAT TEACHINGS AND LEARNING. THROUGH THE BIBLE AND IN LIFE. WE CAN FIND AN ADORABLE AND LOVING GOD. ONLY WE HAVE TO OBEY HIM AND DON'T DO SINS. Though Our Bible, and Our Life, Jesus will teach No Dependence of other Tom, Nick and Harry's for help or Prayers. Or NO other Tom, Nick and Harry's are Bigger or special than YOU. Only attend Mass, Blessings and Sacraments. No Man-made things.
    Our God is NOT aware of our weakness and Not listen to us? Then why Do we depend on a 3rd party for recommendation? Or they are special? NOT like that. All are same in front of our God.
    "Mark 3: 36 - 48 The Sinful Woman, John: 8 1 - 11 The Woman Caught in Adultery". These women's have gone for Any Retreats or Charismatic Prayers or so called Anointed?
    Take courage! This is “the Assurance & word from Our Savior”! Our responsibility is to just ‘Obey’ HIS teaching.
    Do you know living with Jesus is so easy and lavish??
    (Read and understand Psalms’145: Chapter about - The Greatness and the Goodness of God)
    John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
    John 18: 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
    1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
    John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered in the world!
    John 17:6 The people given to me from earth, I have disclosed his Name.
    John 17:16-19 The way I am not for the world, they are also Not. You purify them with Word of Truth.
    Colossians’ 3: 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
    Read Bible from Genesis to Revelation and Be Real. Do you think being an 'Original' is bad?
    “Job 33:14 For God Speaks in one way, and in two, though people do not perceive it”,
    “Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out”.
    Psalms’62: 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; and Power belongs God.
    1 King 14: 16 No only Jerobam left god and but helped Israel people to Worship Idols
    1 King 16 13 Not only He Sinned; but forced Israelite's to worship Idols and Sinned.
    Are you a Real Follower of Jesus or Judas? -Ritual-traditional (Earth - Bad Spirit) Man created Catholic? (All those who ‘disobey God had suffered)
    Whoever 'Obey' Him and follow him are the Real, and the Rest He will Take Care and get his reply and Blessings in abundance, immediately. Without 'Obey'ing Him and following him as he described in Bible, a then we have to wait for his Mercy to listen to our prayer and our prayers for others. Please understand his words from bible (Job 36 and Psalm:139)
    Living according to world, constructing Proud House, Assets, Church, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions, Buildings, etc. are not HE wants us to do???
    40 Years God has Taken care of those have prayed to him. Do you know who that was?? They were once upon a time the Slaves of Egypt. Do you know who Israel is? People prayed to him then why you are worrying about all. For a healthy life on Earth 'Obey'' and follow his words in Bible, read Psalms: 91 Chapter every day at least.
    1 Kings 4:20 They lived their Life lavishly and Joyfully. They had abandons of children and people.
    1 John 3:We are gods children. Revelation 7: 14-17 As Jesus is our Father, He takes care of us and Lead us to Living Water. He removes our tears .
    As God is ONE, then why there are many 'Rites' and different rules?
    Whether there is 6+ 23 Sub Vineyards. Labors can be numerous but there is only 1 vineyard.
    God = Eternal i.e. Heaven , Soul (Creator)
    World = internal i.e. World or Earth or Body or Man Made Religion and its Gods. )Creation)
    Swargia Sabha of Heaven or Man-made (theologians made) Catholic Sabha of earth?
    Risen over Death and ascended to Heaven or that object is used by Men for Capital punishment, which is important?
    God designed Tabernacle gave to Moses or man (Solomon) -made building - church, what is important?
    Read Solomon’s history in 1 King 11, 12 Chapter.
    God designed Tabernacle, Lamp, etc, or Man-made candles, what is important?
    Do you believe in Man made Theology or Word of God??
    Man-made Theology of Earth or God's Word from Heaven? what is important?
    Either you need God’s guidance then; go to your Bible. If a Man, then follow them and be slave of them. This is Not Hurt any but Truth.
    After going though your Bible, if there is any mistakes in this message; then ignore or be serious, God can’t be a cheat. Only a Man Can.
    Like Judas cheated and Betrayed Jesus for Money of world.
    Genesis 28:21 Give me food and dress for covering me and I am going to my Fathers House.
    ( Not of proud and Earthly items).
    Numbers 14:18 -28 Because Parents SINS God will punish 4 Generations. When we Repent, Confess then as God forgives, but doesn’t FORGETS, 2 Kings 14:6 Psalms’ 89: 38 But now you have spurned and rejected him; you are full of wrath against your anointed.
    (If you have any doubt about this verses, check your Bible.
    Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 14: 8 Finding Own path is the sign of cleverness.
    Proverbs of the Same Solomon: 13: 12 Thinking that Correct is lead towards death
    When you pray to a Man Made God and Saints (Only 7 saints mentioned in Bible (Tobit Tobit 12: 15 ) , God will NOT listen; instead avoids and punishes severely like he punished David ( 2 Samuel 12: 15-17) after SIN with Uria's wife. HE throws something even at people who is not following him. Like owner to the Dog or Slaves. Proverbs 16: 3 Submit your tries to God; righteousness will come true). Prayers without ‘Obeying’ Jesus of No Use. Read Job: 36 Chapter and Psalms: 139 Chapter. Then decide. If you feel your prayer is NOT heard by Jesus then stop venerating to Mother Mary or Man Made Saints (Psalms’16:3-4 The Holy people of Earth is nothing) that may be one the reasons for your Prayers are NOT heard by Jesus may be your prayers NOT reaching him.
    About Mother Mary, Catholics say her Assumption and history says something else about her Death but lot of things are her in Genesis to Relation but NOT about death and assumption. ONLY Jesus (Act of Apostle 1:6-11), Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elea (2 Kings 2:11). In Holy Bible, Only 3 Occasions mentioned in Bible. Lot of Confusion.
    1 Kings 18:21 Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How Long will you go limping with two different opinions?
    If the Lord is God, follow him; but If Baal, then follow him." The people didn't answer him a word.
    Read Bible to Understand Jesus more..
    Shalom Alaichem (Ruth 2:4, John 20 20, 21 Translation - From The greeting of Jesus from 73 books Bible)