Im both ace & aro, and i have a few queer platonic relationships with close friends who are allo. We are all happy and comfortable in our awesome relationship.
Love this! I always struggle to describe qprs to my allo friends, even (almost especially) other queer ones. I usually describe it as dating without the romance. But in reality it’s definitely more complicated than that
This kind of hits the nail on the head for me for how I felt about a close friend many years ago. I've come to realize my ace-ness and later my aro-ness over the past few years. Just recently finding this out about myself, too. The idea of having a committed relationship with someone I feel safe with is very wholesome and comforting. I don't want or need sex/romance... I just want a domestic life with my best friend
Thanks for this video! I don't want a qpr myself right now, but I love writing about it in my fictional stories. I love it as a concept of “found family” outside traditional societal norms. And I feel like the definition is very much up to the people involved, even more so than with any other “traditional” relationships ... which makes it really hard to describe xD
Yay! I was just thinking about this. I find myself comparing queerplatonic relationships to spiritual feelings people may have because that might be a little more familiar to a lot of people. It helps to bridge the gap even if people don't feel spiritually inclined because they still can make the connection of there being another type of love out there.
That's an excellent way to describe it! (I'm aro, and I find a lot of people seem to think that makes me some sort of psychopath that doesn't experience love at all. Where really I love a lot of people, I just don't enjoy any of the territorial drippy stuff. Traditional "romance" just smacks of patriarchy and ownership.)
@@FunkyLittlePoptart I feel you on that! I don't get into close relationships with straight people. If I want sex, I go get it. I don't become romantic until I am sure that person is poly, a total swinger with no desire to own me or have me own them.
that last part almost made me cry ‘you deserve to ask for what you want’ and not just trying to fit into what society tells me a relationship should look like. thank you for this video
So here’s the thing. I have thoughts and fantasies of being in a romantic-coded relationship and doing lots of cute things couples usually do (cuddle, hold hands, travel together, cook for each other, etc) but I’m uncomfortable with doing anything sexual and kissing on the lips (but I’m fine with kissing anywhere else). I just love the idea of having a special person to have such a deep level of bond and trust with and can always feel comfortable around and really want that someday. But it’s hard to find that person because I’m currently in college, where it feels like many guys inherently assume I want something sexual from them when hanging out with them (at least from my experience). Am I queerplatonic? Or is it just my autism that’s behind all this?
That sounds like a form of romantic-ace but with a slight tinge of aro (where exactly I couldn't tell, I'm not you, that's for you to find out... if you want to, that is). You might be able to find a romantic relationship where you have firm boundaries around kissing, or a QPR with the same boundaries! It's really up to you and the people around you, I think.
Interesting to hear your view on this. As another commenter already pointed out, I feel the definition of this is very much up to the people involved. I have been in a queerplatonic (long-distance) relationship, and to an outsider, it probably would have looked like a romantic relationship. One of the main reasons why we called it a queerplatonic relationship was because I struggle to understand on a personal level what romantic attraction feels like (my partner figured out during the course of our relationship that they were romantically attracted to me). I have always defined queerplatonic relationships as relationships that queer the expectations of our heteronormative society about what platonic relationships ("friendships") should look like, that in a world where platonic relationships were valued just as much as romantic or family relationships, we likely wouldn't need the word. I hadn't considered "queerplatonic attraction" as a factor, which from your definition sounds kinda like alterous attraction. But now I'm reconsidering that, especially in light of a recent conversation I had (with my ex-partner among others, lol) about different experiences of platonic attraction and friendship and how you can build friendships without platonic attraction.
I do a lot of pics with one of my guys (the other doesn't like his picture taken.) I always say that if people didn't know certain things about him, and certain things about me, they'd be like "Who's this young man she got herself." And if that's what they think that's absolutely hilarious.
I'm alloromantic and ace-spec and have been in queerplatonic relationships and they are so nice. I still would like a romantic relationship but to me queerplatonic relationships are another kind of connection I can have with someone, and when I meet a person I really get along with it's just a matter of determining what relationship structure works best for us specifically, and it's great to have a bunch of possibilities. I do also experience queerplatonic attraction, there have been a few people in my life that I felt really drawn to in a way that might look like a crush but it felt different than a crush. Most of these times it's been an even stronger emotion than a crush. Like, a desire to be in a committed loving relationship that defies societal expectations for friendship and romance is much bigger to me than a desire to date someone. I got to be in a queerplatonic relationship with one of those people and it was awesome (we decided to end it but we're still very good friends).
I'm aroace, and I appreciate this video because it helped me know that I _don't_ want a queerplatonic relationship! Appreciate the great video as always
I've been thinking about how to say this publicly .... I have two allo, gay friends. I was wondering if what we have is a QPR, for them there is no question. We are friends. After a a while, I decided it doesn't matter what we call it. What matters is that it exists and it is lovely. We collaborate on the best ways to support one another, encourage one another to pursue what makes us happy (whether that's a new job for me, a new relationship for one or both of them or concert tickets for all of us. For me, they're my people and that's enough for me. They have romantic and sexual needs that I can't meet and I am not a threat to that. I am also the only one of us who uses the word queer, even though I'm straight (but aro and ace.) Because I'm aspec I need lots of words to describe myself and my relationships that they don't. But that doesn't mean that they love me any less or don't place value on our relationship. What we have is real and special and every bit as meaningful as a romantic or sexual connection.
I’m ace but still alloromantic and my crush suggested a QPR with me so I’m trying to do as much research as I can, especially since it seems that her, an aro, and me, an allo, can both be comfy inside this dynamic!
Granted I come at this from a different perspective, due to being autistic I'm often messaged by society as a whole that hetero-normative relationships (or even relationships more generally) are more 'something that happens to other people' which can make discussions of Aspec topics since there can be a lot of thinking that sexual relationships are "too adult" for me (I'm 31 by the way) and (while attitudes are changing) there has been a strong air that by extension relationships are not something I could do since they've got an inherently sexual element (my priest says this isn't the case though and there are people who contest the idea) however I have noticed that there's an interesting response to the topic of Queer-Platonic Relationships. Comments like; "isn't that so wholesome, like 2 best friends." or "isn't that just being friends?" and just occasionally "But how are two adults supposed to have a relationship if they don't have sex?" That last one is something that not only was refuted at Church since they tell us relationships are perfectly valid without sex being involved, but also the courts ruled against when the courts ruled that a man and woman could live together and live "as husband and wife" according to the act without having sex, in other words sex was not required for a couple to be accorded such rights as the Rent Act accorded people living 'as husband and wife'.
I think this is such a good description, i am allo and my queer platonic partner is too, but we dont feel sexual attraction towards each other and its not romantic really either, i kind of feel like i am platonically in love, its like almost romantic, but its not idk haha. We both didn't know what QPRs are until recently, we kind of just fell into this and one day realised this term describes us. We get mistaken for a couple all the time cause we hold hands and cuddle etc. and we definitely have more commitment and structure in our relationship than the typical friendship. And actually when i look back on my life i have always wanted a QPR but didnt know this existed until it happend. It was a very slow process for us, our friendship just naturally grew into this over the years
I promoted this video of yours amongst a number of others that discuss Queerplatonic Relationships in my newest video on my channel! Thanks for this! :)
Thank you for your channel! It's helping me realize I'm ace in my romantic relationship. And I've been sending these videos to my aro-ace sister who is struggling rn with dating.
I wonder if a fair few of those Boston Marriages some women had around 1900, even among those who were straight but preferred career to marriage, could've qualified as queer platonic if they'd happened today.
Thanks for this nice video. I have QPRs in my writing, so this is useful to get me thinking more about how to explain/define/show these dynamics that are so undefineable 😊
Kinda feeling like I’m being held at arms-length by someone who’s just as attracted to me, an Out ace, as I am to them…because…apparently ANY sort of relationship that isn’t Just being aquatinted feels “too romantic” or whatever. Apparently because of the attraction elephant in the room, and whether or not I am actually believed that I don’t give a rat’s ass about dating, would feel like a QPR for this guy. So I keep getting told to “manage my expectations” when…the only expectation I had was…to be friends, not friendly acquaintances. (Heck. I doubt I’ll ever DARE to ask someone for an ACTUAL Ace Romance or QPR after just /trying to be friends!!/ regardless of however else I may/may not feel has resulted in THIS bullshit. I’ve already swallowed “I’ll prolly never have a SO Relationship because I’m ace.” Now apparently it’s time for “I’ll never get to have friendships with the opposite gender especially if any attraction exists because I will never be believed about being satisfied with friendship.”
It seems like the hang up is more on the other person's end than yours. I wouldn't base the entirety of having opposite sex friends on this one person. There are others out there who are perfectly comfortable with the friendship you want to pursue and will believe you. It's a shame on them that for some reason they can't believe you.
I am not Asexual but I would say my romantic side doesn't come out until and unless I am sexually satisfied (Demi romantic). Currently I have a Queer Platonic Relationship with one person and a sexual relationship with another. The only one I am romantic, with is the one I have sex with. Yes, the two of them get along. Infact, we are all involved in a spiritual group doing occult rites. It's a lot of fun and we support each other's growth. The big difference is, with my QPR partner, our bond is more intellectually driven. We don't go on romantic dates or kiss but the bond is undeniable, almost psychic. It's very witchy.
Is my relationship a QPR ? My fiance is Allo and I'm Aro/Ace spec. How I experience attraction shifts around. On my end it feels like a QPR but his end it's romantic.
I've wondered something similar ... on my end my relationships feel QPR but on their end (they're allo and gay) it's strictly platonic. Honestly I'm aro/ace so the difference is not significant. We're friends. That's the bottom line. To me it's not important what we call it. If we get caught up in terminology we miss the point. I may think of the relationship differently but my needs are different from theirs. Their friendship is enough for me, I want and expect them to have partners because that's what they need. That doesn't mean that they don't love me every bit as much as I love them. No matter what we call our little triad, it exists and it is lovely.
Could be both, depending on who's doing the labeling, could be mixed, depending on what activities you're engaging in or how you're both comfortable defining it... but it would be good to have that conversation because if one of you is saying the relationship is one thing and another is trying to label it differently, that's really the only point at which confusion would be an issue.
The distinction only matters if it matters, if that makes sense. If your relationship is working and you’re both happy, the specific label isn’t really all that important. But if the dissonance there is causing tension and confusion, it’s worth talking about
In my opinion, a QPR can contain romantic attraction. Just like how two people can have romantic feelings but, for whatever reason, still choose to stay friends, the same can be true of a QPR. It's of course going to be rare, but I maintain that it's possible Likewise, a QPR between an allo and an aro is also possible. In my relationship, my girlfriend has romantic feelings for me, and I have alterous/queerplatonic feelings for her. We could've called this relationship a romantic relationship, and that would've been totally valid, since by most accounts it kinda looks like one. But we decided to call it a QPR, because that term makes us happier, and we feel it more accurately describes our dynamic
This is a great intro! I always had a hard time understanding and expressing my feelings for my best friend because I didn't feel romantic or physical about her but I still had intense feelings for her that felt "bigger" and "stronger" than platonic. And then a few years ago I learned about queerplatonic relationships and when I sent her a link to a definition, she said "Oh, that's us!" One of our best friends described us as "smitten over each other" but not in a romantic way. I still usually refer to her as my "bestie" because most people I know don't know of QPRs or would understand what they are. (I started dating someone last year and told her "I need you to know right off the bat that this person is my bestie/QPR and we're a package deal, but I'm not ENM and she's not a romantic or physical partner" and it led to a LOT of questions from the other person trying to understand what this meant.) Because of what we're taught about relationships in our society, QPRs are not always easy to explain.
Still not clear what makes it queer? Or more than friend. Zero judgement just not getting it 😵💫. But i definitely need a new "circle" to talk to, and figuring out wants ... more good advice:) thanks now to your book. After sleep 😆
I want a queer platonic partner but I have a question: I consider myself monogamous, but if you'd ask me if I'd be okay with my partner having other partners I'd say sure, does beeing with a poly person make me poly?
No. If you understand yourself as a monogamous person and behave that way with a partner, then that’s what you are. You’re just not expecting monogamy back from a partner. You’re letting your partner be what they are, if that’s polyamorous.
I didn't ask the question but I found your reply really helpful, thank you! And thank you for everything you do, you make such a huge positive difference: what you do helps more than you know. 💜
Im both ace & aro, and i have a few queer platonic relationships with close friends who are allo. We are all happy and comfortable in our awesome relationship.
Love this! I always struggle to describe qprs to my allo friends, even (almost especially) other queer ones. I usually describe it as dating without the romance. But in reality it’s definitely more complicated than that
I describe it as "these are my people" without the romance. I refer to them as my friends but also say "my guys" when referring to them.
This kind of hits the nail on the head for me for how I felt about a close friend many years ago. I've come to realize my ace-ness and later my aro-ness over the past few years. Just recently finding this out about myself, too. The idea of having a committed relationship with someone I feel safe with is very wholesome and comforting. I don't want or need sex/romance... I just want a domestic life with my best friend
the way you worded this- just YES
that’s exactly what i want but could never put it into words
Thanks for this video! I don't want a qpr myself right now, but I love writing about it in my fictional stories. I love it as a concept of “found family” outside traditional societal norms. And I feel like the definition is very much up to the people involved, even more so than with any other “traditional” relationships ... which makes it really hard to describe xD
Yay! I was just thinking about this. I find myself comparing queerplatonic relationships to spiritual feelings people may have because that might be a little more familiar to a lot of people. It helps to bridge the gap even if people don't feel spiritually inclined because they still can make the connection of there being another type of love out there.
That's an excellent way to describe it! (I'm aro, and I find a lot of people seem to think that makes me some sort of psychopath that doesn't experience love at all. Where really I love a lot of people, I just don't enjoy any of the territorial drippy stuff. Traditional "romance" just smacks of patriarchy and ownership.)
@@FunkyLittlePoptart I feel you on that! I don't get into close relationships with straight people. If I want sex, I go get it. I don't become romantic until I am sure that person is poly, a total swinger with no desire to own me or have me own them.
that last part almost made me cry ‘you deserve to ask for what you want’ and not just trying to fit into what society tells me a relationship should look like. thank you for this video
So here’s the thing. I have thoughts and fantasies of being in a romantic-coded relationship and doing lots of cute things couples usually do (cuddle, hold hands, travel together, cook for each other, etc) but I’m uncomfortable with doing anything sexual and kissing on the lips (but I’m fine with kissing anywhere else). I just love the idea of having a special person to have such a deep level of bond and trust with and can always feel comfortable around and really want that someday. But it’s hard to find that person because I’m currently in college, where it feels like many guys inherently assume I want something sexual from them when hanging out with them (at least from my experience). Am I queerplatonic? Or is it just my autism that’s behind all this?
That sounds like a form of romantic-ace but with a slight tinge of aro (where exactly I couldn't tell, I'm not you, that's for you to find out... if you want to, that is). You might be able to find a romantic relationship where you have firm boundaries around kissing, or a QPR with the same boundaries! It's really up to you and the people around you, I think.
Interesting to hear your view on this. As another commenter already pointed out, I feel the definition of this is very much up to the people involved. I have been in a queerplatonic (long-distance) relationship, and to an outsider, it probably would have looked like a romantic relationship. One of the main reasons why we called it a queerplatonic relationship was because I struggle to understand on a personal level what romantic attraction feels like (my partner figured out during the course of our relationship that they were romantically attracted to me).
I have always defined queerplatonic relationships as relationships that queer the expectations of our heteronormative society about what platonic relationships ("friendships") should look like, that in a world where platonic relationships were valued just as much as romantic or family relationships, we likely wouldn't need the word. I hadn't considered "queerplatonic attraction" as a factor, which from your definition sounds kinda like alterous attraction. But now I'm reconsidering that, especially in light of a recent conversation I had (with my ex-partner among others, lol) about different experiences of platonic attraction and friendship and how you can build friendships without platonic attraction.
I do a lot of pics with one of my guys (the other doesn't like his picture taken.) I always say that if people didn't know certain things about him, and certain things about me, they'd be like "Who's this young man she got herself." And if that's what they think that's absolutely hilarious.
I'm alloromantic and ace-spec and have been in queerplatonic relationships and they are so nice. I still would like a romantic relationship but to me queerplatonic relationships are another kind of connection I can have with someone, and when I meet a person I really get along with it's just a matter of determining what relationship structure works best for us specifically, and it's great to have a bunch of possibilities. I do also experience queerplatonic attraction, there have been a few people in my life that I felt really drawn to in a way that might look like a crush but it felt different than a crush. Most of these times it's been an even stronger emotion than a crush. Like, a desire to be in a committed loving relationship that defies societal expectations for friendship and romance is much bigger to me than a desire to date someone. I got to be in a queerplatonic relationship with one of those people and it was awesome (we decided to end it but we're still very good friends).
I'm aroace, and I appreciate this video because it helped me know that I _don't_ want a queerplatonic relationship! Appreciate the great video as always
I've been thinking about how to say this publicly ....
I have two allo, gay friends. I was wondering if what we have is a QPR, for them there is no question. We are friends. After a a while, I decided it doesn't matter what we call it. What matters is that it exists and it is lovely. We collaborate on the best ways to support one another, encourage one another to pursue what makes us happy (whether that's a new job for me, a new relationship for one or both of them or concert tickets for all of us. For me, they're my people and that's enough for me. They have romantic and sexual needs that I can't meet and I am not a threat to that. I am also the only one of us who uses the word queer, even though I'm straight (but aro and ace.) Because I'm aspec I need lots of words to describe myself and my relationships that they don't. But that doesn't mean that they love me any less or don't place value on our relationship. What we have is real and special and every bit as meaningful as a romantic or sexual connection.
This is a beautiful thing. And a wonderful expression of what queer kinship looks like.
I’m ace but still alloromantic and my crush suggested a QPR with me so I’m trying to do as much research as I can, especially since it seems that her, an aro, and me, an allo, can both be comfy inside this dynamic!
Thanks for your perspective on this, I'm slowly but surely beginning to understand "qpr"s 😊
Glad it was helpful!
Granted I come at this from a different perspective, due to being autistic I'm often messaged by society as a whole that hetero-normative relationships (or even relationships more generally) are more 'something that happens to other people' which can make discussions of Aspec topics since there can be a lot of thinking that sexual relationships are "too adult" for me (I'm 31 by the way) and (while attitudes are changing) there has been a strong air that by extension relationships are not something I could do since they've got an inherently sexual element (my priest says this isn't the case though and there are people who contest the idea) however I have noticed that there's an interesting response to the topic of Queer-Platonic Relationships.
Comments like; "isn't that so wholesome, like 2 best friends." or "isn't that just being friends?" and just occasionally "But how are two adults supposed to have a relationship if they don't have sex?"
That last one is something that not only was refuted at Church since they tell us relationships are perfectly valid without sex being involved, but also the courts ruled against when the courts ruled that a man and woman could live together and live "as husband and wife" according to the act without having sex, in other words sex was not required for a couple to be accorded such rights as the Rent Act accorded people living 'as husband and wife'.
I think this is such a good description, i am allo and my queer platonic partner is too, but we dont feel sexual attraction towards each other and its not romantic really either, i kind of feel like i am platonically in love, its like almost romantic, but its not idk haha. We both didn't know what QPRs are until recently, we kind of just fell into this and one day realised this term describes us. We get mistaken for a couple all the time cause we hold hands and cuddle etc. and we definitely have more commitment and structure in our relationship than the typical friendship. And actually when i look back on my life i have always wanted a QPR but didnt know this existed until it happend. It was a very slow process for us, our friendship just naturally grew into this over the years
Im angled aroace and am in a QPR with my childhood best friend, known him since spring 2010. We had an instant connection the moment we met.
I promoted this video of yours amongst a number of others that discuss Queerplatonic Relationships in my newest video on my channel! Thanks for this! :)
Thank you for your channel! It's helping me realize I'm ace in my romantic relationship. And I've been sending these videos to my aro-ace sister who is struggling rn with dating.
You're so welcome!
I wonder if a fair few of those Boston Marriages some women had around 1900, even among those who were straight but preferred career to marriage, could've qualified as queer platonic if they'd happened today.
Thanks for this nice video. I have QPRs in my writing, so this is useful to get me thinking more about how to explain/define/show these dynamics that are so undefineable 😊
Glad it was helpful!
Kinda feeling like I’m being held at arms-length by someone who’s just as attracted to me, an Out ace, as I am to them…because…apparently ANY sort of relationship that isn’t Just being aquatinted feels “too romantic” or whatever. Apparently because of the attraction elephant in the room, and whether or not I am actually believed that I don’t give a rat’s ass about dating, would feel like a QPR for this guy. So I keep getting told to “manage my expectations” when…the only expectation I had was…to be friends, not friendly acquaintances. (Heck. I doubt I’ll ever DARE to ask someone for an ACTUAL Ace Romance or QPR after just /trying to be friends!!/ regardless of however else I may/may not feel has resulted in THIS bullshit. I’ve already swallowed “I’ll prolly never have a SO Relationship because I’m ace.” Now apparently it’s time for “I’ll never get to have friendships with the opposite gender especially if any attraction exists because I will never be believed about being satisfied with friendship.”
I feel you on this one >> (Cool name btw! Made a space cat related character years ago, very cool coincidence!🌟😸)
It seems like the hang up is more on the other person's end than yours.
I wouldn't base the entirety of having opposite sex friends on this one person. There are others out there who are perfectly comfortable with the friendship you want to pursue and will believe you.
It's a shame on them that for some reason they can't believe you.
Okay Martha
I am not Asexual but I would say my romantic side doesn't come out until and unless I am sexually satisfied (Demi romantic). Currently I have a Queer Platonic Relationship with one person and a sexual relationship with another. The only one I am romantic, with is the one I have sex with.
Yes, the two of them get along. Infact, we are all involved in a spiritual group doing occult rites. It's a lot of fun and we support each other's growth. The big difference is, with my QPR partner, our bond is more intellectually driven. We don't go on romantic dates or kiss but the bond is undeniable, almost psychic. It's very witchy.
Is my relationship a QPR ?
My fiance is Allo and I'm Aro/Ace spec. How I experience attraction shifts around. On my end it feels like a QPR but his end it's romantic.
I've wondered something similar ... on my end my relationships feel QPR but on their end (they're allo and gay) it's strictly platonic. Honestly I'm aro/ace so the difference is not significant. We're friends. That's the bottom line.
To me it's not important what we call it. If we get caught up in terminology we miss the point. I may think of the relationship differently but my needs are different from theirs. Their friendship is enough for me, I want and expect them to have partners because that's what they need. That doesn't mean that they don't love me every bit as much as I love them. No matter what we call our little triad, it exists and it is lovely.
Could be both, depending on who's doing the labeling, could be mixed, depending on what activities you're engaging in or how you're both comfortable defining it... but it would be good to have that conversation because if one of you is saying the relationship is one thing and another is trying to label it differently, that's really the only point at which confusion would be an issue.
The distinction only matters if it matters, if that makes sense. If your relationship is working and you’re both happy, the specific label isn’t really all that important. But if the dissonance there is causing tension and confusion, it’s worth talking about
In my opinion, a QPR can contain romantic attraction. Just like how two people can have romantic feelings but, for whatever reason, still choose to stay friends, the same can be true of a QPR. It's of course going to be rare, but I maintain that it's possible
Likewise, a QPR between an allo and an aro is also possible. In my relationship, my girlfriend has romantic feelings for me, and I have alterous/queerplatonic feelings for her. We could've called this relationship a romantic relationship, and that would've been totally valid, since by most accounts it kinda looks like one. But we decided to call it a QPR, because that term makes us happier, and we feel it more accurately describes our dynamic
This is a great intro! I always had a hard time understanding and expressing my feelings for my best friend because I didn't feel romantic or physical about her but I still had intense feelings for her that felt "bigger" and "stronger" than platonic. And then a few years ago I learned about queerplatonic relationships and when I sent her a link to a definition, she said "Oh, that's us!" One of our best friends described us as "smitten over each other" but not in a romantic way. I still usually refer to her as my "bestie" because most people I know don't know of QPRs or would understand what they are. (I started dating someone last year and told her "I need you to know right off the bat that this person is my bestie/QPR and we're a package deal, but I'm not ENM and she's not a romantic or physical partner" and it led to a LOT of questions from the other person trying to understand what this meant.) Because of what we're taught about relationships in our society, QPRs are not always easy to explain.
suuuuuper helpful for my writing :D thanks!!
Happy to help!
i love my qpr
I comment for the algorithm, and enjoyed listening to you.
Thank you! I appreciate that.
wish more people knew about queerplatonic relationships, even one of my qpps didnt know about it before we got in one
Commenting for the algorithm!
i cannot express how helpful this video has been for me! thank you so much!!
I'm aro and demi-ace. I wish I had a friend/best friend open to qpr.
I have the feeling my friend is trying to replace me. She is looking for a qpr.
yea i would love to be a queerplatonic relationship but where i live and at my age any relationship sex is expects sex.just came out bty
Can a cis man and a cis woman be in a queetplatonic relationship? Bc i feel like my friend is my platonic soulmate... but also more than that??
I love this videooo, omgg 😔💗💗.
i want a queerplatonic so bad but trust issues say: nO.
My first thought was isn't that just yasification of friendship?
This is a common thing people say to diminish and devalue queerplatonic relationships.
Still not clear what makes it queer? Or more than friend. Zero judgement just not getting it 😵💫. But i definitely need a new "circle" to talk to, and figuring out wants ... more good advice:) thanks now to your book. After sleep 😆
I want a queer platonic partner but I have a question: I consider myself monogamous, but if you'd ask me if I'd be okay with my partner having other partners I'd say sure, does beeing with a poly person make me poly?
No. If you understand yourself as a monogamous person and behave that way with a partner, then that’s what you are. You’re just not expecting monogamy back from a partner. You’re letting your partner be what they are, if that’s polyamorous.
I didn't ask the question but I found your reply really helpful, thank you! And thank you for everything you do, you make such a huge positive difference: what you do helps more than you know. 💜