i was confused how the results added ..thank you for such clear explanation .you guys are the best ..explanation is so clear and at slow pace that anybody can understand
Love you Darling, bcz your way to solving it is the way i was trying to find but everyone solved it in a very same way through constructing a final matrix and appending values in it. But you did it in a very same way i was in search.
Supereb expalantion ,i watched many videos on matriz multiplication on youtube but didnt understood,but this video was very simple to understand matriz multiplication
here pasting entire code: ro_p = int(input('number of rows in A = ')) co_n = int(input('number of columns in A /number of rows in B = ')) colB_q = int(input('number of columns in B = ')) print("enter elements for A: ") A=[int(input()) for i in range(co_n) for j in range(ro_p)] print("A") for i in range(ro_p): for j in range(co_n): print(format(A[i][j], "
Here not able to paste screenshot, pasting part of code below: ro_p = int(input('number of rows in A = ')) co_n = int(input('number of columns in A /number of rows in B = ')) colB_q = int(input('number of columns in B = ')) print("enter elements for A: ") A=[int(input()) for i in range(co_n) for j in range(ro_p)] print("A: ") for i in range(ro_p): for j in range(co_n): print(format(A[i][j], "
Hi, A should be a nested list. like this A=[[int(input()) for i in range(co_n)] for j in range(ro_p)] You are creating a list not a nested list. Try this: ro_p = int(input('number of rows in A = ')) co_n = int(input('number of columns in A /number of rows in B = ')) colB_q = int(input('number of columns in B = ')) print("enter elements for A: ") A=[[int(input()) for i in range(co_n)] for j in range(ro_p)] print("A: ") for i in range(ro_p): for j in range(co_n): print(format(A[i][j],"
A=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] B=[[2,3],[4,6],[8,9]] C=[[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] def matrix_mul(A,B): # write your code for i in range(0,len(C)): for j in range(0,len(C[0])): for k in range(0,len(B)): C[i][j] += A[i][k]*B[k][j]
for row in C: print(row) matrix_mul(A,B) How about this code?
i was confused how the results added ..thank you for such clear explanation .you guys are the best ..explanation is so clear and at slow pace that anybody can understand
Glad it was helpful! :)
Best tutor who teaches each and every concept clearly.
Thank you :)
Love you Darling, bcz your way to solving it is the way i was trying to find but everyone solved it in a very same way through constructing a final matrix and appending values in it. But you did it in a very same way i was in search.
Happy to help 😊
Thank you for your explanation. Your voice is soo sweet 🥰
Thank you! 😃
u r explanation is simply superb. And everyone easily understand..
Thank you 😊
Supereb expalantion ,i watched many videos on matriz multiplication on youtube but didnt understood,but this video was very simple to understand matriz multiplication
Thank you :)
Your voice is so sweet. My half focus was on your voice, yet i completely understood it.
Hats off!
Thanks a lot 😊
Thank you for clearing my concept
What an awesome explanation
Explained very well!
for the logic direct go to 14:00
Thank you mam this tutorial helped me a lot.
Glad to hear that 😊
thanks a lot...for making it easy to undeestand
Pleasure 😊
very nice and clear explanation. Thank you
Thank you so much :)
Thanks a lot sis ❤
Thanks that is very useful
very useful and clear
Thank you 😊
here pasting entire code:
ro_p = int(input('number of rows in A = '))
co_n = int(input('number of columns in A /number of rows in B = '))
colB_q = int(input('number of columns in B = '))
print("enter elements for A: ")
A=[int(input()) for i in range(co_n) for j in range(ro_p)]
for i in range(ro_p):
for j in range(co_n):
print(format(A[i][j], "
Really great video
Glad you enjoyed it :)
Self referential note: 7:40 ru dekhe
what's the equivalent code of your matrix1 list comprehension in ordinary loop?
Great video
gracias! me ayudo mucho para entender la multiplicacion de matrices!
Tried to run your code, at step->print(format(matrix1[i][j], "
give me the full program i will check :)
It's bracket error. Check brackets.
In the list comprehension line there are two square brackets.
Good explanation
Good mam
I subscribe your channel now
Or my question is
Ki phython se website bna skte h kya
Thank you :)
maam i m unable to open python 3.8 in my windows 10
it displays the message of "Port Binding Error" can you help me how to solve this problem
It's better to install python 3.7 for windows 10
Hey! I m getting
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable.
I m unable to solved this error.even I watched your number pattern program.
May you did something wrong with indexing please check :)
Thank youu mam❤️😇
Thank u sis🙇🙇🙇🙇
Welcome 😊
thank you so much, your voice is so sweet.
Thank you:)
what if we want to take user inout and no of colums in matrix 1 is not equal to number of rows in matrix 2
Thank you 🙂🙏🇮🇳
Pleasure :)
1st view n 1st like☺️
If the matrix1 n not equal to matrix 2 n then how to print the output
You mean shape of matrix1 and matrix2?
Ma'am thanks alot for ur tutorial...
but how to multiply two squared matrics of same order?
Plz tell me
When you teach python with django 🤔
Here not able to paste screenshot, pasting part of code below:
ro_p = int(input('number of rows in A = '))
co_n = int(input('number of columns in A /number of rows in B = '))
colB_q = int(input('number of columns in B = '))
print("enter elements for A: ")
A=[int(input()) for i in range(co_n) for j in range(ro_p)]
print("A: ")
for i in range(ro_p):
for j in range(co_n):
print(format(A[i][j], "
A should be a nested list.
like this
A=[[int(input()) for i in range(co_n)] for j in range(ro_p)]
You are creating a list not a nested list.
Try this:
ro_p = int(input('number of rows in A = '))
co_n = int(input('number of columns in A /number of rows in B = '))
colB_q = int(input('number of columns in B = '))
print("enter elements for A: ")
A=[[int(input()) for i in range(co_n)] for j in range(ro_p)]
print("A: ")
for i in range(ro_p):
for j in range(co_n):
@@AmulsAcademy In your video, hope you are not taking nested list at time stamp 17:00
r = [[0 for i in range(len(B))] for i in range(len(A))]
Can you please explain how to write this in a normal for loop.
Thank you.
Mam how to find large number and small number in a row of a matrix?
Where can i get this COde
Sis pls make a video for web developing using python pls..
Please upload calculation of inverse of a matrix
I will try :)
Thank you mam.
Most welcome 😊
Madam,Can your please try to reach Datastructures in python
I will try :)
mam pl post cbse text book based programs so that it will be useful for the students
class 11 and 12
if you give questions i can make videos on that :)
if all you want to do is to multiply:
result = A.dot(B)
here A and B are matrixes that you want to multiply
Can u please make a video on python new features in 3.8 version..
U'r voice is chooooo...... chweeeeetttttttt.....👌
if matrix is given how to calculate with conditions?
muchas gracias
mesmerizing voice
Thank you :)
super sister
nothing but has a separate fanbase
Haha... thank you :)
Cuteness overloaded 💘
Thank you :)
please make a playlist for *Django*
If possible plz make python program for convert matrix into row echelon form.
S2. S1
A. 10. A. 5
B. 20. B. 4
C. 30. C. 6
D. 40. D. 8
Plss tell
Please show the full program
Can i got your code?
Thanks Bro !!
def matrix_mul(A,B):
# write your code
for i in range(0,len(C)):
for j in range(0,len(C[0])):
for k in range(0,len(B)):
C[i][j] += A[i][k]*B[k][j]
for row in C:
How about this code?
Please provide the code .
Use numpy for gods sake
Please provide the source code