Hiya - here's a link to the signup form: docs.google.com/forms/d/1aUPVzGKUt4watIA58MWmHCJ09UOt7XukZwqejpb28x4/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbclid=IwAR2g9b9ER_nnKvnWBC146s3o7LH_2iZJpJVFQFOpA831F6SN5pVlCjuifFw&fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZx3uM9h_XlEz36qv6IZYesMTcYHnmxbaeKfq6SyXJ3l6P7z6t05a-7ATw_aem_SKifBp4a6nY1c9S63fMAIg
This could be for me.
Good on you for mentioning the fact it's part of a club and there are fees to ride.
Fees to ride, what you own the land i think not, ill ride it and i'm not paying any fees to anyone.
Well please don't break your neck down twister.
@@Goodthings81 i'll try my best not too.
They looks great, £20 a year seems super reasonable.
My local spot.
Just been on the page , how do I join ? Thanks
Hiya - here's a link to the signup form: docs.google.com/forms/d/1aUPVzGKUt4watIA58MWmHCJ09UOt7XukZwqejpb28x4/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbclid=IwAR2g9b9ER_nnKvnWBC146s3o7LH_2iZJpJVFQFOpA831F6SN5pVlCjuifFw&fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZx3uM9h_XlEz36qv6IZYesMTcYHnmxbaeKfq6SyXJ3l6P7z6t05a-7ATw_aem_SKifBp4a6nY1c9S63fMAIg