Heh, I wasn't SUPER lucky myself but I got 4 eyjas and a swire in 160 and I'm pretty happy with the results. That being said, I got Muelsyse and Ho'ol in the first two pulls of the previous banner soooooooooooooooo :P
I did 80 pulls on mumu'a banner but only got hool (one and only at 19 pity) and now i got eyja alter from free ten pull at pity 2 🥲. My luck on anniv .5 banner is so good while on the anniv .0 is literally dogshit. I pull 120 pulls++ at tex alt banner and only got 1 pennace and 2 texalt (which actually only two coz the last tex is from free pull at near last day)
dumped everything to get muelsye and didn't get her, dropped 2 x10 on this and get eyja. luck is wild.
same thing happened to me
2 trashoyeaks and no mumu
i got her under 40 pulls eyja 200 pulls NOTHING, i wasted everything. im absolutely destroyed.
wow nice pulls need and want badly
Heh, I wasn't SUPER lucky myself but I got 4 eyjas and a swire in 160 and I'm pretty happy with the results.
That being said, I got Muelsyse and Ho'ol in the first two pulls of the previous banner soooooooooooooooo :P
not bad) I got my Eyja AND Swire in first free 10-pull)
thx for the video
I spent everything on 120 pulls and got 2 swires
I hate limited banners
23 pulls eyja alter...
I want Swire tho
TF you all get eyjalter? I Fu*king do 200pull just get max pot swirl alter, gaviel, mudmud😭😭
whats the music in the outro tho?
I did 80 pulls on mumu'a banner but only got hool (one and only at 19 pity) and now i got eyja alter from free ten pull at pity 2 🥲. My luck on anniv .5 banner is so good while on the anniv .0 is literally dogshit. I pull 120 pulls++ at tex alt banner and only got 1 pennace and 2 texalt (which actually only two coz the last tex is from free pull at near last day)