You actually get used tothat pretty quickly. As long as you don't blast at the same time this is not that hard to pull of (albeit with less air than normal)
+Matthew Olson Take the train! or the bus! Shiit! I used to do that back in the day going to shows when I used to live in Boston, take the train and sometimes miss the train so I'd be stranded 6 hours away from where I lived lol
I don't know what is it about the sound of this recording, the mastering process or the quality of the mics idk, but it sounds fucking incredible. You guys at CaliberTV did an amazing job!!!
Keep in mind, the audio from this was mixed and mastered. I have never heard his vocals quite so crisp and clean as they are here, and the audio production certainly is playing at least a slight part in that.
coming from a student who takes video media arts for my highschools technical school i say that the production team did an amazing job to make this video possible you dont really understand how hard it is to create a video like this until you actually become one of the production team members. round of applause for ya. ya da real mvp
I would buy tickets so fucking fast My Damnation is still one of my favorite records. And I've been waiting so long for Calling In Silence and Last Breath to be played live.
Same. Idk why they aren't coming up with that idea, I mean BVB got the idea and they made a DVD, I want to see Chelsea Grin and Motionless In White to make Live Concert DVD's. Cuz they'd be amazing!
I agree that tom is way better but chelsea is different/nothing without alex. he is the reason why I'm still listening starting from thre EP up to self inflicted album and now its way different to what's the CG ive known. then to me it's so boring. i still respect yall opinion and the only point im commenting is because i really missed the old days with alex. 👌
I can only imagine how amazing it was, it's probably my 100th timing visiting this video by now.. my next guess would be 666th time visiting this video.. it's just as likely. Rock on my dude.
This whole set has left me speechless. I've never seen Chelsea Grin live but most of their live videos are just a bit weak like you can see the vocalist struggling and the band doesn't sound that good. This is just insane. The vocals are 10/10 and the whole band sounds deathcore as fuck. Props for the band and the people who recorded and mixed this.
One of the best live shot videos, when it comes to sound quality, I've ever seen. Saw this tour a few weeks before this was posted. Just as awesome sounding as when I was 3 feet away haha! Their live shows keep getting better and better.
CaliberTv you guys should upload the crewcabanger performance separately as well cause these guys fucking killed it and I want the whole world to know!!
This is the best live performance by Chelsea Grin I've ever seen on youtube. They are so on point on this one and it's great to hear those rare old songs like False Sense of Sanity and Cast From Perfection. Pablo's and Alex's vocals together is like a fucking demon choir or something.
The way they dropped crewcabanger at the end reminded me of how sad I was that my friend couldn't get work off so we could see them on this tour here in cali 😭
the energy at this show was something id never felt in my life. cant believe you guys captured such a sick video of it amd cant believe im so late to seeing it, gave me chills for an hour
I like Alex and Tom, but for some reason I like Chelsea Grin more with Alex, success is always for Chelsea and Chelsea Grin is one of my favorite bands🔥🔥
Anyone who is saying Alex wasn't good live, should watch this video. Can't believe he is not a part of Chelsea Grin anymore :( Tom Barber is a superior vocalist, hands down, but for me Alex' vocals made Chelsea Grin unique. I will miss this!
I've been seeing chelsea grin live once or twice a year since 2011 and holy shit they always put on a badass show!! The DOE tour was by far my favorite show to attend in chicago.
This is SUCH a well-recorded set!! Audio is deliciously pristine and the camera shots are incredible. Could you guys consider recording a set of Born Of Osiris The New Reign 10 Year Tour?
And the best part about all of this.... Is knowing that Chelsea Grin is coming to Warped Tour this year!!!! I'll Finally get to see them live! And if they are gonna be as good as they are in this vid..... Then I'm Freakin' Stoked!!! XD
Take it from someone who's seen these guys four times; they always put on an incredible show. I definitely look forward to the fifth time I can see them this Summer.
Wow.. have been with these guys since the beginning and have seen many band mates come and go.. saw them back 7 years ago and were amazing.. still are!! One of my favorite bands 🤟🤟
+fernie esparza we just recorded the audio differently for this set. We usually plug directly into the board and get whatever feed is sent to us. But we actually had a multitrack recording of this set done and had it mixed by a producer. :)
No es por nada , sigues pasando los años y no cambiaría jamás a, Alex cómo vocal el hizo muy bien su Core . Sus letras y death Core fueron de lo mejor en sus tiempos . Afortunados los que lo vimos en vivo😂😮😢
I wish I would have gotten a chance to see this lineup of Grin, I just saw them with Tom in Syracuse November 2nd and they absolutely killed it, but this is the lineup I love.
Oh im gonna miss this now.Alex Koehler i respect your decision for leaving the band for your health and will always support you throughout your career!
Sometimes I prefer massive chug fests over shred and polyrhythms. This is one of those times. Alex is a monster and these guys deserve a lot more credit for the quality of their live shows for sure.
the ability to play 15 full songs with such quality screaming and energy is insane...
it comes with proper warm-up and knowing how to properly scream. but still impressive nonetheless!
I acually get better the more songs I do 😁 maybe it's the same for him, it just becomes easier
Could be... All of our voices tend to be different, mine is usually very consistent until I run out of breath haha
you cant really blame him after many years of screaming who would go all in on a 15 set show that lasted for weeks
+Mitch Not Lucky THAT NAME
They aren't getting the credit they deserve for how much they have improved in a live environment
couldnt agree more! so solid! Alex is sounding so good live now!
Very very true.
Especially the drummer. He has gotten WAYYYYY better.
pablo is the best group member. he deserves a better band, tbh
so much respect for the drummer for doing backup vocals and nailing the parts, no way i could do that
You actually get used tothat pretty quickly. As long as you don't blast at the same time this is not that hard to pull of (albeit with less air than normal)
fair enough
what a time to be alive
yeah, Pablo indeed a perfect drummer/back vocalist. wish he was a CG frontman neither Tom
If you've never seen Chelsea Grin live go see them live, trust me its worth your cash.
+Matthew Olson On tour with Attila and Emmure. CANT GET BETTER THAN THAT!
+Matthew Olson Take the train! or the bus! Shiit! I used to do that back in the day going to shows when I used to live in Boston, take the train and sometimes miss the train so I'd be stranded 6 hours away from where I lived lol
Thank f they're coming to SA this year2
Na, probably just delicious nose clams
Seen them two times and they fucking killed it everytime. I went home with bruises and scratches everywhere but it was soo worth it
Judgement - 00:21
Desolation of Eden - 01:30
False Sense of Sanity - 05:27
Sonnet of the Wretched - 08:18
Cheyne Stokes - 12:31
The Human Condition - 15:34
Elysium - 20:00
Recreant - 22:27
Cast from Perfection - 26:59
Revenant - 29:56
Wasteland - 33:46
Skin Deep - 36:47
Clockwork - 40:22
My Damnation - 45:19
Crewcabanger - 51:09
omg thank you so much. im so glad you put this here because i realized that the set list wasn’t in the description
You're doing God's work. Bless you
It already in the description. But thank you
I don't know what is it about the sound of this recording, the mastering process or the quality of the mics idk, but it sounds fucking incredible.
You guys at CaliberTV did an amazing job!!!
+Armadacorer thank you! Our good friend Matt Thomas from AshTone Audio mixed and mastered the audio!
CaliberTV Thank you and Matt Thomas! This is Best Set! ;)
Rojasvivas yeah they did
they truly did !
Say what you want about Chelsea Grin, but they are 10/10 live.
Can't wait for warped 😍
I just saw them at warped today!!! SO FUCKING GOOD!
super dank live
Keep in mind, the audio from this was mixed and mastered. I have never heard his vocals quite so crisp and clean as they are here, and the audio production certainly is playing at least a slight part in that.
Can't use auto tune on screams ;)
coming from a student who takes video media arts for my highschools technical school i say that the production team did an amazing job to make this video possible you dont really understand how hard it is to create a video like this until you actually become one of the production team members. round of applause for ya. ya da real mvp
Anyone else hoping for a My Damnation tour too?
I agree
I would buy tickets so fucking fast My Damnation is still one of my favorite records. And I've been waiting so long for Calling In Silence and Last Breath to be played live.
Anyone waiting for Evolve tour?
MWL0D3K65 That'd be sick as shit as well!
that drummer is so excellent... the entire bands timing is just on point as well
probably playing to a click track in their in-ears
hchoe741 yeah i know that, most signed bands do that for accuracy. but im still saying the timing is good
Damn this is some quality live footage right here
This will be my favorite live performance to ever exist, thanks caliberTV
I am so impressed with Alex right here fuuuuuuuuck
A couple weeks ago people thought we couldn't scream anymore, he showed them lol
But he fucked up his growls-without them he sounds bad...
This is truly nostalgia. This mixing is very raw, and those vocals. dont let me start on the vocals, alex is fucking back!!!
hes fuckin back for sure what a time to be alive
Pastabilities exactly he is back i honestly got goosebumbs listening to how heavy he sounds
Pastabilities and now he's gone lol
@@wrxhex lol
i still think The human condition 15:34 is an underrated song , is just perfect!
reyo finally someone says it! Haha about 2 years late on this comment 🤣
Clockwork or skin deep gets it for me in this video. The endings are so fucking earie it makes my skin crawl. Human condition opening is legit aswell
The Human Condition is just insane
51:09 guy screams "crewcabanger" in the crowd, then .... "BRIIHIIHIHIIIIIHRIRJ"
You know that guy lost his shit when they actually played it.
@@AnthonyTLKR Oh you know he was loving it. The beauty of it is that the set list is predefined. Stellar timing on his part lol
That's called: Make-A-Wish
i love you calibertv for always having amazing audio no matter what band you put up
Same. Idk why they aren't coming up with that idea, I mean BVB got the idea and they made a DVD, I want to see Chelsea Grin and Motionless In White to make Live Concert DVD's. Cuz they'd be amazing!
+XSethUprisingX Gothic Productions (Just putting it out there) Whitechapel recently released their DVD 'Brotherhood of the Blade'
racer24t yea I know, I own it on CD, both the CD and DVD in one, XD
+XSethUprisingX Gothic Productions haha nice!
maybe if you meet CG you can ask one of them if they ever got the idea of making a LIVE concert DVD xD
fucking FINALLY a live video with the end of revenant
god i wish i was there!!
Thanks for this CaliberTV!
how deathcore fans hate this band is beyond me. listen to that show they put on. beautiful brutality.
Maybe it's bcs the inconsistency (not in quality, but in style) or fanbase
its just bad.
They were all on top of their fucking game dude. Thanks you so much for the upload, amazing quality video and audio wise!
who else here are missing alex???? itś 2019 now and still....
That's exactly why im here :(
Fuckinng sameeee
I actually like tom way better
Nope, Tom is way better
I agree that tom is way better but chelsea is different/nothing without alex. he is the reason why I'm still listening starting from thre EP up to self inflicted album and now its way different to what's the CG ive known. then to me it's so boring.
i still respect yall opinion and the only point im commenting is because i really missed the old days with alex. 👌
I will never forgive myself for missing their tour, DOE is my favourite release by Grin for sure
Seeing them tonight. Maybe I shouldn't watch this and spoil it for myself haha.
Your everywhere
@@yaboistalin869 lmao straight up wtf.
pvp and metal always went hand in hand especially normal bgs just stompin
I can only imagine how amazing it was, it's probably my 100th timing visiting this video by now.. my next guess would be 666th time visiting this video.. it's just as likely. Rock on my dude.
This whole set has left me speechless. I've never seen Chelsea Grin live but most of their live videos are just a bit weak like you can see the vocalist struggling and the band doesn't sound that good. This is just insane. The vocals are 10/10 and the whole band sounds deathcore as fuck. Props for the band and the people who recorded and mixed this.
René TR I've seen then 5 times live and they were basically like this every time
Hola René
@@theblackmen3579 Hola buenas
@@adrianbioscagomez veo que sigue habiendo buen gusto musical
@@daniellopez9495 en efecto, mi estimado caballero 🤝
They have definitely stepped up their game when it comes to their own live performances
One of the best live shot videos, when it comes to sound quality, I've ever seen. Saw this tour a few weeks before this was posted. Just as awesome sounding as when I was 3 feet away haha! Their live shows keep getting better and better.
26:24 literally gives me chills every time
This is DVD material
I live in their home town. Seen them live probably 100 times. This is defiantly there best
I think this is the best live show I've ever seen from Chelsea Grin dude Alex you are fucking killing it live now 😱🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Elysium is so fucking beautiful
38:34 "where am i?"
Guitar player is like wait what
Young speave
Wow....they have gotten so much better live. I'm a year behind on this, but I don't remember them being this good.
Pablo is seriously underrated. Dude's a fucking machine!
He produces my friends band 😄
Look up my friends band, Infection of The Broken
and he's a chill dude
Easily the best show I ever attended
The "You are dead to me" in Recreant was earsplitting, holy fuck leagues better than the recorded version.
still one of my favorite cds to date, and ill give him credit..i didnt think he couldve pulled this off...he did pretty good.
The quality of this recording is out of this world, sounds better than plenty studio albums
this entire show is embodied by four simple words... ""
absolutely well done on the mix, its ridiculously good. So excited to watch the full set!
CaliberTv you guys should upload the crewcabanger performance separately as well cause these guys fucking killed it and I want the whole world to know!!
ArmyOf2Films wat minute?
Finally the Sound Quality is 100%!!! hope from here on out all vids sound this good
This is the best live performance by Chelsea Grin I've ever seen on youtube. They are so on point on this one and it's great to hear those rare old songs like False Sense of Sanity and Cast From Perfection. Pablo's and Alex's vocals together is like a fucking demon choir or something.
Caliber TV you guys never disappoint HIS LOWS OMG!!!! AMAZING
I think I speak for everyone when I say that this is an amazing performance from Alex
Alex fucking destroyed this set. His vocals were incredible. Props man.
The way they dropped crewcabanger at the end reminded me of how sad I was that my friend couldn't get work off so we could see them on this tour here in cali 😭
the drummer eats steroid laced burritos before the set
holy fuckin shit yea
Corey Mcalinden, he actually eats Green Burritos.
Pablo’s an animal
Awevo pendejo
the energy at this show was something id never felt in my life. cant believe you guys captured such a sick video of it amd cant believe im so late to seeing it, gave me chills for an hour
best live of chelsea grin
Dari Indonesia, tepatnya dari Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah.. cuma mau bilang.. CAAAADAAAASSSS 🤘
Soundnya, aksinya, energinya, semua komplit.. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Jaaasaaaadd 🤘
I like Alex and Tom, but for some reason I like Chelsea Grin more with Alex, success is always for Chelsea and Chelsea Grin is one of my favorite bands🔥🔥
I was at the Fort Worth show. It was the craziest night of my life.
28:33 THAT DAB
+Metal Gavin \m/ Straight up LEGENDARY!
+connor hayes OH SHIT U RIGHT
Wow this is arguably the best live show I've seen
Who knew Mac Miller could scream. Wow.
Gerardo Garcia oooooooooooo you have ruined it for me in one comment hahahaha
so glad I caught these guys live when this album first dropped
The quality on this is so good! Have any Oceans Ate Alaska or Wage War?
If they had any Oceans Ate Alaska or Lorna Shore sets, that'd be amazing!!
Alex and the band have improved so much, I got to see them on this tour for the second time and they where amazing!
Anyone who is saying Alex wasn't good live, should watch this video. Can't believe he is not a part of Chelsea Grin anymore :( Tom Barber is a superior vocalist, hands down, but for me Alex' vocals made Chelsea Grin unique. I will miss this!
He will be back one day trust me
@FlightCastTV hope so its his band
ab27 na, alex has superior highs, in my opinion. There’s just something about them. Sound demonic.
Yeah, he really is, but with Tom it’s just Lorna Shore 2.0 imo
@@0xESK1MO dude no, the difference in instrumental is so huge! Also Lorna is blackened deathcore and Chelsea Grin is melodic deathcore
The reason I subscribed. These guysbwere amazing every time I've seen them & just get more & more sick. Keep up the rad videos.
I fucking love this band so hardly. I wish I was there 😢
I've been seeing chelsea grin live once or twice a year since 2011 and holy shit they always put on a badass show!! The DOE tour was by far my favorite show to attend in chicago.
July 2024 anyone? 🎉😁
I saw them live for the first time at warp tour 2016, they're really good
This is SUCH a well-recorded set!! Audio is deliciously pristine and the camera shots are incredible. Could you guys consider recording a set of Born Of Osiris The New Reign 10 Year Tour?
I very love this band!!! Their music is very simple and at the same time sounds very cool
And the best part about all of this.... Is knowing that Chelsea Grin is coming to Warped Tour this year!!!! I'll Finally get to see them live! And if they are gonna be as good as they are in this vid..... Then I'm Freakin' Stoked!!! XD
Are you...
Cheyne Stoked?
Zak Storey HA! Yes, yes I am! XD
+Zak Storey stfu! haha
Take it from someone who's seen these guys four times; they always put on an incredible show. I definitely look forward to the fifth time I can see them this Summer.
This set is god tier
Tom barber has insane vocals
But this guy is also a legend at it
They energy just insane
Maaaan he totaly nailed the Crewcabanger ...
Wow.. have been with these guys since the beginning and have seen many band mates come and go.. saw them back 7 years ago and were amazing.. still are!! One of my favorite bands 🤟🤟
24:28 SICK
This was amazing! Congratulations to @caliberTV for delivering such a HQ product!
Everything about this is just on point.
Amazing live performance and great sound...well mixed.
Did you all get some better mics to record with? The quality sounds way clearer!
+fernie esparza we just recorded the audio differently for this set. We usually plug directly into the board and get whatever feed is sent to us. But we actually had a multitrack recording of this set done and had it mixed by a producer. :)
+CaliberTV wait, so they didnt sound like this? I dont get it ;/
+Данаил Георгиев they played this tight, but the sound quality differs from the show obviously.
saw this show in edmonton and it was the last stop of this tour and they lit it the fuck up!! Was absolutely mental
No es por nada , sigues pasando los años y no cambiaría jamás a, Alex cómo vocal el hizo muy bien su Core . Sus letras y death Core fueron de lo mejor en sus tiempos .
Afortunados los que lo vimos en vivo😂😮😢
Thank you so much guys! A complete live set in a fantastic quality! Good job, keep going on!
I seriously can't wait to see Skin Deep live.
Just give this Channel AWARDD..!!!
That video made me headbang so much omg
I wish I would have gotten a chance to see this lineup of Grin, I just saw them with Tom in Syracuse November 2nd and they absolutely killed it, but this is the lineup I love.
Alex is back, holy shit.
+Timothy Palmer where did he go?
PHANTOMKILLERX1 he sucked ass for a few years, but now he's back on it
get out, you cant come back
PHANTOMKILLERX1 You feeling alright?
what did i say? go on and get boy.
Oh im gonna miss this now.Alex Koehler i respect your decision for leaving the band for your health and will always support you throughout your career!
Well, at least Jason got a MusicMan for every member of the band.
they were endorsed a lil before Jason joined the band
Absolutely amazing! Best live performence from CG here in TH-cam.
Ridiculous how people say he is losing his voice. Sounded awesome..
He already lost his voice bro. Tom replaced him as the new vocal.
@@johncanonigo8984 Didn't lose his voice. Became an addict. Had to leave Chelsea Grin to recover.
Thats the best performance of Crewcabanger i've ever seen. So bummed this tour didn't come through portland.
Vocalist looks like mac miller dressed as frankie palmeri
Hank Grossen Its a joke bro,chill.
Fuck everyone in the replies. Best TH-cam comment of 2016 hands down.
For once the audio is amazing guys haha great job!
That pause at recreant was fire mate
+Albert Coughlin mmmmmmmm yummy
Can't get much better than that quality live sound...awesome.
Sometimes I prefer massive chug fests over shred and polyrhythms. This is one of those times. Alex is a monster and these guys deserve a lot more credit for the quality of their live shows for sure.
Anyone else have more fun listening to them live?