I have a couple of Kowa's with 55, 85, 150, and 250mm lens and I have shot with them for over 25 years. They are good camera's but not without their own quarks. The first is the weight, a Kowa and 85mm lens is noticeably heavier than my RB67 with a 90mm lens. As noted the mirror slap is louder than a Jerry Springing show face slap and about as hard. Finally, it can be more difficult to find repair shops given that they are some what more obscure. On the plus side the lenses are sharp. The camera holds up with the reasonable care. They are inexpensive and finally they are leaf shutter lenses so they flash sync at any speed. All in all they are nice cameras and it was good to see someone giving them props.
Cool camera and even cooler video! You seem like a super nice guy and your photos are amazing! This is making me want to get into medium format on my channel!
Hey, thanks so much Reimann! Back at ya! You know I had to go to your channel and check you out. Good work man! Keep it going. Oh and if you get into Medium format, be careful you’ll then want to go bigger. ☺️ Subbed
@@HayesPeterson oh dude I know haha medium format is very enticing but I think I’m going to try to enjoy 35mm until I find a really good deal on a medium format camera
@@HayesPeterson for sure!! Thanks for the advice! I don’t think I would go with an RB or RZ. I’m thinking maybe a Mamiya TLR👀 a bit smaller form factor and square format which I have ideas for
I’ve always like the coziness of 6x6. My Kowa stops functioning on the final frame. I keep a nail handy to finish cocking the shutter after removing the lens.
Just picked up one in all black off eBay. Went to Venice beach and shot street portraits with it...no one turned down a single request to be photographed. There’s something special about box 6x6 style cameras that even lay-people find appealing. It is a strange one since it looks like a TLR but isn’t. And...The images are stunning off the proprietary glass! Planning on picking up several more bodies till the prices jump and the wide lens. My Leica M6 is worried...LOL. Cheers!
I was also thinking about picking up a kowa six for street portraits. Would you mind sharing a link to your work? I would love to see the portraits from this camera.
@@walk_dont_walk I won't post my social channels here. But rest assured, the lenses are very similar to Hasselblad rendering. Unfortunately the shutter mechanisms tend to fail.
So from what I’ve seen, these cameras sell anywhere from $300-$600 on average. I snagged this for $100. Maybe not “insane” but still a really good deal. 😉
6x6.and I prefer the Kowa 66 to the Hasselblad these days. it just feels better in the hands, great optics and great built quality. and wonderful sound... as well as the hasselblad 500 c/cm... ;-)
Thanks for that great Video und the view to that beautyful Camera. I think it's a matter of the kind, you shoot. Some motives are better composed in 6x6, others in 6x4,5... I get a really good quality with my Pentax 67 and the optics, they produced.
@@westdk6705 You can get them fixed and the jam cleared. Here in the US Ross Yerks does a great job with Kowa's but I am confident if you call around you can find someone in Europe to do it. the last time I had my camera guy clear the jam and CLA the camera it was about $85 USD.
I have a couple of Kowa's with 55, 85, 150, and 250mm lens and I have shot with them for over 25 years. They are good camera's but not without their own quarks. The first is the weight, a Kowa and 85mm lens is noticeably heavier than my RB67 with a 90mm lens. As noted the mirror slap is louder than a Jerry Springing show face slap and about as hard. Finally, it can be more difficult to find repair shops given that they are some what more obscure. On the plus side the lenses are sharp. The camera holds up with the reasonable care. They are inexpensive and finally they are leaf shutter lenses so they flash sync at any speed. All in all they are nice cameras and it was good to see someone giving them props.
Great pictures!!
Cool camera and even cooler video! You seem like a super nice guy and your photos are amazing! This is making me want to get into medium format on my channel!
Hey, thanks so much Reimann! Back at ya! You know I had to go to your channel and check you out. Good work man! Keep it going. Oh and if you get into Medium format, be careful you’ll then want to go bigger. ☺️ Subbed
@@HayesPeterson oh dude I know haha medium format is very enticing but I think I’m going to try to enjoy 35mm until I find a really good deal on a medium format camera
@@ReimannPembroke If you can, try a few different cameras out before you buy. So many sizes and flavors in Medium format. ☺️
@@HayesPeterson for sure!! Thanks for the advice! I don’t think I would go with an RB or RZ. I’m thinking maybe a Mamiya TLR👀 a bit smaller form factor and square format which I have ideas for
I love 6x9 & 645. Does it have interchangeable backs?
David Rothschild I don’t believe it does. Never found anything online about that feature.
Super 66's have backs but they are only 6x6 as far as I know.
@@ralphroach3230 For real? I'll need to check that out at some point. Thanks for letting everyone know.
Ross Yerkes services these cameras in Los Angeles, Ca.
I’ve always like the coziness of 6x6.
My Kowa stops functioning on the final frame. I keep a nail handy to finish cocking the shutter after removing the lens.
Michael Germundson I’d love to see how you do that. I know it’s just a matter of time till that happens to me. 😉
Just picked up one in all black off eBay. Went to Venice beach and shot street portraits with it...no one turned down a single request to be photographed. There’s something special about box 6x6 style cameras that even lay-people find appealing. It is a strange one since it looks like a TLR but isn’t. And...The images are stunning off the proprietary glass! Planning on picking up several more bodies till the prices jump and the wide lens. My Leica M6 is worried...LOL. Cheers!
I was also thinking about picking up a kowa six for street portraits. Would you mind sharing a link to your work? I would love to see the portraits from this camera.
@@walk_dont_walk I won't post my social channels here. But rest assured, the lenses are very similar to Hasselblad rendering. Unfortunately the shutter mechanisms tend to fail.
Good job man
Thanks so much Ray! Just getting to some comments I've missed. Going to check out your channel Now. Stoked
@@HayesPeterson hey thanks, that camera doesn't get enough exposure. I didn't mean for that to be a double entendre lol
May I ask.. what does an "insane price" mean - just to get an idea?
So from what I’ve seen, these cameras sell anywhere from $300-$600 on average.
I snagged this for $100. Maybe not “insane” but still a really good deal. 😉
Great video and shots
koby1960 Thanks so much man! 🙏
6x6.and I prefer the Kowa 66 to the Hasselblad these days. it just feels better in the hands, great optics and great built quality. and wonderful sound... as well as the hasselblad 500 c/cm... ;-)
Thanks for that great Video und the view to that beautyful Camera.
I think it's a matter of the kind, you shoot.
Some motives are better composed in 6x6, others in 6x4,5...
I get a really good quality with my Pentax 67 and the optics, they produced.
Riffeldoc That Pentax 67 2.4 lens might be the best lens in films medium format world.
HayesPeterson Ouh yessss, but not a cheap one.
But i‘m happy with the Standard Lenses.
I dont like japan glass for me they are too sharp ( owned mamiyas rb, c330) but this kowa camera optics seems to have more zeiss feel.
Tried the square ratio, hated it. Settle with the 645, living happely since
Nelson M. I like em all just been enjoying the square and the 12 frames it gives. 😉
6x6 :)
Not only does that camera have sex appeal, it preforms! That slap thoo! lol Great shots man!
Cutter McCue Right! 😂 really fun to shoot with and it’s kind of cool not many have seen it.
Hello mate!! I just found One Kowa six, 3 lenses , Handgrip ,Prisme and other stuff incl in super condition 631 USD here in Denmark :)
That’s amazing! Have you shot with it yet?
@@HayesPeterson Not yet !! Is it possible to fix the shutter when jammed/cocked and how to do ?? Is it the same like on Hasselblad 500cm ??
@@westdk6705 Not sure, I haven't had to fix that yet. I just know you want to be really gentle with the leaf shutter. Maybe some rubbing alcohol?
@@westdk6705 You can get them fixed and the jam cleared. Here in the US Ross Yerks does a great job with Kowa's but I am confident if you call around you can find someone in Europe to do it. the last time I had my camera guy clear the jam and CLA the camera it was about $85 USD.
6x6, 6x9 and 6x17. I find the 6x4.5 and 6x7 mediocre visually too "in between."