Make the difference between respecting those who have done a tremendous job saving the religion that you follow, and idol-worship. Before you reveal any lack of knowledge, why don't you look to history to find the status of the men you criticise. The Shi'a scholars have been a beacon of light through every period in history.
Make the difference between respecting those who have done a tremendous job saving the religion that you follow, and idol-worship. Before you reveal any lack of knowledge, why don't you look to history to find the status of the men you criticise. The Shi'a scholars have been a beacon of light through every period in history.
كلها كم سنة و يرجع العصر الجاهلي و الأصنام
@yat81 since when was insulting people the way of your prophet? you shouldn't even be calling yourself muslim, forget sunni / shia.