40:41 yes holding Q hurt, but I'd also argue that ulting there was also a mistake. She'd already used her CC and wasn't able to ride ult yet so you probably would have run her down with just AA. Should have saved ult for an out just in case (or to greed for shutdown)
jax counterstrike does not block stuns(with exception of stuns bound with auto like tf w) and ww e is best way to counter it, he just ran out of range when u tried it with his dukes. hope that helps.
Fun tip if you see this pekin, from a warwick main. If you hold down your q on someone while they are suppressed by your ult, it will frame perfect attach. No matter how quickly they spam flash or a movement ability (kai'sa ult in the first game) you will follow.
Tried that many many games. Maybe it's a ping issue. It never attaches me. Maybe it's unlucky matchups against Kaisa or khazix where they stealth before flashing. I am unsure what is causing the issue
@@PekinWoof To be fair, you're also in a higher elo, so perhaps your opponents have more restraint and wait for the q before flashing. Theoretically even if they are spamming their stealth while suppressed, your q will go off and follow them before they can be untargetable. Or maybe rito's spaghetti code is messing something up again. I think his w still has the first auto bug. These two games were just unlucky. The kai'sa one you pressed E after ult which locks you out of autos and Q for a short duration, and at 38:07 with the kha'zix, I watched in super slow motion multiple times. Your Q was still on cool down at 0.0s when your ult finished. Literally only a couple frames where kha'zix could stealth before your Q came up. Or, I just may be wrong about how those abilities work. Whatever the case, keep playing Warwick. It's a ton of fun to see you play him well.
@@Lethal_BiteAlso, I thought you had to let go of the Q for it to actually activate/follow. Though I've seen plenty of people just say "hold it". This is where a keyboard overlay (which doesn't seem very common anymore) would help a lot.
@@Dyanosis nope, as long as you're on quick cast, simply holding will do the bite and swing through. No release necessary. And I do the w workaround always, so I just hadn't checked whether it was fixed or not. I guess if you're on manual cast then maybe you do have to release. Maybe I'll test that.
The talk at 32:00 resonates so painfully as someone who used to be a Warwick main and still loves the character. Welcome to the pain of playing Warwick, you’re playing a champion whose entire kit is centered around hunting people down, getting on them and staying on them, yet somehow he is frustratingly easy to escape from and enemies will give you the slip all the time. (I think it’s mostly down to losing the bonus movement speed on a low health enemy when you enter combat, you can make the initial run up to them but then they can just run and every time you auto you just put yourself further behind on keeping with them) The annoyance of that constantly happening lead me to junglers like Udyr and especially Mordekaiser instead, both of them have move speed boosts that work in combat as well as the ability to slow enemies in an aura with Rylai’s so they’re that much harder to escape and finally both have additional methods to shut down escapes with Udyr stun and Mord pull (and ult I suppose) To me, both of them felt so much better at that fantasy of making sure your prey doesn’t escape you once you’re locked on and it’s frustrating because that’s so much more a part of Warwick’s identity and also I love Warwick.
Warwick is absolutely thrilling to watch, no worries there. There's also a ton of WW specific tech and tricks that AFAIK are often surprisingly easy to learn when compared to how unknown they are. WW enthusiasts are absolutely going to be bombing your WW vids with tips, but thankfully they seem to be some of the more chill LoL circles out there. IDK how, but you seem to consistently land on loving playing champs and/or builds that I love watching, like with AP Twitch. Honestly, it's often that the more unconventional AP builds (doesn't apply exactly here, but generally) are just great.
During the 1v1 with Zed at 12:20 it looked like E's 2.5 sec duration would have been long enough to tank the Zed ult, but recasting it ended the damage reduction.
Another comment - your runes in the second video are much better. Second Wind and Revitalize are why Midwick works, it enables him to out sustain most mages mana pools. Paired with a Doran's shield, even post nerf, its insane. You don't miss the damage. Against team comps you can't auto that well, like the one you faced, I would have gone PtA or Grasp. Fleet can also work if all you are doing is being a CC bot for a hyper carry because their comp shuts you down. PoM is required in every rune page for lanewick. Jax is a very easy matchup until super late. You want your E to barely outlast his E. If Jax short trades you can sustain on the wave thru it. After his E is down you win the fight until like 4 items. Hold Q > pop E on the other side is a great spacing tool against late game jax to delay him or let his ult run out if he pops it.
One thing with Warwick W, the bonus attack speed generally doesn’t kick in on the first auto when they’re below 50% HP. If you’re trying to min-max your W passive, click off of the minion or enemy, and then click back onto them for autos and you’ll instantly get the attack speed bonus. It’s a minor thing but it feels so satisfying and it gets the attack speed kicking in much faster. It’s really good for farming waves as well, it increases your clear speed a good bit to be honest.
Hey Pekin! I am a fellow Midwick enjoyer. I would recommend you try the Titanic Hydra in to Trinity Force build. Bork is by no means necessary for Warwick, and building it usually leaves you pretty squishy. In the matchups where it works, it works real well, but I don't build it every time. Titanic synergizes a lot with Warwick's passive, adds poke for doing your thing if laning is still happening, and deals a lot of damage. It also allows you to push quicker and rotate through sidelanes more easily. I would also recommend you do not max Q. Q max is kind of a bait. In matchups where I take Grasp and Sorc Shoes and plan on Q poking people down under their turret I'll take 3 levels of Q first, but usually, the benefits of Q max is way outweighed by what you get from maxing W or E. W is great in matchups with early team fighting or when you can stack your lethal tempo, whereas E max is ridiculous in to burst mages and assassins. I would honestly never max Q first without putting points in to E or W. You don't get much from leveling it up. There is also exactly one animation cancel on Warwick - his W passive. When you auto attack a target below his passive's HP threshold, the wind down of the auto attack and the wind up of the next auto happens at the non-buffed speed. You want to move then A click after auto attacks around enemy HP thresholds, which cancels the cool down of the auto that triggered the passive and starts the next auto at the buffed rate which is very nice. This mechanic makes a huge difference in CSing and close fights. Thanks for playing fun champs and producing amazing content :)
Wait, Titanic and not Ravenous? That sounds like some spicy tech. Edit: Oh, shiet, Titanic cleave doesn't have the cooldown clause. You're a madman and a genius.
@@qwormuli77 It is very strong, but the build path can be awkward after Tiamat. In Top, the extra HP doesn't really go that far unless it's a specific matchup, so you're kinda sitting on a lot of 'worthless gold' until the item is complete. In mid lane, HP is king in to almost every mage as their mana pool simply can't keep up and any burst (syndra ult etc) has a much harder time finishing you off. It's honestly a great purchase for Midwick in a lot of games.
@@Diergryn Yeah, mid mage mana pools have been languished all the way to the item rework. Not just WW, but so many champs can just face tank an entire mana pool without the slightest risk of dying before first base, which is patently ridiculous. I guess the balance team was so focused on minmaxing assassins, that they just kind of forgot they removed mana from all but a few items and stomped those and just haven't payed attention to notice it afterwards.
Have you considered AP Jax mid? He plays sorta like a midlane assassin. I usually take Lethal Tempo (or Hail of Blades if you just wanna onetap people) and Ghost/Flash, core items are Riftmaker, Lich Bane, and Nash Tooth. Pretty fun.
Have you tried him ad mid? Seems much better to be able to life steal, build better bruiser/resist items and not be forced to all in with effectively 1.5x your AP against mid laners. I do like him better ap in the jungle tho
Did Pekin get First Blood? Game 1: Nope First Blood was by ally Draven around the 2:37 mark Game 2: Nope First Blood was by ally Nautilus around the 25:57 mark Pekin's First Bloods: 3 Allies' First Bloods: 6 Enemies' First Bloods: 7 Win streak: 0 Lose streak: 9 Highest win streak: 2 Highest lose streak: 9 Total games registered: 16
Hey everyone! I know you most prolly won't see this, but today I presented and got my bachelor's thesis approved, meaning that I basically can graduate now without much issues. I'd like to thank Pekin for producing this content, which helped a lot to cool off from the stress produced by writing that project. It was a harsh fight, but I got First Blood out of it (lmao dumb analogy) Anyways, keep on the good work!
This got me excited to try Warwick! I have a skin for him but never knew how to play him, and I always see people pop off with him. So now I'm excited to start learning! thank you Pekin for being inspirational
34:53 Jax enters Evasion for 2 seconds: a defensive stance that causes him to Jax Counter Strike old dodge all incoming non-Turret icon turret basic attacks and take 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities from Champion icon champions. Just checked the wiki
Holding Q did not make you immune to all crowd control, it make you immune to displacement only. Ex. Mord pull, Mord R, Yone R etc. Also it immune only the CC part, you still take the ability damage. Holding Q follows Zoe R, Ryze R, all Flash and Hexgate(it happen to me 1 time, still haven't got another chance to try it again) if you time it correctly
idk how you started going 800 MS but thats super fun. hardly any champs can rarely go that fast, and if you combine a ton of factors on Warwick to go like 1,000 MS and ult from a mile away that’d be really really fun
I love playing WW but he so desperately needs some QoL. His passive attack speed buffs only work like half the time and imo his Q feels really jank to proc the hold vs the tap
Really cool to see Pekin play some WW, since it's not really the flavor of champ I'd expect. Seems like he's a great soloQ champ, being that deaths aren't as meaningful and he's got a lot of bait potential. Also it's surprising how few people build healing cut against him in my experience, lol. But yeah, pretty clunky and technically if your enemy knows his tricks, he's not as great.
You should always hold Q with cursor on the enemy champion you’ve just ulted to buffer the bite attachment. Pekin would’ve had at least 3 more kills (and I’m only 40% through the video)
Pekin, try using Yorick top with ravenous hydra first and the you build ad items. The idea is just trow gouls to the enemies and they die to the gouls.
I once one shoted somone with Warwick's Q alone. it just deals SO much and heals SO much! (NT is like amazing on AP Warwick) Since you are addicted, you could at least try it sometime! thank you for the videos!
Honestly that second game was the worst game to ever play Warwick, I love playing as him but trying to play Warwick against 2 stealths, 2 immune to autos and an anti dasher sounds worse than cock and ball torture. Anyway, AP Warwick next? His Q has 100% scaling and gives %damage healing so his Q becomes a nuke that heals you to fully every time you use it. You basically become a heat seeking missile and I love it, if you have fun with this you'll have fun with AP wick
2 champs immune to all your damage, a lane opponent that stuns you when you try your damage abilities, and a support that can execute you when you're low. Every player in game 2 countered you but their jungler.
the enemy jungler's pathing is reportable though no? path to top level 1 with karma gwen when you have draven/thresh kaisa/naut in bot, kinda lost the whole game there and then
using riots report system unless u know someones just trolling or being genuinely (genuinely) hateful is so weird. Reporting someone for "feeding" even though they could just be having a bad day or trying something new is crazy to me
40:41 yes holding Q hurt, but I'd also argue that ulting there was also a mistake. She'd already used her CC and wasn't able to ride ult yet so you probably would have run her down with just AA. Should have saved ult for an out just in case (or to greed for shutdown)
But Idk. You know WAAYYY more than me about the game.
Honestly it's more entretaining to see you int and having it not matter because warwick is so turbo dumb
jax counterstrike does not block stuns(with exception of stuns bound with auto like tf w) and ww e is best way to counter it, he just ran out of range when u tried it with his dukes. hope that helps.
I remember leaving a read as mean comment about you mid laning cho 😢😂😅
Fun tip if you see this pekin, from a warwick main. If you hold down your q on someone while they are suppressed by your ult, it will frame perfect attach. No matter how quickly they spam flash or a movement ability (kai'sa ult in the first game) you will follow.
Tried that many many games. Maybe it's a ping issue. It never attaches me. Maybe it's unlucky matchups against Kaisa or khazix where they stealth before flashing. I am unsure what is causing the issue
@@PekinWoof To be fair, you're also in a higher elo, so perhaps your opponents have more restraint and wait for the q before flashing. Theoretically even if they are spamming their stealth while suppressed, your q will go off and follow them before they can be untargetable. Or maybe rito's spaghetti code is messing something up again. I think his w still has the first auto bug.
These two games were just unlucky. The kai'sa one you pressed E after ult which locks you out of autos and Q for a short duration, and at 38:07 with the kha'zix, I watched in super slow motion multiple times. Your Q was still on cool down at 0.0s when your ult finished. Literally only a couple frames where kha'zix could stealth before your Q came up.
Or, I just may be wrong about how those abilities work. Whatever the case, keep playing Warwick. It's a ton of fun to see you play him well.
@@Lethal_BiteHis W does still have the bug. Probably always will. Parnellyx has several videos detailing workarounds.
@@Lethal_BiteAlso, I thought you had to let go of the Q for it to actually activate/follow. Though I've seen plenty of people just say "hold it". This is where a keyboard overlay (which doesn't seem very common anymore) would help a lot.
@@Dyanosis nope, as long as you're on quick cast, simply holding will do the bite and swing through. No release necessary. And I do the w workaround always, so I just hadn't checked whether it was fixed or not.
I guess if you're on manual cast then maybe you do have to release. Maybe I'll test that.
I love when pekin gets into an off meta mid pick and starts spamming games, its exciting when you're excited about the champ!
I'm excited that you find it exciting when you're excited about the champ
Is he spamming it rather than just playing it a couple times for content?
The talk at 32:00 resonates so painfully as someone who used to be a Warwick main and still loves the character. Welcome to the pain of playing Warwick, you’re playing a champion whose entire kit is centered around hunting people down, getting on them and staying on them, yet somehow he is frustratingly easy to escape from and enemies will give you the slip all the time.
(I think it’s mostly down to losing the bonus movement speed on a low health enemy when you enter combat, you can make the initial run up to them but then they can just run and every time you auto you just put yourself further behind on keeping with them)
The annoyance of that constantly happening lead me to junglers like Udyr and especially Mordekaiser instead, both of them have move speed boosts that work in combat as well as the ability to slow enemies in an aura with Rylai’s so they’re that much harder to escape and finally both have additional methods to shut down escapes with Udyr stun and Mord pull (and ult I suppose)
To me, both of them felt so much better at that fantasy of making sure your prey doesn’t escape you once you’re locked on and it’s frustrating because that’s so much more a part of Warwick’s identity and also I love Warwick.
Warwick is absolutely thrilling to watch, no worries there. There's also a ton of WW specific tech and tricks that AFAIK are often surprisingly easy to learn when compared to how unknown they are. WW enthusiasts are absolutely going to be bombing your WW vids with tips, but thankfully they seem to be some of the more chill LoL circles out there.
IDK how, but you seem to consistently land on loving playing champs and/or builds that I love watching, like with AP Twitch. Honestly, it's often that the more unconventional AP builds (doesn't apply exactly here, but generally) are just great.
During the 1v1 with Zed at 12:20 it looked like E's 2.5 sec duration would have been long enough to tank the Zed ult, but recasting it ended the damage reduction.
Recasting it doesn't end the damage reduction, that sticks around for another .5 seconds.
Another comment - your runes in the second video are much better. Second Wind and Revitalize are why Midwick works, it enables him to out sustain most mages mana pools. Paired with a Doran's shield, even post nerf, its insane. You don't miss the damage. Against team comps you can't auto that well, like the one you faced, I would have gone PtA or Grasp. Fleet can also work if all you are doing is being a CC bot for a hyper carry because their comp shuts you down. PoM is required in every rune page for lanewick.
Jax is a very easy matchup until super late. You want your E to barely outlast his E. If Jax short trades you can sustain on the wave thru it. After his E is down you win the fight until like 4 items. Hold Q > pop E on the other side is a great spacing tool against late game jax to delay him or let his ult run out if he pops it.
One thing with Warwick W, the bonus attack speed generally doesn’t kick in on the first auto when they’re below 50% HP. If you’re trying to min-max your W passive, click off of the minion or enemy, and then click back onto them for autos and you’ll instantly get the attack speed bonus.
It’s a minor thing but it feels so satisfying and it gets the attack speed kicking in much faster.
It’s really good for farming waves as well, it increases your clear speed a good bit to be honest.
Hey Pekin! I am a fellow Midwick enjoyer. I would recommend you try the Titanic Hydra in to Trinity Force build. Bork is by no means necessary for Warwick, and building it usually leaves you pretty squishy. In the matchups where it works, it works real well, but I don't build it every time. Titanic synergizes a lot with Warwick's passive, adds poke for doing your thing if laning is still happening, and deals a lot of damage. It also allows you to push quicker and rotate through sidelanes more easily.
I would also recommend you do not max Q. Q max is kind of a bait. In matchups where I take Grasp and Sorc Shoes and plan on Q poking people down under their turret I'll take 3 levels of Q first, but usually, the benefits of Q max is way outweighed by what you get from maxing W or E. W is great in matchups with early team fighting or when you can stack your lethal tempo, whereas E max is ridiculous in to burst mages and assassins. I would honestly never max Q first without putting points in to E or W. You don't get much from leveling it up.
There is also exactly one animation cancel on Warwick - his W passive. When you auto attack a target below his passive's HP threshold, the wind down of the auto attack and the wind up of the next auto happens at the non-buffed speed. You want to move then A click after auto attacks around enemy HP thresholds, which cancels the cool down of the auto that triggered the passive and starts the next auto at the buffed rate which is very nice. This mechanic makes a huge difference in CSing and close fights.
Thanks for playing fun champs and producing amazing content :)
Wait, Titanic and not Ravenous? That sounds like some spicy tech.
Edit: Oh, shiet, Titanic cleave doesn't have the cooldown clause. You're a madman and a genius.
@@qwormuli77 It is very strong, but the build path can be awkward after Tiamat. In Top, the extra HP doesn't really go that far unless it's a specific matchup, so you're kinda sitting on a lot of 'worthless gold' until the item is complete. In mid lane, HP is king in to almost every mage as their mana pool simply can't keep up and any burst (syndra ult etc) has a much harder time finishing you off. It's honestly a great purchase for Midwick in a lot of games.
@@Diergryn Yeah, mid mage mana pools have been languished all the way to the item rework. Not just WW, but so many champs can just face tank an entire mana pool without the slightest risk of dying before first base, which is patently ridiculous. I guess the balance team was so focused on minmaxing assassins, that they just kind of forgot they removed mana from all but a few items and stomped those and just haven't payed attention to notice it afterwards.
Have you considered AP Jax mid? He plays sorta like a midlane assassin. I usually take Lethal Tempo (or Hail of Blades if you just wanna onetap people) and Ghost/Flash, core items are Riftmaker, Lich Bane, and Nash Tooth. Pretty fun.
Have you tried him ad mid? Seems much better to be able to life steal, build better bruiser/resist items and not be forced to all in with effectively 1.5x your AP against mid laners. I do like him better ap in the jungle tho
Yeah he has, as I recall he have at least two videos on ap Jax but I would have to check on it
I've just checked and a quick search revealed at least 3 videos
@@MrAliFranca oh, I hadn't seen them. Pre or post update? I'll have to check them out.
Also, as far as WW Q with Taliyah E, only the hold-down counts as a dash. The initial tap is actually just a lunge, which doesn't trigger Taliyah's E.
“our hp doesn’t matter” is how you it’ll be the most chaotic gameplay to watch
another very entertaining watch! I always look forward to your uploads, and getting a double game video is such a treat :D
Did Pekin get First Blood?
Game 1: Nope
First Blood was by ally Draven around the 2:37 mark
Game 2: Nope
First Blood was by ally Nautilus around the 25:57 mark
Pekin's First Bloods: 3
Allies' First Bloods: 6
Enemies' First Bloods: 7
Win streak: 0
Lose streak: 9
Highest win streak: 2
Highest lose streak: 9
Total games registered: 16
Hey everyone! I know you most prolly won't see this, but today I presented and got my bachelor's thesis approved, meaning that I basically can graduate now without much issues.
I'd like to thank Pekin for producing this content, which helped a lot to cool off from the stress produced by writing that project. It was a harsh fight, but I got First Blood out of it (lmao dumb analogy)
Anyways, keep on the good work!
@@jhonedwardmoramora4672 big !
Pekin of Wolfs finally plays the wolf man thing (again)
This got me excited to try Warwick! I have a skin for him but never knew how to play him, and I always see people pop off with him. So now I'm excited to start learning! thank you Pekin for being inspirational
Hey everybody welcome to the next commentary
Today we are playing a Warwick midlane vs zed
@@alliu6562it’s gonna be a.. maybe difficult
Just because anything that just can poke from far away
It kinda gets annoying
Plus he does have ignite
I love when pekin gets behind them and do his thing
IDK if they changed this but it used to be that when you have E on and you ult someone, if the rest of the team is grouped they all get insta-feared
34:53 Jax enters Evasion for 2 seconds: a defensive stance that causes him to Jax Counter Strike old dodge all incoming non-Turret icon turret basic attacks and take 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities from Champion icon champions.
Just checked the wiki
Holding Q did not make you immune to all crowd control, it make you immune to displacement only. Ex. Mord pull, Mord R, Yone R etc. Also it immune only the CC part, you still take the ability damage. Holding Q follows Zoe R, Ryze R, all Flash and Hexgate(it happen to me 1 time, still haven't got another chance to try it again) if you time it correctly
You can follow any movement in the game, including global abilities like Shen/TF ult
34:34 are you sure? you can still use E to reduce damage from Jaxs counter attack, and you can fear him out of it, im pretty sure
2:01 he shadowed backwards so that if you q’d him and did the follow mechanic he could activate his W and make you follow him under turret. I THINK
Can I ask the thought process behind not flashing the pyke hook if you're not able to dodge it, knowing that it's going to kill you?
I am addicted to Pekin vids 😊
why wud u not e when they full combo u?? 4:10
idk how you started going 800 MS but thats super fun. hardly any champs can rarely go that fast, and if you combine a ton of factors on Warwick to go like 1,000 MS and ult from a mile away that’d be really really fun
I enjoy your Warwick games. The playstyle is funny and chill (chill for me as a viewer that is)
I love playing WW but he so desperately needs some QoL. His passive attack speed buffs only work like half the time and imo his Q feels really jank to proc the hold vs the tap
His Q has always been janky. If it was fixed like the W movespeed bug, every WW main would be so happy
Could you play Renekton mid?
When are we going to get the AP XIn mid?
Really cool to see Pekin play some WW, since it's not really the flavor of champ I'd expect. Seems like he's a great soloQ champ, being that deaths aren't as meaningful and he's got a lot of bait potential. Also it's surprising how few people build healing cut against him in my experience, lol. But yeah, pretty clunky and technically if your enemy knows his tricks, he's not as great.
seeing pekin not take timat into either of the Hydras lowkey drove me insane LMAO
You should always hold Q with cursor on the enemy champion you’ve just ulted to buffer the bite attachment. Pekin would’ve had at least 3 more kills (and I’m only 40% through the video)
Loved this vid, you seemed really engaged with it :)
Rift maker ww in the future? 👀
The Kayn damage later on was crazy. They were just insta dying to him.
Awesome gameplay. Can't wait to see ww appear more on here!
Is AP Warwick viable?
Can’t believe pekin went so hard dancing around saying that counterstrike is not 2 seconds, when it absolutely is.
Iv been playing Corki mid with First Strike -- Trinity force -> muramana -> immortal shieldbow ; I enjoy it
I'd still like to watch you commentate a game you lost as an educational moment.
Pekin, try using Yorick top with ravenous hydra first and the you build ad items. The idea is just trow gouls to the enemies and they die to the gouls.
Pekín! Can you do ziggs mid one of these days please 🙏🏻
The best ability to max first is w, it gives you lots of stats and your probablity of dying is lower.
I once one shoted somone with Warwick's Q alone. it just deals SO much and heals SO much! (NT is like amazing on AP Warwick)
Since you are addicted, you could at least try it sometime! thank you for the videos!
Honestly that second game was the worst game to ever play Warwick, I love playing as him but trying to play Warwick against 2 stealths, 2 immune to autos and an anti dasher sounds worse than cock and ball torture.
Anyway, AP Warwick next? His Q has 100% scaling and gives %damage healing so his Q becomes a nuke that heals you to fully every time you use it. You basically become a heat seeking missile and I love it, if you have fun with this you'll have fun with AP wick
so crazy in the second game every person on their team countered you lmao
54 mins?! holy shizzle Pekin
Hey commentary (*hiccup*)welcome to the next everybody
Day 94 of asking Pekin to play full attack speed ahri for the off-meta climb!
Almost day 100!!
Feeling depressed today man 💔
2 champs immune to all your damage, a lane opponent that stuns you when you try your damage abilities, and a support that can execute you when you're low.
Every player in game 2 countered you but their jungler.
Warwick is so fucking cool. Liked the vid a lot
This Zed was really good
Sure Kayn popped off in the 2nd game but his "ez" at the end shows his personality. No time for people like that.
Thanks for the content.
What a stressfull champ to play ! No way i will try it out with so many chances of feeding 😂 only for otp i guess
As a Warwick one trick, i am BEGGING you not to release just how fun and broken Warwick mid is. I dpnt want it getting pick banned or nerfed 😭
dare ya you would also get addicted to bard mid :)
Yayyy new video
yay pekin upload hi papa
ok when is trundle mid mr pek
Good Pekin
bro,barrier just cancer on ww,u can go tp or ignite for kill pressure,even ghost instead of flash,it fits better
I tried to tell you to WW mid the first off meta climb, you didn't listen! :D
I'm pretty sure he's been trying WW mid before the season split. All of them might've been not video worthy I guess
Werent you just complaining about how hard he is to make work and he's hard to make a vid about
Day 4 asking for AP jax
Fur, teeth and muscles? Not much convincing needed 😊
I love your videos in general, but your mechanics on warwick are actually painful to watch 🥵
more ww!
Ohhhhh nowwww you love ww mid smh
haha get it because warwick is a dog anf he goes woof like pekim
the enemy jungler's pathing is reportable though no? path to top level 1 with karma gwen when you have draven/thresh kaisa/naut in bot, kinda lost the whole game there and then
using riots report system unless u know someones just trolling or being genuinely (genuinely) hateful is so weird. Reporting someone for "feeding" even though they could just be having a bad day or trying something new is crazy to me
@@skelto1019 agreed. part of the reason why people hate league players. people report other people just for not liking them :p
Please make your bed ❤
8:51 OR you dont fight zed when you got nothing and he got everything. Kinda cringe to watch that death slowly happend, and the excuses after
Zed players are so annoying
You did nothing both games xD
Sorry that you feel that way 😔
@@PekinWoof Damn, career's over, time to retire
Hey everybody welcome to the next commentary