Wild manages to entertain me with every single video, no matter how long or how strange. It’s magnificent and I want you to start uploading more because the internet neeeeeds more wildspade
Lol that skull was funny to watch! Yeah there were some blocks I didn’t use because they were similar to other ones like deepslate ores compared to stone ores.
Thank you! 😊
Dedication 101 with Wild Spade! 😁 Awesome vid, Spade!
Wild manages to entertain me with every single video, no matter how long or how strange. It’s magnificent and I want you to start uploading more because the internet neeeeeds more wildspade
🥹 thanks
Nice video Wild, but one small thing you forgot... the command block :/
My bad
Excellent video. That is one funky house. One small thing is that you forgot bedrock. I know you'll rectify this next time... Won't you!
Thanks! Yeah I'm disappointed in myself for not getting bedrock...
As you should be!
Great job getting most things from scratch! 15/10 love it. hope you "enjoyed" debris mining XD
btw 100th viewer :)
Thanks! Because it was my first time doing it in months, I actually enjoyed it!
Ayo! Wooo
Yoo this looks insane spade! May I ask what background music you use because I would absolutely love to use it in a few of my videos!
I use a lot of undertake music
Thanks! Great video once again man :)
Thanks! Season 2 should have bigger and better videos :)
Ups that wither skull might be my bad 😅
Ps: you didnt use deepslate coal ore 🧐
Lol that skull was funny to watch! Yeah there were some blocks I didn’t use because they were similar to other ones like deepslate ores compared to stone ores.
@@WildSpade thats a good point 🤣
Yeah blast furnace 😎
I thought you would like that
Loving the music, your a great builder even with the fun of so many blocks in one place
Thanks! :)
And how do we know you "actually" used every block?
Do you have a spreadsheet we can check?... sus lol
Here you go
I didn't use every block because I removed some similar ones like stone diamond ore and deepslate diamond ore and other ones like that
@@WildSpade Ah, perfection