Please think before you needlessly be negative. That is like a kind of pear/apple that grows native in Asia. And that is NOT a freezer. It is a refrigerator to keep it fresh, NOT FROZEN. And yes monkeys do eat it all the time and loves it Please know what you are talking about before you complain about nothing.
Что это за еда, даже обезьяны не едят замороженые мандарины.
Please think before you needlessly be negative. That is like a kind of pear/apple that grows native in Asia. And that is NOT a freezer. It is a refrigerator to keep it fresh, NOT FROZEN. And yes monkeys do eat it all the time and loves it Please know what you are talking about before you complain about nothing.
Я не жаловалась, я высказала свое мнение.Но обезьяны действительно не едят, а просто раскидала.