The L shaped antenna is one that I had made last year whilst out in my campervan, and I obtained really good reports from all of the stations that I had qso's with. I've been experimenting with wire antennas since 1978 and have always enjoyed the challenges and rewards. Keep up the good work...Dave
i have just bought a small garden antenna what 7 band and its resonant on every band with great reports and great reviews the 7 band cobweb so for you who only have small gardens you can,t beat it. i have never had as many dx contact with my 10 watts as i do now i have had brazil alaska loads of usa and even australia twice this week 73 from M7BYF steven
Peter, this was yet another great video. Thank you for taking the time to educate the "ham fam" about all the different types of antennas and how they work. That knowledge helps greatly to reduce the fear and encourage newer hams to experiment. Experimentation I believe is part of the essence of the hobby. 73 OM
I'm 53 and started as an SWL at a young age, getting my ham licence at the age of 17. W&S has been in the picture for my whole ham existence. Congrats Peter.
Thanks Peter, I’ve have a ¼ wave hanging from a tree branch for about 5 years with 2 elevated radials attached to a fence about 18 inches above the ground. It compares very well with my Cobweb and End Fed antennas. Simplest antenna I have. 73 Mike
Peter, thanks for the interesting video. I've been using this antenna for five years now while cycling with a transceiver. The 10W power provides multiple connections even with other continents. (RU6ME)
This concept works. I use a pair of elevated 1/4 wave radials set at 99 degrees from each other and a 17ft whip. It's my antenna of choice for Parks on the Air. A little bit of work with a tape measure and some banana clips and band changes are a breeze. Set up and break down takes 10 minutes or less. Just fantastic.
I'm thinking of doing the same but find tape measures clumsy. I'm planning to put knots in a cord that are tagged for each band. Attaching the cord to the mount should make it even easier.
@@Inkling777 you only need to measure once with respect to the radials. Think "linked dipole". Just unplug the sections you don't need. The trial and error and measurement comes with finding and marking the appropriate whip length for each band/radial combination. The radial length remains constant at all times.
Hi and thanks again for posting this vid. I am new at all this radio language and so I appreciate the vids even though I will admit it's all a little above me. Unfortunately where I live sales support and good service is something that is lacking here in NZ so re supporting your shop I live in the South Island of NZ and if you have what I need and you happy to place items in a box with a postage stamp I am happy to support you guys. Cheers Glenn v from NZ
I made a similar years ago on a 12 meter Spiderbeam pole each element 10,7 meters long and fed with 450 ohm ladderline and genuine balanced tuner. Works all bands from 40 and up… worked Ducie Island with 75;watts cw on 7 MHz. And a lot of other dx… its not that directional so dont worry about the direction of the horisontal element.
Great video. I can say this antenna works well. I had a fan version built for 40,20, and 10 with 1 radial per band at 3 meters. The antenna worked very well. On 40, the vertical section was actually an L.
I have a fan dipole in the loft for 10/12/17m. 77 countries worked this year. The 10m element had a VSWR dip, but i could never get it below 3:1. Impedance was too low. I tried off center feeding but it wasnt much help. I think it was too close a frequency to the 12m one. So yesterday i got a kitchen roll tube and made two loading coils. Took me an hour to make them and fit rgem to the 10m element with an additional 1ft of wire after the coil. Immediately resonant on 13mhz. Trimmed the wire beween the coil and original 10m dipole. It really does work. It's pretty narrow banded but i rarely operate above 14.250 so its not a problem. Can you believe that in 42 years on the air its the first time i have ever built a loading coil? Still learning new stuff. I used various online calculators as a starting point. GM4SVM
Great video, can't wait to see how that multiband antenna turns out. Make it a commerical product and put your name on in Peter! Also looking forward to the rigexpert review. Lovely music, very calming.
Thanks Peter, another informative video. As for the music, not that all of it is my cuppa it still makes a pleasant change to the none copyright music bucket that most TH-cam channels dip into over and over. 73’s
Sadly FT240-43 cores are usually more expensive than mentioned. They have doubled in price over the last few years, or at least that is my impression. Something that may be worth thinking about is switching from radial to radial using a car foglamp style relay, I have used them for RF switching of antennas previously, at a low impedance point you might be surprised how much power they will handle on low HF bands...73
Using a hefty automotive relay is a GREAT idea. I agree that at low Z they work fine for several hundred watts of RF. I would add (for anyone wanting to try this) to use a choke on the DC line feeding the relay so that it does not become part of the antenna radial field. 73
@@WECB640 thank you, and yes the choke is a good idea. FWIW I have often used wall wart style power supplies from old broadband routers for the purpose, typically 12v 1a and RF quiet. We seem to find each other often in comments sections..73
In the 80s i found that the 2x5/8 colinear for 2m was directional towards the radials. A friend a town away could only hear me (barely) if he rotated his to peak my signal. Its surprising really.
This seems ideal for my mobile POTA setups that I'd like to do, but I'm new to this stuff and not sure how to actually set up this antenna. I'll take a look around your channel but it would be very helpful if you could put a link here to a video (if you have one) of the actual antenna as it is set up. Thanks as always for the great knowledge you pass on here!!
I enjoy your videos!! I like the music you recorded that is heard on this video. How do you tune this antenna?? Do you trim both vertical and horizontal elements? Thanks de NØPL in Montana!
For an easy to adjust radial, take a steel measuring tape and attach crocodile clip then simply pull out to required length. The advantage is it's really easy to repeat the setup. I know people will say that copper is the best and steel isn't as good, but it doesn't seem to make that much difference when we use stainless for car antennas or aluminium for Yagi's - neither is as good as copper...
Here's to ANOTHER Fifty Years, Peter! 1) I have noticed the same effect with a vertical by moving the radials all towards a general direction. It's just a slight effect, but it's a lot easier and cheaper and safer to move wires around on the ground....and there's no motor up in the air to freeze up.... 2) It sounds like this is exactly what the Buddipole vertical does with it's elevated single radial. 3) Turn the "L" up on it's side, add a coil on one of the sides, and you have MFJ's portable antenna. 4) Fold the ends out as a "regular" dipole , with a coil on one of the sides, and you have a "shorty forty". 5) (And lastly!) It seems in my understanding, that there are only TWO fundamental antennas, the dipole and the vertical. Everything else is a variation on one, the other, or both. ... 73 DE W8LV BILL
Congratulations to u & the company for 50 years, outstanding for ANY company (& btw, I'd just become a ham radio op 3 mos prior to the store's opening!) de WA4ELW in TN 🇺🇸 🎉👏
As always, a very good video. I appreciate your presentation of small, inexpensive solutions to radio ops who may have a small yard or that might use these in mobile applications such as POTA.
Hello Water , Thank you for sharing all this interesting technical information . I wanted to air my thoughts regarding the life of ham radio itself . Within the next few years ham radio in general will be more or less become doomed due to the falling numbers on a global scale . The ham radio hobby will somehow need to attract the younger generation , one of the ways is to this is to simplify the ham radio technicalities insofar as a further entry level exam criteria reduction & to create a user friendly system network & to advertise the hobby as in all new attractive environments with young male & female radio operators combined with affordable radios . I must admit that I'm not all together sure how the ham radio will attract a sufficient number in order to sustain all the current frequencies ?, there are commercial companies that want the ham frequencies & maintaining the ham radio revenue & interest will undoubtedly become an increasing challenge . The aim is to maintain & grow the ham radio user numbers over the next ten years or so , if this is unsuccessful thousands of ham radio jobs will be lost within the industry , if not already . Julian Robertson. Electronics engineer .
Live tests don’t really prove much as band conditions vary day by day and hour by hour. Unfortunately, I do not have room to do a A/B tests on most antennas. Thanks for sharing.
An easy way to make this multi-band is to make links for 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m and even 6m. A little work adjusting the vertical, but simple for the horizontal.
Love your low cost antennas ! Question, isn't this pretty much like the Buddistick ? I use a 17' whip and a above ground radial and have seen the directional nature of the antenna. This looks to be a much cheaper antenna than the buddistick for 20 meters and up.
In many cases the Buddistick forms a loaded vertical, but the principal is the same. Many users put the radial on the ground and that is a big mistake!
Hi there. I don’t have any published music as most of my output is backing tracks on demand. But you are welcome t o use the one I attached to the video.
Yes that will work but on tests I have made there is a significant loss in performance, particularly as power rises and the 9:1 starts to heat up. But if it works for you…….. great.
Because you need to take into account each persons location and possible restrictions regarding antennas. Besides what works well in your location might not work as well someplace else.
Excellent Peter,just last week I was operating from The Netherlands on 40mtrs and I put a half wave dipole along the top of the wooden garden fence both elements were ofcourse horizontal but also in an L shape because that's how the garden fence is configured and the total height above ground level is 2mtrs.I had excellent reports into the UK during the daytime and even worked into Turkey and the USA during the evening.This arrangement was almost invisible too. 73.G7HFS/ The vswr was perfect across the whole band but when it rained and the fence got wet the vswr went upto 2.5:1 so I used the internal tuner on the 7300 and all was well.👍
The L shaped antenna is one that I had made last year whilst out in my campervan, and I obtained really good reports from all of the stations that I had qso's with. I've been experimenting with wire antennas since 1978 and have always enjoyed the challenges and rewards. Keep up the good work...Dave
As a New Ham operator (gen)
Am about to setup my HF rig (ft-857)
I have found your channel EXTREMELY helpful & Useful
i have just bought a small garden antenna what 7 band and its resonant on every band with great reports and great reviews the 7 band cobweb so for you who only have small gardens you can,t beat it. i have never had as many dx contact with my 10 watts as i do now i have had brazil alaska loads of usa and even australia twice this week 73 from M7BYF steven
Peter, this was yet another great video. Thank you for taking the time to educate the "ham fam" about all the different types of antennas and how they work. That knowledge helps greatly to reduce the fear and encourage newer hams to experiment. Experimentation I believe is part of the essence of the hobby. 73 OM
My pleasure!
Great antenna Peter. Made it yesterday and first 3 contacts were Russia long path from New Zealand .
Congratulations on your 50 years celebration, and the continuous support you contribute to the hobby,. (M7LCS)
Congratulations on 50 years! 🤝
Many thanks.
Congratulations on 50 years!
Many thanks.
I'm 53 and started as an SWL at a young age, getting my ham licence at the age of 17. W&S has been in the picture for my whole ham existence. Congrats Peter.
Nice Wurlitzer at the end.
Congratulations from California on 50 years! that is absolutely amazing! Great work. Enjoy your channel! 73
Thank you very much! Nice to hear signals from across the Pond. 73 Peter.
Looking forward to the next video Peter.
Thanks Peter, I’ve have a ¼ wave hanging from a tree branch for about 5 years with 2 elevated radials attached to a fence about 18 inches above the ground. It compares very well with my Cobweb and End Fed antennas. Simplest antenna I have. 73 Mike
Yes, I love the Antenna Ventures, that is, "Antennaventures," thanks to YOU! 😃🇺🇸
Peter, thanks for the interesting video. I've been using this antenna for five years now while cycling with a transceiver. The 10W power provides multiple connections even with other continents. (RU6ME)
Thanks for sharing. Great to hear from you.
This concept works. I use a pair of elevated 1/4 wave radials set at 99 degrees from each other and a 17ft whip. It's my antenna of choice for Parks on the Air. A little bit of work with a tape measure and some banana clips and band changes are a breeze. Set up and break down takes 10 minutes or less. Just fantastic.
Sounds great!. Thanks for sharing.
I'm thinking of doing the same but find tape measures clumsy. I'm planning to put knots in a cord that are tagged for each band. Attaching the cord to the mount should make it even easier.
@@Inkling777 you only need to measure once with respect to the radials. Think "linked dipole". Just unplug the sections you don't need. The trial and error and measurement comes with finding and marking the appropriate whip length for each band/radial combination. The radial length remains constant at all times.
Hi and thanks again for posting this vid. I am new at all this radio language and so I appreciate the vids even though I will admit it's all a little above me. Unfortunately where I live sales support and good service is something that is lacking here in NZ so re supporting your shop I live in the South Island of NZ and if you have what I need and you happy to place items in a box with a postage stamp I am happy to support you guys. Cheers Glenn v from NZ
Yes we can ship to NZ. No problem.
I made a similar years ago on a 12 meter Spiderbeam pole each element 10,7 meters long and fed with 450 ohm ladderline and genuine balanced tuner. Works all bands from 40 and up… worked Ducie Island with 75;watts cw on 7 MHz. And a lot of other dx… its not that directional so dont worry about the direction of the horisontal element.
Many thanks for sharing. 73 Peter.
Great video. I can say this antenna works well. I had a fan version built for 40,20, and 10 with 1 radial per band at 3 meters. The antenna worked very well. On 40, the vertical section was actually an L.
I have a fan dipole in the loft for 10/12/17m. 77 countries worked this year. The 10m element had a VSWR dip, but i could never get it below 3:1. Impedance was too low. I tried off center feeding but it wasnt much help. I think it was too close a frequency to the 12m one. So yesterday i got a kitchen roll tube and made two loading coils. Took me an hour to make them and fit rgem to the 10m element with an additional 1ft of wire after the coil. Immediately resonant on 13mhz. Trimmed the wire beween the coil and original 10m dipole. It really does work. It's pretty narrow banded but i rarely operate above 14.250 so its not a problem. Can you believe that in 42 years on the air its the first time i have ever built a loading coil? Still learning new stuff. I used various online calculators as a starting point. GM4SVM
It would be interesting to see how your capacitor setup works on a dx commander.
Cool music Peter, nice touch. 73
Great video, can't wait to see how that multiband antenna turns out. Make it a commerical product and put your name on in Peter! Also looking forward to the rigexpert review. Lovely music, very calming.
Nice music Peter. Thank you so much for all your experience, help and advice videos. My first place to visit when i need help
Happy to help! 73 Peter
Thanks Peter, another informative video. As for the music, not that all of it is my cuppa it still makes a pleasant change to the none copyright music bucket that most TH-cam channels dip into over and over. 73’s
Thanks for sharing. 73 Peter
Sadly FT240-43 cores are usually more expensive than mentioned. They have doubled in price over the last few years, or at least that is my impression. Something that may be worth thinking about is switching from radial to radial using a car foglamp style relay, I have used them for RF switching of antennas previously, at a low impedance point you might be surprised how much power they will handle on low HF bands...73
you can often find a reasonable price on eBay
Using a hefty automotive relay is a GREAT idea. I agree that at low Z they work fine for several hundred watts of RF. I would add (for anyone wanting to try this) to use a choke on the DC line feeding the relay so that it does not become part of the antenna radial field. 73
@@WECB640 thank you, and yes the choke is a good idea. FWIW I have often used wall wart style power supplies from old broadband routers for the purpose, typically 12v 1a and RF quiet. We seem to find each other often in comments sections..73
In the 80s i found that the 2x5/8 colinear for 2m was directional towards the radials. A friend a town away could only hear me (barely) if he rotated his to peak my signal. Its surprising really.
This seems ideal for my mobile POTA setups that I'd like to do, but I'm new to this stuff and not sure how to actually set up this antenna. I'll take a look around your channel but it would be very helpful if you could put a link here to a video (if you have one) of the actual antenna as it is set up. Thanks as always for the great knowledge you pass on here!!
I enjoy your videos!! I like the music you recorded that is heard on this video. How do you tune this antenna?? Do you trim both vertical and horizontal elements? Thanks de NØPL in Montana!
I best to trim the vertical sections.
For an easy to adjust radial, take a steel measuring tape and attach crocodile clip then simply pull out to required length. The advantage is it's really easy to repeat the setup. I know people will say that copper is the best and steel isn't as good, but it doesn't seem to make that much difference when we use stainless for car antennas or aluminium for Yagi's - neither is as good as copper...
Here's to ANOTHER Fifty Years, Peter! 1) I have noticed the same effect with a vertical by moving the radials all towards a general direction. It's just a slight effect, but it's a lot easier and cheaper and safer to move wires around on the ground....and there's no motor up in the air to freeze up.... 2) It sounds like this is exactly what the Buddipole vertical does with it's elevated single radial. 3) Turn the "L" up on it's side, add a coil on one of the sides, and you have MFJ's portable antenna. 4) Fold the ends out as a "regular" dipole , with a coil on one of the sides, and you have a "shorty forty". 5) (And lastly!) It seems in my understanding, that there are only TWO fundamental antennas, the dipole and the vertical. Everything else is a variation on one, the other, or both. ... 73 DE W8LV BILL
Congratulations to u & the company for 50 years, outstanding for ANY company (& btw, I'd just become a ham radio op 3 mos prior to the store's opening!) de WA4ELW in TN 🇺🇸 🎉👏
And the music on your video was very pleasant to listen to.And thats coming from a rock music fan!
Ah, thanks. Praise indeed from a Rock fan! Thanks for sharing. 73 Peter
Love the vib of your music❤
Love the music, and of course your videos
Excellent video Walter.
As always, a very good video. I appreciate your presentation of small, inexpensive solutions to radio ops who may have a small yard or that might use these in mobile applications such as POTA.
Many thanks!
Hello Water , Thank you for sharing all this interesting technical information .
I wanted to air my thoughts regarding the life of ham radio itself .
Within the next few years ham radio in general will be more or less become doomed due to the falling numbers on a global scale .
The ham radio hobby will somehow need to attract the younger generation , one of the ways is to this is to simplify the ham radio technicalities insofar as a further entry level exam criteria reduction & to create a user friendly system network & to advertise the hobby as in all new attractive environments with young male & female radio operators combined with affordable radios .
I must admit that I'm not all together sure how the ham radio will attract a sufficient number in order to sustain all the current frequencies ?, there are commercial companies that want the ham frequencies & maintaining the ham radio revenue & interest will undoubtedly become an increasing challenge .
The aim is to maintain & grow the ham radio user numbers over the next ten years or so , if this is unsuccessful thousands of ham radio jobs will be lost within the industry , if not already .
Julian Robertson. Electronics engineer .
Your music is really nice indeed ❤️😃
Another great video Peter, 73...W6QR
Many thanks!
Be good to see some real life/live operating/reports. Maybe some A/B antenna comparisons. Elevated radial(s) verticals have certainly got potential
Live tests don’t really prove much as band conditions vary day by day and hour by hour. Unfortunately, I do not have room to do a A/B tests on most antennas. Thanks for sharing.
An easy way to make this multi-band is to make links for 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m and even 6m. A little work adjusting the vertical, but simple for the horizontal.
Check my previous video - a single variable C does the job.
How critical is radial length? Could this be built into a loft/attic using Hamstick on 40m?
Love your low cost antennas ! Question, isn't this pretty much like the Buddistick ? I use a 17' whip and a above ground radial and have seen the directional nature of the antenna. This looks to be a much cheaper antenna than the buddistick for 20 meters and up.
In many cases the Buddistick forms a loaded vertical, but the principal is the same. Many users put the radial on the ground and that is a big mistake!
Agree with Peter, I don’t use the coil very much where I can help it.
Yes, very interesting & thanx agn! 73 de WA4ELW in TN 🇺🇸 dit dit 😃
Where can I find more of your music.. I use instrumentals to talk over on my radio program I would like to start using your music…
Hi there. I don’t have any published music as most of my output is backing tracks on demand. But you are welcome t o use the one I attached to the video.
Music sounds good to me.
At least the music isn't schlager 😂😂😂
Of center fed dipole,9:1 job done. Whats with all this complicated nonsence
Yes that will work but on tests I have made there is a significant loss in performance, particularly as power rises and the 9:1 starts to heat up. But if it works for you…….. great.
Because you need to take into account each persons location and possible restrictions regarding antennas.
Besides what works well in your location might not work as well someplace else.
Excellent Peter,just last week I was operating from The Netherlands on 40mtrs and I put a half wave dipole along the top of the wooden garden fence both elements were ofcourse horizontal but also in an L shape because that's how the garden fence is configured and the total height above ground level is 2mtrs.I had excellent reports into the UK during the daytime and even worked into Turkey and the USA during the evening.This arrangement was almost invisible too.
73.G7HFS/ The vswr was perfect across the whole band but when it rained and the fence got wet the vswr went upto 2.5:1 so I used the internal tuner on the 7300 and all was well.👍
Many thanks. Yes, antennas don't always need to be at 20m above ground! Well done.