Sorry for my English and my mistakes when I talk without a script. Dash Rendars amazing video about crossbows and warbows against armor: and warbows vs hardened steel armor:
don't worry about your English, you get your points across well. You are thoughtful and deliberate in what you say and we appreciatre the effort you make to both explain the concepts and master the language. There are many people who speak perfect English but few who are masters of medieval combat so rest assured we will come back to your channel. Take myself as an example, I think I only watched 2 of your videos max before I subscribed.
@@adamcrookedsmilemy man you are amazing. I wrote a longer more thoughtful comment before I saw this tag but thank you. Our meeting in real life and in person is more and more one of my life goals 💪🏹
Your accent is actually pleasant and adds to the aesthetic of the video. The only downside is you talk just a little bit slow, but TH-cam's 1.25x speed fixes that. Thx for your work
Dequitem, here's a good technique which draws on everything you said: when unarmoured, choose a shield (boss grip) and shortsword. the shortsword is just for show tho, you just carry it to make your knight opponent think you plan on conventional fighting. so you use the shield to close the distance as safely as possible into grapple range. then you drop both your shield and shortsword to engage in a grapple. THEN you draw HIS dagger from his belt. Now hopefully you are inside his range to use his weapon usefully, and you are grappling him to the ground and you have HIS dagger to end him, rightly :) what do you think?
Your English is great man no need to apologize. The combination of practical full combat experience and the knowledge you have as an armorer and fighter is truly invaluable. The hours of filming and training and applied experience gives a real snapshot into experimental archeology and true history.
If I ever had to fight a knight without armor of my own, I'd utilize the two advantages I had to survive. One: The knight will tire faster than me. Two: If the knight's face is protected, his visibility is limited. These two things combined make it very difficult to chase someone through irregular terrain at speed. In other words, I'd run away.
About getting tired in armor, remember they've been training in it for years, One of the English kings demonstrated that he could do backflips while in his armor.
@@markhatfield5621 There's a difference between having agility in armor and getting exhausted more quickly. It's not about whether you can do backflips in armor, it's about how many backflips you can do in armor before you're exhausted and need to stop. The answer is less than the number of backflips you could do while not wearing armor. Same goes for running.
You are one of the few medieval combat youtubers, who gained their knowledge through practical work. I respect that and think highly of you when talking about you.
I think a modern saying about the rules of a gunfight can be adapted well: Bring a gun Bring a long gun Bring a lot of friends Make sure your friends have long guns. So: Bring a weapon Bring a "long" weapon (spear, etc) Bring a lot of friends Bring a lot of friends with weapons
Very good video. I like the "side" comments about how history and real fights are not fair at all, nor should be. Ambushes, strength in numbers, range, morale, betrayal, deceit, and as you sum up nicely, luck. "Fair" fights are for entertainment.
well yes, but actually no while flamethrower is great at short-mid distance, you still dont have any armor, so you may get hurt at this distance. It would be best to use something like a Barret, or even better a Leopard 2A7A1 with a 120mm cannon, that will make sure the knight is obliterated. Note that we, dont have to be armored, as the Leopard 2, is heavily armored itself. The downside to this solution, is the difficulity to use it as a single person, which may give the knight a chance of getting on equal terms by obtaining one such for himself
@@farfarux I like your suggestion. To be fair, as an unarmoured peasant, whenever I meet knights on the battleground, I'd probably feel more comfortable with a Klingon K't'inga-class cruiser with full armament of torpedoes. Just so the odds are a bit more even, of course. Overkill? nah... overkill would be a Vor'cha-class attack cruiser and that would be unrealistic too, I'm sure you'll agree.
@@dequitem first you need to find peasant who don't know how to fight or minimal training, but expert enough not to get killed or hurt by that blunt spike.
Somewhere in a knight training yard, knight instructer: Today's drill is to train your perception of surrounding. You will need to quickly survey unfamiliar ground and spot exploitable terrain for your advantage. Farmers may not have skill but they have strength, treat them like dangerous boars. You need to learn how to cover fellow knights from being flanked. You also need to learn quickly judge the surrounding, maneuver fast, control the distance from being flanked
@@dequitem yeah. i really like your armour. a good looking high middle ages set. i've never liked the direction the late medieval period/renaissance took plate armour. all those points and wasp waists. the maille supplement just looks better than those fully formed only-plate suits. perhaps they are mechanically useful, but nothing beats or looks as good as a set of middle age armour like yours.
31:53 Roman legionaries used some such specialized tools when they had to fight against Gauls who tried to use heavy armor. But there are two additional factors here: at that time, the "prototype knightly armor" of the Gauls was certainly very imperfect in terms of protection and mobility, and the Romans were masters of team fighting.
The way you structure you sentences, the words you choose, it's like... You're SO DISTINCTLY german, even not taking that beautiful accent into equation, i absolutely love it. One of the best channels about armor, so pleasant to listen to this voice and see the quality action. Hi from RU !
I think a new wave of understanding is coming regarding the effectiveness of armor versus blunt weapons like maces, and it is due in large part to your channel disproving preconceived notions like maces or polearms being anti armor weapons that can break bones through plate.
@@donaldpratt2296 It's not that they weren't effective. If someone hits you in the head with the hammer part of the poleaxe you still gonna feel it to a degree and you will be unfomfortable. Ploearms were often used by city guards as well and against unarmored enemies they were VERY effective. Halberds, polaxes could be used to crack doors open if needed during fires(I've heard this don't know if it's true or not)
The best simple weapon I've heard of vs mounted armored cavalry like knights was the "Gutentag" or "Goedendag" which was basically a massive THICC spear-type polearm with a spike embedded in the end (not a spear head, just a massive spike with a long tang embedded into an equally massive handle). Apparently it got its name from the Flemish soldiers who used it vs French knights as they'd say "Gutentag!" before finishing them. The Swiss had a version of it with the spike on one end and a massive club cube-mallet-type head on the other end with spikes sticking out of each side of the cube. They'd just swing that bad boy into charging cavalry to dismount them then finish them off with the pointy end.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Most people in the modern day that "test" on armor, are testing on mild steel that is not, and cannot be truly hardened. Very good video
The way this guy talks about this subjects makes me feel as if it's a information movie translated from spanish to English but from like, the year 1480.
I've been watching your shorts for months and wish I realized ages ago that you did full videos. Your content is awesome! You have practical experience most of us can only envy. That being said, you going out and doing this benefits all the rest of us.
Dequitem your English is amazing and fully understandable.Your videos and cinematography is of the highest calibre makes me feel I am at medieval location. Plus your combat information is always very accurate.Thank you for making these videos.Tschuss from Canada.
When it comes to the best weapon to kill a knight without armor on yourself my mind usually resorts to the cheapest best solutions/unheard of ones. I like to think about the cheapest best weapon that a peasant wouldnt need training for, and i start thinking about a long handed flail, pickaxes, spears, so on so forth. I think about ranged weaponry and what comes to mind is crossbows, aztec pepper tear gas, probably even sand and dirt. Anyways that is just my opinion, I love the fact that this video answers a question that's fun and original.
A flail can be effective in a battle with a lucky strike to the back of the helmet, but in a duel I am not sure. Yes it can work but you will have only one strike, than he will come close and stab you with his sword or dagger.
@@chengkuoklee5734 Yeah, Full plate armor existed with handcannons...... so shot him, hope his armor isn't proved cus handcannons started out rare, then club with the weapon?
great video and instruction. Your accent adds to the authenticity of the instructions, I feel like I have traveled back in time and hearing a 15th century Knight. Good job Sir.
Lightning for the win! but fun fact: metal armor works as a faraday cage defending against electricity. Powerline workers often gave chainmail/metal infused equipment for this reason.
I once read that most of the historians don't really know what's going on on the battlefield because, well you know, they mostly read. Do you guys collaborate with any historians who are trying to understand the mechanics on the battlefield?
Some historians very much fight in armor, example Dr. Tobias Capwell. Recently many historians have what the call the triangle which consists of archeological relics, primary written/art sources and living archology where they recreate the activities with proper gear much like @dequitem is doing.
The worst examples of this are the Ancient Greek historians babbling about classical greek battles being giant rugby scrums because they read about “othismos” in a dusty library.
As a peasant with my limited means, if I expect to fight a knight my primary first weapon would be... the shovel. Surface camouflaged mud-filled holes, foot traps, trenches, etc.
Your English is awesome dude! I am new to swordsmanship and watch your videos as a reference on how to fight when you and your opponent actually want to kill each other lol 😅
As a peasent, I probably don't have good weapons. My idea would be to set up some traps with the help of some friends. Likes a snare trap, a snap trap or a covered hole in the ground. More generally anything that can be used without me having direct contact with a knight.
Even in unarmored combat, it can take two hands to push a knife into an opponent. They're trying to stop you. To survive. Movies make it look to easy. As you have demonstrated. As usual, good job.
Very good video. You raise some great options. However I think there is one option I would go with primarily: the halberd, or even better, billhook. You can try to trip your opponent and hit him while he is on the ground from a distance, and you keep pushing him/tripping him. The spike in the front is also extremely useful, and unlike the poleaxe you show, the billhook (and halberd) have a long range, closer to the spear. Of course it would still be extremely hard, but I believe you would have more chances. Now, if I was allowed to have multiple weapons, then definitely would go with: javelins (to tire him up, can throw fast before he closes up, might even do enough damage to close in yourself if he falls), then billhook, for tripping and pushing, then dagger to finish him up if you hurt him enough from all the falling.
Good choice, but it's not the better option. A billhook is slower and easier to parry than a spear. Yes in a battle it's the better weapon against a knight, but not in a one vs one!
Like many weapons which were mandated for ownership they were mostly of use in formation warfare. If the peasants wanted to duel they wouldn't use them, but daggers or shortswords, likewise with knights. Of course on the battlefield a formation of them if well coordinated would be very familiar. A guy with a bow or polearm individually would not be massively dangerous, but imagine having to slog through hundreds of longbow arrows only to attack and angry hedgehog of bills, and if you lost formation a unit of their men would team up on you and finish you off. In a sense dueling is much safer and more predictable.
* would be very Formidable, not familiar. Also I meant knight wouldn't duel with bills, but other things, not that they would use shortswords like the common people in brawls.
I fought against a retiarius net in gladiator equipment, but I didn't fought in knight armor, so I am not sure how I will get stuck in it. I have to test it first next year before I will talk about it. I don't like to talk about stuff, were I am not very sure!
@@dequitem I think the net itself would be used more to disarm you opponent. Like the net gets tangled with the weapon and makes both useless so that way you can close in on them and do some -agressive cuddling- wrestling
Very interesting and informative talk. I see now why guns became the weapon of choice against the knight. The only way to generate enough kinetic energy to penetrate armour.
Daggers are fantastic weapons for attacking armour gap points for sure. Great video. Personally, I would rather wait till the knight is hungry or thirsty and try to poison him. Haha!
The best weapon against a fully armored knight is a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.
Awesome videos man, appreciate what you're doing! Every short and video I see, I'm amazed by the color and quality, and of course, above all, the talent. 😎
I sat through the whole video but I would reccomend adding chapters so people can follow better. Besides that I always love your videos, even the ones where you just talk m8.
Love this format, i would gladly spend hours listening about your rEasonings on the matter. The info are really interesting and don't worry for your English: for me you are way more clear than some natives here on TH-cam. For what concern the link i have some doubt about the Dash video. Don't get me wrong, generally speaking he's great but that specific confrontation between warbow and crossbow appears to me to be seriously biased.
@dequitem uh, my intent was not to underplay the high-quality crossbows made by Tod! I totally agree that a 600 lb won't pass through a high-quality plate if not for a really lucky shot. I mean, I've seen another great crossbow maker (Andreas from @Medieval Crossbow) trying a 1250 lbs composite crossbow, and even if that was able to penetrate every time a good plate in the chest, it was 3 cm at best. What i don't like much is the conclusion of the Dash video about the context between crossbows and warbows.
Crushing knee-caps/ twisting out legs from a side blow with a long axe or hammer works fine too. Half of the zweihander's advantage was that it could just sword, but it could also knee-knock and crotch/leg stab too. Shoulders, arms, head, and even chest, has a huge amount of movement in plate. Upper legs, knees and groin tend to take the full impact (you can't move with the blow when well timed and aimed, because that's what your weight is on). But yeah. Dysentery, weather, long stabby sticks, zweihanders, really big hammers/ axes/ halberds. Just saying, other than firearms or heaps of bows/crossbows, that's your best bet, with a stabby poignard afterwards. Mobility kill, then get brutal. Historically attested too. (Playing fake battles as a hobby tells you nothing. You're not trying to kill each other. Your roleplay buddy won't destroy your leg or knock you unconscious with a pole-axe/ halberd. But that happened often enough to be considered a tactic to be taught to troops)
In the ancient Japan, they developed a tool called “kabuto-wari “, it works like can opener which can lock an armor plate,lift it up and use a dagger hold in the other hand to thrust into the flesh under it. Usually to lock the brim of a helmet and lift it up to show the throat of the opponent.
Japanese armor was held together with cords. Which is why the katana is surprisingly a good anti-armor weapon for them, aiming for the cords to make pieces of armor fall away.
As an avowed scaredy-cat forced to fight unarmored, I would think that many of the best weapons are free. Battlefields were strewn with discarded equipment, bodies, uneven ground, etc., and visors were notorious for making the ground hard to see. I would keep these things between me and the knight, hoping for a stumble or fall. I would also guess that the inertia of a few dozen kg of armor would make cornering tough. Keep the knight running, and maybe you get another chance as you continually circle back and to the side. On that note, keep it very mobile. Run, run, run. Assuming equal fitness, the knight will tire more quickly. As for weapons, a long guisarme/bill used mainly to keep threat distance away and harry the knight into missteps using the hook and spikes, maybe even getting a lucky stab in. And eventually, if I were good and lucky, the exhausted knight would eventually trip, and then the rondel with a prayer. Best to run and never look back, though. 😅
1v1 i'm going with grappling. Aint no way an armored knight can deal with a modern grappler once the gap is closed. Just gotta watch out for the dagger and helmeted headbuts, otherwise it's GG.
@dequitem I disagree. But i'd love to see this tested. Even do away with the weapons and just see how an armored fighter would grapple with a legit BJJ black belt that actually does standup (pulling guard would be a big mistake 😆).
The most effective weapons against the armored knights are flails and halberds, as it was proved by hussites and Swiss in the real history. These weapons help to keep safe distance and can inflict serious damage even without armor penetration. Besides, armored men couldn't be numerous and their opponents could easily focus efforts of several fighters on one of them.
Great stuff! So dangerous to spar with one unarmored, even if just simulating! Just the armor itself is a terrific weapon against an unarmored opponent. Since most blows won't affect you, a fast close then pummel with your armored body would quickly be enough I would think. For either opponent, polearms and spears are primary weapons in ground fighting yes?
Shield and spear, maybe Lucerne hammer if no shield, and always a dagger at the ready. Staying mobile, circling around and try to pressurise but always favor keeping out of range. Evade (hopefully) until the armored guy runs out of breath. Speed won't be an advantage but exhaustion should kick in eventually on the opponent and you still have a wider view and advantage for perceiving surroundings and uneven terrain. Only appliable in a one to one combat. Still a situation I reeeeally would'nt like to be in....
Your English is fine, My Friend! Thank You for giving us Knowledge on this subject..most of us are victims of "hollywood" versions of, well, just about everything.. Great seeing and hearing the small details that are so important..
Ottomans were lightly armored but yet they succassively crushed Crusaders or europian alliances one after the other. Just look at first and second battles of Kosovo, nicoholis, varna etc.
Armor can be a disadvantage in wrestling and grappling. The unarmed opponent can get a solid grip on the edges of the armor and may even get a leverage advantage. Of course, the unarmored opponent has made sure the armored opponent doesn't draw his dagger during the fight.
Ah, I see, the tiny net is a distraction making the knight wonder, "What the bloody hell is the tiny net for?" while you catch him with the big net when he's confused and now you can sell him off for ransom later. Absolutely brilliant.
Sorry for my English and my mistakes when I talk without a script.
Dash Rendars amazing video about crossbows and warbows against armor:
and warbows vs hardened steel armor:
don't worry about your English, you get your points across well. You are thoughtful and deliberate in what you say and we appreciatre the effort you make to both explain the concepts and master the language. There are many people who speak perfect English but few who are masters of medieval combat so rest assured we will come back to your channel. Take myself as an example, I think I only watched 2 of your videos max before I subscribed.
@@adamcrookedsmilemy man you are amazing. I wrote a longer more thoughtful comment before I saw this tag but thank you. Our meeting in real life and in person is more and more one of my life goals 💪🏹
Your accent is actually pleasant and adds to the aesthetic of the video. The only downside is you talk just a little bit slow, but TH-cam's 1.25x speed fixes that. Thx for your work
Dequitem, here's a good technique which draws on everything you said: when unarmoured, choose a shield (boss grip) and shortsword. the shortsword is just for show tho, you just carry it to make your knight opponent think you plan on conventional fighting. so you use the shield to close the distance as safely as possible into grapple range. then you drop both your shield and shortsword to engage in a grapple. THEN you draw HIS dagger from his belt. Now hopefully you are inside his range to use his weapon usefully, and you are grappling him to the ground and you have HIS dagger to end him, rightly :) what do you think?
Much better than most English speakers will speak your language
Your English is great man no need to apologize. The combination of practical full combat experience and the knowledge you have as an armorer and fighter is truly invaluable. The hours of filming and training and applied experience gives a real snapshot into experimental archeology and true history.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are fine with using 6 seconds from your video and linking the original.
@@dequitemof course my friend! Anything you need!
If anything you annunciate more which tends to be better for explanations.
The added accent actually makes me want to listen more intently. 😅
@@dashrendar5320it's great to see the community supporting each other.
If I ever had to fight a knight without armor of my own, I'd utilize the two advantages I had to survive. One: The knight will tire faster than me. Two: If the knight's face is protected, his visibility is limited. These two things combined make it very difficult to chase someone through irregular terrain at speed.
In other words, I'd run away.
Is that you, Sir Robyn?
About getting tired in armor, remember they've been training in it for years, One of the English kings demonstrated that he could do backflips while in his armor.
@@markhatfield5621 There's a difference between having agility in armor and getting exhausted more quickly. It's not about whether you can do backflips in armor, it's about how many backflips you can do in armor before you're exhausted and need to stop. The answer is less than the number of backflips you could do while not wearing armor. Same goes for running.
@@zweihanderpancakes1855 or.... dig ditches.
You're just trying to keep us peasants from revolting.....
Ruling class propaganda 😤
@@marzcapone9939 😂😂😂
Some knights feel peasants are always quite revolting
The peasants are revolting.
knights? more like cops!
Props to the guy who did the fight without armor. That must have been pretty uncomfortable. Not to mention one mess up, and it's hospital time
Yeah no kidding, especially when the knight swung that polearm and he had to dodge, that’s definitely hospital time
You are one of the few medieval combat youtubers, who gained their knowledge through practical work. I respect that and think highly of you when talking about you.
Thank you, I was just about to head 700 years back in time and because I don't own any armor this video helped me greatly. Wish me luck! :-)
Good luck man
Make sure you understand some middle English. You'll be burned as a witch otherwise😂
I think a modern saying about the rules of a gunfight can be adapted well:
Bring a gun
Bring a long gun
Bring a lot of friends
Make sure your friends have long guns.
Bring a weapon
Bring a "long" weapon (spear, etc)
Bring a lot of friends
Bring a lot of friends with weapons
Feels like the best weapon to kill a knight is a buddy with a little less self-preservation instinct than yourself
Very good video. I like the "side" comments about how history and real fights are not fair at all, nor should be. Ambushes, strength in numbers, range, morale, betrayal, deceit, and as you sum up nicely, luck. "Fair" fights are for entertainment.
Simple, a flamethrower. A flamethrower will always work.
But, but, but....
@@dequitem boiling oil maybe?
well yes, but actually no
while flamethrower is great at short-mid distance, you still dont have any armor, so you may get hurt at this distance.
It would be best to use something like a Barret, or even better a Leopard 2A7A1 with a 120mm cannon, that will make sure the knight is obliterated. Note that we, dont have to be armored, as the Leopard 2, is heavily armored itself.
The downside to this solution, is the difficulity to use it as a single person, which may give the knight a chance of getting on equal terms by obtaining one such for himself
@@dequitem A gun?
@@farfarux I like your suggestion. To be fair, as an unarmoured peasant, whenever I meet knights on the battleground, I'd probably feel more comfortable with a Klingon K't'inga-class cruiser with full armament of torpedoes. Just so the odds are a bit more even, of course. Overkill? nah... overkill would be a Vor'cha-class attack cruiser and that would be unrealistic too, I'm sure you'll agree.
We need to see Knight vs small group of peasants
It's already in planning, but finding many brave fighters how wanna fight with minimal gear against a knight without a choreography is very hard.
@@dequitem first you need to find peasant who don't know how to fight or minimal training, but expert enough not to get killed or hurt by that blunt spike.
@@gundarvarr1024 these will only be fully trained fighters. The risk of injuries is to high.
@@dequitem lol exactly , it so unrealistic req from him.
Somewhere in a knight training yard, knight instructer:
Today's drill is to train your perception of surrounding. You will need to quickly survey unfamiliar ground and spot exploitable terrain for your advantage.
Farmers may not have skill but they have strength, treat them like dangerous boars. You need to learn how to cover fellow knights from being flanked. You also need to learn quickly judge the surrounding, maneuver fast, control the distance from being flanked
Standing there in front of this tower, you look more tolkienesque than any scene from Rings of Powers 😍
Thanks! Next knight fight will be at this tower
totally, Dequitem would be a worthy captain of the guards at Minis Tirith
Not a hard thing to accomplish compared to Rings of Power tbh
indeed he looks like an Arthurian knight (in full plate, that is)
@@dequitem yeah. i really like your armour. a good looking high middle ages set. i've never liked the direction the late medieval period/renaissance took plate armour. all those points and wasp waists. the maille supplement just looks better than those fully formed only-plate suits. perhaps they are mechanically useful, but nothing beats or looks as good as a set of middle age armour like yours.
31:53 Roman legionaries used some such specialized tools when they had to fight against Gauls who tried to use heavy armor. But there are two additional factors here: at that time, the "prototype knightly armor" of the Gauls was certainly very imperfect in terms of protection and mobility, and the Romans were masters of team fighting.
The way you structure you sentences, the words you choose, it's like...
You're SO DISTINCTLY german, even not taking that beautiful accent into equation, i absolutely love it.
One of the best channels about armor, so pleasant to listen to this voice and see the quality action.
Hi from RU !
His English is better than yours.
A 34 min video from Dequitem? Maaan, what a treat.
I had no script, so I started talking about thinks I love. That can take a while.
@@dequitem This is great. In case you misunderstood my comment... I was really happy to see you've published a long video.
@@dequitem We love the long videos!
@@umartdagnir I know!
I think a new wave of understanding is coming regarding the effectiveness of armor versus blunt weapons like maces, and it is due in large part to your channel disproving preconceived notions like maces or polearms being anti armor weapons that can break bones through plate.
Thanks. That was my goal!
So, what do we think they were for? They’re all over the period, so why use them if they aren’t effective?
@@donaldpratt2296 It's not that they weren't effective. If someone hits you in the head with the hammer part of the poleaxe you still gonna feel it to a degree and you will be unfomfortable.
Ploearms were often used by city guards as well and against unarmored enemies they were VERY effective.
Halberds, polaxes could be used to crack doors open if needed during fires(I've heard this don't know if it's true or not)
The best simple weapon I've heard of vs mounted armored cavalry like knights was the "Gutentag" or "Goedendag" which was basically a massive THICC spear-type polearm with a spike embedded in the end (not a spear head, just a massive spike with a long tang embedded into an equally massive handle). Apparently it got its name from the Flemish soldiers who used it vs French knights as they'd say "Gutentag!" before finishing them. The Swiss had a version of it with the spike on one end and a massive club cube-mallet-type head on the other end with spikes sticking out of each side of the cube. They'd just swing that bad boy into charging cavalry to dismount them then finish them off with the pointy end.
I'm glad to say I learnt heaps of things from this video. And this is much better than learning about medieval combat through choreographed movies.
Ok im convinced. I need a suit of armor asap and im never taking it off
The ladies will be delighted to see you wearing protection in bed...
Might not be the best for cuddling tho😂
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Most people in the modern day that "test" on armor, are testing on mild steel that is not, and cannot be truly hardened. Very good video
The way this guy talks about this subjects makes me feel as if it's a information movie translated from spanish to English but from like, the year 1480.
Thanks for the compliment.
I've been watching your shorts for months and wish I realized ages ago that you did full videos. Your content is awesome! You have practical experience most of us can only envy. That being said, you going out and doing this benefits all the rest of us.
Sadly many people don't know about my full length videos.
My godness, this will help on my next skirmish, thank you so much!
😅 Use armor is my best advice!
Historically, the goedendag enjoyed a certain amount of success in this endeavor.
Especially against chevaliers.
Dequitem your English is amazing and fully understandable.Your videos and cinematography is of the highest calibre makes me feel I am at medieval location. Plus your combat information is always very accurate.Thank you for making these videos.Tschuss from Canada.
Thank you very much!
When it comes to the best weapon to kill a knight without armor on yourself my mind usually resorts to the cheapest best solutions/unheard of ones. I like to think about the cheapest best weapon that a peasant wouldnt need training for, and i start thinking about a long handed flail, pickaxes, spears, so on so forth. I think about ranged weaponry and what comes to mind is crossbows, aztec pepper tear gas, probably even sand and dirt. Anyways that is just my opinion, I love the fact that this video answers a question that's fun and original.
A flail can be effective in a battle with a lucky strike to the back of the helmet, but in a duel I am not sure. Yes it can work but you will have only one strike, than he will come close and stab you with his sword or dagger.
@@dequitem ...... Depends if you you define dueling of having occur on level ground. Having the high ground can change alot. Jan Zizka proved that.
Range is very important but also number and flanking.
@@chengkuoklee5734 Yeah, Full plate armor existed with handcannons...... so shot him, hope his armor isn't proved cus handcannons started out rare, then club with the weapon?
I would choose a maul If i lack a spear
Your videos honestly make me want to start taking the path towards eventually having full plate battles. It looks like so much fun
great video and instruction. Your accent adds to the authenticity of the instructions, I feel like I have traveled back in time and hearing a 15th century Knight. Good job Sir.
Captain Jack Sparrow's strategy is best:
we have to run away.
Vs any metal armour, a lightning infused weapon (esp at +5 and above) works a treat.
Bleed builds up even if you don't hit him, so I go for a bleed infusion!
Lightning for the win!
but fun fact: metal armor works as a faraday cage defending against electricity. Powerline workers often gave chainmail/metal infused equipment for this reason.
I once read that most of the historians don't really know what's going on on the battlefield because, well you know, they mostly read. Do you guys collaborate with any historians who are trying to understand the mechanics on the battlefield?
I studied medival history myself in a university, so you can call me a historian or medievist if you want 😉.
@@dequitemYou live a badass life man, fucking look up to you
Some historians very much fight in armor, example Dr. Tobias Capwell. Recently many historians have what the call the triangle which consists of archeological relics, primary written/art sources and living archology where they recreate the activities with proper gear much like @dequitem is doing.
@@ismailsaidmutlu Educated guess and wild guess are two different things.
The worst examples of this are the Ancient Greek historians babbling about classical greek battles being giant rugby scrums because they read about “othismos” in a dusty library.
34 minutes later... I have a whole new GRAND appreciation for armor!
As a peasant with my limited means, if I expect to fight a knight my primary first weapon would be... the shovel. Surface camouflaged mud-filled holes, foot traps, trenches, etc.
Was thinking about Rambo, First Blood. The log trap.
English army at poitiers dug like moles. And the French attacks went mainly nowhere. Ditto crecy.
Ditch may not looked cool but they could win battles.
Make sure to always build your ditches guys. Build a ditch, then another ditch.
Nice video and I like to remember the not so old adage "Everyone has a plan till they get punching in the nose"
You are so underrated man, i wish you the best! 🙏
Your English is awesome dude! I am new to swordsmanship and watch your videos as a reference on how to fight when you and your opponent actually want to kill each other lol 😅
The best and more sincere video i ever seen about this subject
As a peasent, I probably don't have good weapons. My idea would be to set up some traps with the help of some friends. Likes a snare trap, a snap trap or a covered hole in the ground. More generally anything that can be used without me having direct contact with a knight.
Best explanation of Knight Armor fighting on YT. 👍👍👍
History was never fair..
King Arthur had the best plan when faced with an armored opponent. Runaway!
I'll try to remember this next time I have to fight a knight.
And you doing great job with all those fights reconstructions. So real. Well done!
A strong enough riddle should defeat any knight.
Even in unarmored combat, it can take two hands to push a knife into an opponent. They're trying to stop you. To survive.
Movies make it look to easy. As you have demonstrated.
As usual, good job.
The only advantages are speed and balance. Do not stand and slug it out, trip, bind, smother, disorient, once they are dowm it's just opening a can.
Very good video. You raise some great options. However I think there is one option I would go with primarily: the halberd, or even better, billhook.
You can try to trip your opponent and hit him while he is on the ground from a distance, and you keep pushing him/tripping him. The spike in the front is also extremely useful, and unlike the poleaxe you show, the billhook (and halberd) have a long range, closer to the spear.
Of course it would still be extremely hard, but I believe you would have more chances.
Now, if I was allowed to have multiple weapons, then definitely would go with: javelins (to tire him up, can throw fast before he closes up, might even do enough damage to close in yourself if he falls), then billhook, for tripping and pushing, then dagger to finish him up if you hurt him enough from all the falling.
Good choice, but it's not the better option. A billhook is slower and easier to parry than a spear. Yes in a battle it's the better weapon against a knight, but not in a one vs one!
Like many weapons which were mandated for ownership they were mostly of use in formation warfare. If the peasants wanted to duel they wouldn't use them, but daggers or shortswords, likewise with knights. Of course on the battlefield a formation of them if well coordinated would be very familiar. A guy with a bow or polearm individually would not be massively dangerous, but imagine having to slog through hundreds of longbow arrows only to attack and angry hedgehog of bills, and if you lost formation a unit of their men would team up on you and finish you off.
In a sense dueling is much safer and more predictable.
* would be very Formidable, not familiar.
Also I meant knight wouldn't duel with bills, but other things, not that they would use shortswords like the common people in brawls.
Fantastic video, good to see you making more
Favorite channel on TH-cam keep doing you brother
Such a pleasant sounding guy. A thousand or so years ago, you'd be a fricking walking nightmare.
Man I really like your channel and your content. I wish you could make a movie with fantastic worlds like lord of the ring but with real fights
Yes, I wish there were still good writers of high fantasy. Tolkein was the last and now it's all over.
You always pick the most amazing locations!
Thanks. Sadly I will reuse the location, it looks to good for only one video!
@@dequitem I agree, it would be a shame to waste it!
First, thank you for your effort to make such a great video.
Second I would go for a net to imobilize the knight and then try everything else.
Thanks. I still have to try a net against a knight.
@@dequitem Somehow like a Retiarius I think may work but its just a guess.
You're awesome man! Here's hoping for more explanations and more demonstrations!
WOW!!! This was awesomely informative!
the stabbed peasant in the paintings is always like "oh ok, I'm done, Lord have mercy of my soul. excuse me, gonna lay down now. aaaah..."😆
All I can think of is what nasty liquids could they use back then what was acid like. Boiling oil would have splash damage to the user too.
Bild water is nasty enough and not so expensive!
great video man! informative, clear and exciting
Very interesting video. The information that you shared in this video makes it more interesting to watch your other videos. Always very entertaining.
Thank you very much!
Since you were fighting gladiators, I am surprised you didn't mention the retarius' net.
I fought against a retiarius net in gladiator equipment, but I didn't fought in knight armor, so I am not sure how I will get stuck in it. I have to test it first next year before I will talk about it. I don't like to talk about stuff, were I am not very sure!
@@dequitem I think the net itself would be used more to disarm you opponent. Like the net gets tangled with the weapon and makes both useless so that way you can close in on them and do some -agressive cuddling- wrestling
Another truly amazing video from Dequitem! Keep up the good work!
This dude is majestic
Very interesting and informative talk. I see now why guns became the weapon of choice against the knight. The only way to generate enough kinetic energy to penetrate armour.
Daggers are fantastic weapons for attacking armour gap points for sure. Great video.
Personally, I would rather wait till the knight is hungry or thirsty and try to poison him. Haha!
The best weapon against a fully armored knight is a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger.
That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.
Absolutely fantastic video, kind sir! I always appreciate your insight and knowledge!
Awesome videos man, appreciate what you're doing! Every short and video I see, I'm amazed by the color and quality, and of course, above all, the talent. 😎
Thank you!
"No plan survives the first contact with the enemy." - German Proverb
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." - Mike Tyson
"Plates don't hit back" - Bruce Lee
"Yes they do, with equal and opposite force" - Isaac Newton
Excellent video! Thank you for making it. Very informative.
Very interesting and educational video!!!
Thank you!
I will defeat him with power of friendship....and this gun I found.
Thank you for your insight! I would watch a video where you talk about the wounds you received
I don't like to talk about it in a full video. Mayby a short.
Excellent presentation thankyou for sharing
Thanks, this solves my issue.
Fascinating. So different than the Hollywood movie fighting scenes....
Multiple blows can leave dents that can bind armor plates restricting movement as well
How do do you guys do these demos without worrying about gap strikes in the face and eyes or actually getting concussions?
We are worried. Injuries happen!
I sat through the whole video but I would reccomend adding chapters so people can follow better. Besides that I always love your videos, even the ones where you just talk m8.
I wanted but I didn't had time in the last days.
@@dequitem You can still edit it now though no
Love this format, i would gladly spend hours listening about your rEasonings on the matter. The info are really interesting and don't worry for your English: for me you are way more clear than some natives here on TH-cam.
For what concern the link i have some doubt about the Dash video. Don't get me wrong, generally speaking he's great but that specific confrontation between warbow and crossbow appears to me to be seriously biased.
I have the same crossbow and I can confirm it. It's a high quality crossbow from Tod's workshop.
@dequitem uh, my intent was not to underplay the high-quality crossbows made by Tod! I totally agree that a 600 lb won't pass through a high-quality plate if not for a really lucky shot. I mean, I've seen another great crossbow maker (Andreas from @Medieval Crossbow) trying a 1250 lbs composite crossbow, and even if that was able to penetrate every time a good plate in the chest, it was 3 cm at best.
What i don't like much is the conclusion of the Dash video about the context between crossbows and warbows.
Crushing knee-caps/ twisting out legs from a side blow with a long axe or hammer works fine too.
Half of the zweihander's advantage was that it could just sword, but it could also knee-knock and crotch/leg stab too.
Shoulders, arms, head, and even chest, has a huge amount of movement in plate. Upper legs, knees and groin tend to take the full impact (you can't move with the blow when well timed and aimed, because that's what your weight is on).
But yeah. Dysentery, weather, long stabby sticks, zweihanders, really big hammers/ axes/ halberds.
Just saying, other than firearms or heaps of bows/crossbows, that's your best bet, with a stabby poignard afterwards. Mobility kill, then get brutal.
Historically attested too.
(Playing fake battles as a hobby tells you nothing. You're not trying to kill each other. Your roleplay buddy won't destroy your leg or knock you unconscious with a pole-axe/ halberd. But that happened often enough to be considered a tactic to be taught to troops)
In the ancient Japan, they developed a tool called “kabuto-wari “, it works like can opener which can lock an armor plate,lift it up and use a dagger hold in the other hand to thrust into the flesh under it. Usually to lock the brim of a helmet and lift it up to show the throat of the opponent.
It seems to be optimized for samurai armor. Sounds interesting to test it on European armor with less gabs and smaller fittings.
Japanese armor was held together with cords. Which is why the katana is surprisingly a good anti-armor weapon for them, aiming for the cords to make pieces of armor fall away.
As an avowed scaredy-cat forced to fight unarmored, I would think that many of the best weapons are free. Battlefields were strewn with discarded equipment, bodies, uneven ground, etc., and visors were notorious for making the ground hard to see. I would keep these things between me and the knight, hoping for a stumble or fall. I would also guess that the inertia of a few dozen kg of armor would make cornering tough. Keep the knight running, and maybe you get another chance as you continually circle back and to the side. On that note, keep it very mobile. Run, run, run. Assuming equal fitness, the knight will tire more quickly. As for weapons, a long guisarme/bill used mainly to keep threat distance away and harry the knight into missteps using the hook and spikes, maybe even getting a lucky stab in. And eventually, if I were good and lucky, the exhausted knight would eventually trip, and then the rondel with a prayer. Best to run and never look back, though. 😅
1v1 i'm going with grappling. Aint no way an armored knight can deal with a modern grappler once the gap is closed. Just gotta watch out for the dagger and helmeted headbuts, otherwise it's GG.
I think he will be the better grappler than most BJJ experts.
@dequitem I disagree. But i'd love to see this tested. Even do away with the weapons and just see how an armored fighter would grapple with a legit BJJ black belt that actually does standup (pulling guard would be a big mistake 😆).
Should come with a disclaimer: success not guaranteed.
The extra weight of armor can also help in grappling when you’re on top since you frankly just weight a couple dozen kilograms more than normal.
The most effective weapons against the armored knights are flails and halberds, as it was proved by hussites and Swiss in the real history. These weapons help to keep safe distance and can inflict serious damage even without armor penetration. Besides, armored men couldn't be numerous and their opponents could easily focus efforts of several fighters on one of them.
Great stuff! So dangerous to spar with one unarmored, even if just simulating! Just the armor itself is a terrific weapon against an unarmored opponent. Since most blows won't affect you, a fast close then pummel with your armored body would quickly be enough I would think. For either opponent, polearms and spears are primary weapons in ground fighting yes?
From Monty Python I'd think the "Holy hangrenade" would do it? Grappling to try to get a dagger in somewhere would be my guess.
Shield and spear, maybe Lucerne hammer if no shield, and always a dagger at the ready. Staying mobile, circling around and try to pressurise but always favor keeping out of range. Evade (hopefully) until the armored guy runs out of breath. Speed won't be an advantage but exhaustion should kick in eventually on the opponent and you still have a wider view and advantage for perceiving surroundings and uneven terrain. Only appliable in a one to one combat. Still a situation I reeeeally would'nt like to be in....
Your English is fine, My Friend! Thank You for giving us Knowledge on this subject..most of us are victims of "hollywood" versions of, well, just about everything.. Great seeing and hearing the small details that are so important..
I like the saying Aller Kunst ist umsunst, wenn ein Engel in das Zündloch brunzt.
In conclusion. Run if you can.
Ottomans were lightly armored but yet they succassively crushed Crusaders or europian alliances one after the other. Just look at first and second battles of Kosovo, nicoholis, varna etc.
Before watching the video I would choose a rondel dagger and a large shield.
I love these types of videos.
Whoever says a tank is slow, never saw a tank 😂 the best way to kill a knight in full armor is numbers 😂 with a variety of weapons.
It is slow compared to an attack helicopter and even more so vs an antitank missile.
Armor can be a disadvantage in wrestling and grappling. The unarmed opponent can get a solid grip on the edges of the armor and may even get a leverage advantage.
Of course, the unarmored opponent has made sure the armored opponent doesn't draw his dagger during the fight.
Incredible video!
High quality entertainment. Thank you
Use a big net, and a tiny net.
Tiny net is sure fire!
Why a tiny net?
@mina7572 no, you need to dig ditches.
@@dequitem I'd also like to know
Ah, I see, the tiny net is a distraction making the knight wonder, "What the bloody hell is the tiny net for?" while you catch him with the big net when he's confused and now you can sell him off for ransom later. Absolutely brilliant.