I returned it within 2 days. When I say it’s weak, it’s REALLY weak. I have an ADA 60p tank which is about 16-17gallons and it barely moves the surface water. My biofilm is extremely thin and it barely moves the water. With skimmers like eheim/sicce/etc, those are all better because they actually work and are strong. Got this skimmer cause it was small and sleek, but guess there’s a reason why all the other good companies have such a big skimmer (even though they look like an eyesore)
Yes and no, what exactly are you trying to do with the 2 gallon tank? To answer your question directly, “yes, it turns over the water ~6-7x per hour (recommended is at least 4x). I’m not going to tell you what to do, but everyone usually says no fish can go in there so probably just shrimp and small plants. Regardless I really think this skimmer is a waste of money it’s not meant to be a stand along filter anyways. I would recommend one of these options: Option 1 (buy this alone): a.co/d/8SQuPa8 Option 2 (buy these 2): a.co/d/7jo7pwW and a.co/d/aY4Wq7W If you want a real filter, (and probably paying $35+ for it) one of these is going to be your best bet. I personally would do second option because that seachem matrix is good filter media (biological part of filtration) that is much better than what comes in option 1, but option 1 might just be simpler for you depending on your experience in the hobby. Let me know if you have any more questions at all, I can walk you through it! Those are NOT affiliate links either just an FYI.
@ it is shrimp tank with 2 mountain minnows. It does have a home made internal filter. Which works great. Just has a film on the water surface that a skimmer would clean up nice. I need to find one that is small enough for the tank and doesn’t flow to much water to disturb the shrimp, fish and substrate.
How's it working still ? thinking about buying one.
I returned it within 2 days. When I say it’s weak, it’s REALLY weak. I have an ADA 60p tank which is about 16-17gallons and it barely moves the surface water. My biofilm is extremely thin and it barely moves the water. With skimmers like eheim/sicce/etc, those are all better because they actually work and are strong. Got this skimmer cause it was small and sleek, but guess there’s a reason why all the other good companies have such a big skimmer (even though they look like an eyesore)
@ ok thanks for letting me know. Will look for something similar.
@@xNitroPT I have a small fish tank. It is 35cm x 22 x 12. I would say 2 gallons of water. Do you think the flow would be ok ?
Yes and no, what exactly are you trying to do with the 2 gallon tank? To answer your question directly, “yes, it turns over the water ~6-7x per hour (recommended is at least 4x). I’m not going to tell you what to do, but everyone usually says no fish can go in there so probably just shrimp and small plants. Regardless I really think this skimmer is a waste of money it’s not meant to be a stand along filter anyways. I would recommend one of these options:
Option 1 (buy this alone): a.co/d/8SQuPa8
Option 2 (buy these 2): a.co/d/7jo7pwW and a.co/d/aY4Wq7W
If you want a real filter, (and probably paying $35+ for it) one of these is going to be your best bet. I personally would do second option because that seachem matrix is good filter media (biological part of filtration) that is much better than what comes in option 1, but option 1 might just be simpler for you depending on your experience in the hobby.
Let me know if you have any more questions at all, I can walk you through it! Those are NOT affiliate links either just an FYI.
@ it is shrimp tank with 2 mountain minnows. It does have a home made internal filter. Which works great. Just has a film on the water surface that a skimmer would clean up nice. I need to find one that is small enough for the tank and doesn’t flow to much water to disturb the shrimp, fish and substrate.