I think everyone misses the poetic symmetry that the moonswatch represents. Just as, long ago, Swatch saved Omega from disappearing, today Omega is saving Swatch.
@@NCSheriff7 exactly. Why don't VAG make a bargain Skoda copy of a Lamborghini? Because they know that what makes a Lamborghini a Lamborghini is the brand. You can buy a Speedy homage that wipes the floor with the MoonSwatch, steel case, proper bracelet for 25% of the cost of the MoonSwatch, but, no brand desirability.
I doubt Omega had anything say about it. They had to do it no matter if they liked the idea or not. That's the truth. The one's that think Omega and Swatch are doing high Five's in the boardroom together are naive
@@lonewolfemcquade8133 had to do what? Omega have nothing to do with this watch, they don't manufacture one single part of it. Not one single person who works for Omega will have had anything to do with this watch or any input into it whatsoever. It's as fake as a $150 Rolex in the open air market in Bangkok. And not as well made. And for (not) the last time, Swatch Watches DO NOT own Omega. Both Omega and Swatch are owned by the same Group which has (long after the Group acquired Omega) been renamed "The Swatch Group".
I bought a MoonSwatch 2 years ago. There's not a dealer around here so I bought it when I was at a conference in Las Vegas. I have the original mission to earth and love mine. I don't wear it often, but it does occasionally get worn. I bought mission to Uranus for my youngest daughter on my next trip and she wears it as a daily. One of my best friends is a flight attendant and she bought Venus while in Italy after seeing mine. Now my wife has decided that everyone in the family should get a MoonSwatch for Christmas this year. I wear my Grand Seiko the most, my Tudor BB second most, but I find time for my MoonSwatch on a regular basis. My flight attendant friend told me that she has really started noticing watches, and is thinking about buying a new watch "just for fun." I think they are fun watches and are opening the eyes of other people who never would have thought about watches.
No way. Already 2 years passed?! It feels like yesterday I watched Paul Thorpe and That Watch Guy Las Vegas LIVE stream in Omega. Time really is flying.
Within a year of buying a Moonswatch I had acquired a Speedmaster triple date. I love and wear them both. Total gateway for me into watch obsessed nuttiness.
The Polar Lights looks way better seeing it here than in the product shots. I like the bold colour a lot. In the end you buy what makes you happy and brings joy, everything else is just noise.
What I like about the MoonSwatch line, as I look at my very conservative watch collection, is that it proves that there’s still room for fun in this hobby. And at $270 or so, I’ve paid more for less stylish quartz watches in the past. I still have my eye on the Mission to Mars, as I’ve always wanted a Speedmaster Alaska Project, but when they were still cheap enough to buy, I was too young to afford one.
🤣 I think that’s pretty accurate! But it depends on what “actual watches” means. I wore my Mission to Jupiter every day for 2 months last summer! …… and it’s fine! 😅 I’m not hiking up mountains, needing to use my watch as a hammer 😅 so it depends on what “actual” Watch means I think!
I agree! I think they are much better as display pieces but having said that. I have been wearing one on and off for the past year and it still runs and looks great.
First, I love moonswatches. It highlights the fun part of our hobby, the mainstream part, and the business part. This is why we can talk about it again and again. If you love wearing it, wear it ! Second, I can only advise you to revert de strap : use the small part above and the long part down. It wears so much better for smaller wrists ! Greetings from France, enjoy you're Aurora 😊
YOU KNOW, THE STRAP ALWAYS FELT WRONG! Even as I was swapping the straps back and forth for this video (I have a few Nato shots, and a few original velcro strap shots) I had to go to the Swatch website to figure out what side was the buckle side - and it felt wrong! I am going to switch it up and see if it feels better!
It's refreshing to see someone give an honest take on a hype piece. I owned the mission to the moon, and I think the plastic case was just such a huge shock that we all dismissed it as a toy. I have loved the recent design releases, but my original moonswatch got scratched up wayyyy too easy, and too deep for poly watch. So... I'm waiting until they release a better crystal, whatever material they choose to use. But if you love the watch keep loving it and shouting it from the rooftop!
@@sagniksinha5831I literally typed out what I would want changed about the piece, and said I understand why people dislike the case. What am I missing? In saying I think they're cheap pieces of junk but have liked the newest designs...
I’m glad this opens up the market on watches. Not as revolutionary as the Seiko Astron quartz but it does open the door for folks to look at the luxury market like Omega.
I think so many watch elites have missed out on the accessibility that the Moonswatch provides. They’re fun, light and easy to wear. Are they over priced? Probably, but still very accessible. I love the Speedy, but before committing to a huge spend, it’s nice to give it a trial and see whether I enjoy the form over time. I’ve had so many conversations since I bought mine, with random people who love the Moonswatch as well.
I got the Mission to Venus as a soft introduction to Omega and I actually LOVE it..I was leery of the plastic and not the biggest fan of the Velcro strap but at first wear..I loved it! The colors make it feminine and with other jewelry it’s just very fun and whimsical of a sort..
I have only seen a Moonswatch in the wild once. I was on a flight, and the flight attendant was wearing one. It was well after the hype had died down, and my hopes of getting one had been dashed and soured when the CEO told us they would eventually sell them online, then reneged on that meaning I was at the mercy of travel a long distance and luck of the draw if the one I wanted was there. But this flight attendant was wearing a lovely watch that perfectly matched her uniform, and I have no doubt it was worn every flight she was on in working clothes. And it was great. I remember the days in my youth when there were these plastic watches everyone went crazy for. Swatch knows how to do it, and they do it right. I could see myself even purchasing one, but at the whims of right time, right place, which will be rare. I'm glad you were there to let your friend not have the great remorse for not buying the right one for him, and that you like it. Best of luck to your friend to finally getting the right watch for him.
Dear WG, i'm always on your channel and i'm so happy when the bell ring for a new video. Its a while since your last live chat(i was busy its the reason i'm not participating on your last) but i don't forget you, i have a great news for you: since the may 14 2024 i'm a proud owner of a... Omega! Yes isen't a Speedmaster, but a vintage from the 50's(manual winding) 25mm diameter but, its really a nice lady. After 20 years of wait i'm a omega owner. I want to thank you for provide those videos and i wish you a good pregancy time thanks. Now saving for a omega Geneve automatic
I agree with your comments. It’s fun and gets more people into watches. And I do have one for a fun weekend watch even though I collect vintage Rolex. Great starting point. But no more please.
I have to say I have two of these; Polar Lights and Pluto. I love them. Yes they are not high quality and sure you can get a much better quality GShock for the same price and its within spitting distance of some good Seiko’s. But I dont care. I really enjoy them and I think this new Polar Light’s is so dope. I totally agree with you about the dial. I wish it was just the smallest bit more noticeable. I really think that people need to get over hating these, ignore that they were ascribed as “hype” and let some joy seep into your life.
I am a collector, and I have the black and white snoopy's and blue moon in my safe. I bought my wife venus to play with. I grew up in the 60s - 70s, so we stayed glued to the TV/ newspapers about all that was going on in the space race. This is fun and nostalgic, which is what it should be. Just have fun!!
I’m also torn. Was in the first queue in London and saw it all happen. After that I didn’t try to get one again. However: whenever I see someone with it now, it creates a potential talking point. Only very few rare watches might do the same, but they would do that for an elite only (even if it’s a British Watchmaker’s Day limited edition of something). Because it’s this hybrid between a Swatch and an Omega (ie the shape of an upmarket watch in a sort of affordable execution), it creates a bridge between groups like a G-Shock, Timex, Seiko, or Orient never could.
I recently bought a Mission to the Moon and totally love it! The hate that it gets is totally unwarranted. I love its style and light weight; super comfortable to wear as well.
These are cute fun watches, Im still vaguely planning to buy the Alska one, the snobbery around this topic is palpable imho. I low key like the Snoopy white too. I was in the line for the originals & the marketing & distribution model irritated me but If it brings more people into the hobby then I for one applaud it.
So, do pregnant watch collectors have weird watch cravings? Is this the pickles and ice cream version? I think it looks pretty good, especially oversized on you since it underscores the fun, summer watch vibe.
Hey there Britt, Lovely video as always 🤩 And why shouldn’t one get this watch? It looks funky, keeps time and is more important to the watch world than snobs want to admit 😉 Cheers Britt 🥳
Britt, love your thoughts. But about Seiko... If you make another video, please don't miss some legend models like the SKX line, the Monsters and Baby Monsters. The Alpinist too... Those are one of the best and legendary models out there. Unfortunately some of them are already discontinued.
Great video! Although i dont think he could flip it at least not in the USA. My swatch store had every one in stock and also said the only one they ran out of the first day was the volcano one and they only were allowed to sell 20 of each color so i do think the hype has massively died down
I love the fun these represent. If I had a Swstch store near me, Id probably own a few of them. Im planning to pick up a Snoopy one when I next visit NYC. That should tide me over until I hunt down an actual silver snoopy moonwatch
Go to the time Square store, ON SATURDAY, queue at 9am-ish, they open at ten and they'll ask which Moonswatch you want, then you guaranteed to get any snoopy you want in NYC.
Look, I get it. It's a fun color, which is what Swatch is known for. And it's good looking, which is what the Speedmasters are known for. And it's not outlandishly expensive. I wouldn't get one because I already put money down for the new Seiko Samurai (or "Shogurai" as some retailers are trying to tag it) but I'm not going to shame the people who buy this watch.
I love this comment! This is exactly it. We all like different things - where one person puts their money is different than where another person spends theirs!
Love this take! I'm tired of hearing that it's a plastic toy. It's not a cheap Omega, but an expensive Swatch yes, but for people that can't afford a speedy, I definitely feel like this scratches the itch! More MoonSawatch videos please 🙏😊
I like certain variations of the Moonswatch, but I know me. I'd wear it maybe twice, and then it would sit unworn in my watch box. I'm not sure for the price it would be worth it. I do like both the white and black Snoopy. Either of these, or the black Mission to Moon, would be my purchase if I bought.
I held one not long ago at a watch meetup in Baltimore, they are fun and a great entry into watches that I have actually seen out in the wild on muggles. So totally agree these are a gateway product for, ahem, normal people. 😅 The only thing on the Moonswatch that gave me any "ick" was the strap. Man that seems cheap and that it would be uncomfortable. But, I mean it's not the end of the world and an easy part to upgrade.
SALTY! As ALWAYS, I couldn't agree more with your comment. I just think it's such a great entry point into watches, and that's AWESOME! James and I went to Portugal for a few days last year - and we saw so many people wearing MoonSwatches! But I couldn't agree more about the strap. First thing I did was put it on a NATO! I had to put some clips in the video of the strap. But for my own personal wearing: Nato always.
My best friend hated watches until I got her the Lara Croft Tissot T-touch,since she is totally smitten with Lara...and Wonder Woman. Anyway, she loved the T, and slowly I have corrupted her into being a "watch gremlin" too. She just got the Rainbow G-Shock, and how it relates to this video, she loves Hagley West watches. They're absolute garbage but she loves them, and I am not going to spoil her enthusiasm. She gets a ugly watch with a quartz movement not even worth $10, I just got a Carl F Bucherer. We're both happy.
Found out recently you're here from Bristol! I'm actually looking to buy one of those for my daughter... Kinda blows we don't have a Swatch store around here, though.
I recently bought 2. Mars and Moon. Overpriced but they look good. The strap doesn't curve enough to wrap around my wrist, one segment juts out. Other than price, it ain't that bad. I certainly can't afford the Omega versions
I am considering getting one of these and much like your friend, I would like to know how the buttons work/and what do they do, and would love to know what the sub dials mean and all of those numbers on the bezel...
Congrats on a great Swatch. If you view these as Omegas, they are crap. If you view these as Swatches, they are great. Now, I dislike the in store only purchace and the crazy scalping prices we saw early on did not help. Overall, they are fun. Enjoy
It's great that people are starting to understand.. "why so serious" this is a fun watch, you liked it, you buy and wear it! Yes plastic, I love this plastic!
I was delighted to buy a mission to mars last year in Geneva during my visit to WAW23. I love the swatch chrono movement. I think everyone if they are honest either has one or would like one, it really just comes down to the price.
Is Baby Breguet still on the inside, or has he made his escape? (I made a guess. I had a 50/50 shot. Now off to look up watch related names for a Lady. Christina Ward? 🤔)
Those shots with the chronograph hand perfectly synced with the seconds hand are so freaking satisfying, I don't understand why more channels don't do that.
My Submariner rests in it's box for quite sometime know, because I enjoy very much wearing my Mission to Jupiter, Polar Lights and Ocean of Storms. Looking forward for the next move by Swatch; a Breguet, perhaps ?
I bought the white moon phase yesterday and tried on the Polar Lights, but I was SO disappointed in the dial. I expected more Aventurine-look. In person, it just looked like a printed dial with a couple of weird dirt specks on it.
Such a Great Video I feel somewhat better because you somehow filled in the blanks for me let me start by saying I have recently purchased the plain black mission to the moon on Father's Day...I walk into the store they had them in stock so I brought one was to easy I was assuming they were sold out again as I keep trying until I gave up...now that I have one I'm asking do I really need it ? I use to collect swatch watches back in the days plus I also had an Omega speed master back in the days I didn't kno anybetter then ...so I sold it for cheap I now have so many regrets because nowadays they are very expensive...in short I was ready to return my 300.dollar Swatch watch buts thanks to you I'm keeping it 😂😂...again Great Video Thanks....
Great for you, going with some color. Please let’s tone it a little down from black and steel constantly. I like Omega but since I prefer simple elegant styles, I’m not a fan of most of the lineup, but this interesting at least.
This happens in every industry. The difference between the casual or beginner part of the audience and the hardcore, more dedicated one. Both have different perspectives, goals and motivations from one another.
Love the content. Keeping talking Swatch. I was on the fence. However, I agree I want the snoopy. everyone has different budgets and styles. If someone likes a certain brand of watch, just buy the watch and enjoy. Is that not the whole point of being a Watch collector/enthusiast.
I like not only the MoonSwatches themselves, but the idea. They are a product that appeals to a market segment. And it serves to introduce novices to the world of watches. And the best part of the MoonSwatch is that no one is compelled to buy one. Let those who like these buy them and have fun with them and those without horological sin cast the first bioceramic stone.
It's become pretty clear that a lot of the undeserved hostility toward the Moonswatch as a product is collateral damage from the *very* deserved hostility toward the Moonswatch business model.
Despite it's flaws it is such a wonderful watch. For me I have the Mission to Saturn and it has everything I want in a watch, its cool, it's good looking, it's comfortable and to add it is so funky looking. You can tell watch people love it no matter there budget with millionaires and the humble middle class owning it.
And of course there is a chronograph watch that really has been to the moon, made by a brand that's been around 149 years and it isn't (compared to a gen Speedy) a whole lot more expensive than a MoonSwatch. Maybe you could have mentioned it to your friend Brit?
I think a lot more research has gone into creating this colour. I remember the IWC Petronas landing and product pages having a lot of traffic and interest. I'm not surprised that Omega got that colour scheme into the affordable Moonswatch range. On a separate note, I wonder why the salmon dial is not mainstream yet in the affordable price point segment.
For a lot of people all over the world buying a MoonSwatch it’s like buying a SpeedMaster moon watch in a rich country. I say this terms of the amount of work and savings you need to do in order to afford one. The Omega will never happen but the Moon Swatch is an attainable dream
Watch fam: “buy what you love!”
Also watch fam: “EW BUT NOT THAT! Please select from the approved list”
That logic can be applied to so many hobbies haha.
Sorry… I swear by my all black Blancpain Swatch…I love this watch more than my Rolex Explorer I (almost)
Funny how much this relates to the audiophiles as well
what strap did you have on it in some of the b roll? (the light greyish brown with the black stripe)
I think everyone misses the poetic symmetry that the moonswatch represents. Just as, long ago, Swatch saved Omega from disappearing, today Omega is saving Swatch.
YOU KNOOOOW, I MISSED THIS! But now that you've said it - this is bang on! I love this take!
Lol saving Swatch but at what cost. Imagine a full plastic Rolex Daytona or Sub for 500dollars.
@@NCSheriff7 exactly.
Why don't VAG make a bargain Skoda copy of a Lamborghini?
Because they know that what makes a Lamborghini a Lamborghini is the brand.
You can buy a Speedy homage that wipes the floor with the MoonSwatch, steel case, proper bracelet for 25% of the cost of the MoonSwatch, but, no brand desirability.
I doubt Omega had anything say about it. They had to do it no matter if they liked the idea or not. That's the truth. The one's that think Omega and Swatch are doing high Five's in the boardroom together are naive
@@lonewolfemcquade8133 had to do what?
Omega have nothing to do with this watch, they don't manufacture one single part of it. Not one single person who works for Omega will have had anything to do with this watch or any input into it whatsoever.
It's as fake as a $150 Rolex in the open air market in Bangkok. And not as well made.
And for (not) the last time, Swatch Watches DO NOT own Omega.
Both Omega and Swatch are owned by the same Group which has (long after the Group acquired Omega) been renamed "The Swatch Group".
Great to see a non-snobby watch enthusiast
The only reason to buy this is the Omega logo, it it a product for poor snobs.
@@1vbAPiYk buying or wearing something becuase of the brand doesn’t make you a snob. It’s an attitude thing.
I bought a MoonSwatch 2 years ago. There's not a dealer around here so I bought it when I was at a conference in Las Vegas. I have the original mission to earth and love mine. I don't wear it often, but it does occasionally get worn. I bought mission to Uranus for my youngest daughter on my next trip and she wears it as a daily. One of my best friends is a flight attendant and she bought Venus while in Italy after seeing mine. Now my wife has decided that everyone in the family should get a MoonSwatch for Christmas this year. I wear my Grand Seiko the most, my Tudor BB second most, but I find time for my MoonSwatch on a regular basis. My flight attendant friend told me that she has really started noticing watches, and is thinking about buying a new watch "just for fun." I think they are fun watches and are opening the eyes of other people who never would have thought about watches.
No way. Already 2 years passed?!
It feels like yesterday I watched Paul Thorpe and That Watch Guy Las Vegas LIVE stream in Omega.
Time really is flying.
Thanks! All watches need love.
Within a year of buying a Moonswatch I had acquired a Speedmaster triple date. I love and wear them both. Total gateway for me into watch obsessed nuttiness.
The Polar Lights looks way better seeing it here than in the product shots. I like the bold colour a lot. In the end you buy what makes you happy and brings joy, everything else is just noise.
What I like about the MoonSwatch line, as I look at my very conservative watch collection, is that it proves that there’s still room for fun in this hobby. And at $270 or so, I’ve paid more for less stylish quartz watches in the past. I still have my eye on the Mission to Mars, as I’ve always wanted a Speedmaster Alaska Project, but when they were still cheap enough to buy, I was too young to afford one.
I've come to the conclusion that these are pretty and good looking but too fragile to be worn as actual watches...
🤣 I think that’s pretty accurate! But it depends on what “actual watches” means. I wore my Mission to Jupiter every day for 2 months last summer! …… and it’s fine! 😅 I’m not hiking up mountains, needing to use my watch as a hammer 😅 so it depends on what “actual” Watch means I think!
No I think depends more on what you have going on in your day 😂
I agree! I think they are much better as display pieces but having said that. I have been wearing one on and off for the past year and it still runs and looks great.
Thats my problem too and hoping they can make it more durable or else is just always in the watch box
First, I love moonswatches. It highlights the fun part of our hobby, the mainstream part, and the business part. This is why we can talk about it again and again.
If you love wearing it, wear it !
Second, I can only advise you to revert de strap : use the small part above and the long part down. It wears so much better for smaller wrists !
Greetings from France, enjoy you're Aurora 😊
YOU KNOW, THE STRAP ALWAYS FELT WRONG! Even as I was swapping the straps back and forth for this video (I have a few Nato shots, and a few original velcro strap shots) I had to go to the Swatch website to figure out what side was the buckle side - and it felt wrong! I am going to switch it up and see if it feels better!
@@BrittPearceWatches Just put it on upside down to find out if it feels better!
It's refreshing to see someone give an honest take on a hype piece. I owned the mission to the moon, and I think the plastic case was just such a huge shock that we all dismissed it as a toy.
I have loved the recent design releases, but my original moonswatch got scratched up wayyyy too easy, and too deep for poly watch. So... I'm waiting until they release a better crystal, whatever material they choose to use.
But if you love the watch keep loving it and shouting it from the rooftop!
If u feel thats a honest take then you haven’t touched one moonswatch in real life. They feel plastic watch and pathetic quality.
@@sagniksinha5831I literally typed out what I would want changed about the piece, and said I understand why people dislike the case. What am I missing? In saying I think they're cheap pieces of junk but have liked the newest designs...
@@SecronSeven 😲😲
Buy what you like. End of story.
indeed, and don't buy / not buy something only because that's the popular thing to do.
AMEN! Watch fam: “buy what you love” also watch fam “EW BUT NOT THAT” 🤣
I’m glad this opens up the market on watches. Not as revolutionary as the Seiko Astron quartz but it does open the door for folks to look at the luxury market like Omega.
Right?! I so agree!
I think so many watch elites have missed out on the accessibility that the Moonswatch provides. They’re fun, light and easy to wear. Are they over priced? Probably, but still very accessible. I love the Speedy, but before committing to a huge spend, it’s nice to give it a trial and see whether I enjoy the form over time.
I’ve had so many conversations since I bought mine, with random people who love the Moonswatch as well.
I got the Mission to Venus as a soft introduction to Omega and I actually LOVE it..I was leery of the plastic and not the biggest fan of the Velcro strap but at first wear..I loved it! The colors make it feminine and with other jewelry it’s just very fun and whimsical of a sort..
I often get buyers remorse for about a week after getting a new watch. Never quite sure how it looks. But that goes away and start liking it.
I've always said this. Every luxury watch brand needs to have an affordable line (As in actually affordable) to get people into the brand or industry.
Yup! This is kinda becoming the problem at the moment. Like, the stainless steel models should be the entry point. But they are all impossible to get!
100% agree! It’s like if you can’t afford a Gibson or Fender guitar, you can get an Epiphone or a Squier
you clearly have no idea about the marketing of luxury brands and the fact that "you've always said it" changes nothing.
Hi! I have the same Moonswatch 😍 where can I find that nato strap?😊
I totally agree with your rant. I’m here for it, too.
I have only seen a Moonswatch in the wild once. I was on a flight, and the flight attendant was wearing one. It was well after the hype had died down, and my hopes of getting one had been dashed and soured when the CEO told us they would eventually sell them online, then reneged on that meaning I was at the mercy of travel a long distance and luck of the draw if the one I wanted was there. But this flight attendant was wearing a lovely watch that perfectly matched her uniform, and I have no doubt it was worn every flight she was on in working clothes. And it was great. I remember the days in my youth when there were these plastic watches everyone went crazy for. Swatch knows how to do it, and they do it right. I could see myself even purchasing one, but at the whims of right time, right place, which will be rare. I'm glad you were there to let your friend not have the great remorse for not buying the right one for him, and that you like it. Best of luck to your friend to finally getting the right watch for him.
Yes! Yes! It does not matter what people purchase once it gets them excited...the rest just happens.
What’s better than one moonswatch video? TWO! Keep going Gringa!!!
I love your take on these watches. I want to “humble“ myself and get the lava version. 😊
This is supposed to be fun!
🤣 RIGHT?!! I always need to remind myself “this is supposed to be fun! Calm down Brittany”
What Nato Strap did you show in this Video. I like it. Should perfectly match my Mission to Mercury
Dear WG, i'm always on your channel and i'm so happy when the bell ring for a new video. Its a while since your last live chat(i was busy its the reason i'm not participating on your last) but i don't forget you, i have a great news for you: since the may 14 2024 i'm a proud owner of a... Omega! Yes isen't a Speedmaster, but a vintage from the 50's(manual winding) 25mm diameter but, its really a nice lady. After 20 years of wait i'm a omega owner. I want to thank you for provide those videos and i wish you a good pregancy time thanks. Now saving for a omega Geneve automatic
I agree with your comments. It’s fun and gets more people into watches. And I do have one for a fun weekend watch even though I collect vintage Rolex. Great starting point. But no more please.
I like the this piece. Regardless of the pros and cons, this has a place for anyone that love the joyful fun of collecting!
I love em. They're just fun. I dont expect it to be rugged and last for ever. I have G-shocks for that.
ok, nothing good to say about it and so I'll keep it to myself. Happy that you are happy with it Britt!
Nice review. I have bought recently the MoonSwatch Polar lights. I like very much the turquoise color and the dial.
Twinsies! It's just a bit of fun!
One of the best looking ones I think
I have to say I have two of these; Polar Lights and Pluto. I love them. Yes they are not high quality and sure you can get a much better quality GShock for the same price and its within spitting distance of some good Seiko’s. But I dont care. I really enjoy them and I think this new Polar Light’s is so dope. I totally agree with you about the dial. I wish it was just the smallest bit more noticeable. I really think that people need to get over hating these, ignore that they were ascribed as “hype” and let some joy seep into your life.
I have two and love them both! Just a fun watch for enjoying! Thanks for the video ! 🎉
I am a collector, and I have the black and white snoopy's and blue moon in my safe. I bought my wife venus to play with. I grew up in the 60s - 70s, so we stayed glued to the TV/ newspapers about all that was going on in the space race. This is fun and nostalgic, which is what it should be. Just have fun!!
I’m also torn. Was in the first queue in London and saw it all happen. After that I didn’t try to get one again. However: whenever I see someone with it now, it creates a potential talking point. Only very few rare watches might do the same, but they would do that for an elite only (even if it’s a British Watchmaker’s Day limited edition of something). Because it’s this hybrid between a Swatch and an Omega (ie the shape of an upmarket watch in a sort of affordable execution), it creates a bridge between groups like a G-Shock, Timex, Seiko, or Orient never could.
yes it is funky, yes it is plastic and yes could be over priced BUT watches are like accessories to us and that watch has a place in the collection .
I recently bought a Mission to the Moon and totally love it! The hate that it gets is totally unwarranted. I love its style and light weight; super comfortable to wear as well.
I think this looks great!
These are cute fun watches, Im still vaguely planning to buy the Alska one, the snobbery around this topic is palpable imho. I low key like the Snoopy white too. I was in the line for the originals & the marketing & distribution model irritated me but If it brings more people into the hobby then I for one applaud it.
So, do pregnant watch collectors have weird watch cravings?
Is this the pickles and ice cream version?
I think it looks pretty good, especially oversized on you since it underscores the fun, summer watch vibe.
Taking the opportunity to be one of the firsts to comment.
Your content is simply very good.
-A fan from Israel
Whaaat! This has made my day! Thabk you so so much! 💕✨
Of all the versions so far, I like the white Snoopy the best but I think the latest three are also a home run.
Right?! I'm meeting up with Josh tonight to see his new black Snoopy! (Well, mostly to watch Euros in football - but side bonus is seeing his Snoopy!)
Hey there Britt,
Lovely video as always 🤩
And why shouldn’t one get this watch? It looks funky, keeps time and is more important to the watch world than snobs want to admit 😉
Cheers Britt 🥳
Britt, love your thoughts. But about Seiko... If you make another video, please don't miss some legend models like the SKX line, the Monsters and Baby Monsters. The Alpinist too... Those are one of the best and legendary models out there. Unfortunately some of them are already discontinued.
Great video! Although i dont think he could flip it at least not in the USA. My swatch store had every one in stock and also said the only one they ran out of the first day was the volcano one and they only were allowed to sell 20 of each color so i do think the hype has massively died down
The Italian team coach Spalletti had a blue moonswatch on his wrist during the Croatia game.
No wonder Italy lost....
I already saw Zlatan Ibraimovic with a Mission to Mars moonswatch! 😁
I love the fun these represent. If I had a Swstch store near me, Id probably own a few of them. Im planning to pick up a Snoopy one when I next visit NYC. That should tide me over until I hunt down an actual silver snoopy moonwatch
Go to the time Square store, ON SATURDAY, queue at 9am-ish, they open at ten and they'll ask which Moonswatch you want, then you guaranteed to get any snoopy you want in NYC.
@@watchnerds Thanks for the advice
Look, I get it. It's a fun color, which is what Swatch is known for. And it's good looking, which is what the Speedmasters are known for. And it's not outlandishly expensive. I wouldn't get one because I already put money down for the new Seiko Samurai (or "Shogurai" as some retailers are trying to tag it) but I'm not going to shame the people who buy this watch.
I love this comment! This is exactly it. We all like different things - where one person puts their money is different than where another person spends theirs!
Love this take! I'm tired of hearing that it's a plastic toy. It's not a cheap Omega, but an expensive Swatch yes, but for people that can't afford a speedy, I definitely feel like this scratches the itch! More MoonSawatch videos please 🙏😊
I like certain variations of the Moonswatch, but I know me. I'd wear it maybe twice, and then it would sit unworn in my watch box. I'm not sure for the price it would be worth it.
I do like both the white and black Snoopy. Either of these, or the black Mission to Moon, would be my purchase if I bought.
I held one not long ago at a watch meetup in Baltimore, they are fun and a great entry into watches that I have actually seen out in the wild on muggles. So totally agree these are a gateway product for, ahem, normal people. 😅
The only thing on the Moonswatch that gave me any "ick" was the strap. Man that seems cheap and that it would be uncomfortable. But, I mean it's not the end of the world and an easy part to upgrade.
SALTY! As ALWAYS, I couldn't agree more with your comment. I just think it's such a great entry point into watches, and that's AWESOME! James and I went to Portugal for a few days last year - and we saw so many people wearing MoonSwatches! But I couldn't agree more about the strap. First thing I did was put it on a NATO! I had to put some clips in the video of the strap. But for my own personal wearing: Nato always.
My best friend hated watches until I got her the Lara Croft Tissot T-touch,since she is totally smitten with Lara...and Wonder Woman. Anyway, she loved the T, and slowly I have corrupted her into being a "watch gremlin" too. She just got the Rainbow G-Shock, and how it relates to this video, she loves Hagley West watches. They're absolute garbage but she loves them, and I am not going to spoil her enthusiasm. She gets a ugly watch with a quartz movement not even worth $10, I just got a Carl F Bucherer. We're both happy.
Found out recently you're here from Bristol! I'm actually looking to buy one of those for my daughter... Kinda blows we don't have a Swatch store around here, though.
I bought the polar lights , nice summer watch.
Right?! I so agree! Twinsies.
Lovely presentation, made me smile several times after a hard day at work :)
I recently bought 2. Mars and Moon. Overpriced but they look good. The strap doesn't curve enough to wrap around my wrist, one segment juts out. Other than price, it ain't that bad. I certainly can't afford the Omega versions
I own the Mission to the Sun, both Snoopy colors, and the Pacific Ocean. I would love to add a Mission on Earth - Desert.
I am considering getting one of these and much like your friend, I would like to know how the buttons work/and what do they do, and would love to know what the sub dials mean and all of those numbers on the bezel...
Congrats on a great Swatch.
If you view these as Omegas, they are crap. If you view these as Swatches, they are great.
Now, I dislike the in store only purchace and the crazy scalping prices we saw early on did not help.
Overall, they are fun. Enjoy
Like the idea of this watch being an entry level watch.
Yeah, for the price of a decent strap, you get a fun little watch with bags of personality!! 👌🏽
I still break out the Moonswatch every now and then. Sometimes you see it in the case and think 'why not'?
It's great that people are starting to understand.. "why so serious" this is a fun watch, you liked it, you buy and wear it! Yes plastic, I love this plastic!
Is it magic? The new Polar Lights on your slim wrist turns you into a highly talented, confident teenage singer. 💖
I was delighted to buy a mission to mars last year in Geneva during my visit to WAW23. I love the swatch chrono movement. I think everyone if they are honest either has one or would like one, it really just comes down to the price.
What is that strap that you wearing in the video....the gray one...where's from? I like it
That nato works really will. Would you share where you got it from? Thanks!
I love the red, the white snoopy, the mercury, and the saturn. I'll get them one day when it's convenient.
Is Baby Breguet still on the inside, or has he made his escape?
(I made a guess. I had a 50/50 shot. Now off to look up watch related names for a Lady. Christina Ward? 🤔)
Those shots with the chronograph hand perfectly synced with the seconds hand are so freaking satisfying, I don't understand why more channels don't do that.
My Submariner rests in it's box for quite sometime know, because I enjoy very much wearing my Mission to Jupiter, Polar Lights and Ocean of Storms. Looking forward for the next move by Swatch; a Breguet, perhaps ?
I almost bought it in Toronto - but I couldn’t see it on my wrist everyday lol. Maybe the all black snoopy
Where can I get you aftermarket strap? It looks so good!
i’m not gonna hate cause this channel is elite
Now THIS has made my day! 💕💕✨✨
Wait, I actually think thats a pretty cool product. I haven't bought or heard of these before but this could make a pretty awesome stocking stuffer!
Some people crave food at the end, you are craving moon swatches.
Bahaha! ;) And food!
I bought the white moon phase yesterday and tried on the Polar Lights, but I was SO disappointed in the dial. I expected more Aventurine-look. In person, it just looked like a printed dial with a couple of weird dirt specks on it.
The color on that watch is almost the same of your eyes, and both are stunning :)
"to do" is fire
Bahaha! Oh why thank you! Step 1: Acquire a lot more money ;)
I love that turquoise colour it's giving me summer vibes 🌞😎⌚︎
That's exactly it! It feels like summer BBQ, drinking a Corona!
Bought one, saturn, little did i know, been wearing it everyday and during traveling for 3 months now. Its a fun watch! Planning to get the lava next
Honestly the MoonSwatch did actually get me interested in watches! I saw my co-workers MS, and now I just bought my 3rd mechanical watch! 😅
Such a Great Video I feel somewhat better because you somehow filled in the blanks for me let me start by saying I have recently purchased the plain black mission to the moon on Father's Day...I walk into the store they had them in stock so I brought one was to easy I was assuming they were sold out again as I keep trying until I gave up...now that I have one I'm asking do I really need it ? I use to collect swatch watches back in the days plus I also had an Omega speed master back in the days I didn't kno anybetter then ...so I sold it for cheap I now have so many regrets because nowadays they are very expensive...in short I was ready to return my 300.dollar Swatch watch buts thanks to you I'm keeping it 😂😂...again Great Video Thanks....
Great for you, going with some color. Please let’s tone it a little down from black and steel constantly. I like Omega but since I prefer simple elegant styles, I’m not a fan of most of the lineup, but this interesting at least.
This happens in every industry. The difference between the casual or beginner part of the audience and the hardcore, more dedicated one. Both have different perspectives, goals and motivations from one another.
Can you explain to us what the buttons and numbers on the dial are for?!
Love the content. Keeping talking Swatch. I was on the fence. However, I agree I want the snoopy. everyone has different budgets and styles. If someone likes a certain brand of watch, just buy the watch and enjoy.
Is that not the whole point of being a Watch collector/enthusiast.
Great perspective Brit!
Oh thank you so much!
Hi Britt, what do you think of the new Moonswatch, Mission to Earthphase?
Love your vids btw 😉👍🏼⚘
Greetings from The Netherlands 🇳🇱👋🏼
Heard some users that the crowns on the watch have low durability/ broke due to the moulding process..
I like not only the MoonSwatches themselves, but the idea. They are a product that appeals to a market segment. And it serves to introduce novices to the world of watches. And the best part of the MoonSwatch is that no one is compelled to buy one. Let those who like these buy them and have fun with them and those without horological sin cast the first bioceramic stone.
Britt, regarding this review, all I can say is *chef kiss*
It's become pretty clear that a lot of the undeserved hostility toward the Moonswatch as a product is collateral damage from the *very* deserved hostility toward the Moonswatch business model.
The moonswatch deserves as much hostility as cheap plastic quartz watches like daniel wellington.
Like the color and if you want the speedmaster look go for it. If not get something else.
Exactly! That’s all I’m going to say in my next moonswatch video. Itll be 10 seconds long and it will be everything that needs to be said!!
@@BrittPearceWatches Thrilled for it ;)
Despite it's flaws it is such a wonderful watch. For me I have the Mission to Saturn and it has everything I want in a watch, its cool, it's good looking, it's comfortable and to add it is so funky looking. You can tell watch people love it no matter there budget with millionaires and the humble middle class owning it.
And of course there is a chronograph watch that really has been to the moon, made by a brand that's been around 149 years and it isn't (compared to a gen Speedy) a whole lot more expensive than a MoonSwatch.
Maybe you could have mentioned it to your friend Brit?
I think a lot more research has gone into creating this colour. I remember the IWC Petronas landing and product pages having a lot of traffic and interest. I'm not surprised that Omega got that colour scheme into the affordable Moonswatch range. On a separate note, I wonder why the salmon dial is not mainstream yet in the affordable price point segment.
Amazing colors! But the watch strap remain the problem🤷🏻♂️ Not so confortable 😊on the side of the wrist!..
Can you review the CW Moonphase and Moonglow together?
For a lot of people all over the world buying a MoonSwatch it’s like buying a SpeedMaster moon watch in a rich country. I say this terms of the amount of work and savings you need to do in order to afford one. The Omega will never happen but the Moon Swatch is an attainable dream
These look really nice, i want the sun one but i've still not bought one because i've seen videos of how easy they are to break
I have the regular mission to earth, absolutely love it