i dont understand the point of this video. You're tryna prove it but all you're doing is showing clips instead of the whole game so we can't even critique your gameplay or see if you deserve it. Like we cant even see how you're pathing or how you're clearing your camps.
I mean, even in his clips, his ganks are awful, and that fire drake fight targetting was atrocious. only thing he showed is he knows how to clear camps as a jungler. nice one!
@ I would agree. He was on soul point but just left drake to waste his ult on a dead renek. He could have ulted jhin there instead or just completed the drake instead of chasing the kayn for half of the fight and wasting his ult on renek.
No idea why people say you seem like a silver player because I think you're bronze at best. Just a lot of things you don't know or do that even silver players have a basic concept of such as checking other lanes/team mates. Mechanically you clearly didn't understand your champion beyond the bare bones i.e. Q does damage, but you didn't even seen to know that Q and W both act as an auto reset and that Viego's passive let's him do more damage to marked targets and he can only mark with Q and W. Also no focus on getting good quality resets or positioning to isolate squishy targets such as was pointed out before like trying to kill and reset on Lux in game 1, and you often hold your R after getting a soul instead of instantly dumping it and do your basic auto W auto into Q auto combo (R also auto resets). You also clearly had no sense of a game plan where you did something because you knew it was the right thing to do. Instead it was very much a "I look at what happens and then I respond". you never thought about what the enemy wanted or more holistically about the game state or your team. It's not even in the little things but it's in a lot of the big and general things.
Heya - so first of all great job with the editing! your videos feel super smooth, I can already tell from your gameplay at 2:11 that you shouldn't be in plat, viego is a super hard champ to play well but you're fundamentally not playing around his kit, take the fight I time stamped for example, your in a 2v2, your team mate dies and there is 2 people fighting you, instead of targeting the lux and playing for reset you decide to use everything on the healthy aphelious. If you play for reset on lux here you win.
I'm not gonna pretend to be good at the game, I'm Gold 1 and I don't jungle, but just looking at the fight at 2:05 you should realize what went wrong. Your W was ass, you didn't stay on the lux which would've killed her giving you a reset and after that mistake you also didn't ult on top of her to gap close and kill her which at least would've made it a 2 for 1 possibly even turn it into your favor. Not trying to hate and I know the low LOW elos are full of inting dogs but anyone who is plat would climb out of iron in a day
I've been playing league for 10 years I'm about to hit plat for the first time. you absolutely deserve the rank you are lol that goes for everyone. good video man.
I'm sorry not trying to be toxic but if you're iron there's a reason why u are there. Literally iron games you can play with 1 hand and and watch movies on the other screen.
@@dsvynunfortunately, it is that easy, any mid silver or low gold player can literally just run through iron without much effort. That being said based on these clips i feel like you deserve mid bronze at least, but you really should upload full games so we can get a full grasp of how you play and how you path
@@dsvyn It is. Over a longer period of games (about 200+) you will be accurately placed into the elo you belong into. If you can't carry games in Iron, you are not worthy of being placed in bronze to begin with. Climbing is all about you, not the enemy team nor your own teammates. Also stop playing Viego unless you know all other champs in the game. Stick to simple meta Tanks/Bruisers.
@@dsvyn Sorry dude, Ive bought Iron accounts like 4 times (I am peak emerald 1) And I can climb from iron to Gold1 with like 90+% winrate. Sometimes I lose lane, because with smurfs im 24/7 limit testing, but even if I go 1-5 in lane, I still win with basic macro. If youre stuck in Iron, im sorry but you belong there. Try play some other champ than Viego, atleast untill you know what all champions do.
feel like u playing locked camera, you should scout whats happening during a fight or when you take drake, there is no point to see your carater auto attacking or walking. Thats alone will improve your whole play
@@dsvyn your mental was positive, you should keep that, its allow you think more clearly when they invade your jg, you need a plan what to do when you cant enter that area
first as probably everyone have heard, three is a higher chance of a troll begin on enemy side than your side because if you are not a troll then there are only 4 other people that can be a troll while enemy team has 5 people that might troll. second, iron players really suck ass so carrying games in iron if you are good enough and you are playing the correct champ is pretty easy. personally i definitely wouldn't recommend viego for climbing out of low elo
@@dsvyn I would advice in iron-bronze you play Amumu if your team needs tank. Warwick if you're good at knowing pathing and punishing mistakes. Nocturne is also a good champ but he falls of late so he would be in case you know how to get a lead and end quick. If you are good at dodging and also auto attacking trundle allows you to push side lanes as a jungler and win any 1v1 but lose team fights (in iron and bronze they usually cant punish that)
- Unlock the cam. - If you want to play Viego as OTP it's ok. But need to learn almost all 500 habilities. It's not just spaming every key... If not, maybe change to Warwick, Nocturne, Amumu, Shyvana, Yi or Volibear. - Furthermore, you don't really understand what others and your own champ does. Like when Azir Rs you, you can dodge with your own R to not get pushed into the turret. - Learn to time and punish big CDs, like Flash. - Try to come up with a plan based on the matchups in every lane (this is why you should learn other champs and roles), AND ADAPT THAT PLAN on the fly. - Once you get tho know better other champs, use quick cast on. Yeah, you are right, maybe should not be in iron, but for shure not plat either. I don't agree with the conclution tho, stop blaming others like the troll Sett... if you are not troll, then there's 4 people that might be one in your team vs 5 on the enemy team. Change that mental ASAP. If you are better than average iron players, you can make the difference on the long run. Cheers mate!
I wouldn’t say you are iron. But no where near Plat the reason why your team is pinging. Is that you make so many mistakes mechanicly. Macro also but it’s silver level atleast. Good for playing league for one month though.
@@dsvyn im 1.5k LP chall jg main. play viego if you find it fun, easier to learn and have fun if you find the character you are playing genuinely fun. in low elo you can easily climb just by accumulating small advantages until you are too fed to be stopped. Chances are enemy jg is clueless and not really clearing that well, so if you just clear and only take plays that are free you will be lvl 15 when the guy is lvl 10-12 and win the game solo. If you have great tempo and clear a lot of camps, it makes it significantly easier to win games because you force enemy jungler set themselves behind by ignoring camps and countering your play or they decide to get the camps and ignore the play, therefore its a free play for you. The bottom line is that if you know mechanics of you champ well, what the other champs are doing, and you farm/counterjungle a lot its very free to get to master, you just gotta not be affected by what your team is pinging and decide by yourself what your gameplan is. GLHF
@@dsvyn Kayn, skarner, nocturne, Warwick Graves, and wukong. Choose 3 of these. And from personal experience iron is hard for different reasons than higher elo, but you got this. From this video the two thinks I see are inefficient farming and pathing, as well as some mechanical issues but you are playing Viego.
@@dsvyn As for you, there's quite a lot you did wrong as someone mentioned prior to this your focus in the 2v2 should've been on Lux not Aphe since Viego needs to play around his passive and ult which you both have up + flash and smite, you should also focus on using your summs when needed. I won't blame you too much however since you may not know your limits of his ult execute. Your other fault is walking into a jgl that isn't "yours", when you're behind you shouldn't walk blindly into a jgl since you lack map control, another fault is your objective control is all off and your understanding of what a good gank is, is also flawed I'd highly suggest learning wave states and the limits of your champ. Something else I noticed was early on you walked into Kayn jgl and used the vision plant, you never want to pop the vision plant since everyone can see it on the mini-map and you may of been able to kill kayn on his red if you simply walked in as he was half HP and still on the camp, could've also simply been a steal + kill. The reason you don't want to expose your position is your other lanes may get all in'd when they realize they're not under pressure. Simply work on your understanding of the game on a macro level, as for micro you should focus on weaving auto's in between your W and Q, too often I saw you press Q W and then auto, instead Q>Auto>W>Auto or W>Auto>Q>Auto as your passive does a lot of dmg when those abilities are proc'd on the enemy. You also don't want to be confused too often, have a game plan for everything and be aware of how waves are moving if your game plan involves a potential gank
@@dsvyn bronze or silver at best, like you dont fully understand the macro of the game, you're wasting so much time in your pathing and you are like ¨hmm ok i will get both crabs so im not behind¨, it seems like you watch high elo streamers and just try to mimic them, i dont think you are tracking the jgler enough, and you had some very questionable plays
Bro iron is the easiest rank, there is so many ways to win in iron, i got out playing evelyn support in 2 days. If you're iron, there is a reason why, you are losing vs other iron players. Fix your mistakes and you might get out lol
@@dsvyn I know, you're not bad at jungling, viego is hard too, mechanicly overall it wasnt bad, just need to learn macro for mid-late game. Mid-late isbthe hard part, you can destroy the early game but waste the lead you created, dont give up!
No hate but: absolutely no game sense, is level 49, mains a champ who requires knowledge of every champion in the game, not very solid mechanically, lowkey runs it down. Sorry to say but you absolutely belong in iron. You just need more practice and you have to learn the fundamentals, especially as a jungle player. I'd recommend not playing ranked for a while and to just stick with normals drafts until you somehwat know what you're doing
If you play league, you shouldn't. Its a matter of time before it brings you to the lowest point in your life. If you van quit and stay away, you truly are one of the lucky few.
Mechanically - you're iron; map awareness - iron, macro - bronze at best, the fact that you thought that having good k/d in game 1 proved that you did good - iron af. You can't get out of iron bc your mid-late game sucks. Even if you have right ideas about ganks in early game you can't transition that leads into meaningful advantages and because on average games in iron/bronze are longer, your late game issues overpower the early game skill. Learn about the marco and you can get out of iron by simply knowing that you should group with your team and you shouldn't just walk around with no vision.
watching u ruin the game while saying its not your fault is so funny
as i was editing i realized it was indeed my fault
i dont understand the point of this video. You're tryna prove it but all you're doing is showing clips instead of the whole game so we can't even critique your gameplay or see if you deserve it. Like we cant even see how you're pathing or how you're clearing your camps.
I mean, even in his clips, his ganks are awful, and that fire drake fight targetting was atrocious. only thing he showed is he knows how to clear camps as a jungler. nice one!
Bro we can see enough 😂 He is around high bronze and low silver level.
@ I would agree. He was on soul point but just left drake to waste his ult on a dead renek. He could have ulted jhin there instead or just completed the drake instead of chasing the kayn for half of the fight and wasting his ult on renek.
@@scottngo3826 i just didn’t want a 3 hour video yk
No idea why people say you seem like a silver player because I think you're bronze at best. Just a lot of things you don't know or do that even silver players have a basic concept of such as checking other lanes/team mates. Mechanically you clearly didn't understand your champion beyond the bare bones i.e. Q does damage, but you didn't even seen to know that Q and W both act as an auto reset and that Viego's passive let's him do more damage to marked targets and he can only mark with Q and W. Also no focus on getting good quality resets or positioning to isolate squishy targets such as was pointed out before like trying to kill and reset on Lux in game 1, and you often hold your R after getting a soul instead of instantly dumping it and do your basic auto W auto into Q auto combo (R also auto resets).
You also clearly had no sense of a game plan where you did something because you knew it was the right thing to do. Instead it was very much a "I look at what happens and then I respond". you never thought about what the enemy wanted or more holistically about the game state or your team. It's not even in the little things but it's in a lot of the big and general things.
High quality video bro! As a league sufferer, I appreciated this video
thank you 🙂
Heya - so first of all great job with the editing! your videos feel super smooth, I can already tell from your gameplay at 2:11 that you shouldn't be in plat, viego is a super hard champ to play well but you're fundamentally not playing around his kit, take the fight I time stamped for example, your in a 2v2, your team mate dies and there is 2 people fighting you, instead of targeting the lux and playing for reset you decide to use everything on the healthy aphelious. If you play for reset on lux here you win.
@101Garen thank you i get it now
You're not iron you're plastic 4
I'm not gonna pretend to be good at the game, I'm Gold 1 and I don't jungle, but just looking at the fight at 2:05 you should realize what went wrong.
Your W was ass, you didn't stay on the lux which would've killed her giving you a reset and after that mistake you also didn't ult on top of her to gap close and kill her which at least would've made it a 2 for 1 possibly even turn it into your favor.
Not trying to hate and I know the low LOW elos are full of inting dogs but anyone who is plat would climb out of iron in a day
if you one trick viego you shud try to know the basics on every charecter
I've been playing league for 10 years I'm about to hit plat for the first time. you absolutely deserve the rank you are lol that goes for everyone. good video man.
@ if you ever need someone for a video lmk bro
@@brantworley6104 that would be cool if u want dm me on insta
I'm sorry not trying to be toxic but if you're iron there's a reason why u are there. Literally iron games you can play with 1 hand and and watch movies on the other screen.
i swear it’s not that easy
@@dsvynunfortunately, it is that easy, any mid silver or low gold player can literally just run through iron without much effort. That being said based on these clips i feel like you deserve mid bronze at least, but you really should upload full games so we can get a full grasp of how you play and how you path
@@dsvyn It is. Over a longer period of games (about 200+) you will be accurately placed into the elo you belong into. If you can't carry games in Iron, you are not worthy of being placed in bronze to begin with. Climbing is all about you, not the enemy team nor your own teammates.
Also stop playing Viego unless you know all other champs in the game. Stick to simple meta Tanks/Bruisers.
@@dsvyn Sorry dude, Ive bought Iron accounts like 4 times (I am peak emerald 1) And I can climb from iron to Gold1 with like 90+% winrate. Sometimes I lose lane, because with smurfs im 24/7 limit testing, but even if I go 1-5 in lane, I still win with basic macro. If youre stuck in Iron, im sorry but you belong there. Try play some other champ than Viego, atleast untill you know what all champions do.
feel like u playing locked camera, you should scout whats happening during a fight or when you take drake, there is no point to see your carater auto attacking or walking. Thats alone will improve your whole play
i will try that next time i play thank you
@@dsvyn your mental was positive, you should keep that, its allow you think more clearly when they invade your jg, you need a plan what to do when you cant enter that area
obviously if you re iron you deserve it, no going around it
first as probably everyone have heard, three is a higher chance of a troll begin on enemy side than your side because if you are not a troll then there are only 4 other people that can be a troll while enemy team has 5 people that might troll. second, iron players really suck ass so carrying games in iron if you are good enough and you are playing the correct champ is pretty easy. personally i definitely wouldn't recommend viego for climbing out of low elo
who would you recommend then i also kinda know wukong
@@dsvyn I would advice in iron-bronze you play Amumu if your team needs tank. Warwick if you're good at knowing pathing and punishing mistakes. Nocturne is also a good champ but he falls of late so he would be in case you know how to get a lead and end quick. If you are good at dodging and also auto attacking trundle allows you to push side lanes as a jungler and win any 1v1 but lose team fights (in iron and bronze they usually cant punish that)
You are so iron
- Unlock the cam.
- If you want to play Viego as OTP it's ok. But need to learn almost all 500 habilities. It's not just spaming every key... If not, maybe change to Warwick, Nocturne, Amumu, Shyvana, Yi or Volibear.
- Furthermore, you don't really understand what others and your own champ does. Like when Azir Rs you, you can dodge with your own R to not get pushed into the turret.
- Learn to time and punish big CDs, like Flash.
- Try to come up with a plan based on the matchups in every lane (this is why you should learn other champs and roles), AND ADAPT THAT PLAN on the fly.
- Once you get tho know better other champs, use quick cast on.
Yeah, you are right, maybe should not be in iron, but for shure not plat either. I don't agree with the conclution tho, stop blaming others like the troll Sett... if you are not troll, then there's 4 people that might be one in your team vs 5 on the enemy team. Change that mental ASAP. If you are better than average iron players, you can make the difference on the long run. Cheers mate!
cheers mate 🫡
I wouldn’t say you are iron. But no where near Plat the reason why your team is pinging. Is that you make so many mistakes mechanicly. Macro also but it’s silver level atleast. Good for playing league for one month though.
i see thank you
you probably shouldn't play viego rn, difficult to learn roughly 600 abilities instead of 4
@@Spidove who would u recommend if u had to choose a jungler
@@dsvyn im 1.5k LP chall jg main. play viego if you find it fun, easier to learn and have fun if you find the character you are playing genuinely fun. in low elo you can easily climb just by accumulating small advantages until you are too fed to be stopped. Chances are enemy jg is clueless and not really clearing that well, so if you just clear and only take plays that are free you will be lvl 15 when the guy is lvl 10-12 and win the game solo. If you have great tempo and clear a lot of camps, it makes it significantly easier to win games because you force enemy jungler set themselves behind by ignoring camps and countering your play or they decide to get the camps and ignore the play, therefore its a free play for you.
The bottom line is that if you know mechanics of you champ well, what the other champs are doing, and you farm/counterjungle a lot its very free to get to master, you just gotta not be affected by what your team is pinging and decide by yourself what your gameplan is. GLHF
@@dsvyn Kayn, skarner, nocturne, Warwick Graves, and wukong. Choose 3 of these. And from personal experience iron is hard for different reasons than higher elo, but you got this. From this video the two thinks I see are inefficient farming and pathing, as well as some mechanical issues but you are playing Viego.
@@tegansumei9772 This is just false, I'm masters and went onto an iron acc and had 100% WR in iron
@@dsvyn As for you, there's quite a lot you did wrong as someone mentioned prior to this your focus in the 2v2 should've been on Lux not Aphe since Viego needs to play around his passive and ult which you both have up + flash and smite, you should also focus on using your summs when needed. I won't blame you too much however since you may not know your limits of his ult execute. Your other fault is walking into a jgl that isn't "yours", when you're behind you shouldn't walk blindly into a jgl since you lack map control, another fault is your objective control is all off and your understanding of what a good gank is, is also flawed I'd highly suggest learning wave states and the limits of your champ. Something else I noticed was early on you walked into Kayn jgl and used the vision plant, you never want to pop the vision plant since everyone can see it on the mini-map and you may of been able to kill kayn on his red if you simply walked in as he was half HP and still on the camp, could've also simply been a steal + kill. The reason you don't want to expose your position is your other lanes may get all in'd when they realize they're not under pressure. Simply work on your understanding of the game on a macro level, as for micro you should focus on weaving auto's in between your W and Q, too often I saw you press Q W and then auto, instead Q>Auto>W>Auto or W>Auto>Q>Auto as your passive does a lot of dmg when those abilities are proc'd on the enemy. You also don't want to be confused too often, have a game plan for everything and be aware of how waves are moving if your game plan involves a potential gank
average iron player
I mean I won't write a book here but yeah you shouldn't be Plat. Maybe not Iron, but not Plat either lol
what rank do u think
@@dsvyn bronze or silver at best, like you dont fully understand the macro of the game, you're wasting so much time in your pathing and you are like ¨hmm ok i will get both crabs so im not behind¨, it seems like you watch high elo streamers and just try to mimic them, i dont think you are tracking the jgler enough, and you had some very questionable plays
@@dsvyn Maybe Silver? There's just a lot of key mistakes and info checks that you aren't getting that Plat players generally should know
@@varetile1068 i’ll take it
Bro iron is the easiest rank, there is so many ways to win in iron, i got out playing evelyn support in 2 days. If you're iron, there is a reason why, you are losing vs other iron players. Fix your mistakes and you might get out lol
i’m trying man
@@dsvyn I know, you're not bad at jungling, viego is hard too, mechanicly overall it wasnt bad, just need to learn macro for mid-late game. Mid-late isbthe hard part, you can destroy the early game but waste the lead you created, dont give up!
100% iron
nice video boss keep it up you might be a terrorist on the rift but you're very entertaining.
thanks moe
No hate but: absolutely no game sense, is level 49, mains a champ who requires knowledge of every champion in the game, not very solid mechanically, lowkey runs it down.
Sorry to say but you absolutely belong in iron. You just need more practice and you have to learn the fundamentals, especially as a jungle player. I'd recommend not playing ranked for a while and to just stick with normals drafts until you somehwat know what you're doing
i mean when u put it like that it does seem a bit crazy
If you play league, you shouldn't.
Its a matter of time before it brings you to the lowest point in your life.
If you van quit and stay away, you truly are one of the lucky few.
must get lp 🧟
Mechanically - you're iron; map awareness - iron, macro - bronze at best, the fact that you thought that having good k/d in game 1 proved that you did good - iron af. You can't get out of iron bc your mid-late game sucks. Even if you have right ideas about ganks in early game you can't transition that leads into meaningful advantages and because on average games in iron/bronze are longer, your late game issues overpower the early game skill. Learn about the marco and you can get out of iron by simply knowing that you should group with your team and you shouldn't just walk around with no vision.
how do i fix that
deam, u bad tho
@tobiascoria8892 😞
nah bro u are IRON like u don't even know every champ work and playing viego ....
he looks so cool tho
@@dsvyn i mean i agree with u he does look good but he's hard to play too