In 1971 gold was no longer the international money markets standard in U.S. From there every nation followed suit. Including the Soviets too. Now it seems worries about money, property and prestige makes people fear revealing to others about the struggles they are going through today too. Struggles everywhere like how to support and honor our elder ailing relatives properly more and more who need someone to confide in about what they have lived through while sometimes being told that the aftermath scarring left on their body is just all in their heads. Like after being poisoned next too.
Kurb lugu!( Vanavanaisa oli küüditatud, aga ma kirjutasun arhiivi ja tuli vastus, et inimest sellise nimega ei ole leitud... Kust saab veel otsida infot ?
Tere! Palun otsige Eesti kommunismiohvrite memoriaali e-andmebaasist Kui sealt ei leia, siis palun võtke ühendust e-andmebaasi halduritega. Meie eesmärgiks on kõikide ohvrite nimede tuvastamine.
In 1971 gold was no longer the international money markets standard in U.S. From there every nation followed suit. Including the Soviets too. Now it seems worries about money, property and prestige makes people fear revealing to others about the struggles they are going through today too. Struggles everywhere like how to support and honor our elder ailing relatives properly more and more who need someone to confide in about what they have lived through while sometimes being told that the aftermath scarring left on their body is just all in their heads. Like after being poisoned next too.
Kurb lugu!( Vanavanaisa oli küüditatud, aga ma kirjutasun arhiivi ja tuli vastus, et inimest sellise nimega ei ole leitud... Kust saab veel otsida infot ?
Palun otsige Eesti kommunismiohvrite memoriaali e-andmebaasist
Kui sealt ei leia, siis palun võtke ühendust e-andmebaasi halduritega. Meie eesmärgiks on kõikide ohvrite nimede tuvastamine.
@@KoguMeLugu Suur tänu Teile!