This is a 3 part video. PART 1: PART 2: PART 3:
crazy that that T50 bolt took out two T50 sockets even with heat... man its a beast Paul, thank you SO much for these vids... so much free knowledge here, your awsome for this!!!! thank you!!!
The combination of knowledge experience and skill, Paul it is always a pleasure to watch you work - i take careful note of what you say and do. As i find where i thought i had it right on, was only close - or not even. I did a T-5 for my S 10 from a boneyard trans i pulled myself. Used the haynes book for info - it worked when i was done. And was better than the clapped out mess it replaced. Now the engine is getting pretty tired, and the transfer case is sloppy. Engine , transfer case and trans in one shot this time. All new parts for the T-5 this time. Too much of what i reused should have been replaced - oh well i learned. It had to get back on the road for cheap.
GearBoxVideo Thanks for your videos, I’m rebuilding my first GM WC T5, your help has been a blessing! 👍. Cammed LS 4.8 with 3.73 gears, it truly works great with the V8 T5!
Paul, Thanks for your answer to my question. However, The old transmission and clutch disc I have is a 26 with 1 1/8" Dia. and the rebuilt trans has the14 spline with a 1" Dia.. I wanted to keep the bigger input shaft if that is possible. Thanks for your expertise on this.
@@GearBoxVideo appreciate the honesty! Is there anything to be gained in the strength department with G force main shaft and gear kit along with their aluminum case? I have a 95 mustang that’s at 475whp and I’m on borrowed time.
I guess they make the front countershaft bearing a slip fit because you can't get a bearing puller under it, with the counterbore on that input cluster gear.
when finding parts I would go to the people who do the work, not all transmission shops do the work or can find the parts but if you ask your local or not so local mustang enthusiast shop who they use for transmission repairs than just ask those guys for parts
Paul, absolutely great work, and your videos are invaluable to me!...You work and attention to detail is exactly like what my father thought me when growing up. Just amazing how much your videos have helped me rebuilding my trans, thanks Paul. Keep up with the making new videos, would you consider doing any W series 5 speed Toyota boxes?? Or the R154 Box?? Please!
Does the case and first gear have to bed modified for all g-force gear sets? Or just the sets with the taller first gear(2.42 I think?), I know there's plenty of T5s with 2.95 first gears, and was curious if the g-force gear set with the same 2.95 first gear would still require the beveling and such? And if a guy wanted to keep his stock 5th gear, would that still work on the g-force cluster shaft? Thanks
@@GearBoxVideo I'm also guessing that all the reverse gears are the same ratio? I haven't found anything anywhere with information about the reverse gears having different ratios or idler sizes.
I have a question regarding the early gm t5. I got one recently out of a late 84 IROC Camaro. Shifts fine, but am curious as to how much I can improve it. So far I'm not finding a ton of information.
Hi Paul. This series is really good information. I heard you mention the JT5 dog face gear box parts. Does anybody still make those parts? Anybody know where I can get them used maybe if not new? Thank you again Paul.
Hey Paul, great videos very helpful. I'm at the point of reinstalling my transmission but I cannot get the reverse rail to slide into gear it seems to jam up. I would be very grateful if you had any ideas. Many thanks.
@@GearBoxVideo Thank you for all the videos you post they are super helpful 🙏I need to buy A T5 rebuild kit for a 99 to 2004 v6 mustang Does the kit you sell on your website fit ?
Hi Paul love your videos and parts.I bought your kit for my t5 for my mustang(93lx) After rebuild I couldn't get it into first.playing with it running and off,and when it went into first it made an awful sound.I pulled it out immediately.please tell me what to look for,what I could of done wrong.when it was in 2,3,4,and Fifth and reverse worked. I need your expert help
Well you would not believe it Paul, everything ,almost everything checked out.I installed the fifth/reverse rail 180 out. I guess when I was lining up the roll pin I didn't pay attention to where that roll pin bearing on the rail was ,it was just sitting there not doing it job. I can manually shift it into first now and spin the input shaft.Only damage was the reverse brake gang snapped off.
I have a 1996 Ford Mustang with a t-45 it pops out of 4th gear and some times it grinds gears in reverse what do you think is the problem can you help me out thanks
I was curious about changing the overdrive gears on my t5 in my 88 tbird, I'm trying to get a final drive that is close to .5 ratio instead of the .68 I've been told it has, in theory that a 27t main shaft gear and a 51 tooth counter shaft gear will get me close to that ratio, my question is does the input shaft gear affect the final drive ratio at all? Yes I realize that there are easier ways to go about having that final drive ratio such as a stock t56 magnum but I'm looking at doing this myself possbily and the gears from all state gear is just a few hundred rather than a couple thousand for adapters and such.... looking to do this just for little more range in my final drive on my old bird. Thank you for your time.
@@GearBoxVideo you wouldn't happen to know the stock maindrive ratio on 88 tbird t5 would you? I am able to find it for v8 cars but not the 4cyl for the tooth on the input gear and the countershaft gear.
How much TQ can these gears handle? And what other ratios are available? Do you have any more videos on modified T-5 transmission? I wouldn't mind keeping the t-5 if it can handle the power. I been looking for a T-56 since they came with more powerful engines. , another great video!!
So the question is what parts do you have to buy to make it into a g force clutch-less tranny and what parts can be reused? For example can we reuse our case and some gears? Do they sell the parts to convert an 833 mopar tranny?
Great video Paul. I'm about to start building a G-Force T5 and I keep hearing about the need to use a reverse idler bushing in place of the o-ring to clear the cluster gear, have you ran in to this problem? I see in the vid you use the o-ring. Cheers, Simon.
paul would a standerd gear set from g-force fit in a stock t-5 case or do they all don't fit like what your doing, do you have to do that all the time to get the gear set in????
Good day mr cangialosi.quick question.i have a 1993 s10 with a thinking it is a wc being a searching for the counter shaft for it but all I find is non wc countershafts.are there differences between the non and wc counter shafts?mine broke 3rd on the cluster and counter shaft.
Take it apart first. These boxes have different ratios so best to get it apart first. Counter gear has numbers on it.. best to count gear teeth. I stock most S10 parts that are WC. Contact info is in the channel's ABOUT section
Can that Dynatex sealant be used for engine assembly, or is it's temperature range not high enough? I like the fact that it doesn't set up until after parts are assembled. I sometimes feel rushed when using silicone for large assemblies, as it skins over pretty quick.
Where could I find a good rebuilt one of these for a GM? I saw your tube e-bay vid and don't want to get a pos. I want to replace my Doug Nash 4+3 with one in an 87 vette.
@@GearBoxVideo OD unit is burned up . After research If I can find an LT1 Tremec from a 94-97 camaro/firebird I will swap that in or a TKO 600. I hate the 4+3
Hey. I have a 95 mustang with a 351w. I just broke my 2nd T5 and think it's a good time to learn to rebuild. Would like to reinforce it with gforce internals. How do I purchase the parts used and your tutorial?
Hey Paul, ive been enjoying your videos. I have a question that I bet you hear a lot. I have a classic mustang currently uses a C4 automatic - behind a stroker 331 Windsor engine (over 400hp and with future goals of more like 500hp and 500tq). I dont drag race, but just want a nice, slick shifting trans that can take my bad driving. A lot of people use T5s, TKOs and also some T56 transmissions. Theres a big difference in prices, weight and strength between them. I get that the TKO is kind of a clunky truck transmission, and benefits from upgraded synchro rings. Its hard to find used TKOs as well. But a G force gearset like in these videos would be an option for me. T56 is expensive and I dont feel like I need 6 speeds but it seems like there is more of them around, and maybe its a good choice? whats your advice?
hey paul I just had my t-5 rebuilt and when I shift paul into 5th gear it grinds a little and sometimes at high rpm shifting it grinds worst what did the mechanic not do right.
hey Paul great videos and full of information. I had a question about my T5 NWC the 5th gear needs to be replaced and until i get the new gear would the transmission still work as it should even if i remove the 5th gear (the smaller one) out of the tail housing but then just run the car in gears 1-4? sorry if that doesn't make sense
Paul, do you worry any that beveling the counter gear affects the heat treat at all? Great video! I've been thinking of installing this or the Astro A5 gearset.
Hi Sr, i love your videos, I got a 1989 Ford Mustang GT 5.0 5 speed and your videos have been very helpful so thanks! ! But I have a question, what did you mean wen you sead world class transmission? And what's the difference? Thanks again Sr! I'm your biggest fan!
hey paul love the videos. other than g force, can you recommend a cheaper gearset? or a total world class conversion with all the gears, seals, syncros etc??
Hi Paul, I have a question, I know you build transmissions for a living so my question was is can I run Pennzoil Synchromesh trans fluid in my 1986 mustang gt with a a t5? I know not al foxbody t5s we're necessarily the same I know some were world class and some weren't but my t5 is stock same as the motor with 70k original miles on it could you please shed some light on this? Thank you so much appreciated!!
Hey Paul great video, I love watching these, Paul is a SM 465 4 speed any good? I have a chance to get one the model with the aluminum top cover, thanks.
Sm 465 are a work horse. Later units are better. Take the PTO covers off when looking for one to purchase and make sure the 3rd gear on the counter has a retaining sleeve and not a snap ring. The snap rings failed on early units.
Hi Paul! Have you ever done a thunderbird sc M5R2? Would love to see a video on one of them. I've got a bad 1+ 2 blocker. Problem is I can't find a new gear for 2nd anywhere. Supercoupe performance has fiber lined blockers but the biggest issue is I know all the bolts are probably going to break when I try to disassemble this thing. Nastiest corroded trans I've ever seen but it was an 8k mile trans. Everything beside 1 to 2 works great.
@@GearBoxVideo. I'll be removing the trans before spring for sure. If i need the gear i will for sure get ahold of you. I appreciate the reply big time! 👍🏻i have a feeling it might be easier to get another trans that wasn't as corroded from big city salty interstate roads and that way if bolts snap off on the current top cover and or front/rear I'll at least have extra parts.
@@GearBoxVideo Why not train a protégée as you are the master with these things? I don't know what the demand is from the enthusiast community buying cars with a t5 but I'd imagine many can't or don't want to rebuilt themselves and would pay for one built better than the ones that exist. Even if just doing it on the side or having your trainees doing it. Just a business idea.
@@GearBoxVideo So, from the outside is there anything that would give it away? I'm looking forward to buying one used, for cheap, but without knowing how can I tell? I def can't take it apart heh
@@GearBoxVideo Thanks for your reply. I recently got a '91 5.0 Mustang and the only thing I don't like about it is when I accelerate hard in 1,2 and some of 3rd I can really feel a vibration coming up through the shifter. Nothing like my other car that's smooth as butter. I realize this would be a shot in the dark, but what could likely be the problem? Thank you in advance. And GREAT videos.
@@Anthony-rv3hr You're probably lucky to feel the gearbox. You'll be able to feel when something isn't right instead of getting buttered out of nowhere. lol
Paul, again great content... Wondering if you have ever used the AstroPerformance Gearsets? I was talking to a guy and just seeing on some of the forums that they may be stronger, maybe a better finished product too. Of course they offer a few different strengths options so who knows who has what lol? Have you used the G-Force Case for any builds?
Yes and I don't use them. I try to avoid dealing with companies in general that seem to always be out of stock of critical parts. Lately this seems to be a common problem with a lot of vendors that supply me.
@@GearBoxVideo My experience with them in a phone call they come off a little pushy claiming gears breakage on G-Force gears vs theirs and that the case was not needed. IDK how that can be qualified with different cars of varying power and weights and traction? G-Force had the different OD/synchro options and supposedly same material and width gears... My understanding of the stock case was it was a little weak for behind a V8 and +3000lbs and that allowed the shafts to spread and tooth engagement to be compromised? The problem I had with this conversation was this was for a cruiser I wanted to modestly road race not really drag race. Since I didn't have a case, what was an extra 150 vs buying a new OEM one or used one? Plus the benefit of it being drilled for a sbc the bolt pattern negated the adapter plate nonsense... Still leaning T-5 for my C3, would like to get as much weight out as possible as I start to put it back together. Close to PBIR so that is where my interest is at this point.
@@GearBoxVideo Not in the least, suprised.... What i wouldn't give to be your apprentice... I have the same focused attention to detail that you'd need to be successful at this....... Plus I'm a mustang owner/lover. Lol
They actually make pretty good gears and a great deal of Nascar transmissions run on their gears. It's the people who handle them in the warehouse that usually cause damage. This is a problem today with EVERY gear manufacturer. Nothing come into my shop these days perfect.
This is a 3 part video.
can i have your number i need my t5 built asap thanks
crazy that that T50 bolt took out two T50 sockets even with heat... man its a beast
Paul, thank you SO much for these vids... so much free knowledge here, your awsome for this!!!! thank you!!!
Paul, that's a beautiful transmission, man does it look nice.
Amazing explanation on everything! I feel like I just took a college course and can rebuild and upgrade a T5 WC.
The combination of knowledge experience and skill, Paul it is always a pleasure to watch you work - i take careful note of what you say and do. As i find where i thought i had it right on, was only close - or not even. I did a T-5 for my S 10 from a boneyard trans i pulled myself. Used the haynes book for info - it worked when i was done. And was better than the clapped out mess
it replaced. Now the engine is getting pretty tired, and the transfer case is sloppy. Engine , transfer case and trans in one shot this time. All new parts for the T-5 this time. Too much of what i reused should have been replaced - oh well i learned.
It had to get back on the road for cheap.
Excellent I'm looking forward to hearing back from you and assembling my old t5. Thank you for sharing your hard earned knowledge.
You are an artist. Great video!!
Thank you.
This is, as always, excellent. Part two can't come soon enough. ☺
Suggestion: Get an air die grinder, preferably a right angle one, and the high speed will let those burrs cut aluminum like hot butter.
Wow this video came out at the perfect time, just about to start building a t5 for my drift truck
Other parts should be up in the next few days
Nice! Looking forward to seeing the second part.
ive been binge watching your videos since 6am this morning.... lol very informative thanks
Amazing work Paul! Real professional i have to say.
Thank you so much 😀
Paul I enjoy seeing your build videos.
Interesting . . . on my way to Part II. Good work, Sr. !
Thank you sir. Your videos are extremely helpful and informative as well as your book. I appreciate it.
Who the hell designed this gear set???. They let it leave factory with bearing fitment like that? And burs and everything else...thats crazy
Very similar concept to the Old “Slip shift” transmissions like Bill Jenkins built.
Actually any motorcycle trans shifted like this for years.
GearBoxVideo Thanks for your videos, I’m rebuilding my first GM WC T5, your help has been a blessing! 👍. Cammed LS 4.8 with 3.73 gears, it truly works great with the V8 T5!
Your how to video's are awesome Paul. I've just ordered your book, it'll be a bit of good Christmas reading for me! Keep up the great work.👍
Thanks for your support
Paul, Thanks for your answer to my question. However, The old transmission and clutch disc I have is a 26 with 1 1/8" Dia. and the rebuilt trans has the14 spline with a 1" Dia.. I wanted to keep the bigger input shaft if that is possible. Thanks for your expertise on this.
companies such as Mcleod can custyom make a 11" 14 spline disc.
Wife: now.
Him: no.
Brave, brave man! Lol
Great video. Taking on any new work?
Sorry,I am not
@@GearBoxVideo appreciate the honesty! Is there anything to be gained in the strength department with G force main shaft and gear kit along with their aluminum case? I have a 95 mustang that’s at 475whp and I’m on borrowed time.
I would use a different transmission. Not waste the money on that T5
That 680 stuff is great.
Such precision, great video Paul
Thanks for watching!
you make this look so easy dude.
Thanks for putting this info out there. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Tony Iommi from Black Sabbath?
Thank you. But that's a first.
Yes thanks for the info also but he looks like Nicolas Cage
@@GearBoxVideoserj tankian from system of a down
What If you break the 5th gear and reverse pivot bracket slider
Where the t50 pivot bolts to? 28:44
What about it? If you break get a new one. Im not getting your question.
@GearBoxVideo so the gear shaft doesn't get harmed or the transmission case can get stripped where the t50 bolt goes
No. People break them all the time because they mistake it for a fill plug.
I guess they make the front countershaft bearing a slip fit because you can't get a bearing puller under it, with the counterbore on that input cluster gear.
Factory bearing is the same way. You have to cut the cage and then put a bearing clamp on it
Does the Gforce case need to be beveled to get the countershaft in like the Ford case does?
Yes, but only if you plan on installing the aftermarket GeForce gear set. A regular set should go right in
Great video. I love those peelable shims
Great video, as usual. Thanks for posting!
Thanks for watching
Paul very good step by step you do great videos ,,
Thanks 👍
How much horsepower can a unit like this handle ? Do you need to upgrade the main shaft or can you use stock ?
Where do i find those gears ypu removed?
when finding parts I would go to the people who do the work, not all transmission shops do the work or can find the parts but if you ask your local or not so local mustang enthusiast shop who they use for transmission repairs than just ask those guys for parts
Sadly we didn't get those mustangs in Australia, im just trying to strengthen it as much as I can
The Australian boxes I have seen have gearsets equivilent to the Ford Motorsport transmission with actually larger 1 1/8" input shafts
@GearBoxVideo the one I have seen has a tapered roller bearing on the input shaft
They all have taoered rollerson the outside
Paul, absolutely great work, and your videos are invaluable to me!...You work and attention to detail is exactly like what my father thought me when growing up. Just amazing how much your videos have helped me rebuilding my trans, thanks Paul. Keep up with the making new videos, would you consider doing any W series 5 speed Toyota boxes?? Or the R154 Box?? Please!
Have you rebuilt a t-45 on your video’s is the T-5 better then the T-45 trans thank you sir
I've rebuilt them. Pretty similar. The T45 is a stronger unit
Excellent video. You are truly an artist.
Thank you very much!
On a T5, Can I take a 26 spline input shaft and put it on a T5 that has a 14 spline built in 1986 ? Thanks for your videos, very educational.
No, usually they don't have the same tooth count and pitch.
What is the max rpm people would think a t5 could handle?
In terms of shift RPM I've had units shift up to 8, 000
Paul what about part 2 ???
its been posted
Does the case and first gear have to bed modified for all g-force gear sets? Or just the sets with the taller first gear(2.42 I think?), I know there's plenty of T5s with 2.95 first gears, and was curious if the g-force gear set with the same 2.95 first gear would still require the beveling and such?
And if a guy wanted to keep his stock 5th gear, would that still work on the g-force cluster shaft?
Only on the close ratio set
@@GearBoxVideo I'm also guessing that all the reverse gears are the same ratio? I haven't found anything anywhere with information about the reverse gears having different ratios or idler sizes.
They are the same gears
I have a question regarding the early gm t5. I got one recently out of a late 84 IROC Camaro. Shifts fine, but am curious as to how much I can improve it. So far I'm not finding a ton of information.
You can't. The improvement was the later T5 World class version and you cannot convert Non World Class to World Class.
Hi Paul. This series is really good information. I heard you mention the JT5 dog face gear box parts. Does anybody still make those parts? Anybody know where I can get them used maybe if not new? Thank you again Paul.
They have been discontinued. Nothing has been around since the late 90’s
Hey Paul, great videos very helpful. I'm at the point of reinstalling my transmission but I cannot get the reverse rail to slide into gear it seems to jam up. I would be very grateful if you had any ideas. Many thanks.
No idea but make sure the rail is polished and free from burrs
@@GearBoxVideo many thanks Paul much appreciated. 👍
@cossie dean . Question did you test it with A new to you aftermarket shifter/ going through all the gears with it ??
@@GearBoxVideo Thank you for all the videos you post they are super helpful 🙏I need to buy A T5 rebuild kit for a 99 to 2004 v6 mustang Does the kit you sell on your website fit ?
Hi Paul love your videos and parts.I bought your kit for my t5 for my mustang(93lx) After rebuild I couldn't get it into first.playing with it running and off,and when it went into first it made an awful sound.I pulled it out immediately.please tell me what to look for,what I could of done wrong.when it was in 2,3,4,and Fifth and reverse worked. I need your expert help
Best to carefully watch the video. Sounds like a fork or slider are in backwards
Thanks,will take it apart this weekend and look.
Well you would not believe it Paul, everything ,almost everything checked out.I installed the fifth/reverse rail 180 out. I guess when I was lining up the roll pin I didn't pay attention to where that roll pin bearing on the rail was ,it was just sitting there not doing it job. I can manually shift it into first now and spin the input shaft.Only damage was the reverse brake gang snapped off.
I wouldn't trust anyone but Paul to grind on a new case and gear set do you hear?
Glad to see you back, Paul, with another masterpiece!
What are you going to do with the JT5 clutchless gearset that you removed?
Use them as Christmas ornaments. The clutch teeth are worn and I have no replacements for this early set.
I have a 1996 Ford Mustang with a t-45 it pops out of 4th gear and some times it grinds gears in reverse what do you think is the problem can you help me out thanks
Any grinding in reverse is due to poor clutch release. Typically the Fork is worn for the 3-4
I was curious about changing the overdrive gears on my t5 in my 88 tbird, I'm trying to get a final drive that is close to .5 ratio instead of the .68 I've been told it has, in theory that a 27t main shaft gear and a 51 tooth counter shaft gear will get me close to that ratio, my question is does the input shaft gear affect the final drive ratio at all? Yes I realize that there are easier ways to go about having that final drive ratio such as a stock t56 magnum but I'm looking at doing this myself possbily and the gears from all state gear is just a few hundred rather than a couple thousand for adapters and such.... looking to do this just for little more range in my final drive on my old bird. Thank you for your time.
Maindrive ratio x 5th ratio is the final OD ratio
@@GearBoxVideo you wouldn't happen to know the stock maindrive ratio on 88 tbird t5 would you? I am able to find it for v8 cars but not the 4cyl for the tooth on the input gear and the countershaft gear.
How much TQ can these gears handle? And what other ratios are available? Do you have any more videos on modified T-5 transmission? I wouldn't mind keeping the t-5 if it can handle the power. I been looking for a T-56 since they came with more powerful engines. , another great video!!
Will a TKO cluster gear set fit a stock T5 case? I know they’re a similar setup but not sure how much interchanges.
No. Different setup
Hey paul!! I have a T5 in my camaro, what are the differences between the Ford t5 and the chevy t5?
Too many to describe here but I will address the major points in an upcoming video. Thanks for watching
@@GearBoxVideo looking forward to it!
Paul knows his shit !
As always a great. informative video.
Thank you.
So the question is what parts do you have to buy to make it into a g force clutch-less tranny and what parts can be reused? For example can we reuse our case and some gears? Do they sell the parts to convert an 833 mopar tranny?
Mopar abd T5 trans proshift work is done by Liberties gears .They dont do that work
Great video Paul. I'm about to start building a G-Force T5 and I keep hearing about the need to use a reverse idler bushing in place of the o-ring to clear the cluster gear, have you ran in to this problem? I see in the vid you use the o-ring. Cheers, Simon.
Built many and never had to do that.
paul would a standerd gear set from g-force fit in a stock t-5 case or do they all don't fit like what your doing, do you have to do that all the time to get the gear set in????
Standard gearsets fit in any case. Its the close ratio one that needs to be tweaked. ( in any case )
Good day mr cangialosi.quick question.i have a 1993 s10 with a thinking it is a wc being a searching for the counter shaft for it but all I find is non wc countershafts.are there differences between the non and wc counter shafts?mine broke 3rd on the cluster and counter shaft.
Take it apart first. These boxes have different ratios so best to get it apart first. Counter gear has numbers on it.. best to count gear teeth. I stock most S10 parts that are WC. Contact info is in the channel's ABOUT section
any particular reason to use a ford/tremec case over the g force case?
theblackmech I'm using a stock Tremec Ford case. Gforce doesn't make a HD cover. So even if you go with a Gforce case you have to use a stock cover.
Can that Dynatex sealant be used for engine assembly, or is it's temperature range not high enough? I like the fact that it doesn't set up until after parts are assembled. I sometimes feel rushed when using silicone for large assemblies, as it skins over pretty quick.
Yes it can be used with no problem. Many builder's use it for engine assembly
@@GearBoxVideo Thanks. I'll order a couple tubes.
where .ca I buy the headsets. and do they make 5th gear in a different ratio
You would have to contact Gforce.
Where could I find a good rebuilt one of these for a GM? I saw your tube e-bay vid and don't want to get a pos. I want to replace my Doug Nash 4+3 with one in an 87 vette.
Just use the 4+3. It's a better trans
@@GearBoxVideo OD unit is burned up . After research If I can find an LT1 Tremec from a 94-97 camaro/firebird I will swap that in or a TKO 600. I hate the 4+3
Did you say shift with out a clutch.. Like a faceplated trans?
Yes. I believe that is what I mean't, although not using a clutch with a face plated trans beats up the face plates more.
Hey. I have a 95 mustang with a 351w. I just broke my 2nd T5 and think it's a good time to learn to rebuild. Would like to reinforce it with gforce internals. How do I purchase the parts used and your tutorial?
Get a gearset from Gforce Transmissions. Rebuild parts won't be available until late July 2020
imagine if a guy did that to a girl haha give here a vacume cleaner as a present on the desk and say the office needs a clean hahahaha
Hi Paul! With a Ford 351W 300-350 lbsft strong is it stupid to hang on a 1990 T5 WC? Car will only be used for street use...Never competition
Should be fine
@@GearBoxVideo Thanks Paul!
Hey Paul, ive been enjoying your videos. I have a question that I bet you hear a lot. I have a classic mustang currently uses a C4 automatic - behind a stroker 331 Windsor engine (over 400hp and with future goals of more like 500hp and 500tq). I dont drag race, but just want a nice, slick shifting trans that can take my bad driving. A lot of people use T5s, TKOs and also some T56 transmissions. Theres a big difference in prices, weight and strength between them. I get that the TKO is kind of a clunky truck transmission, and benefits from upgraded synchro rings. Its hard to find used TKOs as well. But a G force gearset like in these videos would be an option for me. T56 is expensive and I dont feel like I need 6 speeds but it seems like there is more of them around, and maybe its a good choice? whats your advice?
I would go with the TKO
hey paul I just had my t-5 rebuilt and when I shift paul into 5th gear it grinds a little and sometimes at high rpm shifting it grinds worst what did the mechanic not do right.
Check for a good clutch release. Where did he get his parts?
hey paul it happends when I come out of 4th gear and only when Iam really getten it hi in rpms , clutch engage ment is ok aka turbo car
o paul is a g-force built t-5 a good trans for 500hp
hey Paul great videos and full of information. I had a question about my T5 NWC the 5th gear needs to be replaced and until i get the new gear would the transmission still work as it should even if i remove the 5th gear (the smaller one) out of the tail housing but then just run the car in gears 1-4? sorry if that doesn't make sense
It will because the rear bearing zis held by the race. Use my email at and let me know tooth count and make and model
Paul, do you worry any that beveling the counter gear affects the heat treat at all? Great video! I've been thinking of installing this or the Astro A5 gearset.
No, this area is not really used.
Thanks for the reply Paul. Again, great video!
Hi Sr, i love your videos, I got a 1989 Ford Mustang GT 5.0 5 speed and your videos have been very helpful so thanks! ! But I have a question, what did you mean wen you sead world class transmission? And what's the difference? Thanks again Sr! I'm your biggest fan!
+Miguel Antonio You may want to go on my website and read about the difference.
World class has needle bearing under the gears
hey paul love the videos. other than g force, can you recommend a cheaper gearset? or a total world class conversion with all the gears, seals, syncros etc??
Nothing is cheap. I don't know of anything else available
Just curious how much horsepower can a s10 world class t5 handle
The power the S10 had. Car companies purchase transmissions for there intended use.
Hi Paul, I have a question, I know you build transmissions for a living so my question was is can I run Pennzoil Synchromesh trans fluid in my 1986 mustang gt with a a t5? I know not al foxbody t5s we're necessarily the same I know some were world class and some weren't but my t5 is stock same as the motor with 70k original miles on it could you please shed some light on this? Thank you so much appreciated!!
Yes.. It's called Synchromax
@@GearBoxVideo okay thanks I looked it up and it's a yellow bottle says (Pennzoil Synchromesh ATF) I couldn't find any syncromax tho
That works
Hey Paul great video, I love watching these, Paul is a SM 465 4 speed any good? I have a chance to get one the model with the aluminum top cover, thanks.
Sm 465 are a work horse. Later units are better. Take the PTO covers off when looking for one to purchase and make sure the 3rd gear on the counter has a retaining sleeve and not a snap ring. The snap rings failed on early units.
Thanks Paul much appreciated.
Paul what kind of digital torque wrench do you use / great videos
Michael Rousselle I believe I have a a listing link of the stuff I use in this videos description.
Matco wrenches are made by Apex tool supplier to Gearwrench. You can get them about half the price from GearWrench.
Do you have a set of straight cut dog ring you would sell?
No I do not
Hi Paul! Have you ever done a thunderbird sc M5R2? Would love to see a video on one of them. I've got a bad 1+ 2 blocker. Problem is I can't find a new gear for 2nd anywhere. Supercoupe performance has fiber lined blockers but the biggest issue is I know all the bolts are probably going to break when I try to disassemble this thing. Nastiest corroded trans I've ever seen but it was an 8k mile trans. Everything beside 1 to 2 works great.
Ps. It's a 95 T bird sc M5R2. Curious if the 2 gear, gear is different on the 2wd m5od from an F 150
Usually if one comes in the shop I'll do a video. I would suggest getting the tooth count if the gear you need. Some parts are available.
@@GearBoxVideo. I'll be removing the trans before spring for sure. If i need the gear i will for sure get ahold of you. I appreciate the reply big time! 👍🏻i have a feeling it might be easier to get another trans that wasn't as corroded from big city salty interstate roads and that way if bolts snap off on the current top cover and or front/rear I'll at least have extra parts.
Hi Paul how mush to by 1 of these?
Usually about $2500
Paul, your website is not specific... can I just send you my t5 to rebuild?
No, i am not rebuilding units anymore, just for videos
@@GearBoxVideo Why not train a protégée as you are the master with these things? I don't know what the demand is from the enthusiast community buying cars with a t5 but I'd imagine many can't or don't want to rebuilt themselves and would pay for one built better than the ones that exist. Even if just doing it on the side or having your trainees doing it. Just a business idea.
Good idea but Ive been down that route and the leve of responsibility and dedication is not there. Not here but maybe elsewhere
@@GearBoxVideo Texas baby!
on a serious note, can you lower 5 gear for a 3.73 rear end to get lower RPM on the highway? I think factory is 0.63, can you go lower?
Great video.
How can you Identify a WC T5?
Watch the video. The T5WC has those specific synchro rings and front countergear bearing
@@GearBoxVideo So, from the outside is there anything that would give it away? I'm looking forward to buying one used, for cheap, but without knowing how can I tell? I def can't take it apart heh
@@GearBoxVideo Thank you! I appreciate it!
Paul a year ago or so you sent me to a guy right outside of philly and I lost his info can you please tell me his info again
Would be Ed hartnett transmissions
How can I buy one of your rebuilt T5s?
Sorry but I don't sell rebuilt T5 units. Just my rebuild kits and parts
@@GearBoxVideo Thanks for your reply. I recently got a '91 5.0 Mustang and the only thing I don't like about it is when I accelerate hard in 1,2 and some of 3rd I can really feel a vibration coming up through the shifter. Nothing like my other car that's smooth as butter. I realize this would be a shot in the dark, but what could likely be the problem? Thank you in advance. And GREAT videos.
@@Anthony-rv3hr You're probably lucky to feel the gearbox. You'll be able to feel when something isn't right instead of getting buttered out of nowhere. lol
Automotive porn in all it's glory - especially with this level of detail. Looking forward to the next installation. Nice one, Paul! :-)
Hey Paul can you put a link of the clutch less gears set for a t5 if you can find it thanks love the videos
+James Millikan I no longer sell them
GearBoxVideo o ok thank you
Hello Paul can I send you my transmission?
I'm not taking in any repair or rebuild work until 2021
@@GearBoxVideo oh ok thanks
Paul, again great content... Wondering if you have ever used the AstroPerformance Gearsets? I was talking to a guy and just seeing on some of the forums that they may be stronger, maybe a better finished product too. Of course they offer a few different strengths options so who knows who has what lol? Have you used the G-Force Case for any builds?
Yes and I don't use them. I try to avoid dealing with companies in general that seem to always be out of stock of critical parts. Lately this seems to be a common problem with a lot of vendors that supply me.
@@GearBoxVideo My experience with them in a phone call they come off a little pushy claiming gears breakage on G-Force gears vs theirs and that the case was not needed. IDK how that can be qualified with different cars of varying power and weights and traction? G-Force had the different OD/synchro options and supposedly same material and width gears... My understanding of the stock case was it was a little weak for behind a V8 and +3000lbs and that allowed the shafts to spread and tooth engagement to be compromised? The problem I had with this conversation was this was for a cruiser I wanted to modestly road race not really drag race. Since I didn't have a case, what was an extra 150 vs buying a new OEM one or used one? Plus the benefit of it being drilled for a sbc the bolt pattern negated the adapter plate nonsense... Still leaning T-5 for my C3, would like to get as much weight out as possible as I start to put it back together. Close to PBIR so that is where my interest is at this point.
what do you charge to build a t5 ?
Currently I can't take in jobs. I really would like to but I have a serious backlog
Not in the least, suprised....
What i wouldn't give to be your apprentice... I have the same focused attention to detail that you'd need to be successful at this.......
Plus I'm a mustang owner/lover.
What a shit gear manufacturer, I will never buy anything from them.
They actually make pretty good gears and a great deal of Nascar transmissions run on their gears. It's the people who handle them in the warehouse that usually cause damage. This is a problem today with EVERY gear manufacturer. Nothing come into my shop these days perfect.