I like that you made Trent and Bridgette have a friendship since they never interacted with each other in the original series and I feel like they would've been able to get along well
i’m also glad watching this back that you didn’t elim bridgette in her canon elimination bc w geoff there i don’t think alejandro would have been able to seduce bridgette since she would be tied to geoff, and she isn’t exactly ‘dumb’ or ‘forgetful’ like lindsay was with tyler
For a while I really thought Bridgette would win, but in the end, I still loved her version of the World Tour, I think it was pretty close to the original, even more so with the Heather vs. Final. Alejandro, which in my opinion, is the best ending in the history of this reality.
This is really good I still wish Geoff Trent Justin Katie Satie Beth Eva were in the game in the actual show in season 3 I wish plus things would have been different to in Total drama world tour
My way: Team Victory: zeke, harold, birdgette, leshawna, lindsay, DJ, Beth, trent Team Chris: Izzy, noah, tyler, Owen, al, geoff, eva, Justin Team Amazon: gwen, courtney, Sierra, cody, heather, Duncan, katie, sadie Episode 1/2: Votes: Zeke: harold Harold: zeke Bridegette: zeke Leshawna: zeke Lindsay: harold DJ: harold Trent: harold Beth: harold 25. Harold (told zeke to fight crocodiles causing them to lose stick, zeke begged to stay and Got thew votes more) Episode 4: Votes: Zeke: leshawna Bridegette: leshawna Leshawna: bridegette Lindsay: Lindsay DJ: DJ Beth: bridegette Trent: bridegette 24. Geoff (gave up cause bridegette Kissed al) Episode 5: Votes: Duncan: katie Gwen: katie Courtney: sadie Sierra: sadie Cody: katie Heather: sadie Katie: courtney Sadie: courtney 23. Katie/sadie (were just annoying to most of Amazons) Episode 7: Votes: Ezikiel: leshawna Bridegette: Beth Leshawna: Beth Lindsay: lindsay DJ: DJ Trent: Beth Beth: leshawna 22. Beth (was an awful dancer) Episode 8: Votes (team Chris): Izzy: Justin Noah: Justin Tyler: Justin Owen: Justin Al: Justin Eva: Justin Justin: al Votes (Amazons): Duncan: duncan Courtney: heather Gwen: heather Sierra: heather Cody: Sierra Heather: courtney 20./21. Duncan/justin (it was time for both losing teams to vote someone off, team Chris voted Justin cause al told them hes a threath, and duncan gave up thinking courtney doesnt love him anymore thx to al) Episode 9: Ezikiel: leshawna Bridegette: bridegette Leshawna: bridegette Lindsay: bridegette DJ: DJ Trent: bridegette 19. Bridegette (caused the defeat and was happy to lose to say sorry to geoff) Episode 10: Ezikiel: DJ Leshawna: DJ Lindsay: DJ DJ: DJ Trent: DJ 18. DJ (his curse caused Shark to attack team Victory) Episode 11: 17. Izzy (same as original) Episode 13: **Duncan comes back on team Chris** Votes (Victory): Ezikiel: lindsay Leshawna: lindsay Lindsay: lindsay Trent: lindsay Votes (chris): Duncan: eva Noah: al Tyler: eva Owen: eva Al: eva Eva: al 15./16. Lindsay/eva (another double team elimination, eva and noah found out about al so al chose eva cause shes bigger threath, lindsay thouth killer (Duncan) was ezikiel) Episode 14: Votes: Duncan: noah Noah: al Tyler: noah Owen: al Al: noah 14. Noah (cause of al, plus he was super weak in greece) Episode 15: Votes: Duncan: Owen Tyler: Owen Owen: al Al: Owen 13. Owen (Got kidnaped by Aliens) Episode 16: Votes: Gwen: heather Courtney: heather Sierra: gwen Cody: gwen Heather: gwen 12. Gwen (theres is no love triangle in this version, she just caused the defeat) Episode 17: Votes: Zeke: leshawna Leshawna: zeke Trent: leshawna 11. Leshawna (Trent and zeke made a Bond so they chosed leshawna cause she didnt want to hurt al) **Merge** **Blainly gets in** Episode 19: Votes: Ezikiel: tyler Blainly: tyler Duncan: Trent Courtney: tyler Cody: Sierra Sierra: Trent Heather: blainly Al: Trent Tyler: Trent Trent: tyler 9./10. Trent/tyler (they Got stuck as couple, it really felt weird to most Players and to them so they just Got Rid of them) Episode 20: Votes: Blainly: courtney Duncan: courtney Courtney: blainly Heather: blainly Al: blainly Sierra: courtney Cody: courtney Zeke: blainly 7./8. Blainly/courtney (blainly cheated, and courtney did same thing as in original which made Duncan break up With her, and guess what, *she actually cares* ) Episode 21: Votes: Zeke: Duncan Duncan: al Heather: Duncan Al: Duncan Sierra: Duncan Cody: duncan 6. Duncan (same as original) Episode 22: Zeke: cody Sierra: heather Cody: Sierra Heather: cody Al: cody 5. Cody (heather and al wanted him out to piss Sierra off and cause hes weak, they made zeke to vote him 2) 4. Sierra (same as original) 3. Zeke (lost fight With al) 2. Al 1. Heather!!!!
this is great : the reasons of eliminatios, the full cast and the creativity on this amzing you can this like in Total Drama Island o Revenge of island
YAY! More awesomeness! Heather won as usual lol. I would do a finale with her VS Tyler. And I would make Tyler win. But it’s your opinion! And I agree with it! 👍
I was thinking doing a finale between Tyler and Heather, but at the end I decided to do the finale between Heather and Alejandro because when I saw World Tour for the first time I loved the ending and their rivalry. Thank you so much for for your comment! :)
My way 24th Ezekiel 23rd DJ 22nd Katie 21st Leshawna 20th Owen 19th Duncan 18th Beth 17th Harold 16th Trent 15th Sadie 14th/13th Gwen and Bridgette (Merge and Bridgette and Duncan return) 12th Courtney 11th Tyler 10th Geoff 9th Justin 8th/7th Duncan and Noah 6th Izzy 5th Sierra 4th Cody 3rd/2nd/1st (Three finalists) Heather, Alejandro, and Bridgette. (I think a three person finale would be a good plot twist) I didn't even mean for one finalist from each team, plus somebody returning with an actual chance to win would be awesome.
My way: Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra, Blainley, Eva, Trent Team Chris: Alejandro, Duncan, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Tyler, Geoff, Justin Team Victory: Bridgette, Dj, Ezekiel, Harold, Leshawna, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Sadie (this team has one extra as 25 isn’t evenly divisible by 3, but do Katie and Sadie really count as 2 people) Episode 1: The contestants enter, Alejandro immediately causes Katie and Sadie to fall in love with him, causing him to propose an alliance, thinking he could use them to kick off some members of team victory, Heather begins to suspect Alejandro wants to play dirty, but has no evidence, Sierra immediately falls for Cody, not much happens here. Episode 2: Ezekiel puts himself out there by leading the team, he ends up getting team victory lost in Egypt, meanwhile Justin realizes that Alejandro could be a threat to him and plans to form an alliance with him. Ezekiel doesn’t lose the stick so there isn’t an elimination Episode 3: Harold leads team victory, causing them to do the geisha thing, but Ezekiel keeps fumbling his lines, forcing them to start over, to the point where they didn’t even finish. Meanwhile Leshawna realizes that Katie and Sadie seem to be going missing a lot. Meanwhile Justin proposes an alliance to Alejandro, Alejandro accepts, but they both plan to backstab each other near the merge for being a threat/nuisance. Team Amazon has Courtney, Heather, and Gwen fight, but after they storm off, Blainley takes charge as she’s the only one who has had her own show (not counting total drama) Eva fights for control with Blainley, viewing her commercial as an overproduced mess. So the commercial comes out a jumbled mess with too many cooks in the kitchen, but Cody comes in clutch similarly to canon, it’s a great moment for him, why scrap it? Challenge rankings: 1st: Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris 3rd: Team Victory Strategy talk: Leshawna, Bridgette, and Harold form an alliance, since Harold is worried he might be in danger, and agree on picking out Ezekiel, meanwhile Katie and Sadie decide to vote out Ezekiel as he used to be sexist. Lindsay and Beth do the same, DJ votes Ezekiel as he knows everyone else here more. Ezekiel votes Harold for leading and failing Elimination If I call your name; you are safe Beth Lindsay Leshawna Bridgette Katie Sadie DJ Now, you two are the only ones who received votes, so I will call them out one by one Ezekiel Harold One for Ezekiel, One for Harold Ezekiel Two for Ezekiel, One for Harold First person voted out of total drama world tour: Ezekiel, you got 8 votes and that’s enough 25th- Ezekiel Don’t worry, he doesn’t become feral, but I don’t think world tour was his season, I would rather him go far in an underdogs vs overdogs season, and him going first will just add to the pity he gets, and since the homeschool doesn’t get out of the house much, the acting challenge was the perfect way to eliminate him, as he wouldn’t know much about it. This season would just quietly make him more likeable without putting a big focus on it, his sexism is dropped, and his worst flaw is just being dumb and arrogant. This season would be more of a build up for future appearances than a great appearance now. Episode 4: Before the challenge two big things involving Alejandro happen, he begins to target Bridgette so he can use her to upset Geoff later on, weakening him near the merge. And second, he tells Katie that she is the most beautiful girl here and if she throws today’s challenge, then he will give her a kiss. After he realizes that his team is weak, as he has had to carry them since the start. During the challenge Team Chris is losing, but really wanting that kiss, Katie tackles Sadie before she can hop on the sled, allowing team Chris to pass them, Sadie asks why she’s been so weird today and Katie let’s her know that Alejandro called her more beautiful and will kiss her. That starts a petty argument and team victory runs on. They pass team Chris at the end but lose due to missing Katie and Sadie. 1st: Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris 3rd: Team Victory Strategy talk: Bridgette, Leshawna, and Harold all target Katie, as she instigated the fight which caused them to lose. Lindsay and Beth vote Katie for similar reasons, Dj does as well. Meanwhile Katie and Sadie vote Leshawna for wanting to leave them, after they patch up their friendship Elimination: If I call your name, you’re staying for another episode Sadie Harold Bridgette Lindsay Beth And DJ Yet again, only two of you got voted Katie Leshawna One for Katie, One for Leshawna Katie Two for Katie, One for Leshawna Leshawna Two for Katie, Two for Leshawna Katie Second person voted out of total drama world tour Katie, you got 6 votes and that’s enough 24th: Katie She didn’t- But just as Katie is about to take the drop of shame, Sadie wants her to stay, and quits in her place. 24th: Sadie Sadie and Katie are basically the same person, only they get eliminated twice, so since it doesn’t matter who I eliminated, I decided to have Sadie quit, after all Sadie got farther in island. Episode 5: Leshawna, noticing that Katie is completely isolated in the game right now, decides to ask her to join the alliance, but Katie rejects, just wanting to be eliminated after Sadie left, so Leshawna walks to her alliance, which Alejandro takes advantage of, he asks Leshawna and Bridgette if he could join the alliance, while they refuse at first, after he takes off his shirt, Alejandro claimed two new victims, Justin who is watching and knows he’s being overshadowed, is unsure what to do, so he decides to try what Alejandro does and has less success. meanwhile Heather goes to the losers area and asks Katie what’s wrong, seeing that Sadie is gone, and she could get some insight on the elimination and the voting habits of team victory, sure she could go to Sierra, but this just happened so she probably doesn’t have everything straightened out. Katie says that Alejandro promised a kiss if she threw the challenge, and she did that and was eliminated until Sadie quit. Heather asked many questions, trying to get as much dirt on Alejandro as possible. After a long chat she went to the first class, knowing that everything was caught on the live feeds. But before she can access them Chris calls everyone down for the next challenge. The Amazons lose due to Eva’s anger and dislike of allowing Blainely to lead, plus her hatred of previous killer bass member, Courtney, who lead the vote against her in episode 3 of last season 1st: Team Chris 2nd: Team Victory 3rd: Team Amazon Strategy talk: Courtney begs Gwen, Trent, and Cody to vote Eva, Gwen is set on voting Heather but Trent and Cody accept, Cody even tells Sierra to, Heather votes Eva knowing that Eva going is the only way she survives, meanwhile Gwen gets with Eva and tells her to vote Heather, saying that she’ll survive if she does, and Blainley doesn’t need to think twice about voting Eva Elimination: If I call your name, you’re safe Gwen Courtney Cody Sierra Trent And Blainley Yet again only two contestants got any votes Eva Heather One for Eva, One for Heather Eva Two for Eva, One for Heather Heather Two for Eva, Two for Heather Eva Three for Eva, Two for Heather The third person voted out of total drama world tour: Eva 23rd: Eva Yet another contestant with few episodes and a one-note purpose, all Eva needed to do was get mad and scream, which you can definitely do within 5 episodes, she might have a petty rivalry with Blainley but other than that there isn’t much for her to do. I think her crave for revenge and winning will be her downfall once again. Another contestant that would be good for an under vs overdogs season. But she doesn’t really serve a purpose here To be continued in the replies
Episode 6: Due to there being so many contestants we can’t have any aftermaths. Alejandro invites Katie to first class, to get her back on his side after episode 4 and to get some info from her. He gives her the kiss she’s been waiting for. Afterwards he asked if anything happened in economy class last episode, as Heather was sitting next to her despite Amazon winning in the episode before that. Katie happily told him the whole story and he got on the live feeds, knowing Heather would use that against him later on. He searched for the part where Heather walked in and edited it out. Now there was no evidence of what he did and Heather couldn’t get any from Katie anymore. However Alejandro now was going to dump her as soon as possible knowing she could spill all of his secrets. Meanwhile Geoff noticed Bridgette was falling for Alejandro, getting flustered by his flirting and making googly eyes and got worried, not wanting to confront her, but not wanting her to cheat on him. He decided to keep his fear down, maybe it was just innocent joking. During the challenge LeShawna noticed Katie sneaking off again and told Bridgette to follow her, Harold was busy but she needed some back up incase Katie was doing something dangerous, they noticed her walking to Alejandro, while he whispered something in her ear, after Katie walked off they went to him, he told them he was getting Katie on their side. With so many members flaking team Victory couldn’t win, 1st: Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris 3rd: Team Victory Strategy talk: it would obviously be between the 3 contestants that flaked on them, Bridgette, Katie, and Leshawna. And Alejandro needed to make sure it was Katie, she betrayed him last time, so who’s to say he wouldn’t do it again, when she asked him who to vote he said to vote DJ, knowing her vote wouldn’t matter. He then pulled Leshawna and Bridgette. He told them to vote Katie, she was annoying anyways. So they got Harold, who was getting a little suspicious from them flaking on the team today, but still voted with his alliance, and DJ who was in the middle, knowing that would be enough, Lindsay and Beth also voted Katie for copying Lindsay’s voice Elimination: You know the drill by now: Lindsay Beth Harold Leshawna Bridgette Only two contestants got votes Dj Katie One, For DJ, One for Katie Katie The fourth person voted out of total drama would tour: Katie, that’s 6 votes and that’s enough 22nd: Katie I might’ve made it seem like she was going to go far with how much focus she got, but if Her and Sadie were in world tour, I think they would play the roles of Alejandro’s first victims and nothing more. I think here they would go to Italy but the challenge has little to do with the elimination, Katie would probably get farther, but I don’t think either of them would merge or make a deep run, they feel like filler characters, they are the characters you use when you want to prove how good a villain is, but you don’t want to risk any important characters to send that message. So episode 6 is pretty good for her. After the elimination, Geoff notices Bridgette kissing Alejandro, so he decides to ask her to stop, manipulated by Alejandro who says he’s just jealous that he can’t have a girl like her, Bridgette gets mad at him and calls off the relationship, Harold watches it all go down and starts to think that somethings wrong with his alliance. After Geoff walks off Bridgette realized she was being rude, dumb, and blinded by Alejandro, she feels awful and Alejandro “comforts” her, to make sure she stays loyal. Episode 7: Heather checks the live feeds from episode 5, hoping her chat with Katie is still there. After logging on she sees that it cuts from Heather walking in to losers class, to Chris starting the challenge. Heather, knowing that Alejandro messed with the live footage. Plans to go to Cody and ask if he can restore it, knowing he’s a bit of a tech geek. Meanwhile Harold watches Leshawna be charmed by Alejandro and gets upset, the alliance is crumbling for some guy they met a couple weeks ago. On team Chris Justin begins thinking that his Alliance with Alejandro is an afterthought to him, and starts going to his teammates, Specifically Geoff in hopes to get them against Alejandro. It doesn’t work for anyone except Geoff. During the challenge team victory picks two dancers, and the others pick 3. Team Victory go with DJ and Bridgette, Team Chris go with Alejandro, Geoff, and Owen, and Team Amazon go with Sierra, Heather, and Courtney Round 1 matchups: Heather V.S. Owen Courtney V.S. DJ Sierra V.S. Alejandro Bridgette V.S. Geoff The challenge starts! Owen fails in the same way as he did in the show Courtney is a lot more fierce than DJ and takes him down fairly easily Without Cody to motivate her, Sierra is much easier to defeat and Alejandro wins Bridgette and Geoff begin fighting, but also arguing, Bridgette says that Geoff is jealous, unfocused, useless, and annoying and Geoff calls her basic and gullible, which angers her, so she slaps him very hard and he falls off, she immediately regrets it Round 2: Heather V.S. Bridgette Alejandro V.S. Courtney Bridgette, feeling awful about Geoff, forfeits immunity and steps off the platform, giving Heather a free win, meanwhile Courtney knocks off Alejandro when Heather calls for him to distract him 1st: Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris 3rd: Team victory Strategy: Bridgette and Leshawna try to vote Beth as they know her the least, they also think Harold will vote with them, Lindsay and Beth vote Bridgette for forfeiting immunity, and DJ decides to vote himself because everyone else is his friend and he thinks they deserve the money more. Beth knows she’s on the chopping block so she tries to convince Harold to vote for Bridgette instead of her, raising points on how she’s become more rude, sad, and useless, since Alejandro got here, Harold isn’t sure who to vote Elimination: These contestants are safe: Leshawna Lindsay Harold Now for the votes Beth Bridgette One for Beth, one for Bridgette DJ One for Beth, one for Bridgette, one for DJ Beth Two for Beth, one for Bridgette, one for DJ Bridgette Two for Beth, Two for Bridgette, one for DJ The fifth person voted out of total drama world tour, Bridgette 21st: Bridgette: Bridgette doesn’t really need to be heavily featured in main total drama this season, because she has the aftermaths, which to be fair wouldn’t be main episodes but probably computer-exclusives, plus, I think she could be in a redemption/ all stars season, I must admit I’m not too happy with how I wrote Bridgette this season, but it was to prove Alejandro’s worth, I don’t like what they did in canon either but I see why, it was still too early, so at least she got almost double the time. After Bridgette straps on her parachute and jumps, surprised look on her face, Leshawna gets upset at Harold, he betrayed her alliance to vote out her friend, Harold tries to tell her that this is the reason he did it, but she is too blinded by rage and storms off, that little piece of totally dramatic drama would end the episode. Episode 8: Heather goes to Cody, who surprisingly can’t do anything about the footage, he suggests to go to Noah, or to go to Chris’s editing room, next to the bathrooms, the door is always locked so Heather decides to have Sierra butter up Chris and then ask for the key, meanwhile Geoff finds out Bridgette was eliminated and is destroyed on the inside, and Gwen proposes an alliance to Courtney, trying to cover up the Gwuncan drama for last season, Courtney is trying to fix her social game from last year so she accepts. Alejandro sees this all and has an awful idea. During the challenge, it’s pretty similar to canon, team victory finally exceeds expectations, team Amazon gets captured, except now the zing-zings worship Blaineley, as she is a celebrity, Blaineley knows they are actors but doesn’t tell her team, wanting a well-earned break from all the pain. They end up coming in last and Chef has to save them Strategy: Despite what Blaineley did, the target is initially on Gwen for leading the team the wrong way, with Heather and Blaineley leading the charge, Heather knows that Gwen dislikes her and voted for her last time and decides she must go, she gets Sierra to vote Gwen, by making her think that she is dating Cody behind the scenes. But Courtney finally has a solid friend for the first time since season 1, and she’s not letting her go that easy, she tells Trent and Cody that Blaineley is targeting Gwen, and will come for them next if they don’t get her out, partially the truth, partially a lie, she then tells Gwen to as well and hopes everything works out Votes; Blaineley Gwen One for Blaineley, one for Gwen Blaineley Two for Blaineley, one for Gwen Gwen Two for Blaineley, two for Gwen Blaineley Three for Blaineley, two for Gwen Gwen Three for Blaineley, three for Gwen And the sixth person voted out of Total drama world tour Blaineley That’s 4 votes, just barely enough 20th: Blaineley Blaineley is another character who didn’t need to be here for long, I thought this was the perfect way for her to go out, she is offered her luxurious lifestyle back, and immediately takes the offer, abandoning her team and causing them to lose
Episode 9: Without Cody voting Sierra we have a lot more time that can go into arcs that matter. Specifically, the birth of one. When Trent walks into loser class, Gwen begins to get nervous, they left on a fairly sour note in TDA and haven’t talked to each other much since, she tells Courtney this; and Courtney says she should talk to Trent, he seems a lot calmer, besides fortune favors the bold, she walks over to Trent and simply says hi, they talk for a little bit and become friends, perhaps a little more, Alejandro sees all of this meanwhile, Heather begins to suck up to Chris, trying to get the key to the camera room, Alejandro decides he will do the same as well To be continued
I just wish u kept more of the people that weren’t in tdwt a little longer like eva and katie. They were in one season why bring them back for a new season just to be voted out in the first few eliminations
he/she did a total drama action my way and i think both of them made it far in that my way too, it even states when sadie's eliminated that sadie was developed in this my way because katie was developed in his/her action my way
Danger Markers Version 24th/23rd: Duncan And Ezekiel (For Duncan I’m Pretty Sure He Didn’t Want To Play In A Another Season And For Ezekiel He Got Out For Putting There Teams Stick In The Crocodile) 22nd: DJ (The Reason Why He Got Out Is Because He Needs To Stop Hurting Cute Animals) 21st: Al (Al Always Like To Lies So Owen Izzy And The Entire Team Had To Vote Al) 20th/19th: Harold And Sadie (It Was A Double Team Elimination Round And Both Teams Wanted To Pick 1 Random Member Out) 18th: Tyler (He Was The One Who Caused A Avalanche At The Alps) 17th: Katie (She Distracted The Team And Keep Annoying Them So That’s Why Gwen Agreed To Vote Her Off) WALK OFF ROUND Beth’s Pick: Gwen Bridget’s Pick: Noah Beth And Gwen’s Outfit Points: 16/30 From Cody: Um I Would Say A 2 From Geoff: That’s Cool I Give A 10 Trent: Nice But I Rate It 4/10 Bridget’s And Noah’s Points: 25/30 From Cody: Decent I Give A 5 From Geoff: Very Awesome Outfit Man I Give 10 From Trent: I Agree With Geoff 10/10 16th/15th: Beth And Gwen (Cody And Trent Didn’t Like The Outfit They Made So They Both Got Eliminated) 14th: Justin (He Didn’t Want To Do The Last Challenge So The Team Had To Vote Him Off) XXth: Izzy (She Didn’t Do Both Of The Challenges Due The Fact There Both Scary So Geoff Had To Vote Him Off) IZZY REJOINS 13th For Real: Heather (She Was A Very Rude Jerk And Disguised As Jack The Ripper) 12th: Bridgette (She Didn’t Do All Of The Challenges And Majority Of The Team Voted For Her) 11th: Sierra (She Got Distracted By Cody Being Trapped And People Think She Must Go) 10th: Eva (She Was Very Angry Because The Team Can’t Find A Sheep With Their Logo And Cody And Courtney Wanted Her To Go) 9th: Owen (He Ate Their Teams Meatballs And The Team Wanted Him To Go) BAINLEY DEBUTS 9th: For Real: Courtney (She Wasn’t Very Helpful On Their Team) 8th/7th/6th: Leshawna Cody And Bainley (For Leshawna She Never Ate The Food At The 2nd Challenge For Cody It’s The Same Way As Leshawna But He Ate The First Food And For Bainley She Cheated By Get Good Food Instead Of Gross Stuff) 5th: Noah (He Never Found Any Easter Eggs In The Challenge) 4th: Geoff (He Just Made A Dinosaur On Himself) 3rd: Trent (During The Swordfish Battle With Lindsay He Spared The Fight And Placed The Bronze) FINALE Lindsay’s Partners: Gwen And Trent Bridget’s Partners: Cody And Tyler RUNNER UP: Bridget (Even Tho She Wants The Money I Think Lindsay Should Get The Million) WINNER: Lindsay’s (Thanks To Bridget’s Deal Lindsay’s Wins Total Drama World Tour)
My way Team Amazon:Cody Sierra courtney gwen Heather Sadie katie Eva Team chris is really really really hot:Owen Noah Izzy Alejandro Tyler Geoff Duncan Team victory:Justin harold leshawna Bridgette DJ beth lindsay Trent Ezekiel *Justin starts a rivalry with Alejandro* 24:Ezekiel 23:Lindsay *Bridgette is caught kissing Geoff but there on different teams* 22:Geoff 21:Bridgette 20:Izzy 19:DJ 18:Harold 17:Leshawna 16:Gwen *Blainley debut and joins team amazon* 15:Owen 14:Duncan *double elimination* 13/12:Courtney and blainley *Merge* *Justin and Alejandro form a short alliance to eliminate Heather* 11:Tyler 10:Lindsay 9:Heather 8:Beth *cody and sierra form a alliance* 7:Sierra *alejandro changes the votes* 6:Cody 5:Eva *Elimianted contestants pick Sadie and Katie to be eliminated* 4:Sadie and katie 3:Alejandro Runner up:Justin Winner:Trent *Alternate ending* Runner up:Trent Winner:Justin
Continued! Episode 14: Victory dissolves Beth and DJ to Chris, Lindsay to Amazon Losers: Chris Alejandro - Beth Duncan - Beth Owen - Duncan Noah - Duncan Beth - Duncan DJ - Duncan Voted out: Duncan (4-2) Episode 15: Amazons lose Cody - Sierra Courtney - Gwen Gwen - Courtney Heather - Courtney Eva - Gwen Sierra - Gwen Lindsay - Courtney Voted out: Gwen (3-3-1, tiebreaker) Episode 16: Amazons lose Cody - Sierra Courtney - Cody Heather - Sierra Eva - Cody Sierra - Heather Lindsay - Cody Voted out: Cody (3-2-1) Episode 18: Chris lose Alejandro - Beth Owen - Beth Noah - Alejandro Beth - Alejandro DJ - Alejandro Voted out: Alejandro (3-2) Episode 18: Aftermath III Episode 19: Immune: Noah and Eva Courtney - Heather Heather - Courtney Eva - Heather Sierra - Heather Lindsay - Courtney Owen - Courtney Noah - Courtney DJ - Heather Beth - Heather Voted out: Heather (5-4) Episode 20: Immune: Sierra Courtney - Lindsay Eva - Lindsay Sierra - Owen Lindsay - Owen Noah - Lindsay Owen - Lindsay DJ - Owen Beth - Owen Voted out: Lindsay/Owen (4-4) Episode 21: Immune: Eva Courtney - Noah Eva - Sierra Sierra - Noah Noah - Sierra DJ - Noah Beth - Noah Voted out: Noah (4-2) Episode 22: Immune: DJ Courtney - Beth Eva - Beth Sierra - Beth Beth - Courtney DJ - Courtney Voted out: Beth (3-2) Episode 23: Immune: Courtney Courtney - Sierra Eva - Sierra Sierra - Eva DJ - Sierra Voted out: Sierra (3-1) Episode 24: Aftermath IV Episode 25/26: All 3 have alternate endings. Supporters: Eva - Alejandro, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Justin, Tyler, Courtney - Katie, Sadie, Sierra, Duncan, Bridgette, Leshawna DJ - Cody, Gwen, Heather, Geoff, Beth, Ezekiel, Harold, Lindsay, Trent
Ezekiel Beth Justin Katie Harold Dj Eva Owen LeShawna Lindsay Izzy Gwen Sadie Geoff Noah Courtney Trent and Duncan Sierra Tyler and Bridgette Cody Loser:Alejandro Winner:Heather
My way (classic cast and team) 20th Duncan (Team chris is 4x hot) 19th Izzy (Team Chris is 4x hot) 18th Noah (Team Chris is 4x hot 17th Owen (Team Chris is 4x hot) 16th Heather (Team Amazon) 15th Tyler (Team Chris is 4x hot) 14th Dj (Team Victory) 13th Alejandro (Team Chris is 4x hot 12th Ezekiel (Team victory) 11th Lindsay (Team victory MERGE: Duncan and Heather return BLAINELEY DEBUT 10th Courtney 9th Blaineley TEAM: HAROLD WITH LESHAWNA CODY WITH SIERRA BRIDGETTE WITH GWEN DUNCAN WITH HEATHER 8th/7th Harold/Leshawna 6th Bridgette 5th Gwen 4th Heather FINALE 3rd Duncan 2nd Sierra 1st Cody
My way Episode 1 No elimination Episode 2 24th/23rd Duncan and Ezekiel Ezekiel cost his team the challenge and duncan quit as he did not want to sing Episode 3 22nd Harold He took control of the team but Alejandro sabotaged him Episode 4 21st Beth Alejandro tricked her into getting stuck to a pole Episode 5 20th Dj He quit cause he got an animal curse Episode 6 Aftermath Episode 7 19th Trent The girls all voted for him Episode 8 18th/17th Katie and Sadie Katie cost her team the challenge but Sadie did not want to be alone again so she quit so be with katie Episode 9 16th Bridgette She quit because she felt bad for cheating on Geoff Episode 10 15th Leshawna Alejandro sabotaged her in the tie challenge Episode 11 14th/13th Justin and Izzy Alejandro convinced his team to eliminate justin and izzy was injured Episode 12 Aftermath Episode 13 Duncan returns 13th Lindsay She lost the challenge Episode 14 No elimination Episode 15 12th Geoff He quit cause he misses Bridgette Episode 16 11th Gwen She lost the tie to Courtney Episode 17 10th Eva She was a threat Episode 18 Aftermath Episode 19 Blaineley Debuts 10th/9th Courtney and Duncan Their pair lost the challenge Episode 20 8th/7th Owen and Blaineley Alejandro sabotaged Owen in the challenge and Blaineley was Disqualified for cheating Episode 21 6th Noah Alejandro convinced some people to eliminate him Episode 22 5th Tyler He was injured Episode 23 4th Cody He accidentally blew up the plane trying to save Sierra Episode 24 Aftermath Episode 25 3rd Heather Alejandro sabotaged her Episode 26 Alejandro vs Sierra Sierra wins 2nd Alejandro 1st Sierra
Oh you are right. Probably I made that mistake because originally Trent and Duncan would be eliminated before Courtney, but at the end I decided to eliminate Courtney before.
I don't know about this season because Heather and Alejandro were already in the finale and Cody already got third place in the show I don't know why you would do this to Bridget and Tyler that you eliminate like that I didn't think that was actually Fair
And you didn't add Egyptian part 2 there was supposed to be 26 episodes but you just didn't put in the aftermath and Egyptian part 2 and if you did Duncan could have quit
I felt like Sadie should of been on the team victory and Eva should of been on team Chris because everyone on team Chris is a boy except for Izzy and I feel like Eva deserved to be on team Chris
what the fuck si the point of the my way if the same people that won in our timeline won ITS NOT A MY WAY IF THE SAM PEOPLE WHO ROGNANLINRY WON IN TEH SEASON STILL WON i
I like that you made Trent and Bridgette have a friendship since they never interacted with each other in the original series and I feel like they would've been able to get along well
yeah! bridgette is my fav female character and trent is my fav male character
Love your way, I love Bridgette and Trent friendship!! :D
i’m also glad watching this back that you didn’t elim bridgette in her canon elimination bc w geoff there i don’t think alejandro would have been able to seduce bridgette since she would be tied to geoff, and she isn’t exactly ‘dumb’ or ‘forgetful’ like lindsay was with tyler
Finally one that doesn’t completely obliterate Team Victory pre-merge
Ay! Victory bros!
If WT was done with the full cast they could have settled Alejandro as a threat without completely obliterating team victory
For a while I really thought Bridgette would win, but in the end, I still loved her version of the World Tour, I think it was pretty close to the original, even more so with the Heather vs. Final. Alejandro, which in my opinion, is the best ending in the history of this reality.
This is really good I still wish Geoff Trent Justin Katie Satie Beth Eva were in the game in the actual show in season 3 I wish plus things would have been different to in Total drama world tour
AAYYYYY another vulpix and total drama lover i look forward to more videos from you
My way same cast:
18th place: Zeke
17th place: DJ
16th place: Bridgette
15th place: Lindsay
14th place: Leshawna
13th place: Owen
12th place: Harold
11th place: Izzy
10th place: Gwen
9th place: Alejandro
8th and 7th place: Heather and Tyler
6th place: Blaineley
5th place: Duncan
4th place: Noah
3rd place: Courtney
Runner-up: Sierra
Winner: Cody
My way:
Team Victory: zeke, harold, birdgette, leshawna, lindsay, DJ, Beth, trent
Team Chris: Izzy, noah, tyler, Owen, al, geoff, eva, Justin
Team Amazon: gwen, courtney, Sierra, cody, heather, Duncan, katie, sadie
Episode 1/2:
Zeke: harold
Harold: zeke
Bridegette: zeke
Leshawna: zeke
Lindsay: harold
DJ: harold
Trent: harold
Beth: harold
25. Harold (told zeke to fight crocodiles causing them to lose stick, zeke begged to stay and Got thew votes more)
Episode 4:
Zeke: leshawna
Bridegette: leshawna
Leshawna: bridegette
Lindsay: Lindsay
Beth: bridegette
Trent: bridegette
24. Geoff (gave up cause bridegette Kissed al)
Episode 5:
Duncan: katie
Gwen: katie
Courtney: sadie
Sierra: sadie
Cody: katie
Heather: sadie
Katie: courtney
Sadie: courtney
23. Katie/sadie (were just annoying to most of Amazons)
Episode 7:
Ezikiel: leshawna
Bridegette: Beth
Leshawna: Beth
Lindsay: lindsay
Trent: Beth
Beth: leshawna
22. Beth (was an awful dancer)
Episode 8:
Votes (team Chris):
Izzy: Justin
Noah: Justin
Tyler: Justin
Owen: Justin
Al: Justin
Eva: Justin
Justin: al
Votes (Amazons):
Duncan: duncan
Courtney: heather
Gwen: heather
Sierra: heather
Cody: Sierra
Heather: courtney
20./21. Duncan/justin (it was time for both losing teams to vote someone off, team Chris voted Justin cause al told them hes a threath, and duncan gave up thinking courtney doesnt love him anymore thx to al)
Episode 9:
Ezikiel: leshawna
Bridegette: bridegette
Leshawna: bridegette
Lindsay: bridegette
Trent: bridegette
19. Bridegette (caused the defeat and was happy to lose to say sorry to geoff)
Episode 10:
Ezikiel: DJ
Leshawna: DJ
Lindsay: DJ
Trent: DJ
18. DJ (his curse caused Shark to attack team Victory)
Episode 11:
17. Izzy (same as original)
Episode 13:
**Duncan comes back on team Chris**
Votes (Victory):
Ezikiel: lindsay
Leshawna: lindsay
Lindsay: lindsay
Trent: lindsay
Votes (chris):
Duncan: eva
Noah: al
Tyler: eva
Owen: eva
Al: eva
Eva: al
15./16. Lindsay/eva (another double team elimination, eva and noah found out about al so al chose eva cause shes bigger threath, lindsay thouth killer (Duncan) was ezikiel)
Episode 14:
Duncan: noah
Noah: al
Tyler: noah
Owen: al
Al: noah
14. Noah (cause of al, plus he was super weak in greece)
Episode 15:
Duncan: Owen
Tyler: Owen
Owen: al
Al: Owen
13. Owen (Got kidnaped by Aliens)
Episode 16:
Gwen: heather
Courtney: heather
Sierra: gwen
Cody: gwen
Heather: gwen
12. Gwen (theres is no love triangle in this version, she just caused the defeat)
Episode 17:
Zeke: leshawna
Leshawna: zeke
Trent: leshawna
11. Leshawna (Trent and zeke made a Bond so they chosed leshawna cause she didnt want to hurt al)
**Blainly gets in**
Episode 19:
Ezikiel: tyler
Blainly: tyler
Duncan: Trent
Courtney: tyler
Cody: Sierra
Sierra: Trent
Heather: blainly
Al: Trent
Tyler: Trent
Trent: tyler
9./10. Trent/tyler (they Got stuck as couple, it really felt weird to most Players and to them so they just Got Rid of them)
Episode 20:
Blainly: courtney
Duncan: courtney
Courtney: blainly
Heather: blainly
Al: blainly
Sierra: courtney
Cody: courtney
Zeke: blainly
7./8. Blainly/courtney (blainly cheated, and courtney did same thing as in original which made Duncan break up With her, and guess what, *she actually cares* )
Episode 21:
Zeke: Duncan
Duncan: al
Heather: Duncan
Al: Duncan
Sierra: Duncan
Cody: duncan
6. Duncan (same as original)
Episode 22:
Zeke: cody
Sierra: heather
Cody: Sierra
Heather: cody
Al: cody
5. Cody (heather and al wanted him out to piss Sierra off and cause hes weak, they made zeke to vote him 2)
4. Sierra (same as original)
3. Zeke (lost fight With al)
2. Al
1. Heather!!!!
I was gonna win :')
@@Hussiensadaka u were close mate, about time u get some good old development
My way
24th- Ezekiel
23rd- DJ
22nd- Beth
21st- katie
20th- Duncan
18th- Bridgette
17th- Trent
16th- Eva
15th- Sadie
14th- Gwen
13th - Owen
10th- Lindsay
9th- Leshwana
8th- Courtney
7th- Justin
6th- Geoff
5th- Noah
4th- Alejandro
3rd- Harold
1st- Tyler🎉
My Way
Team Amazon: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Sierra, Cody, Katie, Sadie, Justin
Team Chris: Alejandro, Tyler, Noah, Owen, Duncan, Geoff, Eva, Izzy
Team Victory: Trent, Harold, Ezekiel, Beth, Lindsay, Bridgette, Leshawna, DJ
Walk Like an Egyptian-Part 1 & 2:
24th Duncan *quits*
Super Crazy Happy Fun Time Japan:
(Team Victory loses) 23rd Beth
Anything Yukon So I Can Do Better:
(Team Victory loses) 22nd Harold
Broadway Baby: *No Elimination/Reward Challenge*
Slap Slap Revolution:
(Team Amazon loses) 21st Sadie
The Am-AH-Zon Race:
(Team Amazon loses) 20th Justin
Can't Help Falling in Louvre:
(Team Victory loses) 19th DJ
Newf Kids on the Rock: *No Elimination/Reward Challenge*
Jamaica Me Sweat: (Team Chris loses)
18th Owen
I See London: (Team Victory loses)
17th Trent
Greece's Pieces: *No Elimination/Reward Challenge*
The Ex-Files: (Team Chris loses)
16th Izzy
Picnic At Hanging Dork:
(Team Amazon loses) 15th Gwen
Sweden Sour: (Team Victory loses)
14th Lindsay
Niagra Brawls: (MERGE) 13th Sierra/12th Cody
Chinese Fake-Out: 11th Katie
African Lying Safari: 10th Geoff/9th Bridgette
Rapa Phooey: 8th Ezekiel
Awwwwww Drumheller: 7th Eva
*AFTERMATH IV*: 6th Leshawna
Planes Trains and Hot Air Mobiles: 5th Tyler/4th Noah
Hawaiian Punch: Heather vs Alejandro vs Courtney/3rd Courtney, Runner Up: Alejandro, Winner: Heather!
I like It that you made It that duncan didn't quit like the original
this is great : the reasons of eliminatios, the full cast and the creativity on this amzing you can this like in Total Drama Island o Revenge of island
I love Bridgette on the top 4
I liked how she made the final 4 (or 5 technically because she was eliminated with Tyler)
Ik she would’ve ate this season I bet if she wasn’t hosting the aftermath
25th Harold 24th Dj 23rd Bridgette 22nd Eva 21st Lindsay 20th Justin 19th Beth 18th Sadie 17th Owen 16th Geoff 16th Noah 15th Katie 14th Ezekiel 13th Leshawna 12th Gwen 11th Sierra 10th/9th Tyler/Izzy 8th Courtney 7th Blaineley 6th Gwen 5th Duncan 4th Trent 3rd Cody 2nd Alejandro 1st Heather
I like how the finale 3 is the same as usual
Bro when noah got eliminated Heather and him tied in the votes
Bridgette shouldn’t she’s gotten that far
YAY! More awesomeness! Heather won as usual lol. I would do a finale with her VS Tyler. And I would make Tyler win. But it’s your opinion! And I agree with it! 👍
I was thinking doing a finale between Tyler and Heather, but at the end I decided to do the finale between Heather and Alejandro because when I saw World Tour for the first time I loved the ending and their rivalry.
Thank you so much for for your comment! :)
@@vulpixdt7800 I would make Alejandro get 3rd, And your welcome! :>
My Way:
(Merge,Blaineley Debuts)
9:Geoff(Helped Villain)
7 and 6:Blaineley(Anti-Hero) and Gwen
1:Alejandro(Villain of the Season)
Bruh you can't just make a villain win
@@olamideadebayotadadakasalt1367 original total drama did?
@@memeview2566 heather wasn't the villain of the season
@@olamideadebayotadadakasalt1367 but Alejandro also won.
@@olamideadebayotadadakasalt1367 every season has 2 winners
I almost agree with the teams IMO Geoff should be on team victory, Eva on Team Chris and Trent on Team Amazon overall good video
My way
24th Ezekiel
23rd DJ
22nd Katie
21st Leshawna
20th Owen
19th Duncan
18th Beth
17th Harold
16th Trent
15th Sadie
14th/13th Gwen and Bridgette
(Merge and Bridgette and Duncan return)
12th Courtney
11th Tyler
10th Geoff
9th Justin
8th/7th Duncan and Noah
6th Izzy
5th Sierra
4th Cody
3rd/2nd/1st (Three finalists) Heather, Alejandro, and Bridgette.
(I think a three person finale would be a good plot twist)
I didn't even mean for one finalist from each team, plus somebody returning with an actual chance to win would be awesome.
At 7:50 I love that music what is it called
My way:
Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra, Blainley, Eva, Trent
Team Chris: Alejandro, Duncan, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Tyler, Geoff, Justin
Team Victory: Bridgette, Dj, Ezekiel, Harold, Leshawna, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Sadie (this team has one extra as 25 isn’t evenly divisible by 3, but do Katie and Sadie really count as 2 people)
Episode 1:
The contestants enter, Alejandro immediately causes Katie and Sadie to fall in love with him, causing him to propose an alliance, thinking he could use them to kick off some members of team victory, Heather begins to suspect Alejandro wants to play dirty, but has no evidence, Sierra immediately falls for Cody, not much happens here.
Episode 2:
Ezekiel puts himself out there by leading the team, he ends up getting team victory lost in Egypt, meanwhile Justin realizes that Alejandro could be a threat to him and plans to form an alliance with him.
Ezekiel doesn’t lose the stick so there isn’t an elimination
Episode 3:
Harold leads team victory, causing them to do the geisha thing, but Ezekiel keeps fumbling his lines, forcing them to start over, to the point where they didn’t even finish. Meanwhile Leshawna realizes that Katie and Sadie seem to be going missing a lot. Meanwhile Justin proposes an alliance to Alejandro, Alejandro accepts, but they both plan to backstab each other near the merge for being a threat/nuisance. Team Amazon has Courtney, Heather, and Gwen fight, but after they storm off, Blainley takes charge as she’s the only one who has had her own show (not counting total drama) Eva fights for control with Blainley, viewing her commercial as an overproduced mess. So the commercial comes out a jumbled mess with too many cooks in the kitchen, but Cody comes in clutch similarly to canon, it’s a great moment for him, why scrap it?
Challenge rankings:
1st: Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
3rd: Team Victory
Strategy talk:
Leshawna, Bridgette, and Harold form an alliance, since Harold is worried he might be in danger, and agree on picking out Ezekiel, meanwhile Katie and Sadie decide to vote out Ezekiel as he used to be sexist. Lindsay and Beth do the same, DJ votes Ezekiel as he knows everyone else here more. Ezekiel votes Harold for leading and failing
If I call your name; you are safe
Now, you two are the only ones who received votes, so I will call them out one by one
One for Ezekiel, One for Harold
Two for Ezekiel, One for Harold
First person voted out of total drama world tour: Ezekiel, you got 8 votes and that’s enough
25th- Ezekiel
Don’t worry, he doesn’t become feral, but I don’t think world tour was his season, I would rather him go far in an underdogs vs overdogs season, and him going first will just add to the pity he gets, and since the homeschool doesn’t get out of the house much, the acting challenge was the perfect way to eliminate him, as he wouldn’t know much about it. This season would just quietly make him more likeable without putting a big focus on it, his sexism is dropped, and his worst flaw is just being dumb and arrogant. This season would be more of a build up for future appearances than a great appearance now.
Episode 4:
Before the challenge two big things involving Alejandro happen, he begins to target Bridgette so he can use her to upset Geoff later on, weakening him near the merge. And second, he tells Katie that she is the most beautiful girl here and if she throws today’s challenge, then he will give her a kiss. After he realizes that his team is weak, as he has had to carry them since the start.
During the challenge Team Chris is losing, but really wanting that kiss, Katie tackles Sadie before she can hop on the sled, allowing team Chris to pass them, Sadie asks why she’s been so weird today and Katie let’s her know that Alejandro called her more beautiful and will kiss her. That starts a petty argument and team victory runs on. They pass team Chris at the end but lose due to missing Katie and Sadie.
1st: Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
3rd: Team Victory
Strategy talk:
Bridgette, Leshawna, and Harold all target Katie, as she instigated the fight which caused them to lose. Lindsay and Beth vote Katie for similar reasons, Dj does as well. Meanwhile Katie and Sadie vote Leshawna for wanting to leave them, after they patch up their friendship
If I call your name, you’re staying for another episode
And DJ
Yet again, only two of you got voted
One for Katie, One for Leshawna
Two for Katie, One for Leshawna
Two for Katie, Two for Leshawna
Second person voted out of total drama world tour
Katie, you got 6 votes and that’s enough
24th: Katie
She didn’t-
But just as Katie is about to take the drop of shame, Sadie wants her to stay, and quits in her place.
24th: Sadie
Sadie and Katie are basically the same person, only they get eliminated twice, so since it doesn’t matter who I eliminated, I decided to have Sadie quit, after all Sadie got farther in island.
Episode 5:
Leshawna, noticing that Katie is completely isolated in the game right now, decides to ask her to join the alliance, but Katie rejects, just wanting to be eliminated after Sadie left, so Leshawna walks to her alliance, which Alejandro takes advantage of, he asks Leshawna and Bridgette if he could join the alliance, while they refuse at first, after he takes off his shirt, Alejandro claimed two new victims, Justin who is watching and knows he’s being overshadowed, is unsure what to do, so he decides to try what Alejandro does and has less success. meanwhile Heather goes to the losers area and asks Katie what’s wrong, seeing that Sadie is gone, and she could get some insight on the elimination and the voting habits of team victory, sure she could go to Sierra, but this just happened so she probably doesn’t have everything straightened out. Katie says that Alejandro promised a kiss if she threw the challenge, and she did that and was eliminated until Sadie quit. Heather asked many questions, trying to get as much dirt on Alejandro as possible. After a long chat she went to the first class, knowing that everything was caught on the live feeds. But before she can access them Chris calls everyone down for the next challenge.
The Amazons lose due to Eva’s anger and dislike of allowing Blainely to lead, plus her hatred of previous killer bass member, Courtney, who lead the vote against her in episode 3 of last season
1st: Team Chris
2nd: Team Victory
3rd: Team Amazon
Strategy talk:
Courtney begs Gwen, Trent, and Cody to vote Eva, Gwen is set on voting Heather but Trent and Cody accept, Cody even tells Sierra to, Heather votes Eva knowing that Eva going is the only way she survives, meanwhile Gwen gets with Eva and tells her to vote Heather, saying that she’ll survive if she does, and Blainley doesn’t need to think twice about voting Eva
If I call your name, you’re safe
And Blainley
Yet again only two contestants got any votes
One for Eva, One for Heather
Two for Eva, One for Heather
Two for Eva, Two for Heather
Three for Eva, Two for Heather
The third person voted out of total drama world tour:
23rd: Eva
Yet another contestant with few episodes and a one-note purpose, all Eva needed to do was get mad and scream, which you can definitely do within 5 episodes, she might have a petty rivalry with Blainley but other than that there isn’t much for her to do. I think her crave for revenge and winning will be her downfall once again. Another contestant that would be good for an under vs overdogs season. But she doesn’t really serve a purpose here
To be continued in the replies
Episode 6:
Due to there being so many contestants we can’t have any aftermaths.
Alejandro invites Katie to first class, to get her back on his side after episode 4 and to get some info from her. He gives her the kiss she’s been waiting for. Afterwards he asked if anything happened in economy class last episode, as Heather was sitting next to her despite Amazon winning in the episode before that. Katie happily told him the whole story and he got on the live feeds, knowing Heather would use that against him later on. He searched for the part where Heather walked in and edited it out. Now there was no evidence of what he did and Heather couldn’t get any from Katie anymore. However Alejandro now was going to dump her as soon as possible knowing she could spill all of his secrets. Meanwhile Geoff noticed Bridgette was falling for Alejandro, getting flustered by his flirting and making googly eyes and got worried, not wanting to confront her, but not wanting her to cheat on him. He decided to keep his fear down, maybe it was just innocent joking. During the challenge LeShawna noticed Katie sneaking off again and told Bridgette to follow her, Harold was busy but she needed some back up incase Katie was doing something dangerous, they noticed her walking to Alejandro, while he whispered something in her ear, after Katie walked off they went to him, he told them he was getting Katie on their side. With so many members flaking team Victory couldn’t win,
1st: Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
3rd: Team Victory
Strategy talk:
it would obviously be between the 3 contestants that flaked on them, Bridgette, Katie, and Leshawna. And Alejandro needed to make sure it was Katie, she betrayed him last time, so who’s to say he wouldn’t do it again, when she asked him who to vote he said to vote DJ, knowing her vote wouldn’t matter. He then pulled Leshawna and Bridgette. He told them to vote Katie, she was annoying anyways. So they got Harold, who was getting a little suspicious from them flaking on the team today, but still voted with his alliance, and DJ who was in the middle, knowing that would be enough, Lindsay and Beth also voted Katie for copying Lindsay’s voice
You know the drill by now:
Only two contestants got votes
One, For DJ, One for Katie
The fourth person voted out of total drama would tour: Katie, that’s 6 votes and that’s enough
22nd: Katie
I might’ve made it seem like she was going to go far with how much focus she got, but if Her and Sadie were in world tour, I think they would play the roles of Alejandro’s first victims and nothing more. I think here they would go to Italy but the challenge has little to do with the elimination, Katie would probably get farther, but I don’t think either of them would merge or make a deep run, they feel like filler characters, they are the characters you use when you want to prove how good a villain is, but you don’t want to risk any important characters to send that message. So episode 6 is pretty good for her.
After the elimination, Geoff notices Bridgette kissing Alejandro, so he decides to ask her to stop, manipulated by Alejandro who says he’s just jealous that he can’t have a girl like her, Bridgette gets mad at him and calls off the relationship, Harold watches it all go down and starts to think that somethings wrong with his alliance. After Geoff walks off Bridgette realized she was being rude, dumb, and blinded by Alejandro, she feels awful and Alejandro “comforts” her, to make sure she stays loyal.
Episode 7:
Heather checks the live feeds from episode 5, hoping her chat with Katie is still there. After logging on she sees that it cuts from Heather walking in to losers class, to Chris starting the challenge. Heather, knowing that Alejandro messed with the live footage. Plans to go to Cody and ask if he can restore it, knowing he’s a bit of a tech geek. Meanwhile Harold watches Leshawna be charmed by Alejandro and gets upset, the alliance is crumbling for some guy they met a couple weeks ago. On team Chris Justin begins thinking that his Alliance with Alejandro is an afterthought to him, and starts going to his teammates, Specifically Geoff in hopes to get them against Alejandro. It doesn’t work for anyone except Geoff.
During the challenge team victory picks two dancers, and the others pick 3. Team Victory go with DJ and Bridgette, Team Chris go with Alejandro, Geoff, and Owen, and Team Amazon go with Sierra, Heather, and Courtney
Round 1 matchups:
Heather V.S. Owen
Courtney V.S. DJ
Sierra V.S. Alejandro
Bridgette V.S. Geoff
The challenge starts!
Owen fails in the same way as he did in the show
Courtney is a lot more fierce than DJ and takes him down fairly easily
Without Cody to motivate her, Sierra is much easier to defeat and Alejandro wins
Bridgette and Geoff begin fighting, but also arguing, Bridgette says that Geoff is jealous, unfocused, useless, and annoying and Geoff calls her basic and gullible, which angers her, so she slaps him very hard and he falls off, she immediately regrets it
Round 2:
Heather V.S. Bridgette
Alejandro V.S. Courtney
Bridgette, feeling awful about Geoff, forfeits immunity and steps off the platform, giving Heather a free win, meanwhile Courtney knocks off Alejandro when Heather calls for him to distract him
1st: Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
3rd: Team victory
Bridgette and Leshawna try to vote Beth as they know her the least, they also think Harold will vote with them, Lindsay and Beth vote Bridgette for forfeiting immunity, and DJ decides to vote himself because everyone else is his friend and he thinks they deserve the money more. Beth knows she’s on the chopping block so she tries to convince Harold to vote for Bridgette instead of her, raising points on how she’s become more rude, sad, and useless, since Alejandro got here, Harold isn’t sure who to vote
These contestants are safe:
Now for the votes
One for Beth, one for Bridgette
One for Beth, one for Bridgette, one for DJ
Two for Beth, one for Bridgette, one for DJ
Two for Beth, Two for Bridgette, one for DJ
The fifth person voted out of total drama world tour, Bridgette
21st: Bridgette:
Bridgette doesn’t really need to be heavily featured in main total drama this season, because she has the aftermaths, which to be fair wouldn’t be main episodes but probably computer-exclusives, plus, I think she could be in a redemption/ all stars season, I must admit I’m not too happy with how I wrote Bridgette this season, but it was to prove Alejandro’s worth, I don’t like what they did in canon either but I see why, it was still too early, so at least she got almost double the time.
After Bridgette straps on her parachute and jumps, surprised look on her face, Leshawna gets upset at Harold, he betrayed her alliance to vote out her friend, Harold tries to tell her that this is the reason he did it, but she is too blinded by rage and storms off, that little piece of totally dramatic drama would end the episode.
Episode 8:
Heather goes to Cody, who surprisingly can’t do anything about the footage, he suggests to go to Noah, or to go to Chris’s editing room, next to the bathrooms, the door is always locked so Heather decides to have Sierra butter up Chris and then ask for the key, meanwhile Geoff finds out Bridgette was eliminated and is destroyed on the inside, and Gwen proposes an alliance to Courtney, trying to cover up the Gwuncan drama for last season, Courtney is trying to fix her social game from last year so she accepts. Alejandro sees this all and has an awful idea. During the challenge, it’s pretty similar to canon, team victory finally exceeds expectations, team Amazon gets captured, except now the zing-zings worship Blaineley, as she is a celebrity, Blaineley knows they are actors but doesn’t tell her team, wanting a well-earned break from all the pain. They end up coming in last and Chef has to save them
Despite what Blaineley did, the target is initially on Gwen for leading the team the wrong way, with Heather and Blaineley leading the charge, Heather knows that Gwen dislikes her and voted for her last time and decides she must go, she gets Sierra to vote Gwen, by making her think that she is dating Cody behind the scenes. But Courtney finally has a solid friend for the first time since season 1, and she’s not letting her go that easy, she tells Trent and Cody that Blaineley is targeting Gwen, and will come for them next if they don’t get her out, partially the truth, partially a lie, she then tells Gwen to as well and hopes everything works out
One for Blaineley, one for Gwen
Two for Blaineley, one for Gwen
Two for Blaineley, two for Gwen
Three for Blaineley, two for Gwen
Three for Blaineley, three for Gwen
And the sixth person voted out of Total drama world tour
That’s 4 votes, just barely enough
20th: Blaineley
Blaineley is another character who didn’t need to be here for long, I thought this was the perfect way for her to go out, she is offered her luxurious lifestyle back, and immediately takes the offer, abandoning her team and causing them to lose
Episode 9:
Without Cody voting Sierra we have a lot more time that can go into arcs that matter. Specifically, the birth of one. When Trent walks into loser class, Gwen begins to get nervous, they left on a fairly sour note in TDA and haven’t talked to each other much since, she tells Courtney this; and Courtney says she should talk to Trent, he seems a lot calmer, besides fortune favors the bold, she walks over to Trent and simply says hi, they talk for a little bit and become friends, perhaps a little more, Alejandro sees all of this meanwhile, Heather begins to suck up to Chris, trying to get the key to the camera room, Alejandro decides he will do the same as well
To be continued
My way
Ep. 1: Duncan(quit)
Ep. 2: Ezekiel
Ep. 3: Sadie
Ep. 4: DJ
Ep. 5: Bridgette
Ep. 6: Aftermath
Ep. 7: Katie
Ep. 8: Trent
Ep. 9: Reward Challenge
Ep. 10: Gwen
Ep. 11: Izzy
Ep. 12: Aftermath
Duncan Returns
Ep. 13: Leshawna
Ep. 14: Sierra
Ep. 15: Noah
Ep. 16: Beth
Ep. 17: Justin
Ep. 18: Aftermath
Blaineley Debuts
Ep. 19: Blaineley
Ep. 20: Lindsay
Ep. 21: Duncan/Al
Ep. 22: Eva
Ep. 23: Harold
Ep. 24: Aftermath
Ep. 25: Cody/Heather
Alternate Winner: Courtney
Winner: Tyler
The only things I would do is swap Eva with Justin (so team e scope reunion can happen). The season is already perfect
I just wish u kept more of the people that weren’t in tdwt a little longer like eva and katie. They were in one season why bring them back for a new season just to be voted out in the first few eliminations
he/she did a total drama action my way and i think both of them made it far in that my way too, it even states when sadie's eliminated that sadie was developed in this my way because katie was developed in his/her action my way
Danger Markers Version
24th/23rd: Duncan And Ezekiel (For Duncan I’m Pretty Sure He Didn’t Want To Play In A Another Season And For Ezekiel He Got Out For Putting There Teams Stick In The Crocodile)
22nd: DJ (The Reason Why He Got Out Is Because He Needs To Stop Hurting Cute Animals)
21st: Al (Al Always Like To Lies So Owen Izzy And The Entire Team Had To Vote Al)
20th/19th: Harold And Sadie (It Was A Double Team Elimination Round And Both Teams Wanted To Pick 1 Random Member Out)
18th: Tyler (He Was The One Who Caused A Avalanche At The Alps)
17th: Katie (She Distracted The Team And Keep Annoying Them So That’s Why Gwen Agreed To Vote Her Off)
Beth’s Pick: Gwen
Bridget’s Pick: Noah
Beth And Gwen’s Outfit Points: 16/30
From Cody: Um I Would Say A 2
From Geoff: That’s Cool I Give A 10
Trent: Nice But I Rate It 4/10
Bridget’s And Noah’s Points: 25/30
From Cody: Decent I Give A 5
From Geoff: Very Awesome Outfit Man I Give 10
From Trent: I Agree With Geoff 10/10
16th/15th: Beth And Gwen (Cody And Trent Didn’t Like The Outfit They Made So They Both Got Eliminated)
14th: Justin (He Didn’t Want To Do The Last Challenge So The Team Had To Vote Him Off)
XXth: Izzy (She Didn’t Do Both Of The Challenges Due The Fact There Both Scary So Geoff Had To Vote Him Off)
13th For Real: Heather (She Was A Very Rude Jerk And Disguised As Jack The Ripper)
12th: Bridgette (She Didn’t Do All Of The Challenges And Majority Of The Team Voted For Her)
11th: Sierra (She Got Distracted By Cody Being Trapped And People Think She Must Go)
10th: Eva (She Was Very Angry Because The Team Can’t Find A Sheep With Their Logo And Cody And Courtney Wanted Her To Go)
9th: Owen (He Ate Their Teams Meatballs And The Team Wanted Him To Go)
9th: For Real: Courtney (She Wasn’t Very Helpful On Their Team)
8th/7th/6th: Leshawna Cody And Bainley (For Leshawna She Never Ate The Food At The 2nd Challenge For Cody It’s The Same Way As Leshawna But He Ate The First Food And For Bainley She Cheated By Get Good Food Instead Of Gross Stuff)
5th: Noah (He Never Found Any Easter Eggs In The Challenge)
4th: Geoff (He Just Made A Dinosaur On Himself)
3rd: Trent (During The Swordfish Battle With Lindsay He Spared The Fight And Placed The Bronze)
Lindsay’s Partners: Gwen And Trent
Bridget’s Partners: Cody And Tyler
RUNNER UP: Bridget (Even Tho She Wants The Money I Think Lindsay Should Get The Million)
WINNER: Lindsay’s (Thanks To Bridget’s Deal Lindsay’s Wins Total Drama World Tour)
will u make customized my ways
may way:
*Duncan quits*
24th: Ezekiel
23rd: Beth
22nd: Izzy
21st: Sadie
20st: Justin
19th: Lindsay
18th: Harold
17th: Geoff
16th: Leshawna
15th: Eva
*Ezekiel returns*
14th: Sadie
13th: DJ
12th Gwen
11th: Owen
10th: Courtney
9th: Ezekiel
8th: Trent
7th: Noah
6th: Sierra
5th: Tyler
4th: Bridgette
3rd: Cody
2nd: Alejandro
1st: Heather
What i think should have been:
1st- Heather/Alejandro
2nd- Alejandro/Heather
3rd- Cody
4th- Bridgette
5th- Sierra
6th- Trent
7th- Tyler
8th- Courtney
9th- Noah
10th- Geoff
11th- Sadie
12th- Gwen
13th- Izzy
14th- Lindsay
15th- LeShawna
16th- Owen
17th- Eva
18th- DJ
19th- Harold
20th- Katie
21th- Justin
22th- Ezekiel
23th- Beth
24th- Duncan
The Teams:
Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sadie, Katie, Eva, Sierra.
Team Victory: Trent, Lindsay, LeShawna, Harold, Ezekiel, DJ, Bridgette, Beth.
Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot: Alejandro, Duncan, Izzy, Owen, Geoff, Justin, Noah, Tyler.
Man Zeke CANNOT Catch a Break
Will you be doing Revenge Of The Island to Pahkitew Island
Hey at least team victory dosent suck as much! Also im rooting for izzy and lindsay
Total Drama World Tour (My Way)
- Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Katie, Sadie, Eva, Sierra
- Chris is really hot: Alejandro, Duncan, Izzy, Geoff, Owen, Alejandro, Noah, Tyler
- Victory: Beth, Bridgette, DJ, Ezekiel, Harold, LeShawna, Lindsay, Trent
24. Ezekiel
23. Justin
22. Katie
21. DJ
20. Izzy
19. Eva
18. Trent
17. Owen
16. Sierra
15. Beth
14. Tyler
13. Sadie
Izzy comes back
13. Bridgette
12. Harold
11. Geoff
10. Noah
9. LeShawna
8. Gwen
7. Izzy
6. Courtney
5. Cody
4. Duncan
3. Lindsay
2. Alejandro
1. Heather
I like this alot but I feel like due to the songs. Everyone would fight for screentime and I don't know if that is good or bad
My way:
Team Amazon:
Team Chris:
Team Victory:
25: Ezekiel (Team Victory)
24: Beth (Team Victory)
23: Geoff (Team Victory)
22: Sadie (Team Amazon)
21: Katie (Team Amazon)
20: Bridgette (Team Victory)
19: Izzy (Team Chris)
18: Eva (Team Amazon)
17: Harold (Team Victory)
16: Justin (Team Chris)
15: Trent (Team Chris)
14: Leshawna (Team Victory)
DJ moves to Team Chris
Lindsay moves to Team Amazon
13: DJ (Team Chris)
Blaineley debuts
12/11: Courtney and Duncan
10: Lindsay
9: Gwen
8: Owen
7/6: Tyler and Blaineley
5: Sierra
4: Heather
Finale: Alejandro, Cody, and Noah
3: Alejandro
Winner: Noah
I need all the music
Are you planning on making more vids
Do a race and add Sadie and Katie as a duos(just a suggestion)
I feel it would be weird to have Justin and Alejandro in the same season since they’re basically the same person except one’s hispanic
Justin was shown to have a lot of insecurities in Action, which Alejandro could use to manipulate him
@@kevinrosario2729 oh yeah true
What app did you use for this
When are you gonna do TDROTI?
What app did you use to make this?
Whenever Noah is in a season of Total Drama I turn into sierra but instead of Cody it’s Noah
My Way:
(No comebacks!)
25th Ezekiel
24th Justin
23rd Beth
22th Sadie
21st Katie
20th Eva
19th Harold
18th Geoff
17th Bridgette
16th DJ
15th Leshawna
14th Lindsay
13th Trent
12th Izzy
11th Noah
10th Owen
9th Gwen
Blaineley debuts!
8th Blaineley
Double elimination!
7th/6th Cody and Duncan
5th Tyler
4th Courtney
3rd Sierra
2th Alejandro
1st Heather
My way
Team Amazon:Cody Sierra courtney gwen Heather Sadie katie Eva
Team chris is really really really hot:Owen Noah Izzy Alejandro Tyler Geoff Duncan
Team victory:Justin harold leshawna Bridgette DJ beth lindsay Trent Ezekiel
*Justin starts a rivalry with Alejandro*
*Bridgette is caught kissing Geoff but there on different teams*
*Blainley debut and joins team amazon*
*double elimination*
13/12:Courtney and blainley
*Justin and Alejandro form a short alliance to eliminate Heather*
*cody and sierra form a alliance*
*alejandro changes the votes*
*Elimianted contestants pick Sadie and Katie to be eliminated*
4:Sadie and katie
Runner up:Justin
*Alternate ending*
Runner up:Trent
My Way
*Team Amazon* : Gwen,Heather,Courtney,Sadie,Katie,Blaineley,Sierra,Cody
*Team Chris* : Alejandro,Duncan,Tyler,Noah,Trent,Justin,Owen,Izzy
*Team Victory* : Ezekiel,Harold,Dj,Geoff,Beth,Lindsay,Eva,Bridgette,Leshawna
26th - Dj *Team Victory*
25th - Beth *Team Victory*
24th - Tyler *Team Chris*
23rd - Izzy *Team Chris*
22nd - Sadie *Team Amazon*
21st - Blaineley *Team Amazon*
20th - Katie *Team Amazon*
*Trent and Geoff Swap Teams*
19th - Justin *Team Chris*
18th - Ezekiel *Team Victory*
17th - Eva *Team Victory*
16th - Duncan *Team Chris*
*Eva returns*
15th - Leshawna *Team Victory*
14th - Eva *Team Victory*
13th - Bridgette *Team Victory*
12th/11th - Alejandro/Noah *Team Chris*
10th - Harold *Team Victory*
9th - Lindsay *Team Victory*
8th - Owen *Team Chris*
7th - Heather *Team Amazon*
6th - Sierra *Team Amazon*
5th/4th - Trent/Courtney *Team Chris;Team Victory/Team Amazon*
3rd - Geoff *Team Victory;Team Chris*
2nd - Gwen *Team Amazon*
Winner - Cody *Team Amazon*
7:07 Sierra why u looking in courts hair☠️☠️☠️☠️
Yoo, what did you use to make this?
Who do you think has the most potential
A Ezekiel
B Eva
C Trent
D Beth
A and C
@@_Dr.Toad_ your vote has been counted :)
also voting will end on June 1st
My way!
Episode 1: No elimination
Episode 2: Victory Lose
Beth - Ezekiel
Bridgette - Ezekiel
DJ - Ezekiel
Ezekiel - DJ
Harold - DJ
Leshawna - Ezekiel
Lindsay - Ezekiel
Trent - Ezekiel
Voted out: Ezekiel (6-2)
Episode 3: Victory lose
Beth - Harold
Bridgette - Harold
DJ - Harold
Harold - DJ
Leshawna - DJ
Lindsay - Harold
Trent - Harold
Voted out: Harold (5-2)
Episode 4: Chris Lose
Alejandro - Owen
Duncan - Geoff
Izzy - Geoff
Geoff - Alejandro
Owen - Geoff
Justin - Alejandro
Noah - Geoff
Tyler - Owen
Voted out: Geoff (4-2-2)
Episode 5: Victory lose
Beth - Bridgette
Bridgette - Beth
DJ - Beth
Leshawna - Bridgette
Lindsay - Bridgette
Trent - Bridgette
Voted out: Bridgette (4-2)
Episode 6: Aftermath I
Episode 7: Victory lose
Beth - Trent
DJ - Trent
Leshawna - DJ
Lindsay - Trent
Trent - DJ
Voted out: Trent (3-2)
Episode 8: Chris lose
Alejandro - Justin
Duncan - Justin
Izzy - Justin
Owen - Justin
Justin - Alejandro
Noah - Justin
Tyler - Justin
Voted out: Justin (6-1)
Episode 9: Izzy medevacced
Episode 10: Amazon lose
Cody - Sierra
Courtney - Sadie
Gwen - Katie
Heather - Katie
Katie - Eva
Sadie - Eva
Eva - Sadie
Sierra - Sadie
Voted out: Sadie (3-2-2-1)
Double elim: Eva vs Katie tie - Eva wins
2nd voted out: Katie
Episode 11: Chris lose
Alejandro - Noah
Duncan - Tyler
Owen - Tyler
Noah - Tyler
Tyler - Noah
Voted out: Tyler (3-2)
Episode 12: Aftermath II
Episode 13: Victory lose
Beth - Leshawna
DJ - Leshawna
Lindsay - Leshawna
Leshawna - DJ
Voted out: Leshawna (3-1)
Continuing later
Episode 14: Victory dissolves
Beth and DJ to Chris, Lindsay to Amazon
Losers: Chris
Alejandro - Beth
Duncan - Beth
Owen - Duncan
Noah - Duncan
Beth - Duncan
DJ - Duncan
Voted out: Duncan (4-2)
Episode 15: Amazons lose
Cody - Sierra
Courtney - Gwen
Gwen - Courtney
Heather - Courtney
Eva - Gwen
Sierra - Gwen
Lindsay - Courtney
Voted out: Gwen (3-3-1, tiebreaker)
Episode 16: Amazons lose
Cody - Sierra
Courtney - Cody
Heather - Sierra
Eva - Cody
Sierra - Heather
Lindsay - Cody
Voted out: Cody (3-2-1)
Episode 18: Chris lose
Alejandro - Beth
Owen - Beth
Noah - Alejandro
Beth - Alejandro
DJ - Alejandro
Voted out: Alejandro (3-2)
Episode 18: Aftermath III
Episode 19:
Immune: Noah and Eva
Courtney - Heather
Heather - Courtney
Eva - Heather
Sierra - Heather
Lindsay - Courtney
Owen - Courtney
Noah - Courtney
DJ - Heather
Beth - Heather
Voted out: Heather (5-4)
Episode 20:
Immune: Sierra
Courtney - Lindsay
Eva - Lindsay
Sierra - Owen
Lindsay - Owen
Noah - Lindsay
Owen - Lindsay
DJ - Owen
Beth - Owen
Voted out: Lindsay/Owen (4-4)
Episode 21:
Immune: Eva
Courtney - Noah
Eva - Sierra
Sierra - Noah
Noah - Sierra
DJ - Noah
Beth - Noah
Voted out: Noah (4-2)
Episode 22:
Immune: DJ
Courtney - Beth
Eva - Beth
Sierra - Beth
Beth - Courtney
DJ - Courtney
Voted out: Beth (3-2)
Episode 23:
Immune: Courtney
Courtney - Sierra
Eva - Sierra
Sierra - Eva
DJ - Sierra
Voted out: Sierra (3-1)
Episode 24: Aftermath IV
Episode 25/26: All 3 have alternate endings.
Eva - Alejandro, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Justin, Tyler,
Courtney - Katie, Sadie, Sierra, Duncan, Bridgette, Leshawna
DJ - Cody, Gwen, Heather, Geoff, Beth, Ezekiel, Harold, Lindsay, Trent
Trent and Duncan
Tyler and Bridgette
My way 🛩°
Ep1/2 24° Ezekiel
Ep3 23° DJ
Ep4 22° Beth
Ep5 Reward challenge °
Ep6 21° Harold
Ep7 20° Justin (hurt cause defeat)
Ep8 19° Eva
Ep9 18° Katie
Ep10 17° Izzy
Ep11 16° Noah
Ep12 Reward challenge
Ep13 15° Leshawna
Ep 14 14° Gwen
Ep15 13°Lindsay
Ep16 Merge 12° Sadie
Ep17 11° Tyler (injured)
Ep18 10° Owen
Ep19 9° Trent
Ep20 8/7° Geoff & Duncan
Ep21 Aftermath
Ep22 5/4° Bridgette Courtney
Ep23 3° Cody !
pretty good way !
You didn't include Blaineley
My way (classic cast and team)
20th Duncan (Team chris is 4x hot)
19th Izzy (Team Chris is 4x hot)
18th Noah (Team Chris is 4x hot
17th Owen (Team Chris is 4x hot)
16th Heather (Team Amazon)
15th Tyler (Team Chris is 4x hot)
14th Dj (Team Victory)
13th Alejandro (Team Chris is 4x hot
12th Ezekiel (Team victory)
11th Lindsay (Team victory
Duncan and Heather return
10th Courtney
9th Blaineley
8th/7th Harold/Leshawna
6th Bridgette
5th Gwen
4th Heather
3rd Duncan
2nd Sierra
1st Cody
My way
25nd: eziekel
24th beth
23th harold
22th brigdet
21th justin
20th trent
19th eva
18th leshana
17th noah
16th sadie
15th linsday
14th izzy
(Dj switches to team chris is really 4x hot)
13th gwen
12th tyler
11th katie
10th dj
9th owen
8th Blainly
7th courtney
6th geoff
5th duncan
4th Sierra
3th cody
2nd alejandro
1st heather
Pobre Ezekiel primero en ser eliminado
Im slowly getting angry and angrier but happy that both bridgette and tyler got eliminated at the same time, cuz uhhh.. i ship them.
Why was it heather again
This is just like the original season
Alejandro is the original winner anyways
My way
Episode 1
No elimination
Episode 2
24th/23rd Duncan and Ezekiel
Ezekiel cost his team the challenge and duncan quit as he did not want to sing
Episode 3
22nd Harold
He took control of the team but Alejandro sabotaged him
Episode 4
21st Beth
Alejandro tricked her into getting stuck to a pole
Episode 5
20th Dj
He quit cause he got an animal curse
Episode 6
Episode 7
19th Trent
The girls all voted for him
Episode 8
18th/17th Katie and Sadie
Katie cost her team the challenge but Sadie did not want to be alone again so she quit so be with katie
Episode 9
16th Bridgette
She quit because she felt bad for cheating on Geoff
Episode 10
15th Leshawna
Alejandro sabotaged her in the tie challenge
Episode 11
14th/13th Justin and Izzy
Alejandro convinced his team to eliminate justin and izzy was injured
Episode 12
Episode 13
Duncan returns
13th Lindsay
She lost the challenge
Episode 14
No elimination
Episode 15
12th Geoff
He quit cause he misses Bridgette
Episode 16
11th Gwen
She lost the tie to Courtney
Episode 17
10th Eva
She was a threat
Episode 18
Episode 19
Blaineley Debuts
10th/9th Courtney and Duncan
Their pair lost the challenge
Episode 20
8th/7th Owen and Blaineley
Alejandro sabotaged Owen in the challenge and Blaineley was Disqualified for cheating
Episode 21
6th Noah
Alejandro convinced some people to eliminate him
Episode 22
5th Tyler
He was injured
Episode 23
4th Cody
He accidentally blew up the plane trying to save Sierra
Episode 24
Episode 25
3rd Heather
Alejandro sabotaged her
Episode 26
Alejandro vs Sierra
Sierra wins
2nd Alejandro
1st Sierra
Heather still wins with changes lol
7:24 Courtney misstake
Oh you are right. Probably I made that mistake because originally Trent and Duncan would be eliminated before Courtney, but at the end I decided to eliminate Courtney before.
@@vulpixdt7800 ok
Why do you hate DJ
Así hubiese sido mejor Drama Total Gira Mundial
My Way:
Team Victory: Beth, Bridgette, Dj, Ezekiel, Harold, Leshawna, Lindsay, and Trent
Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot: Alejandro, Duncan, Eva, Geoff, Noah, Owen, Sierra, Tyler
Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Katie, Sadie
Izzy + Sierra swap teams (Ep 2)
26# Duncan (Quit, Ep 2)
25# Dj (Ep 3)
24# Bridgette (Ep 4)
23#/22# Katie (Ep 5)
21# Beth (Ep 7)
20# Justin (Ep 8)
19# Harold (Ep 9)
18# Geoff (Ep 10)
17# Izzy (Medically Evacuated, Ep 11)
16# Lindsay (Ep 11)
Duncan returns, join Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot (Ep 13)
15# Eva (Ep 13)
14# Trent (Ep 14)
Ezekiel swaps to Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot, Leshawna swaps to Team Amazon (Ep 15)
13# Owen (Ep 15)
12#/11# Gwen/Courtney (Ep 16)
10# Tyler (Medically Evacuated, Ep 17)
9# Noah (Ep 17)
Merge + Blaineley debuts (Ep 19)
8# Blaineley (Ep 19)
7# Duncan (Ep 20)
6# Cody (Medically Evacuated, Ep 22)
5# Sierra (Ep 23)
4# Leshawna (Ep 25)
3# Ezekiel (Ep 26)
2# Alejandro (Ep 26)
1# Heather (Ep 26)
I don't know about this season because Heather and Alejandro were already in the finale and Cody already got third place in the show I don't know why you would do this to Bridget and Tyler that you eliminate like that I didn't think that was actually Fair
And you didn't add Egyptian part 2 there was supposed to be 26 episodes but you just didn't put in the aftermath and Egyptian part 2 and if you did Duncan could have quit
Do you guys hate Ezekiel a lot
U changed nothing in the final 3
23: ezekiel
11/10:Katie and Sadie
Bridgette returns
I felt like Sadie should of been on the team victory and Eva should of been on team Chris because everyone on team Chris is a boy except for Izzy and I feel like Eva deserved to be on team Chris
At least Team Victory wins more than once
They deserve a chance
6:47 that was a tie..
Oh I didn’t realise that… In that case I think it would be a tiebreak challenge and Heather would win the tiebreak.
@@vulpixdt7800 its all good
It’s the same thing
Stop Abusing zeke
Eliminated Justin too early
what the fuck si the point of the my way if the same people that won in our timeline won ITS NOT A MY WAY IF THE SAM PEOPLE WHO ROGNANLINRY WON IN TEH SEASON STILL WON
Bring ezekiel
El final fue una basura es el mismo final de la serie original
Bruh why the same final 3 feels like u don’t care about editing and we’re lazy and this was just for free views-_-