@@1337Shockwav3 cause it's mean that just showing the right of existence for Palestine mean the spit of people. Whatever you think, it is like if palestinians would have no right to exist
@@legrasrobin9802 they don't exist, show me one king or historical fact about "Palestine" you are talking about, anyway it's a song contest not a edgy meme lord contest/political view.
there's a very big difference between walking like that on the street, and wearing something like this for like a second in an isolated desert, when it’s just you and the photographer. they also didn’t wear exactly the same thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if they had the IDF there for protection
1:38 I've never seen this before and I am dead omg, the deathly silence followed by that one awkward laugh from the audience when Matthias chimes in with 'BDSM', I'm obsessed
@@josephshaulov5914 well it wasn't a competition (luckily) but it was so great many people gave us compliments and stuff. We might do it again if the corona virus shit is over, whups.
5 years ago Hatari showed the flag of Palestine when the Eurovision was held in Israel back then. Now, the whole contest this year was a totally MESS and if anyone dared to show any flag or said anything against Israel, they were disqualified (like the Netherlands). Well done to Hatari because they are huge supporters of Palestine and didn't afraid to express their feelings and opinions ❤ 🇵🇸
They are surrounded by family and children. They are also very active in their community. Even though their music isnt for children, they still love kids
Hópurinn er frumlegur, þeir eru með nokkrar mismunandi starfsgreinar sem maður hefur oft á Íslandi..Ég vildi bara útskýra..Ég er sjálfur frá Svíþjóði...
@@ИгорьОлевинский-я9о Как же объяснить то... Есть Израиль. --> th-cam.com/video/x5Ih0dA61Lk/w-d-xo.html , и есть Палестинская Автономия ---> th-cam.com/video/6VoWK2mZhCo/w-d-xo.html . Между ними идёт долговременный тлеющий конфликт, иногда перерастающий в боевые действия. И в эту историю оказался втянутым весь мир. Кто-то то за Израиль. 🔯😊. Кто-то то за ПА. (Большинство, т.к в информационной войне ОНИ (♻⚫🔴) побеждают. И вот те, кто за НИХ называются "пропалестинцы", как эти ребята. (Ты, наверное, тоже примешь ИХ сторону) ☺
like this if you love hatari 💞
I live them so much...!!!!! Who is your bias well.. Mine is Mattias
I do !!
@@Festfolket är du svensk?
@@saraa-ol7nd Norsk
To the bone
Hatari: we LOVE children and families
Also Hatari: happiness will die
Chris P. Ikr their song isn’t rlly child friendly
More like their song is about how hatred is taking over the world, how Europe will fall and kindness is hard to find
XD Exactly
They were mocking Israel 🥰 i sold hatari lemonade and he is indeed child friendly
Hey Chris P.
Matthías *aggressive: “We love children and smiling and dancing amongst friends and family”
I see you everywhere
lmao when they showed the free palestina flags, the hosts literally changed their whole mood
stardust bitch you HEARD the crowd lmfaoo
It's disgusting how everyone seems to rant about the flag thing, but the BDS-BDSM "joke" goes totally unnoticed.
@@1337Shockwav3 cause it's mean that just showing the right of existence for Palestine mean the spit of people. Whatever you think, it is like if palestinians would have no right to exist
@@legrasrobin9802 they don't exist, show me one king or historical fact about "Palestine" you are talking about, anyway it's a song contest not a edgy meme lord contest/political view.
@@Bl0dyGore it s about people, not about the story of a land
fraaaance our next country is fraaance
fraaaaance 🇫🇷
😨, our 😬 next 😅 country
🗺️... is 😬 france 😐 *awkward silence waiting for the crowd to calm down*
@@somethung8188 every time I watch this video I look for your comment - no right to be that funny xD
I wasn’t a big fan at first but now I freaking love them
For what? For being ass worshippers one to another🤔?
@@dimaivankovsky648 wtf, what do you mean?
Only because of Palestine xD OMG sad!
0:51 No one would have dared except them.
0:38 finds someone who holds you like Klemens holds Matthías in a polonaise
Aren't they cousins
@@emptycinema Yes (But Klemens has a child)
3:37 - proof that klemens dancing fits with any song
What are the songs being played?
What's the song at 3:54?
@@Ellier215 maruv - sirene song
I lost it at "Say na na na"
0:52 omg their like ‘well we dont care’
then there's norway who are happy over winning televotes
pink magic activated
He is sooo attractive
Nobody knows😭
0:55 i love Hatari for the fact that they don't give a damn
what's the song at 3:54?
@@Ellier215 Maruv Siren song
If they dressed like this in “Palestine” they would be dead, then they wouldn’t be able to care about anything lol
@@toottoot75 they actually filmed a video in Palestine, klefi/Samed, were they are dresses as here
there's a very big difference between walking like that on the street, and wearing something like this for like a second in an isolated desert, when it’s just you and the photographer. they also didn’t wear exactly the same thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if they had the IDF there for protection
Matthias' English with Icelandic accent is so... Brutal.
2:29 GOD, that dress looks gorgeous on him
Hatari,”We love smiling”
Also Hatari,*doesnt smile*
...with friends and family.
This was the point.
3:37, I NEED a 1 hour version of this
Whats this song name????????
@@xavi8145 "U got that"
@@nuriasm1743 I dont understand
Ok I get it 😂 srry
Thx very much
The screaming at the Palestine sign is so heartwarming.
klemens is a whole mood
The pro Palestine thing was legendary. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Fuck palestine
@@zackrosen4132 bruh duck u , if Palestine ppl wouldn't have been you coundt even write this. They Invented the alphabet. Duck off you zionistic twat.
@@zackrosen4132 genocide enabler moment 🥴🥴🥴
And the fact that they have done it in Israel makes it so much more iconic
Israel 🇮🇱 2021 sang for Palestine 🇵🇸 the song was called Set Me Free…from Israel.
They r actually such family people its amazing
12 points for editing
Mattias is smiling..... Waaaat
The legend tells this rare event happened once in a million years.
04:40 Matthias looks like he's about to cry
The Thicc King Like a small puppy who they forgot to take
Klemens dancing to Maruv, or any song really, is iconic 😍😍😍
Oh I want them in my life
Abi Willock *and inside me*
@@JenFromWebsite Cursed comment
the oppressors' boos were the icing on the cake
Most memorable performers in Eurovision history to me
00:15 insane flexibility from klemence, I was a swimmer of swimming synchronized and still wasn't able to just do this without warm up.
Klemens dancing goes with everything huh
At the start of the video: Yeah, i guess they are fine
At 0:55: Fucking love them
1:38 I've never seen this before and I am dead omg, the deathly silence followed by that one awkward laugh from the audience when Matthias chimes in with 'BDSM', I'm obsessed
0:13 I love how that girl is acting like she knew they would get to the final
We had a fashion show last week and me and my group we used hatriđ mun sigra as our song. Our outfits were inspired by bdsm and so on verrry much too.
Demonic UtA I srsly hope you won
@@josephshaulov5914 well it wasn't a competition (luckily) but it was so great many people gave us compliments and stuff. We might do it again if the corona virus shit is over, whups.
Oh my God do you have it on instagram?
@@Harmony-wj8ji just a few photos but no videos
1:42 im soooo dead 😂😂😂😂
0:44 When "La Venda" was playing they breaked their roles having fun with the song 😂😍 Arriba España ❤
“Justice for Maruv”
Exactly 👍✨
4:08 Omg Klemens could fall...omg it really scared me for some reason cuz he has big heels...omg
What He slays it
He almost slipped. But made it🖤
*sends a sm act* "we love children"😂
Love these guys! Amazing sence of humour. They was totally hurt by the juries.
Loved these guys, was glad to see someone make the point.
A lot of people called them weird and they are but damn they are fucking genius
there is just something about iceland
4:34 That vape straight into his face 🤣
2:06 the best moment 🖤🔥
Good memories
I love them with all my heart
0:50 I respected them here ❤️❤️❤️
Fun fact, Hatari is always serious….almost never gives a smile.
Mathías is just perfect ❤️❤️🔝
All of them are
If I loved you once after that was 1.000.000
Well done guys! 👏🏻 you have some guts too!
2:35 lmao matthi is SO SHORT🥺🥺
1:56 😂😂mood
Edit: 4:16 This is me😂
0:10 klems leg has the best view🤷♀️
3:51 😂😂😂😂
what's the song at 3:54?
@@Ellier215 maruv-siren song
Hatres is Karameldansen PROVE ME WROOOONG
0:17 this is just the best and Einar Stef in the background just staring into the camera
Mattí's smile is everything 💜
4:29 what you are doing?😂😂
First i never really liked them? Idk why... Now i think they are ICONIC
Großes Preußen th-cam.com/video/JWmnYsRhOuY/w-d-xo.html here you got :)
edits duh, thank you so much❤️
what's the song at 3:54?
@@Ellier215 siren song maruv
1000th liker ⚡️
I fucking died at the Say Nanana part.
Showing Palestinian flags, wanting to expand the BDS community.... I love these guys! 🍉✊
The Palestine flags in Israel ahhaha 🤣
he got balls 🇵🇸❤️🇮🇸
5 years ago Hatari showed the flag of Palestine when the Eurovision was held in Israel back then. Now, the whole contest this year was a totally MESS and if anyone dared to show any flag or said anything against Israel, they were disqualified (like the Netherlands).
Well done to Hatari because they are huge supporters of Palestine and didn't afraid to express their feelings and opinions ❤ 🇵🇸
Absolute legends. I aspire to not giving any fucks like that.
They got their 15 minutes of fame
Lovet Iceland 🇮🇸2019 and 2020 👍🥰
I just love them!
Who doesn't
they are so cute i love them
2:40 how you find this video?
hahahahaah israel so weird.. i will never forget this.. love you iceland from INDONESIA!!!
This video is really good but did you get maybe get some clips of another TH-camr? No hate tho
cupcake i put clips together from all over the internet. there are watermarks on sm videos! BUT i put the videos together so.. :)
@@user-qf5fb9zm3t oh right. Just some things look similar so I only asked. Good job on the video xx.
What are all the songs starting at 3:25?
1:13 this song from korean drama (dorama), ahhaha, cute
My Love from Another Star 😍
great to show the palestinian flag!
Hatari are the best... Love from Israel 🇮🇱
what's the song at 3:54?
He just say: we love children ?
Yes, Einar has a daughter with the pixie cut woman and Klemens is a father of 2
They are surrounded by family and children. They are also very active in their community. Even though their music isnt for children, they still love kids
where is mirror onthewall
They had masks before corona
3:43 where can I find the original video of this?
Did you find? Will be glad to get a link!)
what's the song at 3:54?
@@Ellier215 Maruv- siren song
Hópurinn er frumlegur, þeir eru með nokkrar mismunandi starfsgreinar sem maður hefur oft á Íslandi..Ég vildi bara útskýra..Ég er sjálfur frá Svíþjóði...
Come on Hatari, strike a pose.
Какие смелые, флажок показали. 😄🚩
А что такого в этом флаге? Просто не в курси.
@@ИгорьОлевинский-я9о Как же объяснить то... Есть Израиль. --> th-cam.com/video/x5Ih0dA61Lk/w-d-xo.html , и есть Палестинская Автономия ---> th-cam.com/video/6VoWK2mZhCo/w-d-xo.html . Между ними идёт долговременный тлеющий конфликт, иногда перерастающий в боевые действия. И в эту историю оказался втянутым весь мир. Кто-то то за Израиль. 🔯😊. Кто-то то за ПА. (Большинство, т.к в информационной войне ОНИ (♻⚫🔴) побеждают.
И вот те, кто за НИХ называются "пропалестинцы", как эти ребята.
(Ты, наверное, тоже примешь ИХ сторону) ☺
So this is a 21st century version of "This is Spinal Tap"?
why does Klemens sound Irish?
Cuties, I love them
Damn they are cute
0:32 Why does the woman behind them look like a doll?
2 of the best bands!
Omg they so hottt haaa💖💖💖💖
Me, an icelander 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸
Wait omg, they showed Free Palestine flags IN Israel, who is the opposing side of Palestine?!?!?!😳😳 The balls on them
When you manage to get BOTH Israel and the bds mad at you
3:43 does anybody know the name of the song? :)
KLEMENS IS A BI ICON Even if his sexuality is not confined HE IS STILL A BI ICON FOR ME!!!🏳️🌈🐝
which song is the one in 3:45?
Pilar p.v dancing by aaron smith
@@escgirl3671 Thank u :)