How did the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Treat Non-Muslims?
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
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When the World Changed Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA
Passionate and Outspoken, Shaykh Abu Usamah is the Imaam of Green Lane Masjid in Birmingham, U.K. His love for Islam has led him to deliver lectures and seminars in many parts of the world. He is also an expert translator for many Arab speakers visiting the West to disseminate Islamic knowledge. Shaykh Abu Usamah grew up as a Christian in New Jersey. He embraced Islam in 1986; he studied Islam from the University of Medina and earned his degree in Usul al-Deen and Da'wah.
He spent two intensive summers learning from two of the most eminent scholars of our time, Shaykh 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Baz and Shaykh Muhammad al-'Uthaymin. With a remarkable style of speaking, Shaykh Abu Usamah often mentions quotes during his lectures without looking at any written material, and when asked about how he is able to do that, he simply replies, "It is tawfiq from Allah."
His media programs include Islam 101 aired by Huda Satellite TV, The Sunnah The Better, a show broadcasted all over the globe (including Africa) and he weekly hosts a show on Radio Islam mainly dealing with contemporary issues affecting the general Muslim public, especially the youth.
To promote and develop committed Muslim youth who understand the true and balanced nature of Islam and apply it in their lives.
Our goal is to produce fun, informative and educational programs that will last a lifetime. In doing so, we are helping youth to develop strong character and an aptitude for problem-solving, decision-making, communication, leadership and civic responsibility.
Youth development also strengthens our communities by preparing children for the real world and helping them to develop self- and community awareness.
Ajyal's programmes are customized to reach kids/ youth ages 6 to 25 in a wide variety of programmes suitable to their age and gender. We are dedicated to identifying, building, supporting and promoting positive youth-focused activities that prepare youth to live a productive and satisfying life, and in turn, help strengthen families andcreate strong, safe community while providing a safe nurturing Islamic Environment.
We work closely with teachers, parents, volunteers, community leaders, counselors and any other adult role models to adapt any curriculum and learning activities to meet their preferences and needs for engaging youth. We offer tailor-made programs that fit the available timeframe, unique interests and appropriate age group of the young audience.
Ajyal for Youth Development was founded in the summer of 2005, as a "Summer Day Camp". At the heart of all our work is the notion that providing recreational, sport and social programs and activities for our future generations during the summer break.
Six years later, our focus is clear. The means are expanding to instil a sense of responsibility in the community in general toward our youth. Our aim is to design, develop and introduce volunteer programs for the youth and for those who have the willing and able to participate in youth development projects. Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook: www. TheM...
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power speech. this brother is a warrior..I can sense it. may Allah grant him paradise
All praise is for Allah.
This is one of the best talks I have seen
If you are sincere about learning about Islam don't go on any website. Rather go to a mosque. Don't ask for information just observe with a clear mind. Listen to what Muslims are taught by their scholars who teach from the example of our blessed prophet(pbuh).
Allaah Hu Akbar loved this jazaak'allaah khaairun
Very good topic
jazak Allah
said Beautifully
there is a movie called the message
and also check khalid yassin lectures on youtube
watch the movie "THE MESSAGE"
Kuffar means Non believer in Arabic its not a offensive word
Burn the hadeeth? How do we know how to do salaah then? Following and obeying the Prophet Muhammad is a command of Allaah, and it is also stated in the Qur'aan. The traditions of the Prophet Muhammad is largely extracted from the hadeeth, therefore we need them. You may be one of those who doubt the authenticity of hadeeths, and for that I say the fact that there exists a clear separation between weak and strong hadeeths shows the reliability of the sciences of hadeeth.
Maasha Allah great talk but why would Thummah Ibn Ufal may Allah be pleased with him have said to Bilal may Allah be pleased with him too ''if that black guy was up where i came from and he touched one of us we would deal with him''?
The Arabs were a black race and shared the same skin tones as black people today which are shades of brown all to jet black.
What did the Prophet Mohammed may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him mean when he said, ''I was sent to the red and the black'' and what did the majority of the scholars understand from it and why?
And Ibn Yaeesh mention in his book Sharh Al Mufassal page 48
The meaning of Al Aswad is because the majority of ( the Arabs ) are brown and jet black in colour.
و ذكر ابن يعيش في كتابه شرح المفصل ص ٤٨
المراد الاسود لان غالب عليم السمرة والسواد
Read more here:…ed-and-the-black/
What did Abu Ubaydah Ibn Salaam say when explaining another narration ?
In his book Ghareeb Al Hadeeth, Chapter 4 page 388
And his saying Al Hamraa( The reds which means the whites) - It means the non Arabs and the clients (the red slaves and the red people that embraced Islam ) they were named that because the most predominant colours of the Arabs are Al Sumurah and Al Udmah and the most predominant colours of the non Arab is white and red and this is like the saying of the people : If you wanted to mention mankind then you’d say the reds and the blacks. So the reds are all of those that are overwhelmed with whiteness and the blacks are those who are overwhelmed with Al Udmah (blackness) .
غريب الحديث لابن سلام رحمه الله الجزء ج ٤ ص ٣٨٨
قوله: الحمراء - يعني العجم والموالي، سموا بذلك لأن الغالب على ألوان العرب السمرة والأدمة، والغالب على ألوان العجم البياض والحمرة وهذا كقول الناس: إن أردت أن تذكر بني آدم فقلت: أحمرهم وأسودهم، فأحمرهم كل من غلب عليه البياض، وأسودهم من غلبت عليه الأدمة.
Why do so many people spread false narrations about the story of Bilal and Abu Dhar may Allah be pleased with them ? Abu Dhar has been described as being as black as Bilal!
Imam Al Baani may Allah have mercy on him commented on this in his book Ghayatu Al Maram page 152
” The words of the narration are true but not in this context. Bukhari and Muslim extracted the hadith; on the authority of Al Maroor Ibn Swayd, He said ,” I found Abaa Dhaar with Al Ribdah and upon him was a robe and upon a boy slave who was wearing a similar robe, so I asked about that. So he said to me that verily he abused a man by rebuking his mother. So the Prophet may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said to me, ‘ Oh Abu Dhaar . Did you rebuke him for his mother?” The first addition to this hadith is ”Verily you have attitudes of the people of the pre Islamic period in you” and these words are in Bukhari and as you can see there is no mention of Bilal in the narration nor is there any mention of the so called words of Abu Dhaar saying , ”Oh son of a black woman” so there is clear fabrication from the author Al Qardaawy.” End of quote from Sheikh Al Baani may Allah have mercy upon him.
وقال الإمام الألباني - رحمه الله - في “غاية المرام” (ص/188
“صحيح بغير هذا السياق، أخرجه البخاري ومسلم وأحمد عن المعرور بن سويد قال: رأيت أبا ذر الغفاري عليه حلة، وعلى غلامه حلة، فسألناه عن ذلك؟ فقال: إني ساببت رجلاً فشكاني إلى النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم -، فقال لي النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم -: “أعيرته بأمه…” زاد في الموضع الأول:”إنك امرؤ فيك جاهلية”. هذا لفظ البخاري. وهو كما ترى ليس فيه ذكر لبلال ولا قوله: يا ابن السوداء. ففي صنيع المؤلف -القرضاوي- ما لا يخفى من العزو للبخاري ما ليس عنده” انتهى كلامه رحمه الله.
Abu Dhar Al Ghifaari described as رجل اسود Seera A’lam Al Nubala Chapter 2 page 74 or here
”And Abu Dhar was jet black in complexion and hairy”
سير اعلام النبلاء ج ٢ ص ٧٤ او هنا
وكان أبو ذر رجلا أسود كث الشعر
Imaam Al Alaamah Al Dhahabi says in his book Seera A’laam Al Nubalaa Chapter 2 page 168
‘They said Aswad (jet black) and this means whoever is covered in blackness. They said (jet )black or Shadeed Al Udmah.”
سير أعلام النبلاء ج٢ ص ١٦٨
قالوا اسود و كذا كل من غلب عليه السواد قالوا اسود او شديد الادمة
Umar Ali, Bilal and many more may Allah be pleased with them were all described as having the same skin complexions Adam Shaedded Al udmah!
Description of Umar may Allah be pleased with him
'' Zir ibn Habaysh and other than him recorded that Umar was Adam Shadeed Al Udmah and most of the scholars of the days of the people and their biographies and their news knew that.
ذكره زر بن حبيش وغيره بأنه كان آدم شديد الأدمة وهو الأكثر عند أهل العلم بأيام الناس وسيرهم وأخبارهم
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''Whoever saw Bilal would say he is Adam Shadeed Al Udmah ( jet black )''
عن مكحول قال : حدثني من رأى بلالا رجلا آدم ، شديد الأدمة ، نحيفا ، طوالا
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Description of Ali may allah be pleased with him.
''Ali ibn Abi Taalib as Adam Shadeed Al-Udma (black-skinned)
[right]وكان علي آدم شديد الادمة، ثقيل العينين، ضخم البطن، أصلع ذا عضلات ومناكب، في أذنيه شعر قد خرج من أذنه، وكان إلى القصر أقرب[/right]
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Abu Usamaah's skin complexion isn't black he is Asmar.
these days I can't look up Islamic or Israeli sites or videos because their are people that target both sides
What do you mean target?