For once I'm actually glad to read the TH-cam comments with so many people disagreeing, and realizing that feminism, as it exists right now, and as it seems to be trending towards, is a horrible, HORRIBLE thing. I've had to outright LEAVE tumblr because of the harassment I was getting JUST for -IDENTIFYING- as male, and for all the misandrist posts I would see (and the frustration that comes from these people refusing to realize that what they're doing IS misandry and sexism), and the whole, disgusting victim complex. It's scary that it's gotten so large, and has spilled over, outside of tumblr, into the rest of the internet, and even in real life (I've sadly meet several people like this in person). Now I know someone is going to reply saying "they don't represent us!" or "they're a vocal minority" - whether or not that's true, they are purporting themselves to represent feminism. No one things the Westboro nutjobs represent christianity. People know to ignore them. Not so for these hateful feminists. People are also afraid of backlash for simply disagreeing with anything female or feminism-supported, because of the black-and-white (which is a logical fallacy, btw) thinking that you're either with us or against us. No one can even SPEAK against feminism because the feminism brigade would take them down, AND because of the holdover from older feminism waves that we still need feminism and it should be supported. The whole thing needs to either change, or go away, but they're all caught up in their own victim complex, and with us or against us mindset that they permit no one to challenge them.
Yeah, normally I would be completely with you on preaching equality and such 2, but this is one subject where the haters are sadly right. Somewhere in these comments is someone who points out that when the idiots become the majority of a group, they define the group. When former feminists are distancing themselves from feminism and saying that they are *no longer feminists* because the entire concept has devolved into psychopaths who attack men simply for being born with a dick, it's a sign that the label has become something that can no longer be respected. I have not encountered a single female in years who has expressed approval for "feminism" who did not also exhibit the traits that people have come to hate feminism for. In fact, the most vocal people I know *against* feminism are actually women! I remember, years ago, your rant against "Gay Pride", where you bitched out the gay priders for making homosexuals looks like freaks. I am seeing that same sentiment toward feminists from females all the time these days.
Blazieth Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Slice, but you can call me Joel if you like. So now you've met one. And I can promise you that, in real life at least, I have not met a single feminist who DOES espouse the ideas that seem to gain some traction on places like Tumblr. In fact, the most radical feminist I've ever met (who once called me out on writing a short story which didn't give any speaking roles to female characters - just to give a suggestion of her basically constant "activism") was just as active supporting male rights as she was female rights - she thought it was ridiculous that boys were shamed for liking pink, or dolls, or dresses. She thought that men shouldn't be forced to behave in a hyper-masculine way, or be told to bottle up their emotions. She believed that a single father, or two fathers, could be just as good parents as a father and a mother, or a single mother, or two mothers. And again, to date, she was the most radical feminist I've ever met in person. I strongly disagree that these radicals define the movement. I think they're only perceived as doing so because their detractors give them so much publicity.
SliceOfDog I've been socked in the jaw, and on another occasion accused of "manspreading" on a subway because I uncrossed my legs for half a second. My friend's co-worker was fired for harassing both her clients and co-workers and she was a psychologist 'in training'. Oh, by they way, I do mean crossing my legs, not what most guys do, resting an ankle on a thigh/knee. Most of the people I've met that call themselves feminists are nutjobs. As someone said "Feminism at it's best is just Egalitarianism". Feminism WAS a good thing once upon a time, but now it's used as a label for a bunch of woman who are blatantly sexist and need to actually be sent to see a /real/ psychologist about their victim complex and more often than not "schizophrenic tenancies". The world isn't out to get them, they just think it is. They bitch and moan about the most insignificant things here in the US when in reality "Feminists" are more needed in Islamic states, Brazil, Africa, some parts Asia, etc. It's no longer about woman's rights, the "Leaders" of the movement are misandrists.
Ice Feather I'm very sorry to hear that, genuinely. Those don't sound like people that I'd willingly associate with. However, I question whether these are the "leaders" of the movement. I for one would look up to different leaders of feminism; the likes of the playwright Caryl Churchill or the activist Malala Yousafzai. If you acknolwedge that feminism was once a positive movement and feel it is now being hijacked by crazies, then as someone within the movement I'd request your support in opposing them, rather than a refusal to accept there is still good in the concept. Essentially, opposing all of feminism because of the hardcore few will only end up driving those rational and reasonable people within it to become defensive and move even further in. On the other hand, if "feminism" is being replaced by "egalitarianism" as a movement, then please bring out the leaders. Because in my own experience, the majority who strongly and vocally oppose feminism simply come across as sexists. I'm sure this isn't at all the case, and I'm aware that you've essentially said the same thing about feminsm, but for the rationals within the movement to abandon ship, we need somewhere else to go, some other flag to rally under. Where does that come from? Because it sure as hell ain't Thunderf00t.
Ice Feather Do I see where you're coming from? Yes. Do I agree? Absolutely not. I could be convinced regarding "Egalitarianism" as a more appropriate term. This you have given some decent argument for, although I'd need more to convince me it's a REPLACEMENT for feminism, rather than an alternative. Regarding representation of women? Several points: 1. It doesn't matter a jot what the audience is. People have a social responsibility not to create negative representations of a particular group. There's a reason we don't have black-face, apish characters dancing around in Disney cartoons anymore. We see that it breeds a negative attitude against a group who are undeserving of that characterisation. Now, does this mean it should be illegal? No. Freedom of speech, any group should be able to be represented in any way. But do we have to LIKE it? Hell no. And from what I see, feminists as a whole aren't acting to stop the freedom to represent women in those ways. They are attempting to discourage it, certainly. Are they not entitled to? Why does the freedom of the creator trump the freedom of the viewer? 2. Am I saying there can be no representations of women that are negative? No representations of women who are overtly-sexualised? Of course not! In fact, since most feminists seek equality, they would want as many negative female characters as there currently are males. Why is it that in any group of characters, there's the sarcastic one, the stupid one, the lazy one and the woman? Why is she just there to fill a quota? Why can't she be the stupid one, or the lazy one, or the angry one? So it's not about ONLY having positive representations of women, but there needs to be some balance to it. 3. "You don't like how women are presented in those games? Make your own." They're trying. Certain groups don't appreciate that; Also, I would suggest that the majority of major shifts in public attitude need to, at some point, pass through the leading mainstream outlets. So if there are a bunch of female indie game makers and then all the triple A games just make the same sexist characterisations, then that's not really parity, is it? Regarding your point about negative female treatment abroad. What are you doing about African sex slaves? You, personally. What are you doing? The issues you talk about are complex and difficult to tackle. We can sign petitions, sure, we can donate to charities. But how do you propose we solve sex-trafficking? (And if you have a genuine suggestion, I'm all ears. Genuinely, you'll have my full support, it's a horrific issue). Feminists in the Western world tend to focus on the issues that affect their own lives. Can you blame them? I tend to focus on the issues that affect my life. The LGBT community focusses on the right to have wedding cakes while members of their community are being killed in the Middle East. Martin Luther King Jr was "bitching" about being able to drink from the same water fountain as white people while massive racial inequality and defacto slavery still existed across the globe. Does that invalidate their argument? Just because they're trying to solve a problem that is smaller than a problem thousands of miles away, is it no longer a problem? If I stab you in the arm, then slit someone else's throat, are you supposed to feel grateful? And to combine the two points: When women are told to shut up and accept their role in society and be grateful for it, that is setting a tone. We are teaching our kids that women have equality. So then when someone points out an inequality that they have never seen, happening to people they don't know, and something that doesn't affect their own lives in any way, what is their response going to be? Inequality is a problem for everyone, even if a greater inequality is happening elsewhere. As an "egalitarian" I'd expect you to agree with that?
+protoborg Haha, wow, your anger, whether real or contrived, certainly proves your point. "Tool of the feminist regime"! Love it. Probably going to make myself a t-shirt with that on. And you think feminism is analogous to the KKK. There is no point us communicating any further (which I'm sure you'll be pleased about). I would be happy to talk to someone who believes in the entirely free-market, despite my belief that humans do, in fact, have a responsibility for the betterment of mankind, but if you genuinely think that feminism (which, by the way, is "an idea, not a thing". Feminism "does nothing, people do". So how is it you reject the idea that society is a group worth mentioning, but all feminists are so evil and vitriolic (says the "shut the fuck up, feminist tool" guy) that they are all identifiable as the new KKK?) is such an embodiment of corrupt evil, I feel you won't ever let yourself be convinced otherwise. Anyway, thanks for the chuckle. If the anger you presented in this post was in any way real, I hope you find peace with yourself soon. Don't shut the fuck up though. You're entitled to your opinion. We tools of the feminist regime are actually pretty big into that idea.
Feminism doesn't "have some idiots" as if they're the minority. Feminism has some smart people who are the minority. There are like 3 well known feminists who are NOT idiots.These people are: Christina Hoff Sommers. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Camille Paglia.
Feminism isn't a harmless fandom. It's an ideological movement with political and social influence that can't be ignored. Ideologies should be criticised. 3rd wave feminism is just the newest evolution of feminism in a context where the claim that women are overwhelmingly oppressed throughout our society is invalid. Feminism used to be the 'wonderful thing' you described it as, but as the context changed, so has the practice of feminism, and now it's far from 'wonderful'. The only people people in the movement now have completely opposite aggendas to earlier feminists or are just being fooled. It's still going on because of missinformation and the sjw victim complex. The modern feminist ideology is poisoning everything as they scrape the bottom of an imaginary barrel for anything to fuel their victim complex. Remember #shirtgate? It's all about attacking people's freedom of expression to save their feelings now, because that's the only way they can further women's rights where they're already treated equally.
Gonna have to disagree with you on this one 2. Comparing idiocy in feminism to the Furry fandom I feel is misguided since they are completely different scope and scale of problems. Its easy to tar idiot furries with a broad brush and no one will burn your house down for doing it, but in the case of feminism it for the most part IS the broad brush doing the tarring. Feminism is successfully entrenched at the highest levels of power and pushing an agenda. Furries on the other hand are mostly in it for the subulture (porn) and can barely stir their backsides to hit AC once a year. Hating on the idiot feminists doesn't work, because the idiots are the ones writing legislature and invading academia. It is codified into law with things like the Duluth Model and sentencing discounts for women who run afoul of the fuzz. That isn't a few wingnuts. That is the idiots speaking through a judge and jury and all the power they represent. Even worse is that questioning, or even analysing feminism from anything other than a feminist perspective is basically tantamount to misogyny. Despite it increasingly becoming clear that the entire concept of the subject object dichotomy and toxic masculinity are based on flawed premises, anyone who calls attention to this is routinely branded misogynist not just by tumblr SJWs, but in the wider media and popular psyche, faces losing their job, being branded a rape apologist, becoming unemployable and facing ***literal*** angry mobs. Try for example organising a college seminar on the MRM and see how far you get before torches and pitchforks come bursting through your window. This is where the hate for feminism comes from. There are much better alternatives to feminism that come without the ideological baggage that began right at the start with Emmeline Pankhurst and the white feather girls. It is difficult to envisage, for example, a radical egalitarian. Unfortunately these very reasonable alternatives are under attack... by feminism...
That's true, but the main problem, once again, are generalizations of groups and subcultures: Bigotry exist because of those generalizations and the bigots themselves are idiots. Though one could argue that "Idiots" are an ableist slur for slow people.
Good point. The loud obnoxious types are always going to get the most attention and create a bad rep. Those ones need to be called out specifically rather they're a minority or a majority. Sadly in this case they've become the majority.
i want equal rights for men. sorry but feminism is not an issue anymore. we have lowered standards in the military and police for women. men have to perform at higher levels yet get payed the same. that is the definition of gender discrimination.
Sorry 2. But this is the one time in your career that you stepped in it. Feminism is an ideology, not a community of fans, one founded in a time long past of legitimate patriarchy in the western world to push for recognized, socially accepted and politically recognized equality for a number of things, from job seats, to voting rights, to status and power. But these things have been achieved, and provably so. Modern first world feminism is a mess of disproved propaganda, trivial unimportant and usually subjective ideas of being gender stereotyped such as catcalling, and hatred or misinformation about male inferiority. Feminism started as a good thing, and it's still good today in places that have genuine inequalities, there are many countries out there that support subjugation in a gender context, and for them it's a revolutionary and necessary change. But I dare you to find me one statistically supported, genuinely pressing concern regarding female inequality in the first world. If society as we knew it genuinely started treating women as equally as men, we would only be treating women worse. Speaking as a TG MTF, I don't believe many have had quite the experience from both sides of the fence as I.
Please tell me that story with the cat suit in front of the school didn't happen. Please.
Space Cowboy I'm with you on that.
Gaze ye not into the comments section, that way madness lays.
My comment doesn't even have to do with the video, but I'm so pissed that the Great Giraffe clip got taken down, it was so funny.
For once I'm actually glad to read the TH-cam comments with so many people disagreeing, and realizing that feminism, as it exists right now, and as it seems to be trending towards, is a horrible, HORRIBLE thing. I've had to outright LEAVE tumblr because of the harassment I was getting JUST for -IDENTIFYING- as male, and for all the misandrist posts I would see (and the frustration that comes from these people refusing to realize that what they're doing IS misandry and sexism), and the whole, disgusting victim complex. It's scary that it's gotten so large, and has spilled over, outside of tumblr, into the rest of the internet, and even in real life (I've sadly meet several people like this in person).
Now I know someone is going to reply saying "they don't represent us!" or "they're a vocal minority" - whether or not that's true, they are purporting themselves to represent feminism. No one things the Westboro nutjobs represent christianity. People know to ignore them. Not so for these hateful feminists. People are also afraid of backlash for simply disagreeing with anything female or feminism-supported, because of the black-and-white (which is a logical fallacy, btw) thinking that you're either with us or against us. No one can even SPEAK against feminism because the feminism brigade would take them down, AND because of the holdover from older feminism waves that we still need feminism and it should be supported.
The whole thing needs to either change, or go away, but they're all caught up in their own victim complex, and with us or against us mindset that they permit no one to challenge them.
Yeah, normally I would be completely with you on preaching equality and such 2, but this is one subject where the haters are sadly right. Somewhere in these comments is someone who points out that when the idiots become the majority of a group, they define the group. When former feminists are distancing themselves from feminism and saying that they are *no longer feminists* because the entire concept has devolved into psychopaths who attack men simply for being born with a dick, it's a sign that the label has become something that can no longer be respected. I have not encountered a single female in years who has expressed approval for "feminism" who did not also exhibit the traits that people have come to hate feminism for. In fact, the most vocal people I know *against* feminism are actually women!
I remember, years ago, your rant against "Gay Pride", where you bitched out the gay priders for making homosexuals looks like freaks. I am seeing that same sentiment toward feminists from females all the time these days.
Blazieth Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Slice, but you can call me Joel if you like.
So now you've met one. And I can promise you that, in real life at least, I have not met a single feminist who DOES espouse the ideas that seem to gain some traction on places like Tumblr. In fact, the most radical feminist I've ever met (who once called me out on writing a short story which didn't give any speaking roles to female characters - just to give a suggestion of her basically constant "activism") was just as active supporting male rights as she was female rights - she thought it was ridiculous that boys were shamed for liking pink, or dolls, or dresses. She thought that men shouldn't be forced to behave in a hyper-masculine way, or be told to bottle up their emotions. She believed that a single father, or two fathers, could be just as good parents as a father and a mother, or a single mother, or two mothers. And again, to date, she was the most radical feminist I've ever met in person.
I strongly disagree that these radicals define the movement. I think they're only perceived as doing so because their detractors give them so much publicity.
SliceOfDog I've been socked in the jaw, and on another occasion accused of "manspreading" on a subway because I uncrossed my legs for half a second. My friend's co-worker was fired for harassing both her clients and co-workers and she was a psychologist 'in training'. Oh, by they way, I do mean crossing my legs, not what most guys do, resting an ankle on a thigh/knee.
Most of the people I've met that call themselves feminists are nutjobs. As someone said "Feminism at it's best is just Egalitarianism". Feminism WAS a good thing once upon a time, but now it's used as a label for a bunch of woman who are blatantly sexist and need to actually be sent to see a /real/ psychologist about their victim complex and more often than not "schizophrenic tenancies". The world isn't out to get them, they just think it is. They bitch and moan about the most insignificant things here in the US when in reality "Feminists" are more needed in Islamic states, Brazil, Africa, some parts Asia, etc.
It's no longer about woman's rights, the "Leaders" of the movement are misandrists.
Ice Feather I'm very sorry to hear that, genuinely. Those don't sound like people that I'd willingly associate with. However, I question whether these are the "leaders" of the movement. I for one would look up to different leaders of feminism; the likes of the playwright Caryl Churchill or the activist Malala Yousafzai. If you acknolwedge that feminism was once a positive movement and feel it is now being hijacked by crazies, then as someone within the movement I'd request your support in opposing them, rather than a refusal to accept there is still good in the concept.
Essentially, opposing all of feminism because of the hardcore few will only end up driving those rational and reasonable people within it to become defensive and move even further in.
On the other hand, if "feminism" is being replaced by "egalitarianism" as a movement, then please bring out the leaders. Because in my own experience, the majority who strongly and vocally oppose feminism simply come across as sexists. I'm sure this isn't at all the case, and I'm aware that you've essentially said the same thing about feminsm, but for the rationals within the movement to abandon ship, we need somewhere else to go, some other flag to rally under. Where does that come from? Because it sure as hell ain't Thunderf00t.
Ice Feather Do I see where you're coming from? Yes. Do I agree? Absolutely not.
I could be convinced regarding "Egalitarianism" as a more appropriate term. This you have given some decent argument for, although I'd need more to convince me it's a REPLACEMENT for feminism, rather than an alternative.
Regarding representation of women? Several points:
1. It doesn't matter a jot what the audience is. People have a social responsibility not to create negative representations of a particular group. There's a reason we don't have black-face, apish characters dancing around in Disney cartoons anymore. We see that it breeds a negative attitude against a group who are undeserving of that characterisation.
Now, does this mean it should be illegal? No. Freedom of speech, any group should be able to be represented in any way. But do we have to LIKE it? Hell no. And from what I see, feminists as a whole aren't acting to stop the freedom to represent women in those ways. They are attempting to discourage it, certainly. Are they not entitled to? Why does the freedom of the creator trump the freedom of the viewer?
2. Am I saying there can be no representations of women that are negative? No representations of women who are overtly-sexualised? Of course not! In fact, since most feminists seek equality, they would want as many negative female characters as there currently are males. Why is it that in any group of characters, there's the sarcastic one, the stupid one, the lazy one and the woman? Why is she just there to fill a quota? Why can't she be the stupid one, or the lazy one, or the angry one?
So it's not about ONLY having positive representations of women, but there needs to be some balance to it.
3. "You don't like how women are presented in those games? Make your own."
They're trying. Certain groups don't appreciate that;
Also, I would suggest that the majority of major shifts in public attitude need to, at some point, pass through the leading mainstream outlets. So if there are a bunch of female indie game makers and then all the triple A games just make the same sexist characterisations, then that's not really parity, is it?
Regarding your point about negative female treatment abroad.
What are you doing about African sex slaves? You, personally. What are you doing?
The issues you talk about are complex and difficult to tackle. We can sign petitions, sure, we can donate to charities. But how do you propose we solve sex-trafficking? (And if you have a genuine suggestion, I'm all ears. Genuinely, you'll have my full support, it's a horrific issue).
Feminists in the Western world tend to focus on the issues that affect their own lives. Can you blame them? I tend to focus on the issues that affect my life. The LGBT community focusses on the right to have wedding cakes while members of their community are being killed in the Middle East. Martin Luther King Jr was "bitching" about being able to drink from the same water fountain as white people while massive racial inequality and defacto slavery still existed across the globe.
Does that invalidate their argument? Just because they're trying to solve a problem that is smaller than a problem thousands of miles away, is it no longer a problem? If I stab you in the arm, then slit someone else's throat, are you supposed to feel grateful?
And to combine the two points: When women are told to shut up and accept their role in society and be grateful for it, that is setting a tone. We are teaching our kids that women have equality. So then when someone points out an inequality that they have never seen, happening to people they don't know, and something that doesn't affect their own lives in any way, what is their response going to be?
Inequality is a problem for everyone, even if a greater inequality is happening elsewhere. As an "egalitarian" I'd expect you to agree with that?
+protoborg Haha, wow, your anger, whether real or contrived, certainly proves your point.
"Tool of the feminist regime"! Love it. Probably going to make myself a t-shirt with that on.
And you think feminism is analogous to the KKK.
There is no point us communicating any further (which I'm sure you'll be pleased about). I would be happy to talk to someone who believes in the entirely free-market, despite my belief that humans do, in fact, have a responsibility for the betterment of mankind, but if you genuinely think that feminism (which, by the way, is "an idea, not a thing". Feminism "does nothing, people do". So how is it you reject the idea that society is a group worth mentioning, but all feminists are so evil and vitriolic (says the "shut the fuck up, feminist tool" guy) that they are all identifiable as the new KKK?) is such an embodiment of corrupt evil, I feel you won't ever let yourself be convinced otherwise.
Anyway, thanks for the chuckle. If the anger you presented in this post was in any way real, I hope you find peace with yourself soon.
Don't shut the fuck up though.
You're entitled to your opinion.
We tools of the feminist regime are actually pretty big into that idea.
Feminism doesn't "have some idiots" as if they're the minority. Feminism has some smart people who are the minority. There are like 3 well known feminists who are NOT idiots.These people are:
Christina Hoff Sommers.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Camille Paglia.
good job on this!! couldn't have said it better
Feminism isn't a harmless fandom. It's an ideological movement with political and social influence that can't be ignored. Ideologies should be criticised. 3rd wave feminism is just the newest evolution of feminism in a context where the claim that women are overwhelmingly oppressed throughout our society is invalid. Feminism used to be the 'wonderful thing' you described it as, but as the context changed, so has the practice of feminism, and now it's far from 'wonderful'. The only people people in the movement now have completely opposite aggendas to earlier feminists or are just being fooled. It's still going on because of missinformation and the sjw victim complex. The modern feminist ideology is poisoning everything as they scrape the bottom of an imaginary barrel for anything to fuel their victim complex. Remember #shirtgate? It's all about attacking people's freedom of expression to save their feelings now, because that's the only way they can further women's rights where they're already treated equally.
Gonna have to disagree with you on this one 2. Comparing idiocy in feminism to the Furry fandom I feel is misguided since they are completely different scope and scale of problems. Its easy to tar idiot furries with a broad brush and no one will burn your house down for doing it, but in the case of feminism it for the most part IS the broad brush doing the tarring. Feminism is successfully entrenched at the highest levels of power and pushing an agenda. Furries on the other hand are mostly in it for the subulture (porn) and can barely stir their backsides to hit AC once a year.
Hating on the idiot feminists doesn't work, because the idiots are the ones writing legislature and invading academia. It is codified into law with things like the Duluth Model and sentencing discounts for women who run afoul of the fuzz. That isn't a few wingnuts. That is the idiots speaking through a judge and jury and all the power they represent. Even worse is that questioning, or even analysing feminism from anything other than a feminist perspective is basically tantamount to misogyny. Despite it increasingly becoming clear that the entire concept of the subject object dichotomy and toxic masculinity are based on flawed premises, anyone who calls attention to this is routinely branded misogynist not just by tumblr SJWs, but in the wider media and popular psyche, faces losing their job, being branded a rape apologist, becoming unemployable and facing ***literal*** angry mobs. Try for example organising a college seminar on the MRM and see how far you get before torches and pitchforks come bursting through your window.
This is where the hate for feminism comes from. There are much better alternatives to feminism that come without the ideological baggage that began right at the start with Emmeline Pankhurst and the white feather girls. It is difficult to envisage, for example, a radical egalitarian. Unfortunately these very reasonable alternatives are under attack... by feminism...
That's true, but the main problem, once again, are generalizations of groups and subcultures: Bigotry exist because of those generalizations and the bigots themselves are idiots.
Though one could argue that "Idiots" are an ableist slur for slow people.
It's good to have support in your subgroup. Cheers dude!
well praise furry jesus, the comment section is rather calm for this topic.
i needed that thank you brother
Good point. The loud obnoxious types are always going to get the most attention and create a bad rep.
Those ones need to be called out specifically rather they're a minority or a majority. Sadly in this case they've become the majority.
I wondered why the dislike ratio was like this.. I see why now..
Perfectly articulated.
2 for president anyone?
i want equal rights for men. sorry but feminism is not an issue anymore. we have lowered standards in the military and police for women. men have to perform at higher levels yet get payed the same. that is the definition of gender discrimination.
Thank you. Also to wow these comments ... Lewis law in effect.
I wonder if Anthrocon passes the bechdel test?
well said 2.
It's not even so long you got mad.
I was scared when I saw the title of this. I am glad to see that I didn't need to be. Love ya, 2.
This so much this for the truth.
Sorry 2. But this is the one time in your career that you stepped in it.
Feminism is an ideology, not a community of fans, one founded in a time long past of legitimate patriarchy in the western world to push for recognized, socially accepted and politically recognized equality for a number of things, from job seats, to voting rights, to status and power. But these things have been achieved, and provably so. Modern first world feminism is a mess of disproved propaganda, trivial unimportant and usually subjective ideas of being gender stereotyped such as catcalling, and hatred or misinformation about male inferiority.
Feminism started as a good thing, and it's still good today in places that have genuine inequalities, there are many countries out there that support subjugation in a gender context, and for them it's a revolutionary and necessary change. But I dare you to find me one statistically supported, genuinely pressing concern regarding female inequality in the first world. If society as we knew it genuinely started treating women as equally as men, we would only be treating women worse.
Speaking as a TG MTF, I don't believe many have had quite the experience from both sides of the fence as I.
i think this if the first time i have ever seen 2 be nervis about saying something on stage but i got to say, he has one hell of a point!
Here I see a Griffin who is not greedy but wise
62 people bought Tantroo and cancel-culture's BS stories about 2.
1:04 - False. Feminism has become more repulsive over the years and furries have become more respectable.