"The blind man challenge" you have to go on each other's accounts and change the controls to random things and then switch back and don't look at the controls and try and figure out the controls
Hey Mr. Fruit! I love all your videos, and some of the best one last that you should bring back are the personality swap or the old dream team compilation. Those were the funniest videos ever!!
Hey rhabby how about you use hawkmoon.........oooh wait you don't have one........except you do.........and it's trash...... yea those jokes don't really work anymore,do they
I got a challenge for you Mr Fruit, Dream team Simon says have one Simon that will give the other two a command like "Simon says scout" first of the other two to get a kill using the weapon called out gets a point person with most points win
TheBearded Maine-iac that's only useful for four kills for the four primary weapon classes because i doubt they will use the same weapon classes because it could get boring
MR FRUIT! I have a challenge for you! Take the Dream Team into fearless battle (in Overwatch, Quick Play) and you all MUST choose your least played hero. First person to get a Play Of The Game wins. If no one is able to get a Play Of The Game then just show some terrible gameplay b-roll to make us laugh and enjoy life again. :) Appreciate your humor and videos, keep it up!
Whenever I watch a game of crucible, and even more so when I play a game of crucible, every time I see a Matador 64 kill, the more ok I am with Destiny 2 being a fresh start.
PeridotGamerS yeah... But sadly these "baby" weapons are better than the original version like hawkmoon( my fav but now trash), red death(2nd fav and trash now) and the other one I bet that it is, thorn?(I dont have)
take a moment to appreciate Mr fruits comment on giving AIR inverted controls lol. it makes so much sense why they look up in the sky then kill you or sit and look at you
Mr. Fruuuuit I got a challenge for ya! Go into Overwatch and turn the cool downs to zero. Have 6 people be Widowmaker and 1 person be Sombra. Sombra has to let the widows get into position for 15 seconds and then hack them. If a widow gets hacked their out. Sombra can use her translocator as much as you want but can only go invisible once. Widowmaker can't hurt Sombra in any way but can use grappling hook as much as they want. If Sombra hacks all the Widows she wins. If time runs out The remaining Widows win
I play with cold shoulder & swapped triggers/bumpers for that classic Call of Duty layout. I’m never going to switch over to shooting with controller triggers.
Mr. Fruit, I have a challenge for you!!! What you have to do is cover half your screen with black paper and go positive or if you want to go hard cover everything but you radar (doing this, you are not required to go positive just get 5 kills) good luck
Mr. Fruit I have a challenge for YA! Take six people into any game mode. I call it the White Rabbit challenge. One player will be the White Rabbit and pick up the heavy. With Chatterwhite, the shader, and Dreadfang equipped they must run to the other heavy. They only have five sword swings which can be used to kill the Card Guards. One player will be Alice and must kill the White Rabbit and kill him with a fusion rifle. The Guards can help kill the White Rabbit but can only use the No Land Beyond. If The White Rabbit gets the heavy he must proceed to use his sword and can use all of his ammo to kill everyone. Enjoy!
Mr fruit, I have a challenge for ya, go into a crucible match and only get kills with a sniper , but you can only get kills while using angel of light, do this with Rhabby and Bluewestlo
I've got a challenge for the dream team. Freeze Tag! In skirmish, only one person can move at a time. To allow the next person to move you must get a kill. Frozen people can still look around and shoot but they can't use abilities. Goal: Victory.
Mr Fruit I have a challenge for you: Drunk Basketball, enter the rift playlist and play double inverted, with the cold shoulder scheme. Try to dunk the spark, melee kills only
Mr Fruit! I have a challenge for you! Do you remember the Dream Team Roast Swap? Do that, but in the TRIALS OF OSIRIS! And you must, to win the challenge, go flawless :D have a nice day all I love u mr fruit
Blue's laugh is literally therapeutic. Bless that man.
Dave Rabbit ikr #bluefan
I couldn't agree more. Also, it's a slug.
DJ Victorious goddamnit.
Follow his TH-cam Channel. He's going to start uploading.
BuckeyesFan89 Don't worry dude I already do lol, I'm personally friends with Blue (:
Guys please do those things with Dork, Shark and Ebear !
Yossif Helmy I agree
Nidal Hasan Thanks for agreeing
Yossif Helmy I miss the one guy on overwatch that him and fruit were having a very civilized conversation XD , think his name started with a "T"
a simple rumble match with all of them would be fun
O.G Jesus Kash Kiniza wasnt that guy from the "good guy Phill" video?
"The blind man challenge" you have to go on each other's accounts and change the controls to random things and then switch back and don't look at the controls and try and figure out the controls
By far one of the best TH-cam channels and definitely the most entertaining trio. Keep up the good work Fruit.
If we're continuing to do these "drunk" challenges than I would love to see drunk trials
Hey Mr. Fruit! I love all your videos, and some of the best one last that you should bring back are the personality swap or the old dream team compilation. Those were the funniest videos ever!!
Always loved the outro of the dream team! 💕
Blue's laugh is my favorite thing ever😂
Hey rhabby how about you use hawkmoon.........oooh wait you don't have one........except you do.........and it's trash...... yea those jokes don't really work anymore,do they
LetSwine4222 that boat has sailed
LetSwine4222 yea ..no one gives a FUCK about the hawkmoon , ITS THE JADE RABBIT META YA META PIECE A SHIT
O.G Jesus Kash Kiniza yasss niggaaaaa
I literally come home school, sit down and check my notifications. See a mr fruit video and eat cheezits... my life is good
"you guys arent actually drunk?" Classic Blue
I got a challenge for you Mr Fruit, Dream team Simon says have one Simon that will give the other two a command like "Simon says scout" first of the other two to get a kill using the weapon called out gets a point person with most points win
TheBearded Maine-iac that's only useful for four kills for the four primary weapon classes because i doubt they will use the same weapon classes because it could get boring
Watching the last 2 minutes of each Mr Fruit video always cheers me up
10:43 that laugh xD
you're the best channel our there. Your videos make all my days feel great. Keep up the good work, man
That dude dabbing at the end 😂😂😂😂😂
lol i always play with L1 R1 for shooting and aiming
EDplayz HD I use default with 5 sensitivity
How can you use an other control scheme other than default that must be complicated asf
+Logic's Chance it's hard to get used to but once you do it's more rewarding
Puppeteer allows you to never leave the aiming stick unless you jump, but then you claw
Same man Ps3 all da way never been used to the bottom triggers lol
- "R.I.P Butterfree"
+ "Rhab he didn't die!"
You make me laugh even in the outro hahaha
I swear blue was cheating
I really want Blue to upload his perspective of that first game XD
im pretty sure blues laugh can cure cancer
In between videos it becomes.... METAPOD!!! 😂😂😂
Blue's laugh was probably the best part
Hey mr fruit thanks for being you and making us laugh :)
Finbo Fury when you try to get fruit to respond to your comment
Toasty Boi yeah I'm trying to get up in his fruity booty
Finbo Fury juicy.
Finbo Fury #bootysweat
MR FRUIT! I have a challenge for you!
Take the Dream Team into fearless battle (in Overwatch, Quick Play) and you all MUST choose your least played hero. First person to get a Play Of The Game wins. If no one is able to get a Play Of The Game then just show some terrible gameplay b-roll to make us laugh and enjoy life again. :)
Appreciate your humor and videos, keep it up!
Loving your content man. Keep up the good work!
Its funny that you are doing this challenge today because I was completely wasted last night xD
I love that 3 minute outro. 👌
This is an awesome vid! It's so funny because Fruit is complaining about the PS3 control scheme that I still use.😂
It doesn't even phase me anymore when you guys call your Supers, "Ults"...
I swear this is the funniest damn thing I have seen in a long time.
Blue your laugh is awesome 😂😂
Mr fruit you ought to release that fire mix tape
Rhabby's joke was hilarious
I like how that Hunter cut short a dance animation to turn it into a dab.
cptTK421 it is the dab emote
cptTK421 he was using THE dab emote
Rain Drop
Drop Top
Im Rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop
ollionpro - Destiny clips Dont ask why...
Nenemies-Cookie Fat ass W 😂😂😂
I kinda think migos would be dissapointed
PurpleWestlo lol
Whenever I watch a game of crucible, and even more so when I play a game of crucible, every time I see a Matador 64 kill, the more ok I am with Destiny 2 being a fresh start.
I like how those guys are emoting because they destroyed rhabby, blue and fruit even though rhabby and fruit are all jumbled controls.
Oh mai gawd it's Mr Fruit! Just wanna say hey, "hey!"
Roses are black
Violets are black
I think i'm color blind
Kill3r T1tan same I thought red was purple
Kill3r T1tan I think you're just blind...
Kill3r T1tan roses are rose red. violets are violet
No, roses are blue and violets are yellow.
Challenge: "baby" mode. Use weapons considered the baby versions (eyasluna, red spectre, hunger of Crota, etc)
PeridotGamerS yeah... But sadly these "baby" weapons are better than the original version like hawkmoon( my fav but now trash), red death(2nd fav and trash now) and the other one I bet that it is, thorn?(I dont have)
(Hunger of Crota is baby gjallarhorn)
Yeah I guess you're right about that but hey just a thought
I'm convinced Blue didnt invert his controls. He would get a kill and turn the way he wanted to way too easily.
Top quality joke Rhabb
I swear the thumbnail took me a minute to figure out what was going on 😂 am i drunk?
Green Avenger4 yes
Epic_Phillip im not deunk untl i is jekdkrjrodkenrj kashdbdhsh sgeb sghdhrhe
ur like 12 you cant be drunk
and you not?
I had to download the photo and rotate it XD
Rhabby: "Its like the teseract" No Rob lol im dyin lololol
TripleC Gaming Channel haha same
jumper is the way of life
I always stop doing what i am doing to whatch these videos
For every word Rhab yells, take a shot. I ended up more drunk than they were.
My god fruit pretending cold shoulder is so difficult! XD
back in the day that was destiny on the ps3 it took me a flippin day to master the ps4
wakes up just in time for a fruit video. dont mean to brag but what a morning. oh my
take a moment to appreciate Mr fruits comment on giving AIR inverted controls lol. it makes so much sense why they look up in the sky then kill you or sit and look at you
the time that took fruit to censor all this just whants to make me laugh. xD
vEonz whants
BlueWestlo has a pretty good singing voice
Blues laugh
Mr. Fruuuuit I got a challenge for ya!
Go into Overwatch and turn the cool downs to zero. Have 6 people be Widowmaker and 1 person be Sombra. Sombra has to let the widows get into position for 15 seconds and then hack them. If a widow gets hacked their out. Sombra can use her translocator as much as you want but can only go invisible once. Widowmaker can't hurt Sombra in any way but can use grappling hook as much as they want. If Sombra hacks all the Widows she wins. If time runs out The remaining Widows win
Heyyy Fruit, will you ever revisit 'Kingdom'?? It was my favourite ever series of yours 😊
Hiya random commenter. Have a nice day. :D
Infinity Same to u
Infinity ummm did you just assume my gender?
I'm NOT a random commenter - I comment on impulse.
Lol the first match literally showcases the amount of skill stormcaller takes rn 😭
“You okay there bud, you alright?”
🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦🔦... when you low key can't find the lighter
Hands in the air like I just don't care 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I play with cold shoulder & swapped triggers/bumpers for that classic Call of Duty layout. I’m never going to switch over to shooting with controller triggers.
Mr. Fruit, I have a challenge for you!!! What you have to do is cover
half your screen with black paper and go positive or if you want to go
hard cover everything but you radar
(doing this, you are not required to go positive just get 5 kills)
good luck
Mr. Fruit I have a challenge for YA! Take six people into any game mode. I call it the White Rabbit challenge. One player will be the White Rabbit and pick up the heavy. With Chatterwhite, the shader, and Dreadfang equipped they must run to the other heavy. They only have five sword swings which can be used to kill the Card Guards. One player will be Alice and must kill the White Rabbit and kill him with a fusion rifle. The Guards can help kill the White Rabbit but can only use the No Land Beyond. If The White Rabbit gets the heavy he must proceed to use his sword and can use all of his ammo to kill everyone. Enjoy!
18:47 that Dab
I liked that pun
Mr fruit, I have a challenge for ya, go into a crucible match and only get kills with a sniper , but you can only get kills while using angel of light, do this with Rhabby and Bluewestlo
Low key, I play cold shoulder/inverted. Have since Halo. That and a childhood of flight sims. GG BlueWestlo
Lol. I wish I could play Destiny with you all😂😂😂
Inverted nightfall scoring :D
Blue lost first round, no skill used
cold shoulder is like oldschool cod controls
I want to give Blue the cold shoulder for making that joke
Blue/Rhab combo, sorry
nik plays123 iiiiiiiiik
I liked Rhabb's joke
Cold shoulder controls are the exact Xbox controls for destiny 😂
🔥 (lighter up for Rhabby)
lights lighter! Go boys
Hey Fruit, you should do a challenge where you guys do a random weapon from your vault. You could use a random number generator
the stranger things reference got you a like ;)
I already play bumper jumper so I can agree with Blue. It's an amazing layout
The outro song - Drugs are bad...mmk.
How do I ULT? - rhab. I ULTED somehow-rhab. I ULTED then died!-Fruit. Ok this is destiny btw
99% wont see this but the 1% that see this have a great day
xXFluxVibeszXx thx u to bro
xXFluxVibeszXx that one same comment everyone posts for likes.Just stop lol.Only I decide if I get to have a nice day!💪🏻
what do likes do
One day I just want a full video of them singing
I've got a challenge for the dream team. Freeze Tag!
In skirmish, only one person can move at a time. To allow the next person to move you must get a kill. Frozen people can still look around and shoot but they can't use abilities. Goal: Victory.
my screen froze at fruit getting shotgunned and i was like NO
Mr Fruit I have a challenge for you: Drunk Basketball, enter the rift playlist and play double inverted, with the cold shoulder scheme. Try to dunk the spark, melee kills only
So when can we suggest end of the vid songs?
i should start using cold shoulder, that's exactly what im used to lol
For the next drunk challenge, each one of you use a bullet hose auto rifle. Doctine of Passing, Soulstealer's Claw, The Unbent Tree.
Hex caster ARC
And my first bullet hose, therefore my favorite, the arminius D
really funny Keep it going.
Fruit, can you on these weird challenges get all three of your views simultaneously or something like that? It might add some extra hilarity.
blue's laugh lmao
HI FRUIT I have watchd you since 100,000
gotta use that puppeter control scheme, 10 sensitivity. thats my style
Mr Fruit! I have a challenge for you! Do you remember the Dream Team Roast Swap? Do that, but in the TRIALS OF OSIRIS! And you must, to win the challenge, go flawless :D have a nice day all I love u mr fruit
I can't believe he got sum of all tears 😂
Zaking Gaming go flawless are you crazy
Jordan Zelaya they could do it lol
Are you out of your mind no way they could go flawless like this
Rhab dropped heavy