Amaze performance with teeny tiny mistakes. But thats okay, I still love that they represented New Zealand and made everyone proud with their finals performance :D yay sorority!!! Awesome to see how quickly they have picked up on these errors to move forward to their finals. so talented, each and every member :)
that facial switch at 2:07 will forever be iconic. period.
is thay bigpopa yelling "C'MON RUTHY" at 1:57? lmaoo
What can u say about that 2:05 - 2:07 facial expression quick change look. Gawt damn. That was perfect!
there so many changes at prelim , semis and final
i love hearing brett goebel through out the whole entire perfomance, even in varsity haha so cute
Amaze performance with teeny tiny mistakes. But thats okay, I still love that they represented New Zealand and made everyone proud with their finals performance :D yay sorority!!! Awesome to see how quickly they have picked up on these errors to move forward to their finals. so talented, each and every member :)
Mariah N mistakes??? where???
it's amazing!!!!!!!
Jessica kirsten ruthi corbyn samyha
Elas foram Incrivéis !!!! ♡
music sounds so fast