That is the standard corporate method of operations, while they are rewarded for the profits for their wealthiest stockholders with managerial bonuses in the millions. I grew up in the Eaton area and attended Marshall and PHS in the early '60s'. I know the area well, and by '72 I moved to NorCal. Up here we have PG&E...Pacific Graft and Extortion, those who gave us the Camp Fire. We have had three increases in 18 months, a 22 billion dollar profit, and a golden bonus for the CEO over a few million dollars, and they still can't take care of business.
I was a SCADA Technician, if there were any kind of problems with their equipment, there would be computer records. When your power blinks, they know it.
Regardless of what initiated fire, dried dead debris should have been removed from powerlines and surrounding areas by poweline professionals. Shocking that they were not being monitored and cleaned especially during "annual" fire seasons with wind forecast. You cannot, shall not, just install/build something like powerlines without safety measures/protocols/policies/quality assurance/emergency procedures.
Brush is removed yearly near all power posts, but your dumb brain has to remember that wind is a factor too. Blowing sparks can travel. We have 3 power lines in our property and the county comes in and clears the area, but if you want it to be spotless, then you go do it then.
Whew. Everyone is certainly beyond glad that Edison has been exonerated. And with an investigation so efficiently executed, it took practically no time at all!
I remember residents complaining at public meetings when power companies wanted to clear brush from right-of-ways saying they didn't want to loose "their trees". Then a few years later, the area was hit by a wildfire and it spread like crazy. Too many folks basing their decisions on emotions rather than logic.
Climate change weirdos live in a fantasy created in their own mind. And when everything hits the fan, they’re running around and blaming it on everyone else but it’s their own damn fault.
Agree environmentalist are also to blame in this. Clearing the forest is a good thing, but they worry about all the little creatures that might be living in the dead brush or trees and in the end, more is harmed rather than saved.
Because it's the same issue poor maintance and power companies not shutting done lines. In Hawaii they had to pay 4 Billion to cover lawsuits damages still had been over 6 billion. Gues we
70 year old L A. native & never experienced winds like this week. The easements beneath power lines in SoCal used to be kept clear of vegetation for this exact reason.
Not suspicious at all, fire officials are aware that 95% of fires in that area are started by humans. if we didn’t have once in a lifetime catastrophic weather events ever year it would have been different.
Southern California Edison was given Billions by the Governor to Insulate Power Lines I know because mine are! Yours were not why is the answer what did they do with the money and why did they not Insulate Eaton Canyons Power Lines. Insulation is proven to be 100 safe yes no matter what they tell you Insulation of Power Lines will not spark even if a tree is fallen. Where did the money go for Insulation of Power Lines. SCE is the worst company our power has been off for three days even though our lines are Insulated because they lump everyone together it does not matter that we have children elderly sick etc. Our power lines are Insulated were yours No they were not!!!!!!! Yes it matters!!!!!! It started your fire! Why is SCE still around Million's of Wildlife have been killed by them!
Palisades was reported starting by a backyard fire. The new one that started today was suspected arson, with one person being questioned. I'm unaware if that status has changed or not.
Mountainous rocky terrain requires overhead lines, or 20 times the cost per mile to go underground. Adding to that hundreds of distribution line owners that are not legally allowed to shut down their own equipment unless the state board deams it so. Being negligent in maintenance and/or intentionally installing sub standard equipment are the only possible liabilities power distribution opperators assume. PG&E lost many suit for proactively shutting off services after an earthquake. 10 years later, sued in Paradise for leaving the power on during high winds. 2 years later state mandates "Smart Grid" board, and takes all power away from opperators, and puts all control to state board
This is exactly why the power lines are underground as Paradise slowly rebuilds. Even roads are being reconfigured if another major fire hits the area. Problem is the utility compiled have been lax in keeping their equipment updated, keeping trees out of power lines, etc. It is time all power lines be underground when possible. This may help reduce the wildfire danger. Plus turning off the power during extreme wind events also help.
Look at videos of the remains of houses right on the ocean. Just like Lahaina, the cars are destroyed to an extreme degree, with liquified glass and aluminum that flowed over the pavement. This doesn’t happen in a natural wildfire. Where was the source of combustion to ignite the cars? Powerlines down, poles partially burnt where they were in contact with metal.
@@abc123fhdi I was commenting on other cars, I didn’t watch this one. The point is, a car has nothing that a few sparks blowing against it can ignite. There have been obvious and common anomalies in so-called wildfires that have been house- hungry since about 2015.
@@kathybradbury oh dear. You below chimp level thinking individual. You saw some news article and regurgitate it thinking you are smart. Learn proper research instead of getting the info on tiktok and facebook. Probably a republican too.
Cali laughed in Trumps face after Paradise in 2018 burned and he was saying stuff about raking their yards and because of his delivery of that message, they rathered not...
Solution: Run a "Continuity wire" on every powerline. If the continuity wire breaks, then automatically shut off the powerline... Then add "Arc detectors" that would do the same.
I was thinking the same thing.... Thank you for posting.... Worst case scenario if you know there's going to be strong winds cut the power off until the winds die.... Who's in charge? Can't we use common sense to stop this from happening
@@roberthoustan7476 When they rebuild, they should add "External Fire Sprinkler Systems"; Those on the ocean could actually use ocean water and pump stations for this purpose. The inland water supply should have backup generators so they can still pump when power is cut.
In areas like this, it is a good idea if possible. One thing ppl must remember they live in a canyon valley that is often very dry now. There is always going to be dry brush. With very high winds, the dry conditions & high powerlines, there is great chance for sparks & rapidly spreading fires. Sometimes dry brush catches fire in high temperatures conditions.
The neighbors need to take responsibility to clear the areas in question since the emergency crews are inundated at this time. It's not a matter of who should clear I buy do they want to save their homes. Once the crisis is over, then they can confront the authorities.
Those neighborhoods complain when there's forestry cutters or proscribed burns in their "backyards." Burns in those urban/wild boundaries are several years behind because someone always says NIMBY.
Let me tell you, I have been thinking about that ever since I saw what they are paying. $750,000.00 per year! It is tempting to dress like a woman, head to Cali, and get into their politics. Hole Lee Hail.....
Interview Adam Carolla. He's been talking about underground power lines for years & CA put billions into non-profit homelessness (very little went to homeless)
We lost power (thankfully) until this morning in an adjacent county and had a mandatory shut off warning but lost power due to trees on lines in our area (not a shut off!!!) this will keep happening until SoCal Edison is REQUIRED to BURY THEIR LINES but they pass the expense to CONSUMERS not their CEOS. Then the insurance companies will bail on these people, it's a no win situation regardless. REGULATE THE POWER COMPANIES!!!!
The power grid should all be underground, but the argument is, potentially no one could afford electricity because of the cost. Now, it's too late and it's costing anyway.
It's easy to say the answer is to put the power grid underground. But it is just not that easy. The cost of all of this is nothing compared to the cost and maintenance of underground power grids. Let's not forget California sits atop an active and known high tension fault line. Do you really want your power lines underground where every earthquake causes a multi week power outage. Let's not even go into maintaining underground lines when you have a city built on top of it. There is a real reason why most power lines are aboveground. In this case and in most states, you actively do brush management around the lines. Heck, I live in the middle of the forest and the power company each years does preventive maintenance on the lines. Cleaning all the brush and trees under the lines, checking all the lines and convertors and breakoffs to make sure they are in good condition. They spend upwards of a million + each year doing this to help reduce the chance of fires happening. The problem with CA is that they have active laws and regulations that prevent the power companies from doing this type of work. You can't clear the brush out because a rare prairie dog might being living near it, or a rare lizard could live there. Its plain stupid to make regulations like that, that prevents doing preventive work and then turn around and blame the company for causing the accident.
@@Toom316 I really appreciate your insightful well thought out answer. I still think by the 22nd century our power grid had actually better be completely underground, and powered by renewables. If electrical engineers can wire a skyscraper they can certainly wire America. Very few people have the vision for such a national project (focusing on Mars instead) but such an important one when it comes to acclimating to the current climate "Cycles."
@@punkagrrlzero that's what they said to the railroad Barrons of the 18th Century, but you can ride a train the whole way across America today. Some people have vision and ambition for the human species, some have the giggles.
I don’t hear DonOLD crying about or screaming about the electric company not doing their job. They should be accountable for rebuilding all those people’s homes.
Some stupid people don’t realize Trump is not President until 20 Jan! When he was President he told Newsome how to fix the problem and he ignored him . Serious IQ problem in lame DemoRats.
I've been posting this was going to happen. It's called a laziness liberals you put the money in your pocket nuisances oh we'll discuss it within our city if you want funding you're going to discuss it with the world so get prepared
They used this same BS to explain the Lahaina fire. What they CANNOT explain is why strange things are REPEATING themselves... sirens failing to sound the warning, water not being available, Top end 'leadership' shifting blame down to local jurisdictions... and then there's that thing with the seemingly 'fireproof' color BLUE...
This story sounds familiar. Funny the people in Lahaina have been trying to get media attention for over a year but media has been hiding their findings. Why is this?
Replay yours and every other California weather report from last year’s atmospheric river events. Every one , every time opened with , “ Folks , this rain is nice , but we’re going to pay for this when the vegetation grows and we enter another fire season .” It’s January. No water system could have delivered enough water to stop a fire in 80-100 mph winds at entire blocks . The triple digits is where nature has become landowner again. It’s like house with 8 bathrooms, you have them but can you actually turn all 8 on AND flush every toilet, plus water the lawn , fill the pool , etc.??? No highway system can deal with everyone leaving at once . Enter a canyon on a hike or drive and you at risk for flood , fire or landslides. Build and live in a canyon and well , expect bad to someday happen . Build sprawling housing developments with a maze of intersections so you maximize profits per foot and you saw the results. Less than 2 dozen deaths is a miracle and shows some serious work was done . Underground high tension across those canyons in earthquake country? Yeah right . Those same developers built up north and we see the fires in eastern Washington towns burn as those human made ember farms turn on when man makes a mistake.
I know a couple who lost their house in Altadena & one of them told me on Tuesday night that a downed power line via the mega-high winds started that whole fire, i don't know what all this mystification's about.
I evacuated for Eaton Fire and want this evidence publicized as widely as possible. I work with utilities and it is worth noting that a power line does not have to fall to the ground to start a fire. Arcing between power lines can occur when there is dust in the air or when lines stretch and swing close to each other in high winds. These arcs then drop tiny fragments of molten metal (sparks) or burning debris to the ground.
Swiss Cheese model for safety was alive and well here and we know the results. This isn’t the first time California has had these type of winds. Ask why power companies spend more to run ads about global warming and not clearing brush or trimming trees. Ask why power wasn’t cut to avoid sparking and fires. Ask why state water management failed to have water to fight fire. Ask why, during known high winds, fire rig and personnel were not prepositioned? Ask why the LAFD Chief doesn’t have staffing at the correct levels? Ask why the state rewrote insurance laws. Ask why the state gov spent billions of illegals instead of fire protection? Ask where families will live, kids will attend school, how builders will rebuild and where building supplies will come from? Ask how many insurance companies will pay full claims or how many will seek bankruptcy to avoid payments.
High winds of 50 mph on mount charleston in Nevada meant power was cut for 3 days for all residents. Interesting how 100 mph winds here were seen as safe for power draws
Homeless suspect arrested. Found, detained in Woodland Hills by neighbors. Person had a torch on bike. Was talking about burning things. That's neighbors, witness testimony, local station. LA has a bad issue with homeless and junkies causing fires. Check LAFD records. Downed lines and arson etc can be possible. More than one possibility.
CA has refused to care for the forests for most of my lifetime. A hiking friend used to complain about wanting land to go back to nature and 5 years later bitching they could no longer hike his forest areas due to overgrowth.
Right and that same powerline started all the other ones at the same time? The guy with the blow torch riding around on his bicycle was just out running errands then. And so was the other guy someone caught on camera setting things on fire and calmly walking off.
Wasting tax dollars Water department Electric company Parks recreation Government Insurance companies All at fault Terrorist arsonists copycats RIP 🙏 prayers and justice ⚖️ for the families
The east gets snow and power lines fall, but don't start fires. It's usually sunny in Cali and almost no rainfall, and seasonal rip roaring winds. Elevated power lines present a clear and present danger. The grid is 150 years old.
Because the present nationwide system cost 8 to 15 trillion dollars and no system is capable of staying up without continued expensive maintenance. We could have used the money spent on Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Israel to upgrade it, but nobody contacted their representatives and told them to stop meddling in other countries. Do you?
And pge took 150 million set aside for maintenance and gave it to shareholders. Then doubled rates to pay for the neglected maintenance and the lawsuits for burning NorCal down.
Powerlines need to be underground in all at risk communities. No state and local fire prevention policies including regular brush clearance should have been implemented years ago. Lack of infrastructure investment is a reason the fires have been so damaging.
Billions of miles of power line are above ground on poles everywhere in the country, they don't start fires. Ground clearing, tree cutting and pole maintenance are the solution. Burial is not always necessary or possible. Do better with what you have. The Electric company can only do that, if you let them. Too many "Environmental" regulations lead to dangerous conditions. No meetings should be involved in these critical maintenance tasks, just do them with no questions asked. Trees , lizards, mice and birds are not more important than your house burning to the ground.
Preventable if they had cameras with object detection watching these power lines and the second a single spark was seen, automatically kill power to the area.
Our electric grid is a MASS of extension cords criss-crossing over such a massive area, that is prone to massive 100 mph windstorms every year since the early 1900's. We have had 125 years to start burying lines. Now we should make Solar mandatory. End the greed of these power companies. 😮
Not the Nation, rather The Twins of The Power Elite & Oligarchs. Most Americans couldn’t tell you where Myanmar/Burma is let alone what shenanigans the American Govt & Business are up to in SouthEast Asia
What's good about your house still standing when you have nothing around you.. no store, no food, no neighbors and probably no power. You still have to go 🤷🏾
Translation: SCE customers, your electric rate will skyrocket to pay fines and lawsuits.
We already get outrageous rates! Unbelievable! Used to be a monthly average of $70 a month, now, , , close to $300 month. 🥹😢😢😮💨🥴😤
It's a government land grab the majority will not be back. Interesting how Newscum made it illegal to be homeless though last year right?
That is the standard corporate method of operations, while they are rewarded for the profits for their wealthiest stockholders with managerial bonuses in the millions. I grew up in the Eaton area and attended Marshall and PHS in the early '60s'. I know the area well, and by '72 I moved to NorCal. Up here we have PG&E...Pacific Graft and Extortion, those who gave us the Camp Fire. We have had three increases in 18 months, a 22 billion dollar profit, and a golden bonus for the CEO over a few million dollars, and they still can't take care of business.
It was reported at 6pm, and the voltage exploded because of the wind. We saw it in our window by 6:15.
I was a SCADA Technician, if there were any kind of problems with their equipment, there would be computer records. When your power blinks, they know it.
I was in that field many many years ago. You’re right.
Is this true even if is a very short duration arc from wire slap or wind-blown dust?
Regardless of what initiated fire, dried dead debris should have been removed from powerlines and surrounding areas by poweline professionals. Shocking that they were not being monitored and cleaned especially during "annual" fire seasons with wind forecast. You cannot, shall not, just install/build something like powerlines without safety measures/protocols/policies/quality assurance/emergency procedures.
There goes the dumb trumptards! Spewing his same bullsh$t!
Who's going to pay for it? I know I complained when they raise the rates 😂
@@user-sy1kj3lw6dsame people who payed for Ukraine
100% Correct
Brush is removed yearly near all power posts, but your dumb brain has to remember that wind is a factor too. Blowing sparks can travel. We have 3 power lines in our property and the county comes in and clears the area, but if you want it to be spotless, then you go do it then.
Edison: we have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing
CA Government: But we need a scapegoat.
Whew. Everyone is certainly beyond glad that Edison has been exonerated. And with an investigation so efficiently executed, it took practically no time at all!
@@Edgar063jia they are even quicker with their investigation
I remember residents complaining at public meetings when power companies wanted to clear brush from right-of-ways saying they didn't want to loose "their trees". Then a few years later, the area was hit by a wildfire and it spread like crazy. Too many folks basing their decisions on emotions rather than logic.
Climate change weirdos live in a fantasy created in their own mind. And when everything hits the fan, they’re running around and blaming it on everyone else but it’s their own damn fault.
Agree environmentalist are also to blame in this. Clearing the forest is a good thing, but they worry about all the little creatures that might be living in the dead brush or trees and in the end, more is harmed rather than saved.
Said the same thing in Lahaina....
Exactly 💯 Precent is what they said. History is repeating itself!
@@lyndahargis8495Libtards want the land in both cases.
Same in Oregon. It’s just so upsetting
Because it's the same issue poor maintance and power companies not shutting done lines.
In Hawaii they had to pay 4 Billion to cover lawsuits damages still had been over 6 billion.
Gues we
The windiest day in a decade and we don't have a public safety power outage???
They shut the electricity off to the pumps that provide water to the hydrants. Gavin said that
70 year old L A. native & never experienced winds like this week. The easements beneath power lines in SoCal used to be kept clear of vegetation for this exact reason.
This is more believable whereas the other two are very suspicious.
Just another woke mostly peaceful lib freak fire.
85% of all Wild fires are started by ARSONIST. In Cali any time the Santa Ann winds blow all these fires start all over the place.
Not suspicious at all, fire officials are aware that 95% of fires in that area are started by humans. if we didn’t have once in a lifetime catastrophic weather events ever year it would have been different.
Some people are dumbed down enough to believe it.
The way that wind was, gusting to 99Mph, but blowing 45 to 75, I suspected it was something like this. Bet Palisades was trees on wires, too.
Southern California Edison was given Billions by the Governor to Insulate Power Lines I know because mine are! Yours were not why is the answer what did they do with the money and why did they not Insulate Eaton Canyons Power Lines. Insulation is proven to be 100 safe yes no matter what they tell you Insulation of Power Lines will not spark even if a tree is fallen. Where did the money go for Insulation of Power Lines. SCE is the worst company our power has been off for three days even though our lines are Insulated because they lump everyone together it does not matter that we have children elderly sick etc. Our power lines are Insulated were yours No they were not!!!!!!! Yes it matters!!!!!! It started your fire! Why is SCE still around Million's of Wildlife have been killed by them!
Palisades was reported starting by a backyard fire. The new one that started today was suspected arson, with one person being questioned. I'm unaware if that status has changed or not.
Or a homeless camp in the hills.
@@duckman5274 I don't think homeless camp is even allowed in Palisades hills. I mean it's a gated community up there.
Doesn't wind put out fire?, like in campsite, we protect fire from even small wind
How much would have been saved if the county placed a herd of rent a goats out there?
Mountainous rocky terrain requires overhead lines, or 20 times the cost per mile to go underground. Adding to that hundreds of distribution line owners that are not legally allowed to shut down their own equipment unless the state board deams it so. Being negligent in maintenance and/or intentionally installing sub standard equipment are the only possible liabilities power distribution opperators assume. PG&E lost many suit for proactively shutting off services after an earthquake. 10 years later, sued in Paradise for leaving the power on during high winds. 2 years later state mandates "Smart Grid" board, and takes all power away from opperators, and puts all control to state board
This is exactly why the power lines are underground as Paradise slowly rebuilds. Even roads are being reconfigured if another major fire hits the area. Problem is the utility compiled have been lax in keeping their equipment updated, keeping trees out of power lines, etc. It is time all power lines be underground when possible. This may help reduce the wildfire danger. Plus turning off the power during extreme wind events also help.
Grass Valley here... you all have the luxury to bury, we do not. Mountains and all.
A company that monitors the power grids said thst their instruments detected a surge in the antiquated power grid just before the fires started.
Same as Lahaina fire in Maui. Extraordinarily High winds blew down power lines in Lahaina and sparks lit extremely dry vegetation.
Look at videos of the remains of houses right on the ocean. Just like Lahaina, the cars are destroyed to an extreme degree, with liquified glass and aluminum that flowed over the pavement. This doesn’t happen in a natural wildfire. Where was the source of combustion to ignite the cars? Powerlines down, poles partially burnt where they were in contact with metal.
@@kathybradbury the fuel in the gas tank caused an explosion after the car caught on fire.
@@abc123fhdi I was commenting on other cars, I didn’t watch this one. The point is, a car has nothing that a few sparks blowing against it can ignite. There have been obvious and common anomalies in so-called wildfires that have been house- hungry since about 2015.
@@kathybradbury oh dear. You below chimp level thinking individual. You saw some news article and regurgitate it thinking you are smart. Learn proper research instead of getting the info on tiktok and facebook. Probably a republican too.
Cali laughed in Trumps face after Paradise in 2018 burned and he was saying stuff about raking their yards and because of his delivery of that message, they rathered not...
Solution: Run a "Continuity wire" on every powerline. If the continuity wire breaks, then automatically shut off the powerline... Then add "Arc detectors" that would do the same.
I was thinking the same thing.... Thank you for posting.... Worst case scenario if you know there's going to be strong winds cut the power off until the winds die.... Who's in charge? Can't we use common sense to stop this from happening
@@roberthoustan7476 When they rebuild, they should add "External Fire Sprinkler Systems"; Those on the ocean could actually use ocean water and pump stations for this purpose. The inland water supply should have backup generators so they can still pump when power is cut.
They can detect line voltage anomalies. Someone should have turned it off. Was the night shift supervisor on vacation or something?
Sounds like a very good idea. Hope these matters are being discussed with the Power Company.
This is just one more reason to put power lines underground.
Exactly, in many of our towns they are underground and only on ground in rural areas and small towns
The power company has wanted to do that for years BUT...Tree huggers.
Not necessarily
Or shut them down during hurricane-force winds.
In areas like this, it is a good idea if possible. One thing ppl must remember they live in a canyon valley that is often very dry now. There is always going to be dry brush.
With very high winds, the dry conditions & high powerlines, there is great chance for sparks & rapidly spreading fires. Sometimes dry brush catches fire in high temperatures conditions.
Ok...what about the outher 7 fires
Some of those may have been due to strong farts
The neighbors need to take responsibility to clear the areas in question since the emergency crews are inundated at this time. It's not a matter of who should clear I buy do they want to save their homes. Once the crisis is over, then they can confront the authorities.
Well said!! No personal responsibility anymore.
Those neighborhoods complain when there's forestry cutters or proscribed burns in their "backyards." Burns in those urban/wild boundaries are several years behind because someone always says NIMBY.
In Cali. That's illegal to remove the debris.
Illegal to what might save lives? 🥴
Consider the source ABC
The most trusting and reliable name in news ABC
@ 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yup whatever they say, believe the opposite
Oh yeah but fox, trump, and tik tok are the arbiters of truth right?
Yes don't believe your lying eyes.
Turns out they paid $750,000.00 per year to a Water Chief in pp,California
Let me tell you, I have been thinking about that ever since I saw what they are paying. $750,000.00 per year! It is tempting to dress like a woman, head to Cali, and get into their politics. Hole Lee Hail.....
Interview Adam Carolla. He's been talking about underground power lines for years & CA put billions into non-profit homelessness (very little went to homeless)
Money went to a lot of things in a city that size, but you focus on the homeless? That's why there was a fire?
@stx82 don't forget about the dei hires they forgot they need to work
@stx82 they be wishing for that Ukraine money now. Cuz we ain't printing more !
We lost power (thankfully) until this morning in an adjacent county and had a mandatory shut off warning but lost power due to trees on lines in our area (not a shut off!!!) this will keep happening until SoCal Edison is REQUIRED to BURY THEIR LINES but they pass the expense to CONSUMERS not their CEOS. Then the insurance companies will bail on these people, it's a no win situation regardless. REGULATE THE POWER COMPANIES!!!!
The power grid should all be underground, but the argument is, potentially no one could afford electricity because of the cost. Now, it's too late and it's costing anyway.
This will not stop wildfires.
😂😂😂 so you don't understand anything about mountains.
It's easy to say the answer is to put the power grid underground. But it is just not that easy. The cost of all of this is nothing compared to the cost and maintenance of underground power grids. Let's not forget California sits atop an active and known high tension fault line. Do you really want your power lines underground where every earthquake causes a multi week power outage. Let's not even go into maintaining underground lines when you have a city built on top of it.
There is a real reason why most power lines are aboveground. In this case and in most states, you actively do brush management around the lines. Heck, I live in the middle of the forest and the power company each years does preventive maintenance on the lines. Cleaning all the brush and trees under the lines, checking all the lines and convertors and breakoffs to make sure they are in good condition. They spend upwards of a million + each year doing this to help reduce the chance of fires happening. The problem with CA is that they have active laws and regulations that prevent the power companies from doing this type of work. You can't clear the brush out because a rare prairie dog might being living near it, or a rare lizard could live there. Its plain stupid to make regulations like that, that prevents doing preventive work and then turn around and blame the company for causing the accident.
@@Toom316 I really appreciate your insightful well thought out answer.
I still think by the 22nd century our power grid had actually better be completely underground, and powered by renewables.
If electrical engineers can wire a skyscraper they can certainly wire America.
Very few people have the vision for such a national project (focusing on Mars instead) but such an important one when it comes to acclimating to the current climate "Cycles."
@@punkagrrlzero that's what they said to the railroad Barrons of the 18th Century, but you can ride a train the whole way across America today. Some people have vision and ambition for the human species, some have the giggles.
I don’t hear DonOLD crying about or screaming about the electric company not doing their job. They should be accountable for rebuilding all those people’s homes.
Some stupid people don’t realize Trump is not President until 20 Jan! When he was President he told Newsome how to fix the problem and he ignored him . Serious IQ problem in lame DemoRats.
Hawaii ,California all over the U.S. and Laser weapons have been accomplished. Now all of a sudden neighborhoods burn down………
Not houses not buildings whole cities. Think about it.
You think we are not being judged? You think this was not coming?
Is "Laser weapons have been accomplished" supposed to make sense?
Edison's equipment didn't cause the fire, just like PG&E's equipment didn't cause more than 30 fires. See you in court Edison! Karma is ever so sweet.
Always blame the Power company and sue for bilions.
Expect power bills to skyrocket again! 😮😮😮
Supposedly 2 people got arrested for starting fires.? Who paid them to do so
You mean like in Hawaii?
That is Lahaina in Maui - yes one of the islands that had the horrendous fire not that long ago.
I've been posting this was going to happen. It's called a laziness liberals you put the money in your pocket nuisances oh we'll discuss it within our city if you want funding you're going to discuss it with the world so get prepared
They used this same BS to explain the Lahaina fire. What they CANNOT explain is why strange things are REPEATING themselves... sirens failing to sound the warning, water not being available, Top end 'leadership' shifting blame down to local jurisdictions... and then there's that thing with the seemingly 'fireproof' color BLUE...
Would not release video….hmmmm
This story sounds familiar. Funny the people in Lahaina have been trying to get media attention for over a year but media has been hiding their findings. Why is this?
Blame utility company?
Same strategy from maui
That's what they did in that Northern California fire a couple of yeard back. IIRC, it was the Camp fire and PG & E got sued bigtime.
@@hallmobility and then their equipment caused a number of other fires in the ensuing years
It is time to get rid of electricity in Cali! They have all that sun leave them with independent solar systems.
You're not wrong. PG&E has blocked anyone from doing this in the name of profit.
Replay yours and every other California weather report from last year’s atmospheric river events.
Every one , every time opened with ,
“ Folks , this rain is nice , but we’re going to pay for this when the vegetation grows and we enter another fire season .”
It’s January.
No water system could have delivered enough water to stop a fire in 80-100 mph winds at entire blocks .
The triple digits is where nature has become landowner again.
It’s like house with 8 bathrooms, you have them but can you actually turn all 8 on AND flush every toilet, plus water the lawn , fill the pool , etc.???
No highway system can deal with everyone leaving at once .
Enter a canyon on a hike or drive and you at risk for flood , fire or landslides.
Build and live in a canyon and well , expect bad to someday happen .
Build sprawling housing developments with a maze of intersections so you maximize profits per foot and you saw the results.
Less than 2 dozen deaths is a miracle and shows some serious work was done .
Underground high tension across those canyons in earthquake country?
Yeah right .
Those same developers built up north and we see the fires in eastern Washington towns burn as those human made ember farms turn on when man makes a mistake.
A down power line should be accurate to determine the cause. Still suspicious about Sylmar and Palisades.
Nope. Not falling for this excuse!! I lived in Altadena CA! Lahaina ring a bell??? PARADISE CALIFORNIA, TALENT OREGON RING A BELL!!
I know a couple who lost their house in Altadena & one of them told me on Tuesday night that a downed power line via the mega-high winds started that whole fire, i don't know what all this mystification's about.
These people's got to tell people's anything to cover up everything
Let me guess… they’re going to jack up PG&E to pay for everything?! 🤔
Not pge area call maybe Southern California Edison.
Of course! Migrants and homeless people don't have billions of dollars to sue for.
Why dont they put those.lines undwrground aince those winds are so common.
California voted for the power lines to be buried 10 YEARS AGO but Gov Gavin Gruesome DIDNT FO IT!!
Those are the main transmission lines. You can't run those underground in that area.
Mountains. That's why.
I evacuated for Eaton Fire and want this evidence publicized as widely as possible. I work with utilities and it is worth noting that a power line does not have to fall to the ground to start a fire. Arcing between power lines can occur when there is dust in the air or when lines stretch and swing close to each other in high winds. These arcs then drop tiny fragments of molten metal (sparks) or burning debris to the ground.
And maybe caused by a poweline coming down as a result of the pole burning in a fire started by a homeless arsonist…
Swiss Cheese model for safety was alive and well here and we know the results.
This isn’t the first time California has had these type of winds.
Ask why power companies spend more to run ads about global warming and not clearing brush or trimming trees.
Ask why power wasn’t cut to avoid sparking and fires.
Ask why state water management failed to have water to fight fire.
Ask why, during known high winds, fire rig and personnel were not prepositioned?
Ask why the LAFD Chief doesn’t have staffing at the correct levels?
Ask why the state rewrote insurance laws.
Ask why the state gov spent billions of illegals instead of fire protection?
Ask where families will live, kids will attend school, how builders will rebuild and where building supplies will come from?
Ask how many insurance companies will pay full claims or how many will seek bankruptcy to avoid payments.
C'om maaan you know the THING, it was purposely set on fire..
High winds of 50 mph on mount charleston in Nevada meant power was cut for 3 days for all residents. Interesting how 100 mph winds here were seen as safe for power draws
not sure I'm believing it
Looking for a deep pocket, surprising it took this long!
Arsonist did it! There's been reports of arrests.
Different fire.
They let him go says no evidence he did...
This makes more sense than arson.
Wildfires happen, especially when our eco defenses are down, like having dry brush everywhere.
LAFD has stated on camera the vast majority of the fire calls they receive are started in homeless camps.
They arrested a guy trying to start houses on fire with a yellow map gas bottle...
Homeless suspect arrested. Found, detained in Woodland Hills by neighbors.
Person had a torch on bike. Was talking about burning things.
That's neighbors, witness testimony, local station.
LA has a bad issue with homeless and junkies causing fires.
Check LAFD records. Downed lines and arson etc can be possible.
More than one possibility.
@@aintrunnin6608They let him out immediately despite multiple witnesses.
@ aintrunnin6608 The police said today the guy is not a suspect.
Reality is stranger and more boring than fiction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They really need to fix power lines everywhere because this is the second uncontrollable fire created by downed power lines.
Luckily PG&E received a massive bailout a month prior to the fires from grandpa Joe
If PGE shut power off they that it has burnt out the power under ground
Yep. I saw it feom my work in Rowland Heights around 11pm. Looked like part of the sky was on fire. Crazy looking zig zag formation
Thats not normal DEW sparking...
Cant wait to go full electric here in California
And how I that going to help?
I had nothing to do with it!
Do time for arson?
CA has refused to care for the forests for most of my lifetime. A hiking friend used to complain about wanting land to go back to nature and 5 years later bitching they could no longer hike his forest areas due to overgrowth.
Right and that same powerline started all the other ones at the same time? The guy with the blow torch riding around on his bicycle was just out running errands then. And so was the other guy someone caught on camera setting things on fire and calmly walking off.
Body language says otherwise
Bullshit! Prime Real Estate! Wake up! Follow the money! Who stands to gain! Enough with the BS!
I believe they ,most of them, were started by the homeless living in the canyon. There were many of them hopefully they got out
Wasting tax dollars
Water department
Electric company
Parks recreation
Insurance companies
All at fault
Terrorist arsonists copycats
RIP 🙏 prayers and justice ⚖️ for the families
So, arson theory isn't the case here?
Yet you won’t put the lines underground.
Mountains dude. Learn things.
Sounds like another case of " Not my fault ".
Shut off all electric power forever. Problem solved.
Ban all assault vehicles including bicycles!
I AM sure that they are going to " BUILD IT ,BACK , BETTER . " 15 MIN CITIES here they COME!!!!!
Hey, “we can not afford to clear the brush”. we needed to safeguard c-suite bonuses
This is what happens when the power company spends more on renewables than exsisting infustracture.
Bro we saw the illegal immigrant with a flame thrower get arrested stop gaslighting LA residents
This man makes a HUGE POINT good for him for pointing it out!
Very true, they do not take care of EATON Canyon as much as they should!
The east gets snow and power lines fall, but don't start fires. It's usually sunny in Cali and almost no rainfall, and seasonal rip roaring winds. Elevated power lines present a clear and present danger. The grid is 150 years old.
Fake news
Correlation doesn't not equal causation
why arent power lines designed to withstand the wind ?
It is called putting them underground but that costs money needed for undocumented and homeless in California
Why are they not underground like water and sewer and gas.
Because the present nationwide system cost 8 to 15 trillion dollars and no system is capable of staying up without continued expensive maintenance. We could have used the money spent on Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Israel to upgrade it, but nobody contacted their representatives and told them to stop meddling in other countries. Do you?
And pge took 150 million set aside for maintenance and gave it to shareholders. Then doubled rates to pay for the neglected maintenance and the lawsuits for burning NorCal down.
@@Renee-xo8hk PG E has always been crooks and alwaysbought off every State politican in California
Powerlines need to be underground in all at risk communities. No state and local fire prevention policies including regular brush clearance should have been implemented years ago. Lack of infrastructure investment is a reason the fires have been so damaging.
Billions of miles of power line are above ground on poles everywhere in the country, they don't start fires. Ground clearing, tree cutting and pole maintenance are the solution. Burial is not always necessary or possible. Do better with what you have. The Electric company can only do that, if you let them. Too many "Environmental" regulations lead to dangerous conditions. No meetings should be involved in these critical maintenance tasks, just do them with no questions asked. Trees , lizards, mice and birds are not more important than your house burning to the ground.
And here we go......
The photo/video evidence speaks for itself. Should have been a priority, near heavily populated areas, to get power lines under the ground.
what evidence?
Stop being dumb. We can't bury lines in mountains.
I heard it was started by an electric filling station sparking.
No video no proof
Preventable if they had cameras with object detection watching these power lines and the second a single spark was seen, automatically kill power to the area.
Our electric grid is a MASS of extension cords criss-crossing over such a massive area, that is prone to massive 100 mph windstorms every year since the early 1900's. We have had 125 years to start burying lines. Now we should make Solar mandatory. End the greed of these power companies. 😮
So this whole thing is exactly like Maui. Even the plans to build a 15 minute city. Literally genocide.
They caught the women who started it
No matter what it was nuisance fault for having no water
Coincedentally this occured at exactly the same time as Palisades and Hurst fires.
CA should be putting $ into upgrading power lines instead of wasting $ on wind turbines!!!!!
So its the power lines fault fires couldn't be put out. GOT IT.👍
Exactly no water not enough firemen and equipment and slow response to when brush fire reported at 1032am on 01/8
Will they arrest the power company for arson like they did to that old lady in palasades?
Not the Nation, rather The Twins of The Power Elite & Oligarchs. Most Americans couldn’t tell you where Myanmar/Burma is let alone what shenanigans the American Govt & Business are up to in SouthEast Asia
Take down the wires. Put underground wiring way way safer
Same origin for the McKenzie River Fire, Oregon 2020 They need to cut the power sooner in these storms
Yeah Thats What They Said About The Hawaii Fire!!!
Remove all
Power lines from Cali. Shut power off forever.
What's good about your house still standing when you have nothing around you.. no store, no food, no neighbors and probably no power. You still have to go 🤷🏾
Origin of fire, house is fine... what?