"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years." -- Mark Twain --
@Penderyn True. But that isn't what the quote is saying. It's not about the father getting wiser. It's saying that the son grew up and got wiser about what his father was truly doing.
@Penderyn Well no shit. So are some mothers, and there are some who aren’t around at all. Doesn’t make the quote any less relevant to the fact the majority of 14 yr olds are ignorant of real life.
I’m 63 years old and I cry like a baby every time I hear this song. I have a wife, married 41 years, 4 “kids” and a grandson, and I still struggle with my father passing some 28 years ago. You never completely get over the loss of someone close. But keeping their memory alive is the best thing you can do. Thank you for this reaction! Much love! 🎶❤
Wow ......... I am exactly the same age (no wife/kids), and my father died 28 years ago too. This song is my trigger song, it always gets me upset, but I love the song, and it's good to be reminded to think of him now and again. Just don't tell me that you were born in March too ........ haha 😉
My father has been gone 31 years and I still feel it. And I was on vacation in Hawaii when he died, so the line about not being there when his father passed away really gets to me. And for more info, I of course had to leave in the middle of my trip and fly back. I live in Chicago and it was an 8 hour plus flight home and the movie shown on the plane was "Coupe De Ville". It's about 3 brothers whose father asks them to drive a car cross country to his home. And of course, the father dies at the end of the movie, like I really needed to see that at the time.
My dad introduced me to this song when I was a kid. In 2020, he was dying and I sung this song to him before he died...I'm sure he was very proud of me. R.I.P dad 😢
My Dad took care of my sick Mom for almost 40 years and raised 4 Boys by himself, worked hard, never missed any of our Ball Games, never spanked us or hollered at us, never let on that things were tough on him financially, I love thinking about him and crying happy strong proud tears, I pray I get to see them both again
I’ve started telling everyone close to me that i love them at the end of our phone conversations. It make me feel really good inside to get that out, and I believe that makes them feel good too.
I had my dad until he was 92, but Mom passed when she was 54, over 30 years ago. She followed my sister who had died the year before. I miss them all fiercely. This song is so true. Say it loud and clear!
This song means SO much to me because my beautiful beloved DAD happened to be listening to this one day when I was playing it in my room and he came in and listened then I saw tears in his eyes because he had experienced this with his father. That generation didn't know how to express themselves and my DAD had regrets about not saying what he wanted to his dad before he passed away. I love you so much DAD.
I can give you an example from experience. I didn't get on with my father for many reasons. I left home at 16 and saw him 4 times over the next 30 years. At family gatherings. We were cordial. I got a call from my sister one day to tell me that he was in hospital. I thought about it for a moment and said : "Let me know when he gets out. I'll go pay him a visit. "If he sees me walking through the door he'll think his time is up". That actually occurred to me. I didn't want him to be scared. Two hours later she called me back and told me he had died. It actually came as a shock. Like a punch in the stomach. I have lived with that regret for 20 years. That's what this song is about.
I tried to think how can i help you, like, i really wanted comfort you, and then reality kicks in and you realise your out beer, so good luck and i'm certain you will find a path, bit like mine to the pub.(living with regret for 20 yrs is too long)
This song came out just as my mum passed away and I was 19 years old. She got hit by a car crossing the street just in front of her workplace and the woman drove through a red light at 80kph and 3hrs later mum went. She was halfway thru a divorce from my dad and she was about to be happy, for the first time, in re 35 years only to go, yet I do believe now that she is in a much happier place. So instead of getting ready to be happy on the physical plane, she was getting prepared to go to a much happier place than what she ever could have had here. That night, I, my sister and 4 friends all felt her presence once we got home, so no one can tell me we die upon "death" and that spirits don't exist. I still talk with her today some 34 years later and I feel her around me. PS. She went the moment my dad walked through the hospital doors.....I guarantee she was floating around, saw him, and said, I'm outta here. She hated him that much
I just recently lost my father from cancer. He did not live long after he was diagnosed with it. My daughter, grandson and I moved in with him for the last few years. Growing up I appreciated my dad a lot but as in this song, we did not always see eye to eye. I could rub him the wrong way with out trying. A couple weeks before he passed we talked about it. He said no matter what, he loved me and appreciated me taking care of my mom through her cancer and then taking care of him in the end days. I got to tell him I loved him and appreciated him as a father. Am so glad I had that chance in the end so we both knew that our friction was understood and never held against each other. Miss you Pops.
This song surfaced daily on the radio the week I lost my father. No matter where I was the song was playing. It was so spot on that is was paralyzing. It's been 35 years now and it still kills me to listen to it. We were fighting over the proper care for my mentally ill brother. The WWII generation was no equipped to deal with mental illness. He laid brain dead for 3 days. Finally a sweet nurse gave us a perspective of her experiences with the dying. I was still young, 29 and not equipped with the wisdom to understand the circumstances. We went back into the room and said our goodbyes. I told him his ill son would be cared for as long as I was alive. I wasn't done with my speech and he squeezed my hand, lifted his arm from his side and rested it over his heart, let out a gasp and expired. 36 hours and I just didn't understand we could communicate. Never let your loved ones go without communicating, because it is too late once they have died, and it tugs at you forever. Peace!
I always felt very fortunate that both my parents lived until I was in my 50s so I got to know them both as a kid and an adult. They went from being my friendly heroes to being my heroic friends. Lucky to know what special people both Mom & Dad were. Still, this song gets to me with its message. Thanks for reviewing it.
I'm going on 47 and still have both parents and even both grandparents on my mothers side, who I have lived near all my life. One is 91 the other is 88. They are now raising up their great-great grandchildren in their laps. I consider us some of the luckiest people on earth.
One of the best songs ever written, if not the best. I can't play this song without my eyes starting to water. It's so emotional and taps into the very essence of human life, strong family bonds, the fact that we are all going to get old and die and how losing the people who brought you into this world and loved you is so painful, particularly when stupid things and silly disagreements spoil your chances of spending quality time together whilst it is still possible. The songwriting is astounding for this reason and the way the sounds are put together, along with the superb vocal quality, it lifts it to a height that is hard to surpass. These were the days when you had proper artists, proper musicians, something valuable and important to say - and not just dross churned out like that which dominates pop-culture today. There may still be good stuff out there if you look hard enough - but it certainly isn't being played in the mainstream.
@@pezmezsez9565 Yes, that's true enough. We never know what's around the corner, be it for ourselves or the ones close to us. It must always be difficult to come to terms with a loss of somebody no matter the reason and no matter the age, perhaps particularly so when there's been silly arguments and disagreements that's kept folk at a distance and it was never resolved. Many of us take so many things for granted.
Whether it's his solo work or in a group I've always loved Paul's soulful voice. I think Phil Collins said it best: "His voice is so wonderful that he could sing the phone book and make it sound good". 👍🏻
My dad died in 1989 when I was in Korea. On the plane's music loop this was the first song I heard. First time I had ever really listened to it. Made for a long flight home.
I was 14 when my father passed away. He was 41 when he died. I am 50 now, and this song came out the same year he died...and the song gets me every time.
The church at 5:35 is Culbone Church in Somerset. The smallest parish church in England. After years of watching this video, I never knew where it was until I visited it when walking the south west coast path earlier this year.
The only reason I watch this couple is because I love the happy and jumpy and cheerful attitude of this tiny ball of joy this girl is with her sweet and happy personality (that guy is sooo lucky…) but I’ve never seen her mood change as with this song… I saw her pretty eyes watering and a furtive tear at the end and for the first time I’ve felt her pain and subtle feelings come out in the clear… I didn’t think I would ever witness her soft and sensitive side… Thank you for your beautiful reaction and dude, hug that girl for once, you have a Real Treasure by your side… ❤
I agree wholeheartedly bro. I'm not here for the lyrical interpretation... I know how to read. I love to watch Lex feel what real music can do for your heart and soul. I'm here to see real heartfelt reactions to the classics from my generation. When you had to have talent. There is so much great music from early on ... took me years to realize. Happy to see younger generations experiencing and appreciating it. Oh .. and listen to Phoenix-One Brad. Love on that girl. I have watched almost all of your vids and have never seen you love her. She is far more important to your channel than you realize ... trust me. ❤🎉❤
I played this song at my dad's funeral. Every time I hear it it brings a tear to my eye. Before he passed, I never gave a thought that he would die. I liked this song when it came out, but it didn't have any meaning for me. When he got sick, I heard this song and listened to the words. That's when it hit me. This song has so much meaning for me now that dad has gone, I get choked up. Never had a chance to mourn losing him. I had to be the strong one for the family. They wouldn't come see him when he was sick. I had to keep giving them updates until he passed. A few weeks after he passed, this song came on the radio, and I let it all out. It meant a lot when I played it at his funeral, but hearing it again was like him telling me he was alright and he loves me.
Brad & Lex, Paul Carrack on lead vocals, also sang lead on Squeeze’s “Tempted” and Ace’s “How Long”! All hit songs. Their “All I Need Is a Miracle” was another big hit, with Paul Young on lead vocals.
In 1974 Ace played at a hole in the wall neighborhood bar on New Years Eve,. My step mother had the receipt they were paid, I think it was $250. No longer there, it was Arties Tavern, Staten Island, NY
The talent that Genesis had and evolved into solo artist like, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins. With Mike Rutherford creating Mike and the Mechanics to Paul Carrack and Paul Young. I just love hearing how just a few bands stretching and morphine into many others. The Yardbirds, which you listened to recently, is one of those starting points. Love this song and been waiting for you guys to React to it.
Makes me cry every time. This came out when my Dad died and I realized all the things in my life he would miss. My wedding, my kids and his grandkids. Never take your parents for granted. You could turn around and they will be gone. 💙
This song came on the radio when my dad passed in '95. Really hits home now just as much as it did then. All of the stuff I could have said or did that I didn't...I've lived with that regret. Tell them while you can. Before it is too late. Great reaction as always guys.
This guy, Mike Rutherford, was the guitarist/bassist with the band Genesis with Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, and Tony Banks. The singer Paul Carrack had this top ten hit, Tempted with band Squeeze, and How Long Has This Been Going On? With his own band Ace. Three top ten hits with three different bands through three decades.
Great reaction, and congratulations on the upcoming birth of your child. Growing up in the 60's/70's /80's the spectrum of Rock and Roll is vast and deep. From simply saying I love you to a girl, to sharing your regrets about not telling your parents everything you should have. I love your channel and I hope this song will remind everyone that life is short. And to make sure we say the things necessary to those we love. Especially, "I Love you." Before it's too late.
A great memory from my younger days. I had a hard life with a lot of physical abuse, I got to see my step father as an adult and set things right with him. I never had that opportunity with my mum, she was too cold. I never went to her funeral, sad but I have no regrets. This song is so memorable and meaningful. Great reaction to a great song !!
My stepfather pass in 2003 I was so glad I got to tell him how much he really meant to me. He taught me to fight for what you want out of life and if they knock you down you've got two choices you can stay down and watch the world pass you by or you can pick yourself up and show all of them what you're made of. I was lucky to have a good stepfather who I could look up to 27 years in the Navy E-9, very proud of my stepfather.
This song came out months after my grandfather died, and I caught my dad crying as he listened to it. He and his father weren't necessarily at odds, but they ended up in very different places, my dad was a peace and love hippie, and my grandfather was a straight-laced company man. This song hit my dad exactly where he was when it came out. I have since seen more of my grandfather in him, but he's also truly himself.
Phil Collins said about Paul Carrack (the singer here), 'He could sing the phone book and make it sound good.' Great song and can't imagine anyone else having sung it.
This is a very powerful song. Most children don't understand some actions/decisions made by parent until we too achieve adulthood. Unfortunately, as this song goes, it's too late as our parents will have aged & you have less opportunity to speak to them honestly before they pass. Personally, I wish I was smart enough, during my youth, to know it's alright to have differences of opinions. A lifelong lesson we learn when it's too late. 😢
I haven’t heard this song since my dad passed away a few years ago…and now I’m here bawling my eyes out. There are a few of these songs, that make me remember those I’ve lost, that always get the waterworks going, without fail. Now this is on the list. Lol!
the moment I saw this on the feed I just knew that Lex would love it and connect with it. it is a beautiful song filled with passion, love and regrets. and it carries a deep and meaningful lesson in its lyrics.
I lost my Dad due to a car crash in 2000. He and my Mom were divorced and I was always angry with him because of that situation. As I grew up, he and I became close. He grew up and helped me through my early adult years. Damn, I miss that guy. Great song that speaks to your soul. Thank you for sharing.
This song is a reminder of just how lucky I am. I'm 63, my father 87 and mother 84. While they are indeed elderly, they are in good health and of sharp wit. Since I was able to retire early, and they have a 3/4T truck & 5th-Wheel trailer they haven't really used in a few years, I took them on an 11 day camping trip along the Clearwater, Salmon, and Snake rivers in Idaho and the Imnaha River in E. Oregon. My Dad loved riding in the passenger seat able to sight-see and scenery soak (instead of having to drive) as we drove along the rivers and through the mountains, and my Mom simply enjoyed the whole experience. I was the "designated driver". ;-)
This song definitely took on a different meaning when I lost my mother at age 14 which was only a few years after this song came out. I love this song and it is so true, at least for me. Everyone is different and the circumstances of losing their parents is different. Such a great song.
I feel for you, Lex. My father passed away on Feb 7 2019 after a 4 month long fight with stage 4 cancer. So we didn't have a lot of time to adjust after the initial diagnosis. But it also became crystal clear to me and all of my siblings how lucky we were to have gotten to know him as adults. It is a blessing that not everyone is able to share. Hug your parents hard and often!
Lex, I saw you wipe a tear 😢 away, I had to wipe a few away myself. I was blessed to have my father around to walk me down the isle at my wedding in August 1977. I was 19 y/o. My dad passed away at barely 55 y/o. February 21, 1981 was his birthday and he passed away March 28, 1981, 41 years ago and I still think of him every day. John and I have been married 45 years now. Time goes by so fast. My Mom was 52 at the time. She’s 94 now. Never remarried, they were soulmates. I know he’s in Heaven just waiting on the rest of us. ❤😊💙
It kills me every time i hear this song. Lost my father when i was about 7. I'm now 35, it never goes away. I'm thankful for this song because it reminds me of the short time i spend with him. Great video guys.
This song makes me a little emotional, because I wasn't there with my father when he died. That lyric often gets to me. Leon Redbone recorded a beautiful song on this same subject called 'Bittersweet Waltz.' I think it would be a very different reaction from you guys, because it's not the type of music you usually react to.
This is a very powerful song that unfortunately speaks to many people who have broken or incomplete relationships. It inspired me to write a poem based on it a while back. Thanks for sharing it.
Spot on, Brad. “It too late, when we die . . . “ Okay, we don’t agree. You’re still my mom/dad/brother/sister/friend, so let’s agree to disagree, hang out, barbecue & listen to good music. How it oughta be. Nice job, you two. You were both swaying in perfect (though unaware) synchronization. That was VERY COOL to see.
Sums it up for me and my dad! He left town two weeks after my 18th birthday. We talked on the phone for twenty minutes every Saturday... baseball and the weather... superficial obligation. Then he died, and then I had a child. I cried every Father's Day for years wishing he had gotten to know my daughter... I still think she could have opened him up the way I never could.
I have been dreading this moment for years. Loved this song but it was only a matter of time before I lost my Dad and it had more meaning. That happened this morning. Its some strange cosmic twist that you chose this song today. Thanks for all of your reactions, really love to watch them and see you experience songs I have loved for years for the first time.
Mike of the Machinacs, guitar player, and leader wrote this song about his father. Did not take to each other for years. By the time of the birth of his son, it was too late. The pain!!! Vocals by Paul Carrack from Ace, Squeeze, Mike and the Machinacs. Everyone can relate someway to this brilliant piece of work. God bless you all ❤
This song gets you hard, right in the _feels_ .... I _knew_ Lex would start crying when the song went: _"I'm sure I heard his echo in my baby's newborn tears"_
Mike Rutherford wrote this with BA Robertson after realising their fathers had died at a very similar time then when working with Paul Carrack, the singer (he comes from my home city of Sheffield) he told them his dad had died when he was only 11. Mike is not only the guitarist in the vid he's also the guy with the lad - who's his, then 8yr old, son.
I've always loved this song. It always brings tears to my eyes because I remember the relationship with my natural father (or lack thereof). When he was in the hospital he was showing everyone pictures of my daughter saying, "This is my granddaughter," when he could have met her and talked to her. She never got to meet him.
I can not listen to this track. My wonderful Dad died when he was 53 and I was 22, 38 years ago Even though we hardly never argued, he was my hero and I loved him so much. I never got to know him. Never knew 'fred' the man he was just my dad. 😢 and I still miss him every day. Tell your parents you love them as often as you can because one day you won't be able to.
Lost my Dad when I was 19 , and really was just beginning to relate to him. Got to be carer to my Mum for a few years near the end of her long life and hope I paid back some of the care she had lavished on me.
Gets me every time. I'm 62, have 26 and 24 yr old kids out on their own now; my Dad passed when i was 16 from the widow maker. The last thing Brad says here is spot on... you may not agree on everything but you have to move past it and get on with each other. You have little windows to interject a point of view and hope to God it sticks. I am very proud of my kids and the fine adults they have become and don't expect them to live my life, but their own. And Lex is right, take care of your own self as well is so important. So, if you make your kids successful enough to fly the nest and make it, did you not do your job after all?
Hit me back then and still does😔my father wasn't a good to me and I so wish I had the chance to say my piece before he past but I didn't so anyone in that situation should do it for yourself before it's to late👍
The 'Mike' in this band is Mike Rutherford, founding bassist of the band Genesis. This was one of his side projects, between Genesis records and tours, during the 1980s.
The key person in this band is Mike Rutherford who is guitarist in band Genesis. Original lead singer Paul Young sadly passed but a mainstay of the band was for a time Paul Carrack
If you have a new perspective on a different day, and don't give up and don't give in you may just be okay. My favorite line, and stuck with me since the 80s. I love there are no guarantees! It's what we put in, and put out! You two are great! Bringing the music I grew up to back to life. Lex you make my heart beat faster! Rock on!
Great choice. Especially given this new chapter in your life. Another great piece of work. I've owned since its release. And it still moves me. Puts a lump in my throat. I think everyone can relate to, in their lives. "A new perspective "
The thing is you have to confront your parents and forgive them, which doesn't mean you suddenly agree with their ways but you stop hating them - then you will love them. That's what the lyrics talk about I think.
I remember when this came out my dad would came out my dad would always say “see one day I’ll be gone and you’ll miss me”. I was a teenager and laughed him off. He passed away March of this year and the song really hits home now
I’m 58 years old. My dad died when I was 17. I still cry when I hear this song. It always gets to me. The other song that gets to me is Jimmy Buffett, “The Captain and the Kid.” It makes me think of my grandfather. Maybe y’all could react to that one? Buffett did some videos during the pandemic that are on TH-cam called, “songs you don’t know by heart.” His daughter interviewed him and asked questions about the songs then he played them on an acoustic guitar and sang them. It looks like they recorded them in a spare room in his house. I’d love for you guys to react to some of these.
Beautiful classic "So don't yield to the fortunes you sometimes see as fate And if you don't give up and don't give in You may just be OK..." They can be hard to find on TH-cam but there are a couple of live versions of this including with a church choir that will really get you in the feels
Brad You got it! Proud of you for really getting it. Yes he’s talking about how he didn’t see eye to eye with his sad but they could’ve talked about it when he was alive they could’ve agreed to disagree. They could’ve moved on they could’ve still loved each other and he regrets that he didn’t do that! Right on, Brad! By the way you’re a little son Jack is absolutely gorgeous.❤❤
"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years." -- Mark Twain --
I use this also. I was going to write this but you beat me to it. Lol
@Penderyn True. But that isn't what the quote is saying. It's not about the father getting wiser. It's saying that the son grew up and got wiser about what his father was truly doing.
Thanks, Mark - I love old Sam Clemens
@Penderyn Well no shit. So are some mothers, and there are some who aren’t around at all. Doesn’t make the quote any less relevant to the fact the majority of 14 yr olds are ignorant of real life.
I’m 63 years old and I cry like a baby every time I hear this song. I have a wife, married 41 years, 4 “kids” and a grandson, and I still struggle with my father passing some 28 years ago. You never completely get over the loss of someone close. But keeping their memory alive is the best thing you can do. Thank you for this reaction! Much love! 🎶❤
I do too.
Wow ......... I am exactly the same age (no wife/kids), and my father died 28 years ago too. This song is my trigger song, it always gets me upset, but I love the song, and it's good to be reminded to think of him now and again. Just don't tell me that you were born in March too ........ haha 😉
My father has been gone 31 years and I still feel it. And I was on vacation in Hawaii when he died, so the line about not being there when his father passed away really gets to me. And for more info, I of course had to leave in the middle of my trip and fly back. I live in Chicago and it was an 8 hour plus flight home and the movie shown on the plane was "Coupe De Ville". It's about 3 brothers whose father asks them to drive a car cross country to his home. And of course, the father dies at the end of the movie, like I really needed to see that at the time.
Grief is the price you pay for love
Sobbing lol
My dad introduced me to this song when I was a kid. In 2020, he was dying and I sung this song to him before he died...I'm sure he was very proud of me. R.I.P dad 😢
Wow thats amazing...my condolences...
Condolences to you and your family he is definitely proud of you
Thank you, everyone. Much appreciated 👍🏿
Sorry you had to go through that - take care and am sure he was very proud. As a father your always proud of your kids
My Dad took care of my sick Mom for almost 40 years and raised 4 Boys by himself, worked hard, never missed any of our Ball Games, never spanked us or hollered at us, never let on that things were tough on him financially, I love thinking about him and crying happy strong proud tears, I pray I get to see them both again
You will. God is good.
So many who have lost loved ones understand exactly what this song means.
I’ve started telling everyone close to me that i love them at the end of our phone conversations. It make me feel really good inside to get that out, and I believe that makes them feel good too.
I had my dad until he was 92, but Mom passed when she was 54, over 30 years ago. She followed my sister who had died the year before. I miss them all fiercely. This song is so true. Say it loud and clear!
This song means SO much to me because my beautiful beloved DAD happened to be listening to this one day when I was playing it in my room and he came in and listened then I saw tears in his eyes because he had experienced this with his father. That generation didn't know how to express themselves and my DAD had regrets about not saying what he wanted to his dad before he passed away. I love you so much DAD.
I can give you an example from experience.
I didn't get on with my father for many reasons.
I left home at 16 and saw him 4 times over the next 30 years.
At family gatherings.
We were cordial.
I got a call from my sister one day to tell me that he was in hospital.
I thought about it for a moment and said :
"Let me know when he gets out. I'll go pay him a visit.
"If he sees me walking through the door he'll think his time is up".
That actually occurred to me. I didn't want him to be scared.
Two hours later she called me back and told me he had died.
It actually came as a shock.
Like a punch in the stomach.
I have lived with that regret for 20 years.
That's what this song is about.
I tried to think how can i help you, like, i really wanted comfort you, and then reality kicks in and you realise your out beer, so good luck and i'm certain you will find a path, bit like mine to the pub.(living with regret for 20 yrs is too long)
This song came out just as my mum passed away and I was 19 years old. She got hit by a car crossing the street just in front of her workplace and the woman drove through a red light at 80kph and 3hrs later mum went. She was halfway thru a divorce from my dad and she was about to be happy, for the first time, in re 35 years only to go, yet I do believe now that she is in a much happier place. So instead of getting ready to be happy on the physical plane, she was getting prepared to go to a much happier place than what she ever could have had here. That night, I, my sister and 4 friends all felt her presence once we got home, so no one can tell me we die upon "death" and that spirits don't exist. I still talk with her today some 34 years later and I feel her around me. PS. She went the moment my dad walked through the hospital doors.....I guarantee she was floating around, saw him, and said, I'm outta here. She hated him that much
I just recently lost my father from cancer. He did not live long after he was diagnosed with it. My daughter, grandson and I moved in with him for the last few years. Growing up I appreciated my dad a lot but as in this song, we did not always see eye to eye. I could rub him the wrong way with out trying. A couple weeks before he passed we talked about it. He said no matter what, he loved me and appreciated me taking care of my mom through her cancer and then taking care of him in the end days. I got to tell him I loved him and appreciated him as a father. Am so glad I had that chance in the end so we both knew that our friction was understood and never held against each other. Miss you Pops.
Well done mate,beautiful that you and your Dad got to see eye to eye at the end ❤
I'm sure Lex's papa is smiling upon her.
Always moved by this classic. Thank y'all.
Your kids are in great hands.
This song surfaced daily on the radio the week I lost my father. No matter where I was the song was playing. It was so spot on that is was paralyzing. It's been 35 years now and it still kills me to listen to it. We were fighting over the proper care for my mentally ill brother. The WWII generation was no equipped to deal with mental illness. He laid brain dead for 3 days. Finally a sweet nurse gave us a perspective of her experiences with the dying. I was still young, 29 and not equipped with the wisdom to understand the circumstances. We went back into the room and said our goodbyes. I told him his ill son would be cared for as long as I was alive. I wasn't done with my speech and he squeezed my hand, lifted his arm from his side and rested it over his heart, let out a gasp and expired. 36 hours and I just didn't understand we could communicate. Never let your loved ones go without communicating, because it is too late once they have died, and it tugs at you forever. Peace!
I always felt very fortunate that both my parents lived until I was in my 50s so I got to know them both as a kid and an adult. They went from being my friendly heroes to being my heroic friends. Lucky to know what special people both Mom & Dad were. Still, this song gets to me with its message. Thanks for reviewing it.
Beautiful comment ❤
You’re lucky. I was not as fortunate. 👊
I'm going on 47 and still have both parents and even both grandparents on my mothers side, who I have lived near all my life. One is 91 the other is 88. They are now raising up their great-great grandchildren in their laps. I consider us some of the luckiest people on earth.
One of the best songs ever written, if not the best. I can't play this song without my eyes starting to water. It's so emotional and taps into the very essence of human life, strong family bonds, the fact that we are all going to get old and die and how losing the people who brought you into this world and loved you is so painful, particularly when stupid things and silly disagreements spoil your chances of spending quality time together whilst it is still possible. The songwriting is astounding for this reason and the way the sounds are put together, along with the superb vocal quality, it lifts it to a height that is hard to surpass. These were the days when you had proper artists, proper musicians, something valuable and important to say - and not just dross churned out like that which dominates pop-culture today. There may still be good stuff out there if you look hard enough - but it certainly isn't being played in the mainstream.
Yeah, totally. I mean Let it Be and Hey Jude don't have sh*t on this.😂 🤣c'mon ,man
@@revwillyg6450 - I don't think they do.
@@epichouse534 Didn't mean to sound that douchy. That was supposed to be a friendly jab. It is a very nice song and music is very subjective. Enjoy✌️
Not everyone gets to die when they're old. Tell them how you feel when you do.
@@pezmezsez9565 Yes, that's true enough. We never know what's around the corner, be it for ourselves or the ones close to us. It must always be difficult to come to terms with a loss of somebody no matter the reason and no matter the age, perhaps particularly so when there's been silly arguments and disagreements that's kept folk at a distance and it was never resolved. Many of us take so many things for granted.
Whether it's his solo work or in a group I've always loved Paul's soulful voice.
I think Phil Collins said it best: "His voice is so wonderful that he could sing the phone book and make it sound good". 👍🏻
So true , a great voice , very expressive and soulful .
Proud to say Paul's from my home city of Sheffield 😁👍
My dad died in 1989 when I was in Korea. On the plane's music loop this was the first song I heard. First time I had ever really listened to it. Made for a long flight home.
I was 14 when my father passed away. He was 41 when he died. I am 50 now, and this song came out the same year he died...and the song gets me every time.
“I’m sure I heard his echo in my baby’s newborn tears”. What absolutely heartfelt and genius lyrics ❤️❤️❤️
The church at 5:35 is Culbone Church in Somerset. The smallest parish church in England. After years of watching this video, I never knew where it was until I visited it when walking the south west coast path earlier this year.
The only reason I watch this couple is because I love the happy and jumpy and cheerful attitude of this tiny ball of joy this girl is with her sweet and happy personality (that guy is sooo lucky…) but I’ve never seen her mood change as with this song… I saw her pretty eyes watering and a furtive tear at the end and for the first time I’ve felt her pain and subtle feelings come out in the clear… I didn’t think I would ever witness her soft and sensitive side… Thank you for your beautiful reaction and dude, hug that girl for once, you have a Real Treasure by your side… ❤
I agree wholeheartedly bro. I'm not here for the lyrical interpretation... I know how to read. I love to watch Lex feel what real music can do for your heart and soul. I'm here to see real heartfelt reactions to the classics from my generation. When you had to have talent. There is so much great music from early on ... took me years to realize. Happy to see younger generations experiencing and appreciating it. Oh .. and listen to Phoenix-One Brad. Love on that girl. I have watched almost all of your vids and have never seen you love her. She is far more important to your channel than you realize ... trust me. ❤🎉❤
This song always brings a tear no matter how many times I hear it! Paul Carrack is one of the best voices of that era!❤
I played this song at my dad's funeral. Every time I hear it it brings a tear to my eye. Before he passed, I never gave a thought that he would die. I liked this song when it came out, but it didn't have any meaning for me. When he got sick, I heard this song and listened to the words. That's when it hit me. This song has so much meaning for me now that dad has gone, I get choked up. Never had a chance to mourn losing him. I had to be the strong one for the family. They wouldn't come see him when he was sick. I had to keep giving them updates until he passed. A few weeks after he passed, this song came on the radio, and I let it all out. It meant a lot when I played it at his funeral, but hearing it again was like him telling me he was alright and he loves me.
That one quick wipe of the tear she made said everything. Loved this reaction video. Great job!!
Love this Song - It’s tough when you’ve already lost your parent (s) 😢. {hugs} to you Lex❣️
I know what you mean. I was a teenager when this song was new. I heard the words then....but now I know as a middle aged man what those words mean.
I never fail to be impressed by your insight, maturity & emotional intelligence. You will be great parents. Praying you avoid the storm! Good luck.
Brad & Lex, Paul Carrack on lead vocals, also sang lead on Squeeze’s “Tempted” and Ace’s “How Long”! All hit songs. Their “All I Need Is a Miracle” was another big hit, with Paul Young on lead vocals.
Paul Young of Sad Cafe of course and not of every where i lay my hat.
Just to clarify the first comment: "All I Need is a Miracle" is a song by *Mike + The Mechanics*
When you walk in the room is a great Paul Carrack song😀
In 1974 Ace played at a hole in the wall neighborhood bar on New Years Eve,. My step mother had the receipt they were paid, I think it was $250. No longer there, it was Arties Tavern, Staten Island, NY
Don’t Shed A Tear is my personal favorite by the great white soul singer Paul Carrack who now plays, sings, and tours with Eric Clapton.
You guys really did this song justice.
The talent that Genesis had and evolved into solo artist like, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins. With Mike Rutherford creating Mike and the Mechanics to Paul Carrack and Paul Young. I just love hearing how just a few bands stretching and morphine into many others. The Yardbirds, which you listened to recently, is one of those starting points. Love this song and been waiting for you guys to React to it.
Makes me cry every time. This came out when my Dad died and I realized all the things in my life he would miss. My wedding, my kids and his grandkids. Never take your parents for granted. You could turn around and they will be gone. 💙
This song came on the radio when my dad passed in '95. Really hits home now just as much as it did then. All of the stuff I could have said or did that I didn't...I've lived with that regret. Tell them while you can. Before it is too late. Great reaction as always guys.
This guy, Mike Rutherford, was the guitarist/bassist with the band Genesis with Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, and Tony Banks. The singer Paul Carrack had this top ten hit, Tempted with band Squeeze, and How Long Has This Been Going On? With his own band Ace. Three top ten hits with three different bands through three decades.
I love Lex reaction! She is always smiling.😊
This song always brings a tear to my eye.
Getting to know your dad (or mom) as an adult is something that I wish I had. Lex on point.
I appreciate you Lex showing your emotions with some tears. This song gets me every time.
I really appreciate Lex’s appreciation of music. Thanks to both of you guys.
Great reaction, and congratulations on the upcoming birth of your child.
Growing up in the 60's/70's /80's the spectrum of Rock and Roll is vast and deep.
From simply saying I love you to a girl, to sharing your regrets about not telling your parents everything you should have.
I love your channel and I hope this song will remind everyone that life is short. And to make sure we say the things necessary to those we love. Especially, "I Love you." Before it's too late.
so bloody glad you found this song. love you guys. sends love from south africa
A great memory from my younger days. I had a hard life with a lot of physical abuse, I got to see my step father as an adult and set things right with him. I never had that opportunity with my mum, she was too cold. I never went to her funeral, sad but I have no regrets. This song is so memorable and meaningful. Great reaction to a great song !!
My stepfather pass in 2003 I was so glad I got to tell him how much he really meant to me. He taught me to fight for what you want out of life and if they knock you down you've got two choices you can stay down and watch the world pass you by or you can pick yourself up and show all of them what you're made of. I was lucky to have a good stepfather who I could look up to 27 years in the Navy E-9, very proud of my stepfather.
This song came out months after my grandfather died, and I caught my dad crying as he listened to it. He and his father weren't necessarily at odds, but they ended up in very different places, my dad was a peace and love hippie, and my grandfather was a straight-laced company man. This song hit my dad exactly where he was when it came out. I have since seen more of my grandfather in him, but he's also truly himself.
Phil Collins said about Paul Carrack (the singer here), 'He could sing the phone book and make it sound good.' Great song and can't imagine anyone else having sung it.
This song goes straight for the heart. Always gets those feelings welled up.
This is a very powerful song. Most children don't understand some actions/decisions made by parent until we too achieve adulthood. Unfortunately, as this song goes, it's too late as our parents will have aged & you have less opportunity to speak to them honestly before they pass. Personally, I wish I was smart enough, during my youth, to know it's alright to have differences of opinions. A lifelong lesson we learn when it's too late. 😢
I haven’t heard this song since my dad passed away a few years ago…and now I’m here bawling my eyes out.
There are a few of these songs, that make me remember those I’ve lost, that always get the waterworks going, without fail.
Now this is on the list. Lol!
The sound of nostalgia, a rich wall of music, lyrics that touch you, & Paul Carrack's voice. A beautiful combination!!!🎶❤🎶❤🎶
Keep this song handy for future reference to relate to your babies when the time comes. You two are very special people!! ❤
the moment I saw this on the feed I just knew that Lex would love it and connect with it. it is a beautiful song filled with passion, love and regrets. and it carries a deep and meaningful lesson in its lyrics.
This song always brings tears to my eyes.
I lost my Dad due to a car crash in 2000. He and my Mom were divorced and I was always angry with him because of that situation. As I grew up, he and I became close. He grew up and helped me through my early adult years. Damn, I miss that guy. Great song that speaks to your soul. Thank you for sharing.
I can’t believe you’ve never heard this song…, I cry every time I hear it♥️ I lost my dad 25 years ago… and still miss him dearly.
This song is a reminder of just how lucky I am. I'm 63, my father 87 and mother 84. While they are indeed elderly, they are in good health and of sharp wit. Since I was able to retire early, and they have a 3/4T truck & 5th-Wheel trailer they haven't really used in a few years, I took them on an 11 day camping trip along the Clearwater, Salmon, and Snake rivers in Idaho and the Imnaha River in E. Oregon. My Dad loved riding in the passenger seat able to sight-see and scenery soak (instead of having to drive) as we drove along the rivers and through the mountains, and my Mom simply enjoyed the whole experience. I was the "designated driver". ;-)
This song definitely took on a different meaning when I lost my mother at age 14 which was only a few years after this song came out. I love this song and it is so true, at least for me. Everyone is different and the circumstances of losing their parents is different. Such a great song.
I cry like a baby when I hear this song makes me miss my mom so much
You are such good people, and very inspiring.
I feel for you, Lex. My father passed away on Feb 7 2019 after a 4 month long fight with stage 4 cancer. So we didn't have a lot of time to adjust after the initial diagnosis. But it also became crystal clear to me and all of my siblings how lucky we were to have gotten to know him as adults. It is a blessing that not everyone is able to share. Hug your parents hard and often!
Lex, I saw you wipe a tear 😢 away, I had to wipe a few away myself. I was blessed to have my father around to walk me down the isle at my wedding in August 1977. I was 19 y/o. My dad passed away at barely 55 y/o. February 21, 1981 was his birthday and he passed away March 28, 1981, 41 years ago and I still think of him every day. John and I have been married 45 years now. Time goes by so fast. My Mom was 52 at the time. She’s 94 now. Never remarried, they were soulmates. I know he’s in Heaven just waiting on the rest of us. ❤😊💙
It kills me every time i hear this song. Lost my father when i was about 7. I'm now 35, it never goes away. I'm thankful for this song because it reminds me of the short time i spend with him.
Great video guys.
This song makes me a little emotional, because I wasn't there with my father when he died. That lyric often gets to me.
Leon Redbone recorded a beautiful song on this same subject called 'Bittersweet Waltz.' I think it would be a very different reaction from you guys, because it's not the type of music you usually react to.
Same here 😢
Yeah, I probably won't be there either. My dad lives 8 time zones away and has parkinson's that's getting worse all the time.
@@vorbis4860 😥😥
This is a very powerful song that unfortunately speaks to many people who have broken or incomplete relationships. It inspired me to write a poem based on it a while back. Thanks for sharing it.
Very nice! I feel the conversation you had about this song is your best reaction that I have heard so far.
Spot on, Brad. “It too late, when we die . . . “
Okay, we don’t agree. You’re still my mom/dad/brother/sister/friend, so let’s agree to disagree, hang out, barbecue & listen to good music.
How it oughta be.
Nice job, you two. You were both swaying in perfect (though unaware) synchronization. That was VERY COOL to see.
This song makes me cry every time I hear it.
Beautiful song. There's nothing worse than regret.
Sums it up for me and my dad! He left town two weeks after my 18th birthday. We talked on the phone for twenty minutes every Saturday... baseball and the weather... superficial obligation. Then he died, and then I had a child. I cried every Father's Day for years wishing he had gotten to know my daughter... I still think she could have opened him up the way I never could.
This is beautiful song and the lyrics are certainly meaningful.
I forgot how great his voice is. This is a great song.
Lex is one of th most genuine and beautiful people .... Brad you are such a lucky young man ....appreciate
I have been dreading this moment for years. Loved this song but it was only a matter of time before I lost my Dad and it had more meaning. That happened this morning. Its some strange cosmic twist that you chose this song today. Thanks for all of your reactions, really love to watch them and see you experience songs I have loved for years for the first time.
Beautiful song. Beautiful message. Great lyrics.
Lex was tearing up a bit, yep powerful song and message right there not heard enough.
Mike of the Machinacs, guitar player, and leader wrote this song about his father. Did not take to each other for years. By the time of the birth of his son, it was too late. The pain!!! Vocals by Paul Carrack from Ace, Squeeze, Mike and the Machinacs. Everyone can relate someway to this brilliant piece of work. God bless you all ❤
Love your emotion Lex! God bless you guys! Stay safe with the hurricane situation!
oh my congratz y'all. That child is blessed to have parents like you. Congratz and keep on keepin on.
This song gets you hard, right in the _feels_ ....
I _knew_ Lex would start crying when the song went: _"I'm sure I heard his echo in my baby's newborn tears"_
Yes, that song is deep, but so are you guys. Don't ever lose that, please, don't ever lose that.
I've always loved this song. Now that I'm 52 it hits way different.
I listened to "Silent Running" just yesterday.
Their whole first album was perfect to me. Still love it.
Mike Rutherford wrote this with BA Robertson after realising their fathers had died at a very similar time then when working with Paul Carrack, the singer (he comes from my home city of Sheffield) he told them his dad had died when he was only 11.
Mike is not only the guitarist in the vid he's also the guy with the lad - who's his, then 8yr old, son.
I've always loved this song. It always brings tears to my eyes because I remember the relationship with my natural father (or lack thereof). When he was in the hospital he was showing everyone pictures of my daughter saying, "This is my granddaughter," when he could have met her and talked to her. She never got to meet him.
I totally understand shipmate..
@@garyg1602 Thank you, Brother.
I can not listen to this track. My wonderful Dad died when he was 53 and I was 22, 38 years ago Even though we hardly never argued, he was my hero and I loved him so much. I never got to know him. Never knew 'fred' the man he was just my dad. 😢 and I still miss him every day. Tell your parents you love them as often as you can because one day you won't be able to.
Real meanings so many songs don't have this ! I Miss this type of music the world needs more of it 😊
Lost my Dad when I was 19 , and really was just beginning to relate to him. Got to be carer to my Mum for a few years near the end of her long life and hope I paid back some of the care she had lavished on me.
Gets me every time. I'm 62, have 26 and 24 yr old kids out on their own now; my Dad passed when i was 16 from the widow maker. The last thing Brad says here is spot on... you may not agree on everything but you have to move past it and get on with each other. You have little windows to interject a point of view and hope to God it sticks. I am very proud of my kids and the fine adults they have become and don't expect them to live my life, but their own. And Lex is right, take care of your own self as well is so important. So, if you make your kids successful enough to fly the nest and make it, did you not do your job after all?
Hit me back then and still does😔my father wasn't a good to me and I so wish I had the chance to say my piece before he past but I didn't so anyone in that situation should do it for yourself before it's to late👍
When this came out, I remember it being the first time I saw my dad cry. I also see new things as I grew up through his eyes
The 'Mike' in this band is Mike Rutherford, founding bassist of the band Genesis. This was one of his side projects, between Genesis records and tours, during the 1980s.
I love that you guys understood this song on every level. And yes, I weep each time.
The key person in this band is Mike Rutherford who is guitarist in band Genesis. Original lead singer Paul Young sadly passed but a mainstay of the band was for a time Paul Carrack
My father passed away 2years ago. I feel the sandwich between his lovely memories and the snuggles from my 8 years old kid... this is real
If you have a new perspective on a different day, and don't give up and don't give in you may just be okay. My favorite line, and stuck with me since the 80s. I love there are no guarantees! It's what we put in, and put out! You two are great! Bringing the music I grew up to back to life. Lex you make my heart beat faster! Rock on!
Great choice. Especially given this new chapter in your life. Another great piece of work. I've owned since its release. And it still moves me. Puts a lump in my throat. I think everyone can relate to, in their lives.
"A new perspective "
This song ALWAYS makes me cry. Reminds me of a strained relationship with my Father that we never got over and he passed away before we could
The thing is you have to confront your parents and forgive them, which doesn't mean you suddenly agree with their ways but you stop hating them - then you will love them. That's what the lyrics talk about I think.
I remember when this came out my dad would came out my dad would always say “see one day I’ll be gone and you’ll miss me”. I was a teenager and laughed him off. He passed away March of this year and the song really hits home now
Paul Carrack has such a phenomenal voice. He sang “Tempted” when he was with Squeeze and also “How Long” with the band Ace.
I’m 58 years old. My dad died when I was 17. I still cry when I hear this song. It always gets to me. The other song that gets to me is Jimmy Buffett, “The Captain and the Kid.” It makes me think of my grandfather. Maybe y’all could react to that one?
Buffett did some videos during the pandemic that are on TH-cam called, “songs you don’t know by heart.” His daughter interviewed him and asked questions about the songs then he played them on an acoustic guitar and sang them. It looks like they recorded them in a spare room in his house. I’d love for you guys to react to some of these.
This is one of my all time favorite songs. Makes me think of my Dad (R.I.P)
Paul Carrack, one of top 10 vocalist of all time. 🇨🇦
Beautiful classic
"So don't yield to the fortunes you sometimes see as fate
And if you don't give up and don't give in
You may just be OK..."
They can be hard to find on TH-cam but there are a couple of live versions of this including with a church choir that will really get you in the feels
Brad You got it! Proud of you for really getting it. Yes he’s talking about how he didn’t see eye to eye with his sad but they could’ve talked about it when he was alive they could’ve agreed to disagree. They could’ve moved on they could’ve still loved each other and he regrets that he didn’t do that! Right on, Brad! By the way you’re a little son Jack is absolutely gorgeous.❤❤