when and where did Churchill say, "Never in the field of human conflict have so many fought so often over so little of space". He quoted, on the 20th of August 1940, as the battle raged on, Winston Churchill give another of his famous rousing speeches. Paying tribute to the fortitude of the Royal Air Force, he coined one of his most famous lines, ”Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. '
Here is the pesher of Rev.16: 16. 'The seer took Erastus to the place of the assembly of military leaders in the SW area at Qumran, where priests came down to the latrine in an unclean state '. ///Jews who were going to fight for Jerusalem would come to the unclean SW area of Qumran, which because of one of its uses could be called A-R-Magedon. A priest was of class A (Aleph) & Grade R (Resh). An A-R was a sanctuary priest. The tribe of Dan had 2 parts, Great Dan & Little Dan. Great Dan in Greek is Mega-Dan. So combining A-R with Mega-Dan means 'a sanctuary priest who is in the unclean place: the latrine'..
What? I thought all things on Tik-Tok and FB was true. (Dripping with sarcasm). Can you provide links for your study on Revelation? God’s favor on you all!
Some people are gonna be humbled at some point.. The real Megiddo, though not exactly same spelling but very similar, is still where it was over 3000yr ago. Somewhere deep inside Africa. Though your ancestors likely duplicated another version in the middle-east. Interesting time. Crazy world.
Good job. A little too long on things that don’t quite relate to why I was looking for. No one believes history is more important than me but it was a little much before the explanation. Knowledgeable podcast for sure.
How much of God's Wrath on Egypt was figuratively?? What is the greatest nation in the world right now now..if not America!! What nation has the richesses of the world if not America!! You're spiritualism of Revelation is diluting the power of His Spoken Word. When does it become physical a reality ?
So informative, my favorite lectures/sermons/studies are the ones that give biblical context to biblical stories or passages. Thank you.
Great job brothers! I really enjoy your shows. Keep up the great work!
Interesting study. We are about to start studying Revelation in our Wednesday night Bible class at church.
Can our congregation book Aaron for a Gospel meeting?
Thanks for breaking it down. Lots of nuggets
Where is the link to Aaron's personal TH-cam page??
Here you go! th-cam.com/users/aarongallaghertv
Love from the UK 🇬🇧
A gold mind of info! Good job boys! 🙏 🙏
Where can I find your Revelation series?
Mount of Congregation not hill of meggido. All significant things happened Mt. Moriah. Further translate the second part, it is so important.
Just what I was looking for
when and where did Churchill say, "Never in the field of human conflict have so many fought so often over so little of space". He quoted, on the 20th of August 1940, as the battle raged on, Winston Churchill give another of his famous rousing speeches. Paying tribute to the fortitude of the Royal Air Force, he coined one of his most famous lines, ”Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. '
History is cool.. i agree... pls continue.. 😊
Revelation is not a bad dream its a warning to us who are still here to see it happen before us.
Here is the pesher of Rev.16: 16. 'The seer took Erastus to the place of the assembly of military leaders in the SW area at Qumran, where priests came down to the latrine in an unclean state '. ///Jews who were going to fight for Jerusalem would come to the unclean SW area of Qumran, which because of one of its uses could be called A-R-Magedon. A priest was of class A (Aleph) & Grade R (Resh). An A-R was a sanctuary priest. The tribe of Dan had 2 parts, Great Dan & Little Dan. Great Dan in Greek is Mega-Dan. So combining A-R with Mega-Dan means 'a sanctuary priest who is in the unclean place: the latrine'..
'its figurative language, figurative language, figurative figurative " okkkkkkk dude we get it. So what does it mean?
What? I thought all things on Tik-Tok and FB was true. (Dripping with sarcasm). Can you provide links for your study on Revelation?
God’s favor on you all!
Here you go! th-cam.com/users/aarongallaghertv
Some people are gonna be humbled at some point.. The real Megiddo, though not exactly same spelling but very similar, is still where it was over 3000yr ago. Somewhere deep inside Africa. Though your ancestors likely duplicated another version in the middle-east. Interesting time. Crazy world.
The Mountain of Sorrows, (the losers)
in contrast to Mount Zion the church (the winners)
Get on the winning side. The Lord’s Church (Romans 16:16)
Good job. A little too long on things that don’t quite relate to why I was looking for. No one believes history is more important than me but it was a little much before the explanation. Knowledgeable podcast for sure.
How much of God's Wrath on Egypt was figuratively?? What is the greatest nation in the world right now now..if not America!! What nation has the richesses of the world if not America!! You're spiritualism of Revelation is diluting the power of His Spoken Word. When does it become physical a reality ?
Armageddon is coming