Dallas' Kenny Goss opens up about George Michael and the future of their arts foundation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Dallas' Kenny Goss opens up about George Michael and the future of their arts foundation. (Benjamin Robinson/The Dallas Morning News) For more: www.dallasnews....

ความคิดเห็น • 381

  • @aramosmd
    @aramosmd 7 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    You can see the frustration on his face speaking louder words than anything he's saying. I don't think he owes an explanation to anybody.

    • @dianevelasquez6211
      @dianevelasquez6211 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      personally I think he said a little too much. I get this all makes money for the foundation. I think he could have should have picked his his information a little better. So glad George didn't have to hear it. Thank you for your time and without saying I love George always.

    • @bradmanchester7843
      @bradmanchester7843 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Any more surgery on his face and its not going to move at all...

    • @soulfireonfire6423
      @soulfireonfire6423 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      George was still supporting him! $21,000.00 a month. He sued Georges Estate!
      So for 7 years till George died. George supported him.
      Now that’s George’s businesses that’s his business.
      But from a point of view just as a grown woman.
      This was an heir and art dealer!
      He was an Art Dealer when he met George. Very very expensive Art.
      So this guy inherited family money, was an art dealer so he had to have accumulated expensive pieces himself as there were a few ?George had in house . Then you get supported by GM for 15 years, after you break up for 7 more years. So he told the courts he and George were supposed to have papers drawn up in 2005 as having a domestic relation ship.
      Well George was either releasing an Album, or performing somewhere at a high end venue with a long engagement and they thought the media would just destroy him as they always did , so they put it off.
      But for 6 years. Yes they were still together.
      But that is important so why didn’t they get it done!
      Then there was a media smear over the entire deal and backstabbing Elton. John mr hypocrite , Establishment axx kisser. Started his crap and again in 2019.
      So Kenny all this time has been supported by GM and will be for the rest of his life, as he did win in court.
      Only lawyers were aloud to keep copies of the final agreement to be absolutely sure that the settlement was kept private.
      My pint, have a little self respect as a man. He had money he was born into money, what happened to it, if he was left money through family, means he grew up a rich boy, inherited, was an art dealer and through him being an art dealer set up this foundation for young artist, because of GM, that bears part of the name of GM and Kenny , that he will forever be associated with the most musically gifted vocalist , and in every other area of the art of music, that the music industry has ever seen.
      His name is attached for ever to George Michael who sold more albums and records etc then anyone in the music business ever!!
      His name is attached to GM who was the second biggest philanthropist to come out of the music industry in the WORLD!!
      And he still wanted part of his estate!! Have a little fing self respect ! This man has probably never had to work a day in his life, but look what George went through his entire career!
      The minute that man went after Sony
      ( the establishment) he was doomed! Starting with the warning in 98 in California!
      That was his first warning that you need to shut up! This is after he lost the case.
      Walked out of the court house, gown the stairs, straight to the news vultures, and continued to our the corruption in the music industry and added in the insinuation, cleverly that the judicial system was also corrupt. By dimply stating if the letter of the law was followed he clearly should have won.
      So GM states in a meeting with Sony and his lawyer, I don’t care , not doing any promoting , not doing any videos, not touring! Not doing it! So Sony decided ( seriously 🙄) they just couldn’t have GM’s negative image on their label so THEY DECIDED to let his contract be bought out , only to another label, ( you mean another leg of the establishment😏)
      So that happened and the idiots if the music business, that by the way, both George and Andrew revealed, in later interviews after Wham, were clueless.
      So George, while the two labels are negotiating, was spinning the wheel in his head to somehow come out on top after being screwed because all artist are getting screwed. Remember that!
      So after the deal was come to George stated , I want $10 Million up front, not as a loan or cash advance to what I will make because obviously we know I already made, in their pockets, Sony $150 Million in a matter of being on the label for a mere 3-4 years.
      So It’s not an advance it’s the money I deserve for giving you and Sony the opportunity! If I don’t get it it’s no deal. I want it up front when the deal is signed!
      They did it!
      George had millions from Wham and millions from Faith. He had the money to pay the $3 Mill in court cost in the Sony case. He knew all the labels were connected in someway that’s why they wanted him to shut up.
      So basically what he did was negotiate a contract under his terms, with $10 Million because your lucky to have the opportunity because I let you attitude.
      Turned around gif the $10 million.Paid Sony there $3 million and banked the rest that brought his balance in the bank at that point at that point, to I think it said $68 Million.
      So really since he knew all the labels were connected somehow. Sony basically paid for their own court cost!
      And he banked $7, non negotiable , million dollars!
      But he knew in the back of his mind they were just going to keep coming after him and they did eventually wear him down.
      Cover of one of his final Albums it was evident!
      The one with his face and the shadow over one eye!
      His music video of umm is it Funky Freak something like that! Symbolism all over the place in that video
      He eventually had to bow to the establishment.
      Who knows maybe they cut him a deal or he thought they did. Him being trusting!
      I find it mind boggling that so many don’t find almost statistically impossible that a man who wrote a hit song about Christmas in the early stages of his career, that was almost finished doing a documentary, that a movie was being made in regards to that song, which was a favorite time of year for him, who’s mothers birthday was on that day, who was the most important person in his life. So if he cherished her he cherished the day she was born.
      So why would he want to end his life , on the same day a person was given life, who eventually gave him life.
      Doesn’t make sense but what makes it even absurd it more “ “ Yeah ok! “ is.
      The second most important person in his life he was closest to who was actively trying to halt the rumors and thievery of his money and property, Happens to die 3 yrs later on that same day, day and happens to be his sister whom he was closest to who was fighting the estate grabbers, past and current partners, and defending any negative allegations portrayed by the last partner and a woman who claimed she had a baby by GM, that just happened to live in Switzerland which is significant in itself, also dies 3 years to the date, on the same day! Almost everything happening just like the day he died down to the hours, etc…
      Sure that shxt happens everyday!!!!
      Even though people who he had been friends with since he was a child, experienced together, fame from Wham saw and spoke to him just days before his death and said he was fine.
      A woman took photos and video of him the week before Christmas in a studio recording , that posted them and said,
      George Michael did not look like that before he died. Thst photo is from July these are from the week before Christmas!
      That George, his partner and his partners father flew to Austria in November , the middle or end of November to see the doctors that treat him when he had a viral pneumonia and almost died flew with his partners father as he was having health issues and George was paying to have him checked out. So the doctors that are supposed to be the best in the world in handling issues like what happened to GM, while touring, looked him over in November. Which means pertaining to his prior health problems of having pneumonia, a tracheotomy, would be checking over what ?
      His breathing, his heart, going X-rays in lungs. Hooking him up on machines that monitor his breathing depth and capability and his lungs.
      Doing blood work ups. Which Wouk’s definitely identify things like a failing liver,
      Didn’t catch anything like what the autopsy said. Just boom 3 weeks later all of these very serious illnesses just happen to manifest to a point where it killed him. That quick, just happen to manifest boom, just like that!!!!
      That his sister who was a diabetic and took care of her disease all her life, missed George so much that she sabotaged her diabetes some how so she would die.
      Really? How did she do that so meticulously to make sure not only did it happen that day, but that it was going to definitely work.
      I know two people who slipped into a diabetic coma, they are still alive! So my point is simply she could not guarantee her death as to die in the exact day! Two days prior did an update to George’s website with a very up beat holiday message!
      Some neighbored say she kinda became a recluse . Oh really a recluse like some are saying about her brother
      Or was it that she and her brother lived in multi million dollar beautiful homes, with beautiful landscaping and amazing gardens, and both would rather enjoy their time at home and sitting in their beautiful gardens, because they knew, him at his time and her at her time, knew the minute they walked out their homes, they would be stalked by Paparazzi and MSM looking for story or update they could massacre to fit a negative perception of GM.
      Sure it wasn’t that but they both became recluses due to being emotionally
      Sure everyone should believe that’s what happened!!!
      Sounds completely reasonable and statistically possible to me , said no one with a brain!

    • @halfbreed4life62
      @halfbreed4life62 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@soulfireonfire6423 so are you thinking Yogi faked his death? I've been thinking the surrounding issues sound awfully strange. I wonder if he went to his first love? But, I don't know if she could hide him that much. She is just a normal woman with a normal life. I wonder if Kenny's "allowance " is shut up money. He sure seems in a panic here. I know for a fact that he had Kenny sneak in her hospital room and check on her.

    • @halfbreed4life62
      @halfbreed4life62 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@soulfireonfire6423 EJ knew the woman Yogi had fallen for & wrote different corner for. It was & still is a secret who she is. George wasn't pretending to be gay as EJ thinks tho. He was seriously confused. Because he loved her so much. He just kept saying stuff...like "maybe luck is a lady" then there is the song Freeek. " you're such a sexy mama"
      Adding fuel to EJ's fire.
      So, if it all is a farce. I wonder if George knows that she's pining for him now. Regretting not leaving with him. When he went to get her.
      Then there's the song Alone (just come home) where Yogi speaks of being upset with his parents "for the f*g and white construction "
      There's also the line about something he said fading away. Like George was just waiting for ppl to to forget that he was gay. It ends with "and they let go"
      So, if everything is just falling in place. Plus Kenny losing it here in this video. If something is up it may be coming to a head soon.

  • @bananka4905
    @bananka4905 7 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I think he's afraid to say anything as the media would take off with his words.

    • @manuelaorb
      @manuelaorb 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Anna Kcmb yes, that's what I think, too. I'm sure he learned from his time with George what the media vultures are capable of so he's being very careful.

    • @Pussycatfeathers
      @Pussycatfeathers 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yes, I think so too...he knows how everything he says can be misconstrued and he is very wary of that...rightfully so

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Afraid to say anything? The man has said enough, don't you think ?

    • @chris2costacosta264
      @chris2costacosta264 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      He didn’t want to say to much because what he didn’t tell you in this interview he was in the process of suing the GM estate (against George’s wishes ) for a lump sum spouse cash settlement and he got it . George had left him Jack s### in his will.

  • @lindaplaidduck
    @lindaplaidduck 6 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I read that Kenny was trying to get a settlement from GM's estate because George didn't leave him anything. To me this interview is DISGUSTING because you can tell that he is guarded about every word coming out of his mouth... he can't complete a thought without looking at the people around him for approval. It seems like his attorney is sitting next to him telling him what to say and what not to say so that he doesn't ruin his case to contest George's Will . So the whole thing is about getting money from George's estate, not about his grief or true feelings for that beautiful man! He makes me sick! I hope I'm wrong about that but it's just my opinion that that's what this interview appears to be ... GM would be devastated that someone he loved so much and trusted completely is bringing to fruition some of the things that George hated most about people... Rest in peace George! Your fans love you and would never betray you or your memory!

    • @Boxframe98
      @Boxframe98 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      That is true - when he went after the estate I was done with Kenny. And Fadi's explanation of what happened and what he did makes no sense. I wish they would open the investigation. Very, very suspicious. And the family had to pay off Fadi to get out of the house after months of trying to get him to leave. He threatened to write a tell-all book about him and George. The family paid him off just to get him out of the house. He also waited until I don't want to be too graphic but until way past the time George died to call EMS. Very , very suspicious , just look at the videos on here about it.

    • @diana-cy4kj
      @diana-cy4kj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Margie George sure had a strange taste in men...

    • @donnavorbach215
      @donnavorbach215 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Margie You bring up good points. When money is involved it can bring out the worst. I am surprised that GM did not leave something for Kenny in the will. There was so much money! At one time he wanted to marry him? Strange.

    • @donnavorbach215
      @donnavorbach215 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ddrsdd D Most of humanity is deeply flawed. It may have made that person interesting...the hook! I have detached from a couple of life long friends and family never understanding how unhealthy they were until recently. I will be 60 in two days. Ido not think my experience is uncommon.

    • @diana-cy4kj
      @diana-cy4kj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Donna Vorbach It’s not strange - they split up years ago and both were with other people by the time George passed away. It’s not usual to leave a lot of money to your ex, is it? Also, I believe George gave Kenny a lot of money before they split up. Besides, George didn't really expect to die so early.

  • @PFCD
    @PFCD 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    So here you say Kenny that George wanted you to be happy and find someone to take care of you but he didn't mean money. But now you want exactly that, money from his estate nearly four years after his death. You claim you need it and deserve it to live on because you gave up your career even though you broke up 11 years ago. Funny how you weren't getting it when he was alive and we all know how generous George was. If he wanted you to have it he would have provided it to you then and now. You're one of the few people he loved and trusted and look what you are doing...shame on you...

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Some of you are saying that Kenny said nothing that GM did not already reveal: So let me ask you the following:
    1. When did GM say that a Psy asked Kenny not to leave ?
    2. When did GM say that Kenny flushed his drugs down the loo ?
    3. When did GM say that he stayed in bed all day, eating ice-cream and watching TV ?
    4. When did GM ever say that he was with that guy Norman Kirkland on Hampstead Heath as the media and Kenny eluded to ? I can go on and on.
    I think that Kenny is a con artist and as such a first class LIAR. Nothing that came out of his mouth was the truth.
    Also, which charities received the money that Kenny betrayed GM's memory for ?
    How much of the betrayal money is going into Kenny Goss' pocket as salary - 80% -90% how much ?

    • @donnavorbach215
      @donnavorbach215 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      June P Woo Wow, you opened up a can of worms! Interesting!

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    GM lived his life his way and he SELECTIVELY CHOSE what he wanted to share with his fans. Kenny is free to share KENNY's sordid life that KENNY'S had with other men but he was totally wrong to share anything about GM. HE WAS NOT GM's SPOUSE

    • @MaríaPilarEstebaranzGamero
      @MaríaPilarEstebaranzGamero 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @aprildannette9820
    @aprildannette9820 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    George died of a Heart Condition lets move on from how he died and just remember how he lived

  • @nicolefortin4771
    @nicolefortin4771 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Kenny , thank for sharing this with us. Our thoughts are with Kenny and George Michael'S Family. THank for this beautiful music he given us.

  • @nessieness5433
    @nessieness5433 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    And now mr Goss wants a piece of the inheritance. Makes you think...

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Kenny Goss I believed exploited GM in life and in death. Here is what true love looks like and what a true soulmate does for the one he loves..
    Anselmo proved his love for GM - not in words but in his deeds. Anselmo gave his life for GM's happiness. Anselmo returned to Brazil for treatment when he could have easily received treatment in the UK or US but he did not want the Paps and media to make GM's life a living hell as we all know that they would have done. GM said that was the reason he was still 'angry' with the media because he felt Anselmo would have still been alive.

    • @dorothyhodge985
      @dorothyhodge985 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      June P Woo I'm 68. Lost a Brother, 10 year old cousin and a good friend to aids. Anselmo had aids when he met George. George was truly blessed not to have contracted aids from Anselmo. I love GM'S music and he was drop dead gorgeous. Never understood his lifestyle. During the 80s there was not enough known about aids and people were so afraid of individuals with aids. Anselmo did not want to be labeled as George Michael's Hiv boyfriend.

    • @fidanbakirova3769
      @fidanbakirova3769 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It has nothing to do with George actually. Anselmo preferred to be treated in Brazil just because he was from a Catholic family which would never accept Anselmo's lifestyle. In order to be able to keep things in secret he had to get treated not in UK or USA. His treatment in the UK would make headlines and his family would feel very much ashamed.

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@fidanbakirova3769 George had said Anselmo chose to go to Brazil for treatment because the press would swarm all over George and he did not want that for him - Your account of things is skewed to make Goss look good - Goss is an opportunist - George found that out soon enough to kick him out

    • @marcnshawny
      @marcnshawny 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@junepwoo4529 No, Fidan's account of things is exactly what GM said himself and has nothing to do with Goss.
      "Anselmo had been HIV-positive, George explained, and for years, instead of going to a doctor in Los Angeles or Britain, Anselmo had flown back to Brazil whenever he needed treatment. He had been trying to keep his Catholic family from finding out. Ultimately, George believed, seeking treatment in Brazil may have cost Anselmo his life." Here, George opens up about why this experienced turned him against the media.
      Oprah Winfrey Original airdate: May 26, 2004

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    There is a father mourning his son but added to that he has to listen to Kenny Goss betraying his son - what a heart wrenching thing for GM's father to endure at the hands of Kenny Goss - all for Kenny's greed. A little man with an inferiority complex.

  • @Pussycatfeathers
    @Pussycatfeathers 7 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    This is difficult to listen to, I think the press should leave him alone...he is so obviously not ready to talk about George.

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You are kidding me. Kenny is the one who reached out to the press

    • @jr9249
      @jr9249 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah I definitely agree. Kenny is in bad shape and they shouldn't be doing interviews with him.

  • @davidherranz1978
    @davidherranz1978 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    RIP George. Wish that George and Kenny didn't split up.

  • @stayinalive2880
    @stayinalive2880 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Nobody knows what they meant to each other, but as far as this strange interview goes it looks to me like Kenny was willing to tell more but his handlers didn't want him to say anything that might jeopardize his now well known claim on George's estate. Shame on you Kenny, I expected this out of Fadi but not you.

  • @theequaliser8026
    @theequaliser8026 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Sounds like his on some kind of drugs to me

  • @millieortiz7681
    @millieortiz7681 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Everyone grieves differently. I don't think he was ready to talk about it and possibly on something to help him cope with it. You can tell , he can barely get his thoughts together. I feel so sad for him. Again everyone grieves differently. No matter what, they were together for approximately 13yrs. A relationship that isn't In the public eye has issues, imagine what they had to endure. We all have insecurities, struggles and demons. Most of us hide or don't talk about them. Take care Kenny. Rest in Peace, Paradise and Love George!!

  • @PM-1819pm
    @PM-1819pm 7 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Sorry Kenny, I dont care what u say now. No one helped George. Cannot forgive anyone. Its abit too late to talk about anything now. Its just sorrow and pain.

    • @SuzLa1
      @SuzLa1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      George had lots of people who loved and cared for him. He had a great father and loving sisters. He kept his friends since childhood who stayed loyal through fame. I think the tabloid media played a part in making him feel bad and humiliating him.

    • @bananka4905
      @bananka4905 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Annie Alexander this was a weird video.

    • @patmath2506
      @patmath2506 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Anna Kcmb nothing weird on this video just a man obviously crushed by the death of George and who is telling us what kind of man George was. George was not alone. He still had his father and his 2 sisters and friends. Kenny was family

    • @SuzLa1
      @SuzLa1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I think he was lucky with the numbers of people who loved and cared for him. He had an amazing family. His mother died but he had his dad and two sisters. He was still friends with those he trusted and went to school with such as David Austin, Shirley, Andrew Ridgeley. Shows how down to earth he really was, as less talented people than him drop all their old friends when they become famous. I was just a fan and used to worry about him, but what could I do?

    • @bananka4905
      @bananka4905 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Pat Math you dont know me or what i meant. the media is most likely acting kenny and he didnt know how to respond. thats the wierd i was talking about

  • @jerimoretti7333
    @jerimoretti7333 7 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    I find this to be so BIZARRE. He can barely speak a coherent sentence, and the way he casually says HE DIED & because he's DEAD...? For someone that was the love of his life as he claims, he sure seems casual & unaffected. What a doofus.

    • @TheHappyheart77
      @TheHappyheart77 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I think that`s the PA s or media behind him.Notice he keeps turning? Someone`s saying something to him.Probably what TO say ,and what NOT to..:(..Kenny ,my heart breaks for you.x

    • @GeorgeEver
      @GeorgeEver 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      It seems that he's stressed out.

    • @zzz11666
      @zzz11666 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yes, being with someone that long, it would be hard to say he DIED or DEAD. I would say he passed or he's gone. Just out of respect. I would still feel awful because they spent a lot of years together.

    • @ara2021
      @ara2021 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I am the same feeling; it is bizarre...

    • @mculbert1467
      @mculbert1467 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      At times he sounds annoyed with someone. What's with the "oh I can't go there either?" Who is there telling him he can't say that George wanted him to be happy. Definitely odd in parts.

  • @jeanc1610
    @jeanc1610 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not feeling this guy at all.

  • @tracymcginty.2860
    @tracymcginty.2860 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Natural causes eh .... God & Angels took George Media must be sad losing $$$$ on any further character assassinations Also Its been Hell for us no closure & Fadi Fawaz REST IN PEACE GEORGE 💗

  • @marisoldiaz8260
    @marisoldiaz8260 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    He seems fake

  • @diana-cy4kj
    @diana-cy4kj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kenny wasn't as media savvy as George was. That’s understandable, because he never had to deal with the media like George had. He said things he shouldn't have said, but that’s OK, I suppose.

  • @Foxxxtrottt64
    @Foxxxtrottt64 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kenny is lying that they never yelled at each other or fight. GM always said Kenny is the one who knows how to make him fight, & the song that he wrote to Kenny... "My American angel doesn't want to fight"....GM didn't give him the song til after a couple days on completion, because GM said that he & Kenny " just had a massive row" & that the dogs think he GM was the boss, because during their fight he George Michael shout the loudest!t They fought all the time because of GM cheating/ cruising.....Kenny had a problem with that & it made him into an alcoholic. At the beginning of their relationship they vowed to be monogamous, but then GM eyes started wondering, til he was forced to come clean with Kenny......Kenny is a Liar & very inarticulate.....I really dont understand how GM who was so brilliant really related to him.
    Kenny was considered among their friends as " "Kenny Longsuffering" because he really loved George Michael. So he put up with GM promiscuity.

  • @deerheart87
    @deerheart87 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    lovely kenny, lovely george xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Goss' parents are all deceased so why would he care about GM's father's feelings

  • @annadecara9534
    @annadecara9534 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Grazie Kenny Goss ❤

  • @sharonvanert
    @sharonvanert 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    George truly loved love him. The pictures of them together were so touching.

  • @johnalex7078
    @johnalex7078 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don’t think this homosexual is a nice person at all.

  • @carlito3859
    @carlito3859 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Made the best looking couple both beautiful People

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It is expected that a lot of so called friends would betray GM after his death but they did not claim that he was the love of their life, they did not claim that he was their soul mate but Kenny Goss did make those claims and it is unforgivable that he is the one who has betrayed GM in the worst way. GM lived his life his way and he SELECTIVELY CHOSE what he wanted to share with his fans. Kenny is free to share KENNY's sordid life that KENNY'S had with other men but he was totally wrong to share anything about GM. HE WAS NOT GM's SPOUSE

  • @elisabethls1371
    @elisabethls1371 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    So many people who like to gossip around here #petty.

  • @arielledavisson8172
    @arielledavisson8172 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow! Even the Dallas News is not objective, honest or decent! He wasn't opening up. If you're just looking for dirt. (Still. After the poor guy died.), Leave his grieving former partner and forever friend ALONE! Geez

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Here is a dare Kenny: Publicly give the media the names of the charities that you have donated the money you received at GM's expense

  • @chrisv.4071
    @chrisv.4071 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I got the idea goss didn't like trump ......I wonder how he likes living in Texas now with the border problem biden caused !!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @byculla6
    @byculla6 7 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    What a strange person!!

    • @anniealexander2870
      @anniealexander2870 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes I agree with you.

    • @thenicestpersonafteryou1533
      @thenicestpersonafteryou1533 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      what makes you say that ?

    • @kslucki
      @kslucki 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Similar impression here, too. I was thinking how could've such an intelligent, articulate and sensual person like GM choose people like Kenny (who can't even complete one full sentence) or that last one the hairdresser... boggles my mind... For Kenny I can even make a sense out of it, but for the hairdresser....

    • @tracymcginty.2860
      @tracymcginty.2860 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      S. Opposites attract ! Plus George creative & very visual , both men very good looking, plus both have creative careers hairdressing ,art gallery .... Xxx

    • @kslucki
      @kslucki 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      TRACY MCGINTY. hmm, I guess you have a point there. This guy has some class, too. But the last one.. Oh, well, mind cannot comprehend what heart does..

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Past your sell-by-date Kenny - move along. GM sent you packing years ago

  • @DenCleBren
    @DenCleBren 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not very articulate for being a business man... This was very wired and he couldn't even say a proper sentence like he was on something. Give me a break. Why he gets so much attention is beyond me.

  • @chris2costacosta264
    @chris2costacosta264 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    All said and done he sued the estate of GM after his passing for a shed load of cash in spouse maintenance the family on George’s instructions didn’t want to give him a dime but he got it.....I wanna Throw up 🤮 listening to al his BS! $$$$$

  • @1210ksmith
    @1210ksmith 7 ปีที่แล้ว +213

    This was the hardest celebrity death for me to take. This man's music was the soundtrack to my adolescent years. I hate that he's gone, but I'm glad he's not suffering anymore. There's been stories of extreme loneliness and bouts of depression. How the media ripped him apart during the 90's...I'm glad you're not suffering George. Thank you for the beautiful gift of your music you've given us. My heart goes out to Kenny and George Michael's family. What a dreadfully painful loss.

    • @victoriawashington565
      @victoriawashington565 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      beezle1210 I couldn't agree more!!! I Loved George! He was one AMAZING human being! now Heaven as gained another sweet Angel 😇😇😇😇

    • @laminage
      @laminage 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Kenny was in comparison to Fadi a much better boyfriend. George and he had an "Open" Relationship and that to me was very dangerous in this day and age of AIDS. Also Kenny was a recovering Alcoholic who got help but George never seemed to get help for his Addictions most notably to Drugs (Illegal & Prescription) which eerily is similar to Michael Jackson & Elvis Presley. What I loved about Kenny was that although he didn't have the same Bank that George had, he had his own Money and as far as I know didn't take anything from George when they broke up.

    • @suzannel8926
      @suzannel8926 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I don't think you can judge who was the better boyfriend. Saying that is like tabloid gossip

    • @SuzLa1
      @SuzLa1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      I think he was very lucky, and I don't mean having lots of money or fans. He had a close family with great sisters and loving parents. He still had close friends since school. He knew his friend David Austin since they were children, and Shirley still thought of him like a brother. He kept in contact with Andrew Ridgeley. He used his money for good and to help others. I wish he wasn't so troubled though. I suppose the tabloid media played a part, and of course drugs which mess with the mind. I used to worry about him, but what could I do?

    • @tracymcginty.2860
      @tracymcginty.2860 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I agree with you Its the hugest loss to all of us DEEP LOSS All I know is George let Kenny GO ... Fadi supported him through the toughest times of his life pneumonia tracheotomy the lot ..its him been around George last five years of course Kenny Cares they've Art biz together ....Fadi truly emotionally suffering ... Listen to George speak of Fadi on radio interviews. When deep loss occurs we all want someone to blame ...this time its the person closest to him that was there through all the hard times just sayin !

  • @Nan-ly8zb
    @Nan-ly8zb 6 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I don’t think Kenny was prepared for the bullshit pressure from the media. I like the guy and believe that they had a real love between them but, like they both said, their demons won out.

  • @luciadelia5607
    @luciadelia5607 7 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Kenny told George he can "kiss as many as he wants I am still available because you are insatiable". It is in the song he wrote for Kenny, Amazing. Check it out!

    • @fidanbakirova2284
      @fidanbakirova2284 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which song is that? Could you write the name , please?

    • @diana-cy4kj
      @diana-cy4kj 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fidan Bakirova Amazing from Patiece album.

    • @shininglightstar843
      @shininglightstar843 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @georgegeorgiev3946
      @georgegeorgiev3946 ปีที่แล้ว

      "Darling, kiss as many as you want, my love's still available, and i know you're insatiable" :)

  • @Jackson_Hts_Mr_Randy_Watson
    @Jackson_Hts_Mr_Randy_Watson 7 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Sorry for your loss Kenny.

  • @hollyhobby6669
    @hollyhobby6669 7 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    These two were an awesome couple. I miss George...R.I.P. GEORGE MICHAEL

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Here is a dare for Kenny: He should publicly give the media the names of the charities that he has donated the money he received at GM's expense.

    • @Foxxxtrottt64
      @Foxxxtrottt64 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@junepwoo4529Lol😂😂😂😂 you're too doubtful.

    • @HoursaDay
      @HoursaDay 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @stewarthumphreys8960
    @stewarthumphreys8960 7 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Im just sorry Kenny and George couldn't stay together, they obviously felt so much for each other . .

    • @kathyhayward2228
      @kathyhayward2228 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      He George Michael did Not love him. N this guy Kenny is lying about this caring that much according to George Michaels family and what they said. " Remember that you tried to sue George Michael for part of his estate. His money went to his family , his God Children, donations to cancer society's n Aide's research. N a few other ppl who were woman.. probably in his Wham group . Is all I know.

  • @TheHappyheart77
    @TheHappyheart77 7 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I think ,from every interview I`ve seen with Kenny anyway ,that theirs was a real true love.Even when they broke up ,both spoke lovingly of the other.George even wrote a song for him.I get the feeling Kenny is totally genuine.Don`t know much about Fadi( ,his last b/friend) ,but I really don`t get the same feeling.After Anselmo ,this man was who George found true happiness with. May they both find peace now..George eternally ,and ,Kenny be happy in his future ,as George wanted him to be..

    • @labidimohamedkalil7616
      @labidimohamedkalil7616 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      George wrote two songs to him qt least at least and maybe three

  • @nomdeplume2213
    @nomdeplume2213 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    As a fellow Texan i can see his "southern hospitality", shyness and fear running his brain ragged. The man absolutely adored and loved George, as well as George loved him. This man isnt an international celebrity, he hasnt had years of interview coaching.

    • @diana-cy4kj
      @diana-cy4kj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly, he didn't know how to talk to the press.

    • @pghagen
      @pghagen ปีที่แล้ว

      According to what I read in Georges' biography, George himself ended the relationship with Kenny after 13 years.

    • @RocStarr913
      @RocStarr913 ปีที่แล้ว

      I give him a lot of credit for being so accessible to the press, especially after George was so private about his sex life for so many years.

  • @MsPrestige2009
    @MsPrestige2009 7 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    They seemed honestly in love, RIP Sexy George

  • @elisabethls1371
    @elisabethls1371 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    George Michael rest in peace.You have been loved.

  • @sb-ei7mt
    @sb-ei7mt 7 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Stop pressing him people !!! Respect George Thx Kenny for sharing with us After all we all human Love you too Kenny X

    • @jolandaherfst470
      @jolandaherfst470 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      sb 101

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      I guess you enjoy other peoples' misery / private life - must make you feel good about your own life - WOW

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    In Kenny Goss' quest for quick, dirty money, he disregarded the fact that GM's aged father must be suffering terribly from the death of his son but now he has to deal with this nonsense Kenny is peddling.

  • @RC-ku8pr
    @RC-ku8pr 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If it's not money you say about being happy why were you trying to take the money from his sister's in the Millions you said it belongs to you... I don't think so... His two sisters carry his DNA you don't.....

  • @chrisv.4071
    @chrisv.4071 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Poor George even in death the partners he loved were going through his pockets!!!! Kenny should be ashamed of himself!!!! But people like this have no shame!!!

  • @wenditale4278
    @wenditale4278 7 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I love GM over 30 years, but I dont like Kenny, sorry. The way he talks...I cant connect Michaels personlity with Kennys, they are so different. Although I think that Kenny had a hard time with GM despite all the love he is talking about...but George was so irresistible. A sweet angle disguised in a devil.

    • @jr9249
      @jr9249 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wendi Tale
      Yeah I agree that there must have been a lot of trouble. I would think it would be awful to see him or anyone you love under the influence of all those drugs. It paints such a pathetic picture. I cried when I found out that was what became of my first love.

    • @amydopson2946
      @amydopson2946 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wendi.....I don't agree with you, but I see where you are coming from. I live in the same town as Kenny....and he has an incredible reputation here, as an upstanding, honest, and very kind man. His business and personal lives have been beyond reproach, and remeber.....George and Kenny were together for a VERY long time. I think I need to defer to George's opinion on this matter. The time together between the two of them, speaks volumes....✌💖
      P.S. I too had to leave someone I loved so very much, because to see them in the throws of addiction, hurt far too much for my heart to ever bear....

  • @MsDawnnee
    @MsDawnnee 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    so bloody sad. They were both the love of each others life, but it did neither of them any good... at least they had many good years together. You can tell Kenny still loves him bless his heart

  • @dbddineen9521
    @dbddineen9521 7 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    Kenny has always come across as a decent person, I respect what he says, and am sorry for his loss

    • @madeleineglo7696
      @madeleineglo7696 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Kenny went after Georges family for money after his death, horrid little man, George left him nothing in his will, all went to family.

  • @annadecara9534
    @annadecara9534 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Love George ❤🌹🙏😭

  • @Africa-ky1bg
    @Africa-ky1bg 7 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Bless YOU Kenny ! 💞

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Here is a dare for Kenny: He should publicly give the media the names of the charities that he has donated the money he received at GM's expense

  • @chrisv.4071
    @chrisv.4071 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    He sued too and got money!!!!! Disgusting!!!!

    • @mindfulness1118
      @mindfulness1118 ปีที่แล้ว

      He’s a creep and a vulture.
      Piece of garbage.

  • @patriciafournier7462
    @patriciafournier7462 7 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Dear man seems a nervous wreck...someone keeps telling him "don't go there"...I believe he adored George ..so much so that the drugs, drinking, and cruisingfor sex -all openly admitted by George_ became too much for him to live with..May he and George's family now have some closure..George Michael will live on forever through his incredible voice and amazing music..

    • @bananka4905
      @bananka4905 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Patricia Fournier I was just thinking that

    • @mirellazancanaro6980
      @mirellazancanaro6980 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      tette. Le. Sottoscritte. In. Italiano. Altrimenti. Non si capisce niente

    • @ritamalgrati8262
      @ritamalgrati8262 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bananka4905 me too

  • @nawalaitelcadi7752
    @nawalaitelcadi7752 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    If only life would have kept you together, you both have been loved

  • @jamesmurphy-walsh8966
    @jamesmurphy-walsh8966 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Who is this man ? Like why don’t people be obsessed with themselves instead of other people . Attachment issues George maybe talented but he is just a human being !

  • @annakisfaludinebaan
    @annakisfaludinebaan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @exposingliars9824
    @exposingliars9824 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    He doesn't seem sincere. Something is not right here.

  • @patmath2506
    @patmath2506 7 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    heartbreaking interview Kenny really loves George. Those 2 loved each other that's why I don't understand the break up. George wrote 3 songs about Kenny if it's not love tell me what it is. I ache for Kenny and so sad that George is gone so soon too soon.

    • @manuelaorb
      @manuelaorb 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Pat Math They seemed so happy together but you never know what goes on within someone else's relationship. I'm not sure if you've seen the video in which George opens up about the breakup. If not, you can search "Where I Hope You Are" posted by Claire McGuire. I know George is at peace now.

    • @tommywilliams8170
      @tommywilliams8170 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Pat Math I don't understand it either.

    • @Mia444
      @Mia444 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      From what George sang and spoke about, it appears Kenny was even more "open" in their relationship than George was "(see the song "Spinning the Wheel" which is pretty clear about their issues). Also, George spoke of their demons being more interested in each other than they actually were (see my comment above). So, yes, they really loved each other, once. But, like a lot of couples, the love wasn't enough. It has to be backed by trust, communication and continued attraction.

    • @patmath2506
      @patmath2506 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Mia444 George said in the Attitude itw that spinning the wheel wasn't written from a personal point of view. When he felt that he couldn't stay in a monogamous relationship he immediately talked to kenny and they came up with an arrangement. Sure like many couples they had their difficulties but love wasn't the issue

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      For GM it may have been love in the early days, for Kenny it was gold digging

  • @annettelane659
    @annettelane659 7 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Just beautiful Kenny, thank you for sharing. Its so sad and our thoughts are with you.

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      WOW - you must get joy from hearing about others' private lives

    • @patmath2506
      @patmath2506 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      June P Woo that was his private life too they shared a life together whether you like it or not

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Pat Math why didn't Kenny share this when GM was alive. Kenny was GM's past but Kenny has to make it the present all in the name of money. Here is a dare for Kenny: He should publicly give the media the names of the charities that he has donated the money he received at GM's expense

    • @patmath2506
      @patmath2506 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      June P Woo this will be my last answer to you. Since you spend your whole time behind your computer typing your anger and bitterness over Kenny and this damn itw. Here is for you. According to you and many other nuts Kenny shared GM personal informations! Hello on which planet were u living In? you never heard that sadly GM was doing drugs? you did not know about the toilet Incident? you didn't know that monogamy was not his thing? you would be surprised to find out how honest and straightforward George was in some of his itws. Go check out some of his itws or documentaries this might teach you one thing or two. You seem to have a problem with the Goss-Michael foundation that they created 10 years ago. You are suspicious you have doubts that's your right but Kenny doesn't owe you anything . You are basically accusing him of wrong doing with the foundation without any proof. You weren't in their lives. You are supposed to know better than his partner for 13 years what George would think of all this?? Truth is you have no clue. You are judging him based on what? The Sun Article? get over it its done and doesn't cancel what George Michael and Kenny Goss had and shared together. And don't come at me to say that Kenny was his past. Despite the split they remained closed. Whether you like it or not.

    • @aprildannette9820
      @aprildannette9820 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      George admitted to pot and X not crack and it had all died down when Kenny did that interview why bring it back up again

  • @corinnenoah5383
    @corinnenoah5383 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    what was with the interviewers? sounded like Kenny was being censored by these people and or they were putting words into his mouth or completely disecting what he was saying and trying to make it bad.. he was trying to give them some insight yet sounded like they were tormenting him.. oh and it only lasted about a minute and a half .. seems something went wrong with this interview

  • @morebooks9476
    @morebooks9476 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    sketchy and mumbling... probably brain damaged from all the drugs and alcohol... they were addicts together. I don't know if that's love. It's dependence. I grew up with George Michael and love his music. But his music died for me in the 90s as I think his heart did with his losses.

  • @victoriawashington565
    @victoriawashington565 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I Really Love Kenny's smile!!! he's really cute! my heart goes out to Kenny and George Michael's family!

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Here is a dare for 'cute' Kenny: He should publicly give the media the names of the charities that he has donated the money he received at GM's expense

  • @Penny-yu2zb
    @Penny-yu2zb 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @whateverwhatever6496
    @whateverwhatever6496 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It was Heartbreaking to me when they ended. It's Crushing. I think it's better they had split before George died, because it would have been far too devastating if they had still been together. And yet, this is still so devastating. I really loved them together, from the second they appeared on Oprah together. George wrote several songs about Kenny on the Amazing Album. Great album as they all were.

  • @Mia444
    @Mia444 7 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    George said this about Kenny on tour in Prague in regards to the song "Where I Hope You Are": "I'm so sorry for any pain that I've caused him or that he's caused back. So sorry that things have worked out the way they have...All I can say is that I love him very much but sometimes people really should know when their demons are more interested in each other than they are. This man has brought me a lot of joy and a lot of pain as is the case in so many relationships, but I just wanted to focus time to be honest about that...My love life is a little more turbulent that I have let on..."
    So, perhaps they were fine when both on drugs/alcohol, but then one of them tried to get clean and the relationship was over. Regardless, this Goss piece was a strange interview. Kenny can't seem to complete a full sentence.

  • @m.8065
    @m.8065 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It must be so frustrating to be interviewed while being censored even for the most innocent comments. Kenny was trying so hard to express how much he loved George and the struggle of their heart-wrenching relationship. Why did they stop him from speaking, this was his story,

  • @smllarge
    @smllarge 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Just showed Kenny is a crook and a user.

  • @anniebobanee2169
    @anniebobanee2169 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don’t like him

  • @ellef7783
    @ellef7783 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    George was so unhappy and Kenny was in the right place at the right time. Anselmo was Georges first and only real love. Kenny was out for the almighty dollar. What goes around comes around. Hope Kenny siphoned enough cash because he's being watched.

    • @dorothyhodge985
      @dorothyhodge985 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ELLE F why did George say many times that he loved Kenny?

  • @ronincognitive8775
    @ronincognitive8775 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey Kenny...its cool man. You were good for him. Thanks for looking after him, but the pressure was immense

  • @VM-sq1ii
    @VM-sq1ii หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My comment is 7 years later but why would he do an interview if what he could say was restricted? Because he went on to sue GM's estate. User!

  • @patriciadixon9619
    @patriciadixon9619 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What was that??? It looked like someone was controlling that interview. When he tried to say "George wanted me to be happy" And said he can tell you that. Someone cut him off. Then in the end he said "our fights were never about breaking up. Someone again interrupted him in which he's responded was" stop shut up okay bye" I find the whole interview very odd. He looked so nervous and still in shock over losing George. I know the feeling.

    • @diana-cy4kj
      @diana-cy4kj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, he’s mumbling a lot...I guess Kenny just didn't know how to deal with the media, he never had to deal with them before.

    • @patriciadixon9619
      @patriciadixon9619 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@diana-cy4kj Yes George was always up front and center. Kenny or who ever was by George's side rarely spoke. Could be not feeling comfortable with the madness of the media. Plus at that time there was still a need to protect George's privacy. I just felt uncomfortable for him he looked very nervous 😓 My condolences Kenny for your deep loss.

  • @HoursaDay
    @HoursaDay 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Just another grifter. George deserved better.

  • @Smotriw257
    @Smotriw257 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Позор брать алименты с мёртвого человека, счастье они тебе не принесут.Kenny это не любовь, а расчёт. 👎👎👎

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Kenny, I have one question. I heard you said you had a sign from GM. Are you going to have a reality show called the 'Dead Whisperer" when the money is all dried up ?

  • @helenfong3339
    @helenfong3339 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If they stayed together, maybe George would still be alive.

  • @cameronhometeam1
    @cameronhometeam1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Terrible interview

  • @Africa-ky1bg
    @Africa-ky1bg 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Bless YOU Kenny ! 💞

    • @junepwoo4529
      @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Here is a dare for Kenny: He should publicly give the media the names of the charities that he has donated the money he received at GM's expense

  • @MaríaPilarEstebaranzGamero
    @MaríaPilarEstebaranzGamero 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @arezooshaytoon
    @arezooshaytoon 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Was he nervous? That was such a strange interview!!! The man couldn't focus enough to finish a sentence. Did he have a microphone in his ear with someone directing him on what to say? Why would he need that? That was so bizarre. This guy was George Michael 's taste!!! Weird!!

  • @akwaabab8504
    @akwaabab8504 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    that was effing weird!

  • @samthompson1080
    @samthompson1080 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    George Michael had a penthouse in Dallas Tx in the Highland Park Area.

  • @MaríaPilarEstebaranzGamero
    @MaríaPilarEstebaranzGamero 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @babygirldixon6799
    @babygirldixon6799 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He been smokin somethin...😆

  • @user-mg9he3qj3n
    @user-mg9he3qj3n 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Makes no sense whatsoever!!!

  • @nicholasjralph
    @nicholasjralph 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Who is the sinister person off camera that is controlling what Kenny does, and doesn’t say? Would be great to have a frank account of the later years of George’s life.

  • @teresasmith3468
    @teresasmith3468 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They were so cute together. Always nice to George Michael fans from what I saw.

  • @plantmillionsofteees5676
    @plantmillionsofteees5676 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What am I missing here?? Something just seems odd or ‘off’ somehow. Kinda performative; disingenuous.
    I’m not saying that it IS that. It just seems that way. I feel like perhaps there’s a context that I’m missing.

  • @junepwoo4529
    @junepwoo4529 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Here is a dare for Kenny: He should publicly give the media the names of the charities that he has donated the money he received at GM's expense - still waiting Kenny

  • @shininglightstar843
    @shininglightstar843 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The relationship was a success,. They did love each other. Painful separation X
    He has to grieve too x

  • @hectorabcdefg9076
    @hectorabcdefg9076 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    His laughter is dorky

  • @ghost-zy1ix
    @ghost-zy1ix 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They where back in contact
    Also seeing each other

  • @j9andphoenix
    @j9andphoenix 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    cowboys and angels

  • @francescavenafro9986
    @francescavenafro9986 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    La tua risata kenny è contagiosa.
    Mi auguro solo che con George eri così allegro da farci dimenticare un pochino le sue sofferenze.
    Se lo hai fatto ti ringrazio.