Real love is unemotional, unromantic, all- encompassing, infinitely compassionate and all-forgiving. It needs no other in order to be. It is possible to be this love. Romantic, chemical, emotional, conditional, transient 'love' pales in comparison.
love is actually a chemical reaction in the body, love is addictive, concentrate on loving, and it gets easier and way more nice then at first... just biology,,, it;s science... the neurons in your head grow custom to a certain way of thinking, so let that thinking be love then...
Real love is unemotional, unromantic, all- encompassing, infinitely compassionate and all-forgiving. It needs no other in order to be. It is possible to be this love.
Romantic, chemical, emotional, conditional, transient 'love' pales in comparison.
"For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
fear is the illusion of separation..
love is actually a chemical reaction in the body, love is addictive, concentrate on loving, and it gets easier and way more nice then at first... just biology,,, it;s science... the neurons in your head grow custom to a certain way of thinking, so let that thinking be love then...