Fun With Restaurants - Lehto's Law Ep. 5.13

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • Three of my favorite stories involving bad service at restaurants. Including one about lasagna. Have any to add to the discussion? Comment below!

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  • @13Photodog
    @13Photodog 4 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    Back when cell phones were a rare novelty I had one gotten one due to a long commute on lightly traveled roads. One evening my wife and I went to a chain who is famous for their "open Kitchen" . There was a short wait for a table and we were seated. One half hour later we still had not been waited on so I called the restaurant from our table and watched as the hostess picked up the phone. I asked what was the wait time after being seated, her reply was immediately. I then told her I was calling from in the restaurant and had been waiting for 30 minutes after having been seated. She told me I couldn't be calling from inside the restaurant as their pay phone was broken. I proceeded to describe her and what she was wearing. While doing that a manager approached her and I heard her say there is a pervert on the phone. He told her to hang up. We waited another ten minutes then got up to leave. As we walked by her she said please come back. I held up my cell phone and said I'm the pervert who called because we were never waited on, doubt we'll be back.

  • @uberjimindc613
    @uberjimindc613 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    As a 10 year veteran of the restaurant business, I got lots of stories. Stupid things customers say and do, pranks on fellow employees, things my boss said was ok to do like training customers how to tip and many more. But one of my favorite is when I was a manager and the only one in the front of the house on a slow afternoon...
    To keep it short, gentleman came in, asked to sit next to the window and I obliged him. He ordered the Grilled Chicken Salad. I explained to him it’s not your normal salad. It had artichoke hearts and other ingredients I don’t remember right now. He said it sounded good and I had the chef serve one up. Have it to the customer and checked on him several times. He assured me it was delicious and ate the whole thing. When I delivered to him the check he asked to see a manager. I inquired of him to tell my why. He said he didn’t like the salad. I reminded him he told me three times it was good. He still insisted on seeing the manager. I then told him I was the manager. I repeated to him that he had expressed satisfaction multiple times and that he ate the entire salad. He then demanded to speak to the owner. I told him I would be happy to let him but the owner won’t even answer my phone calls in a timely manner when I need to speak to him about something that was actually important to him. Which was very true. I told him there was nothing I could do for him and that I would return shortly to collect payment. I started to turn around to walk away but stopped and said, “Oh, by the way, we had cameras installed for weekend nights when we had bands and stayed open until 2 am.” While a pointed out a couple. Then walked away. When I returned you could see cash sticking out of the bill book. He said the rest was for me. I said, “Thank you sir, you have a nice day.” I was expecting only change from the excess of rounding up to the next dollar. I was shockingly and pleasantly surprised to discover a 50% tip from a $15 check. Who would’ve guessed?!

    • @nunyabiznis817
      @nunyabiznis817 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And now you drive for Uber?

    • @uberjimindc613
      @uberjimindc613 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep. Going on almost 3 years. A little over 2 driving full time. Started Ubering when my son started school. Had to quit locksmithing after 10 years because weekend dad and locksmith hours don’t mix.

  • @scotvaughn4956
    @scotvaughn4956 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My wife and I went to a St Louis resteraunt known for their pies one night. It was during a very stormy night and we were glad to get out of the rain. The hostess seated us at a table in the middle of the resteraunt. We ordered our food and placed an additional order for pies to be taken home. They delivered our food and just as we started to eat. Literally I had just put my fork in the food when the entire ceiling fell ontop of us along with several gallons of water. Thank goodness it was only the drop ceiling part that collapsed but you would not believe the amount of water those things can support. So now we are both drenched with wet particle board pieces stuck to us. The resteraunt's first response was to try and get us to sign a release. They offered to not charge us for any of the nasty water soaked food. It wasn't until we argued with them that they should be happy giving us free food and pay for our dry cleaning that they agreed. When we were about to leave after having to dried off as best we could with a handful of napkins, that they brought our pie to go order to us. They then proceeded to try and charge us for them. I don't know if they realized how lucky they were that we were not the type of people to sue them silly.

  • @russlehman2070
    @russlehman2070 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Reminds me of Monty Python's dead parrot sketch. 'e's not dead 'e's resting. Perhaps you lasanga was pinin' for the fjords.

  • @DozensOfViewers
    @DozensOfViewers 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    My brother was at a restaurant once (also Bennigan's I think) where they got the bill before they had even ordered.

  • @danielmurphy9666
    @danielmurphy9666 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Ordered a chicken cordon blue sandwich special to go at a local deli I frequented for lunch. Got it back to work and found they left the chicken cutlet out of the sandwich. Called the shop and they said, "Oh that was you. We realized too late but didn't know who ordered it" They agreed to take care of it and asked if I wanted the whole thing. It included steak fries which I already ate while still hot so I said no. I drive back to the deli and the owner hands me just the missing chicken patty in a foil pack so I can bring it back to my shop and put it into my now 15 minute old soggy bun. I don't eat there anymore.

  • @joer769
    @joer769 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I went to winston tires way back ! This clown comes over and says I need shocks. I say ok put them on. So he tells boy to put them on. Then a few minutes later he says do you want to know what it cost ? I said nope they are winston life time warranty shocks. OH ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY WERE FINE !!!

  • @maxscott3349
    @maxscott3349 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    You know, after reading the commrnts for the past ten minutes, I think I've eaten at enough restaurants for one lifetime.

  • @hi-friaudioman
    @hi-friaudioman 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I worked at a restaurant that served lasagna. We made huge batches, enough for the week. We cooked, cooled, portioned and then FROZE the lasagna and Each day we would grab enough for that day, thaw it, and when an order came in we would nuke it and serve it. It was really good but that's totally what happened to you dude! So messed up they couldn't fix the situation. Companies like that will never stay in business.

  • @jeannettekane9901
    @jeannettekane9901 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    it turns out you re not allowed to punch strangers in public! words to live by!

  • @Orphmorg
    @Orphmorg 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    As you told your story about the lasagna I suddenly had visions of a rare Norwegian Blue parrot!

    • @stevelehto
      @stevelehto  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lovely plumage.

  • @smithwilliamn7090
    @smithwilliamn7090 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My favorite is how many restaurants are ableists. Steak houses seem to be the worst. After having my right leg amputated below the knee after a dog attack i was on crutches. After leaving the hospital a friend took me to a national chain steak house only open for dinner. We arrived right at opening and parked in handicapped parking. The host wanted to sit us in the furthest booth from the front door. The manager refused my request to sit near the front door.
    Seems their reasoning was they sat everyone in a preordained order so as not to discriminate any protected class. Next the manager explained that disabled people were never seated near the door in case of an emergency evacuation.

  • @keithwilliams2101
    @keithwilliams2101 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My wife and i went to a well known place that had all you can eat fish and chips on Friday's. First plates were fine ordered a second plate. Fish was visually raw in the middle.told the waitress she proceeded to argue that it was not raw. Told her to look at it. Well they cooked it at the same time as always. She spent 10 minutes telling me it was not raw. She would not look at it. Told her to forget it. Got up to leave. Payed the bill.left no tip. Then she chased us down that i did not give a tip. Well i said you argued with me that the fish was not raw. You are lucky I payed the bill at all and not sued for food poisoning from raw fish. She grabbed my wife by the shoulder. My wife told her touch me again and cops will be called. They closed 2 months later.

    • @AgniFirePunch
      @AgniFirePunch 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Too bad you are British.In America you could have tackled her to the ground for assaulting your wife

    • @notmyrealname2874
      @notmyrealname2874 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I bought frozen mussels from an asian grocery. I got so sick and I was so furious that I never told them. (They sold them fresh until they weren't fresh anymore, then they froze them and sold them to me) And they were out of business two months later.

  • @andyt3938
    @andyt3938 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Once i do construction work in a restaurant, I never eat there again.
    Ceiling tiles hide a multitude of sins.

    • @atthebrink74
      @atthebrink74 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hear ya. I've built a couple restaurants. We did good clean work. But I have demo'd a couple restaurants too. There is no much that is worse than tearing down a place that cooked food for years. Grease traps! Do I need to say more?

  • @fredblonder7850
    @fredblonder7850 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I had the exact same experience at a restaurant, only it was a fish fillet that was frozen on the inside.

  • @keshahudson4506
    @keshahudson4506 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Free tip when you’re not pleased with your food order the exact same thing or a somethg diff and aftr the new order comes out then send the other order back!😉your welcome

  • @gordonhogg4675
    @gordonhogg4675 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This has only happened twice, but I can’t believe it has happened at all.
    We go to a chain restaurant with booths and tables during a busy time of day. The booths seat 4, the tables seat 6 or larger and there are 5 of us. The person seats us at a booth and gets an extra chair and puts it in the aisle at the end of the booth, so I take the chair. When the waitress takes orders I go last.
    When she gets to me I ask her; “if I were to order something to eat, where would you put it when it comes?”
    I get a blank look and she says “I don’t understand.”
    So I explained that the booth was designed for 4 people, so if the other 4 people all have their food on the table, there won’t be anywhere to put my plate. She looks over the table and says “there will be plenty of room, we do this all the time”.
    So I order a sandwich, a side salad and a bowl of soup (I have to make a point).
    When everyone gets served there is nowhere to put my salad or soup...
    I will never go back to either restaurant! Not because they did but because they would even consider doing it.

  • @southjerseysound7340
    @southjerseysound7340 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I've fired a few server's over the change scam myself. So when it happened to me I was shocked. I paid for a $34 meal with a hundred dollar bill in Philly. But in my case she split and left. I was waiting for about ten min when I went to look for her and she was gone. Worst part was the manager tried to tell me that I'd have to take it up with her and she knew we were from out of town. So that was when I called the police and. mysteriously after calling them the manager was willing to look into it if I called the police off lol. Needless to say I was lucky that I asked bartender's to break the hundred . She remembered me and told the police. As soon as this happened the police wanted to see the tapes of the register at the bar where I asked and that's when the manager gave her up. They were in it together and she was running to get drugs with the money and got arrested when she back.

  • @carlmillinder2704
    @carlmillinder2704 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Having worked in a restaurant kitchen for several years, I may be able to partially offer an explanation. Many restaurants have different managers for the kitchen and "front of house" staff and the people that do the jobs have very little incentive to learn any more than their individual tasks or lines. It's entirely possible that the waitress never bothered to learn that the how the food was actually prepared beyond the "it's all made fresh" line that was taught by her manager. I'm not saying that it's "right", but it is the reality.

    • @stevelehto
      @stevelehto  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree. And it was that disconnect which was annoying me. I knew what was going on. Everyone knew what was going on. But the waitress and the MGR just kept repeating their party lines.

    • @carlmillinder2704
      @carlmillinder2704 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I've personally gotten annoyed when a menu says that a dish comes "with gravy", and the waitress looks shocked when I'd ask them what kind of gravy, as if they don't know that some use stock as a base and others use milk as the base

    • @RabbleInArms
      @RabbleInArms 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You might could give her a pass on not knowing the stuff wasn't really fresh but not on the bald-faced lie that she watched the cook make a new piece which she brought out.

  • @brokenhalo22
    @brokenhalo22 5 ปีที่แล้ว +173

    Maybe it was freshly caught Arctic Lasagna?

    • @wdfktv8555
      @wdfktv8555 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @mtghelix5813
      @mtghelix5813 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Or Alaskan lasagna

    • @JackOfAllRAIDs
      @JackOfAllRAIDs 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mmmm inedible arctic lasagna...

    • @youpeoplearecrazy374
      @youpeoplearecrazy374 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mtghelix5813 So you thought you could make the joke more funny if you changed a word that didn't change the implication of the joke?

    • @EllyCatfox
      @EllyCatfox 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@youpeoplearecrazy374 Lol who pissed in your Cheerios? XD

  • @toodamnmanyprojects7094
    @toodamnmanyprojects7094 4 ปีที่แล้ว +85

    I was thrown out of my own restaurant! Years ago, I was the Vice President and major stockholder of a 45 unit chain of Mexican dinner houses. (not a taco stand)We were opening new restaurants with about 4 new units a year. The new staff would be trained at the home office, then the new place would open with experienced staff. I had been out of town for a couple of months, so I wasn't known to the staff. I was driving through Fresno California one afternoon, and decided to check out my newest unit. Mid afternoon, dead, no customers. I ordered guacamole and ice tea. (I'm dressed in shorts and tshirt, tennis shoes, I don't look like anyone special) The guac was nothing like the recipe. I explained to the waitress that this is not like what I get in LA. (I'm not telling them I'm the owner) She was snotty, so I asked for the manager. He took around 20 minutes to come to my table, even though the place was empty and he was joking around in the bar. Instead of introducing himself and asking how he could help, he simply walked over to me and said "What's the problem?" I explained to him my concerns. He told me that the waitress said it was the same as in LA, and that he didn't appreciate getting his staff upset and demanding to see him as he was busy with issues more important than me. So he grabbed the guac and my tea and told me to leave. I calmly said no. He threatened to call the police and have me arrested. I told him to be my guest. I also told him the number was 911, not to waste any time looking it up. This is the first time I was at all rude or snarky. He flipped me off! Here come the police. They spoke for a moment and the police paid me a visit. They explained that he had asked me to leave and I hadn't, which I agreed was correct. They said they would ask me to leave and if I refused, then they would arrest me. At that point, I produced my ID (I'm a Reserve Deputy Sheriff). I also gave them my business card, which got them really amused. At that point, I told them that they should remove the manager from the premises with all due speed, as he has just been fired!
    The guac is my recipe, I should know it well!
    The restaurant business is a shit show in a dumpster fire. Controlled mayhem. It owns you. Consistency and quality control are a full time job. Everyone tries to change your recipes. Then they treat your customers like garbage. If that's not enough, the kitchen staff is always stealing your food. And the bartender is a crook.
    I feel your frustration with this waitress. I would have canned her for lying. The manager would go the same way. The customer is king. Period.

    • @josepherhardt164
      @josepherhardt164 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      This needs to go on r/idoworkherelady on reddit. OMG.

    • @Vicos
      @Vicos 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      If you want to be successful, you need to attract quality people by giving them a vested interest in the success of the business. I believe Starbucks and Chick Filet are 2 examples of this. Low wage employees rarely give a crap about your business, especially if they feel you dont really care about them.

    • @genedavis6131
      @genedavis6131 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      My GF used to own a Country Kitchen. People loved their chili. They would eat at other CK's, and complain that the other CK's, wasn't as good as hers. She said the standard recipe sucked. She must have been doing something right. Consistently one of the top 20 in sales for the entire country and she was in a dog of a town.

    • @Juice_boxtv
      @Juice_boxtv 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      As someone who has been a chef, a bartender, and a catering outfit owner, Can confirm. I am all of these,
      I will argue against the customer is king though, not all of them are. Only some are. Maybe it is just a difference in business models between a chain, and a one off restaurant but i definitely have always had a target demographic

    • @snailer06
      @snailer06 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You couldn't make this up! Thanks for being one of the good guys.

  • @ParGellen
    @ParGellen 4 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Bad experience turned great! Read to the end!
    I went to an Outback Steakhouse with my family and ordered a sirloin cooked medium. When I got it it was literally raw on the inside. Raw and chewy and quite cold. I cut it in half and started looking at it in amazement and the manager just happened to be walking by (I had no idea he was the manager at the time). He stopped and looked down at it and didn't even ask if something was wrong with it because it was hilariously obvious that it was too raw to eat. He immediately offered to replace it which I accepted. I got the new steak and it was cooked to perfection (as it usually is at Outback!). When my family got the bill he presented it himself with an apology and the total was $0.00 for the whole table and he even covered the tip! I never raised a fuss or anything. He just did it because he knew they had messed up and he wanted to do the only thing in his power to fix it. I was very impressed with Outback that day and have been a happy customer ever since!

    • @jguenther3049
      @jguenther3049 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      We needed that, after all the horror!! :)

  • @guyhammond6971
    @guyhammond6971 5 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    Hooters illegally towed my brothers car,our friend who was with us,sued them. They never showed up in court,so we had an easy win. Then they refused to pay. Then my friend went their with the sheriff and took the money from the cash register. That was a lot of fun.

    • @animeentranced1130
      @animeentranced1130 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I wanna hear what circumstance they thought they could tow your brothers car in, ha.

    • @guyhammond6971
      @guyhammond6971 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@animeentranced1130 it was blocking informal access to an adjacent parking lot,but it was not on their property.

    • @danaschoen432
      @danaschoen432 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I just can't believe you didn't do a video of that ! This is the stuff of legend!

    • @blabla-rg7ky
      @blabla-rg7ky 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @jimaanders7527
    @jimaanders7527 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Steve, I've gotta say you are so hard to please.
    You want your food cooked? Really?

  • @misteromegonnaise4512
    @misteromegonnaise4512 5 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Him: "I went to an Italian restaurant, I'm not gonna name it because it's still in business..."
    Me: "Hm, it's probably Olive Garden."
    Him: "Oh, and it's not Olive Garden."
    Me: "Well there goes that theory."

    • @maryjennings4913
      @maryjennings4913 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I'm going to guess Carrabas? There is one in my area. I've never eaten there. I don't know anyone who has either. However, it is the only other national chain "Italian" place I know. It's been my experience that small, local family owned Italian restaurants are the best places.

    • @ArchLinuxTux
      @ArchLinuxTux 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@maryjennings4913 what about Buca di Beppo ?

    • @hymanocohann2698
      @hymanocohann2698 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You insult Italians everywhere, Olive Garden? Ptuuu!!!!

    • @tracygarner5912
      @tracygarner5912 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Macaroni Grill?

    • @DL-qc2qg
      @DL-qc2qg 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was thinking that too

  • @cordoba4068
    @cordoba4068 5 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Several years ago, myself and several co-workers went to a local chain-type restaurant for lunch. I ordered a BLT. in due time the sandwich arrived. I picked it up and was about to bite into it when I SAW SOMETHING MOVE. I put the sandwich down and peeled back the bread. There, calmly munching on the lettuce, was a green worm/caterpillar/bug. I put the bread back and waited for the waitress to make her "how's your lunch/food" rounds. Which she did. Each of my co-workers answered positively as to their meal. At this time she sees that my sandwich had not been touched, and she inquired as to the sandwich. To which I peeled back the bread to reveal the insect lunching on my lunch. The look on her face-pure horror. I did not think eyes could open that wide, and she let out a very audible gasp. She apologized profusely and took the sandwich away, and returned with a new one. So, now it time to settle-up. She gives each of my co-workers their bill. When she got to me, she says "no charge--you had a bug in your food" and apologized again. Gave her a nice tip anyway--the bug was not her fault, and she never tried to weasel out of the restaurants responsibility.

    • @wdfktv8555
      @wdfktv8555 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The server deserves an A+ for her handling of the situation... you sure that it wasn't returned to the kitchen only to have the bug removed and your original sandwich put back on the plate and served?

  • @M1ke10191
    @M1ke10191 5 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    "You're not allowed to punch strangers in public." I knew I would get some good law advice on this channel!

    • @stevelehto
      @stevelehto  5 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      And note that I do not agree with all of these wacky constraints placed on us by society.

    • @Handygrrl
      @Handygrrl 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@stevelehto So you're saying it is ok to punch strangers in private? I'm nitpicking....

    • @chuckbizzert9098
      @chuckbizzert9098 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are allowed if you can beat it !

  • @supergengo
    @supergengo 6 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Magnetron of the microwave was broken. They thought they were heating it but didn’t think to check it had actually warmed up. Also explains why they attempted to reserve you the same piece and it was still frozen.

  • @AccEngineer
    @AccEngineer 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Years ago several friends had highly recommended a restaurant. The next time we were in northern Indiana, we went there. They were right, the food was wonderful. As part of the meal, they served a small loaf of bread on a little cutting board so you slice off whatever pieces you wanted. The bread was also very good. When we finished eating, we asked the waitress for a container so we could take home the left over bread. She said, "You can't do that because we need it for tomorrow's meatloaf".

    • @josepherhardt164
      @josepherhardt164 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      "Meatloaf like mama used to make!" OMG.

  • @jnich16
    @jnich16 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    My family has been in the restaurant business for generations. As a promotion we were serving spaghetti for 25 cents a plate. A guy comes in, orders the spaghetti, eats it and leaves. He comes back a couple hours later and orders another plate, eats it then wants his money back (25 cents) saying it wasn’t any good, in fact terrible. My nephew who was managing that day said to the man that he was here earlier and ate the spaghetti, ate it all and thin ordered it again and ate it all. The man said it was so bad the first time he came back to see if it was as bad as he thought. My nephew threw him out.

  • @pubcollize
    @pubcollize 5 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Lasagna story reminds me of a few years ago when I went with a few friends to a local burger restaurant. They brand themselves as a place that serves "real" burgers, not fast food. Heavy wooden tables, green board, oversized Tabasco bottles, the whole show.
    I rarely eat outside so I'm never familiar with the current fads, so I was surprised when all my friends are discussing what doneness they like their burger at. I never heard of doneness for burgers before.
    Waitress comes to our table. One friend asks for a medium rare, another two ask for a medium. I laugh at them saying "dude this isn't steak". At this point I'm already the asshole and it's only going to go downhill.
    Waitress takes all of their orders dutifully, turns to me, I order a burger without mentioning doneness. She asks me how I'd like it, and I say "whatever is most convenient for your chef". She insists she has to write something down, so I ask for a "well done" out of the assumption they can't fuck that up without realizing it before it gets on my plate. Everyone look at me like I'm some unwashed peasant.
    Order comes in. Friend who ordered medium rare gets a medium well, friend who orders a medium gets a medium rare, other friend who orders a medium gets a patty that's still frozen at its core. I get a medium well.
    Two friends switch burgers knocking a drink over just as the waitress comes by to ask how we're doing. Everyone complain, and one friend asks for reheat. Waitress finally turns to me, the troublemaker, asks me if I'm good. I say I didn't get what I ordered but I got what I hoped for.

    • @moi01887
      @moi01887 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      It's pretty lame how many burger joints will make a point of asking how you want your burger cooked, then bring you something done entirely wrong. I get that it's hard to get burgers exactly right, but if you don't have that skill, *don't ask how I want it done*!

    • @pubcollize
      @pubcollize 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@moi01887 My point exactly. People mistakenly think it's more luxurious or "professional" to have too many choices. But that's completely wrong.
      The best burger cook is a burger cook who grills a small selection of patties using same method for the perfect doneness, dozens of times a day.
      If he has to grill half a dozen patties at the same time, each one is a different kind and was ordered to a different doneness, and each kind of patty requires different timing for different doneness levels... Even an experienced cook will have a hard time to put out *mediocre* burgers, let alone *good* ones.

  • @620john620
    @620john620 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I went to a Wendy’s a few years ago. It was a Friday or Saturday, and it was late in the evening. Only the drive through was open. I ordered a meal, burger, no tomato , fries, Coke, and pulled forward to the window. The all teenage crew that I could observe were laughing, cutting up, and doing everything but Wendy-work. After about four or five minutes, I got my sack-o-food and drink, and pulled away. My first bite told me something was wrong. The burger had tomato on it, (I hate tomatoes). But my biggest complaint was that there was no meat or cheese. I wheeled back around the store, fuming. Got to the window, trying to contain my anger, and told the boy at the window my/their problem. Long story short, he told me that having no meat was impossible. I told him to look, he did, then told me I must have removed the two patties and eaten them. He was so rude, I dared not ask for a replacement meal, lest the new burger come with saliva or worse. I left, and came back the next day to speak with an adult manager. He told me the late crew had a drug problem, and as soon as he could train new help, they would all be fired. I got my money back, a free meal, and a handful of free food coupons.

    • @copwcuffs5415
      @copwcuffs5415 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Ha ha, My neighbor had a similar issue. He pulled back in the drive thru at the fast food restaurant said he'd wait for them to fix it.
      Instead, they called the police. Because he was parked in the drive thru waiting for them to fix the problem with his order they couldn't mess up any more orders and hope that the customer would keep driving down the road by the time they discovered it.

  • @nonsuch
    @nonsuch 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I would have said bring me another piece of Lasagna but leave this one here until the new one comes out, then you can take this one.

  • @b.d.chancey1131
    @b.d.chancey1131 6 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    My brother, a computer engineer, told me a good one. He went to lunch with co-workers at a local place. Two, including my brother, ordered the soup, one a cup, the other a bowl. They noticed that in spite of the different size of each vessel, the quantity of soup appeared to be the same. There was a $2.00 difference in price. Calculators whipped out, measurements were taken and surprise, the volume of the liquid for cup and bowl were identical. The server was called and this was pointed out to her. "What are you guys, engineers or sumthin?"

    • @psmith990
      @psmith990 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Actually, that's an old trick. Seen it done in restaurants for decades.
      They hope the customer won't figure it out and just eat it.
      Sneaky little bastards huh?

  • @MichaelJ_
    @MichaelJ_ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    😂😂😂 “Here’s the thing: You’re not allowed to punch strangers in public.” - I had to pause the video, because I was laughing out loud...! 😄😄

  • @RickC_
    @RickC_ 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Not a restaurant story but a grocery store story, specifically the fish counter. I went to buy what was labeled "fresh shrimp" from the fish counter of a local grocery store. I needed 2 pounds of the giant extra large shrimp to make kebabs for a party. They only had about a pound in the display case. The guy behind the counter said "Just grab 2 of those 1 pound bags out of the frozen food section they are exactly the same, we just defrost those bags and put them in the display case and charge $2 more a pound". I give him kiddos for honesty.

  • @surferdudemi
    @surferdudemi ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Q: "What do you want me to do with it?"
    A: "Eat it, right now, in front of us."

  • @truckertruckertrucker6382
    @truckertruckertrucker6382 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I was at a Burger King. I placed my order I was the only customer there. I paid for my order. The lady hands me my cup and my receipt, tells me it'll be out in a few minutes. I feel my drink cup, sit down at a table. I wasn't in a big hurry and I was watching traffic passed by. I don't remember falling asleep, the lady who took my order wakes me up and asks me what am I doing there. Threatens to call the cops for trespassing. I hand her my receipt, I found out I took a 2-hour nap waiting for my food. That she completely forgot about my order and deleted it. They gave me my money back, gave me my food and a coupon for a free meal.

  • @bbokc6942
    @bbokc6942 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I went to an ihop years ago and ordered a brownie Sunday. The waiter brought me a Sunday with no brownie and when I pointed it out to him he told me the brownie Sunday did not come with a brownie and the name was just to suggest it would taste like a brownie Sunday. That was the first day I became a karen and spoke to the manager

    • @builtontherockhomestead9390
      @builtontherockhomestead9390 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Friend and I went to IHOP. Friend ordered blueberry pancakes. Menu showed a picture with pancakes with blueberries in the pancakes. He was served plain pancakes with blueberry syrup. He complained to the waitress who could not or would not see that what he was served and what the menu showed was not the same. Friend didn't ask for a manager but was mad. This was decades ago and neither of us have stepped foot in an IHOP since.

  • @joegeorgia8989
    @joegeorgia8989 6 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    As a restauranteur I have a reverse one (bad customer). My family owns and operates a pizzeria in a economically depressed area. We have been in business 40 years at the same location. This guy orders a sheet pizza (18"x26) with 5 toppings (about $45). He comes in to pick it up. We open the pizza box to show him. This ensures the customer likes the coloring and confirms all the toppings they ordered are on the pizza. This guy says its good to go. I watch him bring the pizza out to the car and open the back door of his sedan and set the pizza in the car. 15 minutes goes by and he's still standing there. At the 20 minutes mark he walks back into the store with the pizza. He says there was pubic hair on 3 slices and he knew exactly which 3 slices. Sure enough they were right on top of the slices. He wants another pizza and his money back. At the same time my Dad calls me on the intercom system and tells he was watching this guy on our CCTV system. He saw the guy waiting till the cars next to him left then he reached into his pants and sprinkled something onto the pizza. Knowing this I grab a glove and zip lock bag. I remove the 3 slices from the pizza and place it in the bag. I offer to give him 3 slices to replace it. I then explained that I would need a hair sample from him. I told him any time we get s complaint about hair in the food we send it out for DNA analysis. If it was his hair he would be responsible for the testing cost and owe us for the pizza times 3. After hearing this he grabs the pizza and runs out the door. 3 days go by and I get a call from this guy. He doesn't know who I am(we marked his number and name in our system) he says he came in a few days ago a d ordered a pizza and when he got home he found hair on it and wanted to know what I was going to do for him. I then said in a polite voice "oh is this Mr. Smith with the black caddy?" He somewhat surprised said yes. I then explained we saw what he did and asked if he would like a copy of the video. He replied with, so you're not going to do anything for me?

    • @douglasgrant8315
      @douglasgrant8315 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      What stupid is is what stupid does!

    • @wdfktv8555
      @wdfktv8555 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      People with only three functioning synaptic fibers in their head scare the living hell out of me.

  • @margaretwatson783
    @margaretwatson783 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    What drives me crazy is there are so many scammers who complain to get a free meal, that customers with a legitimate complaint get lumped in with them. Feel better now.

  • @joerogers4227
    @joerogers4227 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    talk about good manager's. when I was single in the 1960's I went to a local steak house chain. ordered a steak, went through the line and ten started to pay and discovered I did not have my Bill fold so told the manager i would have to return as I had forgot my billfold. He said go ahead and take you dinner and pay the next time. Needless to say I often went to that same steak house for a couple of years just because a good manager trusted me. congrats Sizzler

  • @RobbieHatley
    @RobbieHatley 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Oh, I've had MUCH worse experiences in restaurants, Steve. I'll detail the two worst ones:
    Incident #1: Circa 1990, I noticed a new Italian restaurant in Tustin, California. So I stopped in and ordered "spaghetti marinara, garlic toast, and a glass of milk". After keeping me waiting about 50 minutes, the waiter finally brought my food. He served me what LOOKED, at least on first glance, like what I'd ordered.
    But on closer inspection, the "garlic toast" was a moldy dinner roll, and the "milk" was a glass of curds & whey. The bread was gross so I didn't even touch it. Same with the "milk"; it was so obviously rotten I didn't even sip it.
    I nibbled on the "spaghetti" and found that it was hot, vinegar-soaked shredded boiled cabbage (basically sauerkraut) with ketchup on top. It was as if the cook had never eaten, much less prepared, Italian food and was just going by pictures. The result was disgusting and inedible.
    So paid the bill and walked out, leaving the food uneaten. (I was in no mood for a fight, and with food THAT bad, how does one even BEGIN to explain how to do it right?)
    A week later, as I was driving by the same restaurant on my bike, I looked in and noticed that all of the tables and chairs were gone, the door was boarded up, and there was an "out of business" sign in the window. Gee, I wonder why?
    Incident #2: In November 2019, I stopped by Taqueria Mexico at 14022 Springdale St, Westminster, CA 92683 for a bit to eat. I ordered a "lengua quesadilla". There's NO way to screw-up that order. It only has 3 ingredients: tortilla, cheese, and beef tongue. Well, they managed to screw-up that order ANYWAY.
    When the person at the counter called my number, I picked up the quesadilla from the counter and took it to my table. The tortilla was flour and heavily scorched with big black marks on it, and between the black marks it was grey and greasy. The cheese inside was also grey, and stank strongly of ammonia. Not promising.
    I nibbled on this dubious piece of "food", actually swallowing 3 small bites of it (bad mistake!), but the flavor was disgusting and nauseating, and the meat left a bitter metallic aftertaste in my mouth. After those first 3 small bites, I couldn't eat it, it was too disgusting.
    So I ended up just walking out and leaving 95% of the rotten quesadilla sitting on the table uneaten. (I considered complaining to the management, but it was late and I was tired and I wouldn't even know how to BEGIN explaining to a night manager just how bad that food actually was. I preferred to waste $7 than get into that verbal fight.)
    Starting about 2 hours later and lasting 5 hours, I suffered nausea and abdominal pain and repeatedly belched-up gas reeking of rotten cheese and meat. So I went to the "food-borne illness report" web site for my county and filed a written report on the incident, in which I recommended that they send the Health Department out to inspect the place, with emphasis on food expiration dates, food storage temperatures, food handling, and cleanliness of preparation and cooking surfaces and utensils (those being the most likely causes of the rotten food, in my estimation).
    So, there you have the worst two restaurant experiences of my life, that I can remember.

  • @mikehascats26
    @mikehascats26 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    NEVER send food back and ask for a replacement. thats how you get spit in your food. just send it back and then eat elsewhere.

    • @JoeKaye-hn5dt
      @JoeKaye-hn5dt 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      My friend Paul and his friend Angelo used to work at a BK. Customer gave them grief, they'd BOTH fart in the bag before they handed it up front. LOL! This was 45 years ago. I still laff my ass off when I think about it.

  • @rodneysharp1635
    @rodneysharp1635 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    When my son was young he would not eat beef. 20 years later he is still not a fan. He did love to play, in the hardly every cleaned, Play Place "The balls". We would order him a cheese burger with out the burger, AKA a cheese burger. Most would accommodate, even try to figure out how not to charge for the meat. We did have one manager once argue it could not be done because they did not give him a minus burger button. We explained it had on been many times. "Then put the burger on my burger" I can't do that I would have to charge you for the EXTRA Burger. So much for our education system? He new how to push my button.

    • @wdfktv8555
      @wdfktv8555 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Can you say...
      Meso wee todd Ed?

  • @charlestatem3099
    @charlestatem3099 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Thinking the Italian rest. was probably a Carrabba's . No matter that story was Hilarious, your friends must have been rolling on the floor with laughter. Great vid.

    • @stevelehto
      @stevelehto  6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I was curious if anyone would guess correctly. The answer is yes, someone now has.

  • @cosmicbird8802
    @cosmicbird8802 6 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I was buddies with a cysco food delivery driver, he knew all the scams the eateries pulled. 1st up: "Grandma's lasagna recipe from the old country." He delivered Stouffer's. 2nd up " Home made lemonade." He delivered Country Time. Lastly, "We bake our pies from scratch." He delivered Mrs. Smith's pies.

    • @wdfktv8555
      @wdfktv8555 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      One of the biggest problems is that we have too many generations that were brought up on fast food and convenience food where you rip off the box top throw it in a pot add a little water and bring it to a boil. They wouldn't know real food if it was served from them, chances are they wouldn't even eat it because it doesn't taste nasty and actually has some nutritional value.

    • @johngraesser4911
      @johngraesser4911 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Locally we used to have a popular seafood restaurant that I ate at once, nothing worth going back for me, years later I worked at a job with someone who worked in the kitchen there for a while. He said no matter what sort of fish was ordered, bass, trout, red snapper, catfish etc, it all came out of the same box. Just different preparation and presentation for the same species of fish, I believe he said it was whiting. They had closed by then so I couldn't try to verify his story.

  • @robinsmith560
    @robinsmith560 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    the opposite restaurant reaction can be just as upsetting... my son and I got very ill one time after eating Honey Baked spiral ham... I was so mad I went in to complain the next day and... the guy behind the register say, yeah ok, do you have the credit card you paid with or the receipt? I have him the card and he reversed the charges... no prob... but made me think this was NOT an unusual complaint and I NEVER ate there again and still hate ham since then...!

  • @keithconway4567
    @keithconway4567 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I went to a restaurant, ordered a Pizza and waited a long time for it and then asked when it might be done... well this very uncrowded restaurant had lost my order. So they said why don't you take this Pizza. It's a little different but it's ready. Fine, I take it. In comes a customer who has ordered a Pizza by phone and asks for his Pizza. The guy behind the counter points at me and says " He took it!"

    • @stevelehto
      @stevelehto  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Now that's funny.

    • @keithconway4567
      @keithconway4567 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@stevelehto They lost two customers that night, went out of business shortly after that, and went on to open another restaurant 60 miles away that failed within a few months. Which was also funny.

    • @psmith990
      @psmith990 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      How mortifying!

  • @EDH90
    @EDH90 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I’m going to preface this story with the fact that I’m legally blind. Some 1214 years ago, my dad and I went to a popular restaurant chain that has waitresses dressed in white shirts and orange booty shorts. We sit down, order drinks, and we’re looking over the menu. I’m using a magnifying glass to read what’s what and decide on which burger I’d like. This girl comes up and without warning, says, “Are you blind or something?” Her tone is what irritated me. “As a matter of fact, I’m legally blind. That’s why I’m using a magnifying glass.” No apology. Just takes our order and leaves. Normally, I get defensive. This time I didn’t. I was stunned, yes. Thought it over. Food was delivered. When she came back to ask how the food was, I asked to speak to the manager. She asked if everything was okay, which it was, I said I was a friend (I had no idea who this guy was) and just wanted to say Hi. Told him what happened. Said, “Now, I don’t want to tell you how to do your job, and please don’t make her come out here and apologize because I’ll know she’s only doing it because you told her to. But there’s certain things you just DON’T say to people. That is one of them. Her delivery was awful. I’m not upset, but if she did that to the wrong person, that could cost you business. I just wanted you to be aware of the situation. I thought it was pretty rude. Especially when she didn’t apologize for making herself look stupid.” Dude was really cool about it. Said he would most certainly be having a conversation with her. (Didn’t expect this at all) she brings our check, the whole meal is comped. She’s just as surprised. We just left. No tip. The service wasn’t the issue and I have no doubt that the manager talked to her. I just hope that if she’s still in the food industry, she learned to have a little bit more tact when engaging with customers.

  • @russmontgomery5211
    @russmontgomery5211 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I took my mother to cracker barrel ONCE and we sat down and the waitress took our drink order she returned in about 30 seconds with drinks and A basket of bread. my mom peels her straw and rolled up the paper and just when she went to take A drink I asked her " mom did you throw you straw paper in the iced tea?" she says no and showed me the rolled up paper I was like well what the hell is in your cup? turns out there is not just straw paper in the cup but also empty splenda packets as well. Turns out the waitress just grabbed A half empty glass from another table and re filled it and handed it to my mom. Then as if that wasn't bad enough I picked up A piece of bread and under the bread the was trash in the basket including used paper napkins. that's when I came un corked. to make A long story A little shorter, Both my mom and my self are no longer allowed in the cracker barrel.

    • @floydlooney6837
      @floydlooney6837 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Russ Montgomery my manager would go ballistic on a server for that

    • @wdfktv8555
      @wdfktv8555 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Go ballistic my ass, that server would have been terminated on the spot.

  • @jeffcokenour3459
    @jeffcokenour3459 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    What if that was the lasagna with a prize in the center and you sent back a $10,000 diamond?

  • @ericsharris5098
    @ericsharris5098 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Not nearly as good a story, but it's all I have.
    Went to a Pizza Hut right before closing. They hurried.
    Some people like rare steak.
    Nobody likes rare pizza. It was chewy.

  • @jeffhruska8626
    @jeffhruska8626 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Sounds like the microwave was broken. Reminds me of when a waitress told Gordon Ramsey everything is cooked by chef Mike. Take me to chef Mike. She points to the microwave. lol

    • @finris1
      @finris1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Chef Mike was the best worker at that restaurant. Had a hand in making almost everything on the menu and his quality of service was entirely consistent. And what did he get for his loyal service without pay? He was unceremoniously tossed out the window. Terrible.

  • @a4yster
    @a4yster 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    That feel when some attorney makes better entertainment than 99% of crap on TV.

    • @wdfktv8555
      @wdfktv8555 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Quite frankly, for the last four nights between the hours of 8 p.m. and 2 a.m. I have watched lehto's law! Dude you really need to have your own syndicated television show!

  • @billinfarmington5189
    @billinfarmington5189 4 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    about 3 years ago there seemed to be a new fad in Orange County California. In two stores, I was given change in dollars which meant that they took less money than I owed them. Say I owed them $3.26 and I gave them a $5. They would give me $2 change. When I would point out the change was too much they would say, "Oh, I don't do change." Ok, they reduced the price of the item and took $0.26 right off the bottom line. I then went to a restaurant and the server owed me say $3.26 as my change. They gave me $3 back and I thought they might have dropped the change on the way to my table. When I next saw the server I commented that the change was missing. Again I was told "Oh, I don't do change." But, this time they were taking my money. I looked at her for a few seconds, thinking of my replay and said "Oh, I don't do tips." And, left.

    • @caramanico1
      @caramanico1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nice comeback - 007 would have been proud to have thought of it!

    • @alfredgosner2112
      @alfredgosner2112 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      that .26 cents just became their tip

    • @billinfarmington5189
      @billinfarmington5189 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@alfredgosner2112 I guess in retrospect that is true. Hadn't thought of it since she would have gotten several dollars for a tip.

  • @johngrasso2124
    @johngrasso2124 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Should have asked for the Waitress's hand, dug out the ice cube in the middle of your lasagna, placed it in her hand and asked "Does that feel frozen to you"?

  • @dorothywillis1
    @dorothywillis1 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    As you were telling the lasagna story I kept thinking, "This parrot is dead, this parrot is no more."

    • @jgunther3398
      @jgunther3398 ปีที่แล้ว

      i kept thinking she's right it isn't frozen and his fork is hitting a petrified mouse

  • @williamcox1176
    @williamcox1176 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    A friend of mine stood up in a restaurant and asked in a loud voice, "why did you cook the chips in motor oil" and the manager came over and said, "we only use fully synthetic"

  • @woodsie5474
    @woodsie5474 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Years ago my wife and I took our foster child to a restaurant, and I ordered a steak. I order my steaks rare. It was spoiled, spoiled so badly it smelled and I sent it back after cutting it. They sent out another one, which was even worse than the first. I refused to eat it, and refused to pay for it. The manager came out and tried to get me to pay for it, so I showed him the piece, and asked if he would cut off a piece and try to eat it. Only then, with other people watching from adjacent tables did he decide I didn't need to pay for it. It is a national chain that presently is in severe decline. I will never enter another one of their restaurants.

  • @MJSoderlund
    @MJSoderlund 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    MANAGER: What would you like me to do?
    YOU: I'd like to see you eat this frozen lasagna. If you can do it, I'll pay for it. If you can't, the whole table walks out without paying a penny, and you can bring that piece of frozen lasagna out to someone else.

    • @dgwdgw
      @dgwdgw 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How to deal with incompetent management, the badass way.

  • @pokes1960
    @pokes1960 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Fancy restraint in Dallas TX the top of the big ball that you can see from anywhere in the county. Gave me when I ordered medium rare Filet a cold cold and barely gray brown steak. When I wanted to get it exchanged for a properly cooked piece which they probably could have done by just putting it back on the grill but didn't. (health reasons I suppose) they just threw it in a microwave and served it a second time gray brown but scalding hot rubbery crap. I presume they did this because they didn't want to just toss my unappetizing steak away therefore losing money. So, they just nuked it and expected me to sit there uncomplaining. And acted as if they were oblivious as to what a microwave does to fine steak. I called the manager over and he said we have tried to make you happy but you are not happy why don't you just leave. I am not making this up. And at no time was I ever rude or snippy with the waitress because I know she is not the one responsible for coking steaks to the proper doneness (if thats a word) I didn't get to eat either. As an aside. I was just graduating from High School and this was a special occasion that Mom had picked out for me. In the 50 or so years since then, guess how many times I have been back to this same restaurant? So crappy customer service has been around for a very long time and denying a microwave was used goes back at least to 1961. I am enjoying a lot of you videos...Thanks for taking time to make them

  • @merrillslaven6921
    @merrillslaven6921 5 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    A few years ago, my nephew and I went to Texas Roadhouse. We both ordered drinks and meals. He got his and I got nothing even though I kept asking. When the bill came, both drinks and meals are onthere. The waitress argued that I had eaten but said she'd get the manager. Before the manager came out, two local police officers came to talk with me about dine and dash. I pointed to the security camera above my table and suggested that they review the video. The manager refused at first but then led them to the back. A few minutes later, the police apologised for bothering me, the manager comped both meals, and the waitress called me a son of a bitch for not tipping.

    • @roxcyn
      @roxcyn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wow, I would have been pissed. I would have called their corporate. How can you dine and dash if you’re still there?

  • @copwcuffs5415
    @copwcuffs5415 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I know that feeling Steve had, getting the same plate you sent back set in front of you again. I was with a large group trying out a new family owned neighborhood restaurant.
    I sent a burger & fries back because a long black hair was in the fries. The waitress claimed that she would have the order redone and bring it back. When she returned I looked at the fries carefully and found the same hair had only been buried under the fries! I said that if they had removed the hair and sent the plate back I likely would not have been able to tell, but now I could never trust them again. My friends and I said we were leaving. The resurant closed soon after.

  • @fastdude2002
    @fastdude2002 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I ran a restaurant for 32 years while also working as a Deputy Probation Officer during much of that time. I kept myself very busy. I worked in the juvenile division and would give many of the kids job opportunities at the restaurant. It was a franchised restaurant and our policy was to do whatever it took to make the customer happy. If someone's meal was not satisfactory I would personally see the order through to make sure the problem was corrected the first time and would not charge them for the meal to help make up for the inconvenience the customer was put through. If a customer took a meal home and called back to say it was not correct, we would take their word for it and re-make and refund, mail out a coupon for the next meal free, whatever the customer wanted. I'm sure we were taken advantage of sometimes but that is just a cost of doing business. That type of customer service paid off as the restaurant was very successful.

  • @snowbird29803
    @snowbird29803 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Lasagna story reminded me of Monty Python's Flying Circus "Dead Parrot Sketch" LOL

    • @zaphodbeeblebrox2202
      @zaphodbeeblebrox2202 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It's not frozen. It is simply pre-reheated.

    • @Ron4885
      @Ron4885 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      snowbird29803 - YES I do remember that as well :)

    • @grannysweet
      @grannysweet 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zaphodbeeblebrox2202 😂😂🤣😂😂👍😎🐶

  • @carlbowman3366
    @carlbowman3366 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I was rolling laughing about the lasagna story. I want to thank you for taking the time to make videos that are both informative and entertaining.

    • @HoldenNY22
      @HoldenNY22 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't think it was a Funny Story. I thought it was a very sad Story. That is the Great Capitalist U.S.A, when you're boss tells you to Lie, you have to LIe in order to keep your Job. If a honest person had been doing that Waitress/Waiter job they would have been honest with Mr. Lehto that the Lasagna had been frozen, they would have lost their job shortly afterwards. Even if they did like Mr. Lehto said, did it quietly- they would still have lost their job. They probably wouldn't have told them that they lost the job because they refused to lie, they probably would have found a different excuse.
      If the Employer senses that you don't like to lie- don't like to follow your orders even if they are Immoral and/or Stupid- the Employer will not like that and probably won't want you as an Employee. Even the Manager is the story Steve Lehto was telling was most probably just following his order and he refused to follow his orders- refused to lie and say the items are not Fresh, but Frozen, he too would have lost his Manager job.

  • @glennburns9368
    @glennburns9368 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    My story: I went to a national chain steak restaurant. The server asked how I wanted my steak cooked. I don't know why they bother to ask as it always comes out the same, regardless. ...but I requested medium rare. As expected, it came out well done. I don't dare send anything back, because I fear revenge from the kitchen. Eventually, the server came by and asked "how's everything" I said, "I know you can't uncook a steak, so I don't want to send this back, but you know I requested medium rare, and look how it was cooked." The server looked at it and insisted over my objections that I must send it back. I very hesitantly gave in. My replacement, was browned on the surface and frozen in the center. When the server came by again, to inquire, I said "it's fine, thank you."
    I didn't want to return it in the first place. I have nightmares of what kitchen staff might do to returned food, and I wasn't going to risk it a second time.

  • @ala346
    @ala346 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Not a restaurant but my high school cafeteria back in late 1950s. I saw one of the students stick a fork straight down into a plate of spaghetti and he lifted the entire pile of spaghetti straight up with no sag leaving the plate clean. Another time, same cafeteria, I noticed that they were serving some kind of greens. The school was brand new and I believe it was the first year it was open. I looked out the window and noticed that the tall weeds that had been there were gone. Coincidence? By the way, I brought my own lunch and never ate the cafeteria meals.

  • @wdtaut5650
    @wdtaut5650 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Food poisoning is no joke. People can die. Tell the restaurant AND call the local health department.

    • @1234BaileyDavid
      @1234BaileyDavid 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      WDTA UT yep. It would be an outbreak at that point if there were many people calling in sick.

  • @ralphjohnson8973
    @ralphjohnson8973 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Words of wisdom for those that don't know. When your food comes out wrong, either take it the way it is or refuse it. Do not send it back and accept another order. NEVER antagonize the people that prepare your food. Your're better of going hungry until you can get something somewhere else.

  • @dawnm.h.reeves5717
    @dawnm.h.reeves5717 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    There was an orange juice (from concentrate) commercial eons ago..tag line..Fresh from the freezer!

  • @TourPace
    @TourPace 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Ordered a side of guacamole from a family-run Mexican restaurant, and it was spoiled. I told the waitress, she apologized and took it away. Check comes and the $6 charge for the guac is still on the bill. I asked her to remove the charge and she was stunned that I didn't want to pay for it. Fine, whatever, so I reduced her tip by $6. They were out of business a short while later.

    • @DovidM
      @DovidM 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It is hard to understand their logic. You send something back that they probably knew was off but they think you are obligated to pay for it?

  • @R182video
    @R182video 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I stopped at a restaurant in Dayton, Ohio one night (business trip) and was seated promptly. I waited for 15 minutes before someone acknowledged my presence. This waiter had been seated at the table next to me talking to his buddies. The service continued at this same deplorable level through the meal. It took me 1-1/2 hours to complete my meal that took me all of 10 minutes to actually eat. I paid with a credit card, tipped him $0.01 and signed it "Lousy Service". On the way out the manager asked me how my meal was. I just told him to take a look at the tips on the credit card receipts to see how I enjoyed the service.

  • @garywanamaker2602
    @garywanamaker2602 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I once ordered nachos at a chain restaurant who is Very Happy that it's Friday. They came to the table charred black. Charcoal. I sent it back. It returned 10 minutes later, with a pile of shredded cheese on top, melted to cover the soot.

    • @stevelehto
      @stevelehto  6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      We call that "Cajun Style."

  • @perrywise2188
    @perrywise2188 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Two friends and I ordered two large pizzas from a Domino's while staying at a hotel. When the pizzas came my one friend and I took slices from one of pizza and my other friend went for the other pizza. He suddenly exclaimed "what the hell" and pulled a mat of hair out from under the topping. It lookes as somebody had scraped it off a shower drain or something, it was about 1/3 the size of the pizza. When my friend called Domino's they told him it must of been from the mushrooms that came on the pizza! When the delivery driver came to take back the pizzas he had an attitude about it so we asked for our very generous tip back too.

  • @AdamSchlaff
    @AdamSchlaff 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Being a kitchen manager for years, every time I went to another company I would take over a mess.
    Ranch made on site theat just kept getting topped off instead of a new pan (leaving weeks old and SOUR ranch on the bottom. )
    Mold on all the walkin shelves
    2 inches of grease and old food underneath the grill
    Mold in the ice machine
    Food not rotated or thrown out when old
    I couldn't believe how bad a lot of kitchens are. But I ran mine (after replacing staff and sanitized every literal inch) extremely clean and outstanding food quality.
    After retiring, I rarely go out to eat anymore.

    • @rjay7019
      @rjay7019 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think any of us who have worked in a restaurant or fast food 🧐👍
      Most managers don't care except for once a year when it's time for the annual inspection.

  • @saintboulder9453
    @saintboulder9453 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I have in the past, worked in restaurants, both slightly higher end local places (for me any way), fast food, and burger joint. All in the kitchen. There are things you don't do. If any food went out that was bad for any reason, I would be very upset with myself and fellow staff. I take pride in my work.
    So I went to another restaurant with a friend who claimed this to be one of the best Mexican in the area. It didn't look all that great inside. A little time worn perhaps. We place our respective orders and chat while we wait. Nearby one of the waitresses is sweeping. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. Our food arrives and I am about to dig in when the waitress who was sweeping exclaims, nearly yelling, "wow, look at all these bugs!". My fork stops midway between plate and mouth and just stare at my friend. It must have been some look because she stops eating, the fact that was still eating blew my mind, sighs and asks me what is wrong. If they have bugs in the front of the restaurant, they have bugs in the back of the restaurant. If they have bugs then they aren't keeping a clean kitchen. I . Am. Not. Eating. Here. She sighs and knows that I will tear the hostess a new one over this and goes to tell them we (me) are not paying for it and we are leaving. The hostess complains about the bill. I haven't eaten any off my plate and she has only taken two or three bites. The hostess says fine but looks us down and says we aren't to come back. I just stared at her for a moment and say as calmly as I can ( it came out much colder than intended), that won't be a problem, neither I, nor any of my friends will eat there ever again.

  • @Mastarfiin
    @Mastarfiin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    11:10 mark "you're not allowed to punch people in turns out they have rules against that." LMAO Of course. Don't you know? you are only supposed to punch them in them in the privates. (sorry I just couldn't help myself) love your videos!!!!

  • @eternaldarkness3139
    @eternaldarkness3139 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The Lasagna story...
    I have the exact same story... ONLY WITH A 1/2 CHICKEN!!
    It looked perfect. I cut into it... well the first 1/16" of it. Still frozen, somehow. I returned it, and the manager proudly... not an exaggeration... Proudly announced, they would not bill me for the chicken. My soft drink, yep. My wife's meal... absolutely.
    Never went back to that restaurant again. Petty, I know. We should always support our town idiots!

  • @randydunkle8996
    @randydunkle8996 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I have a better restaurant story. Dining with friends the table next to me had a child that they hoisted upon the table and began changing a fully loaded feces bulging diaper, at the table!!! We freaked out , called the manager over , explaining the problem which was being completed and filling the room with fowl odor...who asked ‘ what do you want me to do about it’ . Top that sir . We got up and left and I saw a waitress come over and made a cursory swipe at the table top with a regular bar rag. TOP THAT

  • @williamfay3452
    @williamfay3452 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My restaurant story...I am living in Alaska. Been living there off and on since the early 60s. I go to a touristy restaurant in Fairbanks, I order Salmon. They serve me Halibut, I like Halibut but I ordered Salmon. I point out that they made a simple mistake. The waitress goes back to talk to the kitchen staff. She comes back and tell me there was no mistake, they had given me white salmon. There is no such thing as white salmon. They lied to me like I was a tourist they could rip off. No biggie. I never went back. They didn't miss my business and I didn't miss the lies.

    • @irnamax9
      @irnamax9 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      William Fay I have lived in Alaska almost 60 years. There is white salmon but it doesn’t look like halibut. Halibut is firm, salmon is flaky. Sorry about the bad experience. I was raised in Fairbanks, hopefully it was white salmon or the waitress isn’t Alaskan. 🐟
      Grilled white king salmon, prepared by Roman Motyka. About one king in 20 has white meat, and many prefer the flavor of the "ivory" kings.

  • @Skislopesjoe
    @Skislopesjoe 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Went to an expensive steakhouse for Xmas. Dad asks for medium rare, gets a medium well. If you don’t eat steak you may not think it’s a big deal but it is. Asks them to remake that he can’t eat that.
    They make a new steak that was so rare you couldn’t even call it blue rare. He at the corners which were most cooked and when the server came back she even said “o my god would you like me to take it back.”
    Dad said no I’ll take it home and finish cooking it myself.

  • @actionman9357
    @actionman9357 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    You FIRST contact the local Health Department for suspected food poisoning! Let them handle it!

  • @MarcCalvert
    @MarcCalvert 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Denny's: I wanted onion rings instead of french fries with my hamburger, they brought me out 4 onion rings and charged $2.00 extra. I've NEVER gone back in over 20 years.

  • @daviddionne8296
    @daviddionne8296 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I had a friend who was a "Cook" at Red Lobster. He says everything comes in a bag and gets microwaved. I also have a thing about the bathrooms. They reflect what the kitchen looks like. When I was in Marines, we stayed and cleaned after all meals when on mess duty. You know the kitchen crew is out the back door in a heart beat when done with their shif. I'm also a big fan of Yelp and the reviews that are posted. I stay away from chains.

  • @blthetube1962
    @blthetube1962 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    2 to 3 years without eating McDonald.... It took me 20 after I started to see a trend of stomach cramps. First thing I noticed 20 years later was how much their Big Mac shrunk. I haven't eaten there since.

  • @robertc7962
    @robertc7962 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I wish you had asked the waitress to bring a third piece of lasagna, and made her leave the frozen piece on the table until she brought the new piece. If the new piece is frozen, repeat. Eventually you could find out how much lasagna was in the freezer.

    • @wmluna381
      @wmluna381 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @robertvirginiabeach
    @robertvirginiabeach 6 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    It's NEVER a good idea to actually consume replacement food after you've sent something back. There's a possibility the kitchen added some extra ingredients you don't want.

    • @DENicholsAutoBravado
      @DENicholsAutoBravado 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I think most people, most of the time, would never give an issue with redone food. I've worked with a few horrible customers and we still respectfully took care of their food and worked to put the smile back on their faces.

  • @atkravitz
    @atkravitz 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I am late to the Lehtos Law party so I am watching old videos. I had a great restaurant experience just a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know about other towns, but in mine all fast food has long lines. I made the mistake of going to Wendy’s. I was online for 20 minutes. When I get to the speaker they announce they only accept cash. I really don’t carry cash so I was out of luck. But I said hey, you should put a sign out so people don’t have to wait 20 minutes. The response “that’s not my problem” I went embarrassingly ballistic.

  • @sniperasys
    @sniperasys 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    - "SO?!"
    - "So I'M ON AIR sitting in front of the microphone of a radio station NAUSEATED from YOUR JUNK." [brief pause] "DO YOU WANT TO RECONSIDER YOUR ANSWER?"

  • @McGrew100
    @McGrew100 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    This is why I do NOT eat in restaurants anymore. All across the country, American hospitality in restaurants, is enemy action against the customer. Bad food, bad service, bad attitude.

  • @TheBrokenLife
    @TheBrokenLife 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It wasn't frozen... You just hit a lasagna bone.

  • @campmasters7565
    @campmasters7565 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I will just say this, first so that you understand my very first job and my job for several years was in a very nice restaurant as a busser and waiter later. I am now a firefighter and fire inspector. After doing many fire inspections in restaurants I have a rule, I will not do an inspection in any restaurant that I like to eat it. I have found that if I do I will probably never eat there again after seeing their kitchen.

  • @gpslightlock1422
    @gpslightlock1422 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Went to the Saturday night races with some friends who own race cars. Had a great time and we were out of there around 11:30pm. Drove 2 miles to a 24/7 restaurant national chain. There were a dozen adults and 4 kids. Ordered food at 11:45pm. Got our food at 2:30am. Friend of mine told them we don't want the kid's meals because the kids were sound asleep. Waitress asked what he wants her to do with it. Without hesitation he said "Eat it!" Manager came over and asked if there was a problem. My friend explained the food took hours to get to our table and the kids are sound asleep. Manager looked at the ticket and said "These people ordered their food at 11:45 and it's 2:30am. What took so long? Waitress told him "Cook on duty when they ordered didn't know how to cook eggs so we had to wait for the next shift to come to work!" Manager comped all the meals. Kids slept well.

  • @hillie47
    @hillie47 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Out of principle I don't ever send food back. I just eat a snack later or whatever. I don't trust what's going on back there and I prefer not to get an extra side of spit with my re-done dish.

    • @spottheborgcat6523
      @spottheborgcat6523 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I sent a meal back for having egg shells in the scrambled eggs. Got my plate back with urine on it. Manager's first words to me, " You can't prove anything, here's the bill.". NEVER WENT BACK. They went out of business.

  • @WhispersFromTheDark
    @WhispersFromTheDark 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I was about 18, I worked at the local hospital night shift. One Friday I called for a pizza to be delivered to my floor. I chose the specific pizza company because I worked there a couple of years before and had never had any issues. So the pizza gets there, I and a nurse or two grab a slice and start eating. I was talking as I was eating and quickly glanced down at the pizza as I took a bite and chewed it. Then something in my mind clicked that what I had originally thought was a piece of herb or something had legs. So I spit out whatever was left in my mouth and peeled back the topping to discover half of a cockroach. All I could do is puke at that point. I grabbed the trash can and puked and was crying and finally when things calmed down the nurses asked me what had happened and I told them. I don't think they believed me and they started laughing. I called the pizza store and tried to tell them what happened but started puking again. The nurses got on the phone and spoke with them and they offered to replace the pizza with a couple of free pizza's and all I could do is shake my head no. The nurses said to bring them on over so they did. They also explained that they had just sprayed because of a bug problem... I am 60 now, it's been almost 40 years and that still turns my stomach when I think of it.

    • @Orphmorg
      @Orphmorg 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What is worse than finding a cockroach in your pizza?
      Finding half a cockroach!

    • @Robertz1986
      @Robertz1986 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I work in a hospital (as security) and if you're causing PTSD 40 years later to experienced nurses with the disgustingness of anything, that is a shocking accomplishment.

  • @mobrewski
    @mobrewski 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Went to Cracker Barrel, wife orders biscuits and gravy. Food comes out, big hair in the gravy. Server apologizes and brings out a new order, big hair in the gravy. Manager (very nice) comes to our table and apologizes over and over and personally brings her a fresh order of biscuits and gravy. He sets it in front of her and says, "there, no hair in the gravy". She looks closer and said yes, there's one right there. Sure enough, another hair in the gravy. At this point I feel bad for the manager because I know he is super embarrassed. He says, "I'm taking care of the entire bill, can I get you anything else?" My wife answers, "how about a fucking comb?"

    • @copwcuffs5415
      @copwcuffs5415 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ordered a burger & fries. As I'm eating a long dark hair is discovered in the fries. I sent it all back. They piled the cold fries on top of the same hair. I said if you don't want to give me a new plate of food at least get rid of the hair, so I don't know that you're messing with me; that's the reason I sent it back to the kitchen in the first place!

    • @daleslover2771
      @daleslover2771 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Jim Bryant 🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh that's funny as all hell, priceless!

  • @lindalehmer4699
    @lindalehmer4699 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My husband and I were helping a friend with a bathroom remodel in his new home several years ago. We had been working since early that morning and it was now 9:30 pm and there was only one place still serving dinner and that was TGIFriday's. We were starving so we raced over there before the kitchen closed and ordered three meals. My husbands and Brian's meal were fine, mine on the other hand it was just a burger and fries with a side of broccoli. Burger was raw in the middle, still cold, so it must have been frozen. I was going to say something but I was starving and by now the kitchen was surely closed, so I ate it anyway (I do like things rare just not raw) I put a lot of black pepper and ketchup on it and called it steak tartar. The broccoli well that was a combination of broccmush and raw mixed together. I ate the raw pieces fine done. Then I ordered a slice of cheesecake. A treat for me yeah! This was "my lasagna" It was a brick with whipped cream on it. I figured I would let it sit a bit, so I finished my drink, then maybe it thawed out enough to eat. Wrong. After about 8-10 mins I started to try to eat it. I started with the whipped cream and then scraped a little and I mean little bit off the top. That wasn't working so I thought if I could just at least get one bite I'll wrap the rest and take it home. So I picked the pointy part of the cheesecake figuring that it would be less frozen and it could just melt in my mouth like ice cream. Well I took my fork and tried to wedge off about 3/4 of an inch, I bent the fork a bit. Determined to get my one bite I straightened out the fork picked up my knife and used it's handle like a hammer to the fork, well a piece did break off it shot across the table and landed on the carpet, the big piece flew in the other direction and landed in a womans' lap sitting about 6 feet away, I broke the plate. The one half of the broken plate hit my water glass breaking it and ice water went everywhere including in my purse which was on the floor (no I was not drunk I only had one drink). Brian reacted to the glass breaking and inadvertently knocked over his beer which soaked my husband who was sitting across from him and my husband was trying to catch the chunk of cheesecake which was flying by him (that's how it wound up in that womans lap), but what he did accomplish was knocking his plate and utensils to floor some distance from the table. After all this commotion you could of heard a pin drop, everybody at the bar was staring at us, the woman was pissed and I mean pissed (now SHE was drunk) the manager came running over and basically asked us to leave. I explained to him of our experience and he could see we were sober just not dressed so nice from renovating all day. He apologized for the poor meal and gave me a coupon for a free dessert the next time I come in. We payed the bill and rushed out of there from embarrassment. When we got home I looked at the bill closer (something didn't seem right) he had charged us for the 3 meals, drinks AND the cheesecake And there was another charge for 25.00. Next day I called and spoke with the manager and asked him about the 25.00 charge and why did he charge me for the cheesecake? He said it was an inconvenience fee and that I did eat part of the cheesecake and it wasn't the restaurants fault it fell on the floor. I ate the whipped cream and a shaving! It was frozen, It's a brick. I told him that it is their fault. I never heard of an inconvenience fee, for what! He said it was for the clean up. What What What! I was pissed now. My husband calmed me down and decided it's not worth driving all the way back and not to carry on bad feelings and let's look at it as an "entertainment fee". So I entertained myself. I I called the health department that Monday of my hamburger experience and improper cooking, the broccoli mush not being to temp, and then I emailed corporate with a statement regarding the 25.00 charge with the receipt attached. Then the final thing I did was give my coupon to a very stinky (I mean really bad BO) lady at the nearby Walmart to that TGIF next time we went to Brian's (you just know she would use it. It was a no purchase required coupon). Brian did go to that TGIF on some occasions and said he had never seen that manager again. The restaurant did close within a year of our wonderful entertainment night.