I Have an error I don't have any idea, the error is : to Training data contains 0 samples, which is not sufficient to split it into a validation and training set as specified by `validation_split=0.5`. Either provide more data, or a different value for the `validation_split` argument.
شكرا على الشرح بالنسبة ل early stooping فلها علاقة ب val-loss عندما يبدأ بالارتفاع يتوقف التدريب
السلام عليكم اخي، ما هو الفرق بين earlystopping و checkpoint ؟
Lecture handouts
I Have an error I don't have any idea, the error is :
to Training data contains 0 samples, which is not sufficient to split it into a validation and training set as specified by `validation_split=0.5`. Either provide more data, or a different value for the `validation_split` argument.
what is the different between early stopping and drop out
جزاك الله خيرا
والله للاسف... المخاطبة والحديث موش مربح عنا اوب.. لاني بحب اتواصل صوت