Nco Ntsoov Los Pauj Kev Chim. 4/14/2024
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- Nco Ntsoov Los Pauj Kev Chim.
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Amen, God bless. God works in mysterious ways. I'm glad your child got better and is doing good now. Karma has to be paid in full. You can never hid from good. Evil always come out in the end.
You did the right thing mom for not leaving your baby alone. I'm very proud of you. May God continue to bless your children and you
By law, doctors have to save a kid esp one who cannot speak for theirself. You did the right thing. I would not be able to bare leaving my child in the hospital esp if they are doing a surgery on him or her. Your FIL is dead and your baby is not dead yet. They can deal with his funeral and you take care of your baby.
😮talk about karma. Great story to remind everyone to be good in this lifetime and do even more good deeds.
There's no way I'm going to agreed with the mil. We all know there's regulation and rules. You already know is impossible to steal a sick child out of the hospital!!!!
Ruam tsis tshaj tsev neeg no lawm
Tsev neeg zoo li no tseem tias yog nyob meskas thiab os yom
Wow 😮
Cov niam pog uas zoo li tus ko ces tuag zoo dua thiab tus txiv tsev ko ces tuag zoo dua
Ua tsaug os nej cov nus muag ua yog tshaj plaws li nawb qhov no yog ib qho tseem2 ceeb rau peb lub neej pem suab kawg nkaus li yuav tsum ua li ko thiaj ua tau rau peb tsoom me txiv tsev sawv daws thiaj li yuav saib taus peb tsoom niam tsev nawb tsis hais txiv neej los yog poj niam li yog leej twg ua zoo ces tau txais qhov zoo xwb ua tsaug rau neej cov me nyuam uas nej ua tau ib tug qauv zoo rau sawv daws kawm mog
Sorry but I would have protected my baby all the way. I would never have let my mil touch the baby especially if that is the reason why I stayed there with the baby. You had the right mind but were too weak to protect your baby the way you should. Good thing was that the hospital protected your baby.
Hmoob cov ntees tuag mas ua cuag li uas ua tag es tus tuag ntawv yuav sawv rov los
Yog li thaum txog koj tsev neeg kiag ces coj ncaj qha rau tim toj ntxas xwb.
Kuv tsis nkag siab tias cas koj ho mus hais txog Hmoob kev pam tuag?
There is nothing about that. The reason yog neeg tsis paub tab paub cai.
Need to save the baby, the grandpa live his life, why worry about the grandpa? Hmoob ruam os hmoob ruam aw.😂
It makes me upset that there are so many Hmong parents out there that don’t stand up to protect their children.
To the mother in this story, please remember that "There is NOTHING more INSPIRING than a Strong Hmong Woman". I applaud you for standing up for your child despite the treacherous betrayal that you have to endure during this time.
Damn!!! The mother in law tried to steal the baby?!!! That’s super crazy!! That is now abduction and you will definitely go to jail!! This is a insane story!!
The mother inlaw try to kill the baby.
Remember that us older women need to stop having kids after the age of 40 due to health issues and Down syndrome. Some people are just fortunate to have healthy children. Some aren’t so lucky. It’s a topic that our community isn’t educated about.
Absolutely correct! Most down syndrome are not hereditary and is due to geriatric eggs causing the embryo to not develop the proper amount of chromosomes.
Yes, agreed! These OG really need to stop having kids !
Only the blood Jesus Christ can help
I don’t understand Hmong men. Same as mine. Always wanting some younger women when they’re old already…. And then leaving their wives and children and rather go and take care of someone else’s children
Your husband didn’t loved you enough to support your you take cared of your baby’s health. Hopefully your mil and ex will get their karma. Glad your son healed and growing now.
U are so pretty May
Zoo kawg os
Listen to this story you can’t protect your child from this evil monster in laws.
TXhob tu siab vim koj tus txiv xaiv nws niam thiab nws pab kwv tij, nws tsis xaiv koj thiab neb pab me nyuam.
Txaus ntshai yuav tau txhob ua siab.
Interesting story.
Es lawv muab txiv yawg ua lub ntees tas es lawv puas ciaj huab tais mas.
Twb nyob mekas lub ntuj lawm tseem ruam npau no thiab...cia cov ruam li no nyob lawv lub ntuj os, koj tus txiv thiab koj niam pog ruam tib yam nrauj lawm.los zoo os mog
Txawv ua luaj
Twb tuaj nyob teb chaws no lawm cas nej tsev neeg ko cas zoo li tsis paub dab tsi li tseem yuav nyiag me nyuam nqa tawm tim tsev kho mob thiab
Tus siab kawg li os
Perfect example of Hmong OGs thinking they know it all when they know nothing!
Great story
Niam ntuab teev kv xav tau ib txoj kev pab x
Very good story
I would have stood my ground all the way thru no matter what. Her in-laws are evil, they only cared about the dead and not the little one who was fighting for their life ❤
Yup, you were definitely dumb for not stopping your MIL from pulling all the cords. You should have just stood up to your mil.
If baby is in NICU, there is always a nurse.. Story sounds fake..
So much things I want to say, but I'll be nice.
Niam ntuab teev kv xav tau ib txoj kev pab los ntawm koj tab sis kuv ruam2 tsi paub yuav hus li cas thiaj tau rau koj thov koj txai kv tom fev npuv thiab thov koj tus fev ziag no koj siv rau kv os thov koj nawb
Cas yuav muaj tej tug Niam Pog siab phem ua luaj li...tsis tsim nyog hlub tej niag noam pog Siab phem li ntawd o lawv ...
I don't understand why some people only care about themselves. Between tiam qhua and a life of a human being. Which is urgent?
Ib leej niam thiab txiv should know what's more urgent. Tus tuag twb tuag...tus mob tseem cawm tau. Why only care about tiam qhua? Poor decision can make huge mistakes.
Niam ntsuab teev cas lub teb chaws meskas cov kho mob cov nom tswv yuav ib txoj cai zoo ua luaj tej me nyuam los muaj cai rau nom tswv kav yog muaj teeb meem niam txiv raug kaw tib si tej txij nkawm yog tus txiv ntaus tus niam los yeej raug kaw tib si thiab kuv nug koj cov neej neeg ua ntu Zug thaum ob phav 2017 tsawg zaj los cov neeg xã tuaj los yeej txawv tsis deb xwb tej zaj mas kuv quaj ho muaj tej mas ntshav siab tej zaj mas kuv chim siab vim ntau tus xa ntau qhov qhaw tuaj kawg li teb xaus ces pheej mus ib yam koj teb rau kuv seb ua cas yuav mus ib xwb muaj tej mas mloog tag xav tus txiv tsev tua kiag tej mas mloog tag xav quaj nrov
Tsev hmoob ruam tsev hmoob 75 twb nyob mekas teb lawm es tseem muab hmoob dev thiab npuas cais coj los sis ruam npaum nej ces kiav nrov qab mus nyob nplog teb lo tsev hmoob ruam .
es ruam thiaj nyb teb chaws nplog xb lo teb chaws mekas lo yeej muaj cov ruam thiab sav lawv
Yog kawg! Hmoob 75 ruam
Ibtug txiv zoo li no ces tso nws rau nws tsev neeg zoo dua. Vim nws cov menyuam thiab tus pojniam twb tsis muaj nqi rau nws.
You don't need to be in the hospital the Dr can take care while you can go home and take care your self to remember you are not DR you are mother.
Do you have a child who goes through cancer or has many surgeries? Do you have a disable child's? I guess you don't
It’s sad to know that if this was your child, you would leave and be at home. 🙄There are so many other people back at home that can help with the FIL’s funeral. Without this nyab they act like the funeral couldn’t happen. This baby is in so much pain the mother and every other mother need to be with their child no matter what. Even if the mother is not a DR, she needs to be there by her baby’s side. The FIL is gone already i’m sure he sees and understands. The dead is dead need to be and support the one alive. 🙏🏼 🤲🏼
Cas txoj dab neeg txawv ua luaj. Puas muaj tiag
I chose my kids & take to hospital 🏥
I don’t care them
They not pay ur bills
Tsis tau pom dua ib tug niam pog yuav phem npaum no es tus niam pog thiab tus tub puas yog neeg yug ne cas lub siab yuav phem ua luaj zoo li no xwb nrauj zoo dua
Zaj neej neeg no zoo li dag xwb. Tus me sister koj puas puv 100.
Ua cas zoo li twb tsis pom koj tus me tub los tsim koj niam pog dab tsi li sav los . Thiab twb tsis pom pauj kev chim li nev.
This story didn’t make sense, there is no way someone can force you do things like that that!
Omg it us just a funeral! Should've left the baby at the hospital while u guys go do the funeral. There is nothing wrong g with coming and going but u guys find it to be a hassle
The husband acting like that bc he didn’t want the responsibility of a disabled baby. And the audacity of him and his mom!!!
Tseem Raum tshaj npua lawm thiab. Mekas lawm Tse li tse nas...
hmmm lots of confusion in this story. You both are supposed to be parents over 47+ years old and act like children.
U keep talking like you still live with the family too so I'm confused.
Tsis yog laus es yug menyuam Tsis puv 100 os yog yus muaj kev khaum kev npam thiaj li li tau tu xwb os
Zoo li niag poj hmoob ruam no tsis puv 100 sub. Cas tsis cia nws tus minyuam nyob es cia cov ruam li no yog cov mus lau. Mloog mas cas yuav mus npau tawv ua luaj li os. Cov ruam ces muab sau rau koj ib leeg xwb os.
All the adults involved in the story are just plain dumb and willing to cause harm to the child. You guys chose your needs above that of a helpless child. I’m glad the hospital took action against you guys. They gave your child a chance to live. All you care about in justifying your actions is that it’s “karma”. Guess that explains everything in this story.
Sister that families are evil. How dear the your mother-in - law said such a bad word to her grandkid
Interesting story
Baby born premature icu...the doctors wouldn't allow you take the Baby home unless Baby healthy? It happens to me? Just let baby stays in icu hospital unitle the doctors let you take Baby home? Try safe the and survive
Tus niam laus aw cas koj dag ua luaj li o vim koj xwb o
Wow, cas koj cia koj niam pog ua ntawd nas. Koj niam twb ua niam ces nws kuj nta lub ntees..Nws twb ua ua niam nes.
So weird is it this life or another life,
The grandma knew all along that the baby was the reincarnated boy friend from the past life that’s why she tried to kill him at the hospital. Crazy twist, great story.
Tus niam tsev aw thov lub ntuj zam txim tau hais li no rau koj os txhob xav li cas nawb, koj tus me nyuam nws kuj siab phem kawg li thiab es nws twb tsim tsim koj lub neej puas tag Koj nyob tsis nrog luag muaj tus txiv nawb mas lwm tiam nws tseem yuav los them koj thiab laiv. Vim nws ho tsis los ua ib tus neeg zoo es mam tsim koj niam pog xwb hos nws los tsim koj na
Ua cas yuav coj tau ruam tshaj plaws li os nej ces tsis tsimnyog tuaj nyob amekas teb li lauj
Cas koj tsis tuaj es koj tseem los oiav zaj dab neeg no???????? Mus tuag zoo dua os
Hmong tsab j es‼️ nco ntsoov hais tias yus tuaj nyob luag teb chaws, yus txhob xav hais tias yus J tshaj lawv txoj cais nawb‼️
And to the mother of the poor child, you failed as a mother to protect your child from your husband and your evil mil. No one comes first before your own kids. Kids are innocent, you are their protection, and who they look up to and find.
Thov cov 75 hloov thiab mog, tiam no yog tiam tshiab lawm, yog nej hloov raws li teb chaws ces nej tseem yuav nyob tau kaj siab thiab vam meej tshaj nawb‼️
Yog koj niag niam pog thiab koj tus txiv cov genes tsis zoo es thiaj mob ib yam xwb ma nim yuav yog dab yog npam os. Say whatever u think.
Everybody involved is just dumb and selfish. The death of the FIL can go on without you but you should also be considerate and attend at some point bc your child is in the care of professional doctors and nurses and is out of your control. All the relatives that disown u are also dumb. God! Everybody is just dumb. In a time of grief and concerns, all parties need to understand all situation and be flexible..somehow yall make things more difficult than it really is.
However, i am happy your child has gotten better and living his life to his full potential.
haha Vim tus dab tsi zoo li nej tsev neeg ruam tas tus li!! tus tuag yeej tuag tiag2, tus mob yeej mob tiag, ces cov ua ntees tuag kav tsi ua ntees, tus zov mob kav tsi zov tus mob xwb naj!, vim li ca yuav ua ua es sawv dawg mag kaw tas los tseem sib nrauj tas thiab naj lawv.
Cov niag neeg siab phem ces cia kom muaj txojkev khaum kev npam li no thiaj li tsim nyog.
Something don’t make sense.Why did you let it escalated that far? Though they won’t let the baby leave you can still leave and go back while the baby is being cared for by the hospital staff.
I think they don’t understand English lol 😅
Cov laus no tsis yog neeg paub tab paub cai, tsis paub txog nom tswv txoj cai nyob rau lub teb chaws no. Ua neeg yog cuab ntse tshaj nom tswv ces kawg yuav tau mus kawm nyob rau hauv nkuaj thiaj li tas. Ua neej tsis yoog txoj cai ces yuav tau raug txoj cai tsuj rau hauv daim npoo av.
Because she said she wanted to stay with the baby since he is still too young. I would want to stay and care for him too.
@microbiologist50 right! I would stay with my baby esp they doing surgery on him. Father in law is dead. They all can take care of his funeral. I'm going to be with my baby no matter what!
@@heymaiv I know right. They can perform the funeral themselves! But the mother-in-law is a pain and wanted her to go be a nyab (help out/slave) at the funeral.
This story goes to show how narrow minded people are, no sympathy for the baby whose still alive but people want you to go pay respect for someone whose already dead. Emotions are high, but please have sympathy for everyone.
Hmong lub siab yeej phem li no.
Tej ko puas muaj tsee mas ntxim li tus pog ko hais dag2 xwb as
What an interesting story...
Puas tiag os nim muaj ib cov neeg tseem duam npaum no mus nqa me nyuam khiav tawm tim hospital thiab nav
CAs xav maim no tseem muaj 1 co neeg ua li no thiab los Txaus tshai ua luaj
Ruam tiag tiag...Your FIL is already dead! A funeral can go on without you as you had other important obligations! 🤦🏻♀️ Some family as this needs to be educated about the law...
Peb ua neeg nyob puas yuav muaj tej xwm txheej zoo li no tiag ma. Yog muaj tiag ua cas yus hu tej ncaim yus mus lawm npaum twg los ua cas ho tsis pom txawv txav li cas.
Tsev neeg ruam ces yog nej. Kev ruam muab rau nej tag nrho.
Tsev neeg hmoob ruam ntxim ntxub quav dev xwb os. Niaj txiv los liam ib yam. Tsov tom liam qias neeg siab phem.
Ua cas nej yuav ua sibphim ualuaj li. Kuj tso menyuam rau dr saib es neb kuj los ua num tiav neb kuj mam rov mus xyuas menyuam zoo dua qhov neb ua2 kom neb raug ntes raug teebmeem....nej yeejphem dhau lawm nej ua li nej lub siab nyiam, tsis ntshai txoj cai es nej raug kaw txhua tus, puas tsim nyog ma? Txawv kg li
This story was all over the place and hard to follow. So her sick son was her MIL’s past lover? Weird…..
Is this a fairy tale story. Tsis txaus ntseeg li o. No such thing.
Koj npam loj tiag tiag tsis yog koj niam poj los yog koj tu txiv tabsis yog koj npam loj tiag tiag xwb. Your husband just abandoned you like nothing happened.
Poj niam hmoob ruam ces yog koj ntag koj tus niam pog tuaj es yog koj tsi ruam ces koj yeej tsi pub niag pog laus ntawv ko koj tus me nyuam li Tim koj ib leeg xwb is niag poj hmoob ruam aw
Yog kawg nkaus. Tim niag poj hmoob ruam no tib leeg xwb los nws cav muab lub txim nyiag menyuam liam rau niam pog tag nrho. Yog nws tsis kam koom tes ces nws twb mus hu cov nurse los cheem niam pog lawm.
Nej pab hmoob ko mas ruam tiag tiag li me nyuam me me pw tim tsev kho mob es nws kuj pw nws yus los yus tsev ib on hmos mam róv mus saib los tau tsis tas yuav mus pw zov zos li cas nej pawg hmoob yuav npwb ua lwj ua liam li.
Nej puas paub tias lub teb chaws no mekas hlub2 cov me nyuam baby no na, yog muaj mob lawv yuav pab li lawv pab tau cas nej yuav ruam tag npaum li nej, tus tuag yeej tuag yeej sawv tsis tau los lawm cas nej yuav ua cuag li nej tus nyab tsis los es nej yuav tuag tag thiab na. Hmoob ruam thov txhob tuaj nyob teb chaws vam meej thiab lau, khiav rov qab mus nyob nej lub teb chaws ruam tau lawm os. Nej nco zoo2 cia tias cov me nyuam teb chaws no under 18 tseem yog nom tswv me nyuam no na.
Nej gsis tau ntsib cov neeg ruam mas hais cuag sis kuv twb mag lub no thiab vim ib ckv txiv hmoob tseem ruam thiab lub hlwb nyob xyoo 60 xwb ces lawv tsis nyiam Dr nawb. Lawv ntxub Dr heev koj xaiv menyuam ces koj tus txiv thiab nws tsev neeg nrauj koj . Txog thaum kawg peb yeej xum xaiv menyuam es xum muab tsev hmoob ruam nraug pov tseg.
Tus niam tsev ntse koj ypg hom poj niam tsis puv 100 pob cas koj yuav mus tham tham koj tus me nyuam rau ub rau no na koj tus yeeb ncuab yog koj tus niam pog na txhob ruam txog qhov yus piav yus lub qe mas niam
Pog siab phem kawg koj yuav tau hlub koj tus kheej thiab cov me nyuam yog koj puv 100 mas koj yeej tsis cia lwm tus lo tsim txom me nyuam os
Ntuj aw tsev niag hmoob siab phem tag npaum no cas koj tseem yuav mus ntshaw nrog nyob na me koj niam aw kuv mas txiav npluav tsev niag neeg phem npaum no tsis tig saib qab kiag
Neb yuav mag kaw tsis tau mus tha koj txiv yawg ntag lauj.
Omg cas cov neeg nov yuav ruam ua luaj li?! 🤦🏻♀️💆🏻♀️💆🏻♀️ Kwv tij los siab ruam siab phem ua luaj li thiab. The younger sil should’ve stepped up to help even if zov hmo was not at her house knowing their ill child’s situation. Screw the whole family/relatives. You’re also at fault to let it escalate that far.
Nyob teb chaws mekas no nco ntsoov hais tias yus yeej khiav tsis dim txoj kev khiav police this hospital nawb mog. Ruam tag npaum es nej xav li cas nej thiaj xav tias nej yuav nyiag tau tus menyuam tawm ntawm hospital na. Txawm nej nyiag tau los lawv yeej paub nej chaw nyob na. Nej mas ruam sib xws.
How can a grandma say this to her own grand kids? Siab phem tiag tiag
Nyab title is all BS. My kids and the family I created is my first priority .
Hais tau twb tsis txaus ntseeg li.
It’s because of your own stupidity. You can tell the nurses and doctors that you have special circumstances, will leave the baby in their care for a few days. Not visit for a few days. You can’t do anything while you’re there, you’re just literally watching the baby anyways. Cas koj yuav ruam ua luaj, yeej yog vim koj txoj kev ruam xwb os. Yus muaj kev kub ntxhos nyob ram tsev ces los tsev, yus yuav hauj lwm ram tsev tag mam mus zov me nyuam xwb. Vim nej tsis muaj kev communication. It’s not about txoj hmoov, it’s you all and your stupidity. Just smh 🤦♀️