Man, I cried watching this vid… I live only 2 hours drive from his hometown and I saw him skating when he was 11 years old. Seeing his parents supporting him and where he got is fantastic. Sadly not many children have their parents' support to go further.
Foda né Jasiel! The worst part for me was when he was talking about the ticket he never got, that almost destroyed his dream, how could they promise that to a kid and then just let him down like that... Disgusting. And those guys at Tampa not letting him skate, and then he gets first place. In your face hahahahah
Im so Proud of my brother, too many people didnt know about our history, was hard but God never forgot us in our path, Felipe fought too much to be where he are right now! He deserve to turn Pro! Thanks for all the messages and the support for him!
WOW WOW WOW. I watched your last video. Thought that was a great story about your life. Well this video tops it. What an amazing awesome story. And what a wonderful Dad you have. A lovely caring family. Also you are an excellent skater. Brilliant. Great video. WOW WOW WOW.
This video truly moved me. You have such a cool supporting family. You are so lucky bro, I wish my Family supported what I do, only my Dad helps me, the rest of my family think what I do is a joke. Keep your spirits high, don't ever let anyone put you down. Keep doing what you love. Keep on riding.
Ai muito massa, estive em vários campeonatos com esse lek, parabéns para ele para para o pai dele que esteve com ele em vários campeonatos pelo brasil, me lembro de vários. Show de bola, orgulho para todos nos.
Bochecha é um dos meus skatistas favoritos. Emocionante e inspirador a história de vida desse cara. A primeira vez que eu o vi num vídeo foi FYI da Digital e eu fiquei "caralho, todas as manobras são nas quatro, sem tremer!". Manda muito! Bochecha is one of my favorite skaters. This dude life history it's inspiring for anyone. The first time I saw him was in FYI - Digital video, and seeing his tricks I was like "holy shit, all tricks landed perfectly, no shaking and shit!". He's awesome!
Im from his home town brasilia, Brazil i met his dad a other day ago skating the streets over here he is a kool ass guy super proud of his son loves everything about skateborading tould us some storys about felipe gustavo i was amazed man. #Brasil
1st he gotta turn pro, but I think that's gonna happen soon.. and not even Nyjah got a shoe from DC yet, I think he's next, as Cole, Mikey and Mo already got theirs.. with Felipe turning pro, probably not gonna take long 'til he gets a shoe
Brazilian Government doesn't not support skate coz' they don't see so much proft in that. We're not united enough to press'em a bit more till the country get a better sporting structure ! That's the main reason we don't have so many pros yet. Brazil has good people, it's just a matter of time now...we'll have a better country for our kids
a pura verdade quando o carinha inglês diz que o governo não dá apoio pra esse tipo de esporte, só apoia a porcaria do futebol. as pessoas tem que abrir a mente para a vida. skate é arte, skate é cultura.
quit hating, yeah they are making money, but they are also pushing OUR SPORT. the sport that a few years ago and still to this day is on a very scary road. Skateboarding is about to bust and go bankrupt, which is why companies like es are going hiatus, so dont look at dc as trying to make a few bucks off skateboarding, because theyre one of the biggest reasons why skateboarding is staying alive and prosperous right now.
Man, I cried watching this vid… I live only 2 hours drive from his hometown and I saw him skating when he was 11 years old. Seeing his parents supporting him and where he got is fantastic. Sadly not many children have their parents' support to go further.
Foda né Jasiel! The worst part for me was when he was talking about the ticket he never got, that almost destroyed his dream, how could they promise that to a kid and then just let him down like that... Disgusting. And those guys at Tampa not letting him skate, and then he gets first place. In your face hahahahah
Felipe has influenced me to pursue my lifetime dream of being a pro soccer player, thanks felipe,
Im pretty much rediscovering myself after watching these DC REDISCOVER vids they have changed my life!!!!
Im so Proud of my brother, too many people didnt know about our history, was hard but God never forgot us in our path, Felipe fought too much to be where he are right now! He deserve to turn Pro! Thanks for all the messages and the support for him!
WOW WOW WOW. I watched your last video. Thought that was a great story about your life. Well this video tops it. What an amazing awesome story. And what a wonderful Dad you have. A lovely caring family. Also you are an excellent skater. Brilliant. Great video. WOW WOW WOW.
Incrivel, muito esforço e dedicação nao só pelo felipe mas também pela sua familia, portugal também te admira!
Man... amazing history! Dreams definitely come true. Keep going Felipe, you deserve all this and much more!
Brilliant story, dad and skater. What an amazin talent!
Bela historia, conheço boa parte dela, parabéns Sr. Paulo parabéns Bochecha
it just goes to show all the amazing things sktaeboarding can do!! amor formulário Brasil!
This video truly moved me. You have such a cool supporting family. You are so lucky bro, I wish my Family supported what I do, only my Dad helps me, the rest of my family think what I do is a joke. Keep your spirits high, don't ever let anyone put you down. Keep doing what you love. Keep on riding.
Me emocionei, lembrei dos bons tempos na quebrada, ali na 1 !!!
Ai muito massa, estive em vários campeonatos com esse lek, parabéns para ele para para o pai dele que esteve com ele em vários campeonatos pelo brasil, me lembro de vários. Show de bola, orgulho para todos nos.
"Nobody is a champion alone." - Felipe's Father
That's just perfect
My favorite skateboarder since day one.
Bochecha é um dos meus skatistas favoritos. Emocionante e inspirador a história de vida desse cara. A primeira vez que eu o vi num vídeo foi FYI da Digital e eu fiquei "caralho, todas as manobras são nas quatro, sem tremer!". Manda muito!
Bochecha is one of my favorite skaters. This dude life history it's inspiring for anyone. The first time I saw him was in FYI - Digital video, and seeing his tricks I was like "holy shit, all tricks landed perfectly, no shaking and shit!". He's awesome!
Esses vídeos são inspiração pra qualquer um. Parabéns pela sua família e suas conquistas mano é isso ae, só falto uma legenda pra nóis haha
This honestly made me so happy.
Him and Luan has the best stories!!!
essa é uma das raras vezes que sinto orgulho pelo meu país.
That guy got style! Even the clips from when he was 14 has sick style!
Im from his home town brasilia, Brazil i met his dad a other day ago skating the streets over here he is a kool ass guy super proud of his son loves everything about skateborading tould us some storys about felipe gustavo i was amazed man.
just need a few seaconds to kills it!! amazing skater and a really nice history. god bless him
so great parents! respect
This guy is a hero.
MADE!!! This kid is the bees knees!!!
What an AWESOME dad!
q Deus abençoe cada vez mais estes guerreiros Brasileiros,tamo junto ,pazzzzzzzzz
increible, q lindo ke es el skateboarding y cuando abunda en la vida de uno mismo, mejor dicho cuando revalsa
me lembro do buchecha em Uberlandia na Fox clube na época do Circuito Mineiro!!!
era pititim!!
incredible story
Greatest dad ever
Man...this dudes dad is top notch
This video is really inspirating and motivating me to skate and not give up. :]
His dad is such a boss !
Tears or joy:')
OMG hes so good!!!
so inspirational
eééé´manolo!!! isso é Brasil, apesar dos pesares...
this guy is a phenomenon
dreams really do come true
exemplo de vida, skate life respect from brazil
respect all the support and hard work Felipe Gustavo you are Fucking awsome
that fs flip made me cry.
historia de felipe gustavo daora e anda demais
so beautiful
skateboarding is amazing
BraSilian blood son, we are not kidding, we are in the game
so inspirational i would do the same for my son
Brasil !!!
Maximo respeito...
Congrats my brother is we !
jesus freakin christ... i feel like hes one of the most decorated skaters out there
give this guy a pro model!!!
a DC podia legendar a parte do Felipe Gustavo, para quem não fala inglês, entender o que ele esta falando......
where is part 4? part 5? part 6? i dont want it to end!!
I always figured 'buchecha' meant 'butcher', cuz of him killing 24/7. Big cheeks, man, this guy is so true to his roots!
brasil e noisssssssssss
My role model
omg im crying bro
shut up ! he is amazing and his shoe is gonna be amazing !!!
I completely agree
Pro status!
how old is he now?
So...when is he gonna turn pro...cause when he does his first board and shoe imma have them!
he is already pro on plan b :D
does anyone know the name of the song?
Where's his pro board!?
1st he gotta turn pro, but I think that's gonna happen soon.. and not even Nyjah got a shoe from DC yet, I think he's next, as Cole, Mikey and Mo already got theirs.. with Felipe turning pro, probably not gonna take long 'til he gets a shoe
Vi o video e não intendi nada porque a DC não desponibilizou legenda :)
his dad is a boss
Who remembers him from strange notes at tampa
honestidade assima de tudo
His story is so amazing and insperational. he is truly an amazing skater seriously plan b wtf?
I would buy his shoe.
mine say the same shit just go out and keep doing it til they accept it and even if they dont after a bit they'll be indifferent
tudo o que ele tem não veio do dia para noite.Batalhe que voce consegue o mesmo.
ohh no he isnt sorry but he really deserves it !!
O BRASIL não valoriza e nem incentiva a pratica de esportes, aqui tem que muita força de vontade e raça para conseguir atingir seus objetivos...
good day in the usa
Brazilian Government doesn't not support skate coz' they don't see so much proft in that.
We're not united enough to press'em a bit more till the country get a better sporting structure ! That's the main reason we don't have so many pros yet. Brazil has good people, it's just a matter of time now...we'll have a better country for our kids
Like if this made you cry.
a pura verdade quando o carinha inglês diz que o governo não dá apoio pra esse tipo de esporte, só apoia a porcaria do futebol. as pessoas tem que abrir a mente para a vida. skate é arte, skate é cultura.
vishi meu apelido é buchecha hahahahha
who told you?
quit hating, yeah they are making money, but they are also pushing OUR SPORT. the sport that a few years ago and still to this day is on a very scary road. Skateboarding is about to bust and go bankrupt, which is why companies like es are going hiatus, so dont look at dc as trying to make a few bucks off skateboarding, because theyre one of the biggest reasons why skateboarding is staying alive and prosperous right now.
why is he still not pro...
whe else want a pro model shoe from felipe ?
his not pro??