Dr. John Garang De Mabior was a great leader during liberations struggle. He was fit to run the entire country as a President. His vision was very clear from the beginning. I was train in Ethiopia as Red Army. All his conversation was about the change of the system in Sudan. He wants Sudan for everyone to live peacefully without tribalism, without religion discrimination.
لك الرحمة دكتور قرنق ضاع من بعدك السودان وخلدك التاريخ
Dr. John Garang De Mabior was a great leader during liberations struggle. He was fit to run the entire country as a President. His vision was very clear from the beginning. I was train in Ethiopia as Red Army. All his conversation was about the change of the system in Sudan. He wants Sudan for everyone to live peacefully without tribalism, without religion discrimination.
لك كل الاحترام والعز والشموخ
زعييييم كبير ي دكتور
المناضل قرنق مبيور
كل، جنرال، ليهو، وزنه، الخاص
وزن ثقيل نضيف أفضل من جميع الإسلاميين وكتبهم