
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2025
  • #MyBluePacific2050 - What’s your vision?
    Meet our Blue Pacific Ambassador from the Cook Islands, Luther Berg.
    Luther is a traditional freehand tattooist who believes in the value of preserving culture.
    Be inspired by Luther...share your vision for our Blue Pacific in 2050 and you may win a trip to the Cook Islands to attend, meet and dialogue with your Pacific leaders.
    1. Create a video (up to 2 minutes) telling us your vision for our Blue Pacific future - what matters to you?
    2. Post on social media. Use the hashtag #MyBluePacific2050 and tag the Pacific Islands Forum (please make sure your settings are Public so the video is visible to everyone.
    3. Open to 18-30 year olds.
    Entries close Friday 29 September 2023, at 11pm Fiji time.
    For more information: bit.ly/3OvMbYw

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