  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
    The film was inspired by the great strike of educational workers in Croatia in 2019.
    Film „Žena s gumenim rukavicama“ suvremena je socijalna drama o pojedincu i sustavu u čijoj je introspekciji on nevidljiv i nečujan, pa ga, slušajući samo glasnu većinu koju višeslojno čine različiti karakteri, on ne primjećuje, zaobilazi, zaboravlja. U središtu je školska spremačica Mirna koja, dok u njezinom kolektivu štrajkaju za veća materijalna prava, dane prosvjetara-štrajkaša strpljivo i predano olakšava kuhanjem kave i drugim uobičajenim aktivnostima vezanima za svoju službu. Izvan školskih hodnika ona je supruga muža nasilne naravi i teške ruke koja zna 'zapečatiti' i pokoji trag na Mirninom licu. Ona je i majka čija djeca za boljim životom odlaze van, kao i kćerka teško bolesne nepokretne starice. Sve to ova žena nosi na leđima i gura svoj kamen života ispred sebe najbolje što zna. Mirna nije samo školska spremačica; od nje život traži da bude svakodnevni ispovjednik sam sebi, koji će u vlastitim priznanjima, preispitivanjima, padovima, slabostima morati crpiti snagu za novi dan, nova suočavanja sa sustavom, mužem, djecom, nemoćnom majkom. Jer, svi oni trebaju Mirnu. Da im skuha kavu, očisti radni prostor, otrpi bračne uvrede, majčinski se brine ili poravna bolesnički jastuk. U njezinom životu zrcale se životi mnogih, prepoznat će se mnogi. Prepoznat će se u svojoj borbi sa sustavom nepravde ili nepravdom sustava, kojem su Mirne nevidljive. A, njihova tišina, nijemost, nemoć nakon nedobivene bitke sa sustavom tom istom sustavu treba biti glas. A, Mirna kroz život ne ide 'u rukavicama'.
    The film "The Woman with the Rubber Gloves" is a contemporary social drama about an individual and a system in whose introspection he is invisible and silent, so, listening only to the loud majority made up of different characters, it bypasses, forgets, and does not notice him. At the centre is the school cleaner Mirna, who, while in her collective people strike for an increase in their material rights, patiently and devotedly makes the days of teachers-strikers easier by making them coffee and performing other everyday activities related to her workplace. Outside the school corridors, she is the wife of a husband with a violent nature and a heavy hand who sometimes can 'seal' a few marks on Mirna's face. She is also a mother whose children go abroad in search of a better life, as well as the daughter of a seriously ill immobile old woman. This woman carries all that on her back and pushes her stone of life in front of her as best she knows how. Mirna is not just a school cleaner; life requires her to be an everyday confessor to herself, who in her own confessions, reassessments, falls, weaknesses will have to draw strength for a new day, new confrontations with the system, husband, children, infirm mother. Because all of them need Mirna. To make them coffee, clean the work area, endure marital insults, care as a mother, or fluff her sick mother’s pillow. In her life, the lives of many are mirrored, and many will recognize themselves. They will recognize themselves in their struggle with the system of injustice or the injustice of the system, to which all Mirnas are invisible. And their silence, their muteness, powerlessness after an unwon battle with the system should be a voice for that same system. And Mirna does not go through life 'in gloves'.
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