Max Spoilers - Immortality (With Jacob Geller & Leo Vader)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 43

  • @gbcran1882
    @gbcran1882 2 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    I took the creepy video with the 2oE cast member watching the footage of the Other to be that if someone watches footage of one of the Beings dying then they can become taken over/consumed. By finishing the game and watching the One burn alive (as comatose Marissa) then you are providing her with the means to possess you, the player of the game. That’s why she begs the Other to burn her on camera.

    • @nagihoko
      @nagihoko 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, it's like an "evolution". They mention that the 2oE actor is still "there". It's a new kind of possession that we've been infected with.

  • @toddbault8451
    @toddbault8451 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    You've got the ending wrong (HUGE SPOILERS), and it has to do with that scene where The One kills The Other.
    The Other then explains he was cremated, which should be permadeath per prior scenes, but he says he came back as "something more". And how did this happen? Because Amy Archer saw his death ON FILM. Film allows their death by fire to be recorded and saved, and if viewed they can come back as that viewer (as The Other does as Amy for Two of Everything, and is discussed by The One in another clip). So The Other returns the favor for The One, recording her immolation. And who views that death? WE DO! We are now like Amy Archer!. That's what the final quote means.
    As you have been saying, the story of the Immortals is a lot more literal than many people want to believe.

  • @simseezy
    @simseezy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    In Two of Everything, it's less that Marissa is frustrated about the movie itself, re-doing takes and such. It's more of the fact that The One has taken over both Marissa and John Duricks body at the same time, and begins having a hard time trying to separate the two, actor and director. This is why Marissa starts taking more of a directorial role throughout the filming of 2OE, even directing her co-actors. She is also becoming weaker, due to her inhabiting two bodies at one time, and this is why Amy (the Other) starts becoming worried for her and more sympathetic to her throughout 2OE. The One inhabiting both Marissa and John is also demonstrated by watching the rehearsals of Amy, John and Marissa, when viewing the inverted clips, John and Marissa both disappear, and it is only The One rehearsing with Amy, and saying the parts of both Marissa and John. Also, in the scene later when both John and Marissa are on the floor unconscious, this is because they are both THE ONE. If you think about the concept of the movie, "Two of Everything", this starts to make more sense because it mirrors what is actually happening with The One. She is playing TWO people. And John Durick wrote that movie, but if you remember, after Carl's death, The One takes over John's body, so it is really The One who wrote the movie, 2OE.

    • @Android480
      @Android480 ปีที่แล้ว

      YES, you just answered one of my biggest questions about the game. I got the overarching plot, but I could not for the life of me get what was going on with John in that movie. Obviously he knew what Marissa was, but there was clearly something else going on.
      This is it! It makes perfect sense.

  • @TheAlasAtlas
    @TheAlasAtlas 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    To Leo's shock, I discovered the One rewind gimmick immediately, and man, what a hook that was to keep me interested.

  • @carlosfranco3145
    @carlosfranco3145 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    In my interpretation I don't think The One decided to kill herself because she was disappointed with humanity.
    Imo she suffered from a severe case of body dysphoria from being so many people and being no one at the same time.
    Throughout the game you see her trying to recreate some of Marisa scenes like she is in some kind of make believe world and I think she got tired from living a life "in second" hand.
    Like watching a video of someone riding a rollercoaster and not being able to capture the real thing.
    You can see this realization in the Candy Says scene (that's also about body dysphoria).
    "I'd like to know completely
    What others so discretely talk about"
    She realised that she will not get to the "maybe when I'm older" part of the song.
    She was tired and did not see an ending to the loop.
    "What do you think I'd see
    If I could walk away from me"
    Amazing game

    • @ironsentinel6047
      @ironsentinel6047 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The ending says otherwise. The One makes you think that they wanted to end it all there, but when The One says "I am a part of you now", this makes me believe that she has in fact inhabited the ones who saw Marissa's death, i.e. us, and that we are now a piece of The One.

    • @carlosfranco3145
      @carlosfranco3145 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Interesting but that contradicts the permanent death by fire thing. I don't see why they would lie about that.
      Personally i did not take the final quote as literally.
      I interpretaded that in a "the ones who are gone are with us as long as we remember them" kind of way.

    • @TheHutcharmy
      @TheHutcharmy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Keep in mind that The Other was burned on film and returned via Amy. The One realizes that they can return via being witnessed in their truest form at the time of their death, and chooses to release Immortality in order to find “immortality” amongst the memories of everyone who sees it.

  • @meditalisoo7
    @meditalisoo7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    One thing that came to my mind while listening to this was about the One not remembering every person she inhabited. The parallel between her and Marissa who is also an actress 'inhabiting' different personas seems so obvious now that I thought of it but it works as an analogy for our life as well. Throughout our life we also are drastically different and we can't remember everything and the older we get the more we forget until our mind starts to decay. And that of course is a really scary thought in itself. And the metaphor of acting/inhabiting other people as a 'supernatural being' is something real humans also do by watching movies or playing games for example. These works are often seen as preserving a bit of yourself for future generations. You could say 'immortalizing'.

  • @smulligan
    @smulligan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You don’t ever see actual Marissa during the movies, The One has been Marissa since the 1800s when she kills her in Paris. You see this happen in a 3-4 seven deep FF/RW segment. The One is on the body of the old black man when he kills her and becomes her

  • @TheOneBearded
    @TheOneBearded 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Saving this for later after I get around to checking the game out. Leaving a comment for the algorithm gods. Awesome to see Geller and Vader teaming up for this.

  • @simseezy
    @simseezy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The One is "a part of you now" is referring to the fact that you saw her die on film. Much like how Amy viewed the film of Carl (the Other) dying on film, watching in the theater, The Other was able to inhabit her body henceforth. Now, since you saw The One die on film, she has now inhabited your (the gamer's) body. Fire would have normally killed her, but watching her die on film brings her back in your body. Remember, she said that when Carl died, she had his body cremated, because The One was trying to kill The Other (with fire), but Amy watching the film of Carl's death brought the other back in her body. So fire is not the end all be all for them, if someone witnesses their death, they are revived.

  • @grantcampbell2462
    @grantcampbell2462 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I didn't find out about the rewind stuff until about 2 hours in to my playthrough when it was super late at night and I was alone and I think it was the most scared I have ever been in a video game and honestly maybe even my life. The clips of The One and The Other One weren't even on my radar as something that were in the game. Incredible surprise!

  • @groovydude4511
    @groovydude4511 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I am such a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror in media. This is the 2nd Spoilercast I've watched about this game and it freaks me the F out. But I need to know more!

  • @nancydr0ne56
    @nancydr0ne56 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This made me go back and replay to find all the hidden stuff I missed! Ty Leo and Jacob!

  • @ironsentinel6047
    @ironsentinel6047 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It makes me wonder how many bodies does The One take over during the course of this game. At first I interpreted The One killing people during her sequences as the catalyst for her taking over their bodies, but now I'm beginning to wonder if there is more than just that.

    • @Late_AyeF
      @Late_AyeF ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Though she has been many others in the past, The One only takes over Marissa and John in the course of this game. She has been Marissa from the start and takes over John as well during Minsky. She is both of them from them on. The Other One takes over the Devil in Ambrosia, Carl(till death), and then resurrects as Amy. Also The One presumably takes over the player if you watch the subverted footage after the burning.

  • @-nomi.-
    @-nomi.- 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    i "finished" the game and listening to this i really need to go back with a controller, did not expect to miss so much, especially since barlows previous games were more keyboard friendly. had the opposite to jacob where i had spent a good 5 to 6 hours but felt like most of the questions raised had barely been touched upon

  • @kelss.5098
    @kelss.5098 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm scared to rewind this discussion because I'm worried Hanson found some masterful way to implant The One or The Other into Jacob's webcam feed.

  • @ashleyjgambino
    @ashleyjgambino 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don’t think that The One is committing suicide- she’s transcending. She says she had The Other cremated to kill him for good- the way that The Other escaped death was that his death was filmed and then watched by the woman (Amy) in the screening room. When she learns this, The One has The Other burn her alive on film so that she too can possess film- becoming the art itself. And then that last scene where her face takes over/replaces all the scenes and she talks directly to the viewer (you), it’s suggesting that you are the next target of The One’s possession.

    • @ashleyjgambino
      @ashleyjgambino 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also, I think that achievement Leo is talking about IS for seeing John’s death. The One killed John in that she possessed him during the filming of Minsky. Then The One lives as John for a while, making movies, while Marissa goes into hiding. But I guess that The One couldn’t find satisfaction in filmmaking without Marissa as a muse, so she brings her back and is trying to possess both John and Marissa at the same time, but it’s too much for her. Then she learns that The Other survived this death and does the whole immolation/film possession thing to reach the level of true art she was striving for the whole time.

    • @ashleyjgambino
      @ashleyjgambino 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Now I really need to play Her Story 😊

  • @mrbuttons383
    @mrbuttons383 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Finally came back to watch this after beating the game. Not gonna lie, y’all briefly putting The One over Leo’s video feed got me good. Had to do a double take.

    • @minnmax
      @minnmax  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you.

  • @takke9830
    @takke9830 ปีที่แล้ว

    I honestly adore this game and how the ghost sequences begin like some cryptic nonesense only to make more sense the more you witness events unfold in both reality and also fiction. I also have this theory that the One posessed Marissa originally in some kind of war since in the war flashback the one‘s referred to as a french bword in german. So it seems to be her but as marissa I believe. So i feel like this marissa she possesses kinda is the point where she starts to empathize with the one she posesses through making marissa be immortal and able to thrive in the future. So I guess it could be that Marissa wasn‘t ever entirely gone in her posession but rather that she was given a sense of agency that later on was more and more dismissed as the one is trying to gain more and more control of herself and her surrounding people eroding marissa more and more until she‘s completely erased in the final scene. Sure it‘s technically the One also destroying herself as she becomes reborn to spread her immortality beyond the flesh through the game now and to the player realizing that art can keep you alive in people‘s minds basically without posession but still I feel like it‘s really tragic cause immortality is I feel as much about the real Marissa as it is about the One. Not to mention that the movies also strongly hint at this. From Ambrosio being a se*ually exploitative movie that kinda is turned around by the fact Marissa and the one are kinda given back q lot of agency in that movie after the r*pe scene and the uncompfortable beginning script rehearsal where Marissa is the shy timid one and her co star is the sexually liberated type only for those roles to entirely switch as soon as they assume their roles and their roles kinda become reality too wich marissa developing the confidence her co star had and the co star girl, forgot her name lol, is suddenly the timid virgin. This kinda feels like a transformation that ends in her and the One making a new movie about being the exploited and slowly turning into the sexual agent fully as she seduces the police guy and also the photographer. But as that happens the other also keeps kinda working against this revolution of marissa and the one and so the one in her rebellion overworks herself with the events of rising to also dominate the other, get rid of him, and becoming his replacement too basically eroding her own self and marissa in the process until there‘s only a husk of marissa left. And I feel like this revalation of the one basically having harmed herself for the sake of art and also the woman she posessed who had no real say in it, kinda made her hsve this turning point of destroying herself and marissa to end their suffering and be reborn on her own (the one ofc) in this movie archive to live on eternally in a less parasitic way.
    So I do really feel like Marissa and the One mirror a lot of the events in the story. Mostly the relationships tho and their love of art wich I feel also is why the story is about Marissa as much as it‘s about the One. It‘s just really if you break it down about 2 women trying to become independant artistically fullfilled agents of self and art who both have to kinda fight against toxic men to get there. And even tho the other eventually seems to have a change of heart, I still at least have this headcanon that The one and marissa are the real couple for me at least lol. Cause I just love that idea and I‘m also a bi woman myself and so I feel like the women in this story have the most chemistry together even if gayness was very toned down despite this theme about immortal beings Trancending time. I mean for a medium that got so much to say about time and also society and film making it‘s still pretty traditional and heteronormative wich i found kinda boring cause I myself might be biased but I can‘t really imagine a immortal being like the One to be basically a straight cis person the whole time when her life has been so long and through so many eras of humanity. Especially if they have lived longer than early society basically. Like, the moment the one made out with marissa herself it just kinda clicked with me.
    And that might be more of a theory I guess with less evidence for it but I still see my own reading as canon for me because i find both women incredibly attractive and find most of the guys in the narrative pretty disposable. Especially the other. I just can‘t stand him. He feels like a gay c*ck block to me and I kinda just find that annoying af! So The one and Marissa will forever live on in my mind as power lesbians and that‘s the end of the story for me xD

  • @minnmax
    @minnmax  2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Unlock the podcast version of this discussion and help support it directly on MinnMax's Patreon!

  • @CowhandFudca
    @CowhandFudca 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    so hyped for this video! easily one of my game of the years (maybe of all time!)

  • @timrob12
    @timrob12 ปีที่แล้ว

    We don't know much about The Other, though there was a TH-cam channel that was able to reach out to the actress and do a video interview with her and she revealed that she had (obviously) discussed her character with the creators and she was told that The Other was a character that wasn't human, so whoever she (or they?) is (are), we know that she is something otherworldly and possibly manipulating events.

  • @monkfuncky2111
    @monkfuncky2111 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I got to the end of this game and did not get any of this.... How did anyone catch on to who these people are supposed to be? I guess I wasint thinking in the right mindset? I wish I could of figured any of this out on my own. Most of the hidden scenes were just too cryptic for me to stitch any kind of meaning from them.

    • @Android480
      @Android480 ปีที่แล้ว

      I feel the same way. I was thinking too literally to see the big picture.
      I understood that they were immortal, and that they somehow were Adam and Eve, and Jesus, and all the rest. But it didn’t mean anything because I was so hyper focused on the mechanics of the situation. Even with Jacob’s reading of the story, there’s so many individual mysteries that aren’t answered, I didn’t let myself see the artistic idea.
      The Others weren’t real people to me. they didn’t have wants and needs. Without that knowledge, I could never have unlocked the major idea of this game, about what art means, and what it might mean to someone who never dies.

  • @gabeduarte8781
    @gabeduarte8781 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    YES! I adore this game. The only game I can think of that I played with my jaw dropped for most of it.

  • @Coin945
    @Coin945 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I would love to see a Harlem Shake TikTok featuring the six scene from the table reading of ambrosia

  • @sgtreckless5183
    @sgtreckless5183 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    22:56 That's interesting that Jacob thinks that "the other one" is refuring to Jesus, I thought that "the other one" refered to Mary Magdalene

  • @Late_AyeF
    @Late_AyeF ปีที่แล้ว

    I can't believe that after years of dodging it, I caught a stray spoiler for Her Story in this after I finally plan to play since I loved this game so much. Lol

  • @hella_cool1312
    @hella_cool1312 ปีที่แล้ว

    How have I not seen this

  • @TomBrienProfessional
    @TomBrienProfessional ปีที่แล้ว

    I had a pretty bad experience with this game. I didn't know that the actor "went missing" or that there was any kind of crime drama until I closed the game and googled it a few days later. I wasn't understanding what I was looking at with all the clips, and I didn't really enjoy watching most of them.
    After watching the opening clip with the interview, the FIRST clip I found was two actors nude and speaking to each other backwards. So I rewound and unlocked an easter egg FIRST.
    I played for about 90 minutes, but like I said I never figured out what I was looking at. It all just looked like gibberish to me. I unlocked more backwards clips but didn't get it.
    Love Minnmax and your guys enthusiasm, so thanks for laying it out! Now I at least understand what the game was.

  • @strawstack
    @strawstack ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why isn’t this video marked For Kids since Blumpo is in it?

  • @skatestreetsGAME
    @skatestreetsGAME 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sneaky little editing in the pod here ;) Scared the crap outta me!

  • @acquiescence5331
    @acquiescence5331 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Worst game I've played in a good while. Absolute pretentious claptrap. I was expecting it to be a noirish murder mystery of sorts, but instead it's just supernatural hogwash.

    • @kelss.5098
      @kelss.5098 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      So you're saying your expectations were subverted, and you're sad that it's not exactly what you thought it would without a single ounce of detail or context.

  • @juicyluce9
    @juicyluce9 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great discussion lads