I’m working through your checklist and my wife asked “If you’re not doing anything critical, can you cut me some wood?” Luckily I stopped myself before saying “But honey, I’m trying to get a Vulcan bomber started!” Thanks again for the video and checklist!
11:28 What you call a 'magnetic light' was normally referred to as a 'dolls eye'. The phrase comes from the way children's dolls used to 'close' their eyes as the doll was laid back. The term became universally used for any of these type of indicators so even those square ones showing the electrical connections or fuel lines connected or cross hatched for 'Off' or 'Failed' were all 'Dolls eye' indicators
Wow, very impressive with the level of detail, both visual and sound. Brilliantly flown too, from the startup and all the way through. First class content as always. Big thumbs up 👍
Many years ago. I was lucky enough to spot a Vulcan at Bagington, Coventry. My mate and I went have a look. It had been in the museum about a week I think. A very nice gentleman allowed us to sit in the cockpit. There was black and yellow tape everywhere. He told us in no uncertain terms, DO NOT touch anything. Apparently some systems were still LIVE. The cockpit was very cramped. I'll never forget the experience, it was fascinating. Sorry for the comment.
Thank you very much for this nice and quick introduction to this awesome airplane. But I have to say: Removing the covers of the engines before starting four of those with 75.600 N of force each ... is. not. study. level. 😁
Just a slight correction, the red lights that came on when you touched down are actually a tailstrike warning, means youre extremely close to impacting rhe runway with the tail 😅
You need to allow the pop up to install it from the top bar. Your Windows is preventing the Installation probably. I may be wrong and installer may need to run as administrator. One of the two.
@@QuantumGamingUploads I have tried all the suggestions, I am thinking its a windows issue and not the installer itself.. but still cannot get it to work. Super bummed about it as I was really looking forward to flying this plane
I dont see how you get your game to run so smooth we basically have the same specs in our pc and mine lags on high end settings. And your on ultra settings if I’m not mistaken
No idea - it should run on ultra on any setup even similar to mine. It's worth noting this is essentially a "gaming" PC - so fast motherboard, fast ram, fast CPU, fast GPU, fast storage - there is no weak link.
@@jonbeckett i have no idea either im on a gaming pc also I’m running a rtx 3080 with 24 gigs t force ram 3600hz with a 11th gen i5600k boosted 3.9hz up to 4.9hz.
Here's the checklist I used (and am still refining):
I think "awesome" is probably the right word for this aircraft. You did a great job with this video, Jon.
I’m working through your checklist and my wife asked “If you’re not doing anything critical, can you cut me some wood?” Luckily I stopped myself before saying “But honey, I’m trying to get a Vulcan bomber started!” Thanks again for the video and checklist!
11:28 What you call a 'magnetic light' was normally referred to as a 'dolls eye'. The phrase comes from the way children's dolls used to 'close' their eyes as the doll was laid back. The term became universally used for any of these type of indicators so even those square ones showing the electrical connections or fuel lines connected or cross hatched for 'Off' or 'Failed' were all 'Dolls eye' indicators
Very impressive! The detail is truly stunning. Great review too; I really enjoyed your introduction to this ace V bomber
Wow, very impressive with the level of detail, both visual and sound. Brilliantly flown too, from the startup and all the way through. First class content as always. Big thumbs up 👍
Another classic intro video. I love your 'get her in the air' approach to these. Cuz I'm impatient! :D
I got this today need to put some time in to it but so far I'm impressed
What a brilliant add-on for MSFS! Can’t help but wish that it was also available in DCS. I can imagine some great early Cold War multiplayer missions.
Holy crap this is an amazing/bonkers plane!
Many years ago. I was lucky enough to spot a Vulcan at Bagington, Coventry. My mate and I went have a look. It had been in the museum about a week I think. A very nice gentleman allowed us to sit in the cockpit. There was black and yellow tape everywhere. He told us in no uncertain terms, DO NOT touch anything. Apparently some systems were still LIVE. The cockpit was very cramped. I'll never forget the experience, it was fascinating. Sorry for the comment.
Great comment - no need to apologise!
As others have said, epic plane for MSFS, well done on the video.
Massive thanks for this JB. Will be trying a first flight later. Absolute masterpiece by Just Flight.
I can only imagine how loud MP would be with a bunch of these taking off at once. Couldn’t have been much peace and quiet around a Vulcan base lol.
Thank you very much for this nice and quick introduction to this awesome airplane.
But I have to say: Removing the covers of the engines before starting four of those with 75.600 N of force each ... is. not. study. level. 😁
The covers remove automatically - I am going to update the checklist though :)
@@jonbeckett 🙂👍
Cool Video As Always ! : )
Thanks for watching
Just a slight correction, the red lights that came on when you touched down are actually a tailstrike warning, means youre extremely close to impacting rhe runway with the tail 😅
Isn't that what I said ? :)
Both lights mean you just struck the tail.
I can’t find it in the marketplace. Weird
It may not be there yet.
has anyone ever had any issues running the Just Flight installers? The installer starts but then exits and I can't install the plane..
You need to allow the pop up to install it from the top bar. Your Windows is preventing the Installation probably. I may be wrong and installer may need to run as administrator. One of the two.
Try right clicking the installer and running as administrator.
No issues here.
@@QuantumGamingUploads I have tried all the suggestions, I am thinking its a windows issue and not the installer itself.. but still cannot get it to work. Super bummed about it as I was really looking forward to flying this plane
Have you got in touch with our support team@@calaiscruiser ? They will help you get this sorted.
I dont see how you get your game to run so smooth we basically have the same specs in our pc and mine lags on high end settings. And your on ultra settings if I’m not mistaken
No idea - it should run on ultra on any setup even similar to mine. It's worth noting this is essentially a "gaming" PC - so fast motherboard, fast ram, fast CPU, fast GPU, fast storage - there is no weak link.
@@jonbeckett i have no idea either im on a gaming pc also I’m running a rtx 3080 with 24 gigs t force ram 3600hz with a 11th gen i5600k boosted 3.9hz up to 4.9hz.
@@jonbeckett and i have a asus prime z590-A motherboard
It may sound daft, but check your Power Plan (in old control panel, not new Settings). Anyrthing other than Ultimate Performance will hobble MSFS.
@@paulnjackson Mine is set to default / normal.
Big ass plane
The brits are good at that stuff 😂
Has anyone heard when it’s coming to Xbox. No sure it is at least for now. 👎😪