I’m also a big fan of the West. I bought the original version few years ago, and reviewed it on my channel. From memory, my only thought in a negative sense were that the bead blasted finish of mine showed a lot of snail trails and the screw for the clip wasn’t countersunk. I might have added that mine was D2, but at the time D2 was still a popular Steel amongst premium knife makers. The finish on yours cures the snail Trail problem, the clip screw being under the clip obviates non-countersunk issue and the upgrade to 20 CV is very welcome. Also welcome. Is the through nail Nick. It’s much easier to keep clean and make the knife ambidextrous. I don’t see the clip as an issue as this isn’t a quick deploy item. I am left-handed because my right hand is paralysed, but in the main clips side really isn’t an issue. anyway, reviews of the West are not exactly ten a penny , so yours is very welcome. I enjoyed it, and I’ve subscribed to your channel.
I really enjoy your reviews, great content!
I’m also a big fan of the West. I bought the original version few years ago, and reviewed it on my channel. From memory, my only thought in a negative sense were that the bead blasted finish of mine showed a lot of snail trails and the screw for the clip wasn’t countersunk. I might have added that mine was D2, but at the time D2 was still a popular Steel amongst premium knife makers. The finish on yours cures the snail Trail problem, the clip screw being under the clip obviates non-countersunk issue and the upgrade to 20 CV is very welcome. Also welcome. Is the through nail Nick. It’s much easier to keep clean and make the knife ambidextrous. I don’t see the clip as an issue as this isn’t a quick deploy item. I am left-handed because my right hand is paralysed, but in the main clips side really isn’t an issue. anyway, reviews of the West are not exactly ten a penny , so yours is very welcome. I enjoyed it, and I’ve subscribed to your channel.
Nice review. Curious if the pvd finish still looks new or does it eventually wear off.? Do you still like it?
Nice review. Have you seen the We Scamp? for some reason this knife made me think of that one.