For anyone unaware, Mont Saint Michel normally keeps people from singing there, mostly because everyone and their brother would try to do it because of the acoustics. From what I remember this group got the chance because of the fortunate changing of guard or something or another, giving them a chance to bless everyone there and everyone who watched this video with what only could be described as an angelic performance
@@Verlicchi There is singing and then there is Singing. This was appropriate Singing, suitable for the location. From what I read the guard had tears in his eyes while listening
Thank you so much! There is so much incredible Corsican music out there--as the other commenter noted, A Filetta is an amazing group to check out, as well as Tavagna (our Corsican music teacher Jean-Etienne Langianni sings with them).
Well, you can try Tenebrae Choir :) Or my favourite Slovak soprano accompanied by an oboe: Or Stabat Mater by two metal sopranos...
I feel like if ever humanity goes extinct. Whenever some alien race ever would discover the long since lost ruins of our sivilization, this song would be a fitting anthem to humanity...
& the tourists in the background really thought they'd just be going home with a fridge magnet of Eifel Tower. I imagine this experience would be unforgettable for them. These hymns from the middle ages are just beautiful.
Stabat Mater dolorosa Iuxta crucem lacrimosa Dum pendebat Filius Cuius animam gementem Contristatam et dolentem Pertransivit gladius Quando corpus morietur, Fac, ut animae donetur Paradisi gloria. Amen
The grieving Mother stood weeping beside the cross where her Son was hanging Through her weeping soul, compassionate and grieving, a sword passed. When my body dies, grant that to my soul is given the glory of paradise. Amen
Hauntingly beautiful, like the gathering of the souls of generations together to create a mournful, plaintive, ethereal sound of another time. Stunning!
In a lot of ways, it *is* the sound of another time--this is a traditional setting of the Stabat Mater text from the village of Nebbiu in southern Corsica. Corsican polyphonic singing dates back hundreds of years, and it definitely feels like being a conduit for something ancient to sing it. If you're interested, check out the Corsican groups Tavagna and A Filetta
Tragic, and hauntingly beautiful. Songs like these always bring me to a past I’ve never lived, yet yearn to see with my own eyes. It’s like a memory of a world that is dying or gone already. Tik Tok brought me here, and I’m glad to stay. :) This music moved me deeply.
I'm a Muslim and i think this has a relationship with Christ But maaan i felt a warmth in my heart listening to this masterpiece i loved it and i can't stop listening to it now
@@AshleighFrithrelax. be not afraid. allah is god. god is allah. i mean this quite literally. bear with me for a second. islam, judaism, and christianity formed from the same monotheistic root - this means that this person follows your god, but believes in different customs and background surrounding him. muslims believe in prophets, you believe in a son of god, and catholics believe in priests; but all of you believe in the same god. there's more. (you brought it up.) even if it _was_ a fundamentally different god, why do you cast judgment? the lord gave us all free will, the freedom to choose, the beauty of a complex mind, the divinity of a complex world. god knew you in the womb. does god lack the power to create a people unable to question him? was god's promise after the great flood meaningless? are we god's greatest failure? you invoked jesus. what did jesus preach? jesus of nazareth was a simple, unassuming man. he was an artisan, maybe a carpenter or a stonemason. he was very charismatic and very opinionated. people liked him and agreed with him. and he liked being liked. no one had to earn the wine and fish he shared. the sick, the poor, and the sinners did not have to earn his respect and friendship. the needy did not need to earn his protection from predatory lending practices. he preached inclusivity, advocacy, and justice. and most notably, jesus of nazareth was executed for treason. for radicalizing the people. for preaching the word of god. jesus died for his belief in the freedom of religion. is this person damned? does jesus damn this person? christians found meaning in jesus's death. they believe his death brought them salvation, that he died for our sins. if someone can be damned as a nonbeliever, what happened to jesus's sacrifice? what happened to the salvation? did mary, whose agony is described in the song in this video, have to watch her son perish for no reason? did he die for you in vain? let he who is without sin cast the first stone. what do you think jesus would think seeing you pass judgment? was this respectful of his teachings? was his unconditional acceptance a mistake in your eyes? are you more wise than jesus of nazareth? now, this is just a personal belief. the third commandment: thou shalt not take the lord's name in vain. the ninth commandment: thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. i don't believe saying stuff like "oh my god!" is using his name in vain. we call to god when we're frightened, angry, or excited. this demonstrates our fondness for his divinity. we like him. that's a reason, and so it's not in vain. i believe invoking his name to oppose his teachings is using his name in vain. i believe it is to bear false witness. i believe what you said here goes against the core tenets of the religion you preached in the first place, and i believe you owe this person an apology. i believe you can change, and you will be forgiven - if not by this person or by me, then by jesus, who was tortured for you AND for the person you spoke to. and most of all, i believe it would be cool to see some of jesus's woodwork. i wonder if he was good at it. happy pride!
Just discovered this yesterday on TikTok by pure coincidence, and I haven’t stopped listening ever since. I’m not a religious person by any means, I’m not baptized and don’t believe in god, but this piece gives me goosebumps and makes me tear up. It perfectly captures the kind of sorrow and heartache a mother must feel after losing her son, which is what this song is about. Absolute masterpiece, that I will keep coming back to! Thank you, Windborne!
My mother recently passed away. Our thing was sitting at the computer together taking turns showing each other videos of people singing. I wish I would have known about this song then. She would have cried as much as I have watching it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gift.
people have been making music together since creation. it's one of the first things we did and it's one of the things all cultures have in common. we all sing together, wear hats, love our babies, and make bread. i believe music connects us on a primal level. the composer is invoked when they sing. the architect who built the temple to carry sound to the heavens is invoked when they sing. and i believe that your mom is invoked by your love of music. in that way, she's never fully gone, is she? i'm sorry for your loss.
Like many I was brought to tears. It was a little unexpected honestly. This is so beautiful and haunting and something about the tone just cut through me. Absolutely gorgeous.
His Angels pt 3 brought me here “This is but the first of many storms you must weather, and once again you are standing on the anvil. And it is time to test your steel, son of Vulkan.”
I feel like the little bell ringing at the very end was simply a little nod from the universe confirming that it was listening, and that it approved ❤️
@@capudiovu2a665 you also know Tavagna, no? We love their music as well, and studied Corsican singing with Jean-Etienne Langianni. His composition Missa per in Tempi Novi is one of our favorite pieces of sacred music (though we mostly sing secular paghjella)
@@WindborneSingersNow all you have to do is learn our language! I take this answer to advise you the books of dorothy carrington on Corsica. This would inspire even more your singing which is already very beautiful. Forza.
Saw this on TikTok and this by far is the best version I've heard. Beautiful, sublime and truly moving. You can hear the passion and the sadness that echoed in those walls.
This is genuinely beautiful. I serve on the altar at the Latin Mass and get to hear music like this a lot, but this is so unique and special in its own way. Reminds me of the bitterness and sorrow of Christ's Passion, but how it was Gods ultimate love for us...
That’s the angel’s notes. When polyphonic singing is ‘just right’ and the acoustics just right, you get notes that weren’t sung by human voice. It’s an amazing experience.
I've listened to this several time and every single time I get chills. Every time. It's insane. This is one of the most haunting and beautiful things I've ever heard. Thank you for sharing it.
So, I found this on TikTok and sent it to my husband who is going to use it in our dnd campaign as background music because it reminds me of a dnd campaign ❤️ I subbed to y’all!! Keep it up!
Would love to hear more of this type of dining in churches like this. The sound truly bring chills to me and my soul. It’s so soothing and make me feel as if I’m alone but safe at the same time.
Came across this this morning and it did something to me!!! It awoke my soul and resonated deeply, giving me goosebumps, then I burst into a good way. Wow 🤩 a 3 minute therapy wonder!!!
Heard this on tiktok an I've never rewatched a video on there so many times. This is something special. Un-fuckin-believable. Never take this video down
I just discovered Windborne from a live performance broadcast Saturday evening November 19th 2022 in the WFMT Folkstage series. I was extremely touched and will be listening to all I can.
thank you. this has me weeping, i haven’t stopped listening for some time. the pain and beauty this encapsulates transcends me to a different time. i cant thank you enough.
My dad showed me a short Facebook clip of this, this morning, and I've come to watch/listen properly, and you made me cry and get goosebumps... That was wonderful! 😮 Please never stop making these 💛
I don't know quite if I can call it beautiful, haunting, slightly transcendent and melancholy possibly. Fantastic, more of this please! Subbed! Also, I can imagine this with any closing scene to a movie, you need a deal!
For anyone unaware, Mont Saint Michel normally keeps people from singing there, mostly because everyone and their brother would try to do it because of the acoustics. From what I remember this group got the chance because of the fortunate changing of guard or something or another, giving them a chance to bless everyone there and everyone who watched this video with what only could be described as an angelic performance
The bell rang right after.....and from their reaction this was not planned, it felt Divine!
An amazing performance - it was meant to be.
BTW the news guards came during the song but didn't stop them because they found the song great.
The fact that they did this just "off the cuff" is incredible. That's what blessed talent looks like.
@@Verlicchi There is singing and then there is Singing. This was appropriate Singing, suitable for the location. From what I read the guard had tears in his eyes while listening
The bell chiming in the background at the end was so perfect
Wasn't that perfect? It kinda cracked us up :)
This genuinely brought me to tears, I don’t know if I will ever hear something this beautiful again
Thank you so much! There is so much incredible Corsican music out there--as the other commenter noted, A Filetta is an amazing group to check out, as well as Tavagna (our Corsican music teacher Jean-Etienne Langianni sings with them).
Well, you can try Tenebrae Choir :)
Or my favourite Slovak soprano accompanied by an oboe:
Or Stabat Mater by two metal sopranos...
It's the room and of course it's a polyphony so it's always beautiful!
I feel like if ever humanity goes extinct. Whenever some alien race ever would discover the long since lost ruins of our sivilization, this song would be a fitting anthem to humanity...
.......fuck dude .. I felt that ...
I’m a man who genuinely struggles with the ability to express my emotions.
This makes me openly weep with its beauty.
I know its 3 years old. But I just found it. It literally brought tiers 5o my eyes. Thank you. I needed this today.
This is like a heavy, cozy blanket that coats you with instant peace. Pure and perfect.
mmmm what a beautiful image. Than you!
Exactly how I feel!
& the tourists in the background really thought they'd just be going home with a fridge magnet of Eifel Tower. I imagine this experience would be unforgettable for them. These hymns from the middle ages are just beautiful.
Stabat Mater dolorosa
Iuxta crucem lacrimosa
Dum pendebat Filius
Cuius animam gementem
Contristatam et dolentem
Pertransivit gladius
Quando corpus morietur,
Fac, ut animae donetur
Paradisi gloria. Amen
The grieving Mother stood
weeping beside the cross
where her Son was hanging
Through her weeping soul,
compassionate and grieving,
a sword passed.
When my body dies,
grant that to my soul
is given the glory of paradise. Amen
Thank you
This song humbles me everytime I come across it. Thank you for this.
Thank you thank you for the lyrics and the translation. Thank you!
Stunning and so moving.
Thank you for listening! 🎶💗
@@WindborneSingers I'm just wondering if you'd like this version :)
Have you ever heard of them? :)
I'm a grown a** man...I'm alone with 2 kids, I'm used to hardship and i know to hold my self...but this just melted me.
Wow, thank you so much for sharing that. We are honored that our music has touched so many people so deeply
Softness is not a weakness. It can exist alongside being grown, and being a man. I am glad you found joy in softness.
i cannot stop crying from how beautiful and touching this is. the tiktok was not enough, this is a masterpiece.
I thought i was the only one crying from its beauty..i feel ya
i cried too haha this is so beautiful❤❤❤❤
i feel you, it was overwhelming me.
I thought I was alone being so moved by this since hearing it a few weeks ago. It is still playing in my head . Stunning. ❤
The voice of your descendants is vibrating through your mouths in the most beautiful form. Magnificent!
Thank you! We definitely feel like a conduit for something bigger than us singing in such an incredible space like that
Definitely meant ancestors I'm sure... that takes on a WHOLE different meaning otherwise
The mistake didn’t even bother me, I’d have no better way of saying it! They’re so special
Basically listened to this on repeat for 4 hours .... literally 4 hours
This spoke to my heart.. during the tumultuous times we live in .. we as humans need peace.
Hauntingly beautiful, like the gathering of the souls of generations together to create a mournful, plaintive, ethereal sound of another time. Stunning!
In a lot of ways, it *is* the sound of another time--this is a traditional setting of the Stabat Mater text from the village of Nebbiu in southern Corsica. Corsican polyphonic singing dates back hundreds of years, and it definitely feels like being a conduit for something ancient to sing it. If you're interested, check out the Corsican groups Tavagna and A Filetta
Couldn’t have worded it better myself
The bell tolling at the end was a sign that you all were at the right place at the right time, giving beauty to our world, astonishingly outstanding!!
I dont think I'll ever stop listening to this
as a corsican girl, i can tell you how great your performance was. i’m glad my culture is appreciated. thank you guys 🖤
We adore Corsican music! Thank you for listening!
This makes me feel powerful. Like I'm sitting on my noble steed atop a grassy knoll about to ride into battle alongside my brothers.
Tiktok got me here and I can’t complain, this is human, this is us
Thanks for finding us here too!
Tragic, and hauntingly beautiful. Songs like these always bring me to a past I’ve never lived, yet yearn to see with my own eyes. It’s like a memory of a world that is dying or gone already.
Tik Tok brought me here, and I’m glad to stay. :) This music moved me deeply.
That bell chiming was no coincidence. ✝️
I'm a Muslim and i think this has a relationship with Christ
But maaan i felt a warmth in my heart listening to this masterpiece i loved it and i can't stop listening to it now
Brother. Do know that in the Christian world, Allah loves you, and wants you to be a part of his glory.
Be blessed and welcome to join.
There is ONE Creator.....
And you will ONLY get to him via CHRIST, the son of the ONE CREATOR.
@@AshleighFrithrelax. be not afraid. allah is god. god is allah. i mean this quite literally. bear with me for a second.
islam, judaism, and christianity formed from the same monotheistic root - this means that this person follows your god, but believes in different customs and background surrounding him. muslims believe in prophets, you believe in a son of god, and catholics believe in priests; but all of you believe in the same god.
there's more. (you brought it up.)
even if it _was_ a fundamentally different god, why do you cast judgment?
the lord gave us all free will, the freedom to choose, the beauty of a complex mind, the divinity of a complex world. god knew you in the womb. does god lack the power to create a people unable to question him? was god's promise after the great flood meaningless? are we god's greatest failure?
you invoked jesus. what did jesus preach?
jesus of nazareth was a simple, unassuming man. he was an artisan, maybe a carpenter or a stonemason. he was very charismatic and very opinionated. people liked him and agreed with him.
and he liked being liked. no one had to earn the wine and fish he shared. the sick, the poor, and the sinners did not have to earn his respect and friendship. the needy did not need to earn his protection from predatory lending practices. he preached inclusivity, advocacy, and justice.
and most notably, jesus of nazareth was executed for treason. for radicalizing the people. for preaching the word of god. jesus died for his belief in the freedom of religion.
is this person damned? does jesus damn this person?
christians found meaning in jesus's death. they believe his death brought them salvation, that he died for our sins. if someone can be damned as a nonbeliever, what happened to jesus's sacrifice? what happened to the salvation? did mary, whose agony is described in the song in this video, have to watch her son perish for no reason?
did he die for you in vain?
let he who is without sin cast the first stone. what do you think jesus would think seeing you pass judgment? was this respectful of his teachings? was his unconditional acceptance a mistake in your eyes? are you more wise than jesus of nazareth?
now, this is just a personal belief. the third commandment: thou shalt not take the lord's name in vain. the ninth commandment: thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
i don't believe saying stuff like "oh my god!" is using his name in vain. we call to god when we're frightened, angry, or excited. this demonstrates our fondness for his divinity. we like him. that's a reason, and so it's not in vain.
i believe invoking his name to oppose his teachings is using his name in vain. i believe it is to bear false witness. i believe what you said here goes against the core tenets of the religion you preached in the first place, and i believe you owe this person an apology.
i believe you can change, and you will be forgiven - if not by this person or by me, then by jesus, who was tortured for you AND for the person you spoke to.
and most of all, i believe it would be cool to see some of jesus's woodwork. i wonder if he was good at it.
happy pride!
Imagine being a tourist and have this happen in front of you... Goosebumps all over.
Just discovered this yesterday on TikTok by pure coincidence, and I haven’t stopped listening ever since. I’m not a religious person by any means, I’m not baptized and don’t believe in god, but this piece gives me goosebumps and makes me tear up. It perfectly captures the kind of sorrow and heartache a mother must feel after losing her son, which is what this song is about.
Absolute masterpiece, that I will keep coming back to! Thank you, Windborne!
We are always astounded by how powerful the human voice can be, especially raised in harmony with others. Thank you for listening!
Thank you for singing for our Lady of Sorrows, may God bless you
No wonder they don't allow singing in this room. You can feel the magic through a screen.
The “Amen” and bell tolls at the end sent chills up my spine. Beautiful ✝️
Song of my heart after 2 years of Pandemic. Mourning.
I've listened to this at least 20 times in the last 24 hours. Tears everytime. So moving, so ancient, so spiritual.
I love your comment ❤
I haven’t let tears out of my eyes in years, and I couldn’t hold it back while watching this.
Wow, thank you for sharing that! We are honored to be part of that experience for you
My mother recently passed away. Our thing was sitting at the computer together taking turns showing each other videos of people singing. I wish I would have known about this song then. She would have cried as much as I have watching it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gift.
Thank you for sharing that story💛 Our hearts go out to you for your loss
@@WindborneSingers Thank you.
people have been making music together since creation. it's one of the first things we did and it's one of the things all cultures have in common. we all sing together, wear hats, love our babies, and make bread. i believe music connects us on a primal level.
the composer is invoked when they sing. the architect who built the temple to carry sound to the heavens is invoked when they sing. and i believe that your mom is invoked by your love of music.
in that way, she's never fully gone, is she?
i'm sorry for your loss.
Absolutely incredible, it's criminal that this hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Everyone needs to hear this
Thank you so much. Please share far and wide!
Like many I was brought to tears. It was a little unexpected honestly. This is so beautiful and haunting and something about the tone just cut through me. Absolutely gorgeous.
Thank you so much. The voice and harmony singing can be so powerful!
I would have to say this absolutely., word for word!!!
The alto was really beautiful in this piece
In one take? In. One. Take. I’ve seen beauty but have never heard beauty such as this. Merci.
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. Thank you for sharing.
Thank YOU for listening!
His Angels pt 3 brought me here
“This is but the first of many storms you must weather, and once again you are standing on the anvil. And it is time to test your steel, son of Vulkan.”
Courage and honour to the end ...and past it
"what other chapters may call weakness, for us salamanders it is a reminder, of where our duties truly lie"
This is the first time a song has made me cry and im astonished
I feel like the little bell ringing at the very end was simply a little nod from the universe confirming that it was listening, and that it approved ❤️
Found this on tiktok and HAD to listen to the full version. Absolutely incredible. Full body chills.
I came from insta.. this is beyond emotional..every hair on my body standing up for the past 30 minutes
One day we will look behind us. Watch french forgotten local culture... And cry.
Thank you for not choosing some pop song for this. This was wonderful. Mont-Saint-Michel is truly a wonder
"Once again you are standing on the Anvil. . . . And it is time to test your steel again, Son of Vulken!"
The Emperor Protects
this is one of the most beautiful things my ears have ever had the pleasure of listening to. thank you
Left me with goosebumps from head to toe ❤
Us too!!
Try this from Corsica too
@@capudiovu2a665 you also know Tavagna, no? We love their music as well, and studied Corsican singing with Jean-Etienne Langianni. His composition Missa per in Tempi Novi is one of our favorite pieces of sacred music (though we mostly sing secular paghjella)
@@WindborneSingersNow all you have to do is learn our language! I take this answer to advise you the books of dorothy carrington on Corsica. This would inspire even more your singing which is already very beautiful. Forza.
@@capudiovu2a665 thank you!
Saw this on TikTok and this by far is the best version I've heard. Beautiful, sublime and truly moving. You can hear the passion and the sadness that echoed in those walls.
Thank you so much, glad you found your way here for the full song
@@WindborneSingers Thank you for bringing such beautiful music to life, you're amazing please continue to make such beautiful music!!
This is gorgeous, something about this sound gives me chills
Us too! It was breathtaking to sing in that space...
This is genuinely beautiful. I serve on the altar at the Latin Mass and get to hear music like this a lot, but this is so unique and special in its own way. Reminds me of the bitterness and sorrow of Christ's Passion, but how it was Gods ultimate love for us...
I would kill to have been present for this. I would have been in tears
Anyone else listening to this hear between 230 and 260 how it sounded like they were joined by the ancients who sang there?
Sounds like there are some polyphonic notes eg 1:46
That’s the angel’s notes. When polyphonic singing is ‘just right’ and the acoustics just right, you get notes that weren’t sung by human voice. It’s an amazing experience.
@@Cabingirlandrandomcrap absolutely agree
Stressed out while studying for finals right now and found peace listening to this. Thank you so much.
Mir ging es gerade auch so. Jetzt ist die Zeit für diese Art von Hören und sich Geben. Liebe ist Wahrheit Klangkunst. Danke
This sent chills down to my very core... Simply amazing!
Thank you!
That final Amen with the light beaming in through those glorious windows besides the Holy Cross. Incredible
This isn't a song, it's a spiritual experience. Absolute tears every time.
What an absolute treat for those who happened to be there to hear this in person.
Merci pour ce moment de grâce
C’est un moment de paix. Comment si vous pouvais parler à nôtre Dieux.
I've listened to this like 5 times a day for the past week and I'm still not tired of it, so beautiful 💜
Your voices involuntarily brought me to tears
Thank you for listening 🎶
Exquisite, moving, the human soul's lament to the universe.
I love how they transmit pain with their voices, it's jus amazing. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece!
Absolutely wonderful
This hit a soul deep longing. My heart is so very full. You have my thanks.
I've listened to this several time and every single time I get chills. Every time. It's insane. This is one of the most haunting and beautiful things I've ever heard. Thank you for sharing it.
My family and I (dad and 5 girls) have managed to make a 4 part choir. We have ALWAYS wanted to do something like this! Incredible!!!
Once again, a video that deserves to be liked 1000 times and I can't... THANKS.
THANK YOU! We feel the love
So, I found this on TikTok and sent it to my husband who is going to use it in our dnd campaign as background music because it reminds me of a dnd campaign ❤️ I subbed to y’all!! Keep it up!
YEEEEES it will be soooo good in a campaign 💗
@@timmyandchloepnw8122 hubby thought so too! He won’t give any spoilers though 🙃
@@emilycoomer7197 that’s awesome!
Nice, I love that
Can‘t stop hearing this over and over again.. so much emotions.. Thank you
Would love to hear more of this type of dining in churches like this. The sound truly bring chills to me and my soul. It’s so soothing and make me feel as if I’m alone but safe at the same time.
OMG. Angelic, heavenly and speaks to my soul ❤
So beautiful it brings me to tears.
I 've seen this video a dozen of times and I never get tired! I wanted to be there to listen live, what a magnificent experience it would be!
music just feeds my soul and this fed my soul for centuries
us too!!
Came across this this morning and it did something to me!!! It awoke my soul and resonated deeply, giving me goosebumps, then I burst into a good way. Wow 🤩 a 3 minute therapy wonder!!!
This stirs something so deep in my soul and it feels very old and very distant but strangely comfortable and familiar. Thank you for this gift.
When I need a moment of peace, I listen to this. Thank you so much!
Heard this on tiktok an I've never rewatched a video on there so many times. This is something special. Un-fuckin-believable. Never take this video down
I just discovered Windborne from a live performance broadcast Saturday evening November 19th 2022 in the WFMT Folkstage series. I was extremely touched and will be listening to all I can.
thank you. this has me weeping, i haven’t stopped listening for some time. the pain and beauty this encapsulates transcends me to a different time. i cant thank you enough.
Lots of tears. Love the harmony of your voices it's just perfect
This is Divine Spirit in Sound💖💖💖😥😥😥 Blessed!!!!!
My dad showed me a short Facebook clip of this, this morning, and I've come to watch/listen properly, and you made me cry and get goosebumps... That was wonderful! 😮
Please never stop making these 💛
This is so raw and full of emotion, it belongs on a movie soundtrack. Beautifully sung
Since a long time I could cry again when I heard in on Tiktok, wonderfull
Beautiful, one of my favorite videos.
this is so pure and i cant describe it. i've been listening for the past 30 mins and its just so beautifully delighting.
Absolutely beautiful. I don't understand the language but the song is Anointed. Thank you for posting this.
Never expected to hear something so, so beautiful on TikTok, so happy I found the full version here. You guys are incredible, this was really moving.
Majestic. One of the most visceral experiences I’ve had in a long time. I am in tears.
Just watched this on repeat. What a song/performance! I'm blown away.
Thank you so much
Incredible, this deserves a proper recording..!
Stunning, absolutely beautiful.
Made my way here from Tiktok and wow, I cannot overstate how incredibly gorgeous and moving this music is. Thank you for sharing this gift with us.
Words like “haunting” come to mind. As others have said, it’s like we’re in an ancient time and place here with you. Incredible.
Thank you so much. It's an honor for us to share this music
I don't know quite if I can call it beautiful, haunting, slightly transcendent and melancholy possibly. Fantastic, more of this please! Subbed!
Also, I can imagine this with any closing scene to a movie, you need a deal!
I actually cried :') this is beautiful
"filmed by Tasha Carter- Gordon": Thank You: very, very good!
With tears in my eyes and this is Heart melting and deep feeling of love and respect. Thank you.
Thank you so much. We are honored to be a conduit for this music