When you find hidden gems like this it feels so good. Thank you ! Im not rower myself, not even have tried once, but i love back and leg training and i swim so i got really curious on rowing and what are its training methods.
I've trained powerlifting for 5 years or so, but now i also wanna get into rowing. I feel like the community aspect of a rowing team is way different than a gym sport. Anyway your videos are very very good, and have so many interesting perspectives that resonates with me. I 100% get your opinion about deadlifts, because most people don't know how to hip hinge (use the pelvis to flatten the lower back) and it ends up being a counterproductive exercise. However i think learning how to deadlift properly can be massively beneficial for rowing technique and developing strength.
This is EXCELLENT Advice! It was already great advice and then you said to avoid Deadlifts. Thank you! So many trainers use Deadlifts for Everything. The non-back supported Leg Press... genius! Pushups with Db Rows is one of my favorite core exercises. All of it was great... Reps, Endurance, Cardio etc... all great information! Thank you!
kreuzheben ist für mich super wichtig und ich merke dass es mir total viel Stabilität und Halt gibt. besonders hohe Lasten mit wenig wiederholungen. (5x5) habe lange zeit nicht gerudert und nur krafttraining gemacht und bin jetzt wieder zurück ins boot gestiegen. Hatte in meinen zehn Jahren Amateurkrafttraining noch nie eine Verletzung. jetzt, wo ich wieder im Boot bin (Unirudern Holland), sieht man sehr schnell, was Krafttraining gutes bewirken kann (im Vergleich zu den anderen aus meinem Jahrgang). für mich ist Kreuzheben essentiell, es ist eine super Übung und schafft die körperliche grundlage, um alle anderen Übungen vernünftig ausführen zu können. Wie du schon sagtest (squats, rudern, core strength)... geht alles besser, wenn man kreuzheben regelmäßig macht
Hi Aram, what's your thoughts on kettlebells? In theory, they should tick all your boxes: all classic kettlebell exercises force a strong and stable core; the ballistic exercises all teach powerful hip extensions, and once you move past the two-handed swings to one-handed exercises, you always have that diagonal force transfer. Swings, cleans, high-pulls, snatches - in the posterior chain, while turkish get-up puts an asymetrical load on the anterior chain in the first and last stages. The bent press works literally everything in a completely different motion pattern than we are usually used to, and is great to work the hips and shoulders through a full range of motion. Also, snatches, high pulls and cleans should have a high carryover and a decent specificity to rowing, as here we also have the same sequence and timing (legs - hip/back - arms) as in the rowing stroke. The upper-body twist in a sports-style snatch would also closely mimick the upper-body movement in sweep rowing.
Doing kettlebell swings are great but they’re incredibly taxing though on the cardiovascular system and on your muscles so it needs to be balanced with the erg/on the water. Also the risk of injury can be high if the kettlebell is too heavy so light is always best to ensure correct technique is spot on
I however, some doubts about the beginners guides. The first day I rowed 1.5km+3km+3km (1h20') and the second day 2km+4km+4km (1h07') without any pain or difficulty! The rower is a Matrix in a Club on 10 as strength! I think there is something not very clear to me.
@@AramTraining Thank you taking your time asking me the question. This one from British Rowing, for example : www.britishrowing.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/BR_Go_Row_A4_Beginners_Training_Plan_P3.pdf
I tried posting a link but TH-cam doesn’t allow it. There’s a study with the title „Thickening of the knee joint cartilage in elite weightlifters as a potential adaptation mechanism“.
Great, thorough video! I'm a little lost re # of reps. It sounds like you're saying 9 sets (3×3)? And a slightly increased weight btwn rep1 (failure btwn 8 and 15-20 - let's say 50 lbs), rep2 (failure btwn 8 and 12 - let's say 55 lbs), and then failure for rep 3 wasn't clear. Also, is this your suggested technique regardless of the exercise? (Eg. Lats, shoulders, squats, deadlifts, hamstrings, etc) Thanks!
So you would recomend to do a Warm up Set and then three following Sets with a small break. In the first set you would do 15-20 reps, then 8-12 and in the Last again 8-12? If anyone can help me with that (I know it was in the Video, but I want to make sure I get it right), I really would appreciate it. I wanna make my weight training most effectiv but I'm not sure whats the best way to do it. Your Video deffinitley helps. Thanks for that.
Hi Aram, great video! I am 14 and this is my third year rowing. I started during the quarentine with the ergometer, and then started to row on water. My father explained me the technique, and we went several times during 2020 to row together (I live in front of the river). Up until May or June 2021, the only thing I did was rowing, rowing, and rowing. By now I have more a less 1 1/2 years only aerobic, and 1 year aerobic and anaerobic strength training, allthough I am an explosive athete. Could you please make a video of strength training for adolescents (if there is any difference), and an anaerobic training on water/ergometer video like this one? They would be very helpfull. Great thanks.
just do some deadlifts. theyre almost specific. some back squats and some standing rows maybe. if you want heavy lods for the whole kinetic chain, theres nothing more effective.
Aram you should check the kneesovertoesguy, Ben Patrick. He is probably the most profound exercise expert I have come across. I have seen squat university etc….they are all now taking the cue from Ben Patrick. Orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, xfit athletes, body builders, massage therapists, power lifters…I’m a 59 year old multi athlete and have read, tried most stuff there has been…Ben Patrick is the real deal…he is not the originator of most stuff but his programming is second to none…I recommend everyone to check him out…I have no affiliation with him…my athletes respond really well…including myself….he trains 80 year olds to top athletes.
Hi Bruno, the classics will serve your well: Over head deep squat (little to no weight) Good mornings (little to no weight) Front squats Dumbbell rows (one knee on a bench) and then lots of general mobility and full range of motion strength for your posterior chain. Stretching, as beat-up and old as it may sound, is a game changer. In terms of cardio work, sessions at 30-45min at low intensity, and one or two sessions with 2x5min blocks of moderate to higher intensity will help you to stay in the game....
It depends on what your usual volume is. If you are used to 6 sessions per week, then you could do 3 weeks of 4 strength sessions per week, the one week no strength, then three weeks again. Then no gym strength for ta few weeks. This is for the prep season only, so, far away from peak of season
Well spoken and thought out Aram! Nice one.
Thank you very much Cameron!
Thank you very much Karen!
Awewsome content, Aram. Feel privileged to be coached by someone who also learns and becomes better every year. Great job!
When you find hidden gems like this it feels so good.
Thank you ! Im not rower myself, not even have tried once, but i love back and leg training and i swim so i got really curious on rowing and what are its training methods.
I've trained powerlifting for 5 years or so, but now i also wanna get into rowing. I feel like the community aspect of a rowing team is way different than a gym sport.
Anyway your videos are very very good, and have so many interesting perspectives that resonates with me.
I 100% get your opinion about deadlifts, because most people don't know how to hip hinge (use the pelvis to flatten the lower back) and it ends up being a counterproductive exercise. However i think learning how to deadlift properly can be massively beneficial for rowing technique and developing strength.
Thank you for your great comment! Much appreciated
This is EXCELLENT Advice! It was already great advice and then you said to avoid Deadlifts. Thank you! So many trainers use Deadlifts for Everything. The non-back supported Leg Press... genius! Pushups with Db Rows is one of my favorite core exercises. All of it was great... Reps, Endurance, Cardio etc... all great information! Thank you!
kreuzheben ist für mich super wichtig und ich merke dass es mir total viel Stabilität und Halt gibt. besonders hohe Lasten mit wenig wiederholungen. (5x5)
habe lange zeit nicht gerudert und nur krafttraining gemacht und bin jetzt wieder zurück ins boot gestiegen. Hatte in meinen zehn Jahren Amateurkrafttraining noch nie eine Verletzung.
jetzt, wo ich wieder im Boot bin (Unirudern Holland), sieht man sehr schnell, was Krafttraining gutes bewirken kann (im Vergleich zu den anderen aus meinem Jahrgang).
für mich ist Kreuzheben essentiell, es ist eine super Übung und schafft die körperliche grundlage, um alle anderen Übungen vernünftig ausführen zu können.
Wie du schon sagtest (squats, rudern, core strength)... geht alles besser, wenn man kreuzheben regelmäßig macht
I LOVE, Love, ❤️ the amount of research and effort you put in this video, Aram! Thank you so much for sharing 😉 Stay well!
Hi Aram,
what's your thoughts on kettlebells? In theory, they should tick all your boxes: all classic kettlebell exercises force a strong and stable core; the ballistic exercises all teach powerful hip extensions, and once you move past the two-handed swings to one-handed exercises, you always have that diagonal force transfer. Swings, cleans, high-pulls, snatches - in the posterior chain, while turkish get-up puts an asymetrical load on the anterior chain in the first and last stages.
The bent press works literally everything in a completely different motion pattern than we are usually used to, and is great to work the hips and shoulders through a full range of motion.
Also, snatches, high pulls and cleans should have a high carryover and a decent specificity to rowing, as here we also have the same sequence and timing (legs - hip/back - arms) as in the rowing stroke. The upper-body twist in a sports-style snatch would also closely mimick the upper-body movement in sweep rowing.
Doing kettlebell swings are great but they’re incredibly taxing though on the cardiovascular system and on your muscles so it needs to be balanced with the erg/on the water. Also the risk of injury can be high if the kettlebell is too heavy so light is always best to ensure correct technique is spot on
I beleive they need a lot of focus on correct execution, which often lacks...
La mejor información, sería genial poder tener subtítulos en español en vídeos como este
I just started rowing as an amateur. Thanks a lot. The competence is here.
I however, some doubts about the beginners guides. The first day I rowed 1.5km+3km+3km (1h20') and the second day 2km+4km+4km (1h07') without any pain or difficulty! The rower is a Matrix in a Club on 10 as strength! I think there is something not very clear to me.
Which beginners guide?
@@AramTraining Thank you taking your time asking me the question. This one from British Rowing, for example : www.britishrowing.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/BR_Go_Row_A4_Beginners_Training_Plan_P3.pdf
Ps… I ❤️ “Good Mornings” they have always been a part of my routine 😀☝️
if anybody as information about a study on the increase of cartilage stability in relation to strength training, it is much appreciated!
I tried posting a link but TH-cam doesn’t allow it.
There’s a study with the title „Thickening of the knee joint cartilage in elite weightlifters as a potential adaptation mechanism“.
I found your link in the comment notifications. Not clickable anymore but I could type into the browser. It worked! Thank you very much!
Great, thorough video! I'm a little lost re # of reps. It sounds like you're saying 9 sets (3×3)? And a slightly increased weight btwn rep1 (failure btwn 8 and 15-20 - let's say 50 lbs), rep2 (failure btwn 8 and 12 - let's say 55 lbs), and then failure for rep 3 wasn't clear. Also, is this your suggested technique regardless of the exercise? (Eg. Lats, shoulders, squats, deadlifts, hamstrings, etc) Thanks!
So you would recomend to do a Warm up Set and then three following Sets with a small break. In the first set you would do 15-20 reps, then 8-12 and in the Last again 8-12?
If anyone can help me with that (I know it was in the Video, but I want to make sure I get it right), I really would appreciate it. I wanna make my weight training most effectiv but I'm not sure whats the best way to do it. Your Video deffinitley helps. Thanks for that.
Thanks for the video. Does the advice apply for high school athletes? Like triple loading.
If they are not fully developed yet, better not load too hard
Hi Aram, great video! I am 14 and this is my third year rowing. I started during the quarentine with the ergometer, and then started to row on water. My father explained me the technique, and we went several times during 2020 to row together (I live in front of the river). Up until May or June 2021, the only thing I did was rowing, rowing, and rowing. By now I have more a less 1 1/2 years only aerobic, and 1 year aerobic and anaerobic strength training, allthough I am an explosive athete. Could you please make a video of strength training for adolescents (if there is any difference), and an anaerobic training on water/ergometer video like this one? They would be very helpfull. Great thanks.
Hi Aram have you got any books out on training plans or a full season mesocycle interesting video 👍
Not yet
@@AramTraining no problem, i cant seem to find a good book on rowing strenght training for the rowing season for some tips and a bible to follow lol
just do some deadlifts. theyre almost specific. some back squats and some standing rows maybe.
if you want heavy lods for the whole kinetic chain, theres nothing more effective.
Yes. I have realized that these are beneficial. Will mention that in some of the future videos.
should you use a lifting belf on squats or deadlifts
I personally do not, many people swear by them, though
Aram you should check the kneesovertoesguy, Ben Patrick. He is probably the most profound exercise expert I have come across. I have seen squat university etc….they are all now taking the cue from Ben Patrick. Orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, xfit athletes, body builders, massage therapists, power lifters…I’m a 59 year old multi athlete and have read, tried most stuff there has been…Ben Patrick is the real deal…he is not the originator of most stuff but his programming is second to none…I recommend everyone to check him out…I have no affiliation with him…my athletes respond really well…including myself….he trains 80 year olds to top athletes.
For rowers Ben Patrick’s approach is huge for the compression phase for example…among other things…
Aram is there any kind pf exercises for former rowers? Wanna keep the line and i don’t have an erg in home
Hi Bruno, the classics will serve your well:
Over head deep squat (little to no weight)
Good mornings (little to no weight)
Front squats
Dumbbell rows (one knee on a bench)
and then lots of general mobility and full range of motion strength for your posterior chain.
Stretching, as beat-up and old as it may sound, is a game changer.
In terms of cardio work, sessions at 30-45min at low intensity, and one or two sessions with 2x5min blocks of moderate to higher intensity will help you to stay in the game....
@@AramTraining thank you that much Aram! Im following this! Greetings and thank you again from Chile!
How many days a week should weight training be done. Are rest days necessary?
It depends on what your usual volume is.
If you are used to 6 sessions per week, then you could do 3 weeks of 4 strength sessions per week, the one week no strength, then three weeks again. Then no gym strength for ta few weeks. This is for the prep season only, so, far away from peak of season
If the rowing event/season is marathon (10.to 20km) would weights training focus on muscular endurance?
Mostly on joint stability to sustain long endurance sessions
@@AramTraining what rep range and RM% would that look like?
Do you do youtube for living?
No. This is a service to the community
Talk less and demonstrate more.
Yes, agree. This old video has way too little demo content.
Let's go, at least someone has a taste in clubs🥱 Staw is the best😂😂
Not there anymore though