I love how at the end, the most important part is sped through and some text is dropped at the bottom end of the screen and tadaa. Too fast for a beginner really, couldn't make it work. Thanks for the work anyhow. I would love to have the "Local Audio in Maptool in MORE than 2 minutes with JUH", I'd take "Take your time pedagogy" over "speedrun tutorial" anyday. What's the hurry anyway ?
I love how at the end, the most important part is sped through and some text is dropped at the bottom end of the screen and tadaa. Too fast for a beginner really, couldn't make it work. Thanks for the work anyhow. I would love to have the "Local Audio in Maptool in MORE than 2 minutes with JUH", I'd take "Take your time pedagogy" over "speedrun tutorial" anyday. What's the hurry anyway ?