You are so good in so many levels you do the impersonation of him so perfectly in the voice and behavior you are absolutely genius and pay attention to little things. you are so good at this! You are amazing and very funny! It's so happy that you do what you like and people can see the passion you have to it is great, inspiring and give me hope:)
I was listening to the cook, and was able to understand so many, many things!I didn't know Slovenian and Bulgarian have so much in common, although we write in different alphabets. Well, I was able to understand the British Oliver as well.
*part of the joke is that in Slovenian language you pronounce it like "Boyan" but when he anounced him he was pretending he doesn't know that ("Bodjan") XD
se mi je že od nekdaj dopadel njegov humor ampak zdej to mal bolj gledam zarad've earned my respect with ur flawless british accent! i want moar :) svetovno!
Ohh hi guys im choppin a banana :D ahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
obračaš moje besede in kr neki govoriš,kar js sploh ne trdim :) nevem kk si ti razlagaš moj komentar,ampak absolutno ne govorim da je slo ''kr ena bedna država in si ne zaslužimo takih legend'' :)
It's the same thing with Korean dramas. Some of the characters start to speak English but then the others apparently understand and reply in Korean. It's weird
That British accent tho XD
I didn't even know he could pull it off 😂
Oh hi guys... I'm chopping a banana, just for fun hahahaha :D
I wish that Jamie Oliver would see that xD
Great impression of Jamie, you have a talent!
You are so good in so many levels you do the impersonation of him so perfectly in the voice and behavior you are absolutely genius and pay attention to little things. you are so good at this! You are amazing and very funny! It's so happy that you do what you like and people can see the passion you have to it is great, inspiring and give me hope:)
I was listening to the cook, and was able to understand so many, many things!I didn't know Slovenian and Bulgarian have so much in common, although we write in different alphabets.
Well, I was able to understand the British Oliver as well.
Bouđan :) Ma zakon :)
*part of the joke is that in Slovenian language you pronounce it like "Boyan" but when he anounced him he was pretending he doesn't know that ("Bodjan") XD
Amazing British accent soo good as Jamie Oliver absolutely love it 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Hi, I'm chopping a banana just for fun!!! Zmaga!
Prvič vidim ta video... Vrhunsko!!!
This guy surprising me. He can rules the world ...
kako lahko klemen tok dobr oponaša angleški naglas o_O wow čist jamie oliver ;)
reče se britanski naglas...XD
Reče se angleški naglas :)
Še šešlja isto ko Oliver
i am pretty sure, da bi britanci cringal hahah
Tale naglas je specificno angleški. Britanski je bolj jezik
Xexe :D Kralju , skinuo si ga za medalju :D Čak i boju glasa :) Moj naklon majistore ;) Thumbs up from Beograd :)
"The time is tickin Bojo!" :D
se mi je že od nekdaj dopadel njegov humor ampak zdej to mal bolj gledam zarad've earned my respect with ur flawless british accent! i want moar :) svetovno!
Wow! You nailed the accent!
"prava slovenska zagrebška" 😂
Suha verzija Oliverja 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Odličen naglas.
Klemen ti si svetovna faca👌
awesome JAMIE
nicew auuuuuuuuuuuu
ma omajgad! res je zakon! ta klemen je multitalent!! :)
Kaja fafa kurce!!!
I am chopping a bananna just for fun, hahahahaha :D
You are AMAZING!! Hope you will cook on SPAR's TV spot with real Jamie ;)
Par exelanc😂😂😂😂
Bravo Bojan Emeršič.
Klemen, ich lîebe dich!
kaj si ja nor! legenda je! čist isti!!!!
TO mi deli!
Klemen je prava faca XD
Kako ga vsakič dobr našemjo. Je iz strani čist podoben vsakmu karakterju, ki ga odigra.
prava slovenska zagrebška ! :D
Kremšnita pa čili ... eh pa daj zarad čilija dobim fleke!!!! Haha
Me prav zanima kaj bi Jamie Oliver na tole komentiral. :)
original Jimie Oliver!! Klemen legenda!
WoW hahahah i understood everything bojan said😂😂😂
The best!! :P
ah dragi oliver...dai, aide, paprika, ciao ciao
I understood these
cool. hehe
pls make a tv show(maybe late night ;) )
Haha best
Ohh hi guys im choppin a banana :D ahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Bakovičem?!??....hahahaha Slakonja legenda!!!! Take rabmo..
oo, hi guys, I'm chopping a banana, just for fun! hahahahhaha CAR!
with me is here now Bođan Emerišič :D
this little guy here (in pokaže na Emeršiča) - LOL!
As a Serb, hearing spoken Slovene is so weird. It sounds just like Serbian, but is only semi-intellegible at best..
It's the same the other way around bro
Though I'd say most slovenians understand serbian quite well
bođan's new book :D
oponašanje Steve-a Irwin-a bi mu verjetno šlo odlično :)
So hot
Klemen...faca :D
prava slovenska iz zagreba
... )̲̅ζ(o̲̅))̲̅ζ
I'm chopin a banana, just for fun! ahahahaha
bođan's new book
čili na kremšnito :))) Bouđan :)) umiram ej :))
prava slovenska zagrebška haha
hehe, originalna kopija :D Me prav zanima, kako bi se obnesel v vlogi Gordona Ramseya :D
1:05 😂
obračaš moje besede in kr neki govoriš,kar js sploh ne trdim :) nevem kk si ti razlagaš moj komentar,ampak absolutno ne govorim da je slo ''kr ena bedna država in si ne zaslužimo takih legend'' :)
zanima me kak je to gledat američanom pa britancom xD
How can Jamie understand what Bojan is saying....He can understand Slovenian but he can't speak it???
+Suga Infires Me That's called artistic freedom. :D
It's the same thing with Korean dramas. Some of the characters start to speak English but then the others apparently understand and reply in Korean. It's weird
Holly shit, čist k Oliver res!!!
tell us Bođo, how's this possible... lol
Haha, Dmejn
hy guys, im choppin a banana, just for fun :DD
Zelo je podoben Jemiju CD Pa špuknil je v olje c,c
Za ta video je rabu en mesec da ga je posnel.
vklopite podnapise :D :D dodatna smejalka :D :D
Hahahaa xD
1:46 - Tega pa ne razumem :) drgač pa smešno, pač legende na kupu, pa tole rata. zakoon!
Dont't mind me Im just English comment.
ha,ha,ha nora hiša
omg O.o polnjenje piščanca ala fist f*.... bogi piščanc :D
Kaj to reče fist fuc*ed? 😀
Haha prava Slovenska Zagrebška :D
tele sekunde so pa mal počasne... :)
prava slovenska zagrebška! hahhahaha
На нашего Антона Шагина похож
zaka že? zato,ko mislim da bi mo v ameriki 100krat bol ratavo,ko pa v sloveniji,iz kere je izjemno težko uspet v svetu? :)
kot da je slovenija kaj manj kot amerika, ok mogoče bi tam res več zaslužil, ampak tud mnogo težje uspel! drgač se pa opravičujem, če sm obrnila
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