Foundation Building - Maintaining Symmetry

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • In the second episode of our new Ski Technique Series, we look at LEG SYMMETRY and how to maintain it. This important aspect of skiing often goes under looked and as a result can be a huge reason why form and efficiency are lost during turns made all over the mountain.
    These short effective tutorials zone in on some of the sports most fundamental areas for improvement. Simple drills both on and off the mountain will help you get a better understanding of the movements required for each subject.
    We hope you found our second clip useful.
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    Thanks for watching.

ความคิดเห็น • 27

  • @KenpoOjoko
    @KenpoOjoko 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video! Great instructions! Yes, active inside leg is the key to achieve the same edge angle for both skis.

  • @somphothbsiratsamy3748
    @somphothbsiratsamy3748 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is that the power plow when you lift your inside leg for turns

  • @somphothbsiratsamy3748
    @somphothbsiratsamy3748 ปีที่แล้ว

    Still deciding on REI or shipping.

  • @JanosKoranyi
    @JanosKoranyi 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    About the lady with A-frame.
    Of course she must have A-frame. This comes from her backseat position and the lack of steering of the skies. The backseat position makes it difficult to start any turn with the body projection into the fall-line. The question is what advice would benefit her the most.....

    • @Federer935
      @Federer935 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      quite agree!

    • @Osnosis
      @Osnosis 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What will benefit her the most is bending the outside /downhill leg. This will allow for a steeper edge angle, greater upper body angulation, easier transition to the new (outside) stance ski (at the finish of the prior turn).

    • @JB91710
      @JB91710 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Janos. Not even close! Read all my comments here. You have to study and visualize them because they are to Opposite of the way everybody else teaches and thinks.

  • @dj_617
    @dj_617 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Manually steer the inside leg???

  • @Federer935
    @Federer935 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The problems with the lady in the pink top are caused by too much pressure too soon. This is evidenced by the stiff outer leg - used to start the turn. Telling learners to pressure the ski to start the turn simply causes loss of balance ( balance not on the ski to be turned but falls back on the uphill ski) and the pushing action too soon in the turn creates a sideways skidding action because sufficient edging angle has not been achieved. An understanding of transition is needed here - flatten skis, start to apply the new edges (increasing angles) and then apply increasing pressure - as the increasing edge angle allows. Leg extension is not appropriate here as the learner skier translates it into leg straightening and pushing to start the turn (causing the loss of balance). Pressuring is by leverage (ankle bending / flexing) thereby concentrating pressure downwards not outwards as happens here. Correct / biomechanically sound posture and learning to balance and achieve grip avoids most of the problems shown here. I would value your respons to these comments.

    • @JB91710
      @JB91710 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What you said in the beginning is what is wrong with all this Extension Flexing crap. People hear extend and they stay on their downhill ski and Push/Extend the uphill ski away. Instant A Frame. All you have to do is think about getting off your downhill ski and you will be instantly balanced on your uphill arch as long as you keep your upper body vertical and facing/leaning down the hill and not into the turn.

    • @tombowman6784
      @tombowman6784 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree with your mention of needing an understanding of transition between turns. I agree with your statement about flattening the skis to start the transition from the old turn to the new turn which requires EXTENDING the ankles and knees at the end of the old turn (Sorry JB91710) but I wouldn't tell the skier to apply increased pressure here but instead let the natural shape of the turn apply the pressure for you and just manage it with tipping of the skis, steering the skis and gradually FLEXING (Sorry JB 91710) the ankles and knees through the middle and bottom of the turn.

  • @JanosKoranyi
    @JanosKoranyi 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Always you try to concentrate all attention to turnings of the legs. But a correct ski turn starts with the body projection into the fall-line. It must happen before you try to make any turns of the skies and legs. Body projection is done by the legs. You extend the the leg which will be the outer leg in the next turn and flex the other leg. You will feel the increasing pressure in the following outer leg and the body moves to the inside of the next turn. The extension/flexion movements will flatten the skies first then the edging will start by itself. Edging will not happen too early or too late and so on. By body projection first the technical parts will fall into their places.

  • @robertcushing9834
    @robertcushing9834 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    too much pressure on your inside ski TOES prevents the rolling of your uphill knee: result - A frame and flat up hill ski. ski with proper stance and balance with weight between balls of foot and front part of heel pad.

  • @anthonysears871
    @anthonysears871 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    bad demos by instructor. ick. why is foot usage so few and far between?

  • @MrRedinalis
    @MrRedinalis 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very useful. There are a lot of films with cool skiing, lot of words like do this and do that.. But why? I have a problem with A-shape skiing and now I have got the answer - my inside leg is not active or is working slowly (2:20). Thank you!!

  • @almorkans3171
    @almorkans3171 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What you called “canting” is actually cuff alignment. Canting is changing the angle between the base of the boot and the ski, usually by grinding the boot sole.

  • @somphothbsiratsamy3748
    @somphothbsiratsamy3748 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah, $800 boots… maan

  • @z3a3k3
    @z3a3k3 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This A-frame stance in ladies skiers is such a cute sight to see...-;

  • @jitterbug65
    @jitterbug65 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Good observations from JB91710. While these videos do a decent job of showing what good skiing LOOKS like, I give them only a D rating for accurately describing WHAT a skier actually does and how those actions should FEEL for the skier. I suspect many ski instructors are long-time skiers, who likely learned the sport at a young age. What comes as second nature to them has to be learned from scratch for adult learners like myself. Telling people to "bend" the knee laterally is complete nonsense, since as we know the knee cannot do that -- only the hips and ankles can. So while the knees LOOK to be angled toward the hill, that is not what a skier should be thinking about (and doing). Perhaps someday I'll have this sport figured out, but until then I watch these "instructional" videos with a large dose of skepticism, and of course I'll continue to get live coaching. Doing various drills also helps to get acquainted with the right feel for things, which can then hopefully be incorporated into everyday skiing.

  • @zbynekcodykolacek
    @zbynekcodykolacek 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well described again

  • @robertcushing9834
    @robertcushing9834 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ski with your toes up to take pressure off them.

    • @thomasmedeiros5722
      @thomasmedeiros5722 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Robert Cushing Yes raise your toes and pressure will be just behind them which allows for balance and tipping to edge ski on both outside and inside. I got this tip,from a ski buddy that has a race coaching background. It also corespondents to Yoga stances that I have learned and incorporate into skiing skills.

  • @JB91710
    @JB91710 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    0:20 "Symmetry." That word and it's "meaning" Say and Mean nothing. Complicated words with no meaning confuse you and deflect your attention away from the fact that the instructor has no idea how to teach. You feel confused so you think skiing is way over your head and you Need the instructor. "This position" What position?
    0:34 Yes but, Why did this happen? Again, his words mean nothing. You are describing what it Looks Like instead of telling us Why it is happening.
    0:32. Notice how she chickened out on the next turn and instead of keeping her upper body facing down the hill when she started the next turn by getting off her right foot, she twisted her body from the hips up to face to the right. That Kept her weight on the Right foot which dug in the outside edge and the Left foot blew out from under her. To compensate and try to get the Left ski to bite, she bent her Left knee in to the hill which did nothing to control the turn.
    If you straightened out that left leg by moving her knee to her left, the line he put on the screen would go over her Left shoulder and her entire body would be on the right side of it. That puts all her weight on the right foot. If her upper body had stayed to her left, then the upper body would be on the left side of the line and her hips on the right side and she would be balanced on her right arch.
    0:42 To start the left turn, she is ONLY thinking, "I want to make a left turn." So she just twists her body to the left and keeps her weight on the left foot. That's why the left ski kept going straight when she forced her right foot to turn. Her weight should be on her right foot but it is firmly applied to her left foot. Basically, she is thinking about turning, instead of thinking about going straight down the hill and taking her weight off the downhill foot to Allow her skis to make the turn.
    0:47 What the heck is Leg Extension? This demonstration is ridiculous! Have you ever seen someone ski like this? Do You want to ski like this? What should be taught here is taking your weight off your turning ski to start the next turn. Teach how to get off the downhill foot and balance on the arch of your Uphill foot and allow the ski to turn. You do Not "Extend" or Push your foot away from you or artificially bend your knee into the turn. This demonstration is Beyond ridiculous!
    1:16 You do Not Think of extending your left leg at this point. You have to Think about getting off your right foot and Balancing on your left arch. Think of Standing on the pedals of a bicycle. You take your weight Off a pedal so your weight is on the other pedal. If you don't think about getting off the pedal and you just "Extend" down on the other one, the bike won't move. If you get Off a ski, the weight Has to be on the other ski. If you Just think of standing on one ski, you could still be on the other ski and the turn will not happen and you will resort to twisting your body and Pushing your skis to Make them turn. Do you know how to say A Frame?
    1:24 NO, you do Not see or think of a Left leg extension. You think of getting off the right foot by keeping your upper body vertical which stretches your right side so you can stay off the right foot even though your legs are leaning into the turn.
    1:32 Oh Please! This says, means and teaches nothing! Are you sure you are talking about SKIING?
    1:42 Yeah, so? Are you serious? That's it? No explanation of what we see and what is wrong? "Ski Academy", huh?
    1:58 You're kidding, right? You're just testing us to see how gullible we are! We aren't even half way through this, Thing!
    2:20 "EGGGG"! I was trying to make that buzzer sound they use on game shows that tell you when you are WRONG! Manually Steer, huh? When you want to make a turn in your car and then you want to turn sharper, do you twist your legs and body or just turn the steering wheel more? In other words, If you want to unstick your down hill ski at the beginning of a turn, you do NOT manually Steer it, you get OFF IT and balance on your uphill ski. Then the inside ski will follow through the turn without getting in the way.
    Do you Know what she is doing? She is trying to do that Extension stupidness. Watch as she Pushes the turning ski away from her instead of standing up on it. Where do these people come from? This is Not as hard as you are Making it by Teaching what things Look Like instead of what to do to Make them look like that. My finger tips are tingling! I don't know if I can make it till the end!
    2:23 This is breathtaking! The instructor is complaining about how she Looks when it is this Extension BS that is making her Look like that. 0:47 Look familiar? Oh boy!
    2:48 Now you are pissing me off! The inside ski or leg is NOT actively STEERING into the turn! Are you for real? Because the upper body is in the correct position and the weight is changed from the downhill to uphill ski, the body is in the correct position so the legs aren't tangled in an Extension Knot and the inside leg just follows the outside leg with the weight on the outside leg. Do you not Feel what is going on when you ski? Are you Just a Two Dimensional Thinker and you can only comment on what your SEE? What skiing Looks Like?
    You know what? I'm done with the Warren Smith Academy of Ridiculousness! Learn To Ski EZY with Jack

    • @radagascar1
      @radagascar1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lame attempt at making sales by tearing someone else's work down. Nice.

    • @dj_617
      @dj_617 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Great you are done. I feel the relief and my guess is: so is Warren.