I absolutely love that there are people out there who want to learn sumerian grammar....and even more that there are people who want to help them do so.. The world is a wonderful place!
An amazing discussion. I am profoundly grateful to everyone associated with this channel. It makes me feel like the internet is useful in a way I had not encountered.
Its a great source of knowledge isnt it pal. I would never have been able to learn about any of this stuff 20 years ago without visiting a university library
I have to say Megan does such a great job. She doesn't know that much more than a highly informed person does about early Christianity so she has the same question I do, but she knows so much more about textual criticism and historical-critical methods than someone like me that she actual know how to frame the questions to get the right information.
I’d say she is a very highly informed layperson, but she plays the role of curious non-expert (a stand-in for us, the audience) quite well. She asks our questions as well as questions we might think of after we’ve digested the material. Megan plays a very important role as audience proxy, and doing it well is not as easy as it looks. Just ask Glaucon what it’s like. 😊
Buddy I think I've talk to you before. Did you research Svante Paabo awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for DNA extraction from Neanderthal bones, that's NEANDERTHAL man ok not us Sapiens. Cheers
@@mattmatty4670 yea, it’s hard being a homo Sapien -sapien and we have a strong understanding we do share a common ancestry with the Great Apes…. Cool huh?
@@richunixunix3313 no mate we never come from apes. But we did come from previous forms of humans. Bipedal,(fascinating if ya want to do research) i think the term is so not actually apes. Real facts you will read yourself, Svante Pabbo at the Max Planck Institute Germany discovered the DNA links but not published till the nineties, Sapiens, Neanderthal, Denisovans all 3 r human species (DNA proven) not Adam and eve incest family. To back this up research the Denisovan Cave in Siberia all 3 human species lived annnnd produced hybrid offspring a 12 year old girl annnd all proven with modern DNA technology. Cheers
These podcasts are absolutely great! However, they would be even better if Dr Ehrman would get a dedicated microphone. It’s quite difficult to get the right volume when different levels of sound are being used.
As much as he moves around and since we don’t hear scratching I’m wondering if it’s just crappy mic placement. He might have a half decent mic but too far away. But either way I agree it is distracting.
Found out my classes of Biblical studies next summer will have some of Dr. Ehrman's books as obligatory reading! One of them being the New Testament. I am now more eager to study than ever! Heck yeah.
I would honestly love for Bart to interview Megan. I find summarian super interesting so I would love to hear from here too. Keep up the awesome work y’all!
This was really great. I am curious and I am sure someone has already asked, but if God made everything, that would also include “evil”. How does that get resolved? It seems like it’s circular thinking. I have read Bart’s book titled, “God’s Problems” and it has made an impact on me and how we deal with suffering…especially when it comes to our most vulnerable. Even very good people get afflicted with suffering. I may have missed something here, but it seems that an omnipotent God is either cruel, or a really bad deity blaming the “devil” (he created) to divide and allow for cruelty. I know that I’m not supposed to understand “the ways of the Lord”, but it is the very reason why I am not a Christian. And this interview was fabulous. I learned a lot more on the apocalyptic ideology of the Bible. Again, thank you.
Ah the age old question. The church I grew up in answered it by saying that God didn't make evil, but that since nothing can be good if there is no concept of bad, evil was the natural and unavoidable result of there being any concept of goodness or righteousness. Essentially by creating one thing it's opposite automatically comes into being. By creating light, darkness is made to exist. By creating love, hate is made to exist. By creating good, evil is made to exist. Positive cannot exist without negative, or else it ceases to be positive. Can't say I agree with everything that church taught, but I still appreciate the honest philosophical approach to addressing the problem of evil.
I'm persuaded to think that Zoroastrianism had a big influence on Jewish thought in a lot of areas. Syncretism is a key to understanding much in comparative religion. In addition,many Jews were massive fans of all things Persian. Remember,Cyrus is the only gentile in their scriptures to be called 'Messiah'..anointed by God. The dualism of the Persian faith had creeped in,while the principle of monotheism remained.
Best episode yet. One thing I found jarring in the Q&A section: the use of the future tense to describe what Bart says in a book he has already written (but that hasn't been published yet).
Thanks to everyone involved in this podcast, I'm absolutely loving it. Can I make a suggestion though? It would be great to have a reading suggestion before the next episode, for us to do a little preparation beforehand. Thanks again. 10/10
I definitely started listening because enjoyed the book Misquoting Jesus when it came out and have enjoyed others of Bart’s books. But I think this has been my favorite episode so far because I am getting to know Megan even more and really enjoying it. I’d love to hear more about her husband’s Old Testament counter apologetics but I get that he probably wants to keep his anonymity. Regardless, it was fun to hear about the Assyrian grammar. And of course I learned a lot about apocalypticism.
It is a beautiful world we’re this is the product of happy homes where the biggest worry you have in life is the great questions of the universe. We need to make the world more peaceful, free, and safe so more great minds can read Greek in the morning instead of their bank account.
I just saw a great documentary on the Sumerians…. Who, as I understand it, were among the oldest civilizations… and whose origin seems unknown … which is why their language is unrelated to any other languages we know of. And, ironically, although they may have been the first to invent writing…. Their civilization, language, and writing did not survive
Revelation is about Elevation… The mind becoming a Christ like understanding… Council of Nicea 321-325 AD changed the first thousand years of Christianity into what it is in the second thousand years… Many wait on Jesus return when they may need to find the Kether within… Christ like mind within us all…
@@bartdehrman a little better mic at close proximity with the gain high enough. It wouldn't hurt to tone down a bit the reverb of the room. Mainly if you match the ambience on both sides of the conversation it's a more comfortable listen.
We have two lives. And the second one starts once we realize we only have one life. That is the point in our life where apocalyptic works pick up. They nest the way inward.
Why is it difficult to find an interview with Bart where his and the interviewers volumes match? Im sorry to nitpick but this is especially annoying when using headphones.
Jesus always referred to the new kingdom as being here, imminent, in the gospels. Everyone deals with this by going outside to gospels to cite scriptures of people saying what Jesus said, usually it's different than what Jesus himself said. Almost like they cleaning up Jesus mess because what he said didn't happen. Plus are they holding what someone else said over their lord? So convenient for them, but don't you try it. Very good video, I learned a lot.
I’m interested to hear that Jesus asked John (the Apostle I assume?) to Jezebel... We are always taught that the Apostles were illiterate and therefore couldn’t read and write. This Revelation text would tend to contradict what we’re taught!
As a former Mormon, I often think that I may be a bit fortunate. The improbability of that faith was a bit easier to reject. Then analysis of basic Christianity was easy to see as a man made construct.
Same here! I’m greatful for my experience with deconstructing Mormonism, it really equips you with the skills and confidence in those skills to deconstruct Christianity. There’s so many parallels between the two
😅 I third that motion! Although I would consider myself a progressive Christian so maybe I don't count - I'm less concerned about the divinity of Jesus or the reality of his miracles, but think that his example of replacing the rules with radical inclusion and unconditional love is valuable and will lead to a temporal "salvation" of society, minimizing the impact of hate and selfishness in the world. Essentially, Mormonism definitely made me unable to accept the message of evangelicalism and mainstream Christianity, but I still think Jesus the man had the right idea.
33:18 - hmm, have you heard Dr Tabor pointing out that you can remove many of the references to Jesus from Revelation and it still reads fine, almost as though somebody added in "and his son Jesus Christ" wherever they could throughout the book at a later stage? He makes the point that this would be impossible with Paul, but that Revelation works fine without any references to Jesus included.
Maybe it is just me, but the mixing and relative volumes seem off to me. Bart's audio seems lower and a bit muddy with a slight echo while Megan's sounds good. So I want to turn it up to hear Bart, but if I do that, Megan is blasting me out.
Dr. Bart Erhman, Regarding prophecies, Why God promised land is given to Muslims Arab (Abraham' descendants from ismaeal) not Jewish (Abraham' descendants from Isaac)?
Bro, a sincere advice. There is really no need for justification whatsoever from either the present Torah nor the Injeel. It has been mistranslated, rewrote wrongly or with bias, reinterpreted, and to sum it up,, corrupted. You think Moses, peace be upon him, spoke in Hebrew? No, he didn't. The Prophet although not a historian, said about this adequately when he told Umar, "Do not believe or disbelieve, for you might believe when it is false or disbelieve when it is true but say 'We believe in what is revealed to us (the Quran) and we believe in what was revealed to you (the original Torah and Injeel)'". Like I said, the Prophet was not a historian who spend decades pondering over ancient manuscripts yet he knows this 1500 years before Bart Erhman. You are asking a non Muslim secular historian question of belief. That is something very odd. It is like asking the late Patricia Crone whether she believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, is a true Prophet or not. Secular historian look at history without believe in any divine intervention and made their hypothesis of what happened. My apology if I offend you in anyway.
I think that at some point the historical study interacts with the person's beliefs(either we like it or not)...e.g (if someone believes that Jesus is a prophet then he wouldn't say something and it doesn't happen(some of the disciples won't die before they witness the coming of the Kingdom of God) ) but that doesn't mean that it necessarily contradicts with the certain outcomes of the historical study since the utmost thing we can say about Jesus' sayings (as Dr Bart mentioned is(probably)).
These are wonderful podcasts. They address in a clear and concise way questions that so many, who are especially troubled and confused, want answered. Really doing Bible study doesn't actually affirm your beliefs; it raises a thousand questions that many pastors and Bible teachers can't or won't answer. Your programs give hope. The downside, for me, is that it hammers home what I could and should have pursued and didn't. Along with my joy at these programs come a profound sadness and regret. You two are mentors without maybe intending to be, and the message is clear: open your minds, stay disciplined and be fearless. Thank you.
We were all indoctrinated to believe that we believe in one God, but we don't believe in one God. Christians believe in a Trinity and by any sort of cognomen, this is three Gods.
The thing about the end of the world is that the believers tend to be zealots and so are willing to do what they can to make sure it happened. Who wants to be proven wrong?
What are your thoughts about 2 Peter 3:4 “Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.”
I say 2 Peter was demoing that the second coming hasn't happened c yet; as they still do today. Personally I think if you continue to look for the end you miss planning a better future World, because you're too fixated on a world that you have to die to get to😢
25:02 - to make the claim that a certain literary character actually said something in history, you do have to first show convincingly that that character actually did exist in history. No wonder there are debates about what Jesus "actually" "said".
18. (1) The disciples said to Jesus: “Tell us how our end will be.” (2) Jesus said: “Have you already discovered the beginning that you are now asking about the end? For where the beginning is, there the end will be too. (3) Blessed is he who will stand at the beginning. And he will know the end, and he will not taste death.”
A Rabbi introduced me to the fact that the Jewish calendar ends with the year 6000 and it is now 5783. Given the hysterical reaction to Y2K it’s surprising it is not noted widely.
The thing that I am most grateful for is that I was able to escape the Mind Prison of Christianity. I am grateful that I don't believe in the horror movie of resurrections, demons, devils or eternal torture. I am grateful that I don't want to force raped women and children to give birth. I am grateful that I don't believe that the majority of those born will grow up to die and suffer eternally in hell. I am grateful that I can see how insane this truly makes the anti-abortion zealot because they do believe that the majority of those born will eventual suffer eternally yet they want more births and more to grow up and suffer this eternal fate and yet they also believe that those who die before the age of reason go to heaven. According to their own beliefs abortion is the most moral thing a woman could ever do...guaranteed heaven over eternal torment.
@ 10:41 reminds me of how a Mormon High Priest gave a family member of mine a “Patriarchal Bessing”. This is very common practice and most members get these when they are of age. The blessing is a mixture of a “be faithful” talk and downright prophetic about the person’s future. My family member was told she would live to see the second coming of Christ in her blessing. Which family member am I talking about? My great-great grandmother and she died in the 1950s. So I laugh at Dr Erhman saying every generation thinks they’ll see the Second coming and end times.
Yup! I grew up Mormon, for awhile was obsessed with tracking down and reading the patriarchal blessings of my ancestors. There was a big trend up until fairly recently of telling people they'd be around to see the second coming. So much so that I remember this being justified in a seminary class as meaning that they would be resurrected to see it take place, or that they would be one of the angels descending from heaven with Jesus. Because, you know, hundreds of patriarchs couldn't be wrong. 🤷🏼♀️
So we just going to ignore the Book of Job regarding the adversary? We going to ignore Noah warning people for over a hundred years while being ignored? We going to ignore the adversarial serpent right in the beginning of the Bible? Interesting
Noah's flood may have been stolen from other flood myths, and do you have any idea how a world wide flood would have killed EVERY fresh and salt water eco system dead. Also there would be evidence of sediment from it as well.
Baigent Leigh and Lincoln in The Holy blood and the holy grail assert that the some Jews around the time of Jesus were convinced they were living in the end times.
if god created everything how come he wants to get rid of evil? why create it in the forst place...? doesnt make sense, but neither does adam and eve, talking animals, moses, the exodus, noah, lot, jonah, walking on wine(?) dead people coming alive and HOW will a person in human form engulf the whole planet...??
Dr. Bart Erhman good day. Since you mentioned prophet Daniel prophecy which talk about kingdom of God that will destroy the idol and the 4 pagan kingdoms and will remain forever, please read my note and tell me your feedback. Thank you for your efforts.
It would be interesting to do an episode on the details of the saturnalia festival and how it’s been changed and still celebrated today just sugar coated into modern practice .. ie Christmas We need to stop hiding from the truth just because we want to act oblivious and have an excuse to participate in something that we see as fun for the sake of what it’s worth .. are we selling our souls for the price of material emotional experience??
I am very much looking forward to that book about how early Christianity changed ethics in the world. I absolutely loved the peak into that as provided by "Desire of the Everlasting Hills" by Thomas Cahill, but I found it to be a historically, well, vague. It seemed to gloss over lots of things and felt like the author was proselytizing for his particular brand of Christianity. It'll be great to read Bart's take on it and compare the two.
Isn't it written that we've been in Satan's little domain since the beginning or at least since we've been kicked out. What if when Adam and Eve were kicked out the garden Satan was was too, and we've been stuck together since the beginning of "intelligent" life... I find it interesting that in the Bible Men was created on the 6th day(Eve came later), and allegedly six is bad🤔 Explains the high divorce rate😅
Excellent work Prof. Bart Ehrman. Just read "Jesus Interrupted", great book. I'm curious to know what other historical scholars in this field think of Mary Boyce and her work. In the book that gives her general overview, - Zoroastrians--Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, she credits the Persians for several ideas in Judaism but it seems to be a subject not agreed upon. For example: Doctrines fundamental doctrines became disseminated throughout the region, from Egypt to the Black Sea: namely that there is a supreme God who is the Creator; that an evil power exists which is opposed to him, and not under his control; that he has emanated many lesser divinities to help combat this power; that he has created this world for a purpose, and that in its present state it will have an end; that this end will be heralded by the coming of a cosmic Saviour, who will help to bring it about; that meantime heaven and hell exist, with an individual judgment to decide the fate of each soul at death; that at the end of time there will be a resurrection of the dead and a Last Judgment, with annihilation of the wicked; and that thereafter the kingdom of God will come upon earth, and the righteous will enter into it as into a garden (a Persian word for which is 'paradise'), and be happy there in the presence of God for ever, immortal themselves in body as well as soul. These doctrines all came to be adopted by various Jewish schools in the post-Exilic period, for the Jews were one of the peoples, it seems, most open to Zoroastrian influences - a tiny minority, holding staunchly to their own beliefs, but evidently admiring their Persian benefactors, and finding congenial elements in their faith. Worship of the one supreme God, and belief in the coming of a Messiah or Saviour, together with adherence to a way of life which combined moral and spiritual aspirations with a strict code of behaviour (including purity laws) were all matters in which Judaism and Zoroastrianism were in harmony; and it was this harmony, it seems, reinforced by the respect of a subject people for a great protective power, which allowed Zoroastrian doctrines to exert their influence. The extent of this influence is best attested, however, by Jewish writings of the Parthian period, when Christianity and the Gnostic faiths, as well as northern Buddhism, all likewise bore witness to the profound effect: which Zoroaster's teachings had had throughout the lands of the Achaernenian empire.
I recently read a PEW survey that gave the proportion of folk in USA who believe Jesus would return again. I was bemused that despite this being a elementary tenet of Christian belief not all those describing themselves as Christian even evangelicals answered in the affirmative. Moreover, a significant number of those identifying as atheist answered yes to the question. I can only assume folk didn't understand the question, a methodological issue or some people just want it over with. But I'm going with ignorance
I Disagree. I believe they Noach wrote down what Enoch told him. Hr five it to Shem as well as the book of healing the angels gave him. The book of Enoch was found in the Dead Sea scrolls as well as Jubilees and Esdra. Look them up!!
I love the explanation that, when Christ said the apocalypse would be coming soon, he meant soon in "God's time", where a day might as well be a thousand years. Making the whole statement meaningless and pointless. "Truly I say unto you, the Son of Man will return sometime within the next three to five thousand years. Maybe later, maybe sooner. Could be next week." So God is all-knowing and all-wise, but he hasn't mastered the skill of communicating in such a way that his listeners will understand him.
I'm very confused about Bart's thoughts on the Jezebel passage. It does say he will cast her onto a "bed". But I'm not understanding how Bart is getting that these men will rape her? Adultery is a common metaphor used in the Bible to refer to people who worship other gods, which is what she is accused of doing. Wouldn't it stand to reason to that the passage is saying that Jesus is going to punish her and all those that "commit adultery" with her, meaning those who engaged in false idol worship? Where is it saying anything about her being raped? Revelation 20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. 21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
Also just search TH-cam for Dr Joshia Bowen and you'll find him interviewed/guesting on multiple channels. Great guy. He and Dr. Kipp Davis (Dead Sea Scrolls scholar) occasionally team up and had a fun and often insightful convo about the "Death of Christian Apologetics" on the Mythvision channel
Dr. Bart Erhman Can you please present a lucture about prophecies of a great nation mentioned in holy Bible from Ismaeal's descendants (Arab) and how God talk about Ismael sons and their cities in wonderful and mignifisant words? What is God & Jesus's view towards Jews according to Holy Bible?
You probably know about apocalypticism when you listen to mythicists, Bart Ehrman, or other (non-evangelical?) scholars talking about the life of Jesus. Which I'm assuming is many of the people here.
In my opinion, it would be unfair to label Jesus misogynistic based on a couple of verses in the book of Revelation. For example, Jesus was the only one left standing after the Pharisees brought in a lady claiming they should start stoning her because she was caught in the act of adultery. Jesus says, "let those without sin cast the first stone." Of course, they all walk away without stoning her and Jesus is like "go and sin no more." Now, in my opinion, it would also be unfair to label Jesus a philogynist based on a couple of verses in the book of John. Just saying:)
["In my opinion, it would be unfair to label Jesus misogynistic based on a couple of verses in the book of Revelation. "] The literary character of Jesus varies in characterization according to which author is using him. The Book of Revelation can portray Jesus as a misogynist while another book portrays Jesus as more egalitarian. [" For example, Jesus was the only one left standing after the Pharisees brought in a lady claiming they should start stoning her because she was caught in the act of adultery. Jesus says, "let those without sin cast the first stone.""] The story of the woman taken in adultery is one of the known insertions into the gospels. It is not in evidence in the earliest manuscripts.
1914-The Generation That Will Not Pass Away? Yeeaaaahhhhhh ... Jehovah's Witnesses docet? "He (Jesus) shows the beginning of this time and how the troubles increase, and mentions some of the sorrows to fall on the world, during the time of trouble. The length of time is indicated by him when he said, "Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." (Matt. 24:34) The actual meaning of these words is, beyond question, that which takes a "generation" in the ordinary sense, as at Mark 8:12 and Acts 13:36, or for those who are living at the given period. So it was on this generation that the accumulated judgments were to fall. (Matt. 23:36) This therefore means that from 1914 a generation shall not pass till all is fulfilled, and amidst a great time of trouble." - Watchtower, 1951 July 1 p. 404. "The Bible does speak of a man's days as being threescore and ten or fourscore years; but it assigns no specific number of years to a generation.-Ps. 90:10. Some persons living in A.D. 1914 when the series of foretold events began will also be living when the series ends with Armageddon. All the events will come within the span of a generation. There are hundreds of millions of persons living now that were living in 1914, and many millions of these persons could yet live a score or more years. Just when the lives of the majority of them will be cut short by Armageddon we cannot say". - Watchtower, 1952 Sep. 1 pp. 542-543. "Some of the generation that DISCERNED the beginning of the time of the end in 1914 will still be alive on earth to witness the end of this present wicked system of things at the battle of Armageddon." Rev. 16:14, 16. - Watchtower, 1968 May 1 p. 272. “At this writing, in the United States alone there are more than 10,000,000 persons still living who were old enough to observe "a beginning of pangs of distress" in 1914-1918. Some of these may still survive quite a number of years. Yet Jesus assures us that, before "this generation" passes away, he will come as ‘Son of man’ to execute judgment on Satan's system of things. (Matthew 24:8, 21, 37-39)". - Let Your Kingdom Come (1981) p. 140. "The countdown that has proceeded for some six millenniums now nears its zero hour. So close is it that people who were alive in 1914, and who are now well along in years, will not all pass off the scene before the thrilling events marking the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty come to pass." - Survival into a New Earth (1984) p. 184. "The early members of this group are now in their 60's or 70's or older. Jehovah did not allow the in-gathering of this group to begin too soon. The "great crowd," including many of the earliest members thereof, will survive into the new earth." - Survival into a New Earth (1984) p. 185. "Prophetic information in the Bible about our day details the following: ...The survival of at least some of the generation that saw the beginning of "the conclusion of the system of things." - True Peace And Security (1986) p. 70. “Likewise today, most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. However, there are still millions on earth who were born in that year or prior to it. And although their numbers are dwindling, Jesus' words will come true, "this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." This is yet another reason for believing that Jehovah's thief-like day is imminent." - Awake! 1988 Apr 8 p. 14.
Wasn’t it changed in 2000 or something? I remember my grandma always saying this. I also remember her saying, get ready a sister is coming over she is of the anointed.
I absolutely love that there are people out there who want to learn sumerian grammar....and even more that there are people who want to help them do so.. The world is a wonderful place!
I'm definitely getting a copy of those books for my new year presents lol
...and that some of those people have super cool haircuts and groovy sweaters! :)
I know right?? I love when people are passionate about very specific things haha, it's so interesting to learn niche tidbits of knowledge
And twin babies to boot by the sound of it!
@@BandiGetOffTheRoof yeah!!!! That 2
An amazing discussion. I am profoundly grateful to everyone associated with this channel. It makes me feel like the internet is useful in a way I had not encountered.
Its a great source of knowledge isnt it pal. I would never have been able to learn about any of this stuff 20 years ago without visiting a university library
I have to say Megan does such a great job. She doesn't know that much more than a highly informed person does about early Christianity so she has the same question I do, but she knows so much more about textual criticism and historical-critical methods than someone like me that she actual know how to frame the questions to get the right information.
I’d say she is a very highly informed layperson, but she plays the role of curious non-expert (a stand-in for us, the audience) quite well. She asks our questions as well as questions we might think of after we’ve digested the material.
Megan plays a very important role as audience proxy, and doing it well is not as easy as it looks.
Just ask Glaucon what it’s like. 😊
Does anybody suspect that she is feeding the questions SUGGESTED by Bart?
I was thinking that. This is his channel. She's hired by him. Still - the way she frames the questions are fantastic. @@guyhaas4555
I would assume they discuss/plan the major points around a topic before they start an episode and that she is going off of that
Doctor Ehrman, you helped me overcome my religious trauma. I can't thank you enough!
I empathize with you.
Buddy I think I've talk to you before. Did you research Svante Paabo awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for DNA extraction from Neanderthal bones, that's NEANDERTHAL man ok not us Sapiens. Cheers
@@mattmatty4670 yea, it’s hard being a homo Sapien -sapien and we have a strong understanding we do share a common ancestry with the Great Apes…. Cool huh?
@@richunixunix3313 no mate we never come from apes. But we did come from previous forms of humans. Bipedal,(fascinating if ya want to do research) i think the term is so not actually apes. Real facts you will read yourself, Svante Pabbo at the Max Planck Institute Germany discovered the DNA links but not published till the nineties, Sapiens, Neanderthal, Denisovans all 3 r human species (DNA proven) not Adam and eve incest family. To back this up research the Denisovan Cave in Siberia all 3 human species lived annnnd produced hybrid offspring a 12 year old girl annnd all proven with modern DNA technology. Cheers
@@richunixunix3313 if I remember correctly the hybrid girl was a offspring from a Neanderthal man and a ,Denisovan woman. Cheers
These podcasts are absolutely great! However, they would be even better if Dr Ehrman would get a dedicated microphone. It’s quite difficult to get the right volume when different levels of sound are being used.
As much as he moves around and since we don’t hear scratching I’m wondering if it’s just crappy mic placement. He might have a half decent mic but too far away. But either way I agree it is distracting.
As always dr Bert is a masterpiece the way he explains the Bible no one can deny it
It is my observation that people can deny anything and everything.
Virgin resurrection and return from a cloud is a false doctrine 😴
@@KingDavid1979You're a false doctrine.
Found out my classes of Biblical studies next summer will have some of Dr. Ehrman's books as obligatory reading! One of them being the New Testament. I am now more eager to study than ever! Heck yeah.
I would honestly love for Bart to interview Megan. I find summarian super interesting so I would love to hear from here too. Keep up the awesome work y’all!
I would also love an episode like that!
To whom it may concern, Megan has said that she has her own TH-cam channel. Just search it out.
I started reading your book yesterday. This is so intriguing! Thank you!
This was really great. I am curious and I am sure someone has already asked, but if God made everything, that would also include “evil”. How does that get resolved? It seems like it’s circular thinking. I have read Bart’s book titled, “God’s Problems” and it has made an impact on me and how we deal with suffering…especially when it comes to our most vulnerable. Even very good people get afflicted with suffering. I may have missed something here, but it seems that an omnipotent God is either cruel, or a really bad deity blaming the “devil” (he created) to divide and allow for cruelty. I know that I’m not supposed to understand “the ways of the Lord”, but it is the very reason why I am not a Christian. And this interview was fabulous. I learned a lot more on the apocalyptic ideology of the Bible. Again, thank you.
Ah the age old question.
The church I grew up in answered it by saying that God didn't make evil, but that since nothing can be good if there is no concept of bad, evil was the natural and unavoidable result of there being any concept of goodness or righteousness. Essentially by creating one thing it's opposite automatically comes into being. By creating light, darkness is made to exist. By creating love, hate is made to exist. By creating good, evil is made to exist. Positive cannot exist without negative, or else it ceases to be positive.
Can't say I agree with everything that church taught, but I still appreciate the honest philosophical approach to addressing the problem of evil.
You might want to read "The Origin of Satan" by Elaine Pagels.
@@lauriehermundson5593is this person an academic
@@JeannieSoko Yes at Princeton University also author of several other books.
@@lauriehermundson5593 thank you
I'm persuaded to think that Zoroastrianism had a big influence on Jewish thought in a lot of areas. Syncretism is a key to understanding much in comparative religion. In addition,many Jews were massive fans of all things Persian. Remember,Cyrus is the only gentile in their scriptures to be called 'Messiah'..anointed by God. The dualism of the Persian faith had creeped in,while the principle of monotheism remained.
Best episode yet. One thing I found jarring in the Q&A section: the use of the future tense to describe what Bart says in a book he has already written (but that hasn't been published yet).
“It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine” 🙃
Thanks again, Bart and Megan.
I suppose the Crusaders thought, the apocalypse is taking too long, let's make it happen.
You guys are EXCELLENT together! 😊
I don't know how you met, but it's the perfect pair and I love this channel. The both of you are wonderful together and separate 😂
Thank you for the enlightening discussion.
Thanks to everyone involved in this podcast, I'm absolutely loving it. Can I make a suggestion though? It would be great to have a reading suggestion before the next episode, for us to do a little preparation beforehand. Thanks again. 10/10
Fantastic, as always, although I might have given this the title "The (Never) Coming Apocalypse".
This is Chris writing for Bart. We thought of "The Coming (Uh... Yeah right!) Apocalypse" but it sounded too long
@@bartdehrman LOL.
Thank you as always.
Please address the audio volume. We have to adjust the volume back and forth depending on who's speaking. It's very hard to listen to
Just switch your audio output from stereo to mono when listening to simple speech. Then set your volume.
Really enjoy these videos. I wish Barts mic was as great sounding as Megans’.
We're working on it! Promise!
can't wait for the next episode, very much interested like always 🤞👍👍👍
For the love of god, please get the audio equalized between Bart and you. Otherwise I love your Bart series. I have seen every one.
Bart mentioned below that they're working on it 😊
Thanks Anna 👴
I definitely started listening because enjoyed the book Misquoting Jesus when it came out and have enjoyed others of Bart’s books. But I think this has been my favorite episode so far because I am getting to know Megan even more and really enjoying it. I’d love to hear more about her husband’s Old Testament counter apologetics but I get that he probably wants to keep his anonymity. Regardless, it was fun to hear about the Assyrian grammar. And of course I learned a lot about apocalypticism.
Actually, Megan and her husband Dr. Josh Bowen, collaborate on a podcast, Digital Hammurabi, at www.youtube.com/@DigitalHammurabi
@@timothyharmon9472 Thanks Timothy! That's correct!
Glad you're enjoying it!
Read the books they put out; The Atheist's Guide to the Old Testament vol 1 and 2.
Very worthwhile reads.
@@rainbowkrampus Those are already on my wish list. I didn’t make the connection. Thanks!
It is a beautiful world we’re this is the product of happy homes where the biggest worry you have in life is the great questions of the universe. We need to make the world more peaceful, free, and safe so more great minds can read Greek in the morning instead of their bank account.
I just saw a great documentary on the Sumerians…. Who, as I understand it, were among the oldest civilizations… and whose origin seems unknown … which is why their language is unrelated to any other languages we know of. And, ironically, although they may have been the first to invent writing…. Their civilization, language, and writing did not survive
Revelation is about Elevation… The mind becoming a Christ like understanding… Council of Nicea 321-325 AD changed the first thousand years of Christianity into what it is in the second thousand years… Many wait on Jesus return when they may need to find the Kether within… Christ like mind within us all…
Very strong explanation of how apocalypses try to explain Israel's undeserved suffering!
Another very interesting episode, thank you, Megan and Bart!
I love that British announcer guy. He had a way of sounding bombastic and professional.
Sorry to keep wining but Bart's volume is way lower.
Is it just me or is Bart mixed lower in the audio?
Yeah, he's a little hard to hear sometimes.
Working on it! I swear!
@@bartdehrman a little better mic at close proximity with the gain high enough. It wouldn't hurt to tone down a bit the reverb of the room. Mainly if you match the ambience on both sides of the conversation it's a more comfortable listen.
wow!!! Bart Ehrman new book project is super exciting
The Sumerian bit was really interesting
We have two lives. And the second one starts once we realize we only have one life. That is the point in our life where apocalyptic works pick up. They nest the way inward.
Have you heard of 'The great disappointment'?
Your wife's wedding night? ... just kidding. Was that one of the many times the world refused to end contrary to predictions of false prophets?
Why is it difficult to find an interview with Bart where his and the interviewers volumes match? Im sorry to nitpick but this is especially annoying when using headphones.
I think we should get on with it !!
Which of his books should I start with?
Jesus always referred to the new kingdom as being here, imminent, in the gospels. Everyone deals with this by going outside to gospels to cite scriptures of people saying what Jesus said, usually it's different than what Jesus himself said. Almost like they cleaning up Jesus mess because what he said didn't happen. Plus are they holding what someone else said over their lord? So convenient for them, but don't you try it. Very good video, I learned a lot.
I’m interested to hear that Jesus asked John (the Apostle I assume?) to Jezebel...
We are always taught that the Apostles were illiterate and therefore couldn’t read and write.
This Revelation text would tend to contradict what we’re taught!
As a former Mormon, I often think that I may be a bit fortunate. The improbability of that faith was a bit easier to reject. Then analysis of basic Christianity was easy to see as a man made construct.
Same here! I’m greatful for my experience with deconstructing Mormonism, it really equips you with the skills and confidence in those skills to deconstruct Christianity. There’s so many parallels between the two
😅 I third that motion! Although I would consider myself a progressive Christian so maybe I don't count - I'm less concerned about the divinity of Jesus or the reality of his miracles, but think that his example of replacing the rules with radical inclusion and unconditional love is valuable and will lead to a temporal "salvation" of society, minimizing the impact of hate and selfishness in the world.
Essentially, Mormonism definitely made me unable to accept the message of evangelicalism and mainstream Christianity, but I still think Jesus the man had the right idea.
33:18 - hmm, have you heard Dr Tabor pointing out that you can remove many of the references to Jesus from Revelation and it still reads fine, almost as though somebody added in "and his son Jesus Christ" wherever they could throughout the book at a later stage?
He makes the point that this would be impossible with Paul, but that Revelation works fine without any references to Jesus included.
Maybe it is just me, but the mixing and relative volumes seem off to me. Bart's audio seems lower and a bit muddy with a slight echo while Megan's sounds good. So I want to turn it up to hear Bart, but if I do that, Megan is blasting me out.
Dr. Bart Erhman, Regarding prophecies, Why God promised land is given to Muslims Arab (Abraham' descendants from ismaeal) not Jewish (Abraham' descendants from Isaac)?
I think the joke goes; Abraham "If only wed gone the other way, the Jews would have all the oil"
Bro, a sincere advice. There is really no need for justification whatsoever from either the present Torah nor the Injeel. It has been mistranslated, rewrote wrongly or with bias, reinterpreted, and to sum it up,, corrupted. You think Moses, peace be upon him, spoke in Hebrew? No, he didn't. The Prophet although not a historian, said about this adequately when he told Umar, "Do not believe or disbelieve, for you might believe when it is false or disbelieve when it is true but say 'We believe in what is revealed to us (the Quran) and we believe in what was revealed to you (the original Torah and Injeel)'". Like I said, the Prophet was not a historian who spend decades pondering over ancient manuscripts yet he knows this 1500 years before Bart Erhman. You are asking a non Muslim secular historian question of belief. That is something very odd. It is like asking the late Patricia Crone whether she believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, is a true Prophet or not. Secular historian look at history without believe in any divine intervention and made their hypothesis of what happened. My apology if I offend you in anyway.
I was literally just thinking about looking into the differences between these two views, and *voila* this video shows up in my feed.
I think that at some point the historical study interacts with the person's beliefs(either we like it or not)...e.g (if someone believes that Jesus is a prophet then he wouldn't say something and it doesn't happen(some of the disciples won't die before they witness the coming of the Kingdom of God) ) but that doesn't mean that it necessarily contradicts with the certain outcomes of the historical study since the utmost thing we can say about Jesus' sayings (as Dr Bart mentioned is(probably)).
These are wonderful podcasts. They address in a clear and concise way questions that so many, who are especially troubled and confused, want answered. Really doing Bible study doesn't actually affirm your beliefs; it raises a thousand questions that many pastors and Bible teachers can't or won't answer. Your programs give hope. The downside, for me, is that it hammers home what I could and should have pursued and didn't. Along with my joy at these programs come a profound sadness and regret. You two are mentors without maybe intending to be, and the message is clear: open your minds, stay disciplined and be fearless. Thank you.
We were all indoctrinated to believe that we believe in one God, but we don't believe in one God. Christians believe in a Trinity and by any sort of cognomen, this is three Gods.
The thing about the end of the world is that the believers tend to be zealots and so are willing to do what they can to make sure it happened. Who wants to be proven wrong?
What are your thoughts about
2 Peter 3:4
“Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.”
I say 2 Peter was demoing that the second coming hasn't happened c yet; as they still do today. Personally I think if you continue to look for the end you miss planning a better future World, because you're too fixated on a world that you have to die to get to😢
The small talk at the beginning sucks
"As above so below" -- Aleister Crowley
25:02 - to make the claim that a certain literary character actually said something in history, you do have to first show convincingly that that character actually did exist in history.
No wonder there are debates about what Jesus "actually" "said".
(1) The disciples said to Jesus: “Tell us how our end will be.”
(2) Jesus said: “Have you already discovered the beginning that you are now asking about the end? For where the beginning is, there the end will be too.
(3) Blessed is he who will stand at the beginning. And he will know the end, and he will not taste death.”
A Rabbi introduced me to the fact that the Jewish calendar ends with the year 6000 and it is now 5783. Given the hysterical reaction to Y2K it’s surprising it is not noted widely.
I wonder which rabbi actually told you this.
The thing that I am most grateful for is that I was able to escape the Mind Prison of Christianity. I am grateful that I don't believe in the horror movie of resurrections, demons, devils or eternal torture. I am grateful that I don't want to force raped women and children to give birth. I am grateful that I don't believe that the majority of those born will grow up to die and suffer eternally in hell. I am grateful that I can see how insane this truly makes the anti-abortion zealot because they do believe that the majority of those born will eventual suffer eternally yet they want more births and more to grow up and suffer this eternal fate and yet they also believe that those who die before the age of reason go to heaven. According to their own beliefs abortion is the most moral thing a woman could ever do...guaranteed heaven over eternal torment.
Lovely, friendly and kindly. Then fiercely clever, and collegiate.
18:30. Or if a true God knows the future, then that true God can tell His prophets the future. That is the case.
@ 10:41 reminds me of how a Mormon High Priest gave a family member of mine a “Patriarchal Bessing”. This is very common practice and most members get these when they are of age. The blessing is a mixture of a “be faithful” talk and downright prophetic about the person’s future.
My family member was told she would live to see the second coming of Christ in her blessing. Which family member am I talking about? My great-great grandmother and she died in the 1950s. So I laugh at Dr Erhman saying every generation thinks they’ll see the Second coming and end times.
Yup! I grew up Mormon, for awhile was obsessed with tracking down and reading the patriarchal blessings of my ancestors. There was a big trend up until fairly recently of telling people they'd be around to see the second coming. So much so that I remember this being justified in a seminary class as meaning that they would be resurrected to see it take place, or that they would be one of the angels descending from heaven with Jesus. Because, you know, hundreds of patriarchs couldn't be wrong. 🤷🏼♀️
So we just going to ignore the Book of Job regarding the adversary? We going to ignore Noah warning people for over a hundred years while being ignored? We going to ignore the adversarial serpent right in the beginning of the Bible? Interesting
Noah's flood may have been stolen from other flood myths, and do you have any idea how a world wide flood would have killed EVERY fresh and salt water eco system dead. Also there would be evidence of sediment from it as well.
The adversary in Job was an angel in El Elion's court that was employed by El Elion. The snake in Genesis was supposed to be a snake.
Yes, we WILL be interested in Jesus as an apocalypticist
Baigent Leigh and Lincoln in The Holy blood and the holy grail assert that the some Jews around the time of Jesus were convinced they were living in the end times.
if god created everything how come he wants to get rid of evil? why create it in the forst place...? doesnt make sense, but neither does adam and eve, talking animals, moses, the exodus, noah, lot, jonah, walking on wine(?) dead people coming alive and HOW will a person in human form engulf the whole planet...??
Dr. Bart Erhman good day.
Since you mentioned prophet Daniel prophecy which talk about kingdom of God that will destroy the idol and the 4 pagan kingdoms and will remain forever, please read my note and tell me your feedback. Thank you for your efforts.
It would be interesting to do an episode on the details of the saturnalia festival and how it’s been changed and still celebrated today just sugar coated into modern practice .. ie Christmas
We need to stop hiding from the truth just because we want to act oblivious and have an excuse to participate in something that we see as fun for the sake of what it’s worth .. are we selling our souls for the price of material emotional experience??
Great idea for a podcast episode.
Can you prove a soul exists much less it can be sold?
I just dropped in to say I'm in love with Megan!
come on, NOT NEXT WEDNESDAY! you only have to watch out when they start building the temple......
bart saved me from the throes of christian fundamentalism, I would of thrown my entire life away.
Thank you for helping me heal from the trauma of radical indoctrination ❤
I appreciate hearing about Megan's projects.
I am very much looking forward to that book about how early Christianity changed ethics in the world. I absolutely loved the peak into that as provided by "Desire of the Everlasting Hills" by Thomas Cahill, but I found it to be a historically, well, vague. It seemed to gloss over lots of things and felt like the author was proselytizing for his particular brand of Christianity.
It'll be great to read Bart's take on it and compare the two.
Could it be possible that we are in satan's little season?
Isn't it written that we've been in Satan's little domain since the beginning or at least since we've been kicked out.
What if when Adam and Eve were kicked out the garden Satan was was too, and we've been stuck together since the beginning of "intelligent" life... I find it interesting that in the Bible Men was created on the 6th day(Eve came later), and allegedly six is bad🤔 Explains the high divorce rate😅
Excellent work Prof. Bart Ehrman. Just read "Jesus Interrupted", great book.
I'm curious to know what other historical scholars in this field think of Mary Boyce and her work. In the book that gives her general overview, - Zoroastrians--Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, she credits the Persians for several ideas in Judaism but it seems to be a subject not agreed upon.
For example:
fundamental doctrines became disseminated throughout the region, from Egypt to the Black Sea: namely that there is a supreme God who is the Creator; that an evil power exists which is opposed to him, and not under his control; that he has emanated many lesser divinities to help combat this power; that he has created this world for a purpose, and that in its present state it will have an end; that this end will be heralded by the coming of a cosmic Saviour, who will help to bring it about; that meantime heaven and hell exist, with an individual judgment to decide the fate of each soul at death; that at the end of time there will be a resurrection of the dead and a Last Judgment, with annihilation of the wicked; and that thereafter the kingdom of God will come upon earth, and the righteous will enter into it as into a garden (a Persian word for which is 'paradise'), and be happy there in the presence of God for ever, immortal themselves in body as well as soul. These doctrines all came to be adopted by various Jewish schools in the post-Exilic period, for the Jews were one of the peoples, it seems, most open to Zoroastrian influences - a tiny minority, holding staunchly to their own beliefs, but evidently admiring their Persian benefactors, and finding congenial elements in their faith. Worship of the one supreme God, and belief in the coming of a Messiah or Saviour, together with adherence to a way of life which combined moral and spiritual aspirations with a strict code of behaviour (including purity laws) were all matters in which Judaism and Zoroastrianism were in harmony; and it was this harmony, it seems, reinforced by the respect of a subject people for a great protective power, which allowed Zoroastrian doctrines to exert their influence. The extent of this influence is best attested, however, by Jewish writings of the Parthian period, when Christianity and the Gnostic faiths, as well as northern Buddhism, all likewise bore witness to the profound effect: which Zoroaster's teachings had had throughout the lands of the Achaernenian empire.
I recently read a PEW survey that gave the proportion of folk in USA who believe Jesus would return again. I was bemused that despite this being a elementary tenet of Christian belief not all those describing themselves as Christian even evangelicals answered in the affirmative. Moreover, a significant number of those identifying as atheist answered yes to the question. I can only assume folk didn't understand the question, a methodological issue or some people just want it over with. But I'm going with ignorance
Prophetess Kat Kerr has been to Heaven several times and has the latest word from Jesus himself! Forget Revelations. Oh, and send her money.
I Disagree. I believe they Noach wrote down what Enoch told him. Hr five it to Shem as well as the book of healing the angels gave him. The book of Enoch was found in the Dead Sea scrolls as well as Jubilees and Esdra. Look them up!!
Yeah 500 year old Noah typed it all out on his laptop!
Luckily, today we have mathematics and physics to predict that the end of the world will happen within 60 years, as for 2023.
Really? Like I don't believe it
i would definitely say rabbinical judaism went into a mystical path as well
"What are you doing today?" Careful when they tell you they are writing a monograph about the distinction between the ashes of the various tobaccos.
I love the explanation that, when Christ said the apocalypse would be coming soon, he meant soon in "God's time", where a day might as well be a thousand years. Making the whole statement meaningless and pointless. "Truly I say unto you, the Son of Man will return sometime within the next three to five thousand years. Maybe later, maybe sooner. Could be next week." So God is all-knowing and all-wise, but he hasn't mastered the skill of communicating in such a way that his listeners will understand him.
I'm very confused about Bart's thoughts on the Jezebel passage. It does say he will cast her onto a "bed". But I'm not understanding how Bart is getting that these men will rape her? Adultery is a common metaphor used in the Bible to refer to people who worship other gods, which is what she is accused of doing. Wouldn't it stand to reason to that the passage is saying that Jesus is going to punish her and all those that "commit adultery" with her, meaning those who engaged in false idol worship? Where is it saying anything about her being raped?
20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. 21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
Megan's husband write anti-apologist arguments about the Old Testament? Who is he and where can I listen to THAT podcast?
He's on the Digital Hammurabi channel with Megan
Also just search TH-cam for Dr Joshia Bowen and you'll find him interviewed/guesting on multiple channels. Great guy. He and Dr. Kipp Davis (Dead Sea Scrolls scholar) occasionally team up and had a fun and often insightful convo about the "Death of Christian Apologetics" on the Mythvision channel
*Joshua Bowen
I will look forward to "Sumerian Grammar for Dummies", or whatever the title is. 😀
Learn to Read Ancient Sumerian: An Introduction for Complete Beginners :D Volume 1 is available now, volume 2 is nearly done!
Dr. Bart Erhman
Can you please present a lucture about prophecies of a great nation mentioned in holy Bible from Ismaeal's descendants (Arab) and how God talk about Ismael sons and their cities in wonderful and mignifisant words?
What is God & Jesus's view towards Jews according to Holy Bible?
You probably know about apocalypticism when you listen to mythicists, Bart Ehrman, or other (non-evangelical?) scholars talking about the life of Jesus. Which I'm assuming is many of the people here.
In my opinion, it would be unfair to label Jesus misogynistic based on a couple of verses in the book of Revelation. For example, Jesus was the only one left standing after the Pharisees brought in a lady claiming they should start stoning her because she was caught in the act of adultery. Jesus says, "let those without sin cast the first stone." Of course, they all walk away without stoning her and Jesus is like "go and sin no more." Now, in my opinion, it would also be unfair to label Jesus a philogynist based on a couple of verses in the book of John.
Just saying:)
["In my opinion, it would be unfair to label Jesus misogynistic based on a couple of verses in the book of Revelation. "]
The literary character of Jesus varies in characterization according to which author is using him. The Book of Revelation can portray Jesus as a misogynist while another book portrays Jesus as more egalitarian.
[" For example, Jesus was the only one left standing after the Pharisees brought in a lady claiming they should start stoning her because she was caught in the act of adultery. Jesus says, "let those without sin cast the first stone.""]
The story of the woman taken in adultery is one of the known insertions into the gospels. It is not in evidence in the earliest manuscripts.
10:54 sounds like the climate change narrative.
Excellent interview and Prof. Bart Ehrman, Brilliant as ever
1914-The Generation That Will Not Pass Away? Yeeaaaahhhhhh ... Jehovah's Witnesses docet?
"He (Jesus) shows the beginning of this time and how the troubles increase, and mentions some of the sorrows to fall on the world, during the time of trouble. The length of time is indicated by him when he said, "Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." (Matt. 24:34) The actual meaning of these words is, beyond question, that which takes a "generation" in the ordinary sense, as at Mark 8:12 and Acts 13:36, or for those who are living at the given period. So it was on this generation that the accumulated judgments were to fall. (Matt. 23:36) This therefore means that from 1914 a generation shall not pass till all is fulfilled, and amidst a great time of trouble."
- Watchtower, 1951 July 1 p. 404.
"The Bible does speak of a man's days as being threescore and ten or fourscore years; but it assigns no specific number of years to a generation.-Ps. 90:10. Some persons living in A.D. 1914 when the series of foretold events began will also be living when the series ends with Armageddon. All the events will come within the span of a generation. There are hundreds of millions of persons living now that were living in 1914, and many millions of these persons could yet live a score or more years. Just when the lives of the majority of them will be cut short by Armageddon we cannot say".
- Watchtower, 1952 Sep. 1 pp. 542-543.
"Some of the generation that DISCERNED the beginning of the time of the end in 1914 will still be alive on earth to witness the end of this present wicked system of things at the battle of Armageddon." Rev. 16:14, 16.
- Watchtower, 1968 May 1 p. 272.
“At this writing, in the United States alone there are more than 10,000,000 persons still living who were old enough to observe "a beginning of pangs of distress" in 1914-1918. Some of these may still survive quite a number of years. Yet Jesus assures us that, before "this generation" passes away, he will come as ‘Son of man’ to execute judgment on Satan's system of things. (Matthew 24:8, 21, 37-39)".
- Let Your Kingdom Come (1981) p. 140.
"The countdown that has proceeded for some six millenniums now nears its zero hour. So close is it that people who were alive in 1914, and who are now well along in years, will not all pass off the scene before the thrilling events marking the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty come to pass."
- Survival into a New Earth (1984) p. 184.
"The early members of this group are now in their 60's or 70's or older. Jehovah did not allow the in-gathering of this group to begin too soon. The "great crowd," including many of the earliest members thereof, will survive into the new earth."
- Survival into a New Earth (1984) p. 185.
"Prophetic information in the Bible about our day details the following: ...The survival of at least some of the generation that saw the beginning of "the conclusion of the system of things."
- True Peace And Security (1986) p. 70.
“Likewise today, most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. However, there are still millions on earth who were born in that year or prior to it. And although their numbers are dwindling, Jesus' words will come true, "this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." This is yet another reason for believing that Jehovah's thief-like day is imminent."
- Awake! 1988 Apr 8 p. 14.
Wasn’t it changed in 2000 or something? I remember my grandma always saying this. I also remember her saying, get ready a sister is coming over she is of the anointed.
Wait, it's really coming this time? :)
Isn’t it funny how even as children many of us felt inherently that Christian teachings were bizarre and wrong
Good show. Little known facts are brought to the surface to ponder and wonder.
Kinda funny we have been saying end of the world sense around 66CE
The world did end for a lot of Jewish people in 70AD and then, again, in 135AD. That was not a fairytale but the Roman equivalent of the Holocaust.
Kind of beside OPs point@@lepidoptera9337
Let's prepare and repent I guess? I repent not having 15 cats.
No one knows except ME🌟 and I'm not telling. It's coming..that's all I'm saying