I'm a hood dude and always being hard is in my day to day life. I heard this song and just broke down in tears. All this pain building up inside me needed a release. Waking up this morning felt different and I see why. GOD is Shifting my life as i write this. Beautiful song GOD BLESS
It's ok, he will accept you as you are,, no matter what you have done!! Give you life to him, ask him to come in to your heart, and watch how you change It's the heart that God is after. Romans 10:9 says If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. NLT bible. Just trust what he had already put in you and you will be alright To God be the Glory!!!
I’ve been heartbroken and depressed the past several days. Sometimes my faith in Jesus fades when I fall into a dark place. Listening to this song brought me right back to knowing Jesus loves and has a plan for me. 🙏🏼❤️
I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah
@@TheClarkZilla uu in up uhh uu it uu you I don't usually celebrate u up III net uu uh uh uh uu up uu u uu uuh uu h uu uh uh h hi uu uu uh big g uv ugh 😩 😩 up hu uu hug it to uu h uu uu u uh ig up your uu uu u uu hgh yeah uu huuu uu uhuhugh uu uu uuh uuh huu umm your uu in u uu uuh up for a walk uu uuh oh uuh up u uu uuh u up uuuuuu is hi hi guy at you ug you use my u III huh oh huh huh huh uu u uu hi I'm uu uhuhuuuu uh h use ugh huuuuhg uu uuuuuu you huh huh oh uuh up uuuuuu use u uu uu get uhh yeah uu uu uu u uh uu uh uu uh uu up uu uuh uu uuh how much u uu hi h uuh u uuuuuu u u uu huhu uu u uu uh uu uuh up in husband up up uu how are uu uhu uuuuuu u huh uu uuu uu hu uuu uu uu uuh uuh uu uu uhuhuuuu you uu it was buy you use Hui yh uu uh hurt uh uuu h up uu uhu you 🤗 uh ig h h uu it ugh u up uuu I'll h u uh uu uuh uu uhu I uu uuuuuu yuh ihhuu uu uu hvh uuh uyuuuv Yu have her g use hhu up u hi uu uh uu good uuguy guys it iuu hi I'm at least y uh uu uuh it uuh uu uuy uuuuuu you want y uuuuuu hi uh huu umm good 👍 h IV y uuuuuu ugly gvu uuh up uuuuuu guy uu hi u uu yh uu uu uu uu hh III ug uu uu uuuuuu uu uuh h uuuuuu u u uu u uy uuuuuu huu umm uu you uyuuuv he uu uh uu uh uh huu hi uuuuuu huu uuu u uu uh is y uuuuuu uu uu hhh uu u uu hi u uu uuh u uuuuuu uu u uu uu up g uu uu yy uu u use y uuuuuu guy uu uu u uu uu uu uu y uh oh h uu your uhu uuuuuu uu up uu u uuu have you uu uuu uu uu uuh uu I uuh uu ug if ug uuh uuh uu uu you uuuuuu uu uu huu uu uu uu uh uu u uu uuh up uuuuuu uu uuuuuu uu uu h uu uuh Ii h hey uhhguyu uu uh g uuu have yuh u up u uuu hi h uuh u uuuuuu uuu yup him if it happens uu uuh Ii uu uu y uuuuuu uuh u uuuuuu u uu uh uu uu uu uuh uuh uu have had it on you get the results you uhuh uu up uu uuh uuh u uuuuuu uuu uu uuuuuu uu uhh uu uuh h uu uu up to uuh uu h uu uu uu uu uh uu hu uu uuh u uuuuuu uh u uu u uu you uuuuuu uuuuuu u u in uu uuh uu u up uuh you hy up uu is up h g uuu iuu h uuh uu uuh uuh Ii uuh uuh uyuuuv uu uuh uh u man u uu uu u uuuu uuu uu uu uuh uh uu us up uu uu have us u uu you uuuuuu him until tomorrow uuuu y uuuuuu uh huh uuuuuu uhuh uu vhy in uuu yup him uy uuuuuu h uuh u uuuuuu h uuuuuu have uuu y it home uuh hy in i us know uu h uuh uu uuuuuu uuuu I uu uuuuuu y uuuu uuu uu uh uh uu up uu uuu y uuuuuu u uu u uuu have y in hu i uu uug uhh uu uu yy uuuu Ii uuh u uuuuuu uuu uuu uu he uu u uuuu uuuuu up uuh uuuuuiuh uu uu uuu uu uuuuuu use uu uuh uuh uh uh uu us here yet I'll uuh u uuuuuu uuu u uuu u hy uuh uuh uu uhu Ii uuuuuu uu uuuuuu y uuuuuu uyyghyyh uu u uu u huh y uhh h uu uu uuh uuh uu u uuuu uuuuu h uu uu hh uh up hu uuu u uh uh h up uu uuh uyuuuv uh uu uu hu uuu uhuu uu uuy uhu he uu uh u uu uu I uuu uu uu uhy uu u uuuu uuuuu us uyu uu uh u uu uy uuuuuu uu uu uhuhuuuu u uu u uuuu 😬 huh haha 😂😂 guys uuuuuu uh uuu u uuuuuu uu yu uuh uuh uuuu uh uh Ii guess you're uu uu you uuuuuu uu he uu uuuuuu uu uu uuh hyh uu uhvhuhuyuhhhh uu uu y uuuuuu uuuuuu uh I'm sure he uu uu uu uu get u uu uu uuh you had uu uuu uuuu y Ii up uuh uu uh uh uuh uh huh uuu uuuu up uu you uuu uuuu uuuuu uuuuuu uuh up your uu uuh h uuuuuu uu uu uuuuuu huu uu uu uh uu uu yuuvvu uu have uu uu uu u uuuu v uh huh uuu uuuu yuh I uu uuuuuu uuuuuu u huh uu up g uu up to uuh uu uuu uuuu uuuuu uuuuuu uh g you can come home uuu you uh uh uu hu i Ii yh yuh hi uu uh uhhghhu h you uuu uuuu uuuuu us u uu u uuuu uu u huh y ugh u uu h uuh uu uh uuuuuu uh yes it is uuu up uu u up uuuuuu ugh up uu uu uu ugug uu uu u uuu uuuu uuuuuu uh iy uu up hgh uu uu uh huh huh up y uuuu uuuuu uuuuuu him uu uuu uh uuuuuu uuuu h uuuuuu uuuu hh h uuuuuu uuuu hu uuu uu u uu uu 😬 have uuh u h you h uuh uu her eyeglasses gv
This beautiful young lady is amazing! Such beautiful young people being used by Jesus to bring revival to this dry land! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!!!
Hallelujah ❤️ we pray his Blood will be your remembrance and you will be preserved to behold his glory as you run this race, his word be your anchor his presence be your delight In Jesus name Amen 2 Timothy 4:7 Hebrews 12: 1 Revelation 2:10 1 Corinthians 9:15
Praise God ALMIGHTY! STAY FOCUS ON THR LORD!!! WHATEVER you may face in life, challenges are just to make us strong. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is LORD. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Worship team played this song while i got baptized. God pulled me out of anger, severe depression and suicidal thoughts. I knew i didn't want the life i had. So instead of trying to TAKE my life... I finally GAVE my life to Jesus. And by the grace of God, He gave me a new life. I love you all. Please don't give up. Please don't lose hope. There is a living God that wants you to come home and rest in his presence.
This song starts my day .. makes my eyes water! I was raised in a Christian home and it’s been years since I felt like this when I see this video. God Bless!
I survived a stroke and two open heart surgeries at the beginning of this year. Whilst in hospital I discovered this song and the rest of Charity’s music and listened to it every day. It was such a blessing and helped to make my time in hospital one of the most amazing things in my life. I was already a Christian but God revealed himself so amazingly. He is wonderful! Thank you for magnifying him through your music.
I never knew this kind of Christian Music existed until 6 years ago I had always been to old school southern Baptist Church’s where it’s the old school church hymnals in the red book in the back of the pew in front of you I love those old hymnals but When I started going to New Grace in Commerce Ga i discovered a whole NEW WAY TO WORSHIP!!! When i told my Mama about all the clapping and singing and all the energy in the room She said Well son we come from a different group of people than your dad’s family (they all sorta dry so to speak) She says you come from a long line of people who love to hug and have a good time when they get together but unfortunately when i came along as a teenager most all of them were in their 70s and up so they didn’t show up and show out like they did when my mama was growing up (she had me at 27 which was late in life if you were born in the early 40s) So I’m HERE TO TELL YOU THERES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH WORSHIPPING THE LORD LIKE THIS AND THEY BIBLE SAYS SING AND PRAISE UNTO THE HEAVENS WITH ALL YOUR VOICES SO YOU CAN BE HEARD ALL OVER THEM!!! So Sing and shout all you want to regardless of what someone else thinks (just don’t be rude about it)😊
This fallen world needs Hope! King Jesus, is the Hope people are seeking and the children of Light need to bring this to them! Tell someone today of the Blessed Hope of our Savior Jesus. God will provide the Divine encounter, we just do our part! Praise Jesus Christ Hallelujah
This is what we sing when those those old things pop back at us; No! I'm a new creation in Christ! There is a new name written down in glory! And It's Mine devil!!
Praise the Lord for this song! The song reminds me not to lean on the wisdom of men but to walk in the light of God's word. Be magnified Lord! Direct our paths. In Jesus' name, Amen
When you fall in love with someone, you think about them all of the time;And you want to be with them all the time. The same thing will happen, if you fall in love with Jesus.♥
Wonderfully Sung Blessings to everyone Who worked to place this so Many can see Our son Adopted 2 young teenage boys He so gave them What they needed Unconditional Love Gods love even more Awesome
Praise God He led me to this song. You can't help but feel the Holy Spirit when listening to it. Thank you Charity, David and Denita for writing this. God Bless
I just saw someone post this song on her IG feed, so I went and Googled it, and found this video. Thank you for such an amazing song. I struggle so much from time to time with my faith, songs like these keep me going. I'm going to share it with others, too.
To someone who is reading this, if you feel like you are far away from God, just remember, that is when he is the closest to you🙏🏻❤Stay strong and God is with us all
This is what worship is all about. A pure mesage of what Jesus has done and what He can do for millions, its sad that some wont see this as true worship but will choose those who hold these extravagant venues with smoke machines and make it a club scene to invoke emotion instead of focusing the message behind the worship. Salvation, a renewal etc. Thank you for this.
God is limitless and works wherever and whenever with whomever worships Him…. He’s working through “big” churches and venues , he’s pushing through the smoke screens and lights !!! He is limitless !!!! Let us NOT limit Him due to how others CHOOSE to worship!! He knows the true heart conditions of everyone !!! No matter how He’s bring worshipped !! HES BEING WORSHIPPED and lives are being changed !! Hallelujah to our LIMITLESS God 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
I would not be who I am today if God hadn't drawn me to Himself sixty years ago. I still cry for sheer joy whenever I think of that moment when for a few minutes I breathed the air of heaven. God is REAL!
What a fantastic song! 2Cor 5:17 was my baptism verse about 40 years ago. When I heard this song, it just made me smile and remember all the great things God has done in my life. Your harmonies and arrangements are fantastic. GREAT worship!!
Encouraging joyful song, helping us lift our eyes to the wonderful heavenly realities! Col 3:1-4 "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."
With all the trials that I am facing currently this is only the songs that help to subsides my worries and calm from my burden.. Thanks God for all your kindness even I know I am not worthy for it but still You are always there to comfort and reminds how much You love me.. To God Be All The Glory!!!
My name was written down in Glory in 1982 ,, Im now 62 PRAISE THE LORD FOR SAVING ME FROM MY VERY UGLY SIN LIFE ,The Lord Jesus Christ has changed me so much THANK YOU JESUS .
@@Austin12182 Because they couldn't comprehend or fathom what they saw. So faith was all they had to explain it. That is no longer the case. Time has and will always show that to be the truth.
I was lost in shame, could not get past my blame Until He called my name I'm so glad He changed me Darkness held me down, but Jesus pulled me out And I'm no longer bound I'm so glad He changed me See, I'm now a new creation in Christ (yeah) The old has gone, there's new life I live by faith, not by sight There is a new name written down in glory And it's mine, yes, it's mine I've met the Author of my story And He's mine, yes, He's mine Sin had left me blind, but Jesus opened my eyes Now I see the light I'm so glad He changed me Now I'm walking free, I've got the victory See it's all over me I'm so glad He changed me See, I'm now a new creation in Christ (the old has gone) The old has gone, there's new life (I live by faith) I live by faith, not by sight (yeah) There is a new name written down in glory And it's mine, yes, it's mine (I've met Jesus) I've met the Author of my story And He's mine, yes, He's mine (there is a new name) There is a new name written down in glory And it's mine, yes, it's mine (hallelujah) I've met the author of my story And He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine Yeah, sing it, I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (eh) I am who I am because the I Am tells me, come on Whoa, I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (oh-oh-oh) I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (whoa-oh-oh-oh) I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (eh) I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am There is a new name written down in glory (sing it out, hallelujah) And it's mine (oh, He's mine) yes, He's mine (yes, He's mine) I've met the Author of my story (oh, His name is Jesus) And He's mine (He's mine) yes, He's mine (oh, He's mine) There is a new name written down in glory And it's mine, yes, it's mine I've met the Author of my story And He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine (and He's mine) Oh, He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine (and He's mine) And He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine Oh-oh (yes, thank You, Jesus) Amen, yes (thank You, God) Amen, yes We thank You, Lord (Woo)
He will remain faithful to you, now and forever!!! The enemy will try to pull you down, just keep praising Him and claiming the blood that has washed you clean!❤❤
Hallelujah thank you Jesus! May our names be written in the Book of Life, amen! Brothers & sisters let’s keep seeking and rejoicing in the Lord, He is near❤️
Thank you Father for Charity, David, and Denita. Thank you for blessing them and inspiring them to write this song. Please continue to bless them. Bless each person who hears this song. Yours is the Kingdom forever.
I'm a hood dude and always being hard is in my day to day life. I heard this song and just broke down in tears. All this pain building up inside me needed a release. Waking up this morning felt different and I see why. GOD is Shifting my life as i write this. Beautiful song GOD BLESS
It's ok, he will accept you as you are,, no matter what you have done!! Give you life to him, ask him to come in to your heart, and watch how you change
It's the heart that God is after. Romans 10:9 says If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.
NLT bible. Just trust what he had already put in you and you will be alright
To God be the Glory!!!
Did you copy this comment from another person? 🤔
Won't He do it!!! 🙌🏾 Amen to your renewed life and VICTORY!!! 💙💙💙💙.....Love
God Bless you brother🤗
❤love you ❤
I’ve been heartbroken and depressed the past several days. Sometimes my faith in Jesus fades when I fall into a dark place. Listening to this song brought me right back to knowing Jesus loves and has a plan for me. 🙏🏼❤️
This is why America is blessed. I pray that one day my country[India] also become like this, worshiping the one and only true God Jesus.,,,Amen
Pray for revival in India 🇮🇳 in every state name those states an awakening to the gospel of JESUS CHRIST
No place too big or small for God to change the hearts of billions.iprqy for you.❤️🙏
So touching ❤❤
I joined the Christian faith today by asking Jesus to accept me. Amen
Best decision you'll ever make praise the Lord WHOOOOOO!!!!
Praise God ❤🙏❤️🙏
Does anyone else listen to worship music and browse the comments? God bless you and everyone who knows the name JESUS!!!!
The comments can be so uplifting and a huge encouragement in difficult times.
I can't get this song out of my head!❤
I am who I am
@@rhondasantiago8408oh me too my sister in CHRIST! MAY THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! Oh and I LOVE YOU
I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah
praise God
Amen! 🤍🙌🏻
Love this
When i falling in love with Jesus, i hear worship song. This really touch my heart and i surrender all to Jesus. My background from muslim
welcome brother!
Awesome, man :)
God Bless you brother🤗
@@TheClarkZilla uu in up uhh uu it uu you I don't usually celebrate u up III net uu uh uh uh uu up uu u uu uuh uu h uu uh uh h hi uu uu uh big g uv ugh 😩 😩 up hu uu hug it to uu h uu uu u uh ig up your uu uu u uu hgh yeah uu huuu uu uhuhugh uu uu uuh uuh huu umm your uu in u uu uuh up for a walk uu uuh oh uuh up u uu uuh u up uuuuuu is hi hi guy at you ug you use my u III huh oh huh huh huh uu u uu hi I'm uu uhuhuuuu uh h use ugh huuuuhg uu uuuuuu you huh huh oh uuh up uuuuuu use u uu uu get uhh yeah uu uu uu u uh uu uh uu uh uu up uu uuh uu uuh how much u uu hi h uuh u uuuuuu u u uu huhu uu u uu uh uu uuh up in husband up up uu how are uu uhu uuuuuu u huh uu uuu uu hu uuu uu uu uuh uuh uu uu uhuhuuuu you uu it was buy you use Hui yh uu uh hurt uh uuu h up uu uhu you 🤗 uh ig h h uu it ugh u up uuu I'll h u uh uu uuh uu uhu I uu uuuuuu yuh ihhuu uu uu hvh uuh uyuuuv Yu have her g use hhu up u hi uu uh uu good uuguy guys it iuu hi I'm at least y uh uu uuh it uuh uu uuy uuuuuu you want y uuuuuu hi uh huu umm good 👍 h IV y uuuuuu ugly gvu uuh up uuuuuu guy uu hi u uu yh uu uu uu uu hh III ug uu uu uuuuuu uu uuh h uuuuuu u u uu u uy uuuuuu huu umm uu you uyuuuv he uu uh uu uh uh huu hi uuuuuu huu uuu u uu uh is y uuuuuu uu uu hhh uu u uu hi u uu uuh u uuuuuu uu u uu uu up g uu uu yy uu u use y uuuuuu guy uu uu u uu uu uu uu y uh oh h uu your uhu uuuuuu uu up uu u uuu have you uu uuu uu uu uuh uu I uuh uu ug if ug uuh uuh uu uu you uuuuuu uu uu huu uu uu uu uh uu u uu uuh up uuuuuu uu uuuuuu uu uu h uu uuh Ii h hey uhhguyu uu uh g uuu have yuh u up u uuu hi h uuh u uuuuuu uuu yup him if it happens uu uuh Ii uu uu y uuuuuu uuh u uuuuuu u uu uh uu uu uu uuh uuh uu have had it on you get the results you uhuh uu up uu uuh uuh u uuuuuu uuu uu uuuuuu uu uhh uu uuh h uu uu up to uuh uu h uu uu uu uu uh uu hu uu uuh u uuuuuu uh u uu u uu you uuuuuu uuuuuu u u in uu uuh uu u up uuh you hy up uu is up h g uuu iuu h uuh uu uuh uuh Ii uuh uuh uyuuuv uu uuh uh u man u uu uu u uuuu uuu uu uu uuh uh uu us up uu uu have us u uu you uuuuuu him until tomorrow uuuu y uuuuuu uh huh uuuuuu uhuh uu vhy in uuu yup him uy uuuuuu h uuh u uuuuuu h uuuuuu have uuu y it home uuh hy in i us know uu h uuh uu uuuuuu uuuu I uu uuuuuu y uuuu uuu uu uh uh uu up uu uuu y uuuuuu u uu u uuu have y in hu i uu uug uhh uu uu yy uuuu Ii uuh u uuuuuu uuu uuu uu he uu u uuuu uuuuu up uuh uuuuuiuh uu uu uuu uu uuuuuu use uu uuh uuh uh uh uu us here yet I'll uuh u uuuuuu uuu u uuu u hy uuh uuh uu uhu Ii uuuuuu uu uuuuuu y uuuuuu uyyghyyh uu u uu u huh y uhh h uu uu uuh uuh uu u uuuu uuuuu h uu uu hh uh up hu uuu u uh uh h up uu uuh uyuuuv uh uu uu hu uuu uhuu uu uuy uhu he uu uh u uu uu I uuu uu uu uhy uu u uuuu uuuuu us uyu uu uh u uu uy uuuuuu uu uu uhuhuuuu u uu u uuuu 😬 huh haha 😂😂 guys uuuuuu uh uuu u uuuuuu uu yu uuh uuh uuuu uh uh Ii guess you're uu uu you uuuuuu uu he uu uuuuuu uu uu uuh hyh uu uhvhuhuyuhhhh uu uu y uuuuuu uuuuuu uh I'm sure he uu uu uu uu get u uu uu uuh you had uu uuu uuuu y Ii up uuh uu uh uh uuh uh huh uuu uuuu up uu you uuu uuuu uuuuu uuuuuu uuh up your uu uuh h uuuuuu uu uu uuuuuu huu uu uu uh uu uu yuuvvu uu have uu uu uu u uuuu v uh huh uuu uuuu yuh I uu uuuuuu uuuuuu u huh uu up g uu up to uuh uu uuu uuuu uuuuu uuuuuu uh g you can come home uuu you uh uh uu hu i Ii yh yuh hi uu uh uhhghhu h you uuu uuuu uuuuu us u uu u uuuu uu u huh y ugh u uu h uuh uu uh uuuuuu uh yes it is uuu up uu u up uuuuuu ugh up uu uu uu ugug uu uu u uuu uuuu uuuuuu uh iy uu up hgh uu uu uh huh huh up y uuuu uuuuu uuuuuu him uu uuu uh uuuuuu uuuu h uuuuuu uuuu hh h uuuuuu uuuu hu uuu uu u uu uu 😬 have uuh u h you h uuh uu her eyeglasses gv
@@sharababao9303 Yeah I thought the same thing
I met the author of my story. The source of my existence and since then I have become a new creation in Christ. Hallelujah🎉🎉
Amen ❤ 🎉🤗
I accepted Jesus into my life a few days ago!! I love dis song it touched my heart amen.🙏🙏💕💕
HUGs to you. May you walk with the Lord always, get to know Him, LOVE Him, do all things in His will and obey Him throughout your life.
Praise God
May God keep you for his glory and honour❤
Are you repenting of your sins , And walking holy ?
The Lord Jesus Rules this sisters heart thats 4 sure ,,WHAT A SONG
No matter how many times I hear this song I smile on the inside and on the outside!😊❤️😄
My grandson's elementary school music teacher used this song in an original 2-act musical/play. I'm so thankful for Christian education!
This beautiful young lady is amazing! Such beautiful young people being used by Jesus to bring revival to this dry land! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!!!
Praise God I accepted Christ last night he is king forever amen!!
Praise God!
Hallelujah ❤️ we pray his Blood will be your remembrance and you will be preserved to behold his glory as you run this race, his word be your anchor his presence be your delight In Jesus name Amen 2 Timothy 4:7 Hebrews 12: 1 Revelation 2:10 1 Corinthians 9:15
Great news now find someone that will baptize you in JESUS NAME make sure it's in the NAME of JESUS
Praised God, you are loved by God
Praise God ALMIGHTY!
WHATEVER you may face in life, challenges are just to make us strong. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is LORD. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Worship team played this song while i got baptized. God pulled me out of anger, severe depression and suicidal thoughts. I knew i didn't want the life i had. So instead of trying to TAKE my life... I finally GAVE my life to Jesus. And by the grace of God, He gave me a new life. I love you all. Please don't give up. Please don't lose hope. There is a living God that wants you to come home and rest in his presence.
Amen brother!
Thanks for your words of comfort. Jesus is the only way. God bless.
@@DanielSanchez-tv6vhoh why yes HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY WAY!
This song starts my day .. makes my eyes water! I was raised in a Christian home and it’s been years since I felt like this when I see this video. God Bless!
I survived a stroke and two open heart surgeries at the beginning of this year. Whilst in hospital I discovered this song and the rest of Charity’s music and listened to it every day. It was such a blessing and helped to make my time in hospital one of the most amazing things in my life. I was already a Christian but God revealed himself so amazingly. He is wonderful! Thank you for magnifying him through your music.
When struggling with your identity this song is a great reminder of who we are in Christ. No longer of this world but of God♥️🙌
I want every body that i know to have their name written down in GLORY This is FANTASTIC
I HATE THIS SICK WORLD , Heaven will be so special living WITH GOD for eternity
@@theodoreritola7641AMEN i am sick of this world 😢I cannot WAIT TO GO HOME TO HEAVEN!
Amen!! We can still be our own authentic selves but in an even better version, Praise the Lord!!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2CORINTHIANS 5:17
Thanks I highlighted to my heart and in my BIBLE
Amen 💯
This is a fantastic praise song.
Yesss I needed this every million of times I listen to it .. 2025 ... let's goooo revival!!!!!
It cannot get any better to have your name written down in glory. How i want to praise your name father God 🙏🙏🙏
Yes! Jesus Christ! 👑💜🕊
I never knew this kind of Christian Music existed until 6 years ago
I had always been to old school southern Baptist Church’s where it’s the old school church hymnals in the red book in the back of the pew in front of you
I love those old hymnals but
When I started going to New Grace in Commerce Ga i discovered a whole NEW WAY TO WORSHIP!!!
When i told my Mama about all the clapping and singing and all the energy in the room
She said
Well son we come from a different group of people than your dad’s family (they all sorta dry so to speak)
She says you come from a long line of people who love to hug and have a good time when they get together but unfortunately when i came along as a teenager most all of them were in their 70s and up so they didn’t show up and show out like they did when my mama was growing up (she had me at 27 which was late in life if you were born in the early 40s)
Sing and shout all you want to regardless of what someone else thinks (just don’t be rude about it)😊
Those hymnal has GREAT STUFF. Cherish them.
I’m a new creation in Christ.
The old has gone, there’s new life 💙
This fallen world needs Hope! King Jesus, is the Hope people are seeking and the children of Light need to bring this to them! Tell someone today of the Blessed Hope of our Savior Jesus. God will provide the Divine encounter, we just do our part! Praise Jesus Christ Hallelujah
That makes me so happy !❤ I have served Him for 55 years & it gets better every day🥰. Just find a good penticostal church.! He loves you soo much🙏
0:12 this was to the new christian
Both my boys ages 10 and 8 got saved 3/8 and getting baptized next month! Sharing Jesus with them has been the light of my life.
Thank Jesus, and may God bless you and your family.
Amen Praise the Lord God Hallelujah
My favorite song for jesus!❤
Hallelujah 🖐️ I've Met the Author of My Story and He's Mine🤚
Love how the lead singers are simply singing to the Lord authentically and not acting all flashy just because they are doing a music video >>>
What awesome song 😊
This is what we sing when those those old things pop back at us; No! I'm a new creation in Christ! There is a new name written down in glory! And It's Mine devil!!
Praise the Lord for this song! The song reminds me not to lean on the wisdom of men but to walk in the light of God's word. Be magnified Lord! Direct our paths. In Jesus' name, Amen
I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am!!!!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Hallelujah Thank you Heavenly Father for your precious son Jesus name and Blood and for your precious Holy Spirit Amen Amen 🤗❤️🔥🔥🙏🔥
Praise and than You Jesus.
Revival STARTS within us
When you fall in love with someone, you think about them all of the time;And you want to be with them all the time. The same thing will happen, if you fall in love with Jesus.♥
..my name written down in glory..yes its mine..🔥🙏🔥
We LOVE this song at our Wednesday night at Celebrate Recovery (6:30pm)😊
God said, "Don't look aroundbecause you'll be impressed, Don't look down you'll be depressed, Just look to me & you'll be blessed!" Aameen.💕
You can't come unless your called!! All are called few are chosen!!
I’m so glad He changed me, now I’m walking free! Yessssss! Let’s go God, I’m ready! Thank you Lord for healing me from my severe depression. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
the song that make me thankful
I love this song since I first heard it in Church.. I tear up every time I listen to it .. sometimes twice a day …needed this song …God Bless all 🙏
Blessings to everyone
Who worked to place this so
Many can see
Our son
2 young teenage boys
He so gave them
What they needed
Gods love
even more
Amen we thanks to dah Lord Jesus 🙏 😊
Sang this in church today and I could definitely feel the momentum while singing it!
Gods love my favorite love❤ i cry tears joy everytime feel his love❤
Praise God He led me to this song. You can't help but feel the Holy Spirit when listening to it. Thank you Charity, David and Denita for writing this. God Bless
I just saw someone post this song on her IG feed, so I went and Googled it, and found this video. Thank you for such an amazing song. I struggle so much from time to time with my faith, songs like these keep me going. I'm going to share it with others, too.
To someone who is reading this, if you feel like you are far away from God, just remember, that is when he is the closest to you🙏🏻❤Stay strong and God is with us all
Thank you Charity for all your songs .i meet the Author of my story ..wow thank you ❤❤ on repeat 🔈🔉🔊🙏🙏🙏🙏🇳🇦🇳🇦🇳🇦
This is what worship is all about. A pure mesage of what Jesus has done and what He can do for millions, its sad that some wont see this as true worship but will choose those who hold these extravagant venues with smoke machines and make it a club scene to invoke emotion instead of focusing the message behind the worship. Salvation, a renewal etc. Thank you for this.
God is limitless and works wherever and whenever with whomever worships Him…. He’s working through “big” churches and venues , he’s pushing through the smoke screens and lights !!! He is limitless !!!! Let us NOT limit Him due to how others CHOOSE to worship!! He knows the true heart conditions of everyone !!! No matter how He’s bring worshipped !! HES BEING WORSHIPPED and lives are being changed !! Hallelujah to our LIMITLESS God 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Indeed, am so glad that i met the author of my story
Just learned about our new name that only I will know chosen just for me. How incredible. Hallelujah
Yes I'm here praying for all people AMEN
May JESUS Christ be with all people's
I am, who I am, because The ‘I am’ tells me who I am! Blessings,? Upon Blessings 🙏🙏🙏
Goð reveal my life throu this revelation 🎉🎉🎉 today is my BD I'm just spend with Him Him alone 😍😭🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
🙏God Change my life
I would not be who I am today if God hadn't drawn me to Himself sixty years ago. I still cry for sheer joy whenever I think of that moment when for a few minutes I breathed the air of heaven. God is REAL!
What a fantastic song! 2Cor 5:17 was my baptism verse about 40 years ago. When I heard this song, it just made me smile and remember all the great things God has done in my life. Your harmonies and arrangements are fantastic. GREAT worship!!
Encouraging joyful song, helping us lift our eyes to the wonderful heavenly realities! Col 3:1-4 "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."
With all the trials that I am facing currently this is only the songs that help to subsides my worries and calm from my burden.. Thanks God for all your kindness even I know I am not worthy for it but still You are always there to comfort and reminds how much You love me.. To God Be All The Glory!!!
Yes thank you Jesus.
This song make me cry for my life changes and to be God centered in my life i love you Lord God 🙏🙏🙏❤️
Requesting Prayers for myself and my whole family 🙏
There is a new name written down in glory and its mine 🙏Thank you Jesus 🙏🙏
My name was written down in Glory in 1982 ,, Im now 62 PRAISE THE LORD FOR SAVING ME FROM MY VERY UGLY SIN LIFE ,The Lord Jesus Christ has changed me so much THANK YOU JESUS .
Welcome to the Family! ❤🙏
The old has gone, there's new life. I live by faith not by sight. Thank you Jesus 🙏🏽💙
Live by both, and use your other senses. Feel the presence.
@@raist76 The Lord word says “For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
@@raist76 lol sneaky new ager trying to mislead people
@@Austin12182 Amen! The senses are carnal and of the flesh.
@@Austin12182 Because they couldn't comprehend or fathom what they saw. So faith was all they had to explain it. That is no longer the case. Time has and will always show that to be the truth.
Share this song to all California
Just can't stop crying as I listen to these BEAUTIFUL songs!!
Yes I am a new creation🙏
First time hearing this song while watching the revival at Asbury University. I LOVE IT❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
I was lost in shame, could not get past my blame
Until He called my name
I'm so glad He changed me
Darkness held me down, but Jesus pulled me out
And I'm no longer bound
I'm so glad He changed me
See, I'm now a new creation in Christ (yeah)
The old has gone, there's new life
I live by faith, not by sight
There is a new name written down in glory
And it's mine, yes, it's mine
I've met the Author of my story
And He's mine, yes, He's mine
Sin had left me blind, but Jesus opened my eyes
Now I see the light
I'm so glad He changed me
Now I'm walking free, I've got the victory
See it's all over me
I'm so glad He changed me
See, I'm now a new creation in Christ (the old has gone)
The old has gone, there's new life (I live by faith)
I live by faith, not by sight (yeah)
There is a new name written down in glory
And it's mine, yes, it's mine (I've met Jesus)
I've met the Author of my story
And He's mine, yes, He's mine (there is a new name)
There is a new name written down in glory
And it's mine, yes, it's mine (hallelujah)
I've met the author of my story
And He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine
Yeah, sing it, I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (eh)
I am who I am because the I Am tells me, come on
Whoa, I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am
I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am
I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (oh-oh-oh)
I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am (eh)
I am who I am because the I Am tells me who I am
There is a new name written down in glory (sing it out, hallelujah)
And it's mine (oh, He's mine) yes, He's mine (yes, He's mine)
I've met the Author of my story (oh, His name is Jesus)
And He's mine (He's mine) yes, He's mine (oh, He's mine)
There is a new name written down in glory
And it's mine, yes, it's mine
I've met the Author of my story
And He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine (and He's mine)
Oh, He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine (and He's mine)
And He's mine (yes, He's mine) yes, He's mine
Oh-oh (yes, thank You, Jesus)
Amen, yes (thank You, God)
Amen, yes
We thank You, Lord
He will remain faithful to you, now and forever!!!
The enemy will try to pull you down, just keep praising Him and claiming the blood that has washed you clean!❤❤
Amen ❤️this song has changed me
🙏 God Changed My Life
🙌🏻 yes, He is mine 😭🙏
Hallelujah thank you Jesus! May our names be written in the Book of Life, amen! Brothers & sisters let’s keep seeking and rejoicing in the Lord, He is near❤️
I am 11 and I am aChristian. This is my favorite song
This song is such a banger! I dont think yall realize how much this song slaps! Hallelujah!!!
The "Halleluia" at 2:20 is so beautiful
Same feeling
We praise the Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻🔥🇿🇲🇿🇲
Proudly Zambian 🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🙏
I live this song 🎵 🙌 ❤️ thank u JESUS
This song has the anointing!! I cry everytime I listen to it! Praise the LORD!!
Hallelujah 🙏 Amen... thank you Lord Jesus Christ 🙌🙌🙌 for telling me who I am in You my Lord ❤❤❤
AMEN❤This song brought me to my knees in tears😭🥰😇🙏Thank you JESUS❤️GOD IS GOOD ❤
Thank you Lord for this Powerful Song really lift our Spirit strengthen our faith and believe that he is with us till the end of the road 😁😁💕💕❣
May the Lord God bless you all who PART of this wonderful song. God bless you all..:)
❤yes that new name written down in heaven is mine YES IS MINE❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Father for Charity, David, and Denita. Thank you for blessing them and inspiring them to write this song. Please continue to bless them. Bless each person who hears this song. Yours is the Kingdom forever.
Such a great song for our LORD JESUS CHRIST ....
Jesus is my everything. Hes my first priority... Im a new. Creation in christ .. all glory to God Jesus Christ ... I love youu uuuu sooo much ..❤❤❤❤
Charity is so good at reflecting the beauty of God.
AMEN TO THAT ,,The Lord Jesus Christ is AWESOME ..
Revival time.. Amen
God bless Charity and Kennedy and their families.
Thank you for sharing your talents. Magnificently all hymns
Makes me wanna cry 🙏❤️
Yes Jesus is mine.
I declare & decree Victory over me & my whole household.
This world be saved & claimed for His Glory